"If you use Mathematica, you have to type out all these commands" If only there was something like a shorthand. Like Emacs abbrev, command expansion like _xah-elisp-mode._
Sacha: “It's gotten hard for me to tell what keybindings are mine and which are Emacs default” Perhaps, Emacs should get a feature, to tell _where,_ from which file a keybinding has been set.
Thank you Sacha for making this interveiw available to the public. Big thanks to prof Carsten Dominik for his wonderful orgmode.
"If you use Mathematica, you have to type out all these commands"
If only there was something like a shorthand. Like Emacs abbrev, command expansion like _xah-elisp-mode._
Sacha: “It's gotten hard for me to tell what keybindings are mine and which are Emacs default”
Perhaps, Emacs should get a feature, to tell _where,_ from which file a keybinding has been set.