Not that simple pal. The horizon isn't a fixed location, it an apparent location due to refraction which unfortunately debunks Al-bri Never stop thinking when you think you know
@@physicsalmanac I got banned from his channel because in the live chat on his livestream of an aftershow, I pretty much destroyed flat earth directly, to him live, with lunar eclipse predictions And then he banned me
Great question! It turns out that this is answered with quantum mechanics. It’s not that light actually takes the path of least time, it actually has some probability of taking any path. But it turns out that, loosely speaking, around this path the probabilities of photons arriving all line up and add together. So the intensity is greatly boosted near that trajectory. So this path dominates over all other paths.
I don't think you need quantum mechanics for this. You can probably show that constructive/destructive interference of classical waves gets the same result?
That’s true. It’s equivalent. The wave theory of light is ultimately a coarse grained model of the quantum theory of light. The math is identical but the interpretation is different.
all these people mentioning nathan oakley are making me extremely disheartened, i didn't know people actually truly believed in the flat earth thing still
Question... If we use a super digital zoom, we could see much further than using our eyes. The zoom on the tech has a limit as well because the atmosphere well eventually show nothing but haze in the display. So how can any of this every be accurate if the horizon is limited to how far we can view?
The horizon is not limited by how far we can see. There is no limit to how far we can see, instead the limit is the angular size of something. We an see things much farther than the horizon, as long as they are big enough, like stars or the moon for example, which is about 240,000 miles away. The horizon is only a few miles away. The horizon is just the farthest point on earth we can see. Not because our eyes can't see farther, but because the earth is round, and curves below our feet after the horizon. Check out my video " How far is the horizon" to understand this better: Hope this clears things up.
@@physicsalmanac ...Thanks for the reply and clarification. I appreciate your time. You stated that "The horizon is just the farthest point on earth we can see." If we measured it using our eyes and the description which you have given, would it not have vastly different measurements from measuring it using a digital eye, lets say a telephoto with a 1000x zoom. So where is the true horizon?
@@Melanatedone whether you use a zoom or your eye, doesn't change the horizon point. A zoom just makes objects on the horizon appear larger. The horizon is the geometric location where your line of sight just skims the earth's surface. The reason there is a horizon, is because the earth is round, and after that point the earth's surface is below our feet in a sense. The horizon is the farthest we can see on earth, not due to any limitations of the eye, but because you would have to look through the ground to see any farther along the earth's surface. That is, your line of sight would have to travel through the earth to see the other side. If the earth were flat, there would be no horizon, other than the edge of the earth.
@@physicsalmanac Thank you. Very interesting. How far up given established diameter of the earth would you say we'd have to be in order to notice a dip and curving of the horizon. My line of question started because I recently saw conflicting views from authorities on the matter.
@@physicsalmanac Precision is definitely important. Refraction is a big thing to worry about too as it is a huge source of error. I've seen surveyor measurements with worse single measurements than 23%, or at least some huge error. I've had a single measurement being 100% off or more. Refraction basically makes the Al-Biruni measurement useless for modern Earth radius measurement. However, it's still fun as something to do that's close enough.
And, people miss guided others on that the Quran says about flat earth. But if it is true. So why this muslim guy calculated the radius of earth in the early islamic period. It proofs that The early muslims believed on spherical (approx) earth, not flat. And in the Quran, flat word use is based on our observation as we say sun set and sun rise. But in actually there is no sun set and rise, it is based on our observations.
@oxbowspirit4378 The current YT flat earth hoax is about nine years old now, yet you feckless clowns still can't calculate the distance to the flat earth horizon based on the height of the observer. Mere miles away and you can't do it.
@@jamesbreeden9016I guess you were not good at maths at school and now try to cheat yourself pretending it’s the rest of the world who is wrong? How delusional.
That's true there is a small correction due to atmospheric refraction. I wouldn't say this debunks Al-Biruni... rather that it means that you can see a little bit farther than he thought. I calculated this correction in the follow up video if you're interested.
Thanks fo rproving the flat earth ( everyone who already assumed everything proves the flat earth). And enjoy this sacrifice to the algorithm spirits. 😀
@Physics Almanac bud, ur lost. Flat is is a description of level in any context 🤡. The earth is over 70% water that sits at its level hence sea level. Earth is a flat stationary horizontal plain, does not matter how many calculations you think prove otherwise.
@@TrippCanada A flat surface can be on an incline. In which case it is not level, i.e. a ball would roll down it. Calculations never prove anything. Observation/experiment does.
Thank you for proving the Flat Earth! You are Right, you Need a flat baseline or you Cannot take the elevation angle! Great stuff! @NathanOakley1980 sent me! He reviewed this video today!
@@physicsalmanac YES! That's Exactly what Flat does mean. Flat is Not a shape. Flat is an aspect or description of a surface. You probably think we Flat Earthers think Flat is a shape as in flat as a pancake. No. That's not what we mean at all. When we say Earth is Flat we are talking about the measurement of the surface, Not an overall shape of Earth. We make No claims at all as to any overall size or shape of Earth. You globe Earthers think such things about us because you are being lied to by your globe believing fellows who would rather be dishonest then discuss the truth of what we actually believe.
Well many self designated flat earthers do mean the earth is shaped like a pancake. Maybe you don’t. But your claim seems even more bizarre. It sounds like you’re saying the surface of the earth has no inclined areas? Like mountains don’t exist?
@@physicsalmanac They promote the azimuthal equidistant north pole projection as something that might be similar to what we live on but that is all. It was never meant to be a map or model written in stone. None of us believe Earth is a flat disk floating in your 2nd law of thermodynamics Nasa calls space.
Thank you for the video.
Thanks for watching!
Hi. Very nice fast demo of trig and this is actually how celestial navigation works. Cool man!
Not that simple pal.
The horizon isn't a fixed location, it an apparent location due to refraction which unfortunately debunks Al-bri
Never stop thinking when you think you know
@@logansrun6478The geometry Al Biruni employed was sound.
Refraction does not debunk his method, it does degrade the quality of the result.
Begging the question!
I once read the definition of 'level' from a surveying textbook to a flatearther. His response? "Well, they're wrong!" LOL.
I believe that is the standard flatearther response to everything.
Yeah that sound about right.
@harrywilfong2008Level means perpendicular to a vertical.
@NathanOakley1980 Hope to see you on the show! Wishing you and yours well.
is there gonna be another one? I'll join if I can.
@@physicsalmanac yes tomorrow morning 8am central standard time
@@physicsalmanac don’t join
He’s going to scream at you and mute you constantly
Yeah I commented answering some of his (insincere) questions, and he deleted it pretty much immediately.
@@physicsalmanac I got banned from his channel because in the live chat on his livestream of an aftershow, I pretty much destroyed flat earth directly, to him live, with lunar eclipse predictions
And then he banned me
Nice video sir:)
Thank you sir! 🙂
That was very interesting.
Thanks for watching!
How does light "know" its destination, to take the path of minimized time, per Fermat's principle?
Great question! It turns out that this is answered with quantum mechanics. It’s not that light actually takes the path of least time, it actually has some probability of taking any path. But it turns out that, loosely speaking, around this path the probabilities of photons arriving all line up and add together. So the intensity is greatly boosted near that trajectory. So this path dominates over all other paths.
I don't think you need quantum mechanics for this. You can probably show that constructive/destructive interference of classical waves gets the same result?
That’s true. It’s equivalent. The wave theory of light is ultimately a coarse grained model of the quantum theory of light. The math is identical but the interpretation is different.
Answer is that light doesn't know where it is going. Why would you even suggest that? From the source, it goes in every direction equally
all these people mentioning nathan oakley are making me extremely disheartened, i didn't know people actually truly believed in the flat earth thing still
You and me both man.🤦🏽♂️
Question... If we use a super digital zoom, we could see much further than using our eyes. The zoom on the tech has a limit as well because the atmosphere well eventually show nothing but haze in the display. So how can any of this every be accurate if the horizon is limited to how far we can view?
The horizon is not limited by how far we can see. There is no limit to how far we can see, instead the limit is the angular size of something. We an see things much farther than the horizon, as long as they are big enough, like stars or the moon for example, which is about 240,000 miles away. The horizon is only a few miles away. The horizon is just the farthest point on earth we can see. Not because our eyes can't see farther, but because the earth is round, and curves below our feet after the horizon. Check out my video " How far is the horizon" to understand this better:
Hope this clears things up.
@@physicsalmanac ...Thanks for the reply and clarification. I appreciate your time.
You stated that "The horizon is just the farthest point on earth we can see."
If we measured it using our eyes and the description which you have given, would it not have vastly different measurements from measuring it using a digital eye, lets say a telephoto with a 1000x zoom.
So where is the true horizon?
@@Melanatedone whether you use a zoom or your eye, doesn't change the horizon point. A zoom just makes objects on the horizon appear larger. The horizon is the geometric location where your line of sight just skims the earth's surface. The reason there is a horizon, is because the earth is round, and after that point the earth's surface is below our feet in a sense. The horizon is the farthest we can see on earth, not due to any limitations of the eye, but because you would have to look through the ground to see any farther along the earth's surface. That is, your line of sight would have to travel through the earth to see the other side. If the earth were flat, there would be no horizon, other than the edge of the earth.
@@physicsalmanac Thank you.
Very interesting.
How far up given established diameter of the earth would you say we'd have to be in order to notice a dip and curving of the horizon.
My line of question started because I recently saw conflicting views from authorities on the matter.
@@Melanatedone I'm not sure. I suppose it would be determined by how sensitive your eye is at interpreting straight lines.
Nowadays you can send a flat earther to the ISS, he won't be convinced earth is round
He will say he was tricked into believing he went there. They are all crrraasszzzzyyyy
I have done this and I have a video about it on my channel. I repeated the measurement many more times and got an average error of about 23%.
Nice! Shows how sensitive this experiment is. You need very precise measurements to pull it off. Especially for the dip angle to the horizon.
@@physicsalmanac Precision is definitely important. Refraction is a big thing to worry about too as it is a huge source of error. I've seen surveyor measurements with worse single measurements than 23%, or at least some huge error. I've had a single measurement being 100% off or more. Refraction basically makes the Al-Biruni measurement useless for modern Earth radius measurement. However, it's still fun as something to do that's close enough.
And, people miss guided others on that the Quran says about flat earth. But if it is true. So why this muslim guy calculated the radius of earth in the early islamic period. It proofs that The early muslims believed on spherical (approx) earth, not flat. And in the Quran, flat word use is based on our observation as we say sun set and sun rise. But in actually there is no sun set and rise, it is based on our observations.
By ignoring the quran
@@yesihavereadit did he?
@mahfuzurrahmanhowlader3240 if he said it was round, he ignored the Qu'ran. Where does the quran say its round.
@@yesihavereadit the quran doesn't say anything about planet earth's shape
@@mahfuzurrahmanhowlader3240 spread out, stretched, is how the earth is described
Nathan Oakley 1980 adressed your video. Take a look.👍
Thanks for heads up. I've never heard of him. Do you have a link? I went to his channel, but couldn't find which video.
Never mind I found it. Thanks
@NathanOakley1980 made a response
Much algorithmic love ❤
The current YT flat earth hoax is about nine years old now, yet you feckless clowns still can't calculate the distance to the flat earth horizon based on the height of the observer.
Mere miles away and you can't do it.
Gatekeeping made easy by mathematics
Is the knowledge of mathematics forbidden to some?
@physicsalmanac When you make up or support lies with mathematics. That would be a problem, don't you think
Even if this were true, how is it related to gatekeeping?
@physicsalmanac "Even if that were true." At least you're halfway honest.
@@jamesbreeden9016I guess you were not good at maths at school and now try to cheat yourself pretending it’s the rest of the world who is wrong? How delusional.
However the horizon isn't a fixed location, it an apparent location due to refraction which unfortunately debunks Al-bri
That's true there is a small correction due to atmospheric refraction. I wouldn't say this debunks Al-Biruni... rather that it means that you can see a little bit farther than he thought. I calculated this correction in the follow up video if you're interested.
Sorry but how can someone get flat earth out of this, must be the magic mushrooms , wow
Magic mushrooms + ideology = I am the special bearer of the secret truth.
I don't know, I still feel like Eratosthenes' method is superior.
I agree. He had almost no refraction to contend with.
I knew it! The Earth *is* flat!!! (Your video was too mathy, so I didn't pay attention ...)
Too mathy 😂
Thanks fo rproving the flat earth ( everyone who already assumed everything proves the flat earth). And enjoy this sacrifice to the algorithm spirits. 😀
TOTAL PSEUDOSCIENCE. Thank you for pointing this out
Lol, at 1:56 you say you need a flat surface to make this calculation. 🤡
Flat = level in this context.
@Physics Almanac bud, ur lost. Flat is is a description of level in any context 🤡. The earth is over 70% water that sits at its level hence sea level. Earth is a flat stationary horizontal plain, does not matter how many calculations you think prove otherwise.
@@TrippCanada A flat surface can be on an incline. In which case it is not level, i.e. a ball would roll down it.
Calculations never prove anything. Observation/experiment does.
He meant to say " flat = curved"😂
@Physics Almanac incline or decline maybe, curve never. The flat surface remains flat even on an incline or decline.
Error #2: Cubit - we don’t know the measurement
Error #3: light curves - total pseudoscience
Error #1: you cannot measure accurately the angle of level to the top of a mountain
Error #3: requires a flat earth for data (which is reality), but negates this method
Earth is not a spinning globe but a stationary enclosed horizontal sea level everywhere plane with mountains and valleys
Definitely. 100%.
What is it with flat earthers under these videos, don't y'all have families to disappoint?
@@timetraveler7 1🤡🌏🔨
@@LiesExposed1 I see words ain't your strong suit, to be fair math and science aren't either.
@@timetraveler7 its ok fruitcake go back to sleep FLUFFY
Thank you for proving the Flat Earth! You are Right, you Need a flat baseline or you Cannot take the elevation angle! Great stuff! @NathanOakley1980 sent me! He reviewed this video today!
Flat in this case means level (not on an incline).
@@physicsalmanac YES! That's Exactly what Flat does mean. Flat is Not a shape. Flat is an aspect or description of a surface. You probably think we Flat Earthers think Flat is a shape as in flat as a pancake. No. That's not what we mean at all. When we say Earth is Flat we are talking about the measurement of the surface, Not an overall shape of Earth. We make No claims at all as to any overall size or shape of Earth. You globe Earthers think such things about us because you are being lied to by your globe believing fellows who would rather be dishonest then discuss the truth of what we actually believe.
Well many self designated flat earthers do mean the earth is shaped like a pancake. Maybe you don’t. But your claim seems even more bizarre. It sounds like you’re saying the surface of the earth has no inclined areas? Like mountains don’t exist?
@@physicsalmanac They promote the azimuthal equidistant north pole projection as something that might be similar to what we live on but that is all. It was never meant to be a map or model written in stone. None of us believe Earth is a flat disk floating in your 2nd law of thermodynamics Nasa calls space.
@@physicsalmanac Yes, flat does = level. How perceptive of you.
Hey great video
@NathanOakley1980 sent me
as he has made you a response to your video
Much algorithmic love ❤
Hey thanks for checking it out!
@NathanOakley1980 sent me.
Well thanks for stopping by. 🙂
@NathanOakley1980 made a response
Much algorithmic love ❤