Slaughter To Prevail - Baba Yaga || Goth Reacts

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025


  • @chairmanofthebored6860
    @chairmanofthebored6860 Рік тому +34

    Made in Russia is by far my favorite off of this album. As a longtime hardcore kid the skipping beat just makes me want to dance. Well worth checking out.

    • @drmichaelmorbiusofficial5765
      @drmichaelmorbiusofficial5765 Рік тому

      the part where it drops after the bullet casing sound effect gets replayed at least 3 times every time I listen to that one

  • @sedition4267
    @sedition4267 Рік тому +43

    If people don't headbang like hell and do the metal stomp while listening to STP, they're in a coma.

    • @SlashleySlays
      @SlashleySlays  Рік тому +8


    • @larry7799
      @larry7799 Рік тому +1

      @@SlashleySlaysif you don’t you’re an NPC…

    • @brentmclean4807
      @brentmclean4807 Рік тому +1

      Don't forget the involuntary 'stank face'

    • @Ericsaidful
      @Ericsaidful 11 місяців тому

      @@SlashleySlaysI was in a coma, this brought me out of it.

  • @metalopoly2569
    @metalopoly2569 Рік тому +12

    Tanks, bears, explosions and sick visuals? Ok... I'm on board with this 🤘😧🤟

  • @bobs1648
    @bobs1648 Рік тому +10

    I love this song because I can picture the band sitting in a room somewhere discussing making the video and Alex saying, well f*ck I've got a bear and a tank we could use... Also Evgeny Novikov is hard to beat as a drummer. Almost all his work makes me feel like I need an oxygen tank and a nap. 🤣

  • @dinkydory
    @dinkydory Рік тому

    Honestly I loved how you were vibing! I'd rather see someone enjoying the music than talking about the video over the good parts!

  • @kylekinney9455
    @kylekinney9455 Рік тому

    I about lost my $@!% when I saw your headphones pop off on that breakdown bc you were headbangin so hard....I FEEL YOUR PAIN! 😂 AWESOME reaction loved the energy and you let video play through...not entirely sure what kind of videos you prefer to react to this is my 1st watch of you, but name a genre and hopefully I can be of some service..kick @$$ job again btw

  • @mikefm4
    @mikefm4 10 місяців тому +1

    This entire song blew my mind. Was not expecting this sound from this band. And my god was it glorious

  • @davidcarter5504
    @davidcarter5504 Рік тому

    That moment when you get so into the song that you forget your recording and headbang your head phones off. HAHA I LOVE IT!!!!! Your the best Ash

  • @MrLegwan000
    @MrLegwan000 Рік тому

    I love your smile Ash! Youre the best! Greetings from Poland for all metalheads!

  • @Ilovemetal-s6i
    @Ilovemetal-s6i Місяць тому

    red flashing lights fits perfectly with your room

  • @supr3m3xnachos27
    @supr3m3xnachos27 Рік тому +6

    Yay! I love this song

    • @matwilliams2021
      @matwilliams2021 4 місяці тому

      @@supr3m3xnachos27 yep me 2 str8 🔥🔥🔥

  • @kylesprague4818
    @kylesprague4818 Рік тому +3

    Love your shirt, love the energy. Saw these guys live in a concert even more badass and amazing live

    • @SlashleySlays
      @SlashleySlays  Рік тому

      Thanks! And that had to be a GREAT show

    • @kylesprague4818
      @kylesprague4818 Рік тому

      It really was especially wearing one of their mask to the show

  • @brettgragg898
    @brettgragg898 Рік тому +4

    I love these guys! So damn hard core.

  • @mikesullinger7046
    @mikesullinger7046 Рік тому

    My favorite reactor to all videos ❤

  • @LimbicGrave
    @LimbicGrave Рік тому

    Once again a legendary song, loved the video🖤

  • @Jbomb-ep4jr
    @Jbomb-ep4jr Рік тому

    Ash you’re the best lol
    Love your reactions!
    Appreciate you

  • @Sikthy
    @Sikthy Рік тому +2

    man i love this track its a banger

  • @averageatbest8146
    @averageatbest8146 Рік тому

    so I have a painting of "baby yoda" as well as a picture of Mando holding him in my office. Great show!!

  • @CandidCartridges
    @CandidCartridges Рік тому

    Seeing them for the second time and so stoked

  • @davidcarter5504
    @davidcarter5504 Рік тому

    Hey Ash, first off, I love the energy, as always, and I will catch one of your streams soon. Always working when you stream :). I hope you have a great day.

  • @introvertialxo
    @introvertialxo Рік тому

    My brother got my into STP years ago, and I've still never attempted to learn any words to the songs. I'm just here for the headbanging and vibes😅

  • @alexthorpe6583
    @alexthorpe6583 Рік тому +1

    'GAWD DAMN' is an entirely appropriate response to this video. :P

  • @СтасАгеев-т9в
    @СтасАгеев-т9в Рік тому

    Baba Yaga is a Witch, also she is a guide through a world of dead. Ancient Slavic's gave her children to pretend them from death. Baba Yaga bake them in the oven to prevent from death and disease. She was world's first anti-hero, as I know. She id a good fellow, if you know how to please her. And, also, a very very strong opponent if you don't respect the death. All of the slavic's folklore fairytales are based upon this character.
    And, in a finale. I will remember the John Wick.
    "Boogeyman? No, he is not a bloody boogieman. They call him "Baba Yaga". He is the one who called to kill bloody Boogieman

  • @NicholasCorvin
    @NicholasCorvin Рік тому +5

    *I'm sure you would love the recently released LIVE video of "BRATVA", another great track by SLAUGHTER TO PREVAIL* 😈

    • @sedition4267
      @sedition4267 Рік тому

      People at the red lights don't seem to like this song as much as I do...

  • @awg6397
    @awg6397 Рік тому

    Im so excited, I get to see STP in a couple of weeks opening for Falling in Reverse! Next on your list needs to be Bratva

  • @shamus_yo4439
    @shamus_yo4439 Рік тому

    This was my first song i heard of theirs. Was epic on my gym playlist.

  • @kriskunkel1602
    @kriskunkel1602 Рік тому

    You NEED to see them live if you ever get a chance they will be your favorite band 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @benespinosa6725
    @benespinosa6725 Рік тому

    Awesome Reaction Video Ash Happy Monday Hope you had a great weekend great job as always your lipstick looks phenomenal You're the best 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

  • @TheMajorActual
    @TheMajorActual Рік тому

    Your image on the thumnail -- priceless.

  • @galacticriminalx
    @galacticriminalx Рік тому


    @GOTHREACT14 Рік тому

    🖤 i love your vidéo ash

  • @Rawberrito
    @Rawberrito Рік тому

    Alex is NOT human....his vocals fawking scare me LMAO. STP definitely slaps in every way! That fucking break down melted my face

  • @zenleto
    @zenleto Рік тому +1

    Beast of a song. Whenever I hear the name, though, I can’t help thinking of Antman 2 lol

    • @SlashleySlays
      @SlashleySlays  Рік тому +1


    • @zenleto
      @zenleto Рік тому

      @@SlashleySlays I didn’t give anything away! I promise. And you need to fix that!

  • @TheyLiveUareSheep
    @TheyLiveUareSheep Рік тому

    Scrunch face made me laugh😂

  • @victoriaemeritae1621
    @victoriaemeritae1621 7 місяців тому

    1:49-1:52 Это лучшая коллаба, что я слышала😂👍🤘

  • @MetalMMan
    @MetalMMan Рік тому +1

    Slashley: Alex Terrible's voice is everything but terrible.
    Slashley barely 1 second later: Speaks Doodlebob
    I love your videos! Keep up the good work!

  • @zikzero6
    @zikzero6 Рік тому

    Fuk yeah.. time to get brutal 😈.. well "1984" same band is next 🤘
    I've seen them live, holy fuk that was one hr non stop elbowing the air (not air, but dudes around) 😅

  • @ZigiZiki123
    @ZigiZiki123 Рік тому

    Damn, your energy is unmatched, love it! Thanks for entertainment! If you are a sucker for guitars, try anything from Children of Bodom (especially live from Stockholm 2005 so you can see it)

  • @johnnyeproductions
    @johnnyeproductions Рік тому

    Evegeny is a mfkn BEAST on the drums! You soooooooooooooooooooo need to watch his 1 take drum play through of Demolisher!!!!! Do it or I quit! lol Idk what I'm quiting, but I WILL DO IT! hahaha

  • @Nrth.w1nd
    @Nrth.w1nd Рік тому

    1:50 чайник закипел походу 😁

  • @charliesandersson7948
    @charliesandersson7948 Рік тому

    Love alex terrible, and you are right this music is made to vibe with!

  • @ВладимирМещеряков-ц1ч

    the chorus is very similar to mudvayne style

  • @araragisempai
    @araragisempai Рік тому


  • @aixmhros
    @aixmhros Рік тому


  • @Dregqq1200
    @Dregqq1200 4 місяці тому

    Why you see video if you hearing and listening?

  • @JPI_RV
    @JPI_RV Рік тому


  • @O_Theos_Witcher
    @O_Theos_Witcher Рік тому

    greay video you look very pretty Ash

  • @DilledMilk
    @DilledMilk Рік тому

    You definitely need to do some older stp. Perhaps the song Hell. Or the song Death.

  • @SugarCoatEm
    @SugarCoatEm Рік тому

    Listen to Zavali Ebalo by Slaughter To Prevail. Your stank face will have a stank face😂

  • @ВТАНКЕ-1
    @ВТАНКЕ-1 Рік тому

    Ты Классная !Как и твои реакции,ты просто супер...Красотка

  • @fabianosacramento1106
    @fabianosacramento1106 Рік тому

    That song is totally in Russian

  • @romanmedyanik1268
    @romanmedyanik1268 Рік тому


  • @lurkiandanti367
    @lurkiandanti367 Рік тому

    ты не достоин

  • @edwardwynn4056
    @edwardwynn4056 Рік тому

    They where good when they first came out now they are just completely over rated just like lorna shore

    • @SlashleySlays
      @SlashleySlays  Рік тому +2

      I mean. Your opinion is valid. To each their own. But I disagree

  • @CYRUS363
    @CYRUS363 Рік тому

    Hope you do Zavali Ebalo on Evegeny's drumcam....think you'll love it and go crazt watching him do a domestic violence on his kit. One day you may do some Type O Negative, since you're Goth. Christian Woman, Black No 1, My Girlfriend's Girlfriend and Love You to Death are good to start with.