The UserLAnd Linux resolution setting is stored in the ~/.vncrc file. The support script /support/ sets the resolution every time a session is started. First, prevent from setting the resolution by editing /support/ with a plain text editor (ex. Nano or Mousepad) Comment out the line that updates ~/.vncrc be prefixing the line with a pound sign (#) Change the line from: echo $vncrc_line > /home/$INITIAL_USERNAME/.vncrc To: # echo $vncrc_line > /home/$INITIAL_USERNAME/.vncrc From a Terminal (1603x756 is an example resolution, resolution may differ across devices): cd ~ cat .vncrc Take a screenshot. cp .vncrc .vncrc.bak cp .vncrc /usr/bin/gon chmod +x /usr/bin/gon Edit the /usr/bin/gon script: Prefix the line with echo ' (lower case echo space single quote) End the command with ' > ~/.vncrc (single quote space right angle bracket space tilde slash dot lowercase vncrc) Create the goh and gow scripts shown bellow. An example gon script is also shown. After executing any of the resolution scripts, restart Linux to apply the new resolution. ---------------------------- /usr/bin/gon echo '$geometry = "1603x756";' > ~/.vncrc Copying and pasting the scripts below into a plain text editor and then saving them is highly recommended. Typos can result in an invalid resolution which can break Linux requiring a recovery process. /usr/bin/goh HEIGHT=1080 WIDTH=2290 NEW_HEIGHT=$1 NEW_WIDTH=$(($NEW_HEIGHT*$WIDTH/$HEIGHT)) NEW_VNC='$geometry = "'$NEW_WIDTH'x'$NEW_HEIGHT'";' echo 'New VNC Geometry' cat ~/.vncrc echo $NEW_VNC echo $NEW_VNC > ~/.vncrc /usr/bin/gow HEIGHT=1080 WIDTH=2290 NEW_WIDTH=$1 NEW_HEIGHT=$(($NEW_WIDTH*$HEIGHT/$WIDTH)) NEW_VNC='$geometry = "'$NEW_WIDTH'x'$NEW_HEIGHT'";' echo 'New VNC Geometry' cat ~/.vncrc echo $NEW_VNC echo $NEW_VNC > ~/.vncrc ---------------------------- goh and gow scripts should be tested before using them by commenting out the echo $NEW_VNC > ~/.vncrc line with pound sign (#): echo $NEW_VNC > ~/.vncrc # echo $NEW_VNC > ~/.vncrc Now the scripts can be run without affecting anything. For example: gon gow 800 New VNC Geometry $geometry = "1603x756"; $geometry = "800x376"; goh 400 New VNC Geometry $geometry = "800x376"; $geometry = "850x400"; These scripts are unsupported, unofficial scripts that are based on a July 2023 UserLAnd fix. For more info: ---------------------------- RECOVERY PROCEDURE: Setting a session's resolution with an invalid value such as zero will break Linux. To fix this, the supporting files must be reinstalled. (Resolution changes will not take affect, until the session is restarted, so if you enter 0 in by mistake, execute the resolution script again before restarting the session): Stop the Session > close UserLAnd > power the device off and on > put the device online > open UserLAnd > from the UserLAnd dot menu (top right) > select Clear All Supporting Files (this will reload the /support files). If there is an issue with this, UserLAnd may be stuck on the current Session. To release the Session, Reboot the Android device > install another Distro from the Apps menu. It's worth repeating all the steps more than once if needed. This recovery process has yet to fail, however there is always a first time for everything. ---------------------------- More scripts: Install: xterm, tmux, suckless-tools, x11-xserver-utils Be sure to make the scripts executable (chmod +x ) /usr/bin/T xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources; xterm -maximized & /usr/bin/M (18 is the font size, set to the desired size): dmenu_run -fn 'Mono-18' &> /dev/null ~/.Xresources (20 is the font size, set to the desired size): xterm*saveLines: 2000 xterm*loginShell: true xterm*selectToClipboard: true xterm*faceName: Monospace xterm*faceSize: 20 xterm*Foreground: SlateBlue1 xterm*Background: black xterm*pointerColor: red3 xterm*curosrColor: red3 For Not A Desktop, start a UserLAnd session, do not start gol, instead run the T script (just capital T). For this example, htop, neofetch, and cmatrix have been installed: T tmux htop Ctrl + B release then press % neofetch Ctrl + B release then press " double quotes Ctrl + B release then press the cursor Up key Ctrl + B + cursor Down key, repeat as needed Ctrl + B release then press the cursor Down key cmatrix There are several terminal multiplexers such as tmux. To start dmenu, execute the M script (just captial M) from a terminal: M Start typing any part of a program name, scroll left/right with cursor keys, Enter to launch the program, and Esc to exit dmenu.
From a terminal (which shows where an executable is located, $PATH will show a list of search paths for executables): which goh which galculator echo $PATH If there is no output for the goh script, then it is not located in any of the paths listed in $PATH. For example, if goh is in the home directory, then the move command can be used to move it to /usr/bin: sudo mv ~/goh /usr/bin/goh ---------------------------- An HTML ebook for BASH scripting available on any Debian system at no cost! It's a beginner book that, "assumes no previous knowledge of scripting or programming." It's great for learning the BASH command line and scripting! Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide install: abs-guide From a browser go to: file:///usr/share/doc/abs-guide/html/index.html
The UserLAnd Linux resolution setting is stored in the ~/.vncrc file. The support script /support/ sets the resolution every time a session is started.
First, prevent from setting the resolution by editing /support/ with a plain text editor (ex. Nano or Mousepad)
Comment out the line that updates ~/.vncrc be prefixing the line with a pound sign (#)
Change the line from:
echo $vncrc_line > /home/$INITIAL_USERNAME/.vncrc
# echo $vncrc_line > /home/$INITIAL_USERNAME/.vncrc
From a Terminal (1603x756 is an example resolution, resolution may differ across devices):
cd ~
cat .vncrc
Take a screenshot.
cp .vncrc .vncrc.bak
cp .vncrc /usr/bin/gon
chmod +x /usr/bin/gon
Edit the /usr/bin/gon script:
Prefix the line with echo ' (lower case echo space single quote)
End the command with ' > ~/.vncrc (single quote space right angle bracket space tilde slash dot lowercase vncrc)
Create the goh and gow scripts shown bellow. An example gon script is also shown.
After executing any of the resolution scripts, restart Linux to apply the new resolution.
echo '$geometry = "1603x756";' > ~/.vncrc
Copying and pasting the scripts below into a plain text editor and then saving them is highly recommended. Typos can result in an invalid resolution which can break Linux requiring a recovery process.
NEW_VNC='$geometry = "'$NEW_WIDTH'x'$NEW_HEIGHT'";'
echo 'New VNC Geometry'
cat ~/.vncrc
echo $NEW_VNC
echo $NEW_VNC > ~/.vncrc
NEW_VNC='$geometry = "'$NEW_WIDTH'x'$NEW_HEIGHT'";'
echo 'New VNC Geometry'
cat ~/.vncrc
echo $NEW_VNC
echo $NEW_VNC > ~/.vncrc
goh and gow scripts should be tested before using them by commenting out the echo $NEW_VNC > ~/.vncrc line with pound sign (#):
echo $NEW_VNC > ~/.vncrc
# echo $NEW_VNC > ~/.vncrc
Now the scripts can be run without affecting anything. For example:
gow 800
New VNC Geometry
$geometry = "1603x756";
$geometry = "800x376";
goh 400
New VNC Geometry
$geometry = "800x376";
$geometry = "850x400";
These scripts are unsupported, unofficial scripts that are based on a July 2023 UserLAnd fix. For more info:
Setting a session's resolution with an invalid value such as zero will break Linux. To fix this, the supporting files must be reinstalled. (Resolution changes will not take affect, until the session is restarted, so if you enter 0 in by mistake, execute the resolution script again before restarting the session):
Stop the Session > close UserLAnd > power the device off and on > put the device online > open UserLAnd > from the UserLAnd dot menu (top right) > select Clear All Supporting Files (this will reload the /support files).
If there is an issue with this, UserLAnd may be stuck on the current Session. To release the Session, Reboot the Android device > install another Distro from the Apps menu.
It's worth repeating all the steps more than once if needed. This recovery process has yet to fail, however there is always a first time for everything.
More scripts:
Install: xterm, tmux, suckless-tools, x11-xserver-utils
Be sure to make the scripts executable (chmod +x )
xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources; xterm -maximized &
/usr/bin/M (18 is the font size, set to the desired size):
dmenu_run -fn 'Mono-18' &> /dev/null
~/.Xresources (20 is the font size, set to the desired size):
xterm*saveLines: 2000
xterm*loginShell: true
xterm*selectToClipboard: true
xterm*faceName: Monospace
xterm*faceSize: 20
xterm*Foreground: SlateBlue1
xterm*Background: black
xterm*pointerColor: red3
xterm*curosrColor: red3
For Not A Desktop, start a UserLAnd session, do not start gol, instead run the T script (just capital T). For this example, htop, neofetch, and cmatrix have been installed:
Ctrl + B release then press %
Ctrl + B release then press " double quotes
Ctrl + B release then press the cursor Up key
Ctrl + B + cursor Down key, repeat as needed
Ctrl + B release then press the cursor Down key
There are several terminal multiplexers such as tmux.
To start dmenu, execute the M script (just captial M) from a terminal:
Start typing any part of a program name, scroll left/right with cursor keys, Enter to launch the program, and Esc to exit dmenu.
Great content as usual. Thanks !!!🎉
Thank you Ruth, hope you are well.
the CIA Glowies are getting creative
Your speech is very pleasant
Hello I keep getting this bash: goh: command not found
From a terminal (which shows where an executable is located, $PATH will show a list of search paths for executables):
which goh
which galculator
echo $PATH
If there is no output for the goh script, then it is not located in any of the paths listed in $PATH.
For example, if goh is in the home directory, then the move command can be used to move it to /usr/bin:
sudo mv ~/goh /usr/bin/goh
An HTML ebook for BASH scripting available on any Debian system at no cost!
It's a beginner book that, "assumes no previous knowledge of scripting or programming." It's great for learning the BASH command line and scripting!
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide install:
From a browser go to: