ASMR Relaxing Tea Tasting Shop ☕

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @LauraLemurexASMR
    @LauraLemurexASMR  2 роки тому +22

    🔔 Thanks for watching this video! If you liked it, please click like and subscribe (with notifications) for more! - It helps a lot ❤

  • @robynblondie1132
    @robynblondie1132 2 роки тому +17

    You will ALWAYS be the best at this asmr style. The attention to detail, the research, the personal touches. Thank you for being my go to asmrtist for years and years

  • @homerixy32
    @homerixy32 2 роки тому +77

    I am going to go broke buying all of Laura's candles, perfumes, scented lotions, teas, whiskey, et. al , because if she si selling I'm buying lol

    • @DarkMachineNation
      @DarkMachineNation 2 роки тому +7

      I tried The Famous Grouse because of her, it was exactly as she described and I regret nothing. 🥃

    • @jessruhl24
      @jessruhl24 2 роки тому +7

      I tried peanut butter screwball whiskey because of her! 😂

    • @shrekadvisoryboard
      @shrekadvisoryboard Рік тому +2

      I have a case of lemon loaf tea because of this video 😂

    • @menauriamon-ra8404
      @menauriamon-ra8404 9 місяців тому

      Me too!😊❤

  • @Subdood04
    @Subdood04 2 роки тому +23

    The cadence, pace and soft spoken voice in these taste test role plays are amazing! Thank you for your hard work and effort!

  • @sofia8009
    @sofia8009 Рік тому +4

    No way, i got chills watching this! It's been a while since i last got tingles, thank you! Ready to have a good sleep tonight 🎉❤

    • @LauraLemurexASMR
      @LauraLemurexASMR  Рік тому +3

      Thank you so much, Sofia! I am so glad you enjoyed this one

  • @lucybennett5282
    @lucybennett5282 4 місяці тому +2

    “Are you familiar with tea bags?” Yes Laura, I think I saw one once 😁

  • @lindyhopwithliz
    @lindyhopwithliz 2 роки тому +6

    Love your work! It brings joy and relaxation, which in turn help me cope. You’re making a real positive difference in the world. Thank you!

  • @iannivy
    @iannivy 2 роки тому +7

    Lemon loaf is a fav! ❤ thank you for the calming video

  • @flameuytico9034
    @flameuytico9034 2 роки тому +4

    Luv this video! You truly capture the essence of those teas and made us feel special as if in a real tea shoppe! Thank you, I learned a lot!

  • @Caseman984
    @Caseman984 2 роки тому +2

    Genuinely one of my favorite people to see new uploads from. Another fantastic video, thanks!

  • @AdeliaAlessandra
    @AdeliaAlessandra 2 роки тому +3

    Your chocolate shop role plays are the best, some Christmas ones would be great.

  • @Aprilluvsfood
    @Aprilluvsfood 2 роки тому +2

    Tazo's black tea with bergamot is absolutely lovely, fragrant, and tasty; hot or iced.

    • @LauraLemurexASMR
      @LauraLemurexASMR  2 роки тому +1

      That sounds like an interesting flavor. I've not tried it, thanks for watching!

  • @alexisb444
    @alexisb444 2 роки тому +1

    love love the personal shopper type asmr from u 💗

  • @LiaRaeOfficial
    @LiaRaeOfficial 2 роки тому +4

    Adding this to my ASMR playlist ASAP💜☕️Your channel is one of my favorites :)

  • @rostislav_engineer
    @rostislav_engineer 9 місяців тому

    Thank you, Laura!

  • @amyod
    @amyod 2 роки тому

    So so good. Love your display, love the black behind you. It’s all just so cosy!!

  • @PigeonsASMR
    @PigeonsASMR 2 роки тому +1

    Ooooh my goodness 😴 Tea tasting videos make for such incredible and relaxing tingles ❤️ Loved it!!

  • @annieway35
    @annieway35 2 роки тому +2

    I definitely want to try the Sweet Cinnamon Spice! I know you're not trying to sell Tazo, but they should make you an affiliate.

  • @Brie87
    @Brie87 2 роки тому

    Lemon loaf and the Chai are my favorites!

  • @BarryRosen-io6jh
    @BarryRosen-io6jh Місяць тому

    I want strawberry hot tea ( very hard to find ) . Orange spice , peppermint and butterscotch are my favorites when I'm sick

  • @taco_tuesday5034
    @taco_tuesday5034 2 роки тому +1

    As always, another delightfully relaxing video. Thank you!

  • @BoricuaK
    @BoricuaK 2 роки тому

    This is my absolute favorite style of your videos. Looking forward to falling asleep to the hand soap video at some point

  • @nancysikes7581
    @nancysikes7581 2 роки тому +1

    Ohhhh this is going to be epic!!! Thanks Laura! Happiest of holiday seasons to you! ❤️🎄

  • @niros9667
    @niros9667 2 роки тому

    Yay! Looking forward to this, loved the first one so much

  • @belseygell9258
    @belseygell9258 Рік тому

    UGH, this video reminded me how GOOD that “Joy” tea from Tazo is. I regret not buying some last month…maybe I can find some somewhere super discounted in stores or something…
    My absolute favorite tea is milk oolong. It’s so smooth and light and, as the name says, milky, even though there’s no milk present. I bulk buy it. XD

  • @FreewillASMR
    @FreewillASMR 2 роки тому +1

    Lately I've been drinking the turmeric bliss with a bit of honey before bed, it's been great.

  • @morapadua8077
    @morapadua8077 2 роки тому

    I have loved you n your posts for years just get better n better thanks xoxo

  • @dceptcn
    @dceptcn 2 роки тому

    Love, love, LOVE her voice.

  • @SeanRussell87
    @SeanRussell87 2 роки тому

    Your volume and pacing is perfect. This one is truly excellent. I also like to learn is my ASMR ❤

  • @elizabethrb
    @elizabethrb 2 роки тому

    Tea-lightful! 🫖

  • @Htxlolly
    @Htxlolly 2 місяці тому

    I love Tazo tea 😮 they’re the best.

    • @LauraLemurexASMR
      @LauraLemurexASMR  2 місяці тому +1

      Tazo dessert collection is definitely a favorite

  • @Wes-Tyler
    @Wes-Tyler 2 роки тому +1

    I love your eyeshadow so much

  • @MyLaundryStinks
    @MyLaundryStinks 2 роки тому

    Oh excellent, another qualiTea video! Thanks, Laura!

  • @LaurenElizabethxxxx
    @LaurenElizabethxxxx Рік тому

    I actually love the joy tea, I haven’t been able to find it the past couple holiday seasons though 😢

    • @LauraLemurexASMR
      @LauraLemurexASMR  Рік тому +1

      The joy toy seems to be super popular. We got it right as it came out at Target. So hopefully it comes back this year and you’re able to get some

  • @mintz276
    @mintz276 2 роки тому

    beautiful video as always

  • @Adelynthe
    @Adelynthe 2 роки тому +2

    lol i literally just made some glazed lemon loaf :D

  • @amandanicole1180
    @amandanicole1180 2 роки тому

    Laura, this is so lovely. As I recover from a concussion, the tea lover in me is enjoying this relaxing video. Thank you. I'm going to try a couple of these.

  • @artgirl96
    @artgirl96 2 роки тому

    Great asmr Laura 🥰

  • @Demigord
    @Demigord 2 роки тому

    darn it, Laura, I passed out about three minutes into this, then slept through my alarm! You're to blame! :P

  • @Reichsadler-Germania
    @Reichsadler-Germania 2 роки тому

    Masterpiece!!! A+

  • @vandanagadhireroyalfood
    @vandanagadhireroyalfood 2 роки тому

    Good morning 💖🙏

  • @WhittRak
    @WhittRak 2 роки тому

    Taxi tea is my JAAAAAAAM

  • @ZackyASMR
    @ZackyASMR 2 роки тому

    Hi Laura ❤

  • @Gaz_136
    @Gaz_136 Місяць тому

    Whats the tea in the top right that looks like pieces of caramel.

  • @LyingSecret
    @LyingSecret 2 роки тому +1

    "Are you aware of Tazos?"
    "Yeah they were like Pogs, but they had slots in them and they came in crisp packets in the 90's"

    • @LauraLemurexASMR
      @LauraLemurexASMR  2 роки тому

      I had to look these up to be reminded of what they were. I think my entire relationship with them was scratching the textured surface for the noise

    • @LyingSecret
      @LyingSecret 2 роки тому

      @@LauraLemurexASMR Hah cute, I probably haven't thought about or seen one or maybe 30 something years :) I remember building sculptures with them as they could all connect together.

  • @vandanagadhireroyalfood
    @vandanagadhireroyalfood 2 роки тому

    Nice 👌👌

  • @titanarmoredcombat1337
    @titanarmoredcombat1337 2 роки тому

    Beautiful 😍 cake

  • @StargazerLily82
    @StargazerLily82 2 роки тому

    It's actually pronounced "joo-ni-per" but I like it much better when you say "you-ni-per" :)

    • @LauraLemurexASMR
      @LauraLemurexASMR  2 роки тому

      Yeah, I corrected myself after the first pronunciation, I've just got into a habit of saying it the wrong way, I think because of some other plant with a silent J

    • @StargazerLily82
      @StargazerLily82 2 роки тому

      @@LauraLemurexASMR No, please don't, I love how you say it :)

  • @Klesse-b2e
    @Klesse-b2e 2 роки тому


  • @SarahAndSomeGuy0098
    @SarahAndSomeGuy0098 2 роки тому

    comment #2 , personal best !

  • @bushka087
    @bushka087 2 роки тому

    I knew the Brits said Hherbal but I didn't know they'd said Yuniper

    • @LauraLemurexASMR
      @LauraLemurexASMR  2 роки тому

      They don’t I just picked up the habit from the word jojoba being silent J and mixing it up. I’m working on trying to break that habit

    @DUHOVED_FOR_RELAX 2 роки тому

    *꧁ Great shot 💫 ꧂*

  • @Omni0404
    @Omni0404 2 роки тому

    Earl Grey, hot

  • @SarahAndSomeGuy0098
    @SarahAndSomeGuy0098 2 роки тому +2

    kid ... you must , MUST do a Luna Lovegood role play video . please , please

    • @dominicprince946
      @dominicprince946 2 роки тому

      She looks like her huh lol

    • @HOTD108_
      @HOTD108_ 2 роки тому +2

      Bro she's literally just blonde and British lmao.

  • @cristianolima3712
    @cristianolima3712 2 роки тому

    How surprising is that in English the word "tchay" also exists? That's how we call it in Russian language.