I agree with you but only for Mor'du because he was redeemed in his film and he is very popular. Thunderclap does have a good design and he's funny but he doesn't have any redeeming qualities
My Top 10 Favorite Pixar Villains: 10. Thunderclap (The Good Dinosaur) 9. AUTO (Wall-E) 8. Mor'du (Brave) 7. Hopper (A Bug's Life) 6. Jackson Storm (Cars 3) 5. Charles Muntz (Up) 4. Randall Boggs (Monsters Inc.) 3. Ernesto de'la cruz (Coco) 2. Lotso (Toy Story 3) 1. Syndrome (The Incredibles)
Here's my list 10. Thunderclap - from "The good dinosaur" 9. Henry Waternoose - from "Monsters Inc" 8. Emperor Zurg - from "Toy story 2" 7. Lotso huggin bear - from "Toy story 3" 6. Chick hicks - from "Cars" 5. Hopper - from "A bugs life" 4. Sir Miles Axlerod - from "Cars 2" 3. Auto - from "Wall-E" 2. Evelyn Deavor (Screenslaver) - from "The Incredibles 2" 1. Charles Muntz - from "Up" I can't rate Ernesto De La Cruz until I see that movie. In the meantime, that's my list.
Here’s mine: 10: The Curse Dragon (Onward) 9: Thunderclap (The Good Dinosaur) 8: Charles Muntz (Up) 7: Evelyn Deavor/Screenslaver (The Incredibles 2) 6: AUTO (Wall-E) 5: Hopper (A Bug’s Life) 4: Randall Boggs (Monsters, Inc) 3: Lotso (Toy Story 3) 2: Ernesto de la Cruz (Coco) 1: Buddy Pine/Syndrome (The Incredibles)
🌟 Pixar Villains Comparisons Sid Phillips - Bill Sikes Scud - Bulls'eye Stinky Pete - Cecil Clayton Albert McWhiggin - Dennis Nedry Emperor Zurg - Loki Laufeyson Randall Boggs - Willard Stenk Waternoose - Lord Piggot Dunceby Jeff Fungus - Mr Collick Doctor Phillip Sherman - Mr Salt Darla Sherman - Veruca Salt Buddy Pine/Syndrome - Electro Gilbert Huph - Aloysius O'Hare Bomb Voyage - Green Goblin Bernie/Dash's Teacher - Mr Dobbins Underminer - Aleksei Sytsevich Mirage - Felicia Hardy/Black Cat Chicks Hicks - Guy Gagne Chef Skinner - Eugene Krabs Anton Ego - President Stone AUTO - Professor Desty Nova Charles Muntz - Grimmel The Grisly Lotso Huggin Bear - King Goobot Ken - Eustace Strych Big Baby - Baby Eddie Neutron Chunk - Junkman Sparks - Ooblar Twitch - Doctor Sydney Orville Moist Stretch - Grandma Taters Bookworm - Professor Calamitous Professor Zündapp - Peter Ludlow Sir Miles Axelrod - Dieter Stark Mor'du - Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde Johnny Worthington - Dash Baxter Abigail Hardscrabble - Miss Simian Jangles The Clown - Norm Snively Thunderclap - Vulture Jackson Storm - Tai Lung Ernesto de la Cruz - Lord Shen Evelyn Deavor - Doctor Zara Screenslaver - Kai The Collector Gabby Gabby - Annabelle Doll Benson - Scarface Puppet
Awesome list, here is mine. 10. Dean Hardscrablle 9.Zurg 8. Randall Boggs 7. Screens laver Evelyn Deavor 6. Syndrome 5. Ernesto de la Cruz 4. Chick Hicks 3. Sterling 2. Jackson Storm 1. Professor Zundapp
Happy Thanksgiving! And Here's Mine! 10. Charles F. Muntz (Up) 9. The Curse Dragon (Onward) 8. Thunderclap (The Good Dinosaur) 7. Hopper (A Bug's Life) 6. Randall Boggs (Monsters Inc) 5. Ernesto de la Cruz (Coco) 4. Buddy Pine/Syndrome (The Incredibles) 3. Miles Axelrod (Cars 2) 2. AUTOPILOT (Wall-E) 1. Lots-O' Huggin' Bear (Toy Story 3)
Cool list here is my top 11 favourites: 11. Scud 10 Dean Hardscrablle 9.Zurg 8 the Screenslaver 7. Randall Boggs 6. Syndrome 5. Ernesto de la Cruz 4. Sterling 3. Chick Hicks 2. Jackson Storm and 1. Professor Zundapp
How is Dean Heartscrabble a villain? She’s an antagonist in a way, but she doesn’t try to sabotage Mike’s chances of being a scarer. She’s completely honest he’s physically incapable of being an effective scarer, something he had to learn the hard way when he went into the human world and couldn’t frighten a child. If anything, at the end she admits Mike did impress her and despite he can’t be a scarer, he still has a future at Monsters Inc. Johnny Worthington was the one constantly making fun of his sorority club and even cheated in one of the games I believe
Here's My Top 10 10. Chef Skinner 9. Auto 8. Charles F. Muntz 7. Randall Boggs 6. Henry J. Waternoose 5. Sir Miles Axlerod 4. Hopper 3. Ernesto De La Cruz 2. Lotso 1. Syndrome
My top 10: 10. Sid Phillips from Toy Story (1995) 9. AUTO from WALL-E (2008) 8. Thunderclap from The Good Dinosaur (2015) 7. Stinky Pete from Toy Story 2 (1999) 6. Hopper from A Bug’s Life (1998) 5. Charles Muntz from Up (2009) 4. Mor’du from Brave (2012) 3. Ernesto De La Cruz from Coco (2017) 2. Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear from Toy Story 3 (2010) 1. Syndrome from The Incredibles (2004
My top 10 Pixar villains: 10: Charles Muntz 9: Lotso 8: Mor'du 7: Evelyn Deavor 6: Chef Skinner 5: AUTO 4: Professor Z 3: Syndrome 2: Randall Boggs 1: Hopper
My Top 10 Favorite Pixar Villains 1. The Curse Dragon (Onward) 2. Syndrome (The Incredibles) 3. AUTO (WALL-E) 4. Henry J. Waternoose III (Monsters Inc) 5. Jackson Storm (Cars 3) 6. Hopper (A Bug's Life) 7. Gabby Gabby (Toy Story 4) 8. Ercole Visconti (Luca) 9. Terry (Soul) 10. Charles F. Muntz (Up)
My top 5: 5: Toy Story movie villains 4: Ernesto de la Cruz. (Coco) 3: AUTO. (Wall-E) 2: (tied) Jackson Storm and Miles Axelrod. (Cars 3 and 2 respectively) 1: (tied) Evilyn Devil (it's actually Evelyn Deavor), Screenslaver, Underminer, Syndrome, and Omnidroid v.10 (Incredibles movies) Note: Screenslaver and Evilyn are separate entities. Screenslaver is a brainwashed pizza seller and the decoy antagonist, while Evelyn is the mastermind behind him and the true antagonist.
10. Al (Toy Story 2) 9. Mordu (Brave) 8. Sid Phillips (Toy Story) 7. Dean Hardscrabble (Monsters University) 6. Screen Slaver (The Incredibles 2) 5. The Prospector (Toy Story 2) 4. Ernesto de la Cruz (Coco) 3. Lotso (Toy Story 3) 2. Syndrome (The Incredibles) 1. Hopper (A Bug's Life) Never cared much for Randall or Charles Muntz
Dean Hardscrabble is not the antagonist of Monsters University, Johnny Worthington is. Hardscrabble was just cranky, that's all. Also, what about AUTO?
Yah but randall is way more popular and more enjoyable, plus he's by far the most popular Pixar villain, but waternoose is also a good villain for he demonstrate's how a twist villain should
Actually...it kinda was me. That was the first time in a while I screen recorded a clip with sound. Due to repairs on my computer from the past the sound had been turned off and I had to figure out how to turn it back on. It seems I turned it on to a point where it could really here the sounds of me tapping my computer
Here's Mine! 10: Mor'du (Brave) 9: Chef Skinner (Ratatouille) 8: Thunderclap (The Good Dinosaur) 7: Lots-O 'Huggin' Bear (Toy Story 3) 6: AUTO (WALL-E) 5: Jackson Storm (Cars 3) 4: Ernesto de la Cruz (Coco) 3: Miles Axlerod (Cars 2) 2: Chick Hicks (Cars) 1: Charles F. Muntz (Up)
Charles F. Muntz (Up) AUTO (WALL-E) Thunderclap (The Good Dinosaur) Randall Boggs (Monsters, Inc.) The Screenslaver (Incredibles 2) Hopper (A Bug's Life) Ernesto de la Cruz (Coco) Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear (Toy Story 3) Syndrome (The Incredibles) Mor'du (Brave)
*My top 20 favorite Pixar baddies:* 20: Charles F Muntz (Up) 19: Mor Du (Brave) 18: Thunderclap (The Good Dinosaur) 17: Terry (Soul) 16: The Cursed Dragon (Onward) 15: Mr. Waternoose/Randall (Monsters Inc.) 14: Johnny Worthington (Monsters University) 13: Chick Hicks (Cars) 12: Screenslaver (Incredibles 2) 11: Gabby Gabby (Toy Story 4) 10: Jackson Storm (Cars 3) 9: Al (Toy Story 2) 8: Stinky Pete the Prospector (Also Toy Story 2) 7: Evil Emperor Zurg (Toy Story 2/Lightyear) 6: Syndrome (The Incredibles) 5: Sid Phillips (Toy Story) 4: Hopper (A Bug's Life) 3: Lotso (Toy Story 3) 2: Sir Miles Axelrod (Cars 2) 1: AUTO (WALL-E)
I like Charles Muntz, AUTO, Thunderclap (kinda), Randall Boggs, Screenslaver (kinda), Hopper, Ernesto de la Cruz, Lotso, and Syndrome (my number one). I hate Mor'du.
Pixar villains, are one of three things for me, only a couple strike me as great villains, some are entertaining characters if lacking some threat, and some I actually can't stand (or are just forgettable) in reverse order, I HATE auto. Even as a kid, I knew he was a pale imitation of that HAL 9000 thing I saw here and there, and when I saw 2001, I couldn't sanction auto. Also Ernesto was so obvious a twist, with no menace or personality to back him up. Entertaining villains include Randall, Al "the chicken man", muntz and lotso, who were standard motovation-wise, but had a charisma that made me love seeing them. The only great villains were both of the villains of the Incredibles movies, who are great on their own, and complement each other suprizingly well with parallels and perpendiculars between them. And while more an antagonists than a villain, thst FUCKING ANGLERFISH IS STUFF OF NIGHTMARES!
i don't see what puts muntz and ernesto in different categories. childhood idol turns out to be the bad guy all along, with an incredibly predictable twist both times. yet you put evelyn as one of the best villains? really?
my top 5 favorites are:
1. Auto
2. Evelyn Deavor
3. Ernesto De La Cruz
4. Professor Z
5. Jackson Storm
I Like Charles Muntz, Auto, Thunderclap, Randall Boggs, Evelyn Deavor/Screenslaver, Hopper, Ernesto De La Cruz, Lotso, Syndrome, and Mor'Du
Glad to know there’s someone giving respect to Thunderclap and Mor’du.
I agree with you but only for Mor'du because he was redeemed in his film and he is very popular. Thunderclap does have a good design and he's funny but he doesn't have any redeeming qualities
My Top 10 Pixar Villains
10: Sid
9: Mor’du
8: Hopper
7: Evelyn Deavor
6: Charles Muntz
5: Randall
3: Ernesto de la Cruz
2: Syndrome
1: Lotso
Cool list! Here's mine!:
10: Charles F. Muntz (Up)
9: Thunderclap (The Good Dinosaur)
8: Evelyn Deavor/Screenslaver (Incredibles 2)
6: Mor'du (Brave)
5: Hopper (A Bug's Life)
4: Randall Boggs (Monsters Inc.)
3: Ernesto de la Cruz (Coco)
2: Lots-O' Huggin' Bear (Toy Story 3)
1: Buddy Pine/Syndrome (The Incredibles)
And lots-o for short
Also wrong orders
lency miskin What do you mean?
A bear who does not even talk is his favorite Pixar Pixar villain.
My Top 10 Favorite Pixar Villains:
10. Thunderclap (The Good Dinosaur)
9. AUTO (Wall-E)
8. Mor'du (Brave)
7. Hopper (A Bug's Life)
6. Jackson Storm (Cars 3)
5. Charles Muntz (Up)
4. Randall Boggs (Monsters Inc.)
3. Ernesto de'la cruz (Coco)
2. Lotso (Toy Story 3)
1. Syndrome (The Incredibles)
Here's my list
10. Thunderclap - from "The good dinosaur"
9. Henry Waternoose - from "Monsters Inc"
8. Emperor Zurg - from "Toy story 2"
7. Lotso huggin bear - from "Toy story 3"
6. Chick hicks - from "Cars"
5. Hopper - from "A bugs life"
4. Sir Miles Axlerod - from "Cars 2"
3. Auto - from "Wall-E"
2. Evelyn Deavor (Screenslaver) - from "The Incredibles 2"
1. Charles Muntz - from "Up"
I can't rate Ernesto De La Cruz until I see that movie. In the meantime, that's my list.
Here’s mine:
10: The Curse Dragon (Onward)
9: Thunderclap (The Good Dinosaur)
8: Charles Muntz (Up)
7: Evelyn Deavor/Screenslaver (The Incredibles 2)
6: AUTO (Wall-E)
5: Hopper (A Bug’s Life)
4: Randall Boggs (Monsters, Inc)
3: Lotso (Toy Story 3)
2: Ernesto de la Cruz (Coco)
1: Buddy Pine/Syndrome (The Incredibles)
🌟 Pixar Villains Comparisons
Sid Phillips - Bill Sikes
Scud - Bulls'eye
Stinky Pete - Cecil Clayton
Albert McWhiggin - Dennis Nedry
Emperor Zurg - Loki Laufeyson
Randall Boggs - Willard Stenk
Waternoose - Lord Piggot Dunceby
Jeff Fungus - Mr Collick
Doctor Phillip Sherman - Mr Salt
Darla Sherman - Veruca Salt
Buddy Pine/Syndrome - Electro
Gilbert Huph - Aloysius O'Hare
Bomb Voyage - Green Goblin
Bernie/Dash's Teacher - Mr Dobbins
Underminer - Aleksei Sytsevich
Mirage - Felicia Hardy/Black Cat
Chicks Hicks - Guy Gagne
Chef Skinner - Eugene Krabs
Anton Ego - President Stone
AUTO - Professor Desty Nova
Charles Muntz - Grimmel The Grisly
Lotso Huggin Bear - King Goobot
Ken - Eustace Strych
Big Baby - Baby Eddie Neutron
Chunk - Junkman
Sparks - Ooblar
Twitch - Doctor Sydney Orville Moist
Stretch - Grandma Taters
Bookworm - Professor Calamitous
Professor Zündapp - Peter Ludlow
Sir Miles Axelrod - Dieter Stark
Mor'du - Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde
Johnny Worthington - Dash Baxter
Abigail Hardscrabble - Miss Simian
Jangles The Clown - Norm Snively
Thunderclap - Vulture
Jackson Storm - Tai Lung
Ernesto de la Cruz - Lord Shen
Evelyn Deavor - Doctor Zara
Screenslaver - Kai The Collector
Gabby Gabby - Annabelle Doll
Benson - Scarface Puppet
Awesome list, here is mine.
10. Dean Hardscrablle
8. Randall Boggs
7. Screens laver Evelyn Deavor
6. Syndrome
5. Ernesto de la Cruz
4. Chick Hicks
3. Sterling
2. Jackson Storm
1. Professor Zundapp
Graziella BOKOR What about Miles Axlerod?
@@royalecherry2703 I don't like Miles Axelrod
Let's ride! - Hopper, WHERE YOUR KID NOW SHERIFF! - Lotso
Happy Thanksgiving! And Here's Mine!
10. Charles F. Muntz (Up)
9. The Curse Dragon (Onward)
8. Thunderclap (The Good Dinosaur)
7. Hopper (A Bug's Life)
6. Randall Boggs (Monsters Inc)
5. Ernesto de la Cruz (Coco)
4. Buddy Pine/Syndrome (The Incredibles)
3. Miles Axelrod (Cars 2)
1. Lots-O' Huggin' Bear (Toy Story 3)
Hey Sonicphantom47 Thank You Again for Evelyn from Incredibles 2 and De la Cruz From Coco on you 10 top favorite Pixar villains video
Cool list here is my top 11 favourites: 11. Scud
10 Dean Hardscrablle
8 the Screenslaver
7. Randall Boggs
6. Syndrome
5. Ernesto de la Cruz
4. Sterling
3. Chick Hicks
2. Jackson Storm and
1. Professor Zundapp
How is Dean Heartscrabble a villain? She’s an antagonist in a way, but she doesn’t try to sabotage Mike’s chances of being a scarer. She’s completely honest he’s physically incapable of being an effective scarer, something he had to learn the hard way when he went into the human world and couldn’t frighten a child. If anything, at the end she admits Mike did impress her and despite he can’t be a scarer, he still has a future at Monsters Inc. Johnny Worthington was the one constantly making fun of his sorority club and even cheated in one of the games I believe
Here's My Top 10
10. Chef Skinner
9. Auto
8. Charles F. Muntz
7. Randall Boggs
6. Henry J. Waternoose
5. Sir Miles Axlerod
4. Hopper
3. Ernesto De La Cruz
2. Lotso
1. Syndrome
Mine is about the same except it doesn’t have Mordu or screenslaver, it has Skinner and Waternoose in it
My Top 20 Pixar Villains
20. Mr Waternoose (Monsters Inc)
19. Chef Skinner (Ratatouille)
18. Mor'du (Brave)
17. Hopper (A Bug's Life)
16. Chick Hicks (Cars)
15. Buddy Pine/Syndrome (The Incredibles
14. Lots-O-Huggin' Bear (Toy Story 3)
12. Darla Sherman (Finding Nemo)
11. Miles Axelrod (Cars 2)
10. Thunderclap (The Good Dinosaur)
9. Stinky Pete (Toy Story 2)
8. Jackson Storm (Cars 3)
7. Gloom (Inside Out)
6. Cleavland Truck Drivers (Finding Dory)
5. Evelyn Deavor/The Screenslaver (Incredibles 2)
4. Ernesto De La Cruz (Coco)
3. Sid Phillips (Toy Story)
2. Dean Hardscrabble (Monsters University)
1. Gabby Gabby ( Toy Story 4)
My favs
3: Losto
2: professor z
1: syndrome
My favorite is all movies
By the way, Did you Know There’s A Cars 3?
M Top 10 Favorite Pixar Villain is:
#10. Mordu
#9. Buddy Pine/Syndrome
#8. Evelyn Deavor/Screenslaver
#7. Hopper
#6. Charles Muntz
#5. Thunderclap
#4. Lotso Huggin Bear
#3. Stinky Pete
#2. Randall Boggs
#1. AUTO
My top 10:
10. Sid Phillips from Toy Story (1995)
9. AUTO from WALL-E (2008)
8. Thunderclap from The Good Dinosaur (2015)
7. Stinky Pete from Toy Story 2 (1999)
6. Hopper from A Bug’s Life (1998)
5. Charles Muntz from Up (2009)
4. Mor’du from Brave (2012)
3. Ernesto De La Cruz from Coco (2017)
2. Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear from Toy Story 3 (2010)
1. Syndrome from The Incredibles (2004
My top 10 Pixar villains:
10: Charles Muntz
9: Lotso
8: Mor'du
7: Evelyn Deavor
6: Chef Skinner
4: Professor Z
3: Syndrome
2: Randall Boggs
1: Hopper
My opinion
10. Auto
9. Charles muntz
8. Sid
7. Ernesto de la Cruz
6. Thunderclap
5. Stinky Pete
4. Mor'du
3. Chick Hicks
2. Randall boggs
1. Evelyn deavor/ screenslaver
My Top 10 Favorite Pixar Villains
1. The Curse Dragon (Onward)
2. Syndrome (The Incredibles)
4. Henry J. Waternoose III (Monsters Inc)
5. Jackson Storm (Cars 3)
6. Hopper (A Bug's Life)
7. Gabby Gabby (Toy Story 4)
8. Ercole Visconti (Luca)
9. Terry (Soul)
10. Charles F. Muntz (Up)
My top 5:
5: Toy Story movie villains
4: Ernesto de la Cruz. (Coco)
3: AUTO. (Wall-E)
2: (tied) Jackson Storm and Miles Axelrod. (Cars 3 and 2 respectively)
1: (tied) Evilyn Devil (it's actually Evelyn Deavor), Screenslaver, Underminer, Syndrome, and Omnidroid v.10 (Incredibles movies)
Note: Screenslaver and Evilyn are separate entities. Screenslaver is a brainwashed pizza seller and the decoy antagonist, while Evelyn is the mastermind behind him and the true antagonist.
10. Al (Toy Story 2)
9. Mordu (Brave)
8. Sid Phillips (Toy Story)
7. Dean Hardscrabble (Monsters University)
6. Screen Slaver (The Incredibles 2)
5. The Prospector (Toy Story 2)
4. Ernesto de la Cruz (Coco)
3. Lotso (Toy Story 3)
2. Syndrome (The Incredibles)
1. Hopper (A Bug's Life)
Never cared much for Randall or Charles Muntz
hardscrabble wasn't a villain in the slightest.
Dean Hardscrabble is not the antagonist of Monsters University, Johnny Worthington is. Hardscrabble was just cranky, that's all. Also, what about AUTO?
@@jclkaytwo Correct. It was Johnny Worthington, the leader of Roar Omega Roar (ROR).
Me waternoose is the real villain Randall was a cover
Yah but randall is way more popular and more enjoyable, plus he's by far the most popular Pixar villain, but waternoose is also a good villain for he demonstrate's how a twist villain should
After auto who is he?
Someone ruins the clip of Screenslaver in the background. Not you, Sonic.
Actually...it kinda was me. That was the first time in a while I screen recorded a clip with sound. Due to repairs on my computer from the past the sound had been turned off and I had to figure out how to turn it back on. It seems I turned it on to a point where it could really here the sounds of me tapping my computer
It's sounds like you're tapping the microphone. But it's okay.
So, somethings wrong about your Movie Part 69?
@@Sonicphantom47 Randell is the only villain on this list that Sora from kingdom hearts has faced
The bear in brave isn’t a villain it was just a human who was cursed
I like Randall Boggs
1. Charles Muntz
2. Syndrome
3. Ernesto De La Cruz
4. Thanderclap
5. Lots-o-Huggin' Bear
Well Jackson Storm Was The Perfect Villain For Cars 3
I agree
3 Evelyn
4 Bruce
5 Chick
My number one favorite villain is Auto
Here's Mine!
10: Mor'du (Brave)
9: Chef Skinner (Ratatouille)
8: Thunderclap (The Good Dinosaur)
7: Lots-O 'Huggin' Bear (Toy Story 3)
5: Jackson Storm (Cars 3)
4: Ernesto de la Cruz (Coco)
3: Miles Axlerod (Cars 2)
2: Chick Hicks (Cars)
1: Charles F. Muntz (Up)
Charles F. Muntz (Up)
Thunderclap (The Good Dinosaur)
Randall Boggs (Monsters, Inc.)
The Screenslaver (Incredibles 2)
Hopper (A Bug's Life)
Ernesto de la Cruz (Coco)
Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear (Toy Story 3)
Syndrome (The Incredibles)
Mor'du (Brave)
Can I ask, why is Mordu your fave? To me he felt forgetale
I just love his design and bears are one of my top favorite animals
@@Sonicphantom47 I find him forgettable
Where’s Chick Hicks?
JP Brennan He's Nobody's Favorite!
I guess so
Enzo Maiorano That’s not true. Chick Hicks is somebody’s favorite.
Enzo Maiorano I Think your saying Chick’s Nobody’s Favorite Cause you prefer Axlerod And Jackson Storm, Right?
Woody isn’t made of plastic he’s a stuffed doll with plastic hands head and feet
Here's my List!
10. Chef Skinner (Ratatouille)
9. Jackson Storm (Cars 3)
8. Evelyn Deavor/The Screenslaver (Incredibles 2)
7. The Curse Dragon (Onward)
6. Randall Boggs (Monsters Inc)
5. Ercole Visconti (Luca)
4. Terry (Soul)
3 Charles F. Muntz (Up)
2. Hopper (A Bug's Life)
1. Gabby Gabby (Toy Story 4)
My favorite si
Randall boggs
Sid phillips
Charles muntz
Gaby gaby
Henry j waternoose
Stinky pete
Here’s my list
10. Chick hicks
9.chef skinner
8. Mor’du
7. Screenslaver
6.Johnny J Worthington
5. Henry J waternoose
4. Auto
3.Mother Gothel
2.lots’o huggin’ bear
1Randall Boggs
Mine’s Miles Axlerod
*My top 20 favorite Pixar baddies:*
20: Charles F Muntz (Up)
19: Mor Du (Brave)
18: Thunderclap (The Good Dinosaur)
17: Terry (Soul)
16: The Cursed Dragon (Onward)
15: Mr. Waternoose/Randall (Monsters Inc.)
14: Johnny Worthington (Monsters University)
13: Chick Hicks (Cars)
12: Screenslaver (Incredibles 2)
11: Gabby Gabby (Toy Story 4)
10: Jackson Storm (Cars 3)
9: Al (Toy Story 2)
8: Stinky Pete the Prospector (Also Toy Story 2)
7: Evil Emperor Zurg (Toy Story 2/Lightyear)
6: Syndrome (The Incredibles)
5: Sid Phillips (Toy Story)
4: Hopper (A Bug's Life)
3: Lotso (Toy Story 3)
2: Sir Miles Axelrod (Cars 2)
My top:
1. Miles Axlerod
2. Professor Zundapp
3. Grem
4. Acer
5. Judge Frollo
6. Charles Muntz
7. Yokai
do you even know what pixar is? frollo and yokai are _disney._
Top 8
Thunderclap from The Good Dinosaur.
I like Charles Muntz, AUTO, Thunderclap (kinda), Randall Boggs, Screenslaver (kinda), Hopper, Ernesto de la Cruz, Lotso, and Syndrome (my number one). I hate Mor'du.
Pixar villains, are one of three things for me, only a couple strike me as great villains, some are entertaining characters if lacking some threat, and some I actually can't stand (or are just forgettable)
in reverse order, I HATE auto. Even as a kid, I knew he was a pale imitation of that HAL 9000 thing I saw here and there, and when I saw 2001, I couldn't sanction auto. Also Ernesto was so obvious a twist, with no menace or personality to back him up.
Entertaining villains include Randall, Al "the chicken man", muntz and lotso, who were standard motovation-wise, but had a charisma that made me love seeing them.
The only great villains were both of the villains of the Incredibles movies, who are great on their own, and complement each other suprizingly well with parallels and perpendiculars between them. And while more an antagonists than a villain, thst FUCKING ANGLERFISH IS STUFF OF NIGHTMARES!
i don't see what puts muntz and ernesto in different categories. childhood idol turns out to be the bad guy all along, with an incredibly predictable twist both times. yet you put evelyn as one of the best villains? really?
@@jclkaytwo yes.
@@simeonwitten3636 that wasn't a yes or no question. it was rhetorical. i was pointing out your extremely inconsistent reasoning.
@@jclkaytwo Dick.
My tops Vivian Skinner Sid
Top 10 Vilans
Pz Ledder
Ahgnt Peters
Mr x
Al toy story 2
You don’t like miles axlerod or chef skinner any more