I agree that barre chords are pretty darn easy, but I’ve been playing for 20 yrs. for some reason though, countless beginners in all the FB groups I’m in are constantly griping about them, looking for workarounds and such. I also agree that they’re much more challenging on acoustic vs electric. That’s just the nature of the beast ;)
Just Some Gamer - Gaming And Stuff Yeah much better, but in the early years Songsterr took the tabs mainly from ultimate guitar. And you could only access it from a PC. You had to pay to get full songs on phone. It was so stupid, now It’s the same on both platforms.
xApachi like me xddd.... i mainly play drums but i also want to learn guitar so i started taking lessons with my dads old king V but im not very good yet lol
@@Scorcher19 Big oof- Not good when beginners are cocky. You should have self-confidence, but don't take it too far. Speaking of bass, I just got one two weeks ago. Unfortunately, I don't have too much time to play because of schoolwork.
The character he's playing is actually way cooler than some of the beginner guitarists I've encountered. Atleast he has a positive non-elitist outlook on it haha.
LOL, that reminds me. I ran into a kid at guitar center the other day that complimented me on my playing and my guitar then felt the need to impress me so he made up some lie about being endorsed (by schecter lmao) and that he was asked to perform a clinic. So for shits and giggles I asked him where this clinic was and he said California. How descriptive! lmao. I can't stand compulsive liars and tryhards. It made for a good laugh though. He left without picking up a guitar and came back 30 min later I guess hoping I wasn't there anymore. He picked up an epiphone and plugged into an amp and didn't even turn it up.. as if embarrassed, and started trying to play stairway to heaven :,D
+5carecrow94 Just tried drop d for the first time today. Never went out of standard tuning much, but drop d's awesome. Pretty much anything you do is a power chord, it's stupid fun, emphasis on the stupid part
Ze'ev Yehuda I use Drop C# a lot for metal, because you can still do actual chords on the upper strings. Plus it makes tapping easier with looser strings. But I've been playing guitar for long enough to see that drop tunings are not the end-all, be-all for heavier styles. C Standard is a ton of fun, too.
I don’t know sheet music, scales, notes. Ive been playing for four years, I still rely on ultimate guitar. And I don’t really know what a tube amp is. I am a beginner with an intermediate’s fingers
Neoven yeah and that shit wasn’t even an example. Oh the irony of someone talking shit about beginners but putting an energy drink on top of their thousand dollar amp
When I was a beginner I thought that I was good coz I could do natural harmonics. And I just used to go up to better guitarists and be like "u think ur so good but can u do harmonics?" And they'd be like "pinch harmonics? Natural harmonics? Tapped harmonics? What?" And I'd respond with "the ones at the 7th and 12th fret." And they'd cone back with "they're called natural harmonics and you can play them at any fret. They're just louder at the 4th 5th 7th 9th and 12th frets." I used to think I could just make up chords and pentatonic scales and genuinely believed I was good at guitar.
Humble beginnings is what I say, don’t get too big for your boots, and don’t do what my friend did and get an american fender stratocaster as your first guitar...
TheUnoriginal Exactly. I didn't wanna look like a douche by getting an electric and an amp to learn on, so I used my own acoustic to learn, playing a lot of songs on it. I've been playing for a year and I'm still guilty of using tabs though
Or, if you're me: "Fuck, why can't I get this right? Stupid sonuvabitch fingers work like I tell you to dammit. Oh for fuck's sake I could almost do this yesterday."
It doesn’t matter how good you are at guitar, EVERYONE starts at Level 1. Even you. Even the legends, started at Level 1. So, keep that in mind the next time you judge a beginner.
Hann Pungartnik Just very recently I started sweeping at Origin speeds!I started with The Aftermath, still needs a little more work but I'm getting there.This too just requires practice!
Yeahh I've never tried to learn at all lol there's no way my fingers could move that fast, if you're looking for insane sweep riffs man listen to rings of saturn straight out they use sweeps in their normal riffs lol like it ain't special
Kandi Klover Dude it's a reality TV show. In real life do you really think Rumble Johnson or Cain Velasquez walk around acting like tough guys picking fights just to prove something?
Many people deface their guitar by putting stupid stickers on it when they first start playing. This may be due to them thinking the guitar looks boring, or them wanting to express themselves. This ends up making the guitar look cheap. This is only really obvious to the people who have done it. It's really embarrassing in most cases. Here's an example: i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa95/sinjacat/DSCN1004.jpg As you can see, it has the potential of making a $5,000 instrument look like some thrift shop monstrosity.
Yeah, but beginners usually don't have $5000 guitars. I defaced my first guitar pretty heavily, but it didn't matter since it was an awful Chinese knock-off Strat. I still have it and I don't regret doing it, I still think it looks kinda cool. But the shit I put on was a bit more relevant than whatever was on that LP
Zombie Energy In some cases the stickers may look good, however, in most, including mine, they look terrible. Hence why the joke works. The beginners that really have a $5,000 guitar likely got it as a gift.
yec0dy I wouldn't say so, reading music is a prerequisite to playing any instrument that's not a guitar or bass guitar professionally (although reading music benefits every instrument and every musician). How in the world can you tell a pianist or a saxophonist specifically what you want them to play? Chord charts only go so far. Tabs are nothing but a crutch for guitarists too lazy to spend the time and effort to learn music. Sheet music is a universal language; if you write a C on a staff, every musician, regardless of instrument, can tell you what that note is. Tabs, however, speak to only one instrument. The ability to read music is essential to anyone who wants to be a professional musician, i.e. making music for a living.
Any instrument can be played - and played well - without proficiency in music notation. There are many people who can speak perfectly well, but can't read or write. These things are the same. It's not imperative that you're musically literate, it's just another skill - the importance of which is dependent on the player's ambitions. Plenty of awesome players who can't read notation, plenty who can. Music notation is very much the same as language notation. It's a means of communication. With sheet music, you don't need to hear the music to play it. Such as with written language, you don't need to hear the person's voice to understand it.
Amir hazmie No he doesn't. For certain songs, yes. But he doesn't just downpick. Beginners can only do downstrokes because they can't alternate pick, that's why he put it in the video. Also, I'm not your pal, guy.
James Hetfields downpicking makes his music heavier, although he can alternate pick his ass off, too. Downpicking at the speed of light is James' signature thing.
oravlaful literally, watch Rob Chapman, watch his challenges and gear vids, and then just google what he says that you dont know, I'm really good at specs and gear just by watching him
yeah this vid was meant to be funny of course.. i think they were more making fun of beginners who not just are ignorant but also have big egos (which lets face it, there are a lot lol). i've always preferred to assume i know hardly anything about guitar.. that way i can push myself to always get better. people who assume they are the shit tend to make less interesting music i've found. (with some exceptions of course.. if you can back it up 100% then you can claim whatever you want; but i don't like dickish attitudes like that tbh)
I think I'm the opposite: Played 6 years and can't say I'm a good player. I know a ton about gear though, I've found modifiyng guitars and amps and pedals to be almost as much fun as actual playing...
Ice9922 Why do I hear about so many beginners spending money on electrics? I learned on a thirty dollar acoustic that had been rotting in a closet for years. Don't dump money into something unless you're sure you're gonna love it
K Ktown lol I've been playing for 2 years... only ever owned a $10 acoustic I learned on and play at a jazz band with a sold bodied squier strat (with a pedal just to emulate the tone)... still too broke to buy a decent semi-hollow :(
yeah I know this guy who specializes in metal, typical "people who cant play metal are pussies" and "if it aint metal its weak as fuck" kind of guy, real prick
+xX_Gabe_Xx being a pretty dedicated metalhead myself, I can tell you it's not good to limit your abilities as a guitarist to just one genre. That being said, the only guitar I have has such heavy strings I can't actually play anything in standard tuning, unless I want to break my bridge. Dilemma!
SYLFan2008 I use 12-54's right now, so I'm in drop Bb (for In Flames). I play drop C a lot, too. Occasionally I go down to A. I have a floating bridge so it gets screwed up when i put too much tension on it.
When I started to learn to play guitar my dad explained to me what a barre chord was and I tried it and it worked and I was really excited like, “and I can do this EVERYWHERE? So I can play like EVERY CHORD?!!!” and felt like that’s an epiphany lmao
when i was a beginner i liked Bc rich so much for their cool design but in the end i bought a Razorback Dean now i just want to buy a simple looking ibanez :P being a kid was nice
Laugh all you want guys, because we all know that this was true for every one of us, even if only for a very small period of time. I bought my first guitar based on looks alone. It was a B.C. Rich Mockingbird. Knew less than nothing about the guitar as an instrument, or else I'd have bought an Ibanez or Charvel for the same price instead. My amp is a shitty Acoustic solid state 10 watt combo with an 8 inch speaker. The thing cant even handle a note lower than C#. Ever since I figured out what they were, i wanted a set EMG 81/85s and a BOSS Metal Zone. Thank god I never followed through. I scooped the mids to oblivion and turned the treble and bass up to 11. Cranked the gain up as high as it could go. Thought I sounded amazing. I had no idea. Tube amps had too many settings for me, was too afraid to try them out. First time I ever plugged into one, i had it on standby and thought it wasnt plugged in to the cab correctly. Spent most of my days learning easy Metallica and Black Sabbath riffs, usually playing them in the wrong tunings (Sad But True in E Standard anybody?). Once even tried to write an original riff with a buddy of mine. It was a total pile of shit, loaded with mindless chugging and random pick scrapes. Fast forward to now, almost a year later. I still have that B.C. Rich Mockingbird and that Acoustic amp. Gotten better through practice, but its been hard with school and college shit etc. I can just barely gallop, and my alternate picking is pitiful. Been practicing it as often as possible to build up my right/left hand coordination, but it is really hard, especially after almost a year of almost exclusively downpicking. Looking forward, I hope to sell the B.C. Rich and solid state in favor of some sort of mid-range guitar, likely an Ibanez RG or something similar, and either an Orange Micro Dark Terror or BIAS FX by Positive Grid for my laptop. Guitar is a learning experience for me. Every day, theres something new to be learned, something to be practiced. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.
machinimamarlon For some reason, it's really difficult for me to sync my right and left hands when I alternate pick. I can play slower stuff just fine, but when it comes to playing bands like Lamb of God or Megadeth, its too fast and my left hand gets held up somewhere along the way
Jake McB I'm pretty sure everyone has that problem. I think what makes them get past it is just how you deal with it. What I did was start from square one. I kept playing the chromatic scale while alternating. First I was focused on just doing it. Then after a while it became "how fast can I do it?" Also, something a lot of people tend to overlook (including myself) is the way you hold the pick. When you alternate, you wanna kind of tilt your pick so it cuts through the string. I didn't notice how much this helped until a friend of mine pointed it out.
machinimamarlon Yeah i found that angling tip on a Ben Eller video about sweep picking. It really does help a ton. I just need to learn/run some modes and scales to practice, like you said. Been doing that 1234 run on each string, then switching it to 1243 after a while
Just keep at it - even if you can only put 20 or 30 minutes in a day, just try and practice every day. While there are many good videos online, sometimes having a guitar teacher is great for keeping you focused and also being able to fine tune your practices based on your strengths and weaknesses. Nobody picked up a guitar and was instantly good - but I believe just about anyone can become good. It's a lifelong passion - and I truly think the more people who play music - the better.
Apologen it's less the sheet music but more getting to know the mechanics of scales, keys, and chords. Some people don't need it but it can be a huge help to others.
+TheHungryBarbarian Lot of the older folks are agreeing with the video xD As for me, I still can't tap solo after 9 years of playing guitar...but I sure can do a very mean rhythm and bass guitar. Even other kinds of lead solos. Depends on the song. ...also, being just a cover musician does limit me, but it also opened up many more horizons than trying to do new songs (though I did manage to come up with a few ideas here and there). All I know is, my students don't mind me not being the COMPLETE master or even near a master of music as I am continuously still learning techniques and such
+Jaye Warnes I think certain styles of playing are difficult for certain people - not everyone becomes a math genius, either, right? I started playing around 1979 and I know hardly any scales, maybe one mode, can't pick very well (at all?) and am not the greatest rhythm player, but somehow I've managed to open shows for Anthrax, Megadeth, Testament, Forbidden, Possessed and Death Angel (among others) in one band and The Outlaws, Foghat and Molly Hatchet in another. "There's more than one way to skin a cat. . ."
Это Алан I've played for 6 months, and I read tabs. Honestly, I didn't even know there was sheet music. I'm self taught, so i has no clue about half the things he said... I'm getting better
This made me feel really low as a beginner and I thought at the end of this there was gonna be a "hey! In all seriousness if you're a beginner just remember to keep at it and one day you'll look back and laugh at those things. Don't give up guys!" But naaaaahhh instead I feel like shit lmao.
lefwanda 305 bro just keep practicing every day and this will be a distant memory. This kind of video is more for experienced guitarists to look back and laugh at because we were all there once :)
My desire to learn to play comes from 2 things. 1) the feeling of doing something that is essentially the core of most modern day music is something I can only imagine. But I feel its best summed up in one feeling. Ecstasy... 2) Witnessing the looks on people's face when they look on in awe. Watching people I know playing guitar live and being good at it puts a smile on my face a mile long. I'd love to be able to give someone who I know that sensation and sense of awe.
Wanna hear a funny thing? I didn't start playing guitar for me. I started playing for others. Everyone had a talent at my school. I can draw decently, I can sing decently, but it seemed everyone else could do it better. So in order to one up the one uppers, I joined band. After a year or so, flute wasn't really cutting it for me (although I still play today. You can never give up an instrument completely) because who could impress someone with a flute? I wanted to master a common instrument, and since I was so into indie rock at the time, I picked up guitar. I expected that I was going to probably quit, but in my guitar class, I was excelling. Very quickly I should add. Something that was unlikely for me, because I usually don't do better than others. I ended up being separated from my group a quarter of the way through my semester class and started learning some new stuff. Not the boring old chords the other kids were struggling with. I was taught licks, scales, and hell! The first song I ever learned was Enter Sandman, after I strengthened my fingers up a bit and got down my scales. Guitar became more about me, rather than my peers. I started to play for me. And although it feels fucking amazing to shred an awesome guitar solo, it feels even better to know that I did this. I practiced and slaved over a song for a good month and shredded it down to every note, just for myself. Playing guitar is amazing. And with playing guitar, you started to define your music identity. Two years ago, it'd be only Manchester Orchestra, the indie stuff. But guitar opened me up to a lot of old rock, the only thing I'll listen to now, really. White snake, GNR, Motörhead. A lot more comes from playing guitar, rather than actually PLAYING guitar. (I know, this is long. And please do not get discouraged about how I said I got separated. Every musician starts somewhere. Be proud of where you are in your experience.)
I picked up guitar but then someone called me bad because they are cocky douches do I learned how to unicycle instead my story isn't at intriguing as yours
Alyssa Hyslop I was 8 when I got my first guitar. I got super into Michael Jackson right after he died. And I found out that of all the people in the world, Eddie Van Halen played the solo for Beat It. I asked for it for my birthday, and got a black and white guitar from some company in NY called Brownsville. I was enrolled in lessons, but I was told my hands were too small. So my dumbass shelved it away for about 6 long years. After middle school, I started listening to bands like A7X, MCR, Manic Street Preachers, the Cribs, and people like Hendrix, SRV, and John Mayer. And decided to learn again. Best decision I've made in my young life, because I don't know what I would rather do. But the thing that annoys me is that being Mexican-American and playing guitar is the absolute worst. Everyone calls me Elvis because of my hair and they call me Ritchie Valens because I'm hispanic and they've all seen or heard La Bamba. I don't really have a problem with that, but they expect me to know every single song by them, and it pisses me off. Because I'm (still) learning to become my own player, not to be a copycat. I'm about to turn 16 and I don't plan on stopping, my guitars are my many mistresses. I love all 5 of them.
Wild Cat Well I won't lie, I like it too, but I learned it for my uncle's bday. I also forgot to mention that the very first song I learned how to play was sleepwalk. The song at the end when Bob yells "RITCHIE!" and I never knew until I saw the movie. That's were everyone calling me Ritchie all started.
I were never been interested to learn guitar like, to play Van Halen or anything more than just fooling around, but in my Music class the opportunity to play the bass in a prom performance (Between half and half of the diploma ceremony) and got interested in the instrument. Not because of the song, that was a piece of shit generic pop love song, but I just got into the bass guitar. Flash forward to June 4th. I go to Madrid (I'm from Tenerife) for the GNR concert and the performance that Duff Mckagan gave just seemed to inadvertedly flip a switch in my brain: I wanted to play bass. The performance thing happened, but I guess the bass was considered not necessary (Though they got a backup singer at the last minute who couldn't harmonize for shit) and it was discarded. Still, my interest in it was high and at the very end of July I got my bass, a Squier Affinity J Bass. Now, at nearly 16 years old, I've learned so much in these couple months mostly from playing Cliff Burton stuff (Not quite polished anything yet, but I've still improved a great deal for not having any teachers but me) and it's such a fun instrument to play. Just wish I had more time to sit down and play.
"it's half step down? never mind I'll find a different song" "there's a bar chord in this one too? never mind I'll find a different song" "muting the top string thingy doesn't even make a difference so I just wont worry about that" *how to play Bm easy way google search* *what is a power chord google search* Did I miss anything?
a lot of this video resonates with me as a beginner but you know where i felt personally attacked? **flicks pickup selector switch up and down and up and down and up and...**
crystallene I’m currently learning, I’m getting lessons from a friend. 3rd one is tomorrow, I was gonna show him Smoke On The Water :( I also use Ultimate Guitar Tabs, and am trying to learn Crazy Train. If you thought you felt attacked by one, imagine 3 in 10 seconds
@@mdelucia28 can totally relate, even tho i have been playing for two years. It just seems unfair to mock people for trying to learn, its like mocking someone fat at the gym
+TheZooropaBaby One time I stayed up all night listening to Bleach and at like 6am I decided to play some guitar. I wrote a riff that I thought was really cool. The next day I pick up my guitar and play and I realised I had just been playing the intro to School.
I remember watching this as a beginner and not being able to answer any of the beginner questions he was asking. Now I’ve been playing for 6 years and can answer every single one. Literally everything he asked in the video is stuff you learn as you keep playing 😂
no worries he plays djent so he works hard to play badly on a regular basis... (IM KIDDING people calm down). Seriously if you watch him just wail on the guitar he's stunningly good
"i've always wanted to play guitar, but the beginning just seemed so slow and frustrating"
AHHAHA That Yousician Ad!
We’ve all got that mesmerized now 😂😂
😂😂😂😂😂 that ad is ridiculously overplayed
You forgot to complain endlessly about barre chords.
F in particular.
Or B
Whata wrong with f
@@n0isr682 F barre chord is very frequently used in popular songs that many people want to play, but it's hard for beginners to play this chord.
And after conquering F chord, you realised that F chord requires the least strength out of all the E string barre chords.
I agree that barre chords are pretty darn easy, but I’ve been playing for 20 yrs. for some reason though, countless beginners in all the FB groups I’m in are constantly griping about them, looking for workarounds and such. I also agree that they’re much more challenging on acoustic vs electric. That’s just the nature of the beast ;)
“Learning guitar? WAIT! Don’t touch that skip button, This is going to change EVERYTHING”
Ah so I’m not the only one
Kid Covers metal I have that problem to
Heyy nice Creatures profile picture
The Structure Falls yesssss i love that album from MIW!
Creature lol that’s awesome! 😊 MIW is one of my favorite bands of all time literally
Ultimate guitar is mentioned
Me: is this a personal attack or something
DHG memelord The wink was even harder :’(
I felt attacked😢. 😂
DHG memelord 😂😂
Yes, because Songsterr is better
Just Some Gamer - Gaming And Stuff Yeah much better, but in the early years Songsterr took the tabs mainly from ultimate guitar. And you could only access it from a PC. You had to pay to get full songs on phone. It was so stupid, now It’s the same on both platforms.
watching this as a beginner and feeling stupid
Phanic! At My Chemical Pilots, Me too, and I love your username!
Dude i feel like shit 😂😂
You'll get there, don't worry. Also I love the middle part of your name.
I’ve been playing for some time and I wouldn’t call myself a beginner anymore and many people I know agree with me but I still feel crap :/
Don't, we all did and said shit like this as beginners. Even him. Just stick with it and enjoy learning things you like.
I only learned guitar to get chicks, but all it got me was other dudes that play guitar.
Same tbh
Lolololololol so true, so true.
Haha the trick is you have to play acoustic and sing, thats we're they come *wink*
"My pinky isn't strong enough to fret with."
ooooh that one hits home
that's me 😂 even though I can play piano my pinky isn't strong enough for guitar
Mal Maelstrom oh my gosh. Lmao. That, I can't play chords, and I can't move that fast are so nostalgic😂
Mal Maelstrom on bass i legit have that problem, allthough im getting used to using it more
i did the wrong thing when i started playing and palyed Power chords wong and used my pinky instead of mi index finger so my pinky is really strong
“Wanna hear some of our riffs?”
*starts to play ‘Come As You Are’ by Nirvana*
Thats me 🤘🏻😂
I also put 2 stickers on my guitar 🤦🏻♂️😂😂
Just learned that😂
Very true lol, but it’s still a cool riff
Who is Nirvana? I only know To Floss The Teeth of Poseidon
There are humble beginners who genuinely want to learn, and there are...ppl like this guy..
xApachi like me xddd....
i mainly play drums but i also want to learn guitar so i started taking lessons with my dads old king V but im not very good yet lol
how's thw guitar going for you?
I know someone who bought his bass like a month earlier than me. He sucks, I actually learned it but hes acting all confident and stuff. Hate it.
Big oof- Not good when beginners are cocky. You should have self-confidence, but don't take it too far.
Speaking of bass, I just got one two weeks ago. Unfortunately, I don't have too much time to play because of schoolwork.
this guy is decent at guitar in reality
The character he's playing is actually way cooler than some of the beginner guitarists I've encountered. Atleast he has a positive non-elitist outlook on it haha.
Haha, no kidding right!
Thanks bby
LOL, that reminds me. I ran into a kid at guitar center the other day that complimented me on my playing and my guitar then felt the need to impress me so he made up some lie about being endorsed (by schecter lmao) and that he was asked to perform a clinic. So for shits and giggles I asked him where this clinic was and he said California. How descriptive! lmao.
I can't stand compulsive liars and tryhards. It made for a good laugh though. He left without picking up a guitar and came back 30 min later I guess hoping I wasn't there anymore. He picked up an epiphone and plugged into an amp and didn't even turn it up.. as if embarrassed, and started trying to play stairway to heaven :,D
***** Try Songsterr! :)
you forgot: "isn't your index the only finger you're supposed to use?"
Dammit, my pick fell in my guitar again.
Sooo, acoustic?
You know it.
To be fair, I've dropped my pick in my guitar so many times and I've been playing for about 6 years.
+Josh Smith I love your avatar
Fingerpick ftw.
“I know how to play 50 songs with these 4 cords!” *plays G D Em C progression*
learn those 4 chords and you can be a guitarist for a contemporary worship band, and don't forget a capo, flannel, and a beard
Don’t personally attack me like that
Ngl ive played for five years and have been in 2 bands yet i cant really read sheet music
Am Dm G C
@@followingfigures4738 then learn read ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"I like drop d a lot, it's so much easier to play the chords." That one cut deep XD
+5carecrow94 Just tried drop d for the first time today. Never went out of standard tuning much, but drop d's awesome. Pretty much anything you do is a power chord, it's stupid fun, emphasis on the stupid part
Ze'ev Yehuda I use Drop C# a lot for metal, because you can still do actual chords on the upper strings. Plus it makes tapping easier with looser strings. But I've been playing guitar for long enough to see that drop tunings are not the end-all, be-all for heavier styles. C Standard is a ton of fun, too.
Maybe I should try drop Q sometime. Drop C isn't djent enough for me
+Ze'ev Yehuda Haha Drop Q. Someone's subbed to Rob Scallon XD
I wonder if they make drop Q bass strings. Would those be thicker than the neck?
I don’t know sheet music, scales, notes. Ive been playing for four years,
I still rely on ultimate guitar. And I don’t really know what a tube amp is.
I am a beginner with an intermediate’s fingers
How do you not know what a tube amp is?
My attempts at guitar covers yeah lol same haha
ive been playing for 16 years pretty seriously, i use ultimate guitar for a starting point all the time. nothing wrong with that....
The biggest beginner move here is setting a rockstar on top of your amp head
its ok its a line 6
Neoven yeah and that shit wasn’t even an example. Oh the irony of someone talking shit about beginners but putting an energy drink on top of their thousand dollar amp
Squidward I think it was part of the video lmao
“I get all my tabs from Ultimate Guitar” THAT WAS SUCH AN ATTACK
Songsterr is better
@@biopanda4226 no
@@biopanda4226 it's absolutely not, but it's free
@@biopanda4226 it’s not but it’s free so that’s what I use
You guys do realise Jared could maybe either be kidding or referring to his teen hood
Me back then:
*power chord everything*
"holy shit im a pro guitarist now"
Henggar Mahendra *me currently as I got a guitar*
Hey me too 😂😂
i thought i was Josh Homme for a while, when i found out about Power chords.
Until drop c came around and shit got easy real fast, that's what made me SOUND like a pro
You forgot:
*flips acoustic upside down*
*person nearby looks at you funny*
"I dropped my pick in my guitar again."
Still happens to me after 15 years of guitar mate
Michael M. That's not beginner that's life bro 😂
I've had a pick stuck for two months I can't freaking get it out
Nico Sanches Omg that's so sad
Dude don’t get me started
I still don't care about sheet music and I've been playing for 5 years...
brandough crox aka ogb lots of the greats didn’t read sheet music or didn’t start off doing so
It really isn't necesaary so I don't understand the jokes about it.
Unless if you are going to tackle some classical or jazz stuffs you probably won't read sheets at all
u can read sheet music? i can hear and replicate every note without tab
@@BrunoGarciaMusic good for you
When I was a beginner I thought that I was good coz I could do natural harmonics. And I just used to go up to better guitarists and be like "u think ur so good but can u do harmonics?" And they'd be like "pinch harmonics? Natural harmonics? Tapped harmonics? What?" And I'd respond with "the ones at the 7th and 12th fret." And they'd cone back with "they're called natural harmonics and you can play them at any fret. They're just louder at the 4th 5th 7th 9th and 12th frets." I used to think I could just make up chords and pentatonic scales and genuinely believed I was good at guitar.
Big oof man
Yeah,I've been there too.
you can make up chords it's called jazz, but they do have a name technically
"I can play 'Smells Like Teen Spirit', so I'm basically a pro."
They say they can play it but the rhythm is completely wrong lmao
The Masked Assailant where do get tabs then...
Why is your comment so fuking true
dude," i can play come as you re man thats a REAL pro dude"
my comment is a grammar train wreck, criticize if needed
“The strings hurt my fingers”
Willie Cartagena Relatable 😂
I feel attacked rn
My strings hurt my bum..hope I'm playing it right.
Legit every one of my guitar students xD
guitar hurt my fingers so I learned how to play ukulele instead, now I'm trying to play guitar again and it doesn't hurt anymore. Baby steps, kiddos.
It might sound stupid to real guitarists, but I guess you have to start somewhere, right?
So true
Humble beginnings is what I say, don’t get too big for your boots, and don’t do what my friend did and get an american fender stratocaster as your first guitar...
TheUnoriginal Exactly. I didn't wanna look like a douche by getting an electric and an amp to learn on, so I used my own acoustic to learn, playing a lot of songs on it. I've been playing for a year and I'm still guilty of using tabs though
@@ktown0173 nothing wrong with using tabs, less time consuming then trying to learn by ear
jacob minnish learning by ear is better
I only just realized this isn’t Jared’s channel.
Wow I only realized because you said it
"I already know master of puppets" pulls out an old acoustic
Roses are red
Im a negro
The comment is in english
Your reply should be also
Roses are red
Shut the fuck up
Shut the fuck up
Shut the fuck up
Absolute savage
Roses are red
Your name is Katie
And I'm assuming
You dont have a weenie🤔
Roses are red
You probably wont get it
But if my ass was your face
I'd be ashamed to go shit
Don't worry. Stevie Wonder can't read sheet music either...
Nies Family I ... wonder why ...
Nies Family so messed up buddy
This is no place for racism
lol boi Mine was a joke because it wasn't even based on race ya ding dong
WoPrulez how is racism not based on race lmao even if you were joking that doesn't make sense
"Is there an open version for that barre chord?"
chøke |-/
Hannah Kelly Do you know how many days its been fren? I lost count :(
chøke well, not many Clique members play guitar. We usually play ukulele. I still happy someone posted.❤
chøke are you talking about hiatus? It’s been 170 days
chøke honestly me
everyone has to start somewhere, yet pride overides those who forget where they came from.
True that
Or, if you're me: "Fuck, why can't I get this right? Stupid sonuvabitch fingers work like I tell you to dammit. Oh for fuck's sake I could almost do this yesterday."
when the electric is your first string instrument, I think everyone goes through this.
My first instrument period...*cough*
Ryan Rognas lol not the easiest to start with.
This comment sounds better live.
Lone WoLf 😄😉😍😉😍😙😄😉😙😄😄😙😙😍😙😍😙😍😙😍😙😍😙😍😙😍😚😍😚😍🤥😍🤡🤡😍🤡😍🤡😎😙😍😙😎😚😍😚😍😍😚😚😍😙😍😚😙😍😍😙😙😍😍😚😄😉😉😙😊😊😄😉😃😉😄😄😉😉😄😄😉😍😙😙😍😙😎😙😎😍😙😍😉😉😃😉😍😙😄😙😍🤡🤡😍😍😙😄😙😄😙😙
Nædrin who is this lol
wtf do you mean who is it?
Nædrin knock knock
Nædrin what the hell somebody hacked my account
iron man is a song for all levels of guitarist but you can tell the level of the guitarist by the way they actually play it...
fucking true 🙂
Zakk Wylde nailed it one-handedly while drinking beer at the same time.
So your absolutely right!
Nathan Sciarone The Only Thing I Can Do Successfully Is Everything Except The Solo.
Is it weird I still haven't learned iron man
+Urge Boat Yes
Jared Dines: "We're called 'To Floss the teeth of Poseidon'."
Me: Look at his teeth dude!!!
That's actually a sick band name!
Christopher Regan a beginner guitarist wrote this
Lol mine is burn in the road
"A pedal? Like for a bicycle"
+yanet portillo No joke thats what my coworker said when I tried to explain what a guitar pedal is.
"One" by Metallica is the national anthem for guitarists who played for 2 years and quit.
+C Delany Or the intro to 'nothing else matters' .
the intro of one* they'd never now the full song if they quitted (that word exists btw? quitted?)
Francisco Cox yeah haha
+Chong Green I have been playing bass for half a year. I can play the intro of nothing else matters.
+G-gamer lol
2:50 Ive been playing for 7 years, and this is still me when I try to sweep.
Me too haha
This is slightly worse than me
+Liam Hogue hahahaha me2
me too
-same though-
It doesn’t matter how good you are at guitar, EVERYONE starts at Level 1. Even you. Even the legends, started at Level 1. So, keep that in mind the next time you judge a beginner.
"Don't kick a pup cause the pup grows up"
-Les Miserable or something
Its like the God Of Rock said: "Eddie Van Halen may have been born with a guitar in his hands, but he didn't learn how to play it until he was two!"
@@elliottsmiles170 "or something"
Then you haven't met me yet. Been a beginner for 3 years
I mate, I still suck
I've been playing for 10 years and that sweep picking is still better than I could do :')
Then you probably never tried to learn it seriously!
Once you get the flow of things, it gets pretty easy... tough some stuff like Origin's Finite sweeps is just ridiculous....
Hann Pungartnik Just very recently I started sweeping at Origin speeds!I started with The Aftermath, still needs a little more work but I'm getting there.This too just requires practice!
Yeah. I've been playing for ~6, and I can't do it that well either. I just started trying to pick it up lately.
Yeahh I've never tried to learn at all lol there's no way my fingers could move that fast, if you're looking for insane sweep riffs man listen to rings of saturn straight out they use sweeps in their normal riffs lol like it ain't special
The best guitarists will never admit that they're the best
Matthew Nazaroff Just like the best UFC fighters will never walk around acting tough all the time picking fights.
Rohan Narain lol yes they do on the reality tv show about it
Kandi Klover Dude it's a reality TV show. In real life do you really think Rumble Johnson or Cain Velasquez walk around acting like tough guys picking fights just to prove something?
The worst guitarists will never admit they're the worst... except me currently.
How long have you been playing?
When you've played guitar for 8 years and still don't see the point in learning to read sheet music
+Moo cow then why did you say you didn't know the point?
I'm too lazy
same for me... but i learned how to :|
when everything has tab whats the point
He says “Well they sound better live”
as he’s playing live lmao
I die inside a little bit every time he says "I just wanna put stickers all over my guitar!"
Many people deface their guitar by putting stupid stickers on it when they first start playing.
This may be due to them thinking the guitar looks boring, or them wanting to express themselves.
This ends up making the guitar look cheap. This is only really obvious to the people who have done it. It's really embarrassing in most cases.
Here's an example: i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa95/sinjacat/DSCN1004.jpg
As you can see, it has the potential of making a $5,000 instrument look like some thrift shop monstrosity.
Yeah, but beginners usually don't have $5000 guitars. I defaced my first guitar pretty heavily, but it didn't matter since it was an awful Chinese knock-off Strat. I still have it and I don't regret doing it, I still think it looks kinda cool.
But the shit I put on was a bit more relevant than whatever was on that LP
Zombie Energy In some cases the stickers may look good, however, in most, including mine, they look terrible. Hence why the joke works. The beginners that really have a $5,000 guitar likely got it as a gift.
billie joe Armstrong has sticker all over his guitar
Aidan LaRose I put the stickers on the back. I have a lil epi les paul
7 years later and I still say "I don't see the point in learning sheet music" haha
uh, maybe if you actually want to play in a professional band with complicated parts, or with a sax or piano player, etc etc..
Psyfonify Complicated parts? Are you kidding? Bit too general of a statement honestly.
Psyfonify my dad is probably the best guitarist i know and he doesn't even know how to read tabs. knowing how to read sheet music is pointless.
yec0dy I wouldn't say so, reading music is a prerequisite to playing any instrument that's not a guitar or bass guitar professionally (although reading music benefits every instrument and every musician).
How in the world can you tell a pianist or a saxophonist specifically what you want them to play? Chord charts only go so far. Tabs are nothing but a crutch for guitarists too lazy to spend the time and effort to learn music.
Sheet music is a universal language; if you write a C on a staff, every musician, regardless of instrument, can tell you what that note is. Tabs, however, speak to only one instrument.
The ability to read music is essential to anyone who wants to be a professional musician, i.e. making music for a living.
Any instrument can be played - and played well - without proficiency in music notation. There are many people who can speak perfectly well, but can't read or write.
These things are the same. It's not imperative that you're musically literate, it's just another skill - the importance of which is dependent on the player's ambitions. Plenty of awesome players who can't read notation, plenty who can.
Music notation is very much the same as language notation. It's a means of communication. With sheet music, you don't need to hear the music to play it. Such as with written language, you don't need to hear the person's voice to understand it.
I like the subtle things in this video: he didn't use his pinky, he didn't mute anything, and only did downstrokes. Shit, I forgot about that.
+ShortFingeredShreder Not to mention his band got duped into a pay- to- play gig for the sketchy record label in his other vid XD.
***** It's on Jared's channel- "Things Sketchy Record Labels Say"
+ShortFingeredShreder james hetfield only did downstrokes too, pal
Amir hazmie
No he doesn't. For certain songs, yes. But he doesn't just downpick. Beginners can only do downstrokes because they can't alternate pick, that's why he put it in the video. Also, I'm not your pal, guy.
James Hetfields downpicking makes his music heavier, although he can alternate pick his ass off, too. Downpicking at the speed of light is James' signature thing.
“I like drop d a lot”-Jared better not attack me like this again😂
well, at least i was reallistic and knew that i was terrible, i'm much better now but still, i know shit about gear and there's a lot to learn yet
me too
oravlaful and I put stickers on my guitar ))
oravlaful literally, watch Rob Chapman, watch his challenges and gear vids, and then just google what he says that you dont know, I'm really good at specs and gear just by watching him
yeah this vid was meant to be funny of course.. i think they were more making fun of beginners who not just are ignorant but also have big egos (which lets face it, there are a lot lol). i've always preferred to assume i know hardly anything about guitar.. that way i can push myself to always get better. people who assume they are the shit tend to make less interesting music i've found. (with some exceptions of course.. if you can back it up 100% then you can claim whatever you want; but i don't like dickish attitudes like that tbh)
I think I'm the opposite: Played 6 years and can't say I'm a good player. I know a ton about gear though, I've found modifiyng guitars and amps and pedals to be almost as much fun as actual playing...
FAKE! This wasn't played on a Squier Strat. Although you got the Line 6 part right...
Michael S if you can’t sound good on a Squier then you’re not ready to play for real
An Than Van Man Tan squiers are bad compared to other beginner guitars
I’m a beginner and I have the squier it sounds like dogshit compared to my brothers guitars
Ice9922 Why do I hear about so many beginners spending money on electrics? I learned on a thirty dollar acoustic that had been rotting in a closet for years. Don't dump money into something unless you're sure you're gonna love it
K Ktown lol I've been playing for 2 years... only ever owned a $10 acoustic I learned on and play at a jazz band with a sold bodied squier strat (with a pedal just to emulate the tone)... still too broke to buy a decent semi-hollow :(
Your trying to be shit at sweep picking is still better than me
+Steven Travers You made me realize that it's the same for me and now I'm sad
+Darude - Sandstorm right?
+Steven Travers
I thought it actually sounded alright
That ultimate guitar part felt like a personal attack
You forgot to say "I use my strap low because thats confurtuble to me , its not to look cool"
I have it where the guitar is right above my waist usually
Nice. Unfortunately, a lot of "pros" are also still using that line.
For me it’s easier on my picking hand having it lower and easier on my fretting hand having it higher. I just find a balance that works
My uncle said I had my strap too short earlier so he put it as long as possible.
i wear mine low and cause when i first started i thought it looked cooler haha and no i just dont wanna change it
So basically don't tell anyone you play guitar for 10 years until you are decent.
yeah I know this guy who specializes in metal, typical "people who cant play metal are pussies" and "if it aint metal its weak as fuck" kind of guy, real prick
+xX_Gabe_Xx being a pretty dedicated metalhead myself, I can tell you it's not good to limit your abilities as a guitarist to just one genre. That being said, the only guitar I have has such heavy strings I can't actually play anything in standard tuning, unless I want to break my bridge. Dilemma!
+Joseph Brandenburg : How heavy? And what tunings do you play in?
SYLFan2008 I use 12-54's right now, so I'm in drop Bb (for In Flames). I play drop C a lot, too. Occasionally I go down to A. I have a floating bridge so it gets screwed up when i put too much tension on it.
When I started, I was the most humble guy in the world. After two years, I'm the third.
i dont get it ?
I dont fucking get it.
Michael Robinson belive me, it wont get better, after 11years i am number 5
"I don't get it" lmao...
When I started to learn to play guitar my dad explained to me what a barre chord was and I tried it and it worked and I was really excited like, “and I can do this EVERYWHERE? So I can play like EVERY CHORD?!!!” and felt like that’s an epiphany lmao
"BCRich guitars are so sick!"
*Looks at his BCRich Warlock*
Hamsterwheel same 😂
there it goees
im looking at buying one..... crap but i dont care
They look cool but they are cheaply made and come with garbage pickups
when i was a beginner i liked Bc rich so much for their cool design but in the end i bought a Razorback Dean
now i just want to buy a simple looking ibanez :P
being a kid was nice
*"* When can I learn *Master Of Puppets "*
Laugh all you want guys, because we all know that this was true for every one of us, even if only for a very small period of time.
I bought my first guitar based on looks alone. It was a B.C. Rich Mockingbird. Knew less than nothing about the guitar as an instrument, or else I'd have bought an Ibanez or Charvel for the same price instead. My amp is a shitty Acoustic solid state 10 watt combo with an 8 inch speaker. The thing cant even handle a note lower than C#.
Ever since I figured out what they were, i wanted a set EMG 81/85s and a BOSS Metal Zone. Thank god I never followed through. I scooped the mids to oblivion and turned the treble and bass up to 11. Cranked the gain up as high as it could go. Thought I sounded amazing. I had no idea.
Tube amps had too many settings for me, was too afraid to try them out. First time I ever plugged into one, i had it on standby and thought it wasnt plugged in to the cab correctly.
Spent most of my days learning easy Metallica and Black Sabbath riffs, usually playing them in the wrong tunings (Sad But True in E Standard anybody?).
Once even tried to write an original riff with a buddy of mine. It was a total pile of shit, loaded with mindless chugging and random pick scrapes.
Fast forward to now, almost a year later. I still have that B.C. Rich Mockingbird and that Acoustic amp. Gotten better through practice, but its been hard with school and college shit etc. I can just barely gallop, and my alternate picking is pitiful. Been practicing it as often as possible to build up my right/left hand coordination, but it is really hard, especially after almost a year of almost exclusively downpicking.
Looking forward, I hope to sell the B.C. Rich and solid state in favor of some sort of mid-range guitar, likely an Ibanez RG or something similar, and either an Orange Micro Dark Terror or BIAS FX by Positive Grid for my laptop.
Guitar is a learning experience for me. Every day, theres something new to be learned, something to be practiced. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.
+Jake McB I still buy my bass, purely on how it looks lol
You pretty much just described my situation right now. Difference between you and me is that a year later I at least know how to alternate.
machinimamarlon For some reason, it's really difficult for me to sync my right and left hands when I alternate pick. I can play slower stuff just fine, but when it comes to playing bands like Lamb of God or Megadeth, its too fast and my left hand gets held up somewhere along the way
Jake McB I'm pretty sure everyone has that problem. I think what makes them get past it is just how you deal with it.
What I did was start from square one. I kept playing the chromatic scale while alternating. First I was focused on just doing it. Then after a while it became "how fast can I do it?"
Also, something a lot of people tend to overlook (including myself) is the way you hold the pick. When you alternate, you wanna kind of tilt your pick so it cuts through the string. I didn't notice how much this helped until a friend of mine pointed it out.
machinimamarlon Yeah i found that angling tip on a Ben Eller video about sweep picking. It really does help a ton. I just need to learn/run some modes and scales to practice, like you said. Been doing that 1234 run on each string, then switching it to 1243 after a while
I remember being too shy to say any of this as a beginner
Where's the out-of-tune Sweet Child of Mine cover?
And Wonderwall!
Well, when I was an begginers I actually was smart enough to play it on 11th fret instead lf 12th :p
Go watch Rob Chapman's demo of the Fender Starcaster. It's there.
Most guitarists thought they were the best when they started but I think I suck lol
Rocky Productions lool me too
Just keep at it - even if you can only put 20 or 30 minutes in a day, just try and practice every day. While there are many good videos online, sometimes having a guitar teacher is great for keeping you focused and also being able to fine tune your practices based on your strengths and weaknesses. Nobody picked up a guitar and was instantly good - but I believe just about anyone can become good. It's a lifelong passion - and I truly think the more people who play music - the better.
John Sheehan k but ive played since I was 2 and my current teacher is amazing but I still think I suckkk
Arthur Motoyama its pretty much with every instrument haha
ChelleMentu lol the best students are the ones that still think they suck.. they learn more.. keep it up! 😆
Been playing for 12 years and still don't read sheet music, not once in my life have I been asked to play something off of sheet music lol
i used to play piano so it wasn't that hard for me to learn
Apologen it's less the sheet music but more getting to know the mechanics of scales, keys, and chords. Some people don't need it but it can be a huge help to others.
Jared: *makes fun of line 6*
Also Jared: *has two line 6 cabs and a line 6 head*
"I don't know what this chord is called, but I love the sound of it."
That's so me
Jason Anon Totally me when I'm writing a song and I just put my fingers anywhere
Ive been playing guitar for 6-7 years now and half of this applies to me XD
Me too dude haha
+TheHungryBarbarian me too :(
+TheHungryBarbarian same
+TheHungryBarbarian Lot of the older folks are agreeing with the video xD As for me, I still can't tap solo after 9 years of playing guitar...but I sure can do a very mean rhythm and bass guitar. Even other kinds of lead solos. Depends on the song. ...also, being just a cover musician does limit me, but it also opened up many more horizons than trying to do new songs (though I did manage to come up with a few ideas here and there). All I know is, my students don't mind me not being the COMPLETE master or even near a master of music as I am continuously still learning techniques and such
+Jaye Warnes I think certain styles of playing are difficult for certain people - not everyone becomes a math genius, either, right? I started playing around 1979 and I know hardly any scales, maybe one mode, can't pick very well (at all?) and am not the greatest rhythm player, but somehow I've managed to open shows for Anthrax, Megadeth, Testament, Forbidden, Possessed and Death Angel (among others) in one band and The Outlaws, Foghat and Molly Hatchet in another. "There's more than one way to skin a cat. . ."
Wait did he diss ultimateguitar.com
Lol tagged them and everything😱😭😂😂😂
no he gave them a shoutout
Tyrone Wright ew overused emojis
Ultimate guitar never works for me it's chords are never right ://
“My fingers aren’t long enough”
The "I don't need to learn sheet music" was literally me for like 2 days.
Это Алан that's me for 5 years
Damn dude, that had to suck.
Это Алан I've played for 6 months, and I read tabs. Honestly, I didn't even know there was sheet music. I'm self taught, so i has no clue about half the things he said... I'm getting better
5 years in, I still can't. Should I learn it?
I took piano classes when I was younger and have a deep hatred for sheets music
I feel bad because this is pretty much me...
me too...tbfh
the knobs are missing but its looks grungy, lol me af
Freako Gaming I wish i was but idfk where to get the stickers so i just put a bunch of tape on it
GabePlaysGames same
Dont feel bad,everyone once was a beginner
"I'm getting good at sweep picking though"
Me as hell
lol me too!! what the fuck hahaha
I just realized this is not jareds channel
This made me feel really low as a beginner and I thought at the end of this there was gonna be a "hey! In all seriousness if you're a beginner just remember to keep at it and one day you'll look back and laugh at those things. Don't give up guys!" But naaaaahhh instead I feel like shit lmao.
We all start somewhere. Keep at it
Same bro
You just have to be able to take it as a joke and laugh along with it man. Everybody starts somewhere. Just keep at it everyday
lefwanda 305 bro just keep practicing every day and this will be a distant memory. This kind of video is more for experienced guitarists to look back and laugh at because we were all there once :)
If one joke video is all it takes to make you sad then you really need to consider how invested you are in the first place
Ha u know what things advanced guitarists do that are annoying.... make fun of beginner guitarists for not knowing any better
true. some beginers might not know this was a joke.
if your an old guy you should know to respect people.
i get the feeling that you're a younger fella
i'm a straight a student, if that's what you mean
I like that you only down-picked for this. Subtle.
At one point he sweeped
Tell that to James Hetfield
***** The dynamics are interesting, Jack White up-picks by default, it kinda makes part of its sound.
I can only down-pick, that is still a terrible stuff
And he only used his index finger to play the chords
My desire to learn to play comes from 2 things.
1) the feeling of doing something that is essentially the core of most modern day music is something I can only imagine. But I feel its best summed up in one feeling. Ecstasy...
2) Witnessing the looks on people's face when they look on in awe. Watching people I know playing guitar live and being good at it puts a smile on my face a mile long. I'd love to be able to give someone who I know that sensation and sense of awe.
Where's "Hey, can I borrow a pick?"
My friend in Guitar class ALWAYS FUCKING SAYS THAT.
Akahri Yup, that's me.
+Akahri Thats not just limited to beginners though :p
Tcrumpen If I could +1 over and over for accuracy I would
Have a +1 from me :p
Wanna hear a funny thing? I didn't start playing guitar for me. I started playing for others. Everyone had a talent at my school. I can draw decently, I can sing decently, but it seemed everyone else could do it better. So in order to one up the one uppers, I joined band. After a year or so, flute wasn't really cutting it for me (although I still play today. You can never give up an instrument completely) because who could impress someone with a flute? I wanted to master a common instrument, and since I was so into indie rock at the time, I picked up guitar. I expected that I was going to probably quit, but in my guitar class, I was excelling. Very quickly I should add. Something that was unlikely for me, because I usually don't do better than others. I ended up being separated from my group a quarter of the way through my semester class and started learning some new stuff. Not the boring old chords the other kids were struggling with. I was taught licks, scales, and hell! The first song I ever learned was Enter Sandman, after I strengthened my fingers up a bit and got down my scales. Guitar became more about me, rather than my peers. I started to play for me. And although it feels fucking amazing to shred an awesome guitar solo, it feels even better to know that I did this. I practiced and slaved over a song for a good month and shredded it down to every note, just for myself. Playing guitar is amazing. And with playing guitar, you started to define your music identity. Two years ago, it'd be only Manchester Orchestra, the indie stuff. But guitar opened me up to a lot of old rock, the only thing I'll listen to now, really. White snake, GNR, Motörhead. A lot more comes from playing guitar, rather than actually PLAYING guitar.
(I know, this is long. And please do not get discouraged about how I said I got separated. Every musician starts somewhere. Be proud of where you are in your experience.)
I picked up guitar but then someone called me bad because they are cocky douches do I learned how to unicycle instead my story isn't at intriguing as yours
Alyssa Hyslop
I was 8 when I got my first guitar. I got super into Michael Jackson right after he died. And I found out that of all the people in the world, Eddie Van Halen played the solo for Beat It. I asked for it for my birthday, and got a black and white guitar from some company in NY called Brownsville. I was enrolled in lessons, but I was told my hands were too small. So my dumbass shelved it away for about 6 long years. After middle school, I started listening to bands like A7X, MCR, Manic Street Preachers, the Cribs, and people like Hendrix, SRV, and John Mayer. And decided to learn again. Best decision I've made in my young life, because I don't know what I would rather do. But the thing that annoys me is that being Mexican-American and playing guitar is the absolute worst. Everyone calls me Elvis because of my hair and they call me Ritchie Valens because I'm hispanic and they've all seen or heard La Bamba. I don't really have a problem with that, but they expect me to know every single song by them, and it pisses me off. Because I'm (still) learning to become my own player, not to be a copycat. I'm about to turn 16 and I don't plan on stopping, my guitars are my many mistresses. I love all 5 of them.
KingJ 02 I'm currently in that situation of being called ritchie valens. Except I learned la bamba cause I liked the song.
Wild Cat Well I won't lie, I like it too, but I learned it for my uncle's bday. I also forgot to mention that the very first song I learned how to play was sleepwalk. The song at the end when Bob yells "RITCHIE!" and I never knew until I saw the movie. That's were everyone calling me Ritchie all started.
I were never been interested to learn guitar like, to play Van Halen or anything more than just fooling around, but in my Music class the opportunity to play the bass in a prom performance (Between half and half of the diploma ceremony) and got interested in the instrument. Not because of the song, that was a piece of shit generic pop love song, but I just got into the bass guitar. Flash forward to June 4th. I go to Madrid (I'm from Tenerife) for the GNR concert and the performance that Duff Mckagan gave just seemed to inadvertedly flip a switch in my brain: I wanted to play bass. The performance thing happened, but I guess the bass was considered not necessary (Though they got a backup singer at the last minute who couldn't harmonize for shit) and it was discarded. Still, my interest in it was high and at the very end of July I got my bass, a Squier Affinity J Bass. Now, at nearly 16 years old, I've learned so much in these couple months mostly from playing Cliff Burton stuff (Not quite polished anything yet, but I've still improved a great deal for not having any teachers but me) and it's such a fun instrument to play. Just wish I had more time to sit down and play.
"i don't know what this chord is but i love the sound of it" :D haha i used to do that all the time
doodoostickstain Read this as he said it.
doodoostickstain SAME LOL
Sorry beginner here, is that an Emin?
Fahim Al Jahangir Yes
"it's half step down? never mind I'll find a different song"
"there's a bar chord in this one too? never mind I'll find a different song"
"muting the top string thingy doesn't even make a difference so I just wont worry about that"
*how to play Bm easy way google search*
*what is a power chord google search*
Did I miss anything?
I’m glad I’m not the only one that’s googled easy way to play Bm
Sounds like me except I started playing 8 years ago... RIP
gopro_2027 SAME
I am the drop D Guy, LOL
Tech of Tomorrow Hey it's cool seeing a youtuber I watch in the comments of a video
I'm currently wearing a pair of headphones that I bought because of your headphones under 50 bucks lol.
Sammeee lol
I do drop C
It hurts. Me too. But like...country, blues and metal are easier that way.
"I can't really play Barré chords, but you don't need them to play most songs anyway."
Try to play rhcp lol
So true. Many of my friends started learning the guitar lately an they literraly all say that. XD
try playing Ramones
I have lots of trouble with them. I'm trying, though. I'm trying hard.
Even when Jared’s trying to be bad at sweeping, he’s still better than me
"I mean it sounds better live"
a lot of this video resonates with me as a beginner
but you know where i felt personally attacked?
**flicks pickup selector switch up and down and up and down and up and...**
is personally attacked a new meme or something?
crystallene I’m currently learning, I’m getting lessons from a friend. 3rd one is tomorrow, I was gonna show him Smoke On The Water :(
I also use Ultimate Guitar Tabs, and am trying to learn Crazy Train. If you thought you felt attacked by one, imagine 3 in 10 seconds
@@mdelucia28 can totally relate, even tho i have been playing for two years. It just seems unfair to mock people for trying to learn, its like mocking someone fat at the gym
I’ve been playing for a few years and will admit that I still will play with the pickup selector when no one is looking.
Wait till you've been doing this 30+ years. You'll literally cringe seeing yourself in this character 😂
The only thing I said when I first started playing guitar was “SHIT my fingers hurt sm.”
Haha yeah, I recently had my first proper guitar session in 6 years, got a blister.
69likes hahahaahahaha.
Also in drums, when you play for 2h straigjt, generally you finish with huge blisters on your thumbs XD
*"I'm in this video, and I don't like it"*
Omg "I just want to put stickers all over my guitar" I died.
Billie Joe did that and look at him now
Fuck it im gonna do it anyway !
He sold out?
My bands called sphincter in the sun,and our hit single is stairway too bungus
Fun fact 9/11: No one gives a fuck
fun fact 10/11: it was a joke☻
Drummer boy Gavin love it
Something tells you said all these once Jared?
Been playing 20+ years and have no care to learn sheet music lol
But can u know chords by listening to any pop musics bro?
Been playing 21 years and reading sheet music isn't hard.
@@bipsmuan876 yeh
" I can play seven nation army, and smells like teen spirit, so I'm basically a pro" " I like nirvana" ( only knows smells like teen spirit )
+Vinnie Sepulveda One shall never call oneself a fan of Nirvana without having listened to Bleach.
-God or something
+Vinnie Sepulveda they're too stupid to know that actually riff from School is far easier than songs you mentioned.
+TheZooropaBaby One time I stayed up all night listening to Bleach and at like 6am I decided to play some guitar. I wrote a riff that I thought was really cool. The next day I pick up my guitar and play and I realised I had just been playing the intro to School.
Fucking lord of guitar of guitar playing. Next, for your super hardcoreness, you need to learn some djent XD
+aidan anderson Always happens to me. Im a huge nirvana fan and I make up a riff then im like "shit, this sounds familiar"
“I mean it sounds better live”
i've been playing guitar for almost a year and i still fuck up all the damn time. i can't wait until the year 3000 when i become actually decent
iris grey belive it or not I play for six years now and I'm not the best (Never will be the best)....
I've been playing for six years and I still fuck up
I've been playing (not often enough) for 10 years and I still have a lot to learn.
iris grey thats when Futurama will begin
20 years here... Still fuck things up sometimes XD
I remember watching this as a beginner and not being able to answer any of the beginner questions he was asking. Now I’ve been playing for 6 years and can answer every single one. Literally everything he asked in the video is stuff you learn as you keep playing 😂
i feel so called out right now
same lmfao
...where else am I supposed to get tabs?
+Littlejohn133 Bigbasstabs?
By ear 😭😂
+Littlejohn133 songsterr
+Littlejohn133 don't use tabs, learn to read music
George Dufresne That doesn't help any.
"I picked up the bass, because 4 strings is much easier than 6."
The BC Rich line was a personal attack. I’m a beginner with 3 of them 😩 but in my defense they’re the epitome of 80s & 90s metal. 🤘🏽🤘🏽
Same 😂 got a beautiful warbeast
I’ve literally never said any of these except for “I feel like I’m getting better” whenever I understand something new
It's kinda gnarly watching a pro try to play not so good, heh
DeadCynic You can almost feel him struggling to play so poorly~
no worries he plays djent so he works hard to play badly on a regular basis... (IM KIDDING people calm down). Seriously if you watch him just wail on the guitar he's stunningly good
he's a pro?
The comment about Ultimate-Guitar hit me like a truck 😭
I have been playing 9 years and i still get all my tab from ultimate guitar