I'd support her if she would get on board with eliminating the Dep. of Education and repealing the Education act. I have an idea - let the $$ follow the child, & let the parents decide what schools get it.
Kids are NOT off in the summer to "help on the farm". Farmers are busiest during planting and harvesting seasons. Typically spring and fall. Summer vacation has its origins in big cities, where middle and upper class residents wanted to escape the heat and worse, the smells, of poor sanitation and lots of horse manure. If farmers chose the schedule, kids would be off six weeks in the spring and six weeks in the fall.
Unions do have a positive effect on bargaining for a fair wage. Where I'm at teachers are paid as low as 20k per year. That low pay pushes more skilled individuals away from this career path.
Not so. My family is of the working poor with ONE wage earner. We chose to #HOMESCHOOL. Others in my working poor family chose private school. It's a matter of budgeting and prioritization.
silkhead44 That’s exactly what she’s trying to change. Right now school choice is public or Private (private being very expensive). As it is now, districts determine the quality of education. Poor families live in poor districts...and kids get poor education. It baffles me that this model is still supported. A free market in education (full choice of school) would create competition, drive down prices, drive up quality and have nothing but positive outcomes for families and students...but lot of negative impact on the government-education complex (such as the dept of edu, unions, etc.).
How would it drive down prices without having negative consequences? I can only imagine it would mean larger class sizes and a worse teacher to student ratio.
My ex-wife is a teacher. Most teachers have little life experience, little experience in what the business world is like, and are mostly liberal as They know where their money comes from and are scared of school choice. There are some great teachers out there but it is less than 50%. Like all government entities we dump to much tax payer money into it and get subpar results. Government has become a job program for people that cannot make it a n the real world.
Everyone know that Project Veritas, yt channel: veritasvisuals, will be releasing a video tomorrow morning about the corruption within a Michigan teacher's unions. Randi Weingarten, featured in this video, just lost a court battle to suppress Project Veritas from releasing this video. Stay tuned.
My 12yr old's 6th grade class was so bad we were forced to pull him out completely. It's a broken model and needs an innovation. When I see all those protesters, I see either ignorant zealots or more adults making decisions that benefit adults rather than kids. Oh and that union boss should be gagged. How anyone can defend that status quo is beyond me.
If you want to fix Public Schools make union membership voluntary. Individual teachers fight for children; these big union monstrosities fight for political and financial power. The day you give teachers the right to decide for themselves the unions will break.
Tim Qualls "Individual teachers fight for children." Bullshit! They fight for themselves, get their paychecks, and then go home or to the next best opportunity that isn't teaching.
Great interview, I've not heard anything she's said herself before just what the media says. Do have to point out about the "charter schools are better" statistic is we have to not forget that the sample size is smaller and law of small numbers guarantees higher deviance from median. That's why both statistics of charter schools being terrible and great are true. Just something extra to consider.
private schools do too, buddy. THAT'S the problem. Money is being funneled from bad public shools to good private ones. The private schools can take whomever they like, so they choose finacially and socially strong kids/parents, and when they graduate with good score cards, they are funded more for having a better average. Which can hire better teachers and keep classes small and even give some hot bonuses to the boardmembers. Nice system, I wish I was Betsy.
She's for getting educational money back in the hands of parents, man, what a controlling, shall I say it, billionaire. What's next, expecting us to actually raise these brats as well? Most parents like me want to just offload our kids onto the state, earlier the better, universal pre-K for all, make education great again through letting our Washington betters run it all. Look at their successes all around us, they can do it, yes they can!
What a thoughtful comment from a priveleged christian with a stay-at-home wife who have done most of the parenting and schooling while he's been busy spreading the word - well overpaid in some private company. It must be really exhausting with all these real life people who's working 12 hour shifts to make ends meet and need a proper goverment with actual funding to help raise their kids and give them ample opportunity to do as well as your own has done. Nevermind, they're only "the others"; don't let yourself be bothered with trifles. Now, time for a nice cup of tea, cheers.
Actually, your online searches are flawed my friend. I and my wife are products of public schools (or should I say survivors in my case) and three of our seven kids have or are getting woefully undereducated in our local public school. We have paid a significant financial cost in educating the others at home (all of them started off in the public school, which was draining the mind and souls of our older kids, thus why we educate them at home). Meanwhile, few would envy my income, self-chosen (I went to an elite, top two engineering school in my speciality, first family member in my extended family to attend college, but chose to serve Christ in our local, Detroit universities, encouraging students and faculty there). Hope that fills in your lacunas, I've been advocating for 30 years that we free up my economically-challenged Detroit neighbors to pursue their educational dreams while working to encourage their sons and daughters in the university. Happy tea time, you have a preferred one (mine's green tea, nothing added).
off course you do. All power to ya. And your stay-at-home wife. Btw, no searches was done. Just a wild guess from your "money back in the hands of parents" comment. As if that would actually do anything other than swing the cost over on individuals. Like your healthinsurance system. Great system. Except for you know, "people". Not everybody has been lucky enough to actually manage what you have accomplished yourself, remember that. They are not "stupid", or should "pay the price" if they're working 12 hour shifts and have no money for babysitter or no family to help them raise their kids. Most people are doing as best they can, and the lucky ones are making it work. Wanting a functional government to actually help out is not about waiving the responsibility, for some it's about making it or not.
I think if you talked to my friends in Detroit (I lived in two Detroit neighborhoods for 15 years), you'd find many who wish they could take their educational dollars and run with them. I do think we should spend money on education as a country (having literate, well-educated citizens is vital to our future), however it should entirely be in the hands of parents to use as they wish, instead of in the hands of educational beauracrats. My Detroit neighbors would be much better off if they could take theirs and use it on a local school, private schools, homeschooling, hiring the many unemployed PhDs running around to teach kids, etc. and if given the choice, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone in poverty that would want to limit their opportunities for the future. It doesn't take much imagination to consider the revolution that would occur by parents that love their children and want what's best for their kids (i.e. all parents I've pretty much ever met). Count me on the side of opportunity, choice, freedom, etc. for my neighbors who have none educationally!
John Kim yeah take someone who will make more money from kids education. Did you notice she made all the student loans be handled by a single bank? Lol
Did you ever realize college is a complete waste of money and time. I don't want anybody to get a student loan. Who cares. I want people out in the real world providing value. Every hospital should provide apprenticeships to qualified applicants, and create doctors that way, and get rid of the monopoly of universities. There used to be a option to become a lawyer by apprenticing at a law firm by writing for them. You didn't even need to go to law school, that's how calvin Coolidge did it. Universities should only be for intellectuals to create theories, not the average person who wants to be in the real world making money. Make it all obsolete, and get the Government out of our own self education.
I tried to watch this with an open mind... But the only thing more adorable than the way this piece is edited is the fact that Stossel never seems to acknowledge her Eric Prince connection whenever he covers one of them. If you're going to mention her family and "why her critics are upset" I think someone in her station being related to a mercenary that's been connected to more than a couple of conspiracies is a touch more important than freaking Amway.
I said nothing of the sort. The video brought up her family connections and then quickly backed off from that line... But to be fair, if there is no connection between DeVos and (most importantly) the whole Seychelles thing, why does Stossel dance around or avoid the Erik Prince connection whenever he does a piece about her or Prince? Hmmm... Call me crazy but I think it has something to do with the adorable editing and his insufferable elementary school teacher tone.
I dunno, Blackwater sounds a lot less awful than I thought they were 15 years ago. They're the president's personal security force, and at least in public, a lot of the government seems to hate that guy (possibly enough to kill him?).
This piece avoided that fact that she has zero experience in a schooling system. A principal of a school within a large district would be better qualified then this individual. Her being of wealth is not the issue, it is her wealth giving her ample opportunity to be selected as a cabinet member is the problem.
People have never been educated about education and the Federal Government. Under the constitution, education is a state right and not controlled by the Federal Government. It is the states and their Education Department that determines the trajectory of education within the state. The state politicians control the course and budgets and also determine if school choice will be allowed. To blame DeVos is misdirection by the Unions to pass the blame to someone who actually calls them to task for being part of the problem with the decrepit state of education today.
Summers weren't taken off because "kids were needed on the farm." Harvest isn't until October. Summers are were taken off because they didn't have air conditioning. It was hell for a bunch of kids to sit in an stuffy room on a steaming hot day.
I noticed on my FB feed that the teachers I knew who hated her the most, were the worst, stupidest and knew if any changes came to public school, they’d be sacked. Interesting…
How can Amway still exist when most people know about the internet? I suspect Amway was created by the same elements in the intelligence community who brought us Scientology, Herbalife, and Jesus TV preachers.
I think that it's a good thing that we're getting government out of education. With government, they can use force to take money from people (taxes), and create services in which the people don't get a choice in rather or not they want them. If anything, there's an incentive to control education, because that controls the minds of the masses. Did school ever felt like a factory and/or prison to you? Today's schooling philosophy originated in Prussia and was made with the intent of creating obedient workers and military personnel, not critical freethinkers. My playlist "Truth about school & education exposed" goes into this more deeply, & I should be linking an article below.
Betsy DeVos is probably my favorite member of the Trump administration. I would like to see her do more, and by more I mean make the Department of Education do less. Schools are best when they are locally controlled, and as locally as possible. The very best schools, of course, are home schools, where students have truly individualized lesson plans from teachers that have the greatest interest in their students' education, and the smallest class sizes in the country. I went to, quite frankly, one of the best public schools in the entire country. It was, and still is, routinely listed high in the rankings of top high schools in the country, and often was the top school in my state. Do I wish I had been home schooled or sent to a private school instead? Absolutely. Will I be sending my own kids to public schools? Fuck no! I look back at my experience with public school as woefully inadequate, particularly for someone who did not fall exactly in the center of the bell curve of intelligence. Even with honors and AP classes, I was bored out of my mind pretty much the whole time. I was never challenged, and it caused me problems when I went to an elite university in a challenging major where I actually had to do things like study and I had no idea how to even do that. I was faced with the situation, in adulthood, where I literally had to teach myself how to learn, because up until that point I had coasted through school with no effort whatsoever. Age-segregated, single-track industrial learning is the worst possible way to educate and create socially well-adjusted human adults, and as I look back now at how special interests and politicians manipulate what is taught in these schools, I am even more disgusted at the public school system we have. There's a lot of things Betsy DeVos is doing at the Department of Education, like restoring the rule of law and ending university kangaroo courts, but the most important thing she can do is give parents more options in how their children are educated.
My experience is not in education policy but rather it is in science. Before I speak about that I will say that I am concerned about giving public money to private interests. A public education official should support public education, not have a hidden agenda of eliminating the US Dept. Of Education. If she wants to subsidies charter schools then use private money. As regards science, Betsy DeVos's connection with the Council for National Policy is of concern. In short it is an effort to weaken science and to bring Christian values (Creationism) into public schools.
The fact that public schools are failing isn't hyperbole. However, your slippery slope argument is. Just because DeVos happens to be Christian, doesn't mean she wants to force creationism into public schools. So far, I have heard her say she wants to make education more local. Will some locales have creationism in their curriculum? A few still do, so I don't really see that changing much. Now if you have proof of her stating she wants to force creationism in all public education, I will be glad to revise my outlook on the argument. Until then, I like the fact that she is shaking up the education department. Status quo just isn't working.
Q-Hack!: Betsy DeVos is more than a Christian she and her family are Dominionists who are working to create a "Christian Nation." This is counter to the US Constitution. What is important is her hidden agenda to replace science with biblical teachings. The proof you ask for are the millions of dollars donated to that cause. Also, no publicly funded school as a right to teach false science.
Abolish the Department of Education, give block grand funding to states, reduce the amount of standardized testing, pay better teaches well, collect work done throughout the year instead of doing one test, abolish summer vacation and let teachers run their classrooms better.
That's why making schools compete for students is the solution. In the public system I experienced excellent and dismal teachers. Yet the excellent ones don't get rewarded for this excellence, and mediocrity abounds
She’s perfectly qualified to encourage school choice, and to dismantle the efforts of government unions to stifle child education opportunities. Schooling and school curriculum are the exclusive purview of local communities. The U.S. Federal Government has no business sticking its tendrils where they do no belong.
If you're wondering whether money and connections, even when you have absolutely no applicable background, can buy you a cabinet position, then look no further than DeVos. "Drain the Swamp" indeed....
What are summer jobs, schools presently teach that academics and office work are the only paths, kids go to college expecting this and end up working retail and construction.
The interviewer never asks this chick what are your qualifications for being Sec of Ed . Are you a Phd? Have you ever run schools? No I just made a lot of money by having a business that runs charter schools. Everyone know charter schools are a scam.
I don't understand when she says the same system as we had one hundred years ago? I grew up in public schools all my life of course that was in the 70's and 80's but I don't remember teachers, teaching how bad America is or test scores being as low as they are now?! Maybe I misunderstood what she said or meant
I mostly agree with Betsy Devos but taking away summers? Fuck that, I hate going to school, no way in hell I would want year round schools with no breaks
Yes, like educated people know more about anything just because they actually studied. What a ridiculous thought. They know nothing, and especially nothing about the educational system. (-_-
When it comes to something like voucher programs, the only thing I have a problem with is tax payer money being used to send kids to religious schools. That violates the separation of church and state. They didn't say anything about it in this video and I don't know if it's true, but I've heard that she's a proponent of that. Everything else she's doing I can get behind, just not that.
If it was just christian schools, I would agree with your statement. If it is all religious schools, then there would be no violation of church and state. The idea behind separation of church and state isn't to eliminate all religion. It's to keep the state from picking a single religion to be above all others. The beauty of choice/voucher programs is that families get to pick how they want their children to be educated. I personally would never send my child to a religious school, but I have no problem with how my neighbors choose to educate their children. What I do have a problem with, is a school teaching violent overthrow of society. Banning vouchers from religious schools won't fix this problem.
What people and the government consider religion, can be almost anything. If they're not careful about this issue, there could very well be schools that teach kids to violently overthrow society, if they do it in the name of some kind of religion. If given the choice, there are a lot of people who would put their kids into schools that teach all sorts of crazy ridiculous things, whether for religious reasons, or not. There needs to be some kind of basic standard curriculum and testing so that we know that tax payer money only goes to schools that teach basic things that you'd expect any average American citizen to know. Would you want tax payer money going to schools that teach kids that the Earth is flat? There is a growing fringe movement for people who believe that.
This video was very informative. She believes that kids are not for sale. How can people criticize her ? Still, I am worried that she is "obsessed" about helping them. That can't be entirely sane.
george malone there is a difference between Libertarians and libertarians. It's a blatantly obvious difference to anyone who knows about such topics. Libertarians are minarchists, and typically right wing. libertarians are anarchists, a majority being left libertarian (but yeah, right libertarians exist).
Andrew Mcmillan nobodies butthurt. I'm just pointing out the obvious difference, as he is insinuating that she is "aligned" with anarchists. A laughable concept, at the least. Especially when she isn't even "aligned" with minarchists. Hahahahaha.
Translation: "You're butthurt, because I don't understand the English language" Derp. No, I could care less of your ignorance. I'm merely trying to educate. But if you'd like to steep in you're own ignorance, go right ahead. I'll be sitting here, understanding how words work. :)
If teachers unions weren’t so corrupt I’d be on their side. I’m no fan of devos, but her argument sounds more valid than the status quo to me. The straw man of “poor kids won’t be able to afford school” is laughable.
Besides abolishing summer vacation, I don't hear anything useful here. She is unqualified to run the department. Just like what she says in this video, the two factors that make her eligible for the job is the fact that she's a contributor to the party and she was also an activist, none of those are acceptable requirements for secretary of education. And what's with the obsession with charter schools? There is actually no real evidence that those schools perform better than regular schools, and why would they? They basically are free to decide their education system, so even if some schools perform better doesn't mean that all of those other charter schools would. And even if they are free to do their own thing, their students are still assessed by the same standard as other public schools. Why can't you just learn from Finland? They have no banding systems, all students study the same things at the same class, basically a standardized school system all over the country. Their teachers are so well paid that being a teacher is a very respected and sought-after job. And they feed all of their students.
What job skills did you get from 13 years of sitting in a classroom? McDonalds? That's all you need to know about public school. Get out of the Matrix my friend, and wake up to reality, you've been brainwashed.
So why does others' choice bother you so much? Even commies like you can fund and copycat schools from either Finland or North Korea. Wouldn't it be nice to finally have a true communist school without those annoying free marketers? ;)
Funny, the rest of the world is doing just fine with the free "industrial" schooling (you know, the countries in first, second and third on that list of yours), and their parents are participating in the schooling 'cause they're not stuck in 12 hour shifts working for pennys while the likes of Devos are raking the profits. Also, most countries don't practice the private/public model which funnels government fundings to better and higher paid teachers and classrooms and smaller classes with better equipped students (economically/socially). They just put all the kids as equals in the same classes and ask the government for the funding they need to give the best education they can give. Hmm. Funnny how that works. I guess the solution is even more privatization and even bigger billionaires to govern the funding. Then we could also start to remove all those crazy ideas about evolution, astronomy and quantum physics and put some more fear of God in those kids. That should do it, don't you think, Betsy?
Betsy has the same superpower as Bruce Wayne - she's rich. Other than that, what exactly are her qualifications to be Education Secretary? I no fan of teachers unions, but they do have a point on this one.
Mrs. DeVos would be more believable if she simply closed the unconstitutional Department of Education today. Let the local community handle educating local children.
Andrew When public dollars goes towards charters, which is more like private education, it hurts the masses. Most of the public of the U.S.A. attend public schools, and taking funding from them hurts everyone in the long run.
Albert, I disagree with you. I believe your premise is that, if some parents move their kids from a (worse) public school into a (better) charter school, then those public schools with reduced enrollments will then receive less funding - since they are funded on a "per student" basis. And you believe that is a BAD thing. Why? Why is it bad to give parents an opportunity to send their kids to a better school, to get a better education? By giving poorer kids a shot at a better education, then you are giving them a better shot at an improved future vs. what they would have had by staying in their neighborhood public school, where they would be held back by kids (and parents) that don't care as much. Why hold the talented, hard-working kids back? Let them flourish. Albert, you do not suggest any solution to improve the education system for inner-city, poorer kids. You appear to be arguing for leaving it the way it is - which means NO OPTIONS for those kids with ability to get the education they deserve. My guess is that you do not like the Devos plan of more student/parental choice, simply because it is a Trump Admin policy.
Andrew -My argument is based the thought that charter schools are not public, therefore should not receive public dollars directly. Parents/guardians should have the ability to chose what they believe is best for their child(ren). Our system is not perfect, by any means, but we have public, private, and home schooling as choices. To me, charters are private schools that are allowed to use public dollars to help function. Other private schools can not do this, and this is why I am skeptical of these charters. It has nothing to do with poor areas or being located in or near the inner-city. To me, this is something that effects the system as a whole. My thought process is the monies used to help charters could be used more appropriately in the public schools. It is not a fix all, but it would make more sense to me to make a better system overall. Being under this President is not why I go agaisnt this Secretary of Education. It is her lack of experience in education. Her being in the department would be one thing, her to run it outright is where I take issue.
The reason I don't like Devoss is because she has no experience and her job is to defend public schools but she has a record of been against public schools (I don't think public schools are perfect but education should be a right) and I also think charter schools are a scam
What a misleading puff piece. Saying that having summers off and wanting choice are the reasons to push charter schools unquestionably is ridiculous. Ask the tough questions, Stossel. What generally happens to poor kids when for profit schools are introduced? Garbage interview.
Nobody is saying don't help poor kids get an education. How about giving public money to parents and run schools on a private model, considering it's common knowledge that private schools are superior?
The thumbnail looks like the most awkward date ever.
I miss those dating shows.
I'd support her if she would get on board with eliminating the Dep. of Education and repealing the Education act. I have an idea - let the $$ follow the child, & let the parents decide what schools get it.
"You're going to 'figure out a way to' defend my freedom of movement, my right to travel unhindered." -what should have been said to her security.
Milliam Woody that would have just triggered the protestors even more and been CNN front page selectively edited news for weeks
Milliam Woody Best security is in a prison in a isolation chamber.
Kids are NOT off in the summer to "help on the farm". Farmers are busiest during planting and harvesting seasons. Typically spring and fall.
Summer vacation has its origins in big cities, where middle and upper class residents wanted to escape the heat and worse, the smells, of poor sanitation and lots of horse manure.
If farmers chose the schedule, kids would be off six weeks in the spring and six weeks in the fall.
Stossel's mustache for president 2020
Businesses strive to make sales and serve customers; government strives to get funding.
Teachers unions don't care about students.
Unions do have a positive effect on bargaining for a fair wage. Where I'm at teachers are paid as low as 20k per year. That low pay pushes more skilled individuals away from this career path.
Where is the full interview??????
only people with money have school choice...people without have central planners and they all have lousy track records and no skin in the game
Not so. My family is of the working poor with ONE wage earner. We chose to #HOMESCHOOL. Others in my working poor family chose private school. It's a matter of budgeting and prioritization.
Vouchers, yo
silkhead44 That’s exactly what she’s trying to change. Right now school choice is public or Private (private being very expensive). As it is now, districts determine the quality of education. Poor families live in poor districts...and kids get poor education. It baffles me that this model is still supported. A free market in education (full choice of school) would create competition, drive down prices, drive up quality and have nothing but positive outcomes for families and students...but lot of negative impact on the government-education complex (such as the dept of edu, unions, etc.).
If you can't afford to take care of your children then you shouldn't have any.
How would it drive down prices without having negative consequences? I can only imagine it would mean larger class sizes and a worse teacher to student ratio.
Kick ass to see this mentality about education in someone who has such influence. Thanks for another great interview Stossel/Reason!
My ex-wife is a teacher. Most teachers have little life experience, little experience in what the business world is like, and are mostly liberal as They know where their money comes from and are scared of school choice. There are some great teachers out there but it is less than 50%. Like all government entities we dump to much tax payer money into it and get subpar results. Government has become a job program for people that cannot make it a n the real world.
It is disheartening how often I find mobs of usually fat teachers in bars and on dating sites.
Bushrod Rust Johnson I hear that bro. But it’s taboo to say anything. Teachers are automatically hero’s. Ridiculous.
Everyone know that Project Veritas, yt channel: veritasvisuals, will be releasing a video tomorrow morning about the corruption within a Michigan teacher's unions. Randi Weingarten, featured in this video, just lost a court battle to suppress Project Veritas from releasing this video. Stay tuned.
My 12yr old's 6th grade class was so bad we were forced to pull him out completely. It's a broken model and needs an innovation. When I see all those protesters, I see either ignorant zealots or more adults making decisions that benefit adults rather than kids. Oh and that union boss should be gagged. How anyone can defend that status quo is beyond me.
If you want to fix Public Schools make union membership voluntary. Individual teachers fight for children; these big union monstrosities fight for political and financial power. The day you give teachers the right to decide for themselves the unions will break.
Outlaw public sector unions. And shitcan mandatory bargaining in the private sector.
Not only that, unions fight doggedly to keep bad teachers employed at the expense of students' education.
Tim Qualls "Individual teachers fight for children." Bullshit! They fight for themselves, get their paychecks, and then go home or to the next best opportunity that isn't teaching.
Great interview, I've not heard anything she's said herself before just what the media says. Do have to point out about the "charter schools are better" statistic is we have to not forget that the sample size is smaller and law of small numbers guarantees higher deviance from median. That's why both statistics of charter schools being terrible and great are true. Just something extra to consider.
The problem is that public schools get money (ADA) from the state and federal government. As long as they do, there will be NO local control.
private schools do too, buddy. THAT'S the problem. Money is being funneled from bad public shools to good private ones. The private schools can take whomever they like, so they choose finacially and socially strong kids/parents, and when they graduate with good score cards, they are funded more for having a better average. Which can hire better teachers and keep classes small and even give some hot bonuses to the boardmembers. Nice system, I wish I was Betsy.
+2:40 I don't think any media has been published on June 27, 2018 yet. Just a heads up to editors.
She's for getting educational money back in the hands of parents, man, what a controlling, shall I say it, billionaire. What's next, expecting us to actually raise these brats as well? Most parents like me want to just offload our kids onto the state, earlier the better, universal pre-K for all, make education great again through letting our Washington betters run it all. Look at their successes all around us, they can do it, yes they can!
What a thoughtful comment from a priveleged christian with a stay-at-home wife who have done most of the parenting and schooling while he's been busy spreading the word - well overpaid in some private company. It must be really exhausting with all these real life people who's working 12 hour shifts to make ends meet and need a proper goverment with actual funding to help raise their kids and give them ample opportunity to do as well as your own has done. Nevermind, they're only "the others"; don't let yourself be bothered with trifles. Now, time for a nice cup of tea, cheers.
Actually, your online searches are flawed my friend. I and my wife are products of public schools (or should I say survivors in my case) and three of our seven kids have or are getting woefully undereducated in our local public school. We have paid a significant financial cost in educating the others at home (all of them started off in the public school, which was draining the mind and souls of our older kids, thus why we educate them at home).
Meanwhile, few would envy my income, self-chosen (I went to an elite, top two engineering school in my speciality, first family member in my extended family to attend college, but chose to serve Christ in our local, Detroit universities, encouraging students and faculty there). Hope that fills in your lacunas, I've been advocating for 30 years that we free up my economically-challenged Detroit neighbors to pursue their educational dreams while working to encourage their sons and daughters in the university. Happy tea time, you have a preferred one (mine's green tea, nothing added).
Should add that I work two jobs, 60-65 hours per week...
off course you do. All power to ya. And your stay-at-home wife. Btw, no searches was done. Just a wild guess from your "money back in the hands of parents" comment. As if that would actually do anything other than swing the cost over on individuals. Like your healthinsurance system. Great system. Except for you know, "people". Not everybody has been lucky enough to actually manage what you have accomplished yourself, remember that. They are not "stupid", or should "pay the price" if they're working 12 hour shifts and have no money for babysitter or no family to help them raise their kids. Most people are doing as best they can, and the lucky ones are making it work. Wanting a functional government to actually help out is not about waiving the responsibility, for some it's about making it or not.
I think if you talked to my friends in Detroit (I lived in two Detroit neighborhoods for 15 years), you'd find many who wish they could take their educational dollars and run with them. I do think we should spend money on education as a country (having literate, well-educated citizens is vital to our future), however it should entirely be in the hands of parents to use as they wish, instead of in the hands of educational beauracrats.
My Detroit neighbors would be much better off if they could take theirs and use it on a local school, private schools, homeschooling, hiring the many unemployed PhDs running around to teach kids, etc. and if given the choice, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone in poverty that would want to limit their opportunities for the future.
It doesn't take much imagination to consider the revolution that would occur by parents that love their children and want what's best for their kids (i.e. all parents I've pretty much ever met). Count me on the side of opportunity, choice, freedom, etc. for my neighbors who have none educationally!
She smiles when she lies.
By no means a perfect (libertarian) thinker, but I think she is better than many others.
We need to take what we can get. This is a culture war, and we need to fight for every inch.
what? she's absolutely not. Not better, and not even libertarian.
John Kim yeah take someone who will make more money from kids education. Did you notice she made all the student loans be handled by a single bank? Lol
Did you ever realize college is a complete waste of money and time. I don't want anybody to get a student loan. Who cares. I want people out in the real world providing value. Every hospital should provide apprenticeships to qualified applicants, and create doctors that way, and get rid of the monopoly of universities. There used to be a option to become a lawyer by apprenticing at a law firm by writing for them. You didn't even need to go to law school, that's how calvin Coolidge did it. Universities should only be for intellectuals to create theories, not the average person who wants to be in the real world making money. Make it all obsolete, and get the Government out of our own self education.
John Kim lmao you mean like Africa?
I tried to watch this with an open mind... But the only thing more adorable than the way this piece is edited is the fact that Stossel never seems to acknowledge her Eric Prince connection whenever he covers one of them. If you're going to mention her family and "why her critics are upset" I think someone in her station being related to a mercenary that's been connected to more than a couple of conspiracies is a touch more important than freaking Amway.
So by your thinking, every child of a criminal is guilty of a crime by default?
I said nothing of the sort. The video brought up her family connections and then quickly backed off from that line... But to be fair, if there is no connection between DeVos and (most importantly) the whole Seychelles thing, why does Stossel dance around or avoid the Erik Prince connection whenever he does a piece about her or Prince?
Hmmm... Call me crazy but I think it has something to do with the adorable editing and his insufferable elementary school teacher tone.
I dunno, Blackwater sounds a lot less awful than I thought they were 15 years ago. They're the president's personal security force, and at least in public, a lot of the government seems to hate that guy (possibly enough to kill him?).
Well, almost everything sounds less awful when you eventually get better spin.
Is there a way to watch the full interview?
This piece avoided that fact that she has zero experience in a schooling system.
A principal of a school within a large district would be better qualified then this individual.
Her being of wealth is not the issue, it is her wealth giving her ample opportunity to be selected as a cabinet member is the problem.
A principal of a school within a large district would probably continue with status quo. She is perfect for the job of changing things up.
"she has zero experience in a schooling system"
Exactly zero!
Well she was education secretary for four years and did next to nothing.
People have never been educated about education and the Federal Government. Under the constitution, education is a state right and not controlled by the Federal Government. It is the states and their Education Department that determines the trajectory of education within the state. The state politicians control the course and budgets and also determine if school choice will be allowed. To blame DeVos is misdirection by the Unions to pass the blame to someone who actually calls them to task for being part of the problem with the decrepit state of education today.
Why do we need a department of education at the federal level?
Renaissance Man I would abolish abolishing.
Renaissance Man Damn, that's an air-tight argument.
Summers weren't taken off because "kids were needed on the farm." Harvest isn't until October. Summers are were taken off because they didn't have air conditioning. It was hell for a bunch of kids to sit in an stuffy room on a steaming hot day.
Does this not show up on other people's subscription page? It didn't show up for me
The most recent videos do not always show up. You have to navigate to the hosts' video pages and sort by date.
Wow, ReasonTV OK'd this? Respect level .... dropping.
How dare they interview a TRUMP cabinet member?!
I noticed on my FB feed that the teachers I knew who hated her the most, were the worst, stupidest and knew if any changes came to public school, they’d be sacked. Interesting…
When it comes to the DeVos family, I simply hate them for Amway.
That is a well-reasoned argument.
How can Amway still exist when most people know about the internet? I suspect Amway was created by the same elements in the intelligence community who brought us Scientology, Herbalife, and Jesus TV preachers.
I think that it's a good thing that we're getting government out of education. With government, they can use force to take money from people (taxes), and create services in which the people don't get a choice in rather or not they want them. If anything, there's an incentive to control education, because that controls the minds of the masses.
Did school ever felt like a factory and/or prison to you? Today's schooling philosophy originated in Prussia and was made with the intent of creating obedient workers and military personnel, not critical freethinkers.
My playlist "Truth about school & education exposed" goes into this more deeply, & I should be linking an article below.
Betsy DeVos is probably my favorite member of the Trump administration. I would like to see her do more, and by more I mean make the Department of Education do less. Schools are best when they are locally controlled, and as locally as possible. The very best schools, of course, are home schools, where students have truly individualized lesson plans from teachers that have the greatest interest in their students' education, and the smallest class sizes in the country.
I went to, quite frankly, one of the best public schools in the entire country. It was, and still is, routinely listed high in the rankings of top high schools in the country, and often was the top school in my state. Do I wish I had been home schooled or sent to a private school instead? Absolutely. Will I be sending my own kids to public schools? Fuck no!
I look back at my experience with public school as woefully inadequate, particularly for someone who did not fall exactly in the center of the bell curve of intelligence. Even with honors and AP classes, I was bored out of my mind pretty much the whole time. I was never challenged, and it caused me problems when I went to an elite university in a challenging major where I actually had to do things like study and I had no idea how to even do that. I was faced with the situation, in adulthood, where I literally had to teach myself how to learn, because up until that point I had coasted through school with no effort whatsoever. Age-segregated, single-track industrial learning is the worst possible way to educate and create socially well-adjusted human adults, and as I look back now at how special interests and politicians manipulate what is taught in these schools, I am even more disgusted at the public school system we have.
There's a lot of things Betsy DeVos is doing at the Department of Education, like restoring the rule of law and ending university kangaroo courts, but the most important thing she can do is give parents more options in how their children are educated.
I'd say that Scott Pruitt is actually the most vilified Trump nominee, but DeVos comes close.
My experience is not in education policy but rather it is in science. Before I speak about that I will say that I am concerned about giving public money to private interests. A public education official should support public education, not have a hidden agenda of eliminating the US Dept. Of Education. If she wants to subsidies charter schools then use private money.
As regards science, Betsy DeVos's connection with the Council for National Policy is of concern. In short it is an effort to weaken science and to bring Christian values (Creationism) into public schools.
Traveller and the public schools are failing I the US. So yeah.
Delain124:, As you seem to prefer one line responses here is one: Is going back to the Dark Ages the solution?
The fact that public schools are failing isn't hyperbole. However, your slippery slope argument is. Just because DeVos happens to be Christian, doesn't mean she wants to force creationism into public schools. So far, I have heard her say she wants to make education more local. Will some locales have creationism in their curriculum? A few still do, so I don't really see that changing much. Now if you have proof of her stating she wants to force creationism in all public education, I will be glad to revise my outlook on the argument. Until then, I like the fact that she is shaking up the education department. Status quo just isn't working.
Q-Hack!: Betsy DeVos is more than a Christian she and her family are Dominionists who are working to create a "Christian Nation." This is counter to the US Constitution. What is important is her hidden agenda to replace science with biblical teachings. The proof you ask for are the millions of dollars donated to that cause. Also, no publicly funded school as a right to teach false science.
"A public education official should support public education, not have a hidden agenda of eliminating the US Dept. Of Education."
Fuuuuuuck OFF!
Abolish the Department of Education, give block grand funding to states, reduce the amount of standardized testing, pay better teaches well, collect work done throughout the year instead of doing one test, abolish summer vacation and let teachers run their classrooms better.
That's why making schools compete for students is the solution. In the public system I experienced excellent and dismal teachers. Yet the excellent ones don't get rewarded for this excellence, and mediocrity abounds
I don't believe she is qualified for the position she is in. I really don't.
That's because she's not.
No one is. The department should be shut down.
Maybe so, but neither are congresspersons typically qualified to create policy. I'm not sure why we should single out Devos for this.
She’s perfectly qualified to encourage school choice, and to dismantle the efforts of government unions to stifle child education opportunities. Schooling and school curriculum are the exclusive purview of local communities. The U.S. Federal Government has no business sticking its tendrils where they do no belong.
Charter schools get to pick and choose their students. Unfair playing field to compare.
I really wish there was more of an interview.
the way we run schools is just crazy silly and old.
For any criticism on Trump, he sure picked gold for most positions. Pruitt, DeVos, Pai, and Gorsuch.
Sessions is terrible.
I wholly agree, same with John Bolton. But most of his picks were excellent.
If you're wondering whether money and connections, even when you have absolutely no applicable background, can buy you a cabinet position, then look no further than DeVos.
"Drain the Swamp" indeed....
voucher system now. now now
What are summer jobs, schools presently teach that academics and office work are the only paths, kids go to college expecting this and end up working retail and construction.
The interviewer never asks this chick what are your qualifications for being Sec of Ed . Are you a Phd? Have you ever run schools? No I just made a lot of money by having a business that runs charter schools. Everyone know charter schools are a scam.
Homeschool and be done with it.
Can't learn networking at home.
To be fair, most people can't afford that.
You can when the father is a director of IT.
If you were referring to social networking, homeschoolers do not live in a box in the basement.
"homeschoolers do not live in a box in the basement."
Except sometimes in Bakersfield.
You know you're on the right track when the Blackshirts try to shut you down.
Can someone explain to me why Baked Alaska is shouting at Besty DeVos in the first 2 seconds of this video?
I agree with almost everything she said about public education.
I don't understand when she says the same system as we had one hundred years ago? I grew up in public schools all my life of course that was in the 70's and 80's but I don't remember teachers, teaching how bad America is or test scores being as low as they are now?! Maybe I misunderstood what she said or meant
I mostly agree with Betsy Devos but taking away summers?
Fuck that, I hate going to school, no way in hell I would want year round schools with no breaks
I like betsy devos, but if i was trump she wouldn't have the job, because there'd be no job because there'd be no department of education
Shoutout to betsy davos and communism
Yea ask a charter school teacher if they make more than public. I have yet to meet one
Betsy DeVos is MY HERO. To be hated by #Progressive #Educrats is a badge of honour!
Yes, like educated people know more about anything just because they actually studied. What a ridiculous thought. They know nothing, and especially nothing about the educational system. (-_-
Just give the teacher's unions more money to do things the same basic way they've always done! Spending $12k per student isn't near enough. Right?
Remind me again exactly why we have a Department of Education in the first place?
Hopefully Stossel got paid well for this propaganda piece.
If summer break gets canned we riot please it's so nice
Burn down the school.
When it comes to something like voucher programs, the only thing I have a problem with is tax payer money being used to send kids to religious schools. That violates the separation of church and state. They didn't say anything about it in this video and I don't know if it's true, but I've heard that she's a proponent of that. Everything else she's doing I can get behind, just not that.
If it was just christian schools, I would agree with your statement. If it is all religious schools, then there would be no violation of church and state. The idea behind separation of church and state isn't to eliminate all religion. It's to keep the state from picking a single religion to be above all others. The beauty of choice/voucher programs is that families get to pick how they want their children to be educated. I personally would never send my child to a religious school, but I have no problem with how my neighbors choose to educate their children.
What I do have a problem with, is a school teaching violent overthrow of society. Banning vouchers from religious schools won't fix this problem.
What people and the government consider religion, can be almost anything. If they're not careful about this issue, there could very well be schools that teach kids to violently overthrow society, if they do it in the name of some kind of religion. If given the choice, there are a lot of people who would put their kids into schools that teach all sorts of crazy ridiculous things, whether for religious reasons, or not. There needs to be some kind of basic standard curriculum and testing so that we know that tax payer money only goes to schools that teach basic things that you'd expect any average American citizen to know. Would you want tax payer money going to schools that teach kids that the Earth is flat? There is a growing fringe movement for people who believe that.
she might be absolutely wrong when it come to bear but am always ready for new idea.
This video was very informative.
She believes that kids are not for sale. How can people criticize her ?
Still, I am worried that she is "obsessed" about helping them. That can't be entirely sane.
“Our desire is to confront the culture in ways that will continue to advance God’s kingdom.” you know exactly where she is going with that...
Shes a dumbass on that, I agree with her policies but she needs to keep her religion and politics seperate
@@CaptainBones222 Yeah republicans can't quite seem to do that unfortunately.
No mam, you're disappointing. You want to say we're not for sale and yet all you have been doing is putting price tag on our education.
This woman is disconnected from reality.
betsy and libertarianism what a perfect combination. Of course!
george malone Libertarianism* not libertarianism.
Milliam Woody first, take that up with the dictate function. Second, wait to see the tree not the forest LOL
george malone there is a difference between Libertarians and libertarians. It's a blatantly obvious difference to anyone who knows about such topics.
Libertarians are minarchists, and typically right wing. libertarians are anarchists, a majority being left libertarian (but yeah, right libertarians exist).
Andrew Mcmillan nobodies butthurt. I'm just pointing out the obvious difference, as he is insinuating that she is "aligned" with anarchists. A laughable concept, at the least. Especially when she isn't even "aligned" with minarchists. Hahahahaha.
Translation: "You're butthurt, because I don't understand the English language"
Derp. No, I could care less of your ignorance. I'm merely trying to educate. But if you'd like to steep in you're own ignorance, go right ahead.
I'll be sitting here, understanding how words work. :)
The protesters are ridiculous of course but s
he is a horrible education sec
If teachers unions weren’t so corrupt I’d be on their side. I’m no fan of devos, but her argument sounds more valid than the status quo to me. The straw man of “poor kids won’t be able to afford school” is laughable.
Why laughable? Don't get it. Can everybody afford private schools?
Does she get money from those charger school? Idk why I said charger, cuz they charge?
Thumbs down to the thumbs downers.
THANK YOU BETSY DEVOS FOR ACCEPTING THIS THANKLESS JOB! 💐👏😍 You're doing amazing things to help school children and the future of America.
Besides abolishing summer vacation, I don't hear anything useful here.
She is unqualified to run the department. Just like what she says in this video, the two factors that make her eligible for the job is the fact that she's a contributor to the party and she was also an activist, none of those are acceptable requirements for secretary of education.
And what's with the obsession with charter schools? There is actually no real evidence that those schools perform better than regular schools, and why would they? They basically are free to decide their education system, so even if some schools perform better doesn't mean that all of those other charter schools would. And even if they are free to do their own thing, their students are still assessed by the same standard as other public schools.
Why can't you just learn from Finland? They have no banding systems, all students study the same things at the same class, basically a standardized school system all over the country. Their teachers are so well paid that being a teacher is a very respected and sought-after job. And they feed all of their students.
What job skills did you get from 13 years of sitting in a classroom? McDonalds? That's all you need to know about public school. Get out of the Matrix my friend, and wake up to reality, you've been brainwashed.
>She is unqualified to run the department.
The department should be shut down.
So why does others' choice bother you so much? Even commies like you can fund and copycat schools from either Finland or North Korea. Wouldn't it be nice to finally have a true communist school without those annoying free marketers? ;)
What about Sweden, Denmark and Norway? They have school vouchers.
They only point at other countries when it supports their narrative. Universal Health Care! Look at Sweden! School Choice? Uhhh... Feelings!
Funny, the rest of the world is doing just fine with the free "industrial" schooling (you know, the countries in first, second and third on that list of yours), and their parents are participating in the schooling 'cause they're not stuck in 12 hour shifts working for pennys while the likes of Devos are raking the profits. Also, most countries don't practice the private/public model which funnels government fundings to better and higher paid teachers and classrooms and smaller classes with better equipped students (economically/socially). They just put all the kids as equals in the same classes and ask the government for the funding they need to give the best education they can give. Hmm. Funnny how that works. I guess the solution is even more privatization and even bigger billionaires to govern the funding. Then we could also start to remove all those crazy ideas about evolution, astronomy and quantum physics and put some more fear of God in those kids. That should do it, don't you think, Betsy?
Sorry sir but everyone is quitting industrial model. Where u live ?
Horrible video. Every point DeVos made is muddy at best
When Stossel stands up for people like this it shows how strange he really is.
Not an argument
You speak so funny
Stossel. Stossel. Stossel. So many falsehoods.
Betsy has the same superpower as Bruce Wayne - she's rich. Other than that, what exactly are her qualifications to be Education Secretary? I no fan of teachers unions, but they do have a point on this one.
It's a made up job. Her qualification is that someone gave it to her and she has some kind of interest in doing it.
Mrs. DeVos would be more believable if she simply closed the unconstitutional Department of Education today. Let the local community handle educating local children.
Please get rid of Stossel so I can enjoy this channel again
DeVos Rocks!!
100% support what Davos is doing. It gives more choice to EVERYONE.
Andrew When public dollars goes towards charters, which is more like private education, it hurts the masses. Most of the public of the U.S.A. attend public schools, and taking funding from them hurts everyone in the long run.
Albert, I disagree with you. I believe your premise is that, if some parents move their kids from a (worse) public school into a (better) charter school, then those public schools with reduced enrollments will then receive less funding - since they are funded on a "per student" basis. And you believe that is a BAD thing. Why? Why is it bad to give parents an opportunity to send their kids to a better school, to get a better education? By giving poorer kids a shot at a better education, then you are giving them a better shot at an improved future vs. what they would have had by staying in their neighborhood public school, where they would be held back by kids (and parents) that don't care as much. Why hold the talented, hard-working kids back? Let them flourish. Albert, you do not suggest any solution to improve the education system for inner-city, poorer kids. You appear to be arguing for leaving it the way it is - which means NO OPTIONS for those kids with ability to get the education they deserve. My guess is that you do not like the Devos plan of more student/parental choice, simply because it is a Trump Admin policy.
Andrew -My argument is based the thought that charter schools are not public, therefore should not receive public dollars directly.
Parents/guardians should have the ability to chose what they believe is best for their child(ren). Our system is not perfect, by any means, but we have public, private, and home schooling as choices. To me, charters are private schools that are allowed to use public dollars to help function. Other private schools can not do this, and this is why I am skeptical of these charters.
It has nothing to do with poor areas or being located in or near the inner-city. To me, this is something that effects the system as a whole.
My thought process is the monies used to help charters could be used more appropriately in the public schools. It is not a fix all, but it would make more sense to me to make a better system overall.
Being under this President is not why I go agaisnt this Secretary of Education. It is her lack of experience in education. Her being in the department would be one thing, her to run it outright is where I take issue.
The reason I don't like Devoss is because she has no experience and her job is to defend public schools but she has a record of been against public schools (I don't think public schools are perfect but education should be a right) and I also think charter schools are a scam
What a misleading puff piece. Saying that having summers off and wanting choice are the reasons to push charter schools unquestionably is ridiculous. Ask the tough questions, Stossel. What generally happens to poor kids when for profit schools are introduced? Garbage interview.
Nobody is saying don't help poor kids get an education. How about giving public money to parents and run schools on a private model, considering it's common knowledge that private schools are superior?