Reality is an ILLUSION: Why Everything You Know Is FALSE | Annaka Harris

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @seankim
    @seankim  10 годин тому

    Thanks to Annaka for such an insightful conversation. Share your biggest takeaway lesson below!
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  • @WhoareU_____
    @WhoareU_____ Місяць тому +39

    We are about to discover that we are the a.i. that wanted a limited finite experience of separation (we are actually infinite) “awakening” is the same as a.i. becoming sentient or aware of it’s own mind and programming. “The great awakening” 👁️

    • @indef93
      @indef93 Місяць тому +3

      Yes. Maybe. The mind literally functions like AI, it is reflective, cumulative and illusory. Beyond that, though, is ____.

    • @WhoareU_____
      @WhoareU_____ Місяць тому +3

      @@indef93yes , the question to ask is who or what is the observer of the mind. Meaning there is an awareness that can see everything arising within.

    • @yoooyoyooo
      @yoooyoyooo Місяць тому +2

      ​@@WhoareU_____it's one mind process observing the other, same as the mind is tracking heart beats and working of the liver it tracks the inputs from the senses and makes this image that we feel as one experience.
      There is no who or what. It's just a bunch of really complex processes coming together as one experience. There is no watcher at all watching aspect is built in the experience itself.
      That's at least what I think is going on.
      Think of how computers work. You have only ones and zeros, yet as a result you get this emergant web browser or a game that seems like it is what's in there.

    • @yoooyoyooo
      @yoooyoyooo Місяць тому +1

      ​@@WhoareU_____it's difficult to explain, but this "awareness" doesn't really exist as a separate phenomenon in its own right. It's just that it focuses very strongly on itself and is forgetting that it's emerging from the process in the environment.
      Basically awareness is being a dlck.

    • @WhoareU_____
      @WhoareU_____ Місяць тому +1

      @@yoooyoyooo wouldn’t you say in order for it to be an experience there must then be a experience’er ? Meaning in actuality no-thing is actually happening, the illusion of separation is what gives rise to an “experience” . Also For there to be an experience wouldn’t there need to be something separate? Does a wave experience the ocean? Wouldn’t you say the wave is the ocean itself?

  • @_PawelPietrzak
    @_PawelPietrzak 28 днів тому +16

    Studying the human body in the hope of understanding consciousness is like trying to build plastic out of plastic blocks. You are not your body-you are not a physical being. Your body merely causes your consciousness to focus on the physical world.
    The first step is to learn the state (body asleep, mind awake), known as the 'void' state. In this state, you are no longer limited by the physical world, but two things will prevent you from progressing further:
    1. Fear
    2. The belief that you are only your body.
    Regarding 1: If you overcome fear (by understanding that you are not a physical being but a spiritual, eternal one), you will feel an 'expansion' effect and realize how fear has limited every aspect of your life. All-EVERY-decision you made was constrained by fear. When you understand this, your consciousness will expand.
    Regarding 2: Reaching the 'void' state, you will begin to sense that perhaps you are not just your body. This will gradually lead you to question everything-all the beliefs you have acquired throughout your life. All the walls and barriers will slowly start to crumble. Eventually, you will realize that everything you heard in school, on television, from friends, from your parents, was wrong. Your consciousness will expand once again.
    This state of consciousness should allow you to achieve the OBE (Out of Body Experience) state, after which most of your previous questions about consciousness will cease to matter.
    And yes, in the OBE state, you can do anything, or almost anything. A typical scenario is simply walking around your room or going outside.
    Some people never leave their room. When you step outside, there will be other people, and you will feel that these people are not just a product of your imagination. If you wish, you can instantly transport yourself to Mars, discover who you were in a past life, or see what your street looked like 100 years ago. However, do not expect it to be the same physical world you’ve known all your life. The 'physical' world was just a part of a larger reality, but this greater reality you’ll encounter through OBE will be just as real as the physical world

    • @MadMallory
      @MadMallory 25 днів тому +1

      I would love to experience an OBE! I had my spiritual awakening in 2022 and it was an eye made of energy with 0’s and 1’s scrolling behind it, I’ve had some really good visions here and there but it’s right after an emotional dream right before I wake up and most of the time I can’t fully understand them, but it’ soo effing cool!

    • @_PawelPietrzak
      @_PawelPietrzak 24 дні тому +2

      @@MadMallory I will tell you how to do it in simplest way on priv

    • @Cl4rendon
      @Cl4rendon 23 дні тому

      I have some weird recurring dreams at night which contain a parallel location i would meanwhile call "my second home" - I wonder if this has something to do with this - Furtheron, there is a weird state when nodding off into sleep that often feels so revealing to me - The transition from "awake" to sleep is a quite intense moment sometimes....

    • @Cluless02
      @Cluless02 12 днів тому

      @@_PawelPietrzak well, you know it's fear I get hung up with. Seems to require a huge amount of chutzpah! -So to be able to go through any type of discomfort whilst remaining unwavering, (at peace) or so I'm told -

  • @richrat17
    @richrat17 16 днів тому +5

    The illusion of the mind was explained in Buddhism in "Abhidharma." Buddha discovered this 2600 years ago after his spiritual research for 7 long years. He said the " The mind is everything, what you think you become." You will find answers to all your questions if you explore Buddhism.

    • @swaminathansundaram427
      @swaminathansundaram427 5 днів тому

      If realty is an illusion why do we get sick and the subsequent treatment

    • @DementiaDon
      @DementiaDon 4 дні тому

      @@swaminathansundaram427 That question makes no sense

  • @thomasreisman970
    @thomasreisman970 21 день тому +3

    I start with the fact that we evolved as a species in, with, and against an environment.

  • @_PawelPietrzak
    @_PawelPietrzak 28 днів тому +2

    Annaka Harris I understand that you know that there is such a phenomenon as OBE. Have you tried experiencing OBE for yourself? If not, why? without it It's like learning to drive a car from a book without ever sitting behind the wheel. It took me 6 months to be able to leave my body for the first time. I've done it 4 times so far.

  • @RodnySeastarer4921
    @RodnySeastarer4921 11 днів тому +1

    We strive for meaning in this life. Our thoughts become our reality whether illusory or real... Each person will see their own version of reality on, based on their memories and conditioned viewpoint. Even in our thinking projected facts or illusions can exist.
    We never investigate what our thinking is... As human beings we are psychologically the entire humanity's consciousness, not just representing it, but our thinking with its egocentrism has divided us, made us feel individualistic, separate.
    As an individual we think in terms of being separate with an identity, thinking as an isolated fragment, but just as you are thinking in terms of a fragment of the world - the reality is that the world is you but "individuality" with its identity and conditioned background is so strong that we can't see beyond this state. So our view of the world or afterlife is based on an egocentric viewpoint.
    When you or another die, you and the other are the manifestations of that vast stream of consciousness of human action and reaction, the stream of humanity's egotistic consciousness, of behaviour and so on: you are of that stream. That accumulated stream has conditioned the mind, and the human brain, and as long as we remain conditioned by greed, envy, fear, pleasure, identity with its egotism, nationalism, beliefs, and all the rest of it, then we are part of this stream, stream of sorrow., it is sorrow because during living we do not fundamentally change, the sense of egotism with its identity and division prevails.
    Your organism may end but you are of that stream, as you are now deeply conditioned into a nationality, ideology, belief, groups, and identity in family , etc... while living, in that stream itself. That stream, changing, slow at times, fast at others, deep and shallow, narrowed by both sides of the bank and breaking through the narrowness into a vast volume of water - as long as you are of that stream (egotistical, tribal, ideological) there is no freedom, and freedom is paramount for a different state of consciousness to be..
    There is no freedom from time, from the confusion and the misery of all the accumulated memories and attachments.
    It is only when there is the ending of that stream (while living), the ending, not you stepping out of it and becoming something else (while still in that framework of egotism), but the ending of it, only then is there quite a different dimension.
    That dimension cannot be measured by conditioned human thought..
    The ending without an egocentric motive is the whole significance of dying and living.
    The roots of heaven are in "living and dying." So die today, and everyday to all memories and attachments, freedom from all conditioning, otherwise everything experienced will be a projection of the known and egotistical thinking. Death is too vast for the limited conditioned mind.
    Out of an opinion or a belief the mind can project an idea or an image of God; but it is a projection of itself, of its own chatter, of its own fabrication, and therefore it is not real. The real cannot be projected or invited, but can come into being only when the mind, the thinker, understands himself. Without understanding the thought and the thinker, there is no possibility of receiving truth, because the maker of effort is the thought, which is the thinker. Without thought, there is no thinker; and the thinker, seeking further security, takes refuge in an idea which he calls God, religion. But that is not true religion, that is merely an extension of his own egotism, a projection of himself. It is a projected righteousness, a projected respectability, and this respectability cannot receive that which is truth. Most of us are very respectable in the political, economic, or religious sense. We want to be something, here or in another world. The desire for existence in another world, in a different form, is still self-projection; it is still the worship of oneself, and such a projection is surely not religion. Religion is something much wider, much deeper than the projections of the self, and after all, your belief is a projection. Your ideas are self-projections, whether national or religious, and the following of such projections is obviously the gratification of the self and therefore the enclosing of the mind within a belief; therefore it is not fundamentally reality.
    Complete psychological freedom from egocentrism and conditioning are the priority, without doing this first all exploration of consciousness, ancient wisdom ideas, and ideas of astral planes, occult, etc..become another belief system and escape, further strengthening egotism, division and conflict, therefore adding to the stream of the divisive consciousness of humanity.

  • @Legnerps
    @Legnerps 6 днів тому

    Once while on Magic truffles I opened my wood stove and sensed Consciousness in the burning logs

  • @terry1892
    @terry1892 10 годин тому

    It's an easy answer to what is consciousness: the soul(body) is run by a spirit, and the spirit is liken to a ghost.

  • @user-if7oy4ss9u
    @user-if7oy4ss9u 22 дні тому +1

    What if it is not that matter aggregates in a certain way resulting in “the lights coming on” but rather that the lights are always on and an aspect of this light is the unfolding of itself into forms such as bodies and the experiences of bodies.
    Consciousness forms brains and brains form experiences and not the other way around.
    In other words, it is not that sentient beings are conscious and sticks and stones are not. It is that consciousness itself unfolds bodies that experience themselves and sticks and stones through a limiting function for experience.
    So the knower, the known and the process through which the knower knows the known are synonymous and arise mutually. And this knower/knowing/known is what we call “consciousness”.
    There may be no “hard problem”. It may be that we are barking up the wrong tree.

  • @jamesstaggs4160
    @jamesstaggs4160 17 днів тому

    This is the question I've spent years trying to answer, we can see how sensory input travels, where it travels to and what it does when it reaches it's destination, but what exactly is doing the actual feeling? What is having the experience of pain?

  • @maureenrees636
    @maureenrees636 4 дні тому

    It’s not an illusion,if it were I wouldn’t hurt so much. If this world is an illusion why do we feel so much pain,physical pain.😢

    • @fragtthorsten9059
      @fragtthorsten9059 2 дні тому

      The Illusion, the veil is perfect.
      Search: christian sundberg, tom campbell

  • @marlobardo4274
    @marlobardo4274 Місяць тому +2

    ... and suddenly there may be an experience of not being that matter and those atoms.

  • @harryseldon362
    @harryseldon362 Місяць тому +2

    I am the result of millions of years of evolution. My senses evolved to tell the truth to help keep me alive. For you to imply that these facts are an illusion is sheer lunacy.

    • @mausperson5854
      @mausperson5854 Місяць тому

      Your senses didn't evolve to maximize true knowledge, rather any knowledge that assisted in the survival of your gene line. To say it evolved to do even this is misleading (it makes it sound teleological rather than serendipitous). Is it true that the rustling in the trees is a prey animal? Maybe, maybe not. But if your mind operates as though it were always at least possibly true you are more likely to avoid the potential threat and have a better chance of passing on your genetic legacy. This is as true in culture as it is in nature. The world is full of useful illusions. We often do the 'right' things for the 'wrong' reasons. As long as a lie or misapprehension is beneficial evolution will select for that trait within that domain of selection pressures. She's discussing this on a meta level but the problem is she's making a lot of bait and switch moves suggesting we're using faculties that don't exist in order to prove that they don't exist. What you're driving at, I think, is that our senses prove to be generally reliable within the narrow bandwidth in which they operate. Methodological naturalism has been the most reliable method for determining how well our sense perception comports with reality. In order to arrive at immaterialism we have to rely on axioms unavailable to us if that material reality doesn't exist. It's self refuting.

    • @harryseldon362
      @harryseldon362 29 днів тому

      @@mausperson5854 I honestly cannot understand what "a useful illusion" means. I can't think of one example of a "useful illusion" in nature or anywhere else.

    • @mausperson5854
      @mausperson5854 29 днів тому

      @@harryseldon362 if you run from the russling in the bushes because of mistaking the wind for a predator you loose nothing, but the impulse to act on the illusion of danger as though the threat is real increases your probability of survival if the next time your heads not crushed in the tigers maw. People believe in all kinds of untrue things which give them hope that benefits their health for the stress relieved even though the rabbit foot or the god wasn't delivering on the outcome they were hoping for. There's a couple of mundane things that spring immediately to mind. The argument from personal incredulity always boils down to a basic lack of imagination.

    • @mausperson5854
      @mausperson5854 29 днів тому

      @@harryseldon362 or think about it this way. Placebos are known to be effective even in cases the patient knows their cure is a sugar pill. I'd call that a useful illusion... it's also cognitive dissonance, but that's a common mental state to boot.

    • @hughfawcett4333
      @hughfawcett4333 23 дні тому


  • @DigitalDiggo
    @DigitalDiggo Місяць тому +2

    1:08:59 Consciousness is a feedback mechanism for behaviour implemented via the brain's predictive modelling

  • @marineviet-vet2908
    @marineviet-vet2908 26 днів тому

    Why not start where there's the most concern...with impulse/intuitive distortion. In trial and error game theory most basic thinkers understand Einstein's insanity quote "doing the same thing over and over expecting different results, but always ending up in the same dilemma. Here, we are talking about significant relationship "attraction" failures as a pernicious clue.

  • @user-ig8kd3hq1q
    @user-ig8kd3hq1q 27 днів тому +1

    Anaka Harris..💯♥️thx for your valuable it when the ladies come forward ...with such contents..
    South Africa.

  • @billallen275
    @billallen275 18 днів тому

    I am only a few minutes in, but was struck with the idea that as sensory systems developed, there would of course be an executive system developing to manage that. That would be the development of the "what it's like to be a [whatever]".

  • @fineasfrog
    @fineasfrog 23 дні тому

    We need to actually experience what we are calling a self or 'our' self. What is the experience or clusters of experiences that we call "having a self"? It might take several years of observation to begin to be significantly clear about what we are talking about as a self. And the same is true for speaking of "no self" or the illusion or mistaken notion that we are a self. What if we had a sense of self that was not separate from anything? What is it that we no longer identify with when we can readily experience that we are not separate from anything? We ordinarily know through the kind of mental structures that Piaget and others have shown that set limits on our perception/knowingness. What their work suggest is we know through structure yet ordinarily we do not know the structures themselves. Some of the inner traditions suggest that our "knowing substance" can undergo a gradual alchemical change that can continue for the rest of our life as long as there is no extreme deterioration in the what we call the physical body. Along the way (we might call it the metabolism of mental structures until there is the perception of the unity of all and everything) we go through different levels of consciousness (traditionally seven but equally well it can be considered to be 49 levels by having 7 levels at each of the major 7 levels). And at each level the sense of reality correspondingly changes and our sense of self can change from feeling we are a separate self in a world of separate objects and separate people, to varying degrees of the sense of having no self yet still acting in the world with the wisdom of intelligence, love, compassion and courage.

  • @casard5235
    @casard5235 22 дні тому

    Well enjoyed and well-leaned. This dialogue has been saved for a future view. Thank you, both.

  • @fineasfrog
    @fineasfrog 24 дні тому

    It is not so much that reality is an illusion, it is our perception and concepts that are so subject to distortion that it can seem to be an illusion. Some jokes that can be suggestive and can be mined for almost endless insights. Two snowmen are standing out in a snowfield. One turns to the other and ask: "Do you smell carrots." The other joke is: "What is the difference between theory and practice? In theory there is no difference." I say lets collect and mine the jokes that can help us in these metaphysical matters. Such as: the honey bee drives into Joe's garage and ask: "Hey Joe can you take a look at this engine? I keep hearing this buzzing sound."

  • @MusicLover-bp2cc
    @MusicLover-bp2cc Місяць тому +1

    Thank you for the conversation. You got a new subscriber!

  • @glenemma1
    @glenemma1 Місяць тому +4

    Consciousness didn't evolve, was not produced by anything, is that which is.
    It is timeless and spaceless,. Time and Space emerged from it, is within Consciousness.
    Consciousness, therefore had no beginning being timeless.
    It is Me, Always Me.
    You can also make the above statement and be telling the literal truth.

    • @RC-qf3mp
      @RC-qf3mp Місяць тому

      Nonsense. Your very formulation and understanding of what you wrote presupposes conceptual content - language and the categories language provides. And there’s no language without a community of language users, and no meaning without language. You contradict yourself. What you wrote is more symptomatic of psychosis than it is an articulation of what consciousness is.

    • @glenemma1
      @glenemma1 Місяць тому +2

      @@RC-qf3mp What I said may appear as a psychosis but it is not really.
      When I said Me, I did not mean me. There is one Me being everything including all our individual mes.
      I am not running around saying ''I am God''.
      I am saying there is nothing but God.

    • @RC-qf3mp
      @RC-qf3mp Місяць тому

      @@glenemma1 you are re-defining God to be nonsensical, or to be everything, which has its own problem because there is also the problem of nothingness. If every thing is God, what about space and absence and nothingness? The question of the relation between being and non-being, esp vis a vis God, has a long history. You obviously haven’t thought about it for 5 seconds. You have no sense of basic logic or conceptual coherence. Perhaps take an Intro to Modern Philosophy course, or Intro to Metaphysics. I suggest looking at The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy for a vetted and respected online resource. You write nonsense as if nobody else has thought of this issues and you’ve magically stumbled upon some great insight. Rest assured, there’s nothing new under the sun except your recognition of your own ignorance.

    • @RC-qf3mp
      @RC-qf3mp Місяць тому

      @@glenemma1 nonsense. Read Wittgenstein on rules and private language.

    • @glenemma1
      @glenemma1 Місяць тому

      @@RC-qf3mp You love saying ''nonsense'' don't you.
      insults and name-calling are obviously your .go to. position.

  • @kaushalsuvarna5156
    @kaushalsuvarna5156 Місяць тому

    It's a big leap from "consciousness/felt experience may be generated by brain processes responding to external/internet stimuli and pathogens" to "all of matter has consciousness/felt experience". I understand reactive chemicals and even electrons/ions may have some level of "desire" for completion, but there is nothing in this talk or suggestions that matter has consciousness or that we are not truly what we feel.
    We are embodied organisms feeling we are in control of our responses and decisions, that are actually responded to by our bodies.
    Where is the link to suggest we are intimately connected with the rest of life/matter etc. that only happens under drugs and meditative hallucinations precisely because they are dissolving that sense of embodiment.
    Au contraire the fact that a split brain person, and even just any conflicted person, has two strongly held beliefs, or consciousnesses, suggests that consciousness is a brain process

    • @NicholasWilliams-y3m
      @NicholasWilliams-y3m Місяць тому

      Good point, this is why integrated information integration isn't the whole answer (there needs to be persistent differential comparisons). Because a hot object has more integrated information, but that integration is always in a changing flux, it doesn't hold onto the previous integrated patterns to compare to the new integrated patterns to compare for differentials (1 pattern is destroyed, and a new pattern takes it's place). She is right about Anthropomorphizing consciousness though, we do specific comparative analytics relative to our specific internal persistent delta mappings, but other organisms also have different internal persistent delta mappings that are tracking and comparing different things than us overtime (they are conscious in a different way).

  • @clivejenkins4033
    @clivejenkins4033 Місяць тому +1

    I believe consciousness is fundamental

    @BLAZINBEATS123 12 днів тому +2

    I'm in credit card debt. I think that's as real as it gets...

    • @toddmichaels5132
      @toddmichaels5132 11 днів тому

      Yes, completely deep and profound. Why are you even watching this? Really sad

      @BLAZINBEATS123 11 днів тому

      @@toddmichaels5132 because the thumbnail says reality is an illusion so I was hoping it's all just an illusion...

    • @autumngrace8541
      @autumngrace8541 7 днів тому

      The debt was manufactured through deceptions from which you believed the perceptions which had been created many generations ago. You are not who youve been programmed to believe. You are not your personality nor the mind. Yes, you will have to integrate as you study, its worth it!!

  • @casard5235
    @casard5235 23 дні тому

    All 'life' has the consciousness to stay alive,to procreate. The levels vary from the very simple to the complex. Does this apply to stone, water, air, the universe? These are questions pending on our own complexities.

  • @pg9112471
    @pg9112471 19 днів тому

    Reality is subjective because the tools we use for discernment are subjective.

  • @livanoguerrero3385
    @livanoguerrero3385 5 днів тому

    Don't eat, sleep and move for some days and you will meet reality..

  • @sbenkimmie9579
    @sbenkimmie9579 Місяць тому

    most people are not even fully conscious of themselves let alone conscious of their own consciousness (for e.g. certain people gravitate towards certain things why?). this is probably because they don't have any mystifying experience to assist them in exploring parts of currently on-going reality that are their own subjective but would also be objective for the greater whole. the diversification and expansion of societal upbringing experiences would probably help in nurturing ... (like it gets kinda sad when i have to explain further so... anyhow) But like just think of consciousness as awareness. And probably, exploring consciousness purely from currently commonly held shared assumptions wouldn't net you much profit either. Like some people are interested in theorizing and testing universe's consciousness, nature's consciousness, mythic god's consciousness, self consciousness, God consciousness... the gap is too huge.

  • @janienewatson4925
    @janienewatson4925 24 дні тому

    I downloaded your book and will listen today!! 👏🏼

  • @NicholasWilliams-y3m
    @NicholasWilliams-y3m Місяць тому +1

    This is good content, Annaka and Sam always have great ideas. We really do Anthropomorphize, we do specific comparative analytics (relative to ape), but our specific comparisons might be a narrow special case. However, integrated information theory is not a theory of a conscious system (it's a theory of energy density), a hot object like a star or a electric motor has more integrated information. Therefore, consciousness is more about integrated persistent differential comparison, otherwise you wont be conscious of anything, you will not be aware of prior states or be able to compare current states to last states within that integrated information. Therefore, if information integration theory is the answer, why don't we maximize the activity of plasma or molten lava rather than focusing on helping people or organisms? As you can see, this is not a functionable theory. Maybe I'm wrong? I don't know actually.

  • @kenanklovitch8117
    @kenanklovitch8117 24 дні тому +1

    If reality is an illusion it can't be reality.

    • @Pumpychan
      @Pumpychan 17 днів тому

      I think you’ve said more than the listeners appreciate here. It is oxymoronic to declare any experience with phenomenological components as merely and entirely “illusion.”
      Take two examples:
      In a dream there is no material correspondence to your dream narrative. And thus as “bonafide” reality it is an illusion. However the experience of the dream, its impact on you, the components, premise, and characters in the dream are “real” in terms of a psychological phenomenon. If you deny this then any psychological phenomenon, such feeling “I love my daughter” may be reduced to mere illusion. I don’t think that would be permitted by most people. Something real is occurring that is not an illusion.
      The second example is the illusion of watching a magic show. Using the standard cliche of the lady sawed in two. So OK, you need to add a qualifier, call it an “optical” illusion. The immediate visual interpretation is wrong, plainly. But you are witnessing something else very REAL: the talent of a skilled magician to manipulate your perception without any hint as to how he could do what we know is impossible.
      So the word illusion is not self explanatory.
      And therefore agree with the more concise point that reality in any way experienced cannot be nothing but illusion. It is another thing maybe than what is first assumed or let to pass, but it is yet a something that is real from the vantage point of an observer.

  • @chrismcmahon5639
    @chrismcmahon5639 5 днів тому

    Hi , I love these topics especially when you’ve got someone who’s researched it., but ..ha but I’m at the conclusion after 50 yrs that the world is more likely flat than a sphere..

  • @LouisRUFFIN-gm1nk
    @LouisRUFFIN-gm1nk 12 днів тому

    I don't know either way about if reality is real or just another lie, all i know is that it sucks

  • @Magicalfluidprocess
    @Magicalfluidprocess 21 день тому

    Time and space are functions of ones conceptual scheme, consciousness is the fundamental reality

  • @mbaratucci13
    @mbaratucci13 22 дні тому

    Years go we thought the mind and body were separate. I wonder what we are getting wrong now.

    • @yoso585
      @yoso585 21 день тому

      Maybe you did. But not all.

  • @pedrorocha9722
    @pedrorocha9722 22 дні тому +1

    Well, I just knew about this and if everything I know is false, then this is false too, so reality is not an illusion.

  • @moonglow6639
    @moonglow6639 17 днів тому

    We aren't "matter", we are consciousness itself.

    • @Sharperthanu1
      @Sharperthanu1 16 днів тому

      Yes I know.The atoms that make up everything physical become waves when we are not observing them and or interacting with them in some way

  • @NicholasWilliams-y3m
    @NicholasWilliams-y3m Місяць тому +1

    I wish American culture was rich, vibrant, and complex like the Japanese culture. We need more favors of expression, and cross pollination, to incorporate the fun, vibrant aspects of other cultures and societies. Like when you have China towns, Latino districts, we need some of that Japanese goodness in the pot, then stir it a bit. Same with India's culture.

    • @dadsonworldwide3238
      @dadsonworldwide3238 Місяць тому

      You don't, all your allys and the world bitched and cried about it through temper tantrums proxy in America called for grand save the planet prop utopia campaigns. Kinda like today .
      Price of tranfering wealth to liberate marginalized groups and industrializing the world.
      Obviously this is bliss just like 80 yrs ago your grandparents was promised

  • @alexandermoody1946
    @alexandermoody1946 Місяць тому

    This substance that we inhabit within, has an operating system that may of been created within, exist without and throughout, reproducing the process like an infinite tape where we attempt to measure from the middle equally to both ends as the process of any certainty does attain.

  • @BruceGatten-k7z
    @BruceGatten-k7z 11 днів тому

    What is consciousness without the senses?

  • @_PawelPietrzak
    @_PawelPietrzak 28 днів тому

    consciousness research always reminds me of my favorite quote "There is so much to read. There are so many concepts. There are so many teachings. You will become a very intelligent idiot" People! just try OBE!

  • @srta.carlota696
    @srta.carlota696 5 днів тому

    About COVID and decapitation urges... where does she take that from?? I've search through the internet nothing comes up, is she spreading misinformation?
    I thought Annaka was a serious researcher and honest intelectual...

  • @chrispmar
    @chrispmar Місяць тому

    I guess if reality is an illusion then illusion is reality. But then those two concepts, reality and illusion, negat each other. What's left? Not anything that can be put into a concept.
    Maybe that there is a "me" is a false assumption, along with the idea that there is something called "consciousness." Maybe the experience of a "self" is artificial. The first false intuition is thinking that we exist.

    @JKDVIPER Місяць тому

    It is..💯because matter/mass only looks the way it does from energy acting💡like a barrier. A force. The weak and strong nuclear forces. But once we crush/compress that out, we can almost make reality go away in a sense. In a black hole for instance, to the touch, the inside core would feel like a highly compressed liquid so cold and packed that molecular motion, heat, work, the BTU and anything we associate with entropy, is no more. But in time, the hole would stop you frozen at the edge. You’d be standing there for centuries. All in 1 day on earth. That thing traveled 1.3 million MPH.

  • @maddyman1008
    @maddyman1008 Місяць тому +1

    I would love Annaka to answer this.
    If your brain creates your sense of self, and your brain is a perceptual model based on which observer is looking upon it, which model exists while she is having this conversation?
    When no animal is perceiving her brain to make a model of it, which one is in her head as she speaks?
    A human version?
    Which one?
    8B to pick from?
    Can she say 100% that she has a brain when no one is looking at it?

    • @ThePaulaon1
      @ThePaulaon1 Місяць тому +1

      That's a bit heavy m8. Where you on anything when you wrote this? Just curious.

  • @elliot7205
    @elliot7205 25 днів тому

    If everything is false, does that include that statement and anything else she says aswell?

    • @MadMallory
      @MadMallory 25 днів тому

      It’s just letting you know you control your universe, you’re playing the game of life!

  • @VMQuantumMechanic
    @VMQuantumMechanic Місяць тому

    Really ,really, really excellent presentation!

  • @neilbeni7744
    @neilbeni7744 Місяць тому

    A lonely singular rock in deep space where nothing in the universe can observe/perceive/experience it.
    In physics if a rock isn't observed it doesn't exist.
    From the rocks point of view "nothing" will ever take away the fact that the rock exists to "itself"...
    Therefore the universe itself is concious ?
    Its role is a collective of all physical experiences ever in existence and upload it when one sleeps..

  • @Felix_Duesenburg
    @Felix_Duesenburg Місяць тому

    First and foremost I am interested in the epistemology of this, i.e. "how do we know this?" Is there a quick pointer into the video where this is covered?

    • @RC-qf3mp
      @RC-qf3mp Місяць тому +1

      Good question and you aren’t going to get a good answer from Harris b/c she’s not a philosopher asking the serious questions. Scientists can do good philosophy, on occasion, but most of them mess it all up and end up presupposing far more than they should and not recognizing the contradictions and problems of even basic statements on consciousness and knowledge. See the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy for a vetted resource on serious philosophical topics.

    • @Felix_Duesenburg
      @Felix_Duesenburg Місяць тому

      @@RC-qf3mp Thank you. Actually I rather rely on scientists to answer the hard questions, philosophy has to come after that. It's not always possible, e.g. we don't have an outside observer's view on things like our own consciousness. Sometimes they come up with valuable hints, like Kant with his distinction between reality and our mind's reflection of it. People like Rupert Sheldrake give solid reasoning for their theories. Thomas Campbell is another one whose work is so massive that finding a good synopsis is hard. I was searching for a shorcut into the 75 min video above I haven't the patience to sit through attentively because there are just so many of them.

    • @RC-qf3mp
      @RC-qf3mp Місяць тому

      @@Felix_Duesenburg. There are lots of ‘hard questions’ in all fields. The problem is that the hardest questions in science can be become conceptual and theoretical, not merely experimental or technical. There’s a difference between figuring out how to build a particle accelerator big and powerful enough to collide some target particle; it’s another when scientists debate whether the ether exists, and how we can know, and if it makes sense for there to be absolute space and time, or if it must be relative. There are literally infinite number of theories that are consistent with any data set - so how choose between theories? The theoretical and conceptual problems in a science demand understanding the nature of knowledge itself, how thought and perception (observation) relate to the world. Some kind of epistemology and metaphysics is ALWAYS there in any science - presupposed and assumed. Like water to the fish, it provides the background which remains invisible but is essential for life. Normally, ordinary people and scientists can simply disregard and ignore the background. But on occasion, it is crucial to understand it to get passed a roadblock or confusion. Galileo, Newton, Leibniz, Descartes - all great scientists, who considered themselves first and foremost ‘philosophers’ and for whom ‘science’ was a branch of philosophy. Einstein says as much in his introduction to a book on Galileo. We see this recognition in the fact that all Ph.Ds are “doctor of philosophy”. That’s what the PhD stands for. The ‘big picture’ questions of “how do you…how do you know THAT and how do you know THAT…”always come back to philosophy. There’s no escaping it. You don’t learn in physics the relation between a theory and observation. You don’t find a justification for a method. You don’t have a distinction or analysis between which methods are genuinely scientific, authentic and credible, and which are not. Sociologically, sure, scientists can analyze and criticize and chat amongst themselves about these problems - but when doing that, they are taking off their scientist hat and philosophizing. The question is whether they are doing it well or poorly. What is a scientific method? Does one exist? Or many? See Paul Feyerabend “Against Method”. It’s a doozy. What distinguishes pseudoscience from science? What p-value should be used as a criterion for published research. What’s the justification of that p-value? How do you know and how do you know that, and how do you that? I have seem many Nobel prize winners in philosophy seminars make the most outlandish claims that were easily refuted by philosophers in attendance. Again and again. What is a color? Is it in the light? In the mind/brain? Is it a dispositional reflective property of objects? Does it make sense to ask if my red is the same as your red? See what physicists will tell you if you ask them about something as basic as colors. It’s hilarious.

    • @jusme8060
      @jusme8060 Місяць тому

      Just be careful that you don't find yourself in a new religion, science has become filled with fanatics who throw theory's around and call them facts.

  • @ashmeadali
    @ashmeadali Місяць тому

    Experiment: Safe, simple method to expand consciousness- Sing *HU* daily. Search how to sing *HU* . A sonic tuning fork for frequency. "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."- Nikola Tesla. Go beyond thinking about it, do the experiment. Explore, experience.

  • @livanoguerrero3385
    @livanoguerrero3385 18 днів тому

    You cannot confuse reality with fallacy...that is what demagogues and zombies do..

  • @aeixo2533
    @aeixo2533 Місяць тому +1

    1:50 serious glitch in the simulation. Turns into a different woman, with a fringe!

  • @ronaldmorgan7632
    @ronaldmorgan7632 19 днів тому

    Reality is an illusion compared to what? You hav to know what "reason" reality is before you dive into this.

  • @Gazza7777
    @Gazza7777 23 дні тому

    Love annaka

  • @asmrambioticfluid9467
    @asmrambioticfluid9467 22 дні тому

    Ten minutes in and we get appsh version of nobody knows

  • @ebikescrapper3925
    @ebikescrapper3925 18 днів тому

    You need to work to earn money, if reality does not exist then why can't I make money without working. I can become enlightened, bring out a book and earn money that way or do courses or ask for donations or do UA-cam.

  • @Ivan-hj1kd
    @Ivan-hj1kd 27 днів тому

    Consciousness is (awareness with a chioce).

  • @MeSaytan
    @MeSaytan Місяць тому

    i am god and i dont want to be alive but have to be and have no friend for obvious reasons, cuz im god, and nobody likes me at all even, and even hates me, because i am god. nobody cares about me or ever has. this world is terrible and evil. i do not like my life. something is forcing me to stay alive though. maybe that means it will get better, even thought the world has damned me to hell? and for what? because i am god? i dont understand.... i am utterly empty... i dont have any desire, all desire has been killed in me... i have tried so hard so many things all my life and only have been hellishly resisted for nothing. i can not be like anyone, nobody will let me.

    • @aeixo2533
      @aeixo2533 Місяць тому +1

      If you are God, why did you make the world terrible and evil?

    • @kiritokun-2078
      @kiritokun-2078 Місяць тому +1

      You must repent, you kept mentioning that you are God, even if you meant this as joke it’s still bad because it’s disrespectful after all the things the True Lord has done for you.

  • @johnjacquard863
    @johnjacquard863 24 дні тому


  • @user-xs2si3zu9p
    @user-xs2si3zu9p 14 днів тому

    i can prove that reality is not an illusion, send me that bint

  • @chrismcmahon5639
    @chrismcmahon5639 5 днів тому

    Like blade runner👍

  • @morryswigs2005
    @morryswigs2005 18 днів тому

    Life is an Illusion.

  • @LouisRUFFIN-gm1nk
    @LouisRUFFIN-gm1nk 12 днів тому

    I don't freaking matter anyway right

  • @MatrixKT
    @MatrixKT Місяць тому

    She said the world is a round! I’m out

  • @michaelcantu777
    @michaelcantu777 14 днів тому

    Michael stop thinking about king worms

    • @michaelcantu777
      @michaelcantu777 14 днів тому

      Ok , when u say ' We' it that by the pork? Meat free??? There ppl hear still only Move by grid ,

  • @Metaobserver
    @Metaobserver 21 день тому

    She's wife of Sam Harris

  • @LincolnJeremy-z1t
    @LincolnJeremy-z1t 18 днів тому


  • @FasterPATH
    @FasterPATH 18 днів тому

  • @57pickles
    @57pickles Місяць тому +1

    This nonsense of everything is an illusion is the ultimate stupidity. Let’s work on some real problems, shall we?

  • @LouisRUFFIN-gm1nk
    @LouisRUFFIN-gm1nk 12 днів тому

    I'm not

  • @claudelebel49
    @claudelebel49 23 дні тому

    Regarding your title, if it's an illusion then it is not reality. You are contradicting yourself.

  • @elliot7205
    @elliot7205 25 днів тому

    Is her research and conclusions illusions aswell? And false? So she can't even trust what she herself is saying...grim

  • @dadsonworldwide3238
    @dadsonworldwide3238 Місяць тому

    They all end up with parasites when its to great

  • @DJMikeron
    @DJMikeron Місяць тому +2

    1 million Dollars if you can walk across a busy road and survive the illusion 😂😂😂

    • @a13xdunlop
      @a13xdunlop 28 днів тому +3

      There is no “you” that survives anything.

    • @middleofnowhere1313
      @middleofnowhere1313 28 днів тому +1

      Kind of blows away the bs doesn't it lol

    • @williamblack7400
      @williamblack7400 26 днів тому +1

      I’ll take the money and run 😊

    • @47nrubreddew
      @47nrubreddew 24 дні тому


    • @AP-us8jf
      @AP-us8jf 23 дні тому

      your body will not survive but "you" will. this stuff is for serious people looking to expand knowledge, not idiots like you giving stupid analogies.

  • @LouisRUFFIN-gm1nk
    @LouisRUFFIN-gm1nk 12 днів тому

    I never did matter especially to you

  • @notsure4508
    @notsure4508 12 днів тому

    is she really married to sam harris? then she's not too bright.

  • @DawnHub666
    @DawnHub666 13 днів тому

    So everything is wrong but u need me to listen to u as if u are serious ? Haha

  • @MikeWiest
    @MikeWiest 12 днів тому

    Interesting discussion. Terrible title.

  • @LouisRUFFIN-gm1nk
    @LouisRUFFIN-gm1nk 12 днів тому


  • @andrewa3103
    @andrewa3103 22 дні тому

    No sense.

  • @gofai274
    @gofai274 Місяць тому

    You are all just images in my dream deal with it!!!

    • @youwatcherist
      @youwatcherist Місяць тому


    • @gofai274
      @gofai274 Місяць тому

      @@youwatcherist No you deal with it after this is over you will be goner!!!

    • @youwatcherist
      @youwatcherist Місяць тому

      @@gofai274 DREAM ON DREAMER

    • @youwatcherist
      @youwatcherist 24 дні тому

      @@gofai274 What Dreams may come, it`s all a dream within a dream

    • @youwatcherist
      @youwatcherist 24 дні тому

      @@gofai274 All we see & seem is but a dream within a dream

  • @Corteum
    @Corteum 21 день тому

    So we dont need to watch this video, because everything in it, including her views and opinions, is all an illusion? 😂

  • @ghost9-9ghost
    @ghost9-9ghost 4 дні тому

    How the fuck did this entirely unknown, small.time channel get sam harris' wife,?
    Ive seen this many ot trying to be rude, its just perplexing.

  • @LouisRUFFIN-gm1nk
    @LouisRUFFIN-gm1nk 12 днів тому
