It is incredibly repetitive both in conveying the same info and conveying basically the same story...again and again and again (well minus the parts where the details don't match)
I live for these videos! I've heard these crazy stories all my life at church, but it seemed like I was the only one thinking "WTF?" while all the other parishioners sat there with vacuous smiles saying, "Isn't god great?". Not from where I'm sitting!
You are just a hater. For me it's just _the_ best run up to November EVER! Halloween, a magical time. Still warm outside, sometimes. Relatives don't bug you to visit them. LOTS of horror movies! Junk food! And people find it totally normal when I act like myself, going out late, visiting silent (and often branded spooky for that reason) places, decorating my house like it's an absurd painting from a disturbed Picasso who tried to get as many different colours into the picture and still be stylish - a perfect balance between light and dark and flashy and zen, well, and a bit of death and stuff around the holiday season, that ends before christmas by the way. For many people anyway. And then the real horror starts for them: relatives and christmas. For me, it's Halloween until January first and then I'm super happy that over 90% of fucktards has a hangover so I can finally have a relaxing morning without car doors slamming. It's also the only circle around the sun I celebrate. I'm not very impressed with people doing the same. It's not like you have much options... If anyone went around the sun the other way, then I'd be impressed and celebrate their circle around the sun. Not during Halloween though. I'm too busy having fun :D
@@mischarowe Don't worry about it; you're fine. I remember having talked to you before and you just don't understand much, so you shouldn't expect too much of yourself. Just let it go before you hurt yourself, again.
@@mischarowe _"If being rude is what gets you off."_ Then what? You'll finish that sentence? I doubt you knew what you were saying even before you failed to not make an ass of yourself, but fine, have it your way, I accept you challenge. Being rude gets me off. What's the rest of that sentence?
I guess they're implying Rebecca did something to make the invisible sky wizard angry because a woman's inability to have children was often times seen as a divine punishment.
Well yeah, along with anything unfortunate in your life. It’s double jeopardy having a sucky life in Biblical times. Got acne? That’s the least of your worries because everyone will assume it’s because you’re immoral. Likewise, if you’re successful/powererful, more power to you because you can claim to be pals with the Lord and tell others what He says/wants. If you’re a wealthy bigot, you’re bigoted views become those of the mighty one.
It's important to remember there were no social safety nets back then. If you were too old to work and didn't have kids to take care of you then you were just going to die miserably. This is why Christians often fight against government welfare because they break up a lot of biblical norms. If you have a government social security then having kids is no longer mandatory.
Its amazing how when i was younger, i did not want to read or hear any of this and now im looking forward to each episode^^ showing support from another friendly atheist
Yes, in Genesis 6:3 he said "Then the Lord said, "My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years"
This is one of the best Genesis vids. I never saw how good Hemant's humour is before this series. I wish Sunday School was like this (and I'm Mormon so adults would have classes too).
@@miguelthealpaca8971 Yeah compared to Noah living to 950 and Methuselah making it to 969 (oldest ever in bible) poor Abraham was practically still a kid. It's so hard for me to believe people still take the myths in the bible as literally true these days with our current scientific, historical, and anthropological knowledge being what it is.
This is like waiting for the next episode of my favorite tv show. Seriously, I'm enjoying this a lot more than when those crazy pastors are trying to convince me this crappy story is real.
The Bible says in John 3:16-36 that whoever believes in the Lord Jesus Christ shall not perish but have everlasting life, the Bible also says in Romans 10:9 that those who declare with their mouth that Jesus Christ is their God, Lord, and Savior they shall be saved. Revelation 1:8 says that Jesus is the alpha and the omega. Luke and revelation is the ending times, and Jesus is returning back. So are you going to submit your life to him or no? Narrow is the path that leads to the gates of heaven, but only few people find it. The gates that is the path to destruction is where many people find it! Jesus loves you SO MUCH! That he died on the cross, and was resurrected from the dead 3 days later to give us eternal life…!!!!!!
@@poweroftruth9258 what was the sacrifice? He didn't lose a thing. He resurrected so the death wasn't a big deal. His disciples suffered even more than him
@2:52 Turns out Ishmael was a Class Act. Despite being neglected, ignored, and all but forgotten, he still does a solid and shows up at his Pop's funeral.
Lol sunday school teachers totally gloss over the fact that jacob tried to get esau's birtthright by in return for goddamn food. The shady stuff is left out of the lessons always, like lot's daughters having sex with him.🙄
Not my old Sunday school teachers. They were somehow able to convince us kids that everything god did in the Old Testament (other than slavery endorsement) was good because god did it and he always knows what’s best. It’s really sad.
Hardcore Christians will make excuses for everything. My own brother has gotten into fanaticism and told me it was 100% ok for god to tell Abraham to kill his son because god could just revive him. So I quipped 'sure officer, I strangled my wife to death, but then I revived her. Really it's ok and she has no problem with it'. Unreal.
Remember the Hunger games-movies? During the end credits for the first one, there's a song called "Abraham's daughter" that had a twist on the sacrificing Isaac story where Abraham's nameless daughter has a conversation with the angel. It's a pretty good song, imo, and it's stuck in my head. No point here, just spreading the ear-worm.
There's a lot to unpack here children. Jacob would let his older brother die from hunger if he wouldn't give up his birthright. This scores rather low on the good old objective morality scale. Using the bible as a guideline for objective morality is like giving your kids the illustrated works of Marquis De Sade to teach them about the birds and the bees. Were there no sadists before Marquis De Sade?
@@harveywabbit9541 So the entire genocide (sorry Genesis) - book of the bible is actually x-rated fanfiction after the supposed lives of the stars (the real ones)?
I’m genuinely wondering if all the younger son love in the Bible has something to do with younger sons in the old days being the ones who were likely to become scholars and priests - so, the ones responsible for writing all of this down.
@Steven bent1 the story of Sodom has been interpreted in so many ways, it's hard to which is true. Two men needs accomodation and a resident offers a place for the night. Town folk gets rowdy and wants a gang rape. Instead a virgin girl gets offered for the raping. All that is overlooked and everyone just blames the gay community.
@Steven bent1 what a load of bullshit. You just waisted 10 minutes of my life. You could've just given me the bible verses and I could've read them myself. I do actually own a bible. It's on the fiction shelf.
Stew is just thick soup. Most Asian people eat it with rice. I only say this because my wife in Filipino. Most days I come home and sarcastically think "Yay. Stew."
Know how there are current fictional characters that live long and in different eras? For example Batman, Superman, James Bond. I think the same thing is going on in the Bible stories. And they are just stories.
"How'd he meet her?" Are you serious? You don't think god, creator of the universe, didn't have some awesome dating apps? Tinder was clearly devils work.
Here we have a continuation of what becomes Arab and Jew hostilities. Note the description of Ishmael's descendants. In conflict or hostile to others in general, and the Hebrews specifically. But Isaac's descendants are the blessed "peaceful ones". And note the contrasting descriptions between Esau and Jacob. Esau comes out red(hostile) and is full of hair at birth. Suggesting Esau is like a savage. While Jacob is born smooth, without blemish. Meaning pure. And Jacob. the Patriarch, the father of the tribes of Israel. Blackmails his brother for the birthright. Instead of any sense of compassion for a starving brother, Jacob turns to greed. And Jacob will afflict even more atrocities. Stay tuned.
That bit at the end of Verse 18 about Ismael's people being hostile isn't even in the KJV. It ends with 'he died in the presence of his bretheren'. I thought that's where all the subsequent translations came from. That's also the 2nd time they used the word 'sell' in this version instead of 'give'. I wonder just how many times these books have been rewritten to change the meaning.
@@tkps Of the English versions, the Wycliff Bible predates the King James. And passages did change between those two versions. As I mentioned in the previous reading. "Put your hand under my hip" from the Wycliff was changed to "under my thigh". I know the Latin and Greek translations predate everything.
@Zeal! God promising lands to Isaac. It's these passages that are used to his day by the Israelis. Used to justify occupation of Palestinian Territories. This recent stab in the back (blank check)deal between Israel and their UAE partners, has sparked new hostilities. On top of resentment over Israeli annexation of territory. Annexation The Israel reasons by these ancient claims. And the beat goes on.
@JudahBenLevi Talk about treachery. It was Jacob who blackmailed his brother Esau for a Birth-right. It was Isaac who condemned(without cause) his son Esau. And talk about shame. It was Jacob who commits an unforgivable wrong. Jacob betrays his own daughter after she was raped by town prince. Jacob sold her out by giving her to her attacker. He even reprimanded his sons, after they acted on their sister's honor. Ruthlessness. It was Moses who commanded mass-murder. Moses and Joshua ordered invasions of occupied lands. And these are called heroes and patriarchs. The passage you point to. Hebrew text used to justify hatred and butchery towards their Arab neighbors. Today these ancient biased writings are used to invade and occupy Palestinian lands. Just as similiar tactics were used in America to take Native lands.
Before this, I couldn't hear the word bible without vomiting but now I cannot get enough of this guy, love the break down love, keep it up, am loving every bit of it
I have a feeling Rebecca wasn't infertile, I think she was just prepubescent when she was kidnapped I mean married and Isaac being the dumb man ignorant of female biology that he is, didn't realize that a woman had to go through puberty first.
Hmm, for the first commercial I got one for a Hillsdale College for a course on the book of Genesis. They start out with how can a snake possible talk or why have it crawl on its belly. Then go into that really you have to read it as poetry or something like that, then I will see things I never saw before and I guess in turn it will all make sense. Gee, who knew.
As far as Abraham is concerned Isaac is his only child. Even tho he has like 15 others and I'm sure it's not only sons he had. Who knows how many countless daughters he had but obviously they weren't worth mention...... the mundane parts of this story probably isn't even real anyway tho.
Yeah, but you won’t live long enough to have these debates if you read the Bible at this rate. I think we can skip Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes and many of the letters of Paul because lots of them are the same letters to different people.
@Zeal! Oh yes, doesn't it have spaceships or flying monsters? But to me some cars look like they want to eat me. Whatever, I prefer the parts that say/imply humans are a part of the natural flow over the parts that "give" us predatory dominion.
how does one use a book of polygamy and incest to insist that monogamy is the mandate from a god, that rewards the polygamy. women and girls are so inconsequential in christianity and the bible, apart from being the necessary evil to bare a son and to serve their masters, that it's no wonder these and similar patriarchal ideas and systems became pervasive in cultures/society. but it wasnt enough for this to apply to their own, church leaders garnerred so much power in politics and law, that not obeying the horrible inhumanity or questioning it, either got you killed or only severely punished, if you were rich and prominent enough. so these bible studies out the idiocy in a light hearted manner but many lives were lost and christianity still strongly infringes on human rights and punishes people based on their pathetic ideologies. think abortion rights or rights to own religion/beliefs. we are still slaves to the christian power structures, even as atheists. Oppression always has been carried out under the guise of well meaning intention. Lies dressed up for people to buy into it. not for one second do i believe any pretence of well intention of the bible or organised religion. there is no middle ground to be had by cherry picking apparently nicer bits from bible. ditch the crud completely, once you work out what's what.
I have loved every one of the problems with Genesis. Too bad my bible thumper aunt has past away I would have loved to given her some of thrse. Good job
No, no, no, you're taking it all out of context. The perfect god designed perfect humans with the perfect excuse to fuck them up and have flawed offspring to fuck up some more and to kill them so he had an excuse to rape a girl to get himself born to gaslight some more and have himself "sacrificed" to forgive mankind for the flaws he excused himself for but blamed all future generations for from Adam onward and in his infinite goodness, the forgiveness only takes effect when you die with no way to know if you actually need it or need to be baptized or if you lose your ticket to paradise if you kill, rape, and commit genocide. Context is everything.
@@SqwarkParrotSpittingFeathers In his defence, he made women pretty close to perfect though, except maybe for having the same flawed insides as the rest of us do. Like a brain and diaphragm that won't respond to oxygen depletion but only to a surplus of CO2. _And He saw it was good._ I think the all knowing dumbfuck of eterinity just had his capitals mixed up. Here, I'll show you: _And he Saw it was good._ Makes a lot more sense now, doesn't it :p And Saw II and Saw III :p
Was all of this chapter meant as symbolism for something else which has since been lost to us? Are there hidden history lessons, or morals, or coded references to local political events that they needed to camouflage in metaphor? Otherwise it's just pedantic factoids about a family lineage. Was Genesis a mystery religion too?
@@harveywabbit9541 Do you find "tradition" to have any relevance to anything really? They appear to just make up any old shit to make themselves appear worthy.
WOW, Jacob's a prick! "Give me all of dad's stuff in exchange for this one meal." And, okay...EVERY parent has a favourite child. It might not be outright stated, but you know it's true. Example: my sister is my mom's favourite and I'm my dad's. Oh man, my poor brother...
I'm not sure if this is the best place for this.... but watching these videos, and I'm starting to get bigger picture of this shot. and now I have questions or something... 1: god see mankind is wicked. 2: god sends a flood to genocide everyone but Noah and his family. 3: god promises never to wipe people out again. 4: Noah gets drunk and naked, his youngest son trys to protect his modesty. 5: Noah gets god to curse his sons entire blood line. they become the cannanites. 6: Abraham trys to procure his son a wife. won't pimp on from the cannanites, because their "wicked." so am I right to assume God's actions have directly led to a whole society of People becoming "wicked"????
one thing to clarify: in jewish language there's either love or hate. You can't say you like something more or less.You can only say I love this or I hate this. There's nothing in between. two extremes
@Feiner Fug Thank you. I may have exaggerated a bit, but, yes, her lentil stew was very good. But she also believed in a totally vegan, no sugar or spice diet. I remember afterwards running to a corner store and stocking up on Chocolate bars!
Hi thanks from Nairobi Kenya it's not easy being a nonbeliever here, even family and friends ditch you out for speaking the truth... most of my family is catholic, so I started teaching them about inquisition and crusades, the current rape cases in the catholic church. Its the worst thing ever, right now I need help but they say I have to convert back to Christianity, its god punishing me.. Its purely mental torture during this time of corona. Africa was poisoned by religion. Anyone who can help please let me know...............
When the bible goes into genealogy, I can't help but wonder, "Am I supposed to know who any of these people are?" Anyone know a good family tree that keeps track of all these names?
I personally respect, what you’re doing, how you fight Christianity and religion, by using the Bible going through the Bible showing the wrongs of the Bible your attack is amazing
I am enjoying these thoroughly. I remember reading genesis (and a couple other books) when I was a pre-teen. It is one of the many reasons why I left Christianity behind.
do those more often PLEASE!! i've tried to read the bible and was I *bored* but this, I love it!!
It can be hard to read the thing without interjections containing a dose of reality.
It is incredibly repetitive both in conveying the same info and conveying basically the same story...again and again and again (well minus the parts where the details don't match)
I’ve read the bible FIVE times and this is the only time I’ve enjoyed it!
Same here! I gave up when entire chapters consisted of this person “begat” that person, I couldn’t keep going
Same! You really make this funny as hell.
I live for these videos! I've heard these crazy stories all my life at church, but it seemed like I was the only one thinking "WTF?" while all the other parishioners sat there with vacuous smiles saying, "Isn't god great?".
Not from where I'm sitting!
Man, isn't God great, trying to take ALL OF THE FORESKINS OF 8 DAYS OLD BABIES.
"This is getting good" was never a line I attributed to Genesis ... until now.
You are just a hater. For me it's just _the_ best run up to November EVER!
Halloween, a magical time. Still warm outside, sometimes. Relatives don't bug you to visit them. LOTS of horror movies! Junk food! And people find it totally normal when I act like myself, going out late, visiting silent (and often branded spooky for that reason) places, decorating my house like it's an absurd painting from a disturbed Picasso who tried to get as many different colours into the picture and still be stylish - a perfect balance between light and dark and flashy and zen, well, and a bit of death and stuff around the holiday season, that ends before christmas by the way. For many people anyway. And then the real horror starts for them: relatives and christmas. For me, it's Halloween until January first and then I'm super happy that over 90% of fucktards has a hangover so I can finally have a relaxing morning without car doors slamming. It's also the only circle around the sun I celebrate. I'm not very impressed with people doing the same. It's not like you have much options... If anyone went around the sun the other way, then I'd be impressed and celebrate their circle around the sun. Not during Halloween though. I'm too busy having fun :D
@@stylis666 I'm not sure what I just ... skimmed through
@@mischarowe Don't worry about it; you're fine. I remember having talked to you before and you just don't understand much, so you shouldn't expect too much of yourself. Just let it go before you hurt yourself, again.
@@stylis666 If being rude is what gets you off.
@@mischarowe _"If being rude is what gets you off."_
Then what? You'll finish that sentence? I doubt you knew what you were saying even before you failed to not make an ass of yourself, but fine, have it your way, I accept you challenge. Being rude gets me off. What's the rest of that sentence?
I guess they're implying Rebecca did something to make the invisible sky wizard angry because a woman's inability to have children was often times seen as a divine punishment.
Well yeah, along with anything unfortunate in your life. It’s double jeopardy having a sucky life in Biblical times. Got acne? That’s the least of your worries because everyone will assume it’s because you’re immoral. Likewise, if you’re successful/powererful, more power to you because you can claim to be pals with the Lord and tell others what He says/wants. If you’re a wealthy bigot, you’re bigoted views become those of the mighty one.
Zeal! Exactly what it is. And the people in power start to believe their own lies.
It's important to remember there were no social safety nets back then. If you were too old to work and didn't have kids to take care of you then you were just going to die miserably. This is why Christians often fight against government welfare because they break up a lot of biblical norms. If you have a government social security then having kids is no longer mandatory.
Its amazing how when i was younger, i did not want to read or hear any of this and now im looking forward to each episode^^ showing support from another friendly atheist
I see Hemant and genesis together and i just click ,like and watch with a smile
Didn't God say several chapters back no one would live over 120 years?
Yes, in Genesis 6:3 he said "Then the Lord said, "My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years"
@@harveywabbit9541 stop
It’s the old thematic/chronological problem.
An atheist who's youtube channel is all about the bible lol
@@harveywabbit9541 yes, yes... it's all Soo simple....
This is one of the best Genesis vids. I never saw how good Hemant's humour is before this series.
I wish Sunday School was like this (and I'm Mormon so adults would have classes too).
Every Irishman recoiled in horror of you declaring you've never been hungry for stew. Properly made stews and casseroles are amazing
Not sure they're meant to be red though :/
Spoiler Alert!!! 📢
Abraham dies in this one. A true tragedy, the Lord takes him before his time at the young age of only 175.😢
Live fast, die young
It was a good life though. Can you imagine how much sex he must have had, to have all those concubines and all those kids!?
Poor bugger still had his whole life in front of him.
Considering how long the earlier guys lived for, Abe was really young when he kicked the bucket.
@@miguelthealpaca8971 Yeah compared to Noah living to 950 and Methuselah making it to 969 (oldest ever in bible) poor Abraham was practically still a kid.
It's so hard for me to believe people still take the myths in the bible as literally true these days with our current scientific, historical, and anthropological knowledge being what it is.
This is like waiting for the next episode of my favorite tv show. Seriously, I'm enjoying this a lot more than when those crazy pastors are trying to convince me this crappy story is real.
Finally. I've been binge watching this series and have been eagerly anticipating the next episode.
So, since God had broken the seven deadly sins, they're not warnings. They're lifestyle guides.
The Bible says in John 3:16-36 that whoever believes in the Lord Jesus Christ shall not perish but have everlasting life, the Bible also says in Romans 10:9 that those who declare with their mouth that Jesus Christ is their God, Lord, and Savior they shall be saved. Revelation 1:8 says that Jesus is the alpha and the omega. Luke and revelation is the ending times, and Jesus is returning back. So are you going to submit your life to him or no? Narrow is the path that leads to the gates of heaven, but only few people find it. The gates that is the path to destruction is where many people find it! Jesus loves you SO MUCH! That he died on the cross, and was resurrected from the dead 3 days later to give us eternal life…!!!!!!
@@poweroftruth9258 what was the sacrifice? He didn't lose a thing. He resurrected so the death wasn't a big deal. His disciples suffered even more than him
@@lampy3928 a weekend. He lost a weekend to turn water into wine and his friends were highly miffed as the life of the party was missing.
@2:52 Turns out Ishmael was a Class Act. Despite being neglected, ignored, and all but forgotten, he still does a solid and shows up at his Pop's funeral.
Jesus Christ 😂 these stories are crazy
Agreeee...This guy has a lot to understand the Bible and also his prescribers. He just wants fame, thats it.........
Pandała Hello, you do acknowledge the Lord Jesus huh? You’re right, the way Hemant presents these stories are crazy.
@@Daniel-cz7kd he's just reading them directly and commenting, what else would you like?
@@Daniel-cz7kd That's bcos these stories ARE crazy
I love this series! You’re doing an amazing job with this.
Abraham wonders why his kids look like the guy who runs the stables.
Lol sunday school teachers totally gloss over the fact that jacob tried to get esau's birtthright by in return for goddamn food. The shady stuff is left out of the lessons always, like lot's daughters having sex with him.🙄
Not my old Sunday school teachers. They were somehow able to convince us kids that everything god did in the Old Testament (other than slavery endorsement) was good because god did it and he always knows what’s best. It’s really sad.
Gerald McFarlin well idk how to respond to that second comment, but yup. I’d agree 100% with your opinion on the Bible.
Hardcore Christians will make excuses for everything. My own brother has gotten into fanaticism and told me it was 100% ok for god to tell Abraham to kill his son because god could just revive him. So I quipped 'sure officer, I strangled my wife to death, but then I revived her. Really it's ok and she has no problem with it'. Unreal.
Wow.. We just reach half of Genesis congrats Man
Remember the Hunger games-movies? During the end credits for the first one, there's a song called "Abraham's daughter" that had a twist on the sacrificing Isaac story where Abraham's nameless daughter has a conversation with the angel. It's a pretty good song, imo, and it's stuck in my head.
No point here, just spreading the ear-worm.
There's a lot to unpack here children.
Jacob would let his older brother die from hunger if he wouldn't give up his birthright.
This scores rather low on the good old objective morality scale.
Using the bible as a guideline for objective morality is like giving your kids the illustrated works of Marquis De Sade to teach them about the birds and the bees. Were there no sadists before Marquis De Sade?
@@harveywabbit9541 So the entire genocide (sorry Genesis) - book of the bible is actually x-rated fanfiction after the supposed lives of the stars (the real ones)?
Jacob is supposed to be the biggest thing, but he stole the inheritance of his brother, and his mother aided him in the lie, talk about moral fiber.
Gerald McFarlin
Yeah whatever.
@@harveywabbit9541 saturn the planet?🤔
Yeah, more genealogy. I was waiting for this.
Genealogy that never tells us who are all those people.
I’m genuinely wondering if all the younger son love in the Bible has something to do with younger sons in the old days being the ones who were likely to become scholars and priests - so, the ones responsible for writing all of this down.
The invisible sky wizard has an neurotic pleasure for the institution of slavery.
He also has a disturbing foot fetish.
@Steven bent1 just keep reading. They really like to wash each other's feet.
@Steven bent1 the story of Sodom has been interpreted in so many ways, it's hard to which is true. Two men needs accomodation and a resident offers a place for the night. Town folk gets rowdy and wants a gang rape. Instead a virgin girl gets offered for the raping.
All that is overlooked and everyone just blames the gay community.
@Steven bent1 what a load of bullshit. You just waisted 10 minutes of my life. You could've just given me the bible verses and I could've read them myself. I do actually own a bible. It's on the fiction shelf.
Abraham marries a second time: Invents a magical blue potion.
Has six kids.
But forgets the half Egyptian boy. Good thing alimony doesn't exist yet.
I love these so much. THANK YOU, Hemant.
Stew is just thick soup. Most Asian people eat it with rice. I only say this because my wife in Filipino. Most days I come home and sarcastically think "Yay. Stew."
"How did he meet her?" I'm stuck on the fact that I didn't even know she existed.
He met her on Biblical Tinder
Christian Mingle, oh wait...
STORY TIME!!! I was looking forward to this.
Know how there are current fictional characters that live long and in different eras? For example Batman, Superman, James Bond. I think the same thing is going on in the Bible stories. And they are just stories.
@@harveywabbit9541 What do you mean? (I know It's been 9 months, but I'm bored).
When one stops fearing hell, these stories begin to seem really crazy
Love your Genesis breakdown. Hope you do Exodus. It's really messed up.
"How'd he meet her?" Are you serious? You don't think god, creator of the universe, didn't have some awesome dating apps? Tinder was clearly devils work.
Here we have a continuation of what becomes Arab and Jew hostilities. Note the description of Ishmael's descendants. In conflict or hostile to others in general, and the Hebrews specifically. But Isaac's descendants are the blessed "peaceful ones".
And note the contrasting descriptions between Esau and Jacob. Esau comes out red(hostile) and is full of hair at birth. Suggesting Esau is like a savage. While Jacob is born smooth, without blemish. Meaning pure.
And Jacob. the Patriarch, the father of the tribes of Israel. Blackmails his brother for the birthright. Instead of any sense of compassion for a starving brother, Jacob turns to greed. And Jacob will afflict even more atrocities. Stay tuned.
That bit at the end of Verse 18 about Ismael's people being hostile isn't even in the KJV. It ends with 'he died in the presence of his bretheren'. I thought that's where all the subsequent translations came from. That's also the 2nd time they used the word 'sell' in this version instead of 'give'. I wonder just how many times these books have been rewritten to change the meaning.
@@tkps Of the English versions, the Wycliff Bible predates the King James. And passages did change between those two versions. As I mentioned in the previous reading. "Put your hand under my hip" from the Wycliff was changed to "under my thigh". I know the Latin and Greek translations predate everything.
@Zeal! God promising lands to Isaac. It's these passages that are used to his day by the Israelis. Used to justify occupation of Palestinian Territories. This recent stab in the back (blank check)deal between Israel and their UAE partners, has sparked new hostilities. On top of resentment over Israeli annexation of territory. Annexation The Israel reasons by these ancient claims. And the beat goes on.
@JudahBenLevi Talk about treachery. It was Jacob who blackmailed his brother Esau for a Birth-right. It was Isaac who condemned(without cause) his son Esau. And talk about shame. It was Jacob who commits an unforgivable wrong. Jacob betrays his own daughter after she was raped by town prince. Jacob sold her out by giving her to her attacker. He even reprimanded his sons, after they acted on their sister's honor. Ruthlessness. It was Moses who commanded mass-murder. Moses and Joshua ordered invasions of occupied lands. And these are called heroes and patriarchs.
The passage you point to. Hebrew text used to justify hatred and butchery towards
their Arab neighbors. Today these ancient biased writings are used to invade and occupy Palestinian lands. Just as similiar tactics were used in America to take Native lands.
Before this, I couldn't hear the word bible without vomiting but now I cannot get enough of this guy, love the break down love, keep it up, am loving every bit of it
Can't wait for the movie to come out. Oh wait....
Call a Genealogy 9 electric Boogaloo again
Sending love from South Africa
I'm loving these
Hemant, never stop doing this. Its so funny.
I have a feeling Rebecca wasn't infertile, I think she was just prepubescent when she was kidnapped I mean married and Isaac being the dumb man ignorant of female biology that he is, didn't realize that a woman had to go through puberty first.
In Gen,6:3,God said that man's longevity will be 120 years.So then,what happened with Abraham and many others after he said that?
Hmm, for the first commercial I got one for a Hillsdale College for a course on the book of Genesis. They start out with how can a snake possible talk or why have it crawl on its belly. Then go into that really you have to read it as poetry or something like that, then I will see things I never saw before and I guess in turn it will all make sense. Gee, who knew.
😂I laughed so hard at 19:55 when he raised his eyebrows.
As far as Abraham is concerned Isaac is his only child. Even tho he has like 15 others and I'm sure it's not only sons he had. Who knows how many countless daughters he had but obviously they weren't worth mention...... the mundane parts of this story probably isn't even real anyway tho.
Read your bible properly
@@modsanyang6810 ur bible is fake and bring more harm than good
Please do a vid for every book of the Bible. I will watch them all and use them as reference in future religious debates/arguments.
Yeah, but you won’t live long enough to have these debates if you read the Bible at this rate. I think we can skip Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes and many of the letters of Paul because lots of them are the same letters to different people.
@@J.L.Media. Oh don't skip Ecclesiastes, it's the one that comes across like science fiction and says humans are just another animal.
@Zeal! Oh yes, doesn't it have spaceships or flying monsters? But to me some cars look like they want to eat me. Whatever, I prefer the parts that say/imply humans are a part of the natural flow over the parts that "give" us predatory dominion.
@Zeal! Here's to your health! Just don't expect to live long or prosper.
Keep going! Want you to get to the juicy bits of the Bible
The fact that today’s older male Republicans love Viagra so much makes complete sense.
Give me your birthright or starve!
Keep this series coming!
Wait, but if God hated Esay, doesn't it prove that he isn't all-loving? Does God hate random humans on Earth?
how does one use a book of polygamy and incest to insist that monogamy is the mandate from a god, that rewards the polygamy.
women and girls are so inconsequential in christianity and the bible, apart from being the necessary evil to bare a son and to serve their masters, that it's no wonder these and similar patriarchal ideas and systems became pervasive in cultures/society. but it wasnt enough for this to apply to their own, church leaders garnerred so much power in politics and law, that not obeying the horrible inhumanity or questioning it, either got you killed or only severely punished, if you were rich and prominent enough.
so these bible studies out the idiocy in a light hearted manner but many lives were lost and christianity still strongly infringes on human rights and punishes people based on their pathetic ideologies. think abortion rights or rights to own religion/beliefs. we are still slaves to the christian power structures, even as atheists. Oppression always has been carried out under the guise of well meaning intention. Lies dressed up for people to buy into it. not for one second do i believe any pretence of well intention of the bible or organised religion. there is no middle ground to be had by cherry picking apparently nicer bits from bible. ditch the crud completely, once you work out what's what.
I would be perfectly willing to spawn a few dozen kids but I am afraid of what my wife would say.
I have so enjoyed your reading of Genesis, I've totally been binging it! I am an atheist, and this totally reminds me why!
I have loved every one of the problems with Genesis. Too bad my bible thumper aunt has past away I would have loved to given her some of thrse. Good job
Damn, God's a tool. He has no tact. He didn't even try to council Esau. Poor red fool.
Abraham met Keturah on HebrewMingle.
She was probably a lot younger than that try 12 or 13.
Try ten, according to Jashur.
Rebekah, I mean.
Everything wrong with Christianity next.
He will need a whole year for that one.
We are doing that right now by reading the bible
That video's length would be 58 years long...
This why i stopped being religious and turned to jesus
@@m.r3052 That makes no sense.
Maybe the author meant the baby's skin was red - isn't that more common?
The best 👌 😆
Keturah sounds like a Kaiju..
lmao yes
These women couldn't have kids. This perfect god couldn't design a woman well enough? Perfect?
No, no, no, you're taking it all out of context. The perfect god designed perfect humans with the perfect excuse to fuck them up and have flawed offspring to fuck up some more and to kill them so he had an excuse to rape a girl to get himself born to gaslight some more and have himself "sacrificed" to forgive mankind for the flaws he excused himself for but blamed all future generations for from Adam onward and in his infinite goodness, the forgiveness only takes effect when you die with no way to know if you actually need it or need to be baptized or if you lose your ticket to paradise if you kill, rape, and commit genocide. Context is everything.
@@stylis666 that too.😊
@@SqwarkParrotSpittingFeathers In his defence, he made women pretty close to perfect though, except maybe for having the same flawed insides as the rest of us do. Like a brain and diaphragm that won't respond to oxygen depletion but only to a surplus of CO2. _And He saw it was good._ I think the all knowing dumbfuck of eterinity just had his capitals mixed up. Here, I'll show you: _And he Saw it was good._ Makes a lot more sense now, doesn't it :p And Saw II and Saw III :p
I have just always deeply wonder how the author of this infinite and gorgeuos universe could be so...human, mundane and barbaric too
Blasphemy, BLASPHEMY I say! hahaha. Priceless. Thanx:)
The offspring of Midian will encounter the offspring of Jacob in a few centuries.
On an unrelated note, Eber is still alive when Abraham died.
Was all of this chapter meant as symbolism for something else which has since been lost to us? Are there hidden history lessons, or morals, or coded references to local political events that they needed to camouflage in metaphor?
Otherwise it's just pedantic factoids about a family lineage.
Was Genesis a mystery religion too?
They authors repeat genealogies to aggrandise themselves by pretending these names are important.
@@harveywabbit9541 Do you find "tradition" to have any relevance to anything really? They appear to just make up any old shit to make themselves appear worthy.
WOW, Jacob's a prick! "Give me all of dad's stuff in exchange for this one meal."
And, okay...EVERY parent has a favourite child. It might not be outright stated, but you know it's true. Example: my sister is my mom's favourite and I'm my dad's. Oh man, my poor brother...
, Hemant, well, I don't know if 'good' is the right phrase! More like bearable, but only because of your making it so!👍🤗💗✌🎃
I watched this with my catholic mom now im scolded
"My wife is dead... but I have a new wife now! SHE NICE!" - Abraham.
These really help me find new perspective, please do other books of the Bible!
Sounds like someone padding their essay
Thank you Hemant
Then Ishmael went to sea and hunted the great white whale that swallowed Jonah with Capt. Ahab.
How come these bible names never caught on?
In Isreal? The head of the Fellowship Of Christians and Jews is Yael Eckstein. You can't get much more Jewish than that.
@Zeal! Oh that's because it was written in Greek.
You know like Jacob&Esau playable characters???
I'm not sure if this is the best place for this.... but watching these videos, and I'm starting to get bigger picture of this shot. and now I have questions or something...
1: god see mankind is wicked.
2: god sends a flood to genocide everyone but Noah and his family.
3: god promises never to wipe people out again.
4: Noah gets drunk and naked, his youngest son trys to protect his modesty.
5: Noah gets god to curse his sons entire blood line. they become the cannanites.
6: Abraham trys to procure his son a wife. won't pimp on from the cannanites, because their "wicked."
so am I right to assume God's actions have directly led to a whole society of People becoming "wicked"????
one thing to clarify: in jewish language there's either love or hate. You can't say you like something more or less.You can only say I love this or I hate this. There's nothing in between. two extremes
I’m sure Keturah being in her 20’s is probably very generous. She was very likely in her early teens.
Lentil stew?! That's what I eat when I'm stretching the budget. It's nothing to get excited about.
Mu vegan friend invited me to dinner once and that's what we had. She was so skinny.
@Feiner Fug Thank you. I may have exaggerated a bit, but, yes, her lentil stew was very good. But she also believed in a totally vegan, no sugar or spice diet. I remember afterwards running to a corner store and stocking up on Chocolate bars!
@Feiner Fug spicy/garlicy lentil stew with big chunks of potato and carrot is the best. Or red lentil daal with coconut milk and spinach. Yum!
WAIT - Is that where the "pulling my leg" came from?
Issac didn't get married until the age of 40? That seems like a long time
I didn't even know Keturah existed. Lol
What is it with butts?
Spoiler alert. Kids always jostle in there!
haha that ending. I'm not sure if it's true tho
thanks from Nairobi Kenya
it's not easy being a nonbeliever here, even family and friends ditch you out for speaking the truth... most of my family is catholic, so I started teaching them about inquisition and crusades, the current rape cases in the catholic church.
Its the worst thing ever, right now I need help but they say I have to convert back to Christianity, its god punishing me..
Its purely mental torture during this time of corona.
Africa was poisoned by religion.
Anyone who can help please let me know...............
Lentil stew is one of my favourite meals in winter. ☺️
When the bible goes into genealogy, I can't help but wonder, "Am I supposed to know who any of these people are?" Anyone know a good family tree that keeps track of all these names?
i'm exhausted
I personally respect, what you’re doing, how you fight Christianity and religion, by using the Bible going through the Bible showing the wrongs of the Bible your attack is amazing
What I got from this was that God was the first gynecologist
How many chapters ago was it that god cursed human kind so that no one would ever be over 120 years old?
It must have slipped the mind of god! 🤔
I Subscribed, but I'm not getting notifications when you have a new video...FYI
Did you ring the bell?
Abraham died and is now pimping his sister/wife in heaven !!!!
I am enjoying these thoroughly. I remember reading genesis (and a couple other books) when I was a pre-teen. It is one of the many reasons why I left Christianity behind.
7:05 Oh come on, not that nonsense again! "bowels" in that context does not refer specifically to the intestines it refers to the lower abdomen.
Then why not say so? They use womb other times. But then the writers didn't own one so did they even know what they were on about?