Star Citizen's Next 4 Systems

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @arrclyde4325
    @arrclyde4325 Рік тому +46

    Those 4 Systems would actually be really cool. Almost like a mostly vertical slice of the systems of SC. Connected to Nyx is also Odin, and that is the system where SQ42 takes place (years prior to the PU timeline). Which would open the verse to meet the Vanduul.

  • @Gdsm9
    @Gdsm9 Рік тому +32

    I can see Castra, with all those jump points, becoming Ironforge. Basically the central hub where everything will happen because it may end up as the defacto centre of commerce due to convenience of location rather than when the devs intend.

    • @ATigerShark
      @ATigerShark Рік тому +1

      Which will cause a raise in piracy in the area which will cause Security in the area to ramp up to match. Eventually turning it into an iron wall of trade

    • @LoudGuns
      @LoudGuns  Рік тому +5

      Yeah it’ll be interesting to see how the economy systems evolve for sure - particularly if as suggested we see systems change over time to reflect their economic status.

    • @Ash_Rackham
      @Ash_Rackham 11 місяців тому

      ​@@ATigerSharkthat would be interesting to see, Castra isn't just a typical UEE system its a hi-sec military system so it would be a response from them not security forces. Anything up to and including Bengal carriers could show up to counter it. Although I can see the appeal of trying to steal military hardware being shipped into the system, especially if you don't have the rep needed to be able to legally buy them. 🤔

  • @andrewfanner2245
    @andrewfanner2245 Рік тому +13

    I like the idea of walking round the Drake shipyards, seeing a bit of that to compare with what we see on Crusader.

    • @LoudGuns
      @LoudGuns  Рік тому +5

      Damn straight! Probably far less in terms of safety precautions 😂

    • @Glathgrundel
      @Glathgrundel Рік тому

      A lot like that wrecking yard at the start of Fallen Order … lots of verticality and not many safety rails.

    • @andrewfanner2245
      @andrewfanner2245 Рік тому +1

      @LoudGuns of course there are safety precautions. Big sign at the entrance.
      "This site contains trip and fall hazards combined with overhead loads and restricted access. By passing or by bypassing this sign you consent to these risks and agree that Drake Interplanetary cannot be held responsible for any personal harm suffered while on the premises.
      If you are not here by permission from Drake Interplanetary a reminder that our security staff are authorised to use such force as may be required to ensure your compliance."

  • @staticneuron
    @staticneuron Рік тому +4

    I think this is cool speculation, since PCC stated they were done with Nyx for most part, implies that Pyro, Nyx, and Odin (s42) are probably the next systems. Theory craft is that Vega (firstt vanduul attack) and Kilian ( where UEE Retribution is built) because of possible presence in S42.

  • @fmartingorb
    @fmartingorb Рік тому +17

    Would have been nice you showed the work already done in Nyx. Planets look amazing. Remember by the time we have Nyx, SQ42 will be playable and released or close to it... importing Odin will be a Breeze

    • @arenomusic
      @arenomusic Рік тому

      I pour one out for Anthony Tanaka every night

    • @LoudGuns
      @LoudGuns  Рік тому +5

      Yeah I missed a trick with those planetary shots of Nyx - the problem is how awfully all of the subscriber vault is catalogued.

    • @CapnSnackbeard
      @CapnSnackbeard 11 місяців тому

      Had any other aspect of the game been a breeze for CIG, this claim would be more credible.

    • @fmartingorb
      @fmartingorb 11 місяців тому

      @@CapnSnackbeard I don't know. Bethesda with 25 years of tech, outsourcing to an army of dev from other companies, 8 years. CIG defines the game in the end of 2016 (when they had a proof of concept tech and stablished studios, devs and cash flow . Recodes the game in 2017. Releases patches from 2018. They built a seamless experience, simulated gas giants and city planets, on a live multiplayer environment, that is persistent, recoded 95% of the engine, and have developed, bounty hunting, cargo, mining, salvaging, racing, medical gameplay. All UIs and menus are ingame. They have a number of missions from 13 in 2.0, reputation system, derelicts, caves... a pretty solid flight model and ground vehicle model. Ships, planets, cargo and assets are physicalised in-world. Directx 12 and Vulkan API implementation. Players play for years, some everyday clocking 1000s of hours... all done under 7 years... and keep on adding more features... yeah, nothing at all. Slow dev lol

  • @Khornebrzrkr1
    @Khornebrzrkr1 Рік тому +3

    I don’t expect to see sol until basically the end of whatever we would consider base development. Earth alone is supposed to have multiple landing zones with individual characteristics and then general density of the whole system will probably need the best optimization and systemic completion possible.

    • @billywashere6965
      @billywashere6965 Рік тому

      Yup. Plus it will need all of the planet tech: rivers, roads, volcanoes, and oceans.

    • @seveneternal7988
      @seveneternal7988 11 місяців тому

      SOL will pretty much for sure be destroyed by the Vaduul. SOL - EARTH is pretty much like ROME - CONSTANTINOPLE.

  • @benthomson1132
    @benthomson1132 Рік тому +4

    Perfect, I was JUST looking up info on the next possible star systems earlier today. Nice timing. 😁

  • @s1rmunchalot
    @s1rmunchalot Рік тому +10

    You mentioned Odin being in Squadron 42 but there are 2 other systems we know are in Squadron 42 Episode 1:
    The Kilian system - Home to the UEE Navy has the flight academy that you'll be attending in Squadron 42 Episode 1 and the naval shipyards where the Super Dreadnought 'Retribution' is being built (we were shown early in-game renders of it around 9 years ago). The UEE Marines also have their headquarters and training bases in the Kilian system. We will be going to the Kilian system.
    The events of Squadron 42 Episode 1 start off in the Vega system with the attack on Vega II (Aremis) and the city of New Corvo - there are concept renders of it pre-destruction and videos of it post destruction. We will be in the Vega system. If you watch the first trailer for Squadron 42 you'll see we are in the Vega system and we don't start the game as a naval pilot "I see you've applied to the flight academy again", you are aboard a Javelin in Admiral Bishop's Fleet.
    I had a conversation with Jared Huckaby at a BarCitizen and he told me the original plan was for the PU to start in the Terra Nova system and they did start work on that, but they changed it to Stanton. There was no concept of a separate PU from Squadron 42 until 2015, everything we were shown was for Squadron 42 up to that time - take a browse around the subscriber vault to see which star systems they concepted prior to 2015. The Hadesian artifact is in the PU - it's named for the system where an ancient civilisation annihilated themselves with a super weapon everyone is very curious about - Hades. The first reveal of a Vanduul capital ship (the Driller) after the Squadron 42 trailer was in the Hades system.
    These 3 systems are in Squadron 42 and there are likely more. We have also been told that there are no time jumps in Squadron 42 Episode 1- there are no menu screens or loading screens between missions or chapters, if you need to travel from one system to another you have to go through the intervening systems. The minimum number of systems would then be 12 in Squadron 42 E1 (using small and medium jump gates), this has been confirmed by leaks - which I've seen. I know the name of the ship you'll be travelling in to go from Kilian to Odin for your first posting as a naval pilot.

    • @finnwagner208
      @finnwagner208 Рік тому

      So they likely have to finish these systems for 42 and they can be implemented in SC after that. If the Servers kieep up

    • @s1rmunchalot
      @s1rmunchalot Рік тому

      @@finnwagner208 They've been working on those systems since the beginning.

    • @rots3123
      @rots3123 Рік тому

      woah a lot of interesting info here. wishing all the best for cig, i hope they will nail sq42 very excited to that but i always set my expectations so i will enjoying it as it is.

    • @seveneternal7988
      @seveneternal7988 11 місяців тому +2

      You should not expect 12 systems in SQ42.

    • @jodofe4879
      @jodofe4879 11 місяців тому

      @@seveneternal7988You should not expect anything of SQ42 at all. We have seen almost nothing of the game, so everything is just vague speculation and hearsay.

  • @fredashay
    @fredashay Рік тому +1

    I believe that when they get more game mechanics in, and they get PES and Dynamic Server Meshing working well, CIG can have 90% of their staff working on building new systems, planets, and landing zones.

  • @gumbi1972
    @gumbi1972 Рік тому +1

    The way you keep talking about security of the areas, and the jump gates it keeps flashing me back to Eve!

    • @LoudGuns
      @LoudGuns  Рік тому

      Yeah, I think about the security system very much in Eve terms because it makes perfect sense!

  • @Tsudico
    @Tsudico Рік тому +7

    Personally, I think Castra is more likely than Magnus because it connects to both Pyro and Nyx while giving more "lawful" or safe game play by having Cascom. What happens beyond Castra is up in the air and could depend on whether they want to push toward the systems that Squadron 42 are located in or if they want to stay away from them so move in a different direction. I don't think Terra will be a priority because it is like a secondary capitol and they might want to work on more frontier style systems so perhaps Magnus gets pushed from your spot 3 to my spot 4.

    • @justicebrown1077
      @justicebrown1077 10 місяців тому

      I imagine with S42 being feature complete and likely releasing shortly after Pyro (like Q4 next year, or Q1 2025), that they'll push towards those since theyve already been fleshed out. They also showed off a server meshing tech demo and a new planet making system so the possibility of them increasing the star system pipeline will star amping up. The more systems they have, they more they can condense the 'verse instances into as few server shards as possible, and the more players per instance the more they can plan for a player ran economy. The ship backlog is real, but theyve made serious progress on that and they can eventually get us to a point where we have most of them in game. I think itll be about 2 years till about 98% of the ships are in game (capital class ships and alien ships being probably the hardest ones to implement). I wonder how long itll take to make it through 100 hand crafted star systems like they originally planned

    • @Tsudico
      @Tsudico 10 місяців тому

      @@justicebrown1077 With the announcement that SQ42 is feature complete, it seems more likely that they incorporate systems that move toward SQ42 locations. I'm a little concerned with their decision to add more procedural crafting of planets that it will end up making them look largely similar, but we'll see if the addition of machine learning helps to prevent that. It would definitely make getting 100 star systems in faster, which is something they definitely need to do if they want to have 100 systems _before_ the game reaches end of life.
      Of course, anyone who has spent time on Star Citizen's existing planetary bodies will probably agree that much of each seem to be similar no matter where you land. Here's hoping that player made bases will provide plenty of points of interest that bring life to the verse and not ghost towns like the later years of SWG appeared to have.

  • @mattp1337
    @mattp1337 Рік тому +2

    Those are all reasonable guesses, with Terra being least likely to make the cut due to the gameplay design and technical challenges of making "high security" really mean something. For tier zero, CIG might be willing to have UEE ships just magically appear after a suitable delay in response to distress beacons, but ultimately they'll want a simulated fleet of military and policing craft that provide an effective safety blanket without cheating.
    I may be wrong, of course. Security checkpoints at jump gates plus patrols around stations, landing zones and roaming the system, may be more than enough to keep the number of pirates and malicious citizens near zero. I know I wouldn't want to be an outlaw in a system with even a single planetary defense fleet lurking nearby (and I suspect Terra will usually have more than one tactical group).

    • @rooster1012
      @rooster1012 Рік тому

      They said Jump Gates are no longer a thing and are going back to the original concept of a wormhole being a natural occurring event that will randomly drop you out in a nebula.

  • @MikePhilbin1966
    @MikePhilbin1966 Рік тому +4

    I wouldn't depend on Arc Star Map for any lore about any star system... remember Pyro went from being barely habitable around a flare star to being quite pleasant living around a normal star. This next-systems question needs to be answered by AN OFFICIAL Q&A from the guys... they will (or should) know this by now. :)

    • @GUNNER67akaKelt
      @GUNNER67akaKelt Рік тому +4

      Things change as development continues. Your right, the lore in the starmap, including positions, jump gates, and everything else should be taken with a grain of salt. Its all a work in progress. More interesting gameplay will trump a blurb written years ago.

    • @MikePhilbin1966
      @MikePhilbin1966 Рік тому

      Imagine getting to our Sol System and you discover that Italy is 75 km long on a 10% scale Earth. :( @@GUNNER67akaKelt

  • @Granar.
    @Granar. 11 місяців тому

    Would definitely enjoy some lore vids! Also, who doesn’t love a bit of rampant speculation 😁

  • @faithmacgregor340
    @faithmacgregor340 9 місяців тому

    I have been playing nearly two years and I just found the ARK map THIS WEEK! I just googled if someone had made a star map. I think Terra looks like a great system, looks large, its in the UEE and has asteroid belt and asteroid cluster. Should be a great place for mining!

  • @findern2arm62
    @findern2arm62 Рік тому +3

    imho whatever the system after nyx is, it needs to be either resource rich - so that you can sell your ore's etc in stanton, or another industrial area, where goods can be traded between it and stanton for the economy..

    • @mattp1337
      @mattp1337 Рік тому

      Hopefully we'll see lively commodity markets at major stations, with local miners and salvagers selling to long range traders and middlemen. Both players and simulated citizens would emerge in all these roles.

    • @billywashere6965
      @billywashere6965 Рік тому

      Well we know Odin is already done for SQ42, so that's definitely coming after Nyx, and will likely be made available in the PU in time for SQ42's launch. After Odin is the real question.

  • @justicebrown1077
    @justicebrown1077 10 місяців тому

    Magnus, I feel is 100% on the list after Nyx. Theyve done a lot of the work to get the Drake design down, and a lot of that companies assets fleshed out and that will go a LONG ways into helping to make their HQ. On top of that, we should have server meshing by them, so hopefully thats also when we'll see the Kraken implemented (being a newer capital ship lorewise).

  • @DamonCzanik
    @DamonCzanik Рік тому +1

    Odin system is one I would expect to see in 2025. This is just as varied as the Stanton system. What people forget about is that all the planets, moons, ships, factions, characters and stations are done once SQ42 ships. And leaks have said they're getting close to feature complete and content complete for SQ42 (also known as beta), targeting a Q4 2024 release. This is the first time I really believe it (though it's CIG, so expect additional delays). Their monthly reports say that they're working on AI to be polished to release quality on 1 level and that animation has moved into beta level. This is developers in the trenches talking about Beta. Not that "answer the call 2016" crap when so much of the tech just wasn't there. Feature creep and scope growth really hurt these 2 games, so hearing that SQ42 is approaching full content complete and feature complete is huge.
    So my optimistic guess is:
    1. Stanton
    2. Pyro (Q1 2024)
    3. Nyx (Q4 2024)
    4. Odin (Q2 2025)
    5. Magnus (Q4 2025)
    6. Terra 2026 (I think this will take a while).
    But they really need to improve their tools to put out more systems, faster. Pyro is so important because it means the tech barriers will finally be broken. From there, it's just the quality of the tools and team size dictating speed.

    • @seveneternal7988
      @seveneternal7988 11 місяців тому

      SQ42 2016 did not need any tech. SM was not a thing in SQ42 and planets neither. SQ42 2016 was a think, but the game was restarted.

  • @voodoomar
    @voodoomar Рік тому +2

    I do like the idea of Terra as the econmic anchor to make multiple systems work

    @BEATBUG. 11 місяців тому

    Nice to see some new content from you here! Great vid as usual o7

  • @rhadiem
    @rhadiem 11 місяців тому

    Ellis would be great, so much there and a great candidate for high-sec player base building with all those planets. It would be a nice PVE system for mining, traders, and some outlaw ruffians on the fringes near the belt and less Hero-asset dependent than Terra.

  • @rots3123
    @rots3123 Рік тому +1

    Looking forward for Oso system seems like an Avatar/Pandora like planet for me.

  • @Giugiu7077
    @Giugiu7077 11 місяців тому +1

    Well you also have to consider the ones that are implemented in Squadron 42 like Odin, Vega, Caliban, Orion etc

  • @noalear
    @noalear 11 місяців тому +1

    You make a good case. I think it all rests on their ability to implement decent server meshing. They might start dumping systems out quickly once we can get more than 120 people in a server. I think theyre very concerned with how empty everything will feel if they have multiple systems and so few people to exist in any given place. As it stands, 120 people in Stanton isnt enough. I was hoping to see server sizes continuously trickle higher as servers and software improved.

  • @RobCoxxy
    @RobCoxxy 11 місяців тому

    There were some shots of one of the planets from Nyx that were being worked on alongside Pyro from an ISC in like 2021, so I'm assuming Nyx won't be long after Pyro.
    Roadmap had a third unannounced system on there as well for a little while, too.

  • @stuartthurstan
    @stuartthurstan Рік тому +1

    Quite honestly if they can get to, let's say 10, fully fleshed out systems with a wide variety of locations, points of interest, diverse climates, biomes etc., I would be happy enough.

  • @aimesblack
    @aimesblack Рік тому

    Rip levski, still remember landing there and looking at the ship shop back when I was still playing on an hdd

  • @greghoffstadt667
    @greghoffstadt667 Рік тому

    Thank you for the speculation. Interesting outlook. Be seeing y'all shortly have a few ducks to get in a row than..... I will be knocking on your door.

  • @renaudabbadie8154
    @renaudabbadie8154 Рік тому

    Due to server meshing repeated delays and consequently the Pyro system release, I assume some devs already began to work on several non-announced systems behind the curtains, at least concerning planets and moons. Nevertheless, cities and other locations remain very time consuming as being more handcrafted.
    Therefore, after most of the SQ42 systems being logically transfered to SC, I would bet on Magnus and Castra systems since each one appears easier/faster to build compared to Terra or Ellis.
    The "frontier" ambiance and the recolonization needs (lack of certain commodities, immigrants...) could be accompanied by interesting inter-systems contracts as well as emergent opportunities for specific ships: Hull C convoys and escorts, fleet patrols including the "not so far" Polaris and Perseus, commercial flights with the Spirit E1 and the Starliner, itinerant market with the Merchantman and the Kraken Privateer, etc.
    Not to mention that Borea (Magnus) and Cascom (Castra) policies might encourage homestead building with affordable land claim prices.

  • @matwilcoxson2849
    @matwilcoxson2849 4 місяці тому

    That was fun. Thanks. Some more solar systems would be good. Do you know when Pyro may be out?!

  • @Stephanthesearcher
    @Stephanthesearcher Рік тому

    there will be systems compleated for sq42, those will be imported to sc first as it is simply the esayest option

  • @arethunessamsonsen6245
    @arethunessamsonsen6245 Рік тому +4

    I'm all in favour of more lore-vids. I mean to read up on the lore, but just can't seem to get around to it.

  • @craigjohnson837
    @craigjohnson837 Рік тому

    Great video! Can't wait to play a some more Org events soon :)

  • @LFK-Lasticot
    @LFK-Lasticot Рік тому

    Amazing video ! I had a great time watching this ! u gained a subscriber !

  • @romain13100
    @romain13100 Рік тому

    Five years they have been working on Pyro, two years they have been working on Pyro stations, there is nothing to add

  • @mrtortoise3766
    @mrtortoise3766 Рік тому +1

    I think Castra is a better option than terra, mainly because we already have an economic powerhouse in Stanton and also because it’s less work for CIG

  • @seveneternal7988
    @seveneternal7988 11 місяців тому

    I cant agree more. For me its also clear that those are the following 4 systems, and I would say more, when those are relased, SC will hit 5.0 and beta.
    I would just add another point. Magnus has the base of Drake, and I CIG can use this to release the Drake Capital ship, the Kraken.
    Regarding Terra, CIG did some work of the city while back, maybe they could use part of it.

  • @patrickspiegel
    @patrickspiegel 10 місяців тому

    I cant wait for Terra to be added.
    I do hope however that by that time they will be able to have a bunch of explorable interiors of buildings!
    And more importantly beautiful apartments with great views --> oof

  • @dennisanderson3286
    @dennisanderson3286 11 місяців тому

    Very nice solid guesses. I agree with the financial thing. They need to work that out. Multiple jump point math solid. Thank you. Two extra large Hawaiian style shredded pork burritos are in the mail. Watch your post box 😋🪐

  • @MrGrimXIV
    @MrGrimXIV 11 місяців тому

    Give us more lore, please! Great video as always

  • @Verinia
    @Verinia Рік тому +1

    Can't wait for part II: 6-100

  • @CitizenScott
    @CitizenScott 5 місяців тому

    Would love to see a proper frontier system with zero infrastructure whatsoever. A place that is actually uninhabited and unexplored, so that players can really experience a sense of danger and discovery, and really be responsible for providing the only available services there. Also the easiest type of system for CIG to make as it wouldn't require LZs, LEOs, NPCs, etc.

  • @americasace
    @americasace Рік тому +2

    More lore videos about 'SC please!!

  • @tomaszpiwkowski5508
    @tomaszpiwkowski5508 Рік тому +35

    4 new systems in 2044

    • @findern2arm62
      @findern2arm62 Рік тому +2

      pyro in 2043

    • @andyandreson3989
      @andyandreson3989 Рік тому


    • @Birbucifer
      @Birbucifer Рік тому +1

      @@andyandreson3989 they forgot to mention that when they said "soon" they meant relative to the heat death of the universe

    • @hanswurst9866
      @hanswurst9866 Рік тому

      haha optimism

    • @tedstriker4278
      @tedstriker4278 Рік тому +2

      Im sure i will not live to see Pyro, and im wondering what happens to the project when Chris retires.

  • @vectieba
    @vectieba Рік тому

    Loved the video, was very interesting and entertaining.

  • @TheCort1971
    @TheCort1971 Рік тому

    i remember six and a half years ago when i first backed the game and joined an org all of us sitting around talking excitedly about what system world we wanted to be based out of.... all of that excitedness is gone now.

  • @libertybelleeve
    @libertybelleeve Рік тому

    Magnus is definitely high on my list. Also seems like ice mining is coming when the jump points open, so Nyx might be the go to place for that!

  • @MersageSW
    @MersageSW 11 місяців тому

    Pyro > Nyx seems almost set in stone. Magnus would be cool. I hope they save Terra for when they are fully ready so it's not down scaled.

  • @ricardomoura4411
    @ricardomoura4411 11 місяців тому

    amazing video!!! which music is playing on background?

  • @ThePuma1707
    @ThePuma1707 Рік тому

    Before even starting the video im pretty sure that Pyro, Nyx and Odin is their release order for them

  • @Howler-Legion
    @Howler-Legion 6 місяців тому

    I was thinking Odin after Pyro since they already have so much work into it.

  • @amem1966
    @amem1966 Рік тому

    CIG said Nyx will be added not long after they add Pyro recently.

  • @jedi_drifter2988
    @jedi_drifter2988 Рік тому +3

    Although you mentioned the size of Pyro, you did not mention Magnus or the others. You will not be able to cross many of these systems, nor operate in them without a long range medium to large ship. Light fighters and starters won't cut it. You may even need large exploration or capitol size ships to cross some systems, that's how huge they are. Stanton and Pyro are in the smaller size range of systems.

    • @mattp1337
      @mattp1337 Рік тому +1

      I suspect it'll be possible to cross developed systems in a small craft, as rest stops would've naturally arisen to serve such travelers. Mind you, the network of routes will change as planets move in their orbits, so specific routes will regularly be opening and closing to short range traffic, making opportunities for ferry services (ie: Liberator), or forcing small craft to take a long way around or just linger for hours/days until a gap closes again. The emergent gameplay is hard to predict.

    • @LordOfFlies
      @LordOfFlies Рік тому +1

      Capital ships.

    • @jedi_drifter2988
      @jedi_drifter2988 Рік тому +1

      ​@@mattp1337 ie: Liberator is not a starter or small ship and many systems will not have plenty of rest stops. Even if they did you would be stopping at almost every one. There are systems over 100 AU. Stanton is 5 AU, Oden is 21 AU, Banshee system is 55 AU and The Helios system is 237 AU. This will give some scope to the project. Not all systems will be civilized. I would guess less than 50% will be like Stanton or say Terra systems.

  • @micknolan2061
    @micknolan2061 Рік тому

    I hope that this is a realistic interpretation of the future.
    Your insights are well founded and presented.

  • @Schniposa2010
    @Schniposa2010 Рік тому

    dont forgett the laggyashel l3.0 and cashgrap 2.0 system... thats are the most important...

  • @nothinhappened
    @nothinhappened 9 місяців тому

    The SQ42 system will prob be ready to deliver pretty quickly after its released. Say a year later. As most hopeful guess.

  • @phillipironhand7636
    @phillipironhand7636 Рік тому +1

    I'd love a lore dive if your down

  • @sheldonbromen2603
    @sheldonbromen2603 Рік тому

    i love lore stuff definitely interested

  • @GUNNER67akaKelt
    @GUNNER67akaKelt Рік тому

    There are actual video clips of (very) early builds of Terra.

  • @theonefrancis696
    @theonefrancis696 Рік тому +1

    Next four systems, releasing in 2300 AD

  • @3dVisualist
    @3dVisualist 11 місяців тому

    Great breakdown, thank you. Personally, I think CIG will (should) try for quick wins. I think it’ll be Pyro, Nyx, then Odin. I think Terra is too big to tackle for a few years!

  • @slymako
    @slymako Рік тому

    3:41 MOSS

  • @numidara
    @numidara 8 місяців тому

    The next system with stanton and pyro : nyx, bremen, odin, vega ;)

  • @Sentrix141
    @Sentrix141 Рік тому

    Great video love this content

  • @Paga969
    @Paga969 Рік тому +2

    Next : Pyro, Nyx, Magnus, Odin, Hadrian, Cano, Terra. Look map

    • @steinmayer2791
      @steinmayer2791 Рік тому +1

      Every 10 years on system. My grant kids will love the Odin system

    • @billywashere6965
      @billywashere6965 Рік тому

      They already finished three additional systems next to Stanton. As the video points out, the only hold-up is server meshing (which they finalyl got working intenrally in July).@@steinmayer2791

    • @billywashere6965
      @billywashere6965 Рік тому

      They already finished three additional systems next to Stanton@@steinmayer2791

    • @pagaorigin7980
      @pagaorigin7980 Рік тому

      @@steinmayer2791 on this thought, I know you know nothing about Star Citizen. What is the point of creating a new system without the technologies that allow it to be implemented? They have just completed software that allows a developer to complete a star in a week... with static meshing arriving between March and June 2024 they will be able to start making systems other than Pyro and Nyx. initially there were 15, there are more than 1000!! Do you see the difference ? So 50 people on environment creation and they can do between 15 and 20 completed systems per year (not 100% procedural like all other games, real worked systems!!) before giving your opinion try to think about it

    • @steinmayer2791
      @steinmayer2791 Рік тому

      @@pagaorigin7980 ah yes the white knight in his shiny armor XD. Man I love these fools

  • @camraid9
    @camraid9 Рік тому

    cool man, great video

  • @circuitguy9750
    @circuitguy9750 Рік тому

    They talk about Odin as part of SQ42 way too much for it to not be #3 or 4. It's almost certainly got to come before Terra.

  • @Dazvanu
    @Dazvanu Рік тому +1

    wow, this is the first time I've seen a "road map" for 50 years ahead.

  • @Tainted-Soul
    @Tainted-Soul 11 місяців тому

    the 4 you picked could be and the points you made are fair but we are talking about CIG and they may even do a system 6 jumps away 2nd to pyro and then say oh we have to make the others first before you can play in it or make a super jump gate lol
    but the ones connected to Stanton is a good bet and the system connected to Odin as once cough SQ42 is out Cough cough then people will want to be able to free fly the system where I think SQ42 will not let you.
    you have me excited to see new systems now LOL .
    DO you think the first time we get to go to a new system ( Pyro ) you will fly alone or grab some crew to die in numbers LOL

  • @diamondwhite5208
    @diamondwhite5208 Рік тому

    Can’t wait for pyro so we can see fuel rats 2 lol

  • @skankhunt9078
    @skankhunt9078 Рік тому

    Nice need only wait 20 more years

  • @scottthompson7332
    @scottthompson7332 11 місяців тому

    Coming in the next decade

  • @flightsimulatoradventures7246

    Looking forward to seeing Terra some day.

  • @TheOutlando
    @TheOutlando 11 місяців тому

    In about 2030 4 systems could be a thing, yes.

  • @SEAW1NG
    @SEAW1NG 11 місяців тому

    Ive been waiting and im glad im still here, this is looking better and better. 3.20 looks like it might get my gaming freinds back too. I joined 5 July 2013, Im here for the long hual !!! O7

  • @lukas6485
    @lukas6485 11 місяців тому +1

    This will never come out

  • @misapheonix
    @misapheonix 11 місяців тому

    I'm the opposite. Only been following the game for two years now and already impatient for the other 80% of the game (including Squadron lol)!
    Because Star Citizen isn't even a AAAA. . . it's a QUINT A game! xD

  • @Evilprince24
    @Evilprince24 Рік тому

    why not

  • @ashurgeorge4604
    @ashurgeorge4604 Рік тому +1

    Right now it's mainly a solo game. I tried to play with a friend and the desync is absurd. I'd be 100 feet away from him on my screen but right next to him on his screen. It's sad. But all that said ... it's worth playing to check in on every now and then The potential is great.

    • @cadmanfox6874
      @cadmanfox6874 Рік тому +2

      That desync is due to the horrible servers.. Whenever server meshing finds it's way into the game, it will be much more playable.

  • @donniepierce2293
    @donniepierce2293 Рік тому +3

    Were all gonna be long gone before the next 5 come out 😂

  • @hanswurst9866
    @hanswurst9866 Рік тому +5

    No new systems will ever come out

  • @mammoth505
    @mammoth505 Рік тому +2

    Will any of us still be alive when they four systems?

  • @nixlad
    @nixlad Рік тому +4

    Next 40 years

  • @jrddoubleu514
    @jrddoubleu514 Рік тому

    3.20 = 5.0

  • @esrtek5754
    @esrtek5754 Рік тому +4

    lol... only ppl tryin to make a living of youtube vids about SC care. Gives you something to talk about for next 5yrs!!
    Also, Im starting to get where the '42' in Sqd42 comes's the projected release 2042!!

    • @LoudGuns
      @LoudGuns  Рік тому +1

      Tbf if I was trying to make a living out of this I’d be covering finance rather than computer games 😂

    • @VenEm
      @VenEm Рік тому

      for a bunch of ppl that hate SC so much, you sure fervently follow every scrap of media released like you actually backed and are full of shit.

  • @Feral_Badger
    @Feral_Badger Рік тому

    Can't believe you didn't talk about the MOSS in pyro

  • @core2julen728
    @core2julen728 11 місяців тому


  • @CardilloSamuel
    @CardilloSamuel 11 місяців тому

    😂 A video about speculative systems that will, if ever, get released in 50 years 😂

  • @smurrdog5364
    @smurrdog5364 Рік тому +1

    Next 4 systems? how about just Pyro for now? It seems to be impossible for CiG to get shit done and you´re dreaming about 4 systems.

  • @masaitube
    @masaitube Рік тому

    Terra has always confused me because Terra is Latin for Earth. Such a poor choice of an system name.

    • @tullan1652
      @tullan1652 11 місяців тому

      I believe in lore it is referred to our second earth.

    • @masaitube
      @masaitube 11 місяців тому

      @@tullan1652 Yes true. Nevertheless, if someone speaks in Latin, he now has two Terras. To give a name a second time in another language simply makes no sense :)

  • @hb7of9
    @hb7of9 Рік тому +2

    Why make videos like this if this is still years off?
    Sure Pyro, is 7 years late, and then how long will the other 98 systems take?
    7 * 98 = 686 years == 2708

    • @LoudGuns
      @LoudGuns  Рік тому +1

      I assume “for fun” might not be deemed an acceptable answer…

    • @BillieSkin
      @BillieSkin 11 місяців тому

      ​@@LoudGunsignore it, people can't help but sh*tmouth content makers even when they put together a superb video and literally verbally acknowledge it is rampant speculation - as a nice/fun break from the current.
      Keep it up, I really enjoyed this video and it doesn't hurt to be hopeful, there's nothing to lose.

  • @LordOfFlies
    @LordOfFlies Рік тому +3

    Skip the lore videos. SC lore kind of sucks and I don't think there is much you could add other creators haven't already. Stick to the theorycrafting videos in my opinion!

  • @mdsf01
    @mdsf01 11 місяців тому

    Sorry to say but at the current rate of progress this is wishful thinking.

  • @PyubX
    @PyubX 11 місяців тому

    Starfield is garbage

  • @MikeS-iy7kb
    @MikeS-iy7kb Рік тому +1
