⚠️warning Flashing lights and sensitive content⚠️ 🎃🐇 hi fu hihi fu la la Lala la la Lala Hewoooooo as promised something with Teto synth v LITE* though the original song is still being made super busy with work lol anywaysss nashimotoooooo I love this producer recently I found this song of his :0 I was like waow catchy song heheh but honestly I relate to it with anxiety and all that jazz Does synth v pro have growl?? I don’t feel happy that my growls from priapo studio didn’t get added >:0 as I rendered the vsqx, funny thing is my computer was burning while using synth v lololol 🖤Credits🖤 Original by Nashimoto-P ft. Hatsune Miku ua-cam.com/video/hM-Df1uXJbc/v-deo.htmlsi=pymdgSBgT7K3DS8j www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15201770 UST by willowispembers ua-cam.com/video/KnE30wQeUEs/v-deo.htmlsi=FBeCwEVJ3If_aWWA Art-tunning-video by RabbitEye-P 🐇 Links to follow me for more content 🐇 Twitter-X @minamy14 Hey do you like my art?🫣 you can commission me here 🤯 Vgen : vgen.co/Rabbit_Minamy Plz subscribe and comment? Do you wanna see more creepy content by me?🐇🫣jk horror stuff makes me anxious but do I love the aesthetic, plz like?😳 With love and eyeballs -Rabbit🐇
Synthv doesn't have any glottle effects including growl :'( and I haven't found a good way to fake one yet. Pitch bend growl tends to sound like shit in synthv 😅
⚠️warning Flashing lights and sensitive content⚠️
🎃🐇 hi fu hihi fu la la Lala la la Lala
Hewoooooo as promised something with Teto synth v LITE* though the original song is still being made super busy with work lol anywaysss nashimotoooooo I love this producer recently I found this song of his :0 I was like waow catchy song heheh but honestly I relate to it with anxiety and all that jazz
Does synth v pro have growl?? I don’t feel happy that my growls from priapo studio didn’t get added >:0 as I rendered the vsqx, funny thing is my computer was burning while using synth v lololol
Original by Nashimoto-P ft. Hatsune Miku
UST by willowispembers
Art-tunning-video by RabbitEye-P
🐇 Links to follow me for more content 🐇
Twitter-X @minamy14
Hey do you like my art?🫣 you can commission me here 🤯
Vgen :
Plz subscribe and comment? Do you wanna see more creepy content by me?🐇🫣jk horror stuff makes me anxious but do I love the aesthetic, plz like?😳
With love and eyeballs
This is such a good cover! I love the way you tuned Teto
Thank you❤❤❤❤
I can't believe my eyes and ears
My next cover with tsurumaki maki ❤
Synthv doesn't have any glottle effects including growl :'( and I haven't found a good way to fake one yet. Pitch bend growl tends to sound like shit in synthv 😅
You can add growl with scripts in SynthV pro
See this is why I only use priapo studio
love this song and cover and i love teto, this was a very good combination of things to stumble upon!!
this is underrated af
I love this song and Nashimoto-P, your Teto sounds incredible! Such a good cover and tuning and mixing! 🥰
Thank you❤❤❤
amazing tuning! i love this cover!
@@marspIanet thank you!!
This is awesome!
Thank you❤❤
This came out great!