Moonshine Bandits - 51FIFTY (feat. Bubba Sparxxx)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @shaneamsler6417
    @shaneamsler6417 Рік тому +24

    My favorite song of the moonshine bandits!😎The most underrated band! Always the top for me!

  • @travisdodge2370
    @travisdodge2370 3 роки тому +12

    he sould give that guy a raise. He is cleaning the floors and promoting

  • @hall28630
    @hall28630 3 роки тому +6

    Every fuggin beat is a banger Moonshine Bandits killin it........

  • @scottsummers4671
    @scottsummers4671 4 роки тому +9

    Love the Moonshine Bandits, you get all of Rock, Rap, Country, etc all in one.

    • @jessicaboyd9745
      @jessicaboyd9745 4 роки тому +1

      I love them too 🤓💯

    • @sweetwolfasmraudio6726
      @sweetwolfasmraudio6726 3 роки тому

      I grew up in California, in the central valley as well so I had the rock,rap,and country and these boys do it perfect

  • @ineedbbq
    @ineedbbq Рік тому +10

    These dude are always bringing the heat. Can't wait to see another show.

  • @freebird086
    @freebird086 6 років тому +9

    HELL YEAH......Can’t wait for THE MACHINE SHOP!!!!!

  • @linettelovejoy3383
    @linettelovejoy3383 2 роки тому

    Fkn Awesome! Yaaaassssssss! 😎🎊🫶🏼🧡💚💖☮️🍄🌹🍀🪨🎄🌟🐚😀🌈🍀🌎♻️❗️💋Respectfully & Royally Yo!

  • @Juan-iy2pv
    @Juan-iy2pv 2 роки тому

    The panda killed everything this got Dropped at a good time where everyone was in there houses so they got to hearthe music anytime they wanted......

  • @lianadrummond1093
    @lianadrummond1093 6 років тому +9

    The Moonshine Bandits are like a speed train. Get on board the Shiner Express or get the hell off the tracks. Another video that embodies the feeling you get when you hear these guys. Great job to everyone involved!

    • @jamesrichardson64
      @jamesrichardson64 6 років тому

      Liana Drummond Hell yeah these guys are awesome to hang out with!! #sffs #shinernation #shinerfamily 132 Superman Shiner

  • @BradAcquilin
    @BradAcquilin 4 роки тому

    Boooty Boooty Boooooty Boooooty rocking everywhere

  • @peterstedman3032
    @peterstedman3032 5 років тому +2

    love a bit of bubba since way back in the day, but now discovering new artists, like good 'ol boys and now moonshine bandits. love this track and looking forward to finding more.

  • @brandonwilliams9094
    @brandonwilliams9094 6 років тому +2

    Bubba Sparxxx and them Cali boys! That shit is on fire!

  • @mikemarriott3148
    @mikemarriott3148 6 років тому +1

    My favorite Moonshine bandits song is she’s crazy(and I love it)!!

  • @weouthere707MENDO
    @weouthere707MENDO Рік тому +3

    We luv ❤ Bubba 💯 RHEC 🤘

  • @cbfelger
    @cbfelger 6 років тому +58

    OH WOW! Where do I even start with how awesome this is! I absolutely love the familiar faces I saw in the video. And then there's the beautiful women! Bubba never fails to lay it down! Well done guys! #fullthrottle #51fifty

  • @ernesthert1898
    @ernesthert1898 6 років тому +1

    It's about time Boyz with that official video. That's what I'm talking about

  • @jimmyjasso4965
    @jimmyjasso4965 5 років тому +4

    The hits are bad ass 💯👍

  • @gregarmour4451
    @gregarmour4451 3 роки тому +2

    Love these Boys . Hell Yeah .

  • @michaelaryan9111
    @michaelaryan9111 6 років тому +13

    Moonshine family always kicking ass! Keep it coming

  • @maksnoname2344
    @maksnoname2344 4 роки тому

    Очень круто ✅👍🏽✊🏽😎🔥🔥🔥 Super

  • @drakeciaccio516
    @drakeciaccio516 6 років тому +2

    Great job Moonshine Bandits, Bubba Sparxxx, 51 Fifty Team. One of the best videos I’ve seen. SFFS OS 132 LightningShiner

  • @brandonmartin5667
    @brandonmartin5667 6 місяців тому +3

    Moonshine ßandits~ THERE GOES MY INITIALS AGAIN

  • @markpierce8142
    @markpierce8142 2 роки тому +6

    You should see them in concert! Especially with Sarah Ross 😜

  • @kimkempus7806
    @kimkempus7806 2 роки тому +6

    Killing it. Going to see them here in San Diego shortly...🤘🔥

  • @albertcooper6420
    @albertcooper6420 2 роки тому +4

    Let's go ahead with this music ride for today

  • @brandonallen1997
    @brandonallen1997 2 роки тому +1

    Wow what a jam. 40 strong and still beating my system two 15's in the back

  • @randybrechbiel9748
    @randybrechbiel9748 3 роки тому +2

    Love how the boss says don't screw up, then appears at 3:50

  • @jeanniedennis6977
    @jeanniedennis6977 6 років тому +2

    Another kickass video!
    #BubbaSparxx 🙌🏻

  • @wesleyhardin9183
    @wesleyhardin9183 2 роки тому

    You fellers cease to amaze me

  • @anthonywood6300
    @anthonywood6300 6 років тому +3

    Thanks Fellars, another great video and song, I love it!!

  • @MamaBearPhillips69
    @MamaBearPhillips69 2 роки тому

    🥰🥰the song...but damn, not sure if I wanna "get loose get out of control...51Fifty .....not sure I wanna do a 72hr psych hold 😂 I'm crazy but I ain't no straight jacket-hug urself all day long kinda crazy 🤣🤣

  • @johnworkman2532
    @johnworkman2532 6 років тому +19

    I love every song these guys make.

  • @pamdavis6859
    @pamdavis6859 6 років тому +3

    Bandits and bubba killed this track! Love 💕 it! Of course anything with bubba in it is 🔥

  • @WeezyWee00
    @WeezyWee00 4 роки тому +1


  • @levievey1385
    @levievey1385 6 років тому +1

    Killer video guys can't wait till the next one

  • @davidsprague7747
    @davidsprague7747 2 роки тому +3

    Love this guy's music

  • @ConfusedChocolateStrawbe-vj2qf
    @ConfusedChocolateStrawbe-vj2qf 11 місяців тому

    Bro definitely can't say am mad at you for taking the time out to take a close look in the mix of her and y'all are just plain slamming out 💯 with this one video is right on 👉 point those po po are not stopping shit just plain facts 💯 total jacked up with this one 💯

  • @jeffhamrick2016
    @jeffhamrick2016 6 років тому +4

    Killed it like always badass song

  • @garybrown422
    @garybrown422 3 роки тому +4

    Love this band.

  • @joshuavandemark6971
    @joshuavandemark6971 6 років тому +1

    The Moonshine Bandits & Organic Bandits together on 05/12/2018 @ the legendary Alrosa Villa in Columbus, OH is gonna be off the chain... 🤘🤘

  • @eddiewalton6159
    @eddiewalton6159 Рік тому

    Boy my friend you hit the nail on the head I feel just like you do love your show old school biker

  • @Devrijheidvandebeperking
    @Devrijheidvandebeperking 5 років тому +2

    Great number!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Love It

  • @ernesthert1898
    @ernesthert1898 6 років тому +3

    Killing it boys

  • @charlescarter8982
    @charlescarter8982 6 років тому +2

    bubba sparxxx sound perfect with moonshine bandits

  • @AnthonyHarris-dy8pi
    @AnthonyHarris-dy8pi 11 місяців тому +1

    I still like this song.

  • @CynthiaJones-p6y
    @CynthiaJones-p6y 2 місяці тому

    ❤️from South Alabama

  • @gitiimoc
    @gitiimoc 4 роки тому +53

    omfg! are you kidding me? This is effing awesome! The stuff I’m stumbling upon during this pandemic! 🤘🏾

    • @sharleekuchynka7286
      @sharleekuchynka7286 4 роки тому +6

      I caught on to these guys last music i ever found #100CUPSUP#SHINERNATION

    • @jameswegner5484
      @jameswegner5484 4 роки тому +6

      Fuck yeah lol

    • @daviddavis2193
      @daviddavis2193 4 роки тому +4

      Good ole country up graded👊😎🍻🍻💯💯

    • @michaelcairaway2888
      @michaelcairaway2888 4 роки тому +3

      Me and my home boys started 5150 we all have it tatted on us how about some shirts and hats 3x sence yall useing our brand

    • @Flickalover12345
      @Flickalover12345 2 роки тому +2

      Make me wish I was there

  • @RONNIE-gu7mr
    @RONNIE-gu7mr 2 роки тому

    Still watching an playing this hot one from.back then im 2022

  • @kristinesnow4489
    @kristinesnow4489 6 років тому +4

    Badass. See you all June 9th💕❤️💜

  • @badboyoz1984
    @badboyoz1984 6 років тому +1

    Awesome song guys! Even my 3 year old daughter loves it!

  • @albertcooper6420
    @albertcooper6420 2 роки тому +1

    Here we go music ride for today and tomorrow

  • @jimmyjasso4965
    @jimmyjasso4965 5 років тому +6

    I love all the music they have it's really great💯

  • @dpdoffthehook
    @dpdoffthehook 6 років тому +1

    Bubba still hittin them tracks running like a nose bleed keep doing the damn thang! Love from the 313

  • @jonboytheredneck5761
    @jonboytheredneck5761 5 років тому +1

    Group of very beautiful ladies in this music video

  • @chadmarshall7234
    @chadmarshall7234 Рік тому

    Love it!!! Lions Club Corn Dogs in Eldorado Illinois are the best around! Invite me to party sometime.

  • @alextaylor1892
    @alextaylor1892 6 років тому

    Been waiting for this song foreverrrrrr

  • @Susan-d7o
    @Susan-d7o Рік тому

    Man they never disappoint

  • @gunnarpattygraffuis6587
    @gunnarpattygraffuis6587 6 років тому +5


  • @Denzao-D
    @Denzao-D 6 років тому +1

    Perfect as usual

  • @billyingram5394
    @billyingram5394 4 роки тому +9

    This is my favorite song by you guys. I love it men

  • @jackiejoy7276
    @jackiejoy7276 3 роки тому +1

    Man you guys are awesome 💯💥I think you should be inducted into the Rock and roll Hall of Fame the rap Hall of Fame the country Hall of Fame and the plane just damn good American music Hall of Fame anybody else out there feel the same holler back 🙉🙈🙊🔥 little Jack SoCal OPB, 😎

  • @paularlukiewiczimtherealem7446
    @paularlukiewiczimtherealem7446 6 років тому

    Manly moonshine bandits

  • @nikkigriffin2679
    @nikkigriffin2679 4 роки тому

    FUK YEEEHA!!!! Almost there myself!!! I'm jacked up!!!! DANIEL'S

  • @catfishandbassandcarp5646
    @catfishandbassandcarp5646 5 років тому +4

    Love the song boys and budda keep up the good work

  • @anthonycurry9671
    @anthonycurry9671 4 роки тому +4

    If I ever hosted Saturday night live guess what band imma bring 🤠🤠🤠

  • @nicpettus7649
    @nicpettus7649 5 років тому

    5150 criminally insane allday

  • @unionteapartier
    @unionteapartier 3 роки тому +1

    Awesome video and song.

  • @iangillon6981
    @iangillon6981 Рік тому +2

    Playing Turntables. God Bless...

  • @peterparkerspiderman7875
    @peterparkerspiderman7875 6 років тому +3

    Yeaaaaaaaa! Love it! Much love from Holland.
    Keep it up!

  • @stereostudd2026
    @stereostudd2026 4 роки тому

    Come on bro's bring it to Alaska? Would be a righteous thing to have the Moonshine stuff

  • @jamesjarrell7423
    @jamesjarrell7423 2 роки тому

    Yup kick it girls

  • @simplemanfromthestickz
    @simplemanfromthestickz Рік тому +1

    I wish we could have been friends when Jen was around. Much love and respect

      @WORKHUSTLEKILLx Рік тому

      Awwwe that’s so sweet….lol keep crying old man you loser

  • @lothyr1189
    @lothyr1189 6 років тому

    Is he jacked up?...good shit!

  • @misscobi
    @misscobi 6 років тому +10

    Hell yes!! So fun! Love the energy!

  • @lacey12278
    @lacey12278 6 років тому +3

    Yet another badass video guys!!! Love everything you guys do!!!!

  • @shannonduncan9505
    @shannonduncan9505 4 роки тому

    South Carolina here jamming on new years

  • @RedRanger_275
    @RedRanger_275 5 років тому

    Things I cannot unsee

  • @shannongois5294
    @shannongois5294 6 років тому +5

    Freaking love love the new 51Fifty video! You guys knocked it out of the park with this one. Seeing Drew bust those moved only made it even better!

  • @dmitriydean3946
    @dmitriydean3946 4 роки тому +17

    Ive been wondering where bubba sparks went ... keep it lit

  • @Beerchasers
    @Beerchasers 6 років тому

    Ya'll are a Country Rapping Machine!

  • @antoinettewillis-wheeler4113
    @antoinettewillis-wheeler4113 3 роки тому +6

    I miss the south and sitting in front of bond fires

    • @jongggrowss4202
      @jongggrowss4202 Рік тому +1

      You can always go back I am heading there when I can

    • @jeffweaks1285
      @jeffweaks1285 10 місяців тому

      Me too! It’s easy to say harder to do with these prices.

  • @colleenthompson7096
    @colleenthompson7096 Рік тому

    Loved thiss!!!!!

  • @tommyhendrix7849
    @tommyhendrix7849 3 роки тому +2

    Country white boys kickin rap to the curb damn!!!

  • @jessicaboyd9745
    @jessicaboyd9745 4 роки тому +10

    Yalls music is tiggghhht 🙌🙌🙌 love from Corbin/Williamsburg Kentucky y'all

  • @stacygarcia6265
    @stacygarcia6265 6 років тому +1

    Love the new video ...great job 😁

  • @Nwest82
    @Nwest82 2 роки тому

    Yep...word 🙏

  • @dudleydoogoodee5901
    @dudleydoogoodee5901 5 років тому

    great dam song👏👏 👏👏

  • @djkabinirukpac8999
    @djkabinirukpac8999 5 років тому +1

    we're great, man !! beat perfect

  • @BabysouthPaw-np8ig
    @BabysouthPaw-np8ig 4 місяці тому

    This song is just right for me

  • @courtneybeaudry508
    @courtneybeaudry508 6 років тому +12

    One of my favorite songs!!! Hell yeah guys!!!!

  • @blairdawson7289
    @blairdawson7289 3 роки тому

    Kicking ass and taking names

  • @robertnowell1414
    @robertnowell1414 3 роки тому +1

    I love drinking moonshine every once in awhile

  • @kenjuicekrajewski9577
    @kenjuicekrajewski9577 4 роки тому +2

    Good shit. Carry on Bandit...

  • @christinahinson8832
    @christinahinson8832 6 років тому

    Hellz yeah...😎

  • @aprilnuss3342
    @aprilnuss3342 6 років тому

    Badass video guys!

  • @christressel9952
    @christressel9952 2 роки тому

    Bubba fuck yeah spittin 🔥

  • @cliffordholder9801
    @cliffordholder9801 6 років тому

    Good song...won't hold the California thing against you. TEXAS is the place!

  • @sivart481
    @sivart481 5 років тому

    Small World, I was a Building Inspector in Livingston CA from 2003 to 2007. Little town is growing on the 99.

  • @gt7492
    @gt7492 2 роки тому

    Cali 2 Texas...⚡🇺🇸⚡

  • @lorettarodgers9215
    @lorettarodgers9215 3 роки тому
