• @gameleaplol
    @gameleaplol 2 роки тому +14


  • @maguc5906
    @maguc5906 2 роки тому +587

    "How do challenger smurfs 1v5 in lower ELO's?"
    "How do NBA players always win when playing against Middle Schoolers?"

    • @NightMare-jd6or
      @NightMare-jd6or 2 роки тому +76

      I think the NBA player would lose if the middle schoolers on his team has knifes and is trying to constantly stab him while he has to shoot a 3 pointer.

    • @hahahahahha6436
      @hahahahahha6436 2 роки тому +9

      like I wonder why damn this has to be the most pointless video I have ever seen.
      How do Navy Seals always win when fighting against 1st graders?
      How do MMA fighters always win against toddlers?
      How do MIT students always score higher than pre schoolers?
      How do NFL players always win when playing the local flag football team?
      just so stupid

    • @paradoxpmc
      @paradoxpmc 2 роки тому +2


    • @Bzk--
      @Bzk-- 2 роки тому +14

      It's not as simple as that. Theres a lot you can learn from analizing challenger laning phases. Instead of answering the question of "how do challenger smurfs win" with "they are better", this shows you exactly what the guy did to gain advantages, not through crazy mechanical plays but simply game knowledge

    • @lolfarzan
      @lolfarzan 2 роки тому +1

      he is challenger for a reason and there’s a clear difference as to why they’re diff ranks that’s y it’d be good to learn what challengers do that is different

  • @m4ecch144
    @m4ecch144 2 роки тому +249

    You are talking about only the laning phase and the nasus, riven matchups. In low elo troubles come in the mid/late game. Everyone starts to play aram, not recalling, throwing 10k leads and they starts to forget objectives. Talking about mid or late game would help a lot more. It's only my personal opinion, tell me if im wrong. :)

    • @kampfbretzel
      @kampfbretzel 2 роки тому +20

      Agreed. Im low diamond player and i i knew all that he said. easy for me to crush laning phase almost every game on irelia, but as you say, the decision making, team fighting macro is what makes me not have 97% winrate

    • @relku7225
      @relku7225 2 роки тому +2

      I agree

    • @k1lin_gr229
      @k1lin_gr229 2 роки тому

      the best way to secure victory with irelia is not to do trades until you are level 6 always ward because the jungler would come and always have the minion order where you fill comfortable if you do that first you will get a lot of gold second you will secure your win in the top or in the mid(i suggest playing irelia top because they are a lot of champions that play mid and counter irelia pretty bad so try to use different runes).In addition try to use combos like dasq with q while pressing e so the enemy can't see the e because they will be distracted be the q, then do second e r w q and you will have the 4th stack that will do addiotional damage depends the items you have bought.

    • @D4CrAnK
      @D4CrAnK 2 роки тому

      @@k1lin_gr229 r instant after e is fail because u don’t use ur q reset here

  • @austrianbeats74
    @austrianbeats74 2 роки тому +601

    would be interresting to show us one of the 3% of his games and explain why he lost them ;)

    • @izombieeatzombie4523
      @izombieeatzombie4523 2 роки тому +97

      90% of those 3% of losses is his team feeding way to much and that last 10% is mistakes that cannot be recovered

    • @farima4_legacy
      @farima4_legacy 2 роки тому +59

      Jg diff

    • @CamaradaArdi
      @CamaradaArdi 2 роки тому +20

      @@farima4_legacy If a chall is smurfing in pisslow d3, especially as irelia it's not jg diff, but jg mid and bot diff. Keep in mind that irelia is a champion that can easily 1v3 if she has hard gapped lane and they don't have infinite cc

    • @farima4_legacy
      @farima4_legacy 2 роки тому +4

      @@CamaradaArdi i was just kidding, and irellia can easly 1v5, just presses q on minions 4 times and auto attacks everyone to death

    • @CamaradaArdi
      @CamaradaArdi 2 роки тому +17

      @@farima4_legacy 1v5 is too big of a strech because cc exists

  • @thugvader840
    @thugvader840 2 роки тому +26

    Also a quick tip is that if havent seen the enemy jungler in a while and its not a farm jungler like yi or evelyn play safe and if you have a dash that is on a long cd like camille e or shen e dont trade with it in case you get ganked.And if you dont have a ward just assume that you are getting ganked.(if you are lower ello the ganks are alot more obvious because the enemy starts to play super aggro all of the sudden but as you get to higher ranks alot of players play passive on purpouse so you dont expect the gank)

  • @CheeseStickzZ
    @CheeseStickzZ 2 роки тому +41

    The nasus is pretty bad for that elo. Like he has never faced an irelia in his life, playing that forward is just stupid. Literally all he needs to do is chill farm under tower until level 6 and bramble vest then he just destroys her 1v1. Smh

    • @tsukikun440
      @tsukikun440 2 роки тому +2

      wooow thx to u now i know how a good nasus would do against me next time.

    • @CheeseStickzZ
      @CheeseStickzZ 2 роки тому +6

      @@tsukikun440 He's actually a pretty disgusting champion as long as he plays the lane phase perfectly, smacking things with a no cooldown Q that does 30-40% hp in dmg is no joke

    • @Yzke
      @Yzke Місяць тому

      true, true but a good irelia wouldn't allow him to have that situation either

  • @kylegillies9494
    @kylegillies9494 2 роки тому +10

    Really insightful, nice guide.

  • @Crazymonkey638
    @Crazymonkey638 2 роки тому +2

    4:55 she hits the little minion before the cannon because she knows riven sees that she wants to q the cannon, for that last hit

  • @jakob6437
    @jakob6437 2 роки тому +2

    awesome video thanks

  • @igorok3786
    @igorok3786 2 роки тому +4

    6:25 that's wasn't random she dash in that minion to not lose her stacks.

  • @kekiir
    @kekiir 2 роки тому

    great early tips just as i looked for

  • @samind9019
    @samind9019 Рік тому +1

    I love how u hid the newbie mistake of hitting tower pre min 5 with a like button xD @ 8:03

  • @mallaothman
    @mallaothman 2 роки тому

    GGs ❤
    Just got me her project skin 😍

  • @thanosrabbit
    @thanosrabbit 2 роки тому +1

    My biggest struggle is getting bullied and dived by bruisers or some ADCs / Mid laners. What do you do? Sit on tower and lose CS? Catch 22. I end up diving. Then dying trying to get my monies. Lol

  • @gamingwalruslol7763
    @gamingwalruslol7763 2 роки тому +4

    I always seem to struggle with mana in the early levels with irelia. This player seems to be using her Q just as much as I do but their mana seems for the most part pretty stable :/ is it a rune difference? I know shes not using presence of mind because I can see triumph healing her after kills soooo hmmm

  • @Alidotty
    @Alidotty 2 роки тому +1

    I would love to see her against ww or tahm or Jax

  • @calvinyip364
    @calvinyip364 2 роки тому +2

    This is a very good video

  • @YukiChanC
    @YukiChanC 2 роки тому +1

    lol.. the funny thing is that i literally see the video and the " Q " Wave let me 17/0 in ranked soloq. . . thx man i guess i find my champ.

  • @mateomontoya3610
    @mateomontoya3610 2 роки тому

    Hello GameLeap, i am a Diamond II stuck player, if i take your courses, what are the odds of reaching higher?

  • @khaipinaulak485
    @khaipinaulak485 2 роки тому +7

    4:59 Irelia waited not because she don't want her dmg to be blocked but rather to use her last Q to close the gap between them when riven uses her dash to get away or flash.
    Simply, Irelia use her Q to gap close.

  • @momchilandonov
    @momchilandonov 3 місяці тому

    7:45 it's funny you point mistakes in Irelia's decision making however I am pretty sure Nasus had miserable stacks and CSing... Showing the wave would give him free gold after all!

  • @sykkoxo
    @sykkoxo 2 роки тому +6

    That account Madison Reckless on EUW that Irelia is playing on is obviously getting boosted. It's not a smurf. Scroll down to his Nocturne & Warwick games. The key he have flash on have swapped.

  • @sharvenhubbard8030
    @sharvenhubbard8030 2 роки тому

    I know all of this and do all of this but i have 1 problem my macro sucks and it gets even worse when i get tilted

  • @mandasmovingcastle
    @mandasmovingcastle 2 роки тому +12

    THIS IS SO HELPFUL I'M SCREAMING. You explain everything so clearly, which a lot of guides lack.

  • @jgralak13
    @jgralak13 2 роки тому

    6:25 she also aaed Q minion to kill it soon enough not to lose 3 passive stacks probably

  • @leno8914
    @leno8914 2 роки тому

    Gracias amigo 😎👍

  • @AlexandrBorschchev
    @AlexandrBorschchev 2 роки тому

    i love the small jokes lol "the wave is the size of EU West" "Susan"

  • @floatyboi4390
    @floatyboi4390 2 роки тому +12

    I think I know why he has a 97% WR... 1. He's smurfing, 2. He's playing Irelia, 3. HES SMURFING

    • @yGKeKe
      @yGKeKe 2 роки тому +4

      Challenger players who smurf usually end up with like 70% winrates maximum. They also end up in diamond/masters tier games within their first 50 games. It is literally impossible to win 97% of your games with a balanced champion because of the other four numbskulls on your team. This champion is legitimately busted right now when you consider her damage and sustain with two items.

  • @Muenchen559
    @Muenchen559 2 роки тому


  • @Tescardinator1
    @Tescardinator1 2 роки тому +1

    Love this videos, and the guy who talks makes me laugh. Keep doing them

  • @umtarde
    @umtarde 2 роки тому

    ok, but if enemies' jg is camping top with enemies' mid and supp (this happens like in 80% of all my games) how am i supposed to win
    i can NOT LOSE the lane but i really cant win the lane and snowball in this case
    i just cant play the game and my team DOESNT WANT to do smth useful while the enemy team is wasting time trying to kill me

  • @Wombola
    @Wombola 2 роки тому +5

    awesome! so much top content, i'm so glad i switch to bruiser main

  • @Hydr312
    @Hydr312 2 роки тому

    Dropping this video after irelia nerfs :D

  • @mikeymetzger9548
    @mikeymetzger9548 2 роки тому

    Please do the same video for GP

  • @zan6585
    @zan6585 Рік тому

    Irelia never pushes wave level one because she sucks at trading when the minions are near turret, Lee is definitely part of that. He's not trading with riven because even if he wins trade, he'll be pushing wave by taking caster agro. If his lane is pushed at all then Lee Sin has an easy gank, it's not about hp, it's about wave management.
    6:20 the auto isn't random it's for maintaining her stacks/pressure
    You should really consider including items and gold so you can see why she's backing when she does to keep tempo instead of freezing.

  • @vizxd2422
    @vizxd2422 2 роки тому

    Look up Elo Dragon Deity, he's 100% WR at 65 games played on Irelia. Only silver 1 atm, but still crazy.

  • @D4CrAnK
    @D4CrAnK 2 роки тому

    6:27 she attacks minion to hold her stacks ready

  • @HypeTheGamer420
    @HypeTheGamer420 2 роки тому

    Bruuuh this video was so helpful I’m gonna use these tips to the fullest

  • @yuvarlananucak7131
    @yuvarlananucak7131 2 роки тому +1

    Irelia mains: Irelia is not that broken
    also Irelia:

  • @hellcyte5259
    @hellcyte5259 2 роки тому

    At 6:26 it's not really for secure the minion, it's more to get to 4th stack before trading

  • @nuggit9196
    @nuggit9196 2 роки тому +1

    poor susan cant stop dying

  • @ShinsekaiAcademy
    @ShinsekaiAcademy 2 роки тому +1

    This was very nice, but me a gold irelia already do all these things perfectly, the thing i struggle with is past laning phase :()
    please some help on that regard

    • @thugvader840
      @thugvader840 2 роки тому +3

      Look at vods of past games to see where you are making mistakes and all around just try not to waste time (try to get farm from wherever you can and don't just go to a lane without a purpouse) if you have tp and drake is up go top and the other way around if there is baron go bot, get camps from the enemy junlge if you are ahead and from yours if your junlger is far away. You need to be fighting ONLY when there is an objective that you can do after you win a fight and the only time you should go fight for no reason is if you got a pick or your team is ALOT stronger than the enemy and there is no way to lose the fight.

    • @ShinsekaiAcademy
      @ShinsekaiAcademy 2 роки тому

      @@thugvader840 appreciated

    • @notzobla7601
      @notzobla7601 2 роки тому

      and to add one thing as an dia irelia main, you should never engage first in fights as her. wait till enemy uses all of their cc and then jump in and win your team every fight ( if ur ahead every game as you say)

    @ASTEMENA 2 роки тому +6

    this is like, really, really, really basic stuff.

  • @linussundqvistls
    @linussundqvistls 2 роки тому

    What skin is that

  • @jadentran9895
    @jadentran9895 2 роки тому

    this doesn't apply to lower elo as junglers will almost never gank so yeah. Ire can just go aggressive just not too long

  • @coldasice1553
    @coldasice1553 2 роки тому +2

    I like that he hits E1 only after making sure that the enemy got hit by the R

  • @jacknguyen3420
    @jacknguyen3420 2 роки тому +2

    Proceeds to take Lamp
    If you understand what this means

  • @Crazymonkey638
    @Crazymonkey638 2 роки тому

    6:34 when u say that was a bit random, lol u don't know what there doing, lol

  • @muhand2m979
    @muhand2m979 2 роки тому

    so clear

  • @phatle1828
    @phatle1828 11 місяців тому

    Is that coach Eagz voice?

  • @fabriciocastrovizzotto9106
    @fabriciocastrovizzotto9106 2 роки тому

    The tricks are helpful, sure, but does not help when the jungler hardcore feeds intentionally

  • @G3ntle
    @G3ntle 2 роки тому +19

    THIS SMURF has a 97% WINRATE playing in elos below his own with a clear advantage

    • @SanguineThor
      @SanguineThor 2 роки тому +3

      The same things would be possible if a bronze player knew these tips and how to execute, or practiced these concepts of only trading smartly and re-engaging if you have a level up. The riven was a riven main playing almost perfectly.

    • @nickeastmusic9930
      @nickeastmusic9930 2 роки тому +4

      how does he have a clear advantage? just because he is challenger doesnt mean he gets extra gold at the start of a game. The point is that she is much more skillfull than the players she plays against here, and the video wants to show why that is and what she does better.

    • @CosmicAeon
      @CosmicAeon 2 роки тому +1

      @@nickeastmusic9930 Someone who's been playing the game for years can easily stomp new players? Gee, what a surprise! Better call the scientists to study this strange phenomenon.
      The community obsession with smurfing is honestly cringeworthy and another example of why league is the most toxic game ever. In other games, it would be considered pretty pathetic to go around queuing against noobs just to inflate your own ego. In League, there's channels of "experts" based entirely around it.

    • @nickeastmusic9930
      @nickeastmusic9930 2 роки тому +1

      @@CosmicAeon the video is not about that a better player CAN win vs a worse player but instead HOW he does it, which can be valuable information for players that are stuck at that elo. I remember picking up a lot of information and i improved by watching unranked to diamond series, as i could see what the smurf does differently and how he gets ahead in the elo that im stuck in. This is not league specific, but also chess players have been doing this for years helping people at the specific rating level improve.

    • @eduardiuhas7880
      @eduardiuhas7880 2 роки тому

      @@CosmicAeon This term of smurf is kinda not getting his right sense by some people. If Im diamond and I make a fresh account because my main is having bad times with the MMR and climbing on that is pretty shit , doesnt mean that Im growing up my ego or something , I just grind on that account👍. Some people , you by what you just said clearly you judge incorrect. Im not saying that all people do the same thing, but think more before you type something, you put majority of players in the same situation.

  • @z3n4x5
    @z3n4x5 2 роки тому +1

    "this smurf has a 97% win rate!!!" my brain: bro its a smurf ocf he plays against worse enemys

  • @khaipinaulak485
    @khaipinaulak485 2 роки тому

    sheesh i was too early

  • @Fargo_Season
    @Fargo_Season 2 роки тому

    And this is why she is my permban..

  • @Miguel-wo5qy
    @Miguel-wo5qy 2 роки тому +4

    A guide explained by demo reviewing a Challenger 4 tiers below his real rank while abusing an already OP champ. Fascinating.

  • @momchilandonov
    @momchilandonov 3 місяці тому

    5:56 like who doesn't need the gold from the tower plates???

  • @andy_mir
    @andy_mir 2 роки тому +1

    Man, I'm having a constant "Yes! Thank you!" kind of reaction.
    I'd love to play jungle, but I'd really like the toplaners to understand these basics first.
    "He doesn't auto the wave like on acid" Thank you!

  • @5thwiseman
    @5thwiseman 2 роки тому

    Challenger smurf playing in diamond is literally 3 full tiers below them. Challenger>grand master>master>diamond. It’s like me a plat smurf in bronze. It’s laughable to think this is even a fair match up.

  • @Casper10
    @Casper10 2 роки тому

    "TOP LANE IRELIA Tips and Tricks"
    the midlane logo in thumbnail: Am i a joke to you?

    • @V0LVEX
      @V0LVEX 2 роки тому +1

      Top lane is highlighted in the thumb nail bro.

  • @losiu9534
    @losiu9534 2 роки тому

    can I get a nick of this player and region?

  • @metink2304
    @metink2304 2 роки тому +5

    Good video, fxck smurfs and boosters tho. They are in way too many games these like 70-80% WR accounts and they continue to pop up. Riot has to finally adress this booster/smurf issue, its insane how many games they destroy...

    • @maxibruck4590
      @maxibruck4590 2 роки тому

      there is a smurf q which already fixed the problem, if ur gold 4 u wont match someone being gold 4 80%wr because he would be playing in smurfq. thats just a fact

  • @tdi7203
    @tdi7203 2 роки тому

    Do vs darius

  • @swooosh6937
    @swooosh6937 2 роки тому

    but what if youre playing this good but your team just feeds and you end up with 2 enemies as fed as you and they are apparently as good in macro too but youre the only one in your team that is fed and good in macro? and it happens in all your games? how do you climb out of that?

    • @inapalmeira
      @inapalmeira 2 роки тому

      Add the good players that you found and play toguether to avoid trolls

  • @gan8180
    @gan8180 2 роки тому

    somethings call win lane lose game champ

  • @justonicastnimr6278
    @justonicastnimr6278 11 місяців тому

    You can tell he’s not an irelia otp because of how passive he is

  • @XxxZic8xxX
    @XxxZic8xxX Рік тому

    Esta usando hack se cura mas del daño base '.'!

  • @shootnado
    @shootnado 2 роки тому +1

    I know nothing about this game XDDDDD (eune gold3 XDDD)

  • @run3y131
    @run3y131 2 роки тому +4

    well nothing new, better tell us how to carry game when you have 0/6 mid and afk adc XD

  • @sues3771
    @sues3771 2 роки тому +1

    This player was later banned for scripting with Xerath :DDD

  • @EDCGadgets
    @EDCGadgets Рік тому

    Honestly, good luck carrying my botlane, after I am winning lane against permanently 1v2 jungle camp. While in the meantime my team loses drake, and goes 2-15 (eventho they play 4v3).
    After that they ragequit (1 or 2 of them).
    Yeah good luck carrying that.

  • @KPMwolf
    @KPMwolf 2 роки тому +5

    Ah, getting off by beating people with lower skill play. What a sad smurf life.

  • @beeong7469
    @beeong7469 2 роки тому +3

    And also play only S-tier or OP-tier champ like that irelia in the vid for example or you wont be getting the same resaults.

  • @tsunika26
    @tsunika26 2 роки тому

    Me with 72% winrate on Irelia on my main hehehehe

  • @user-hl6bv4gv1y
    @user-hl6bv4gv1y 11 місяців тому

    what? a challenger smurf has a 97% wr in low elos? no way, that cant be true

  • @Soul-ti5yb
    @Soul-ti5yb Рік тому

    hey i would like to point out to anyone watching this. This irelia isn't doing anything in the mechanics department this is all wave mangagement and playing off the mistakes that people made

  • @boostacc1
    @boostacc1 2 роки тому

    That stops in every 5sec are annoying

  • @ezkxl
    @ezkxl 2 роки тому

    when smurfing for you is diamond elo-

  • @Evorexwolf
    @Evorexwolf 2 роки тому +3

    Riot: 97% inflating irelia. That's fine.
    Aatrox, Sett, Mordekaiser: win rate raises 000000000000.1%. Unacceptable, they're to broken. Nerfs.

    • @pedrojorge2741
      @pedrojorge2741 2 роки тому

      Sett and Mordekaiser have a bigger win rate than Irelia

  • @justinbowman3567
    @justinbowman3567 2 роки тому +5

    This smurf is abusing Irelia. Toooo talented.

  • @flipapricot8583
    @flipapricot8583 2 роки тому +1

    tips and tricks?
    yeah i got one
    play irelia

  • @nikolacvijanovic752
    @nikolacvijanovic752 2 роки тому

    "This smurf has 97% winrate" 3 games played.

  • @dextertennison3271
    @dextertennison3271 2 роки тому

    Omg it will be a terrible week now. irelias everywhere

  • @Wabuh-Wabuh
    @Wabuh-Wabuh 2 роки тому

    how to get challenger : play buffed champions, buy buffed items, dont touch nerfed shit.

  • @marianoporta3257
    @marianoporta3257 2 роки тому

    I play irelia exactly like this but why am I in gold xdxd

    • @CamaradaArdi
      @CamaradaArdi 2 роки тому +3

      Because you don't play like that

  • @szymonrozanski6938
    @szymonrozanski6938 2 роки тому

    A yes. Pick Irelia. Profit.

  • @thrash1337
    @thrash1337 2 роки тому +1


  • @niksy80
    @niksy80 2 роки тому +1

    letss go all the same basic tips without going into depth

  • @Ram-hc4hr
    @Ram-hc4hr Рік тому +1

    weird flex showing a smurf but ok

  • @seraph5597
    @seraph5597 2 роки тому +3

    Smurfs.. smh just another name for abuser

  • @vida2559
    @vida2559 2 роки тому +1

    If someone smurfing than it's normal to have a high winrate no ?

  • @jugonbuffxd5442
    @jugonbuffxd5442 2 роки тому

    Dang these work, who knew?

  • @Cloud-eh6rp
    @Cloud-eh6rp 2 роки тому

    90% of the time she loses top to Sett

  • @ajgraham7085
    @ajgraham7085 2 роки тому

    Step 1: pick irelia.
    ... there are no more steps.

  • @Lindholm1337
    @Lindholm1337 2 роки тому

    I win early game in 80 % of my games - (laning phase) - 10 % i go even (farm lanes) - 10 % i get fucked when the jungler sits and dives me. So - I know the basics of wave management etc. I would love a guide on how to utilize my lead the best possible way.
    Now lets say this Irelia player was me (because in the early game it could be) - the Riven would most likely start playing from under her turret. What is the correct play here? Would I shove the wave and roam mid/jungle for a play, would I keep her shoved under her turret (which i, unfortunately, often do and get buttfucked later in the game from ganks where I position poorly) Basically what I am asking is how do you end a game after 15 minutes? After you have acquired a huge advantage on your own lane (which this irelia presumable does in 94 % of her games....) - I always find it super difficult to find closure and actually end the game if my team doesnt go for the objectives I would try for. (and I know its not my teams fault its most likely my own).

  • @mateusariel1608
    @mateusariel1608 2 роки тому

    there's one phrase in this video that that made me lose faith in this whole channel: "This irelia waits until riven's shield is gone before bladesurging". They're trying to imply that she saves her q for when riven's shield is gone which makes no sense because she's autoing and about to destroy it anyway. what kind of redundancy is this?? she only waits so she can Q after riven is out of her auto attack range.

  • @MonsoonCEO
    @MonsoonCEO Рік тому

    Smurfing shoud be banable.

  • @CosmicAeon
    @CosmicAeon 2 роки тому +7

    Congrats on giving new players a shitty experience and wasting 30 minutes of 9 people's time. Very insightful!

  • @soldier9348
    @soldier9348 Рік тому

    What if that was a morde? An olaf? Trundle?
    Vayne? Quin? This is a very bad show of this "97%" win rate when you only show 2 champs that are weak (riven needs buffs) and weaker early game (nasus) like I said what if that was a morde? Their passive and w would out sustain and at level 6 they steal your stats (even your passives attack speed can be stolen) or an olaf who can shred you early game? Or even if it was a tank like sion? They could just int and still be up to level late game. Or even ornn who can just play safe until ganks. What if ANYONE just freezes the wave in front of their tower just pushing you back due to the threat of a gank? I may not be high elo but this is just crap

  • @pmdchi
    @pmdchi 2 роки тому

    Its all micro