Is it more difficult being a young player for your local club? | Neville and Carragher | MNF Q&A

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @skysportspremierleague
    @skysportspremierleague  6 років тому +69

    Make sure you subscribe to Sky Sports Football with notifications on to never miss a video!

    • @Falconforu
      @Falconforu 6 років тому

      Why don't you upload whole episodes after few days of telecast.We don't have access to Sky network in Kashmir.

    • @Josh-t7z8q
      @Josh-t7z8q 6 років тому

      I will if you get rid of carragher

    • @PlumbJuggler
      @PlumbJuggler 4 роки тому


  • @daniyalrehman3886
    @daniyalrehman3886 6 років тому +1333

    Best decision SKy ever made was putting these two in front of the camera.

    • @kolhapure
      @kolhapure 6 років тому +35

      True, can watch them talk about football all day.

    • @hmu05366
      @hmu05366 6 років тому +7

      @@GarethE94 - great comment, totally agree

    • @robertminnis3244
      @robertminnis3244 5 років тому +1

      Have to agree, they know football and talk sense

    • @SR2active
      @SR2active 5 років тому +2

      Daniyal Rehman 100%

    • @gunpuntuhong4531
      @gunpuntuhong4531 4 роки тому +1

      Couldn’t agree more, been watching since they first burst onto the pundit scene and been a fan ever since

  • @tris421
    @tris421 6 років тому +254

    Who's the best captain you've played under? Neville 'Oh Keane, Cantona, Bruce, Robson were all great and unique captains'. Carra - 'Steeeevie Geeeee!'

    • @GardEngebretsen
      @GardEngebretsen 6 років тому +38

      Tbf. Carra played under only four captains in his entire LFC career (Ince, Redknapp, Hyypia and Gerrard). And Gerrard captained the side of 3/4ths of Carras career.

    • @lovinglifeforreaal5689
      @lovinglifeforreaal5689 6 років тому


    • @1Leggo9my9Eggo2
      @1Leggo9my9Eggo2 6 років тому +9

      Gerrard and Keane were the only two real good captains from that list anyway. Gary wasn’t even really playing when robson was captain. Hyypiä was also a good captain, so please leave the salt and the United bias somewhere else.

    • @SiBanstead89
      @SiBanstead89 6 років тому +2

      Ince was only at Liverpool for two years, Redknapp was constantly injured and Hyypia was only club captain for 1 and a bit seasons (Redknapp was the club captain between 1999-2002) so Gerrard is the obvious pick for longevity.

    • @tris421
      @tris421 6 років тому +2

      @@1Leggo9my9Eggo2 it's a joke mate chill out.

  • @push_karrr18
    @push_karrr18 6 років тому +660

    These two may not be the best football readers of the game, but they're the best to talk about everything in and around football. Amazing duo!

    • @cgopie1
      @cgopie1 6 років тому +18

      It's weird, when they talk about things around football, they're both so insightful. However, when they actually talk football, they're both so basic. Probably why they're pundits and not managers.

    • @wannachatwithlucinda
      @wannachatwithlucinda 6 років тому +4

      @@cgopie1 they are still young i could see them both being good managers. nevile when he played was one of the best at reading the game.

    • @terrytong8665
      @terrytong8665 6 років тому +2

      @@cgopie1 truth is the dynamics football is difficult to describe, and most audience are ignorant af. thats why theres always the illusion that EPL is as good as la liga

    • @rupaknicholas4557
      @rupaknicholas4557 5 років тому

      They actually are very good readers, as all the defenders are. Gary was a very good player. Might not be a gifted talent like a. cole but he did his job. Very disciplined and always passionate towards united.

    • @jpeps_8842
      @jpeps_8842 5 років тому +2

      people like to overcomplicate football, at the end of the day tactics etc arent anywhere near as important as the mindset of the players on the pitch. Against weaker teams Sir Alex used to tell the players to go and just play how they think they should, trusting the players know what theyre doing and how to work together. In bigger games or if things werent going well he would then give instructions but his main part was the man management which accounts for so much more.

  • @smarakpatnaik9214
    @smarakpatnaik9214 6 років тому +335

    Gary Neville spot on with Rashford Martial comparison. Short, to the point, precise.

    • @cddb5408
      @cddb5408 6 років тому +2

      Smarak Patnaik
      Rashford is 2 years younger than Martial. I remember how highly Anelka was rated at a young age, Rashford did even better than him at an even younger age. Better goal to game ratio.

    • @yinyang8259
      @yinyang8259 6 років тому +8

      Carra was talking about another aspect of it. Neville actually backed Carra by making the rashford martial comparison. If you heard Carra's point entirely you'd know

    • @ZolaMagic25
      @ZolaMagic25 5 років тому

      @@cddb5408 insulting comparison for Anelka

    • @cddb5408
      @cddb5408 5 років тому +1

      @@ZolaMagic25 Oh yeah what a legend Anelka turned out to be lol...and I don't remember him ever scoring a goal as good as Rashford's free-kick vs you lol

    • @ZolaMagic25
      @ZolaMagic25 5 років тому +1

      @@cddb5408 sorry what are you on about lol..? Anelka had a great career. Miles better than Rashford. Proper classy player and a clinical finisher. Rashford has a long way to go.

  • @devanshmufc
    @devanshmufc 6 років тому +920

    These two alone are better than the whole dopes and old farts at ESPN FC.

    • @Alkhemy84
      @Alkhemy84 6 років тому +23

      that's a given lol. That being said I do love Gab as he is an actual inside reporter

    • @devanshmufc
      @devanshmufc 6 років тому +33

      @@Alkhemy84 same, Gab seems to be the only one with sense, the others just say the first thing that comes into their old minds.

    • @tickub
      @tickub 6 років тому +21

      My grandma who has never watched a game of football and died a decade ago would still make a better pundit than those clowns on ESPN FC

    • @simonjrgensen6761
      @simonjrgensen6761 6 років тому +16

      All of you miserable bastards continue to watch ESPN FC though.

    • @kilomanjaro4972
      @kilomanjaro4972 6 років тому +3

      DEVANSH SHARMA and he gets made fun of the most lol

  • @skysportspremierleague
    @skysportspremierleague  6 років тому +299

    For those asking why we don’t upload the whole of MNF, by dividing segments up we can create individual pieces of content about different subjects. Hope this explains it!

    • @WILLis678
      @WILLis678 6 років тому +97

      In other words: more money!

    • @thepolticalone961
      @thepolticalone961 6 років тому +4

      @@LeadsTheFallen they do

    • @WILLis678
      @WILLis678 6 років тому +16

      @Leads The Fallen
      They do, profit. Sky is a business.

    • @nicholasbolas
      @nicholasbolas 6 років тому +12

      Sometimes giving the simplest reason is the best. Just say you wanna monetize. It's ok. You're a multi-billion dollar company already.

    • @nizam_mr
      @nizam_mr 6 років тому +11

      It makes sense in a way to split the segments and put the title as the issue/item being discussed. When doing keyword search, relevant results will pop up.
      Having whole show in a single clip, what title would the video need to have for effective search? 🤔

  • @Harisankar-ce2vd
    @Harisankar-ce2vd 6 років тому +166

    These two guys are the best football pundits in the television business right now...worth listening to.
    And Carra wasn't the vice captain of Liverpool, he was the Co-Captain for the reds for so many years.

    • @SiBanstead89
      @SiBanstead89 6 років тому +5

      He was the captain without the armband, like you said.
      I dont know if he actually said it im paraphrasing but I think gerrard may of said once in an interview that they captained the team together.

    • @bigbeatyswollocks4859
      @bigbeatyswollocks4859 6 років тому +3

      We need more of Michael Owen and Sam Allardyce which are both the best pundits in the whole world

    • @Harisankar-ce2vd
      @Harisankar-ce2vd 6 років тому

      @@SiBanstead89 Yeaaa..

    • @Harisankar-ce2vd
      @Harisankar-ce2vd 6 років тому

      @@bigbeatyswollocks4859 add cris sutton to the fold...

    • @nauxsi
      @nauxsi 5 років тому

      I've seen Mourinho as a pundit recently, he was brilliant also. Being a pundit is a bit like being a retired politician, you can speak freely, truthfully without getting a telling off.

  • @dougquaid82
    @dougquaid82 6 років тому +169

    The reason we are seeing a lack of captain material these days is simply because there is a lack of real character in your modern day footballer.. Most footballers our days are picked straight from school, moulded in to the perfect footballing robot and pushed directly into Footballers lifestyle, where all real responsibility it taken away from them where agents and the clubs do everything for them and they get to a point where they can barely tie their own shoelaces.. That's the difference, lack of character.. plain and simple.

    • @bajo3582
      @bajo3582 6 років тому +8

      Jay Mattick Craig Bellamy said what you almost word for word. They have no responsibility and the players under him if you want to be a footballer then you need to learn the struggles. No limo or taxi you catch the bus or you walk etc. very refreshing to see

    • @dougquaid82
      @dougquaid82 6 років тому +9

      @@bajo3582 Bellamy himself is quite the character and he comes from that time where real characters were in abundance in the dressing room so it's not surprising he said this too. I sound like my Grandad these days when I say money has ruined football. But he was right, It has taken the spirit out of it. Characters in a team is far more compelling to watch than robots in a team. That is what we are currently dealing with. I'll never forget the early 90's for football, the characters and the teams of this time were incredibly entertaining and captivated us with their story as well as their skill. Characters were in abundance and the players felt more human which is what relates best with most of us.. That feeling of connection to players has suffered greatly since the money men have taken over.. and we'll probably never get those times back again sadly. Football has become a victim of it's own success, which is pretty ironic.

    • @WIM8
      @WIM8 6 років тому +29

      @Jay - whilst i would agree i would also say its because footballers aren't allowed to be characters due to fans and media. For example Paul Pogba gets absolutely slated for just posting on Instagram and having different haircuts, whereas 10-15 years ago players were drinking every night, gambling, sleeping with brothers wives and they are revered throughout their playing career. Players nowadays barely do anything and when they do they are called spoilt, childish and every name under the sun by the same pundits who when they were young did worse. That's why there aren't as much characters.

    • @bajo3582
      @bajo3582 6 років тому +1

      Jay Mattick players used to play for a box of beer or $50 because they loved the game. Now you’ve got people playing for $400000 on a weekly basis who couldn’t give two shits about the club they play for or the next generation. What id give to have the older generation back....

    • @simonjrgensen6761
      @simonjrgensen6761 6 років тому +1

      There is still a lot of captain material. You just look the wrong places.

  • @bordaz1
    @bordaz1 6 років тому +39

    On being a local player, Neville had great points but his perspective doesn't have many parallels. He was blooded into a great side by a club that had a legacy of playing young footballers, and experienced nothing but success in his time there. Foreign signings are under more scrutiny because Cantona set an impossible standard of playing and winning that Ronaldo somehow eclipsed - it's hard to settle for less as a fan after those two. Meanwhile Carra probably felt the growing impatience of Liverpool fans as they went longer and longer without a league title. If United's title drought continues, Rashford and Lingard might know how Carra feels.

    • @gart9680
      @gart9680 4 роки тому

      *Neville grew up at United. The class of 92 youth FA cup winning side were part of a club (United) that hadn't won the league for 25 years. Trust me. He understood the frustration felt by a club and fans that hadn't won a league for years.*

    • @RaphaelJohn
      @RaphaelJohn 2 роки тому

      Spot on comment here - Rashford & Lingard are getting so much stick right now from United fans, whereas at Liverpool and by extension Man City, the likes of TAA & Foden are succeeding, with both clubs looking to bleed in new talent like Harvey Elliot, Curtis Jones, Cole Palmer, Liam Delap etc.

    • @Spidey-2002
      @Spidey-2002 Рік тому

      @@gart9680 Carra was part of the class of 96 fa youth cup winning side

  • @michaelkilian3175
    @michaelkilian3175 6 років тому +376

    Just upload the whole MNF by now c'mon lads

    • @aninjamilkman
      @aninjamilkman 6 років тому +12

      More videos = more views = more money

    • @w3l5h7hug
      @w3l5h7hug 6 років тому +4

      just upload the full show after they upload the important parts of the show... win win situation

  • @NoelleFrancisco
    @NoelleFrancisco 6 років тому +62

    I could honestly listen to these two all day!!

  • @dazzaMusic
    @dazzaMusic 6 років тому +18

    These guys are entertainment actually make valid points and having a scouser arguing with a Manc is the best thing ever

  • @toby9364
    @toby9364 5 років тому +23

    Even tho they are obviously such die hard supporters of their teams, they are very unbiased and probably the best duo on television.

  • @clutchartist4567
    @clutchartist4567 6 років тому +56

    could listen to Gary Neville talk about football all day

    • @mediacenterman8583
      @mediacenterman8583 6 років тому +3

      Strongly disliked him as a player. But, my goodness he is the best footie analyst. Outstanding

    • @kasperknutsen8283
      @kasperknutsen8283 4 роки тому +1

      @@mediacenterman8583 he was good

  • @1dayullsee
    @1dayullsee 6 років тому +41

    They’re not your mates they’re your teammates. FACTS

  • @Sk-po9dx
    @Sk-po9dx 6 років тому +22

    Steven Gerrard is the perfect example of true captain. And it is very important to have a perfect captain even in modern football.

    • @h-y-p-e5255
      @h-y-p-e5255 6 років тому +3

      yeah that 30sec sending off vs utd showed that psml

    • @bensmith5288
      @bensmith5288 5 років тому

      Never won the league but apparently the best captain ....

    • @ZolaMagic25
      @ZolaMagic25 5 років тому +1

      Gerrard led by example. Carragher was the voice.

  • @ademeta1994
    @ademeta1994 6 років тому +26

    Carragher and Gerrard almost like good cop bad cop for Liverpool, Gerrard loved by the fans and more of a nice guy, Carragher more of a rough shouting type of player, 2 great leaders for Liverpool in an era of greater leaders in football

    • @martinh1309
      @martinh1309 4 роки тому

      M4 Productions dont think Gerrard is a nice guy in any way, very clinical and a top player

  • @fioredeutchmark
    @fioredeutchmark 5 років тому +1

    6:14 the word you’re looking for Gary is respect. Respect in your Club, respect in your team and respect for yourself.
    It’s how winners win with other winners, like the class of ‘92.

  • @MrJoemolin
    @MrJoemolin 5 років тому +3

    People can say what they want about Roy. But he single-handely demolished one of the best Italian sides of all-time, Zidane's Juventus in 1999. He was a complete player and wildly underrated for his play outside of defense.

  • @AverageAtBestHDTB
    @AverageAtBestHDTB 6 років тому +20

    Let's be fair, Barkley's issue at Everton wasn't about being local. He always played with a sense that he was the star man, before he actually became a star man. It's no coincidence that his performance levels dropped further and further after his early days. When players start thinking they're the finished article before they are, they always drop away and it was always so painful watching Barkley for Everton after those first couple of seasons when he broke through.
    The hype went to his head, so the best thing for him was not moving away from his local club, it was being placed in an environment where he knows perfectly well he is not the star man and if he plays like he is, he will be nowhere near the team. Nobody is in denial about his talent, but there was a reason Koeman didn't want him and IMO that is it.

    • @eddy4688
      @eddy4688 6 років тому +1

      Not sure the coaching at Everton was exactly up to standard either with regards Barkley, also some of these young talented players need to be around some real quality day in day out learning like Barkley is now.

    • @1878Originals
      @1878Originals 6 років тому +1

      Spicy Meat spot on

    • @AverageAtBestHDTB
      @AverageAtBestHDTB 6 років тому

      @@eddy4688 That's always a valid argument and I'm not denying that being around a better standard of player is beneficial once a player gets to a certain stage, but he was playing in a top 10 Premiership team so the quality wasn't exactly lacking. So it's not like he hit a brick wall in terms of his development, I just personally think it was to do with his mentality and attitude, you could see it in the way he was playing. He was greedy and selfish, he wasn't even close to being the shining light in his last couple of seasons at Everton and I refuse to believe that has anything to do with the coaching. You could write an endless list of players who improve significantly by playing week in week out in the prem, exactly what Barkley was doing but he never did improve.
      Even just looking at the way he left Everton for me shows the way he considered himself was far from reality. I always felt looking from the outside (not an Everton fan) it was a simple case of him being too big for his boots and that showed with his performances and lets be fair, nobody turns into a top class player by being selfish on the pitch. And I don't speak as a hater at all, in fact I'd love nothing more than for him to reach his potential as it would be nothing but good for England!
      So yeah don't get me wrong, I agree that moving to Chelsea is great for his development, but that's because he himself will now know he's not a big fish in a little pond... With my original point being that he never had the right to think he was a big fish in a little pond! He could have been, but he didn't reach the performance levels, but still acted like he did reach those levels... If ya get me

  • @thejudge-kv2jk
    @thejudge-kv2jk 6 років тому +5

    Carra was secretly the captain for us. He was the vocal one and organizer whilst Gerrard led by example.

  • @bluenose4903
    @bluenose4903 6 років тому +15

    Sky Sports made the right decision bringing back Carragher and that is coming from an Everton fan haha, him and G Neville together are as good as Ant & Dec or Barry & Paul the chuckle brothers RIP Barry 👍

  • @DeluxeRyan
    @DeluxeRyan 6 років тому +6

    Always an instant click when its Nev and Carra

  • @lupungashula8451
    @lupungashula8451 3 роки тому +1

    By far Gary Neville and Jamie Carragher are professional and insightful pundits. Well versed.

  • @zk10_59
    @zk10_59 5 років тому +21

    Why are they still talking about Lingard like he’s a youngster? The guy is 26

    • @skillless6619
      @skillless6619 5 років тому +2

      Maybe because he is always on the receiving end of forgiveness?

  • @samiaziz58
    @samiaziz58 6 років тому +80

    Jamie carragher:"yes I think captains are just as important now". Jamie carragher 15 minutes later:"no I don't think captains are just as important now"

    • @adammurfy
      @adammurfy 6 років тому +26

      I think his first answer meant that captains are still important in modern football but not as important as years ago

    • @FormerPessitheRobberfan
      @FormerPessitheRobberfan 6 років тому +45

      Seeing as how the video is 13 minutes long I don't see how that's possible

    • @1p4p_akqb99
      @1p4p_akqb99 6 років тому +1

      Sami Aziz he’s so biased it’s embarrassing

    • @diogocosta1305
      @diogocosta1305 6 років тому +4

      Sami Aziz he didn't say that at all, he said that they're still important

    • @petergeddes6652
      @petergeddes6652 6 років тому +9

      You can't have nuance in the modern world, to you either captains must be just as important now than before or they are meaningless, there's no in-between. The question was "are captains still important?", He said yes but they aren't as important as they used to be, please pay attention

  • @tristanedwards7302
    @tristanedwards7302 6 років тому +3

    To Neville's point of there being a greater expectation of Martial because he came in for a 50+ million transfer fee, as opposed to a local player on the way up like Rashford, I would question why Manchester United is buying a player for 50+ million unless they are expecting that within their first year they will become adjusted and an integral part of the team. 50+ million shouldn't be buying you a youth player who has potential and that is why there is the expectation. The transfer market as lost all logic. If Arsenal spent 50+ mil on a player at the end of the season, I would be expecting that this is a player who is 22-23 and expected to emerge as one of the best players in the league, or a 25-26 year old who is ready made for the starting XI, but obviously the budgets and average transfer fee varies depending on club, and Manchester United can afford larger transfer expenditure, so maybe it's not perceived in the same way.

  • @sandeepnaik5404
    @sandeepnaik5404 6 років тому +18

    Jamie is just being modest...he has been a top top player for liverpool

  • @DannyKeogh94
    @DannyKeogh94 6 років тому +1

    completely agree with Gary regarding Rashford/Lingard compared to the others. Yes it is wrong of me, but I always want to persevere with those lads. United have a rich tradition of bringing through youth players, and us supporters love to see young local lads come through the ranks and become club heroes. They are one of our own, so I am much more forgiving when they make mistakes.
    The likes of John O'Shea, Nicky Butt, Darren Fletcher & Wes Brown may not go down as the greatest players to have ever played for us, but the amount of love and praise those lads still have at OT is mental. Like I said, probably wrong of me, but I cant help being a bit biased towards the ones who come through the youth setup

    • @Spidey-2002
      @Spidey-2002 Рік тому

      The exact same at Liverpool as well pal

  • @jbillson
    @jbillson 6 років тому

    I sometimes sit and think "I could do their job" but then often they come out with some great commentary on the questions sent in; I just sit there nod and smile at the insight. Great duo.

  • @DeadlyTyper42
    @DeadlyTyper42 5 років тому +1

    Van Djik is a modern day leader. Old ethics in the modern game

  • @brentmeistergeneral6074
    @brentmeistergeneral6074 5 років тому +1

    Nev - ‘Keane was the best player in most games, the best defender, the best attacker, one of the best passers, the best leader’ which I completely agree with. Still somehow Scholes is the best player he’s played with and he couldn’t do half of this! 🤔

  • @doyadirty3804
    @doyadirty3804 5 років тому +2

    Miss 90s football up to around 2009

  • @niamhoconnor8986
    @niamhoconnor8986 5 років тому +7

    Gary Neville: "Roy Keane was the best captain I've played with!"
    David Jones: "Who's the best captain you've played with Jamie?"
    Jamie Carragher: *"STEVEN GERRARD"*

  • @1Leggo9my9Eggo2
    @1Leggo9my9Eggo2 6 років тому +2

    I think the difference is, when Gary came into the team United were not the dominant force they came to be, they were a good side but Liverpool were still the top dogs of English football so not much was expected of a youngster from Manchester compared to some of the other clubs. Nowadays as much as Gary wants to believe United are different to youngsters, they aren’t. United have joined the rest of the clubs since Ferguson left and it’s as simple as that, Ferguson was the last of what was old school at United. There’s absolutely nothing old school about them now

  • @lovedecors
    @lovedecors 5 років тому +1

    I love listening to these two :)

  • @thebizness5596
    @thebizness5596 6 років тому

    Gary was spot on at the end there. As a Man Utd fan I can admit we are a lot more forgiving with our homegrown players. I know full well Martial is more talented than Rashford but theres always a soft spot to allow Rashford to develop. It's always been that way, even if they're not that good we can spot players who aren't really Man Utd standard though like McTominay, we will always root for him if he plays. That's why we defend Pogba to the high hill when he makes mistakes.

  • @MrWex
    @MrWex 6 років тому

    My opinion on Captaincy is that it's about raising morale and keeping everyone's head in the game on the pitch and off the pitch. If you're losing 5-0, you need that Captain to step up. Not to lead the game, but to keep the players going and preventing them from giving up. I play football for a local club and there are games where we end up getting smashed hard, but some individuals in the team encourages us to keep going and we end up scoring a few goals, having fun and enjoying ourselves.
    Other qualities I would include would be defending your team mates when they make mistakes. Example, Karius in the CL finals. I don't know what the Liverpool Captain did but I would want to play under a Captain that goes out there and tells the press and the team that the loss is a team effort rather than an individual error.

    • @liampowell5014
      @liampowell5014 2 роки тому

      Even though on that occasion, Liverpool’s loss was purely Karius’ fault.

  • @notorious_new
    @notorious_new 6 років тому +2

    More videos with guest managers from Premier League and beyond discussing their play and ideas would be interesting.

  • @Tubingonline1
    @Tubingonline1 5 років тому

    Loved the discussions. It was quite honest and insightful. Thanks a lot for this.

  • @andyc302
    @andyc302 5 років тому +1

    Despite playing for two of the biggest clubs in the world I love how they dont mind having a rant about their own teams. And they have to be the best pundits ever

  • @fuaddanial2029
    @fuaddanial2029 6 років тому +5

    This is a perfect counter argument to people thinking Messi is not a good captain. When you're better than your team mates like Cantona, you lead by example. Imagine if Cantona could inspire his team mates just by playing good, Messi who is well above his team or anyone else is the perfect captain to lead by example.

    • @DannyKeogh94
      @DannyKeogh94 6 років тому +3

      I do agree with this, and I think the fact that Messi is such a great player is something that helps him be a captain. However, my "counter to the counter" is this... Although Cantona wasn't vocal as Neville said, he did possess a kind of swagger or attitude that inspired players. Neville/Giggs/Scholes all say that when he came to United he had this attitude about him, a massive ego which players got behind because they believed in his confidence that he/we were better than the other team.
      As good as Messi is, he is very humble and doesnt have that attitude. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I highly respect Messi for the way he conducts himself, and I adore him. But I do believe sometimes you need a bit more than just being the best player

    • @fuaddanial2029
      @fuaddanial2029 6 років тому +1

      @Keyser Soeze I'd argue that shouting from the sidelines proves Ronaldo is a better leader than Messi. Sure Messi is not as 'passionate' as Ronaldo, he's more introverted than Ronaldo is. But I watch La Liga games all the time, and when you look at how both players react when the team is losing which imo is the true test of a good captain, you see Messi edging Ronaldo as a captain. I give an example: El Classico last year, when Barca went down 1-0 courtesy of a Casemiro goal. It looked a certainty that RM was going to win, they were playing at Bernabeu and Barca was increasingly looking weaker. Messi took it upon himself to single-handedly create and finish Barca's first goal in classic Messi fashion. He didn't react, he didn't get mad, he was calm the entire time. And his teammates followed - he led by example. Compare to Ronaldo, who immediately threw his hand to his defense in anger when Messi scored the 1st goal, and was slowly becoming annoyed as the match fell into Barca's hand and threw a fit to his teammates when Messi scored the winner in the dying minutes. And this happens in La Liga all the time. As soon as RM starts losing in the past, how many times do you see Ronaldo throwing a fit. You may call that passion, but I don''t think that's leadership. And better captains like Gerrard or Terry would never react in that manner.

    • @simonjrgensen6761
      @simonjrgensen6761 6 років тому

      Messi is not a good captain. Especially not for his country where he continually flops. He can only deliver trophies when playing for his tailor made Barcelona team.

    • @bigzy8183
      @bigzy8183 6 років тому +1

      This is a great topic and great points are made from everyone commenting. BUT, saying Ronaldo has more passion for the game than Leo can’t be said (for definite) Ronaldo shows his emotion on the pitch, Messi is reserved and never shows frustration to himself or team mates. BOTH of those traits from both players are positive. Ronaldo shouts because he’s desperate to win, and shows urgency. Leo Messi stays cool clam, and collected and gives his team a sense of “Don’t worry, we go again” both can be comforting on the field.

    • @bigzy8183
      @bigzy8183 6 років тому

      Simon Jørgensen flops? He’s been to more finals than most for his country and has never got beaten in 90 minutes, it’s always been ET or penalties where it’s just down to pure luck.

  • @dikekamundu
    @dikekamundu 6 років тому

    Loved what Jamie said about repetition, so true.

  • @nnamdiejiofor3985
    @nnamdiejiofor3985 6 років тому +13

    How doesn't sky football have a million subscribers?

    • @hamanrohbani5563
      @hamanrohbani5563 6 років тому +4

      Because they only have 2 good pundits

    • @KR-jg7gc
      @KR-jg7gc 6 років тому +1

      Cos they upload bits of a show..

  • @izzfp9802
    @izzfp9802 5 років тому

    Asking who the best captain for Gary, there aren't many answers. He's been MU captain for the longest after Keane, and I think Keane is the longest captain for MU during Gary's career. The option was Beckham in National team and whoever captained England before Becks. Did Gary get to played with Steve?

  • @jamielangston2295
    @jamielangston2295 6 років тому

    Really enjoyed that.

  • @shuga_8
    @shuga_8 6 років тому +12

    Gary 13:00 that's true tho👍🏾👍🏾

  • @lovedecors
    @lovedecors 5 років тому

    Excellent Gary spot on buddy.

  • @user-em9mw9ch3y
    @user-em9mw9ch3y 6 років тому +4

    ROY KEANE the best CAPTAIN!
    Captain United

  • @lucabrasi3964
    @lucabrasi3964 6 років тому

    kieran Tierney was talking about the pressure on him to perform well evety game and I agree with pogba being captain, it's the same with Robertson he's a good player but he's young and maybe there's better leaders in the squad, i would even say Tierney is more suited to captain than robo but because he plays for Liverpool he automatically gets the armband. everything we do should be for the good of national team, all egos should be left at the door during national games and everything should be for the national team

  • @StuAus
    @StuAus 6 років тому

    Great discussion as usual.

  • @Our_Sole_Pusch
    @Our_Sole_Pusch 5 років тому

    Is it just me or did someone screw up the graphic @ 0:04 ? Why is Bournemouth's badge before Arsenal's?

  • @thembatshepomretho6735
    @thembatshepomretho6735 6 років тому +13

    MNF Q&A just ends up becoming a highlight reel of Liverpool (Jamie) vs. Manchester Utd (Gary) 🤣🙄..

  • @mintygamer6257
    @mintygamer6257 6 років тому +2


  • @huntermonzon5231
    @huntermonzon5231 5 років тому

    feel like that's in life now people are given things to hopefully bring the best out of them instead of them earning things by being the best and keeping that same energy day in and out

  • @RobertBernardoKim
    @RobertBernardoKim 6 років тому

    I like these two pundits. They have no bias.

  • @BrianBadonde299
    @BrianBadonde299 4 роки тому

    Sky pundits especially these 2 are on a whole other level compared to the other channels

  • @kushkarma7081
    @kushkarma7081 5 років тому +3

    best pundit ever. from an Arsenal fan
    obviously not talking about Carragher the melon

  • @majickarp5202
    @majickarp5202 6 років тому

    I am a manutd fan but!! Steven gerrard was a legend of game

  • @nicecronic7625
    @nicecronic7625 4 роки тому

    The captain of our local team was whoever was the loudest and they would shout at people whenever the didnt push up or marking someone

  • @markushagen-s4u
    @markushagen-s4u Рік тому

    I love jamie carllacher voice

  • @thewordplayking7330
    @thewordplayking7330 6 років тому +2

    People love to talk about how players used to be back in the day, but the reality is players are under way more scrutiny these days. Every little thing they do is overly analysed. A photo comes out of one of them in a club an it becomes a massive deal. A footballer expresses an opinion.. Social media goes nuts. And the media, reporters etc make it even worse, blowing everything out of proportion. From all the stories you hear about the 80's and 90's those players wouldn't last a season in this day in age. The pressure on footballers now is ridiculous. It's no wonder they act like robots and show no character, because everything they do becomes an issue. You get ex players criticising modern players all the time, when their era was full of alcoholics, woman beaters, wild nights out. If they did those things in this era they'd be out the door quick. An I'm 31, I grew up in the 90's. A lot of what people say about football back then is nostalgia and biased views. To me it's not money that's ruined the game. Its football fans, the media and social media. One good game... You're world class, one bad game... You're rubbish

    • @nauxsi
      @nauxsi 5 років тому

      So switch social media off or hire staff to take care of it. It's not like they don't have an international platform to get their viewpoints across.

  • @sukraj0068
    @sukraj0068 6 років тому +2

    Great vid

  • @kanyewestlover8530
    @kanyewestlover8530 Рік тому

    There best talk in my opinion

  • @nirenshah7386
    @nirenshah7386 6 років тому

    Great punditry one of the best pundits in the game.

  • @imrankaixa
    @imrankaixa 6 років тому +2

    this 2 lad the only reason i watch sly sports haahah u better pay them well

  • @shabulbalan10
    @shabulbalan10 6 років тому +8

    Really shocked!!!! Pundits talking sense!!!!

  • @rushikeshnaidu2524
    @rushikeshnaidu2524 5 років тому

    That young prospect Lingaard!

  • @mikedevaney3507
    @mikedevaney3507 6 років тому +2

    Jesus look at the list of England players Neville mentions compared to now!

  • @AjarnDeeTeesut
    @AjarnDeeTeesut 6 років тому +2

    These 2 > The whole on the ESPN FC Pundit team x Infinity.

  • @peegeezee1604
    @peegeezee1604 5 років тому

    Captain massive role always will be

  • @tristanedwards7302
    @tristanedwards7302 6 років тому

    I disagree with Neville's take on players buying in now to a manager's philosophy as a fluent tactical style that is implemented week in week out. This is basically what Arsene Wenger did at Arsenal - very rarely did the team set up based on who they were playing against. Arsenal played their team that they thought were the best team to go out and try and win on that day, and then in recent years, teams like Pep Guardiola's Man City tore us to shreds because while Guardiola does impose a general philosophy of how he wants his players to play on the pitch, he chooses his formation and his line up based on who he is playing against specifically. This was to a large extent Arsene Wenger's demise, because he believed that the philosophy would always get the team over the line, and for many years it did because the Invincibles were just such a quality side, and in the years after, the team got lesser in quality, but still good enough to do the same sort of thing and get a top 4 position every year. Once the player quality in the team sunk far enough, it didn't work anymore, and that's what happened to Arsenal the past 2 years - a few bad signings like Mustafi and Xhaka for 30-35 mil a piece and those players not turning up on the pitch and we were undone and that was it for Wenger. Arsenal are winning again because like Manchester City under Guardiola, Arsenal are playing a dynamic tactical brand of football which is the management style of Unai Emery. The playing staff have barely changed, and yet Arsenal has won 11 and drawn 1 game in their last 12 games. I think it comes down to a combination of many elements - the general playing philosophy, how tactically sound the manager is, and of course, the players at the manager's disposal.

    • @bri1085
      @bri1085 6 років тому

      I hate how pundits seem to have taken on this idea that modern manager have a rigid approach to every game. Guardiola and Klopp have evolved their set up every season according to the players they have at their disposal, and far the players are in their development, I'm sure Sarri and
      Emery will do the same as they build their teams.

  • @charli3k3lly12
    @charli3k3lly12 6 років тому

    Certainly easier when carra and Neville were young talents for there local clubs

  • @obitriceforlife5771
    @obitriceforlife5771 6 років тому

    I just tune in to hear these two analyse football.

  • @therealjag
    @therealjag 6 років тому +1

    Listening to these two increases my endorphins.

  • @amydumas1993
    @amydumas1993 6 років тому +4

    mates at 0:17 mates

  • @Bump809
    @Bump809 6 років тому


  • @TAI_05
    @TAI_05 Рік тому

    this was good

  • @neerdas5103
    @neerdas5103 6 років тому +8

    I lobh mandi neight foothbol

  • @overshot8331
    @overshot8331 6 років тому


  • @brandontierney358
    @brandontierney358 5 років тому

    Presenters laugh kills me 😂

  • @scopelynx5170
    @scopelynx5170 6 років тому

    Carragher was a good player back in the day, I’m reading stuff about him being basic! That applies to Neville bot carra

    • @maisiecarruthers695
      @maisiecarruthers695 5 років тому

      Carra was basic it was his attitude leadership and the fact he would.die for, the shirt that made him a regular

  • @sin2695
    @sin2695 5 років тому

    It must be! Cos Gaz and Phil were shocking!

  • @ptw8266
    @ptw8266 6 років тому +8

    Ffs pls upload in a go

  • @chrismetcalfe4135
    @chrismetcalfe4135 3 роки тому

    Gary is not local to man United he's from Bury his local team is Bury or Bolton wanderers he would have no link to Salford

    • @L_Martin
      @L_Martin 2 роки тому

      Tribalism so strong Manchester man isn't REALLY from Manchester.

    • @chrismetcalfe4135
      @chrismetcalfe4135 2 роки тому

      Gary Neville isn’t from Manchester he’s from bury Lancashire united are from Salford

    • @L_Martin
      @L_Martin 2 роки тому

      @@chrismetcalfe4135 Bury…in Greater Manchester.

    • @chrismetcalfe4135
      @chrismetcalfe4135 2 роки тому

      @@L_Martin OK 👍 it's a a little inbred town of hillbillies it may as well be Yorkshire its so far up in the hills

  • @sns14
    @sns14 5 років тому

    Keane the best player??? With Scholes, giggs, in the same team.

  • @ValveSpecial
    @ValveSpecial 6 років тому

    The “idea” at United was “get in behind”.

  • @jakenash8445
    @jakenash8445 3 роки тому

    Roy keane a real captain👊

  • @michealgill7582
    @michealgill7582 6 років тому

    Tony Adams. ..born captain

  • @Cliffhanger2812
    @Cliffhanger2812 6 років тому

    How can I watch mnf online

  • @simonspibey
    @simonspibey 6 років тому

    Did Gary play for Bury?

  • @turbo8628
    @turbo8628 5 років тому

    Any other liverpool fans hate that they actually like gary neville since he become a pundit? 🤔

    • @prideofmanny2981
      @prideofmanny2981 3 роки тому +1

      Not a liverpool fan but a city fan and i fully agree

  • @sebastianmoldskred2155
    @sebastianmoldskred2155 6 років тому +1

    i dont understand how de gea isnt captain yet

  • @T0FFII
    @T0FFII 6 років тому

    Not sure how Carra can answer this question, considering he never played for Everton.

  • @ramcanand
    @ramcanand 6 років тому

    Martial FC in the house, lads

  • @Dandeknee
    @Dandeknee 6 років тому

    for a switched on articulate man, surely Gary should of known not to take that job in Valencia. I'm pretty sure if he went in lower league England he would have been a succes no doubt.

    • @nauxsi
      @nauxsi 5 років тому +1

      What if the boiler wasn't working and there wasn't any hot water.

  • @theosantana7750
    @theosantana7750 6 років тому

    Upload the whole thing for once.

  • @daltoninthelionsden
    @daltoninthelionsden 6 років тому

    Imagine being taught the most widely spoken language in the world but being left with only Scousers being able to understand what you say :/

  • @michaelmoti6679
    @michaelmoti6679 5 років тому

    Gary if you know it all you would have been a good manager