Wouldn’t it have been in order to write a letter expressing the Transitional Government objection to the USA letter that stated the displaced Tigrain in Western Tigrai have been reinstated and leading a normal life rather than raising diversionary claptrap agenda as usual
It took them 2 years to address these issues. Now with Thrump, forget it. The worse is coming. All democrats who knew and supported Tigrai are leaving in January. Merahtina kilitiu gujile are very short sighted.
I think tplf or any body need to focus on economy of tigray. Take a lesson from the US elecection. If you don't feed your people then they will reject you. TPLF is focusing on power not economy!
Gentlemen, Getachew is purposely and intentionally killing the golden times of Tigray. Concerned actors , please this needs prompt action, simply because this is a homework from Abiy Ahmed.
Truth is dead.! Tall as a mountain, Touching the sky. A retreating haven to the threaten. Azure as blue a sky Gazing at sparkles Wondrous joy. Vast as an ocean, The expanse beyond The reach of the eye to espy. Deep as Balk-hole, Its mysteries impossible To spy. For fear once inside You will never be able to fly out. Far as the farthest star, No matter how loud I try, You won’t be able to hear my cry. Silent as a desert, In the middle of the night, With no moonlight Or shimmering lights that of satellites, Where the surface of the earth IS wrapped with swarthy shantung dropping from the sky height. A leal tactile steel pillar, Truth you are so near but so far, Albeit, at times a vacuous molecular, life without you is an ashlar with no basilar. These were how I felt When Truth died, Run over by a commercial freight. The immense silence I felt Paradoxically Motionless when you left. The feelings I felt , When they lower you down Into the ground, And I …. Said goodbye. Hoping perhaps one day, Death you defy, Resurrect and in the face of lies You victoriously fly.
ወዲ ወረደውን ከም አያ ጅቦ ጌታቸው ረዳ ዕድመ ስልጣኑ ዘናውሕ ብኽልተ ካራ ዚበልዕ ካላአይ ጌታቸው ረዳ ኢዩ
አነ ዝገርመኒ ጌታችው ንወዲ ወረደ ወክለዮ እየ እሉ ሕጅካኣ መልሱ መግለጺ ይሕብ ክመይ እዩ
ገታቸው መላሐስ እና ስልጣ አበር ሰለሕዚብን ናትግራ መሬትን ደንታ የብሉን።
ጌታቸው ረዳ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ዓኽ እንትፍ ስለዝበሎ ፍርሕን ዓቕሊ ጽበትን ኢዩ ዓጀው ጀው ዘብሎ ዘሎ
Selami. Tigrai online. ❤❤❤
ኹቡር አያና ስራዊት ትግራይ ኩለን ክፍለ ስራዊት መግለጺ ተሪር ኣውጽኡ እዩ ግን አብ ወዲ ወረደ እዩ ሕዝዎ ብደቢ ኣይተ ገለጸን
ጎበዝ ኢካ ቀፅለሉ ሓሳብካ ተመችዩኒ.ዩ።
ጌታቸው ዝባሀል ሰብአይ ንታደሰ ወኪለ ዶ አይበለን ብስሩ አይጣዓየን ዓቢዱ እዮ
ጌታቸው ረዳ ኣብ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ወለዶ ይቅረይታ ዘይብለሉ ወንጀልን ገበንን ምፍጻሙ ስለዝፈልጥ ወንጀሉ ንምሽፋንናይ ፍርሒ ዓንጀውጀው ይብል ኣሎ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ግና ናብ ፍርዲ ከይቅረቦ ኣይድቅስን ደም ስውኣትና'ውን ክፋረዶ እዩ!!!
ገታቸው ናይ ለያቡ በዐሐልቲ ንምታይ ኾኑ እቲ ብቁሪን ብጥሚየትን ዝመውት ዘሎ ሕዝቢገድፉ ።
ገቾ ምሰ ሰተየ ዝፈከሮ ፈኸራ እዩዋ
ናይ ትግራይ ፀገም ክናዋሕ ዝገብሩ ዘለው ካብ ሰራዊት ውልቀ ሰባት ንጌታቸው ስለ ዝሕግዙ ግን ፀሊም ታሪኽ
ናይ ባሐቂ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ዝኻሐደ ጌታችው ሐደ ዘይረብሕ ስብእዩ ህዝብን ውድብን ስጋዕ ሕጂ ዕቅል ገሩ እዩ ግን ብምፍርራሕ ዝኽውን ነገር የለን ትግራይ ትስዕር 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪
ሰላም ስሁል።
ስልታን ደለይቲ ኢዮም ኢሉ ክከሲስ ጸኒሁ፡ ንሱ ግን ኣብ ግዝስዊ ምምህዳር ስልታን ምክፍፋል ኣይፍቀድን ኢዩ ኢሉ። ስለዚ ደላይ ስልታን ኢምበር ደላይ ሰላም ኣይኮነን።
Thanks TOL for updating us the current situation In Tigray
ፍርሂ ዝፈጠሮ ሕርፈት ስልጣንን ንዋይን እዩ ሃተውተው ዘብሎ ዘሎ።
ኣነ ከምዚመስለኒ ጌታቸው ረዳ ይቕሬታ ሓቲቱ ምስ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ጠጠው እንተበለ የሕይሽ ከምዙይ ኢሉ እንተቀጺሉ ግና ህዝቢ ትግራይ ሓሪኑ ስለዘሎ ቀስ ኢሉ ስልጣኑ እንተለቐቐ የሕይሽ ዝብል ሪኢቶ ኣለኒ
You are absolutely right brother Temesgen.
ካምዚ ዝበለ Leveling ፅቡቅ አይኮነን።
አብስልጣን ዘግበር ድርድር ብፉፁም አይሕሰብን እሉ ሰለዚ ንስልጣኑ እበር ብዛዕባ አበቀዳድ ተንዳ ዘሎ ምስኪን ህዝቢ ዋላ ሓንቲ ሓሳብ ከመዘይብሉ የሪኢ ሰለዚ ብቁልጡፍ ክውገድ ይግባእኢዚ ሰካራም።
ምንም ዝወፆ የብሉን እቱ መግለፂ ንተሓሽከርቲ ግን ፀላዕላዕ አቢሉኩም
Serious , ayweseduwan iza 2 werhin ferqan gizie ytefii alo . Kibret yhabely Yqenielna 💛🙋🏽♀️♥️🙏🏽🫶🏾👍🏽☮️
Wouldn’t it have been in order to write a letter expressing the Transitional Government objection to the USA letter that stated the displaced Tigrain in Western Tigrai have been reinstated and leading a normal life rather than raising diversionary claptrap agenda as usual
It took them 2 years to address these issues. Now with Thrump, forget it. The worse is coming. All democrats who knew and supported Tigrai are leaving in January. Merahtina kilitiu gujile are very short sighted.
ሕሾት 1000
I thought Getachew gave temporary authority to General ወረደ.
ጉጅለ ጥፍኣት ጌታቸዉ ረዳ ናይ ባንዳታት ስብስብ ሓዱሽ ፖርቲ መስሪቶም ኣለዉ ሽም እቲ ፓርቲ ትንታት & ጥፋእ ጉንዲ ዝብል ስም ሂቦሞ ኣለዉ ትግራዋይ ልብይ በል!!
ጌታቸው ሐሚሙ እይ
ብህዝቢ ናዕቢ ክዉገድ አለዎ እንድሕር አብዩ ምዉራድ
Never getachw reda is our president
I agree with you
ግታችው. ዝብሃል. ስብ. ትኣግርኡ. ብዝሕ. ቅብጥሮት. ብኣዝሕዎ. ክዳአኑ. ድርብይ. ክኽኣይድ. ምዓልትታት 🙏ትአርፉዎ
King hawna
ግቾ ተበሊዑ እዩ:: ፈሪስዎ ተመሊሱ ዘዐርዮ'ውን ኣይክእልን:: ሃጥ እንተበለ ደም ከፋስስ እዩ:: እዚ ድማ ሕማቅ ታሪክ እዩ::
ኣቢዪ ኣሕመድ ይሕምዙቕን ፈረቓን ታይ ረኺቡካ ናቢዪ ትርሰዖ።
ንፀላኢ እንዳገልገልካን ህዝብሃን አድኻን አኽሊፍካ ሂብካ ንመን እዩ እቲ መንግስትነትካ ዋይ ዘየሓፍር
ሀዝብ ቤራብ አያልቀ
በጣም በጣም በጣም ያሳዝናል
ጌታቸው ግንዖ ወሲዱ እዩ ስለዚ መልእክቱ ክፍፅም አለዎ.
ንህዝብና አክተኽምምዎ መንግስቲ ዝባሃል የለን ህብና አርሱ በአርሱ እዩ ዝመግኽ ዘሎ ግዚያዊ መንግስት ካብ ዝባሃል ተራእዩ ዘይፈልጥ ጉድ እዩ ትግራይ ገጢምዋ ዘሎ የአኽሎ።
Entey fetewe ybukor
Getachew entay kitsrih teshemka kemzeleka tifelitdo bitaemi yigerim.
❤❤❤(Correction) መኤረምታ(ሕዳር 11 እዩ ሕዳር 12 አይኮነን❤❤❤ካብዛ መግለጺ እዚአ ንላዕሊ ናይ ጌታቸው ናይ ስልጣን ጽምኢ ዝገልጽ የለን!! ንምንታይ ድአ እዩ እቲ ናቱ ንስልጣን ዘለዎ ጽምኢ ንካልኦ ዘላግበሎምን ናይ ካልኦት ምስሊ ጸሎሎ ዝቀብእ???😢😢😢
እዚ ጉጅለ እዙይ ንህዝቢ ትግራይ ወኪሉ ዘይኮነስ ንቶም ቀንደኛታት ጸላእቲ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ዝኾኑ ብልፅግናን ደጊፉ ጠጠው ዝበለ እዩ ኢልካ ኣፍካ መሊእካ ምዝራብ ይከአል እዩ ።
Xti ውድብ ዝትብሎ ዘለካ ጥዕይ ዩ ኢልካ ዶ ትኣምን ንስካከ፣፣መንእሰይ ትግራይ ንጦርነት ኣብዘይተዳለወሉ ንህልቂት ዝዳረገ መን እዩ ኢልካ ትሓስብ፣
ተዛራሪብም እዮም ህወሓት ትኽክል እዮም ኮይኑ ግና ሰራዊት ትግራይ እወ ወሲና ኢና ክብሉ ናይ መወዳዕታ ክኾን ኣለዎ ብድህሪዑ ንዝመጽዕ ተዳሊዮም ወዲዖም ጥራህ ክዛረቡዎ ይግባዕ ስለዚ መግለጺ ዘይምሓቦም ትኽክል እዩ ጌታቸው ክዛረቡ ይደፍዖም እዪ ዘሎ ፈደራል ክህግዞ ልቢ ነዕቢ።
ጌታችው ኣግህዱ እሉ እዩ ዘውርደኒ ዕብይ ኣሐመድ እዩ እሉ እዩ ተኣማሚኑ
ግዝያዊ ምምሕዳር ኣየድልን መን እዩ ሓቲቱ??እዛ ቀልድስ መዓዝ እያ እትመዓራረ እቱ ምምሕዳር 27 ኣባላት ኻብነ ኣለዉዎ ካብዚኦም 14 ወከልቲ ህወሓት እዮም ካብዚኦም ኸዓ 5ሰባት ይለዓሉለይ ምባሉ ህወሓት ካብ ድርሽኡ እዩ ሓቲቱ ኣበይ እያ ግምት ተቃዊሙ??ኣነግን ፈሊጡያ ዝደቀሰስ ተነቅኒቁ ኣይሰምዕን እዩ ዝመስለኒ ግን ሕጂውን ተቀራሪብካ ሓሳብ ንሓሳብ ብመርህ ህዝቢ ምኽባር ግዘ ኣሎ ንማነኛው TOLየቅኒየልና!!ትግራይ ትስዕር!!
I think tplf or any body need to focus on economy of tigray. Take a lesson from the US elecection. If you don't feed your people then they will reject you. TPLF is focusing on power not economy!
Getachew is becoming a bully.
ጌታቸው ከም ናይ ኣቢዪ ናይ ኣሜርካ ምርጫ ሓድሽ ዕድል ዝፈጥረሉ ዘሎ ኮይኑ ይስምዖ ኣሎ ይመስለኒ። ብዛዕባ እቲ ተመዛበልቲ ተሚሊሶም ዝብል ጉዳይ መግለጺ ምሃብ ምሓሾ።
ጌታቸው ንመን እዩ ተኣማሚኑ? ፍሉጥ እዩ። ኣነ ብግልባጡ ዝሓትት ህወሓት ንመን ተኣማሚና እያ ትፍክር ዘላ? ዶስ ከም ልማዳ ከይተዳለወት ህዝቢ ክተወድእ እያ? ህወሓት ኣብ ጥራሕ መዓኮራ እያ ትፍክር።
ጌዘዊ ምምህዶሪ ጠጠዉ አብሉ ዶአይተባህለን😂😂😂😂😂
TDF must speak out loud and remove getachew and his cliques
Silence of TDF is ecouraging anarcy in tigrai
Well done tigraionline
ስልጣነይ አየካፍልን መሸፈጢ ንዕርቂ ግን ንዛት ለሚዱ ብሽምግልና ምክትል አቦወምበር ህወሓት ስለ ዘግነየ ሕዝለ ካሊእ ረብሓ ንምግናይ.ዩ ዕሉል አምባገነን ልኡክ ፒፒ ከም ዝኮነ.ዩ ዘረድእ።
Getachaw need to go now ! Getachaw is Not Not TPLF ,He need to go now !
ደደባት ፡ተስፈኛታት
I never seen the most lying degree achieved man Getachew Reda
Gentlemen, Getachew is purposely and intentionally killing the golden times of Tigray. Concerned actors , please this needs prompt action, simply because this is a homework from Abiy Ahmed.
Getachew malet Abey malet new
እወ ናይ ፍርሕን ራዕድን ዘረባ እዩ እምበር ውሽጠ ውሽጡስ ምሸሚሹ እዩ
ኣነ ጌታቸው ረዳ ኣብ ውድብ ህወሓት ኮይኑ እንተ ዝቃለስ ነይሩ ተቐባልነቱን ተካእነቱን ዝዓበየ እዩ ነይሩ ሕጂ ግን ኦሮማይ ኮይኑ ኣሎ።
እንታይ እሞ ናይ ሰካራም ዓጀውጀው.ዩ ቅምነገር የብሉን።
Anta geltam beray hizewine kiltselten aykalkan aykalkan . Buseru ke an wearing eka tinder. Hasn't Newry eyu
ኣፍቱ ዝወፀ ናይ ግምት መግለፂ ኣብ coment ብርክት ዝበለ ፀርፊ ጥራሕዩ ዘሎ እዚ ዘርእየካ ዋላ ደገፍቱ ረብሪቦም ሙዃኖምዩ።
ናይ ሎሚ መግለፂ ጌታቸው ጉራ እንተዘይይኮኑ which is negative ንተጋሩ መሐረኒ እዩ:: ትግረዋይ ሎሚ ንጠጋራ ዓይኒ ዝንቢ ምርኣይ ዝክእል እዩ:: is Getachew tries to undermine Tigreans intelligence ?
Getachew mnm tegbar zeyblu seb eyu melhas tray
ሕወሓት መን እዩ ህገወጥ ሕወሓት ደገጋፊ ዋጋ የብልኩምን!!!
Ata ferh hashawi
Teateat nbelnia zdnsbe ttnke
Truth is dead.!
Tall as a mountain,
Touching the sky.
A retreating haven to the threaten.
Azure as blue a sky
Gazing at sparkles
Wondrous joy.
Vast as an ocean,
The expanse beyond
The reach of the eye to espy.
Deep as Balk-hole,
Its mysteries impossible
To spy.
For fear once inside
You will never be able to fly out.
Far as the farthest star,
No matter how loud I try,
You won’t be able to hear my cry.
Silent as a desert,
In the middle of the night,
With no moonlight
Or shimmering lights that of satellites,
Where the surface of the earth
IS wrapped with swarthy shantung dropping from the sky height.
A leal tactile steel pillar,
Truth you are so near but so far,
Albeit, at times a vacuous molecular,
life without you is an ashlar with no basilar.
These were how I felt
When Truth died,
Run over by a commercial freight.
The immense silence I felt
Paradoxically Motionless when you left.
The feelings I felt ,
When they lower you down
Into the ground,
And I ….
Said goodbye.
Hoping perhaps one day,
Death you defy,
Resurrect and in the face of lies
You victoriously fly.
Hzb kmhzeb keaftf hergdzblzlo emo bnatntkasks nbaika adebgbearea mlhseka