Translation ✨ Be present in this very moment. Be filled with love. Be filled with peace. Be filled with joy. Be filled with passion. Be filled with purpose. Be filled with compassion. Be filled with appreciation. Accept your journey. Just be right now. Give honestly. Give selflessly. Give earnestly.
This song started playing on its own through my Alexa at 9:11. Never heard of it or the singers. I have been going through a very difficult time in the last year. I also just got back from my brother's funeral and this song starts playing. ❤️
Sorry to hear that your brother passed away. He is with Wahaguru and in peace. When Wahaguru wants his creation back, his creation merge back into Wahaguru
What a beautiful and profound coincidence. Peace to you. This song makes me cry, because it reaches the bottom of my existence. It's the sweetness in which this group connects. It is not worth fighting or lacking confidence. Just be grateful for life to whom we are all freely connected in the greatest sweetness.... thank you for sharing
*raakho sarnaa-ee II* Grant me Your protection. *Ham avagun bharay ayk gun naahee.* I am filled with sins, and have not even one virtue. *Amrit chaad bikhai bikh khaee-ee.* Turning my back on the Nectar, I eat nothing but poison. *Maayaa moh bharam pai bhoolay* I stray into doubt, maya and worldly love. *Sut daaraa si-o preet lagaa-ee.* I have become attached to my children and my spouse. *Ik utam panth suni-o gur sangat* I have heard that the one highest path is that of the Guru’s congregation. *Teh milant jam traas mitaa-ee.* Meeting with them, the fear of death is dispelled. *Ik ardaas bhaat keerat kee* This is the one prayer of Kirat the minstrel: *Gur Raam Daas raakho sarnaa-ee II 4 II 58 II* O Guru Ram Das, grant me Your protection.
Шабд (молитва) IK ARDAS Написан на священном языке - Гурмухки. Текст: Ham avagun bharay ayk gun naahee amrit chhaad bikhai bikh khaa-ee Maayaa moh bharam pai bhoolay sut daaraa sio preet lagaa-ee Ik utam panth sunio gur sangat teh milant jam traas mitaa-ee Ik ardaas bhaat keerat kee Gur Raam Daas raakho sarnaa-ee raakho sarnaa-ee raakho sarnaa-ee WAHE GURU Перевод: “Я лишен добродетели, у меня нет ни одной добродетели. Я отвернулся от нектара и съел яд. Потерявшись в сомнениях и искушениях, Я спал, влюбленный в мир и майю. Я слышал, что самый возвышенный путь из всех - это Садх Сангат. Присоединяясь к нему, страх смерти исчезает. Эта единственная молитва Кирата, поэта, состоит в том, Чтобы Гуру Рам Дас всегда окружал меня Его Божественная защита. Защити меня от лжи и майи в Его святилище”. Вот что говорит об этом шабде исполнительница, лауреат Грэмми, Гуруджас Каур: «На Земле существует особое пространство сердечной энергии. И йоги надеются, что оно будет управлять планетой. Мы хотим, чтобы это сердечное пространство одержало победу… А в этой песне персонифицировано сердечное пространство Земли. Мы обращаемся к вибрациям сердца с просьбой привести нас в это святилище, просим обнять нас и забрать в храм любви - внутрь этого пространства, потому что мы хотим в нем раствориться» Мантра WAHE GURU - это мантра экстаза, самого возвышенного состояния духа. Она возвышает нас, наполняет светом и защищает от любой негативности. Поэтому если вы хотите быть очень счастливым человеком, просто повторяйте Вахе Гуру всё время. Это высшая форма любви к себе. Сильнейшая мантра Вахе Гуру доносит до нашего разума мысль о том, что любая мечта осуществима - стоит только направить все свои внутренние силы на достижение поставленной цели. Каждый человек совершенен по своей природе - мы приходим в этот мир на равных правах. Но, проживая жизнь, все имеют различный опыт - кто-то любуется плодами своего труда, а кто-то лишь жалуется на судьбу. Регулярное проговаривание священного текста поможет вам уверенно стоять на ногах и не обращать внимание на всяческие неурядицы. Каждое слово несет особенный сакральный смысл: «Ва» - это восторженный возглас, эмоциональный всплеск; «Хе» - утверждает, что все мечты могут сбыться прямо сейчас, в этот миг; «Гуру» - это переход от темной стороны к светлой, блаженное состояние покоя и умиротворения; Медитация с мантрой Вахе Гуру, позволяет открыть свое сердце всему Миру. Сядьте поудобнее, можете поднять руки над головой и соединить их в ладонях, либо опустить руки на колени и принять позу медитации (лотоса). Слушайте и напевайте мантру примерно 25-30 минут. После чего гарантируем вам прилив сил и энергии! источник информации:
The voice of an angel, an astounding chorus. Thank you for this uplifting , calming music. It's an unexpected gift, a wondrous journey into peace and tranquility.
I found this song through the practice of kundalini yoga and when I heard it for the frist time it felt like I was in heaven and angel was singing to me no understatement especially when your in Savasana after yoga. Thank you White sun. Still listening despite the Yogi bhajan allegations.
I was fasting and meditating. Heard this song You are correct, I was expanding, my first powerful spiritual experience. Forty years of spiritual searching. Yes, I cried, it felt like heaven expanding. When I meditate and listen afterwards I feel the expansion and upliftment coming. I always stop. I need a more caring environment before I fully release.
It’s hard to connect to goodness of Gurbani, when there have been allegations. But just connect to Gurbani, that was created by ancient sages not later day people. Connect to sound and Word of Gurbani 🙏
It’s the most peaceful music since I found yesterday I love it so much it reminds me of how god loves us and how we need to express that love to others with kindness and love
I'm sorry didn't wanna disturb ur peace but it's not a mantra. It's a hymn from the sikh holy book guru granth sahib. Just correcting it because many people don't even know about the 5the largest religion Sikhism.
Thanks for the correction. That was nice of you. It's Words (shabad) from Wahaguru (God) written in the Living Guru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. A teacher for the whole world
This video is breathtaking-with such a beautiful voice, music- and the graphics on the video- well done for composing something so astounding and thank you.
@simarjitkaur3411 6 years ago I am without virtue, I have not even one virtue. I turned away from nectar and ate poison. Lost in doubt and temptation, I slept, in love with the world and maya. I have heard that the most exalted path of all is the Sadh Sangat; joining it, the fear of death is taken away. This is the prayer of Keerat the poet: My Guru Ram Das ever protect me and take me into his sanctuary. (Translation) Complete Mantra:
Hum avagun bharay ayk gun naahe amrit chhaad bikhay bikh khaaee Maayaa moh bharam bhay bhoolay sut daaraa sio preet lagaaee Ik utam panth sunio gur sangat teh milant jam traas mitaaee Ik ardaas bhaat kee rat kee Guru Raam Daas rakho sarnaaee Language: Gurmukhi Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib Translation:
I am without virtue, I have not even one virtue. I turned away from nectar and ate poison. Lost in doubt and temptation, I slept, in love with the world and maya. I have heard that the most exalted path of all is the Sadh Sangat; joining it, the fear of death is taken away. This is the prayer of Keerat the poet: My Guru Ram Das ever protect me and take me into his sanctuary. More Information: Partial Translation courtesy of @@MrCokeman01
@@MrCokeman01 @simarjitkaur3411 6 years ago I am without virtue, I have not even one virtue. I turned away from nectar and ate poison. Lost in doubt and temptation, I slept, in love with the world and maya. I have heard that the most exalted path of all is the Sadh Sangat; joining it, the fear of death is taken away. This is the prayer of Keerat the poet: My Guru Ram Das ever protect me and take me into his sanctuary. (Translation) Complete Mantra:
Hum avagun bharay ayk gun naahe amrit chhaad bikhay bikh khaaee Maayaa moh bharam bhay bhoolay sut daaraa sio preet lagaaee Ik utam panth sunio gur sangat teh milant jam traas mitaaee Ik ardaas bhaat kee rat kee Guru Raam Daas rakho sarnaaee Language: Gurmukhi Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib Translation:
I am without virtue, I have not even one virtue. I turned away from nectar and ate poison. Lost in doubt and temptation, I slept, in love with the world and maya. I have heard that the most exalted path of all is the Sadh Sangat; joining it, the fear of death is taken away. This is the prayer of Keerat the poet: My Guru Ram Das ever protect me and take me into his sanctuary. More Information: Partial Translation courtesy of
@@MrCokeman01 @vikramjeetsingh7967- from comments below ...translation kindly shared by Vikramjeet Singh 1 year ago raakho sarnaa-ee II Grant me Your protection. Ham avagun bharay ayk gun naahee. I am filled with sins, and have not even one virtue. Amrit chaad bikhai bikh khaee-ee. Turning my back on the Nectar, I eat nothing but poison. Maayaa moh bharam pai bhoolay I stray into doubt, maya and worldly love. Sut daaraa si-o preet lagaa-ee. I have become attached to my children and my spouse. Ik utam panth suni-o gur sangat I have heard that the one highest path is that of the Guru’s congregation. Teh milant jam traas mitaa-ee. Meeting with them, the fear of death is dispelled. Ik ardaas bhaat keerat kee This is the one prayer of Kirat the minstrel: Gur Raam Daas raakho sarnaa-ee II 4 II 58 II O Guru Ram Das, grant me Your protection.
IK ARDAS WAHE GURU Hum avagun bharay ayk gun naahe amrit chhaad bikhay bikh khaaee Maayaa moh bharam bhay bhoolay sut daaraa sio preet lagaaee Ik utam panth sunio gur sangat teh milant jam traas mitaaee Ik ardaas bhaat kee rat kee Guru Raam Daas rakho sarnaaee Wahe Guru
The Language is Gurmukhi (Punjabi) the mantra is from the Sikh Scripture. The Sikh Scriptures such as Guru Granth Sahib is written in Raag music. The Sri Guru Granth Sahib was written and composed directly from the Sikh Gurus. Anyone regardless of religion or background wanting to experience direct connection and enlightenment with the 1 can so in this age of Kalyuga. WaheGuru Satnam.
@@MrCokeman01 There are beautiful translations on the feeds MrCokeman, simple breakdown is that by reciting this you will feel protected and empowered. The Mantra (Mool Mantra - Seed Mantra) WaheGuru contains Vasudeva - Hari- Gobind & Rama. These 4 mantras represent the 4 age's (Yugas) and WaheGuru is the complete Mantra for this age. WaheGuru connects us directly to the infinite and self realisation. Simply by chanting WahGuru and a teacher to show the science of breath.
I just discovered her, really nice gurmukh enunciation. Very clear and beautiful. I love the long mantra versions, definitely using it in my own practice and to teach with
I see that most of the people thinks that is a music, but isn't, it's is from Guru Granth Sahib Ji, sikh's ( monotheist religion) prayer. Waheguru means " God". In our religion, we sing prayer... and it's called " Kirtan" "Shabd" not music. Waheguru Ji.
It is the most gentle music than I have heard. I love it as a background for anything that I do. I also love to sing and dance with it.
Its like coming home to a home I didn't know I had....And now I rest
This song should never end. Our love should last forever
Translation ✨
Be present in this very moment.
Be filled with love.
Be filled with peace.
Be filled with joy.
Be filled with passion.
Be filled with purpose.
Be filled with compassion.
Be filled with appreciation.
Accept your journey.
Just be right now.
Give honestly.
Give selflessly.
Give earnestly.
Do you maybe have the lyrics of the Punjabi words?
wahe guru
Thank you ❤
Waheguru, Waheguru, Waheguru...
Divine vibes, simply ecstatic and healing all the wounds ,revitalizing, rejuvenating, energizing❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thanks Waheguru ji
This song started playing on its own through my Alexa at 9:11. Never heard of it or the singers. I have been going through a very difficult time in the last year. I also just got back from my brother's funeral and this song starts playing. ❤️
Sorry to hear that your brother passed away. He is with Wahaguru and in peace. When Wahaguru wants his creation back, his creation merge back into Wahaguru
What a beautiful and profound coincidence. Peace to you. This song makes me cry, because it reaches the bottom of my existence. It's the sweetness in which this group connects. It is not worth fighting or lacking confidence. Just be grateful for life to whom we are all freely connected in the greatest sweetness.... thank you for sharing
Great Waheguru ji🙏
Act of God. 😂 We are 1
1 Universe
This mantra makes me feel like I can breathe again.
Exactly! ❤️
What really is this divine ecstasy of life? Wahe Guru!!I feel as if I could listen to this forever & a day. Wahe Guru!!
Oooo what a heavenly voice. Truly deserve the Grammy award. May Satguru ji forever bless u with this melodious voice
Meditating 🧘♀️ with this , will bring you to tears❤
*raakho sarnaa-ee II*
Grant me Your protection.
*Ham avagun bharay ayk gun naahee.*
I am filled with sins, and have not even one virtue.
*Amrit chaad bikhai bikh khaee-ee.*
Turning my back on the Nectar, I eat nothing but poison.
*Maayaa moh bharam pai bhoolay*
I stray into doubt, maya and worldly love.
*Sut daaraa si-o preet lagaa-ee.*
I have become attached to my children and my spouse.
*Ik utam panth suni-o gur sangat*
I have heard that the one highest path is that of the Guru’s congregation.
*Teh milant jam traas mitaa-ee.*
Meeting with them, the fear of death is dispelled.
*Ik ardaas bhaat keerat kee*
This is the one prayer of Kirat the minstrel:
*Gur Raam Daas raakho sarnaa-ee II 4 II 58 II*
O Guru Ram Das, grant me Your protection.
Эти звучания откликаются в моем сердце , в моей душе , подсознании и в целом в моей жизни 🙏🤍 благодарю
Gur Ram Das rakho sarnai 🙏🙏
These are the words of guru. A hymn from the holiest guru granth sahib. Waheguru❤️🙏
Шабд (молитва) IK ARDAS
Написан на священном языке - Гурмухки.
Ham avagun bharay ayk gun naahee
amrit chhaad bikhai bikh khaa-ee
Maayaa moh bharam pai bhoolay
sut daaraa sio preet lagaa-ee
Ik utam panth sunio gur sangat
teh milant jam traas mitaa-ee
Ik ardaas bhaat keerat kee
Gur Raam Daas raakho sarnaa-ee
raakho sarnaa-ee
raakho sarnaa-ee
“Я лишен добродетели, у меня нет ни одной добродетели.
Я отвернулся от нектара и съел яд.
Потерявшись в сомнениях и искушениях,
Я спал, влюбленный в мир и майю.
Я слышал, что самый возвышенный путь из всех - это Садх Сангат.
Присоединяясь к нему, страх смерти исчезает.
Эта единственная молитва Кирата, поэта, состоит в том,
Чтобы Гуру Рам Дас всегда окружал меня
Его Божественная защита.
Защити меня от лжи и майи в Его святилище”.
Вот что говорит об этом шабде исполнительница, лауреат Грэмми, Гуруджас Каур: «На Земле существует особое пространство сердечной энергии. И йоги надеются, что оно будет управлять планетой. Мы хотим, чтобы это сердечное пространство одержало победу… А в этой песне персонифицировано сердечное пространство Земли. Мы обращаемся к вибрациям сердца с просьбой привести нас в это святилище, просим обнять нас и забрать в храм любви - внутрь этого пространства, потому что мы хотим в нем раствориться»
Мантра WAHE GURU - это мантра экстаза, самого возвышенного состояния духа. Она возвышает нас, наполняет светом и защищает от любой негативности. Поэтому если вы хотите быть очень счастливым человеком, просто повторяйте Вахе Гуру всё время. Это высшая форма любви к себе.
Сильнейшая мантра Вахе Гуру доносит до нашего разума мысль о том, что любая мечта осуществима - стоит только направить все свои внутренние силы на достижение поставленной цели.
Каждый человек совершенен по своей природе - мы приходим в этот мир на равных правах. Но, проживая жизнь, все имеют различный опыт - кто-то любуется плодами своего труда, а кто-то лишь жалуется на судьбу. Регулярное проговаривание священного текста поможет вам уверенно стоять на ногах и не обращать внимание на всяческие неурядицы.
Каждое слово несет особенный сакральный смысл:
«Ва» - это восторженный возглас, эмоциональный всплеск;
«Хе» - утверждает, что все мечты могут сбыться прямо сейчас, в этот миг;
«Гуру» - это переход от темной стороны к светлой, блаженное состояние покоя и умиротворения;
Медитация с мантрой Вахе Гуру, позволяет открыть свое сердце всему Миру. Сядьте поудобнее, можете поднять руки над головой и соединить их в ладонях, либо опустить руки на колени и принять позу медитации (лотоса). Слушайте и напевайте мантру примерно 25-30 минут. После чего гарантируем вам прилив сил и энергии!
источник информации:
Благодарю от души и сердца ❤❤❤
I don't know I cried to this
So peaceful so amazing
Waheguru ji 🙏🙏🙏
Exactly what I was looking for. This is a blessing. ❤Thank you for sharing. 🙏🏻
The voice of an angel, an astounding chorus. Thank you for this uplifting , calming music.
It's an unexpected gift, a wondrous journey into peace and tranquility.
Waheguru Satnam
Those who disliked this divine purity either don't have a heart or don't feel it.... Our ears have been blessed...🙏🙏
focus on the positive... manifest what you focus on ...
Amazing music!!! Since I have found it, don't want to listen any other music. May God bless you!!!!
Самая светлая мантра из всех, что я слышал🙏
Waheguru beautiful sister god bless you
Aunque no entiendo el idioma
Me llega al alma
Voz celestial👏👏👏❤️🌹❤️
El creado y la creación son uno
......Honey for my soul❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏💫
*Raakho sarnaa-ee*
Keep me with you
I found this song through the practice of kundalini yoga and when I heard it for the frist time it felt like I was in heaven and angel was singing to me no understatement especially when your in Savasana after yoga. Thank you White sun. Still listening despite the Yogi bhajan allegations.
I was fasting and meditating. Heard this song You are correct, I was expanding, my first powerful spiritual experience. Forty years of spiritual searching. Yes, I cried, it felt like heaven expanding. When I meditate and listen afterwards I feel the expansion and upliftment coming. I always stop. I need a more caring environment before I fully release.
It’s hard to connect to goodness of Gurbani, when there have been allegations. But just connect to Gurbani, that was created by ancient sages not later day people. Connect to sound and Word of Gurbani 🙏
Mais quel délice 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
It’s the most peaceful music since I found yesterday I love it so much it reminds me of how god loves us and how we need to express that love to others with kindness and love
Best comment!!!! May God bless you!
Não canso de ouvir esse mantra🙏
É um dos mantras mais lindo que conheço ❤
Gratidão 🙏
Самая любимая мантра, благодарю 🙏✨🍀
I'm sorry didn't wanna disturb ur peace but it's not a mantra. It's a hymn from the sikh holy book guru granth sahib. Just correcting it because many people don't even know about the 5the largest religion Sikhism.
Thanks for the correction. That was nice of you. It's Words (shabad) from Wahaguru (God) written in the Living Guru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. A teacher for the whole world
This video is breathtaking-with such a beautiful voice, music- and the graphics on the video- well done for composing something so astounding and thank you.
Thanks Fernando, it’s so beautiful 🧚🏻♀️❣️ 💛❣️🧚🏻♀️
Gracias por tanto amor gracias Guaeguru, gracias vida gracias x la experiencia gracias por la sanación la liberación la paz la dicha ❤😊
Dort wo die tausend Sonnen sind❤
Guru Ram Das miracle guru ✨💫🌿WAHEGURU
Ik ardaas bhaat kee rat kee Guru Raam Daas rakho sarnaaee
May the Lord God Almighty take me into His Sanctuary, my dearest prayer....
Can you please translate the song
6 years ago
I am without virtue, I have not even one virtue. I turned away from nectar and ate poison.
Lost in doubt and temptation, I slept, in love with the world and maya.
I have heard that the most exalted path of all is the Sadh Sangat; joining it, the fear of death is taken away.
This is the prayer of Keerat the poet: My Guru Ram Das ever protect me and take me into his sanctuary.
Complete Mantra:
Hum avagun bharay ayk gun naahe amrit chhaad bikhay bikh khaaee
Maayaa moh bharam bhay bhoolay sut daaraa sio preet lagaaee
Ik utam panth sunio gur sangat teh milant jam traas mitaaee
Ik ardaas bhaat kee rat kee Guru Raam Daas rakho sarnaaee
Language: Gurmukhi
Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib
I am without virtue, I have not even one virtue. I turned away from nectar and ate poison.
Lost in doubt and temptation, I slept, in love with the world and maya.
I have heard that the most exalted path of all is the Sadh Sangat; joining it, the fear of death is taken away.
This is the prayer of Keerat the poet: My Guru Ram Das ever protect me and take me into his sanctuary.
More Information:
Partial Translation courtesy of
6 years ago
I am without virtue, I have not even one virtue. I turned away from nectar and ate poison.
Lost in doubt and temptation, I slept, in love with the world and maya.
I have heard that the most exalted path of all is the Sadh Sangat; joining it, the fear of death is taken away.
This is the prayer of Keerat the poet: My Guru Ram Das ever protect me and take me into his sanctuary.
Complete Mantra:
Hum avagun bharay ayk gun naahe amrit chhaad bikhay bikh khaaee
Maayaa moh bharam bhay bhoolay sut daaraa sio preet lagaaee
Ik utam panth sunio gur sangat teh milant jam traas mitaaee
Ik ardaas bhaat kee rat kee Guru Raam Daas rakho sarnaaee
Language: Gurmukhi
Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib
I am without virtue, I have not even one virtue. I turned away from nectar and ate poison.
Lost in doubt and temptation, I slept, in love with the world and maya.
I have heard that the most exalted path of all is the Sadh Sangat; joining it, the fear of death is taken away.
This is the prayer of Keerat the poet: My Guru Ram Das ever protect me and take me into his sanctuary.
More Information:
Partial Translation courtesy of
@@MrCokeman01 @vikramjeetsingh7967- from comments below ...translation kindly shared by
Vikramjeet Singh
1 year ago
raakho sarnaa-ee II
Grant me Your protection.
Ham avagun bharay ayk gun naahee.
I am filled with sins, and have not even one virtue.
Amrit chaad bikhai bikh khaee-ee.
Turning my back on the Nectar, I eat nothing but poison.
Maayaa moh bharam pai bhoolay
I stray into doubt, maya and worldly love.
Sut daaraa si-o preet lagaa-ee.
I have become attached to my children and my spouse.
Ik utam panth suni-o gur sangat
I have heard that the one highest path is that of the Guru’s congregation.
Teh milant jam traas mitaa-ee.
Meeting with them, the fear of death is dispelled.
Ik ardaas bhaat keerat kee
This is the one prayer of Kirat the minstrel:
Gur Raam Daas raakho sarnaa-ee II 4 II 58 II
O Guru Ram Das, grant me Your protection.
Waheguru ji this is making me cry 😢❤
This is my meditation music and prayer at the same time
Waheguru, Waheguru, Waheguru, Waheguru, Waheguru
Hum avagun bharay ayk gun naahe amrit chhaad bikhay bikh khaaee
Maayaa moh bharam bhay bhoolay sut daaraa sio preet lagaaee
Ik utam panth sunio gur sangat teh milant jam traas mitaaee
Ik ardaas bhaat kee rat kee Guru Raam Daas rakho sarnaaee
Wahe Guru
What language is she singing in.. please translate
The Language is Gurmukhi (Punjabi) the mantra is from the Sikh Scripture. The Sikh Scriptures such as Guru Granth Sahib is written in Raag music. The Sri Guru Granth Sahib was written and composed directly from the Sikh Gurus. Anyone regardless of religion or background wanting to experience direct connection and enlightenment with the 1 can so in this age of Kalyuga. WaheGuru Satnam.
@@umbersingh thank you.. it sounds so beautiful. Would you be able to translate it?
@@MrCokeman01 There are beautiful translations on the feeds MrCokeman, simple breakdown is that by reciting this you will feel protected and empowered. The Mantra (Mool Mantra - Seed Mantra) WaheGuru contains Vasudeva - Hari- Gobind & Rama. These 4 mantras represent the 4 age's (Yugas) and WaheGuru is the complete Mantra for this age. WaheGuru connects us directly to the infinite and self realisation. Simply by chanting WahGuru and a teacher to show the science of breath.
That is beautiful.. thank you very much
Ahhhh the beautiful memories.Teacher Training 2015. Sat Nam.
Thank you! When I listen to this song I feel so thankful and so alive! thank you for this feeling!
This is Beautiful 😍 Open my heart charkra up Wow!!! Awesome 😊
WaheGuru ji aka Khalsa WaheGuru ji ki fated 🕯🙏🕯🌷🤲🌷🕯🙏🕯😢
I love 💕 all the voices singing wave guru together! I remember that day!🍐
very humble request keep me the one with no virtue in your sanctuary oh Guru Ramdas as I heard the path of guru`s congragassion is the best
I just discovered her, really nice gurmukh enunciation. Very clear and beautiful. I love the long mantra versions, definitely using it in my own practice and to teach with
VaheGuru Ji ka Khalsa VaheGuru Ji ki Fateh
Ham avgun bhare, ek gun naahi
Amrit chaad bikhe bikh khai,
Maya moh, param bhau bhooke
Sur daara seo preet lagae,
Dhan dhan guru ram das ji
Miss you my daddy miss you 😥😭🥺
sanatam kaur ji wah v great sweet music wah ji wah excellent v nice entry to the Sikhism go ahead
Its Gurujas Kaur Khalsa and she is a born Sikh
Muito lindo,gratidão 👏 ❤
Waheguruji so nice n pleasant so positive Waheguru Waheguru
Gracias gracias gracias❤️❤️❤️
Sonidos que sanan el alma 🙏 un estado divino gracias gracias gracias
Sat Nam and Wahe Guru Ji! 😉
Truly beautiful music and wonderful human beings!!! ☀️🙏🏻❤️
divinity, absolutely full of love
Waheguru ji
Es un Ángel que canta esté hermoso MANTRA.
Grammy awards brought me here.. :)
Amazing music, so soothing and calming
gracias gracias gracias por tanto amor en este mantra
Wahe Guru.... translates to "Wonderful God"❤
Muchas gracias excelente música
I see that most of the people thinks that is a music, but isn't, it's is from Guru Granth Sahib Ji, sikh's ( monotheist religion) prayer. Waheguru means " God". In our religion, we sing prayer... and it's called " Kirtan" "Shabd" not music.
Waheguru Ji.
Me encanta este mantra y la sensibilidad que lo interpreta 🙏💚
Beautiful! Thank you for helping bring peace.
Love love love love this peaceful song ❤❤❤❤
Such beautiful music 🎶
Love you always ❤
I cried to this.
Me too
Thank you to Alicia Keys for sending me here! Anxiety is NO joke, thank you for this soothing tune! Best wishes to ALL! Positive vibes to u all
stunningly divine and divinely stunning.
Heaven on Earth
So beautiful! Sat Nam
Just wonderful thank you
Waheguru ji 🙏
Очень красивая ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I don't know what this is... but I like it.
It is a chanting of the divine name.
Sikh religion
KPFK brought me here. ✌Peace
So serene and beautiful
Ananda ❤
LOVE to you as well! Thank you, this medicine is helping
wow...Amazing. Thank you - Peace & Blessings
Wahe guru ji ka Khalsa wahe guru ji ki fateh ❤️
It healed my soul! Thank you for this video!
I Love this ❣️🙏
please make more of this music!!!
Любовь в каждом звуке, в каждом слове, в каждом вздохе и выдохе Любовь, просто повторяйте это слово чаще, скажите Люблю ❤
Música que invade los sentidos
♥️🌅🌓Thank you ,I lost myself Thank you for reminding me!
Keep pushing!!
🙏 waheguru 🙏
This is an amazing song love her voice and the sounds.
Sweet message and voice.Thanks