Ok, the more I see your lessons, the more I like them. I like them for many reasons, but one reason is that you teach toward an amateur or intermediate player. There are many coaches that teach and tell their students that they should swing like a professional does, and this may not be possible or advisable! Your teaching is clear and takes into account players with varying abilities and health concerns.
한가지 추가로 팔꿈치가 올라가면 쉽게 어께를 다치는것 같아요
관장님. 별도의 영상으로 이렇게 설명해 주셔서 감사드립니다. 현재 알려준대로 연습 중입니다. 감사합니다.
워낙 많은 분들께서 겪고 계신 문제죠ㅠ 허수영님도 빨리 어깨가 완치되셔서 멋진 드라이브를 하시길 기원합니다! 탁구도 좋지만 우선 회복이 먼저입니다😉
Ok, the more I see your lessons, the more I like them. I like them for many reasons, but one reason is that you teach toward an amateur or intermediate player. There are many coaches that teach and tell their students that they should swing like a professional does, and this may not be possible or advisable! Your teaching is clear and takes into account players with varying abilities and health concerns.
Thank you , can you translate your videos in english please?
Okay! Wait for me.
@@SejunTTC thank you, your videos are very detailed and useful, the problem is the language
선생님 무릎부상 방지하는 방법도 있나요?
우선 운동 전에 충분한 스트레칭을 해주시고 발을 세게 구르거나 체중을 과하게 싣는 동작을 피하시면 됩니다. 또한 무릎 보호대를 착용하시는 것도 좋고요. 신발에도 신경을 좀 쓰셔야 할 거에요. ^^