Jesus is Forever Pastor Isaac Wimberley in Kari Jobe Forever, with lyrics and subtitles

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024
  • Awsome


  • @BrandonMikaelVisions
    @BrandonMikaelVisions 5 місяців тому +7

    Lord we need your Holy Spirit in these times of darkness.

  • @REALtalkRenataTV
    @REALtalkRenataTV 5 місяців тому +7

    Hallelujah! This poem has brought me through some difficult situations and allowed me to put Jesus in the forefront of my mind!!! ✝️

  • @Immaculately.vibing
    @Immaculately.vibing 8 місяців тому +6

    I’m covered in chills 8 years later.

  • @fifiportia662
    @fifiportia662 2 роки тому +5

    Stay Blessed Isaac Wimberley!

  • @brianscott4371
    @brianscott4371 3 роки тому +12

    Seek God while you still can

  • @musanidelubunda3546
    @musanidelubunda3546 Рік тому +6

    If there are words for Him, then I don't have them. My God!

    @FAVOR_HIM Місяць тому +1

    perfect surmon, dear God heal us from your sanctuary

  • @minaalp
    @minaalp 3 роки тому +12

    Jesus Christ Forever king...

    • @MsAngeliclight
      @MsAngeliclight 3 роки тому +1

      Thank you Jesús for loving us so much!!!Amén, Amén and Amén!!!🙌💕🙌💕🙌

    • @pamelayoung2783
      @pamelayoung2783 Рік тому

      Amen ❤️

  • @sandrasillery4493
    @sandrasillery4493 4 місяці тому +5

    I never get tired of hearing Isaac Wimberley do this spoken word. We need this now so badly. The world needs you, Lord. The United States of America needs you desperately right now. God, please stop the division among our people, and unite us all in you. Father, please stop the hatred and wars in this world. In Jesus' precious name, Amen.
    God bless and protect Jesus' chosen people. They need your help, Lord! 😢❤

    • @rtdbn
      @rtdbn Місяць тому

      There is no any type od Division. Dont pay attention to the media. Go around and tell them: Jesus loves you!

  • @christinamagalona5704
    @christinamagalona5704 3 роки тому +50

    “If there are words for Him then I don’t have them. See my brain has not yet reached the point where it could form a thought that could adequately describe the greatness of my God. And my lungs have not yet developed the ability to release a breath with enough agility to breathe out the greatness of His Love. And my voice, see my voice is so inhibited , restrained by human limits that it’s hard to even sing the praise up, you see, if there are words for Him, then I don’t have them. My God, His Grace is remarkable, mercies are innumerable, strength is impenetrable, He is honorable, accountable, favorable. He’s unsearchable yet knowable, indefinable, yet approachable, indescribable, yet personal He is beyond comprehension, further than imagination, constant through generations, King of every nation, but if there are words for Him, then I don’t have them You see my words are few to try and capture the ONE TRUE GOD, using my vocabulary will never do, but I use words as an expression, an expression of worship to a Savior, a Savior who is both worthy and deserving of my praise, so I use words. My heart extols the Lord, blesses His Name forever. He has won my heart, captured my mind, and has bound them both together. He has defeated me in my rebellion, conquered me in my sin, He has welcomed me into His presence, completely invited me in. He has made Himself the object of my sight, flooding me with mercies in the morning, drowning me with Grace in the night, but if there are words for Him, then I don’t have them. But what I do have is GOOD NEWS, for my God knew that manmade words would never do, for words are just tools that we use to point to the truth. So He sent His Son Jesus Christ as THE WORD, LIVING PROOF, He is THE IMAGE OF THE INVISIBLE GOD, THE FIRST BORN OF ALL CREATION, FOR BY HIM ALL THINGS WERE CREATED, GIVING NOTHINGNESS, FORMATION. AND BY HIS WORD HE SUSTAINS IN THE POWER OF HIS NAME. FOR HE IS BEFORE ALL THINGS AND OVER ALL THINGS HE REIGNS. HOLY IS HIS NAME! SO PRAISE HIM FOR HIS LIFE! THE WAY HE PERSERVERED IN STRIFE. THE HUMBLE SON OF GOD BECOMING THE PERFECT SACRIFICE. PRAISE HIM FOR HIS DEATH! THAT HE WILLINGLY STOOD IN OUR PLACE THAT HE LOVINGLY ENDURED THE GRAVE THAT HE BATTLED OUR ENEMY, AND ON THE THIRD DAY ROSE IN VICTORY. HE IS EVEYTHING THAT WAS PROMISED. PRAISE HIM AS THE RISEN KING. LIFT YOUR VOICE AND SING, FOR ONE DAY HE WILL RETURN FOR US, AND WE WILL FINALLY BE UNITED WITH OUR SAVIOR FOR ENTERNITY! ETERNITY! SO IT IS NOT JUST WORDS THAT I PROCLAIM, FOR MY WORDS POINT TO THE WORD, AND THE WORD HAS A NAME, HOPE HAS A NAME, JOY HAS A NAME, PEACE HAS A NAME, LOVE HAS A NAME, AND THAT NAME IS JESUS CHRIST!

    • @richarddiffoot8890
      @richarddiffoot8890 2 роки тому +2

      Thank you for doing this Christina. GOD BLESS YOU!

    • @faithkinja6786
      @faithkinja6786 Рік тому +1

      U just help me Christina I have been looking for this world so badly, God bless you, do u know the Bible verset of it?

    • @pamelayoung2783
      @pamelayoung2783 Рік тому +2

      Thank you Jesus Christ 🙌 🙏 ❤️
      So happy to read the words with Pastor Isaac Wimberley and enjoy the song by Kari Jobe. God bless you Christina for the prayer written so meaningful. Forever Praise God. Amen

  • @sharonramsaran2477
    @sharonramsaran2477 Рік тому +10

    This is one of the best monologues of praise I have ever heard.

  • @coolingwater9802
    @coolingwater9802 2 роки тому +8

    God bless you ! Thank u for this message

  • @naaitsirhcchristiaan
    @naaitsirhcchristiaan Рік тому +3

    Isaac Wimberly
    Als er woorden voor Hem zijn, dan heb ik ze niet.
    Luister, mijn brein heeft nog niet het punt bereikt, waarbij het een passende gedachte kan vormen die de grootsheid van mijn God adequaat kan beschrijven.
    En mijn longen hebben nog niet het vermogen ontwikkeld om met voldoende kracht een adem uit te blazen om de grootsheid van Zijn liefde uit te ademen.
    En mijn stem - Hoor, mijn stem is zo geremd, beperkt door menselijke grenzen, dat het moeilijk is om de Heere op een waardige manier te kunnen prijzen. Zie je, als er woorden voor Hem zijn, dan heb ik ze niet.
    Heer, Uw genade is buitengewoon barmhartig en grensoverstijgend, Uw kracht is ondoordringbaar, U bent eerbiedwaardig, betrouwbaar en barmhartig...
    U gaat het bevattingsvermogen te boven, verder dan elke verbeelding. U werkt door generaties heen, en bent Koning van elke natie op aarde. Dus als er woorden voor Hem zijn, dan heb ik ze niet.
    Want ik heb te weinig woorden om te proberen de enige ware God te kunnen vatten, met het gebruik van mijn beperkte vocabulaire, dus ik gebruik woorden als een uitdrukking, een uitdrukking van de aanbidding voor een Heiland. Een Redder die mijn lof zowel waardig is en verdient, daarom gebruik ik woorden.
    Mijn hart prijst de Heer, prijst Zijn naam voor altijd. Hij heeft mijn hart overwonnen, mijn geest gezuiverd en heeft ze met elkaar verbonden.
    Hij heeft mij verslagen in mijn rebellie, mij overwonnen in mijn zonde, hij heeft mij welkom geheten in zijn tegenwoordigheid, mij volledig uitgenodigd. Als er woorden voor Hem zijn, dan heb ik ze niet. Maar wat ik wel heb is goed nieuws, want mijn God wist dat door mensen gemaakte woorden nooit zouden volstaan, want de woorden zijn slechts hulpmiddelen die we gebruiken om naar de Waarheid te wijzen.
    Dus zond Hij Zijn Zoon Jezus Christus als HET WOORD, Het Levende woord, Hij is het beeld van de onzichtbare God, de eerstgeborene van de hele schepping, want door Hem werden alle dingen geschapen en door Hem kreeg alles vorm.
    En door Zijn Woord houdt Hij stand in de KRACHT van Zijn naam. Want Hij is vóór alle dingen en over alle dingen regeert Hij.
    Heilig is Zijn naam!
    Dus prijs Hem voor Zijn leven! De manier waarop hij volhardde in de strijd. De nederige Zoon van God wordt het perfecte offer
    Dus prijs Hem voor Zijn dood! Dat Hij gewillig in onze plaats stond, dat Hij liefdevol het graf doorstond dat Hij onze vijand bond en versloeg, en op de derde dag de overwinning behaalde.
    Hij is alles wat beloofd is. Prijs Hem als de Verrezen Koning.
    Verhef je stem en zing, want op die dag zal Hij voor ons terugkeren en zullen we eindelijk voor eeuwig verenigd zijn met onze Heiland! Voor eeuwig en altijd.
    Het zijn dus niet alleen woorden die ik verkondig, want mijn woorden wijzen naar Het Woord, en Het Woord heeft een naam,
    HOOP heeft een naam,
    VREUGDE heeft een naam
    VREDE heeft een naam
    LIEFDE heeft een naam en die naam is JEZUS CHRISTUS!
    Prijs Zijn Naam voor altijd.

  • @kahkeshanthue7069
    @kahkeshanthue7069 Рік тому +3

    Great 👍

  • @pamelayoung2783
    @pamelayoung2783 Рік тому +3


  • @adamvaughn9822
    @adamvaughn9822 3 роки тому +6

    Was looking for this. Ty for it.

  • @fifiportia662
    @fifiportia662 2 роки тому +4

    Stay Blessed Isaac Wimberley!

  • @briandonald5073
    @briandonald5073 3 роки тому +18

    That’s about the closes we describe him. If people only knew him. They have no idea what they are missing.

  • @marysmith7232
    @marysmith7232 2 роки тому +4

    I love this song

  • @pbuck3387
    @pbuck3387 Рік тому +2


  • @LauraPollard-e4s
    @LauraPollard-e4s Рік тому +3


  • @trustmatanda3664
    @trustmatanda3664 3 роки тому +6

    It is a worth listening praise

  • @focusgaming1592
    @focusgaming1592 4 роки тому +5


  • @onfire4Jesus2
    @onfire4Jesus2 3 роки тому +7

    That is so powerful! Praise God!

  • @roshanpariyar1683
    @roshanpariyar1683 2 місяці тому

    Thank you jesus

  • @tensayetesfaye9881
    @tensayetesfaye9881 4 роки тому +18

    Wow just wowwwwwww I am always blown away when I listen to this ur blessed my brother just like u said I don't have them (words) our king is worthy of all praise thank you Jesus 🙌🙌🙌🙌 hallelujah

  • @flowers6426
    @flowers6426 3 роки тому +22

    tradução (
    “Se existem palavras para Ele, então eu não
    as tenho.
    Vocês veem que meu cérebro não alcançou um certo nível
    Onde se poderia formar um pensamento que descrevesse
    a grandeza de meu Deus de forma adequada
    E o meus pulmões ainda não desenvolveram a habilidade para
    expirar com agilidade suficiente para exalar toda grandeza do Seu amor
    E minha voz, vocês podem notar que é tão inibida
    Restringida pelos limites humanos,
    que até louvá-lo é difícil
    Vocês vêem que se existem palavras para Ele,
    Eu não as possuo
    Meu Deus, Sua Graça é notável, misericórdias incontáveis, força impenetrável.
    Ele é honrável, responsável, benigno.
    Ele é insondável, ainda que conhecível;
    Indefinível, ainda que acessível;
    Indescritível, ainda que pessoal.
    Ele está além da compreensão, além da imaginação e constante por gerações.
    Rei de cada nação.
    Mas se existem palavras para Ele, então eu não as tenho.
    Vocês veem que minhas palavras são poucas
    para tentar captar o Único e Verdadeiro Deus.
    Meu vocabulário nunca conseguirá.
    Mas eu uso palavras como uma expressão,
    uma expressão de adoração a um Salvador.
    Um Salvador que é tanto digno quanto merecedor do meu louvor.
    Por isso eu uso palavras.
    Meu coração exalta o Senhor, bendiz Seu Nome para sempre.
    Ele ganhou meu coração, captou minha mente e os unificou.
    Ele venceu minha rebelião,
    Me conquistou sobre o meu pecado.
    Ele tem me acolhido na sua presença,
    Me convidando completamente.
    Ele se fez o objeto da minha mira,
    Inundando-me com misericórdias pela manhã,
    Afogando-me com Graça pela noite.
    Mas, se existem palavras para Ele, então eu não as tenho.
    Mas o que eu tenho são Boas Novas, que o meu Deus sabia que
    nenhuma palavra humana seria capaz de pronunciar.
    Pois as palavras são apenas ferramentas
    que usamos para apontar para a verdade.
    Então Ele enviou o Seu Filho, Jesus Cristo, como A PALAVRA,
    Ele é a imagem do Deus invisível,
    O primogênito de toda criação.
    Por Ele todas as coisas foram criadas,
    Dando forma ao que era nada.
    E pela Sua Palavra, Ele os sustenta.
    Pelo poder do Seu Nome.
    Pois Ele é antes de todas as coisas
    E sobre todas as coisas Ele reina.
    Santo é o Seu Nome.
    Então, louvem-no por sua vida!
    Pelo caminho que ele perseverou em aflição.
    O humilde filho de Deus
    Se tornando o sacrifício perfeito.
    Louvem-no por sua morte!
    Por ter ficado desejosamente em nosso lugar,
    Por ter amavelmente resistido ao túmulo,
    Por ter batalhado contra o nosso inimigo
    E por, no terceiro dia, ter ressuscitado vitorioso.
    Ele é tudo o que foi prometido.
    Louvem-no como o Rei ressurreto.
    Ergam suas vozes e cantem.
    Porque um dia Ele retornará por nós
    E finalmente viveremos unidos ao nosso Salvador pela eternidade.
    Então, não são só palavras que eu proclamo.
    Porque as minhas palavras apontam para A PALAVRA.
    E A PALAVRA tem um nome;
    A ESPERANÇA tem um nome;
    A ALEGRIA tem um nome;
    A PAZ tem um nome;
    O AMOR tem um nome.
    E esse Nome é Jesus Cristo.

    • @rogeriorodrigueschaves2548
      @rogeriorodrigueschaves2548 3 роки тому +5

      Meu DEUS...Eu ouço o louvor e na hora que o Pastor ministra essas palavras eu chorava e desejava muito saber o que ele pronunciava .
      Pedi tanto pra DEUS para saber... então DEUS te usou.
      Obrigado DEUS abençoe 🙏

  • @PatrickMPower
    @PatrickMPower 4 роки тому +12

    I love this lyrics, so powerful this song inspirational

  • @holliehayes7394
    @holliehayes7394 Рік тому +3

    Beautiful ❤❤❤

  • @ILive2WhpJesus
    @ILive2WhpJesus 3 роки тому +6

    SO POWERFUL!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼💜✝️

  • @davidcharleskaledikcd
    @davidcharleskaledikcd 4 роки тому +10

    Love this ministration and love this guy

  • @keylasfreyveluz4581
    @keylasfreyveluz4581 2 роки тому +2

    Powerful!!!!!! Me encanta en español también

  • @aralarota3655
    @aralarota3655 2 роки тому +3


  • @milonjyotinand5806
    @milonjyotinand5806 3 роки тому +6

    Woowww I get soo blessed n peace this so powerful

  • @KJ__________________________34

    August 2023 ❤ 🙏🏼

  • @CarmenPerez-ix4ls
    @CarmenPerez-ix4ls 4 роки тому +5

    This is so annoited ny God!

  • @CarmenPerez-ix4ls
    @CarmenPerez-ix4ls 4 роки тому +6

    Grwat lyrics! I listen to this over and over

  • @javierbarrita4138
    @javierbarrita4138 Рік тому +1

    No me canso de oírlo. La música , el poema, la entonación. ,,
    Alabado sea Dios.!

  • @BelieveTheMessage
    @BelieveTheMessage 2 роки тому +3

    Amen 🙏

  • @monicadritchas9086
    @monicadritchas9086 4 роки тому +5

    Amen, IAM gonna see a victory

  • @sherryjohnson2940
    @sherryjohnson2940 3 роки тому +3

    That's nice.

  • @pra.adrianadiasdejesusbomb9755
    @pra.adrianadiasdejesusbomb9755 2 роки тому +4

    Glórias a Deus!!!

  • @s.ym.
    @s.ym. 3 роки тому +5

    Hallelujah! ❤️

  • @DBTrader
    @DBTrader 3 роки тому +4


  • @denilsonaraujo4699
    @denilsonaraujo4699 3 роки тому +4

    Muito linda a ministração !

  • @babyboa8840
    @babyboa8840 Рік тому +1


  • @sebastiaosantos992
    @sebastiaosantos992 2 роки тому +2

    Alguém traduz por favor, pro português.🙄

    • @reneeantwi-boasiako3974
      @reneeantwi-boasiako3974 2 роки тому

      Someone has translated it in the comments, I can’t paste it though! 🙏🏿