Jazakallah Shayikh Yasir for this useful and academic series. May Allah bless you to bring more and more series to ummah. Salam from Kolkata India. 🕌🕌👆👆
As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatu laahi wa barakatu Allahu Akbar Jazak Allah khairun shaykh I dreamed I was in the grave with my mother and I saw a window that was covered by cinderblocks so I could not see the view she could see but I felt a cool breeze coming through and always accepted it as a sign that she would enter jannah. Your lecture is reassuring for me
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi may you be a source of pleasure for the Prophet ﷺ, his companions, the people of his time and the Ummah and may Allah raised you to the highest stations and ranks in this dunia and in akhira and that you be engaged in that which is most beloved to the Allah سبحانه وتعالى and His Beloved Last Prophet ﷺ '' it is more fitting that they please Allah and His Messenger if they are truly believers.'' Al-Tawbah, 9:62
Awesome series! so glad for these teachings. Its hard to think about and scares and depresses me but Im glad to fear Allah and seek protection from the Djinn that plague me, and consider especially some of the hopeful subjects of this last episode as a gift! alhamdulillah
First step towards knowledge is being skeptical of everything. Courage is required to accept your mistakes. But one has lots of investment in faith & it is close to impossible to accept your mistakes.
We pray that اَللّٰه ﷻ make this knowledge benefit us and not be argument against. We pray اَللّٰه ﷻ reward Team epic, all our scholars and their teachers and include us in saliheen آمين
May Allah swt bless people of Knowledge in our Deen. May Allah swt bless my younger brother who got killed by a driver walking with Jannah al Firdous & unite us with our loved ones and protect us from the trials & punishment of the grave 💚✨🙏🏻
11:16..Evidences3.Dream of Ibn Abbas about Abu Lahab speaking about his worse condition after death..being given few drops of water in grave for his emancipation of slave on birth of Prophet (PBUH)4. Salman Farsi(RA) coming in dream of another sahabi (Hudayfa Al Yemeni RA I guess it was)after death..it was a friendly race on who dies first and comes in others dream. So Sahabi themselves confirming the existence of Living and the dead communicating with the Will of Allah S.W.T...
Salaam Aleicum. Nice to hear that you going into these topics.Rambam was a great scholar for sure..Did anyone hear about 18 century Jewish scholar mentioned directly about when Russia annexes Crimea,Malhama and Moshiah are around the corner?
58:49...I am of a humble opinion that righteous people will just not be put to Physical rest but also mental peace..so they will be kept active till they are fulfilled with the remaining state of friends and families..so then they will be put to rest completely in Barzakh physical and mental state..so much so that time will pass quickly..but the effect of soul coming to its original default state in before its body birth..then all the memories will be supressed till the time they all have are reminded of what going to happen..the scenes on judgment day will bring back all what they remembered about the qayamat(hence the first question who woke up from this sleep)..Allah swt knows best that's and what I can reconcile in all what I heard from Shaikh Yasir mentions of hadith and quranic references..May Allah bless him with more wisdom than Ibn Taymiyyah and help us Muslim to reinvigorate our strength and position in this world..
My beloved ama jee passed away 25th of November, I feel as though you gave these lectures personally for her and Allah guided me here to better understand where she may be and how I can now help her subhan Allah. These lectures have helped me with some degree of sabr, jzk and may Allah swt reward you
Wonderful and knowledgeable lectures Masha'Allah. My Allah guide us all. I have a question which I don't think was answered in the series and was hoping Sheikh may be able to reply. If when we enter our graves/Barzakh and the destination is shown to us, then what good will come of sadqah jaria, or righteous children praying for the deceased.
When an innovation is introduced , it becomes very difficult to act on Sun nah , you slowly get more attached to new additions and leave the instructions by our teacher Prophet Mohammed (p), by doing that, we are going to miss out the benefits of that act. Of course, Prophet Mohammed(p) did not say anything in religion but was inspired by Allah... Its better not to dwell too much or hold on to the customs we are used to over the years, we should try to get close to more pure Islamic Practices and authentic sources as much as possible inshAllah.
Subhan’Allah what a fantastic series. Dr Shk YQ, we know you’re extremely busy but a while back you said you may do a detailed history on the year 1919 insha’Allah. Then all you’d need to do is fill up the gap from Lives of the Sahabah to 1919 (1 lecture for every 100yrs) 😀 Question are, would this be beneficial for people’s iman? Could people learn by not making the same mistakes from history or is there a chance of bringing back something good that we may have forgotten to do as an ummah, such as waiting for Magrib at the end of Friday in the mosque making duah. Many of us don’t know our own history 😔
Assalamu alaikum! Where does Sh. Dr.Yasir Qadhi conduct classes about different theological beliefs which he mentioned in this lecture? Are the classes available online?
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ My dad who has passed on now was Ismaili and I Sunni. What would be his situation according to our belief?
Out of the Blue , I got led onto You , this YT channel , and what is shared is appreciated , even sound familiar , so TY ... ! Why familiar ? As being Reset or Birthed into the West yet at Core I AM still Oriental Minded and like Countless myself Too being set on a rough/tough/horrific Awakening Path , journey , ... ! Whereby the merciless devouring beasts ( maliginent Narc/Psychopath Colony or demons as like Jezebel/Ahab including the haunted ~ fallen ones , giants ~ spirits ) STILL are roaming within this Fallen Garden ( Broken off from the Heavenly Dome or as the Under " the Heavens " World aka Valley of Death ) and thus shall nonstop re- enter /host a Vessel of Flesh ( whilst the Flesh is a " Fallen Apple " Embodiment ) to seek out for Revenge ( after the Flood , after their previous Babylon realm got set on ashes ) , are the Ones themselves whom as Myself shall Set us Awake again ... ! Or to become a Blooming ~ Desert ~ Rose again , and thus Not a journey as like the Hollywood Tale about the Beauty and the Beast ! Even set Free from our own Blindness or Delusional Mindset , to believe that We got Birthed out into Paradise ... Not So , yet merely as being the New Fresh Apples as to keep this " Valley of Death " Alive , to be used/abused as ( energy ) Food for the ones whom are already ~ dead ~ within this Strong ~ Coil ~ Hold of the Serpent ! Or also called the Spiritual Vampires , Cannibals or Zombies ... Whilst Now to be transformed onto an " AI " Embodiment , whereby their Brain ( Clay ) then merged onto the Smart Cloud ( Iron or via the IT-Phone and Home ) , and their own offsprings as mainly a gmo tomatoe or potatoe version ... ! All Signs of the End of a Completely Broken and Rotten Coil , as Indeed once Deep sunken In or Strong tight Woven within it , the less Pure Light shall be Present , whilst the ~ dead ~ surely shall stubborn Hold on onto IT , as this Realm has become their Only existence or as already their " Bottomless " Pit curse ! Or also called as the Realm of the Lords of the Shadow ... Smart for sure , as they always are capable to let Arise as like a phoenix their Renewed " Babylon " Embodiment and Way of Life , as See how many new Babylon Towers got Resurrected and even to still Praise their Obelisk Statues ! And their Bling Bling - Cities ( Comfort-Matrix ) still to Act as like the deceiving Devil , as to let appear this Fallen Garden ( or Hell without the Flames ) as a Paradise , especially towards one whom is merely wandering into the ( hot ) desert or ( raw ) wilderness and thus quite thirsty whilst the stomach shall hurt Too and the Flesh then covered by Dirt , so therefore to look hazard including to smell bad like an animal ... Yet once Captivated by the deceitful Song/String of the Devil ( Saytaan ) , one shall become as their Own ~ Lot ~ story as well , and then merely starting to weep as well at its Rivers , whilst thy tears shall even be its own Rainfall to keep the Garden of Babylon blooming , and then wondering How still able to Sing out Loud thy Praise onto the Most High ~ Yah Hu ~ without getting beheaded or merciless getting teared apart ? Whilst then shall Become the Moment when ~ Yah Hu ~ shall Hear ye , and ~ Christos , Pure Adam ~ whom walked before us including Able to Overcome this Realm/Death ( again ) , thus already Emo/Mental able to walk on/above this Chaotic Ocean or Unclean Waters whereby HE left us the Divine Key as to already set us Free from the invisible chains , and whom also Paved the Path , the Pure Rescue Ladder Out of this Pit ( Hell ) , shall Surely then Guide Us ( even to led us to suitable scriptures or books ) and even to help us to Find the Narrow Gate ( or New Birth Canal ) out of the Coil of the Serpent , whilst its Strong Hand shall pull us trough ... ! However , Only possible to achieve this Momentum by Pure Trust , Faith and Complete Surrender or to dare to already Die off from this Fallen Garden during Life itself ! Which means at first Already a physical Separation from ~ Babylon ~ , and whereby the Parable of the Wheat and Tare No Myth at All , even NOW fully Activated ( as like in the Days of Noah , Lot ) , ... ! As Indeed Here within this Field ( World , Matrix ) all are Now mingled together or being set at CON-fusion as to maintain the Chaos or to achieve an " One " World or Universal Dome so to speak ( yet still Hell and the Flesh Mortal whilst then to rot as like an Apple ) ! As Saytaan ( or Counterfeit being a manifested chaotic and unclean dark Embodiment , being also the Fallen One as like Lucifer ) IS the One whom IS Incredble Jealous , filled with Envy and Anger towards the Most High ~ Yah Hu ~ and thus by its Incredible Smart Deceit , even was able to let Eve/Adam BeLIEve that its own Manifested Realm ( Eden ~ Copy ~ Garden ) was even More Exquisite and Wonderfull as Indeed to may Here even Become as thy Own Creator or ~ god ~ !! Really ?? To End , and yet being Humble , not even to pretend to say that I AM Eve ( part of Adam and both then being a wholesome Atom or Holy Grail , Golden Cup ) , whilst like Mary ( of Magdala ) since " 2000 " been Set on a Rough Awakening Path , whereby all what felt famiiar or of what I thought was familiar to do in this World , has been taken away from me in a horrific brutal Way , because Me Too dared to weep at the Rivers of Babylon so to speak , ... But then ~ Christos and Sophia ( Logos ) ~ knocked at My door , and step by step in the past 19 years Indeed then Set Me on their Pure ( rescue ) Ladder , not easy as one shall surely still glide back a few times or getting caught into the claws again ... ! Even then to Undergo an Incredible tough Purification /Restoration process , as being caught in the Web of the Spider shall cover our Spirit /Self inevitable with unclean fibers as well ... Whereby I and By OWN Free WILL No longer wanted to get Sucked within the Net/Web of the IT No more ( lessons learned ) whilst My Spirit or proof of Purity passed the Test , and thus allowed them to fully Pull me through the Narrow Gate , whilst the Dragon surely still made its attempts to mislead me or to completely devour Me , yet My Love and Adoration for the Most High ~ Yah Hu ~ IS So Strong , and its Own Song ( Sound ) being THE PURE LADDER or Mighty String whereout We too got birthed Out into a visible or Living Form ! Then set in the Glorified , Beautiful and Shinning " Garden of Eden " until Indeed then the Fallen Angel or Fallen Note ( leak ) out of the Pure Devine ( music ) Ladder started to Sing its Own Song or Manifested " Shadow " Garden , Realm ... Physical Still Present in its Garden , yet being as our Own Avatar Here ( or Ghost ) , because our Salvation out of this Hell Hole , is mainly at First a Spiritual journey , or how also the Pharaoh described the Gate Away from this Under ( the Heavens ) World ! Yet a few shall Not have been Able , as Indeed their Golden Ornaments Too Megalomane ( Vanity ) and the Gate onto the " Pure Immortal " Dome ( again ) Indeed Incredible Narrow , ... :-))) Praise ~ Yah Hu ~ and Incredible Smart Too ! Spiritual Mind Food , feel Free to Be or Live the ~ Lie ~ or Not , kind regards , ~ * ~
another evidence for the connection between the dead & the living the narration about the companion Thabit Ibn Qays Al ansary RA: عن أنس : أن ثابت بن قيس بن شماس جاء يوم اليمامة وقد نشر أكفانه وتحنط قال : اللهم إني أبرأ إليك مما جاء به هؤلاء ، وأعتذر مما صنع هؤلاء . فقتل ، وكانت له درع فسرقت ، فرآه رجل فيما يرى النائم ، فقال : إن درعي في قدر تحت الكانون في مكان كذا وكذا ، ووصاه بوصايا ، فطلبوا الدرع فوجدوها وأنفذوا الوصايا .
sheik, you didn't go back to explain from part two, about the fitna of the grave, about the one who didn't hear about islam and dies. how he is questioned and what is said?
46:17 "I dont ever want to disrespect a group that bows their head to Allah". Sheikh, just because people bow themselves before Allah doesn't mean they deserve our respect. The jews bow before Allah but their deeds are null and void, the christians bow down to Allah but associate with him partners. Allahs says in the Quran "Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth and the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the moving creatures and many of the people? But upon many the punishment has been justified" (Surah 22:18). Allah says in this verse that there are people who do sujud but will still get punishment! If you don't want to make fun of a group that is one thing, but to go out of your way all the time to point out how we should be brotherly with groups who clearly oppose the teachings of Allah and His Messenger is absolutely unacceptable. The shia make sujood to Fatimah (RA) and call DIRECTLY upon Ali (RA) and others. This is clear cut shirk. They ascribe to their imams things only Allah posseses, thus making partners with him. And sheikh you know more than me what they claim! They curse our Mother and accuse the Muhajiron and the Ansar of Kufr, when Allah was well pleased with them and promised them Jannah. They contradict Allah and they contradict His Messenger. It is not part of iman to love deviants! Wallahi i seek refuge in Allah from being resurrected near a shia in the Day of Judgement or near a grave worshipper or a denier of the sunnah! Reconsider your stances Sheikh and be like lbn Taymiyyah who feared none but Allah. Don't fear controversv, and fear Allah
You are taking educated, experienced people for clueless children. Your best ideas were considered by them long ago. Don't think you know better without having sat with and learned from real scholars. That would be arrogance. A far safer bet would be to listen to those with real knowledge.
A question that needs a rational answer: Is it possible for you to "see" in a dream someone you have never seen in your life? I need a scientific answer.
If you believe that the imaams get inspiration from god how can you still be considered a Muslim cos isn’t that affirming prophethood after the final prophet Muhammad pbuh ?
Yasir qadhi has glossed over twelvers theology and said they affirm the punishment of the afterlife and the grave and its punishments and bliss, yet has left out of the fact, that twelvers call all the sahaba kuffar and say that there imams control the universe, yet let’s all forget about that!...
May Allah increase your rank in Janna. Because of you, I’m thinking of moving to Texas
Me to
Jazakillahu khayran sheikh yasir qadhi.
May Allah swt grant you and your family Jannatul Firdous Sheikh, i have learned a lot from you past 5 years.
@@roubamamohamed6935 qq
Ma’shallah! Ma’shallah!! Ma’shallah!!!
May Almighty Allah continue to strengthen Sheikh Yasir Qadhi with good health and long life 🤲🤲🤲
Masha Allah. Allah bless you and your family.
Jazakullahu Kheyr Sheikh for these beneficial series! 🌸 May Allah reward you and those who spread knowledge of the deen. Ameen 🙏🏽
Masha Allah tabarak Allah best speech May Allah SWT Gide us goodness and May Allah SWT bless you shaikh your entire family and all of us Aameen
You've just got to love it when the sheikh gets going with theology!
Jazakallah Shayikh Yasir for this useful and academic series. May Allah bless you to bring more and more series to ummah. Salam from Kolkata India. 🕌🕌👆👆
As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatu laahi wa barakatu Allahu Akbar
Jazak Allah khairun shaykh
I dreamed I was in the grave with my mother and I saw a window that was covered by cinderblocks so I could not see the view she could see but I felt a cool breeze coming through and always accepted it as a sign that she would enter jannah. Your lecture is reassuring for me
May Allah bless you shaykh & your family.
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi may you be a source of pleasure for the Prophet ﷺ, his companions, the people of his time and the Ummah and may Allah raised you to the highest stations and ranks in this dunia and in akhira and that you be engaged in that which is most beloved to the Allah سبحانه وتعالى and His Beloved Last Prophet ﷺ
'' it is more fitting that they please Allah and His Messenger if they are truly believers.''
Al-Tawbah, 9:62
Mashaallah excellent lecture. And very informative lecture. Shukran
Awesome series! so glad for these teachings. Its hard to think about and scares and depresses me but Im glad to fear Allah and seek protection from the Djinn that plague me, and consider especially some of the hopeful subjects of this last episode as a gift!
Dont fear John. They are powerless against somebody who prays, reads Quran, say Zikr. The more you fear them, the more they their ego grows.
May AllahSWT bless him. I learnt so much from him including Seerah
Allah ❤
First step towards knowledge is being skeptical of everything. Courage is required to accept your mistakes. But one has lots of investment in faith & it is close to impossible to accept your mistakes.
We pray that اَللّٰه ﷻ make this knowledge benefit us and not be argument against. We pray اَللّٰه ﷻ reward Team epic, all our scholars and their teachers and include us in saliheen آمين
Thank you ❤️
May Allah swt bless people of Knowledge in our Deen. May Allah swt bless my younger brother who got killed by a driver walking with Jannah al Firdous & unite us with our loved ones and protect us from the trials & punishment of the grave 💚✨🙏🏻
May Allah forgive your Brother and grant him Janatu firdaus and All Muslim Umar Ameen yaa raab. 🤲
@@roubamamohamed6935 ameen
Beautiful info here as usual. I also find it hilarious that Qadiyanis were intentionally skipped as being irrelevant. Rightfully so.
11:16..Evidences3.Dream of Ibn Abbas about Abu Lahab speaking about his worse condition after death..being given few drops of water in grave for his emancipation of slave on birth of Prophet (PBUH)4. Salman Farsi(RA) coming in dream of another sahabi (Hudayfa Al Yemeni RA I guess it was)after death..it was a friendly race on who dies first and comes in others dream. So Sahabi themselves confirming the existence of Living and the dead communicating with the Will of Allah S.W.T...
The mass grave
Salaam Aleicum. Nice to hear that you going into these topics.Rambam was a great scholar for sure..Did anyone hear about 18 century Jewish scholar mentioned directly about when Russia annexes Crimea,Malhama and Moshiah are around the corner?
JazakAllahukhair for talking about other groups , lately I was learning about them , but it was getting mixed up.
58:49...I am of a humble opinion that righteous people will just not be put to Physical rest but also mental peace..so they will be kept active till they are fulfilled with the remaining state of friends and families..so then they will be put to rest completely in Barzakh physical and mental state..so much so that time will pass quickly..but the effect of soul coming to its original default state in before its body birth..then all the memories will be supressed till the time they all have are reminded of what going to happen..the scenes on judgment day will bring back all what they remembered about the qayamat(hence the first question who woke up from this sleep)..Allah swt knows best that's and what I can reconcile in all what I heard from Shaikh Yasir mentions of hadith and quranic references..May Allah bless him with more wisdom than Ibn Taymiyyah and help us Muslim to reinvigorate our strength and position in this world..
Start a series on Islamic History after Sahaba period..
Shaykh Yasir has implicitly opened many pandora boxes.
My beloved ama jee passed away 25th of November, I feel as though you gave these lectures personally for her and Allah guided me here to better understand where she may be and how I can now help her subhan Allah. These lectures have helped me with some degree of sabr, jzk and may Allah swt reward you
Wonderful and knowledgeable lectures Masha'Allah. My Allah guide us all. I have a question which I don't think was answered in the series and was hoping Sheikh may be able to reply. If when we enter our graves/Barzakh and the destination is shown to us, then what good will come of sadqah jaria, or righteous children praying for the deceased.
Faheem Anwar It will raise our ranks to the highest level In’shaAllah.
When an innovation is introduced , it becomes very difficult to act on Sun nah , you slowly get more attached to new additions and leave the instructions by our teacher Prophet Mohammed (p), by doing that, we are going to miss out the benefits of that act. Of course, Prophet Mohammed(p) did not say anything in religion but was inspired by Allah... Its better not to dwell too much or hold on to the customs we are used to over the years, we should try to get close to more pure Islamic Practices and authentic sources as much as possible inshAllah.
Subhan’Allah what a fantastic series.
Dr Shk YQ, we know you’re extremely busy but a while back you said you may do a detailed history on the year 1919 insha’Allah. Then all you’d need to do is fill up the gap from Lives of the Sahabah to 1919 (1 lecture for every 100yrs) 😀
Question are, would this be beneficial for people’s iman? Could people learn by not making the same mistakes from history or is there a chance of bringing back something good that we may have forgotten to do as an ummah, such as waiting for Magrib at the end of Friday in the mosque making duah.
Many of us don’t know our own history 😔
Can someone please tell me what group he wouldn't mention at 44:20 ? Jazakullah Khair!
Assalamu alaikum! Where does Sh. Dr.Yasir Qadhi conduct classes about different theological beliefs which he mentioned in this lecture? Are the classes available online?
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
My dad who has passed on now was Ismaili and I Sunni. What would be his situation according to our belief?
Out of the Blue , I got led onto You , this YT channel ,
and what is shared is appreciated , even sound familiar ,
so TY ... !
Why familiar ? As being Reset or Birthed into the West yet at Core I AM still Oriental Minded and like Countless myself Too being set on a rough/tough/horrific Awakening Path , journey , ... !
Whereby the merciless devouring beasts ( maliginent Narc/Psychopath Colony or demons as like Jezebel/Ahab including the haunted ~ fallen ones , giants ~ spirits ) STILL are roaming within this Fallen Garden ( Broken off from the Heavenly Dome or as the Under " the Heavens " World aka Valley of Death ) and thus shall nonstop re- enter /host a Vessel of Flesh ( whilst the Flesh is a " Fallen Apple " Embodiment ) to seek out for Revenge ( after the Flood , after their previous Babylon realm got set on ashes ) , are the Ones themselves whom as Myself shall Set us Awake again ... !
Or to become a Blooming ~ Desert ~ Rose again ,
and thus Not a journey as like the Hollywood Tale about the Beauty and the Beast !
Even set Free from our own Blindness or Delusional Mindset ,
to believe that We got Birthed out into Paradise ...
Not So , yet merely as being the New Fresh Apples as to keep this " Valley of Death " Alive ,
to be used/abused as ( energy ) Food for the ones whom are already ~ dead ~ within this Strong ~ Coil ~ Hold of the Serpent ! Or also called the Spiritual Vampires , Cannibals or Zombies ...
Whilst Now to be transformed onto an " AI " Embodiment ,
whereby their Brain ( Clay ) then merged onto the Smart Cloud ( Iron or via the IT-Phone and Home ) ,
and their own offsprings as mainly a gmo tomatoe or potatoe version ... !
All Signs of the End of a Completely Broken and Rotten Coil ,
as Indeed once Deep sunken In or Strong tight Woven within it ,
the less Pure Light shall be Present ,
whilst the ~ dead ~ surely shall stubborn Hold on onto IT ,
as this Realm has become their Only existence or as already their " Bottomless " Pit curse !
Or also called as the Realm of the Lords of the Shadow ...
Smart for sure ,
as they always are capable to let Arise as like a phoenix their Renewed " Babylon " Embodiment and Way of Life , as See how many new Babylon Towers got Resurrected and even to still Praise their Obelisk Statues !
And their Bling Bling - Cities ( Comfort-Matrix ) still to Act as like the deceiving Devil ,
as to let appear this Fallen Garden ( or Hell without the Flames ) as a Paradise ,
especially towards one whom is merely wandering into the ( hot ) desert or ( raw ) wilderness and thus quite thirsty whilst the stomach shall hurt Too and the Flesh then covered by Dirt , so therefore to look hazard including to smell bad like an animal ...
Yet once Captivated by the deceitful Song/String of the Devil ( Saytaan ) ,
one shall become as their Own ~ Lot ~ story as well ,
and then merely starting to weep as well at its Rivers ,
whilst thy tears shall even be its own Rainfall to keep the Garden of Babylon blooming ,
and then wondering How still able to Sing out Loud thy Praise onto the Most High ~ Yah Hu ~ without getting beheaded or merciless getting teared apart ?
Whilst then shall Become the Moment when ~ Yah Hu ~ shall Hear ye ,
and ~ Christos , Pure Adam ~ whom walked before us including Able to Overcome this Realm/Death ( again ) , thus already Emo/Mental able to walk on/above this Chaotic Ocean or Unclean Waters whereby HE left us the Divine Key as to already set us Free from the invisible chains ,
and whom also Paved the Path , the Pure Rescue Ladder Out of this Pit ( Hell ) ,
shall Surely then Guide Us ( even to led us to suitable scriptures or books ) and even to help us to Find the Narrow Gate ( or New Birth Canal ) out of the Coil of the Serpent ,
whilst its Strong Hand shall pull us trough ... !
However , Only possible to achieve this Momentum by Pure Trust , Faith and Complete Surrender or to dare to already Die off from this Fallen Garden during Life itself !
Which means at first Already a physical Separation from ~ Babylon ~ ,
and whereby the Parable of the Wheat and Tare No Myth at All ,
even NOW fully Activated ( as like in the Days of Noah , Lot ) , ... !
As Indeed Here within this Field ( World , Matrix ) all are Now mingled together or being set at CON-fusion as to maintain the Chaos or to achieve an " One " World or Universal Dome so to speak ( yet still Hell and the Flesh Mortal whilst then to rot as like an Apple ) !
As Saytaan ( or Counterfeit being a manifested chaotic and unclean dark Embodiment , being also the Fallen One as like Lucifer ) IS the One whom IS Incredble Jealous , filled with Envy and Anger towards the Most High ~ Yah Hu ~ and thus by its Incredible Smart Deceit ,
even was able to let Eve/Adam BeLIEve that its own Manifested Realm ( Eden ~ Copy ~ Garden ) was even More Exquisite and Wonderfull as Indeed to may Here even Become as thy Own Creator or ~ god ~ !!
Really ??
To End ,
and yet being Humble , not even to pretend to say that I AM Eve ( part of Adam and both then being a wholesome Atom or Holy Grail , Golden Cup ) ,
whilst like Mary ( of Magdala ) since " 2000 " been Set on a Rough Awakening Path ,
whereby all what felt famiiar or of what I thought was familiar to do in this World ,
has been taken away from me in a horrific brutal Way ,
because Me Too dared to weep at the Rivers of Babylon so to speak , ...
But then ~ Christos and Sophia ( Logos ) ~ knocked at My door ,
and step by step in the past 19 years Indeed then Set Me on their Pure ( rescue ) Ladder ,
not easy as one shall surely still glide back a few times or getting caught into the claws again ... !
Even then to Undergo an Incredible tough Purification /Restoration process ,
as being caught in the Web of the Spider shall cover our Spirit /Self inevitable with unclean fibers as well ...
Whereby I and By OWN Free WILL No longer wanted to get Sucked within the Net/Web of the IT No more ( lessons learned ) whilst My Spirit or proof of Purity passed the Test ,
and thus allowed them to fully Pull me through the Narrow Gate ,
whilst the Dragon surely still made its attempts to mislead me or to completely devour Me ,
yet My Love and Adoration for the Most High ~ Yah Hu ~ IS So Strong ,
and its Own Song ( Sound ) being THE PURE LADDER or Mighty String whereout We too got birthed Out into a visible or Living Form !
Then set in the Glorified , Beautiful and Shinning " Garden of Eden " until Indeed then the Fallen Angel or Fallen Note ( leak ) out of the Pure Devine ( music ) Ladder started to Sing its Own Song or Manifested " Shadow " Garden , Realm ...
Physical Still Present in its Garden ,
yet being as our Own Avatar Here ( or Ghost ) ,
because our Salvation out of this Hell Hole ,
is mainly at First a Spiritual journey ,
or how also the Pharaoh described the Gate Away from this Under ( the Heavens ) World !
Yet a few shall Not have been Able ,
as Indeed their Golden Ornaments Too Megalomane ( Vanity ) and the Gate onto the " Pure Immortal " Dome ( again ) Indeed Incredible Narrow , ... :-)))
Praise ~ Yah Hu ~ and Incredible Smart Too !
Spiritual Mind Food ,
feel Free to Be or Live the ~ Lie ~ or Not ,
kind regards ,
~ * ~
Is there going to be any lectures about Day of Judgement and resurrection?
May I know the deference between being a moslem and believing in Islam
Could you not conduct classes explaining the beliefs of other Muslim sects?
another evidence for the connection between the dead & the living the narration about the companion Thabit Ibn Qays Al ansary RA:
عن أنس : أن ثابت بن قيس بن شماس جاء يوم اليمامة وقد نشر أكفانه وتحنط قال : اللهم إني أبرأ إليك مما جاء به هؤلاء ، وأعتذر مما صنع هؤلاء . فقتل ، وكانت له درع فسرقت ، فرآه رجل فيما يرى النائم ، فقال : إن درعي في قدر تحت الكانون في مكان كذا وكذا ، ووصاه بوصايا ، فطلبوا الدرع فوجدوها وأنفذوا الوصايا .
sheik, you didn't go back to explain from part two, about the fitna of the grave, about the one who didn't hear about islam and dies. how he is questioned and what is said?
46:17 "I dont ever want to disrespect a
group that bows their head to Allah".
Sheikh, just because people bow
themselves before Allah doesn't mean they
deserve our respect. The jews bow before
Allah but their deeds are null and void, the
christians bow down to Allah but associate
with him partners. Allahs says in the Quran
"Do you not see that to Allah prostrates
whoever is in the heavens and whoever is
on the earth and the sun, the moon, the
stars, the mountains, the trees, the moving
creatures and many of the people? But
upon many the punishment has been
justified" (Surah 22:18). Allah says in this
verse that there are people who do sujud
but will still get punishment!
If you don't want to make fun of a group
that is one thing, but to go out of your way
all the time to point out how we should be
brotherly with groups who clearly oppose
the teachings of Allah and His Messenger
is absolutely unacceptable. The shia make
sujood to Fatimah (RA) and call DIRECTLY
upon Ali (RA) and others. This is clear cut
shirk. They ascribe to their imams things
only Allah posseses, thus making partners
with him. And sheikh you know more than
me what they claim! They curse our
Mother and accuse the Muhajiron and the
Ansar of Kufr, when Allah was well pleased
with them and promised them Jannah.
They contradict Allah and they contradict
His Messenger. It is not part of iman to
love deviants! Wallahi i seek refuge in Allah
from being resurrected near a shia in the
Day of Judgement or near a grave
worshipper or a denier of the sunnah!
Reconsider your stances Sheikh and be
like lbn Taymiyyah who feared none but
Allah. Don't fear controversv, and fear Allah
the rantings shows exactly why you are a commoner and he is a learned scholar....
You are taking educated, experienced people for clueless children. Your best ideas were considered by them long ago. Don't think you know better without having sat with and learned from real scholars. That would be arrogance. A far safer bet would be to listen to those with real knowledge.
A question that needs a rational answer: Is it possible for you to "see" in a dream someone you have never seen in your life? I need a scientific answer.
Cant place a legal verdict fr a dream.
If you believe that the imaams get inspiration from god how can you still be considered a Muslim cos isn’t that affirming prophethood after the final prophet Muhammad pbuh ?
I simply could not say that Shia is a Muslim, simply because they bow they heads to 'God' which they believed to be Ali himself.
No they dont. Im sunni and i have seen shia praying behind saying Alhamdullilahi Rabil Alameen.
@@shahmir2492 you should broaden your research my friend. read what Khomeini wrote since the revolution about the imams.
@@2phix are u dumb
The scholars and their students say one thing, Sheikh UA-cam says something else.
@@greatgladiator7705 Alhamdulillah brother. I'll be seeing you on the Day of Judgement demanding your deeds. Thank you.
The mass grave :D
Can satan impersonate other Prophets(i.e Jesus pbuh, Moses pbuh and etc) in dreams? Or no?
No. As he mentioned, Bukhari's mother saw Prophet Ibrahim, and scholars have not said anything against her dream.
I don’t dream of my parents ; why .
Why should you????
I dont either sister but wake up for tahadjud ask Allah for it if it is good for you. Ask for His peace. Ask Allah
Yasir qadhi has glossed over twelvers theology and said they affirm the punishment of the afterlife and the grave and its punishments and bliss, yet has left out of the fact, that twelvers call all the sahaba kuffar and say that there imams control the universe, yet let’s all forget about that!...