to those who still think hes faking it look at his voice from last year and compare it to this year. it is deeper and a bit more croaky and hes waaay louder
For the spot Leo showed y'all the underground spot... You don't need the sprite I fell down there right after landing no sprite required and the door opened anyways
If leo needs a UA-cam channel like this comment❤
I’m not a bot just saying
He does
He has a UA-cam channel
What is his channel
I agree
Mom: loserfruit
Dad : winter
Child : Leo
wow 😂
i was thinking the same
Dad Marcus because loserfruits bf is Marcus
That’s so perfect
Leoooooooooo's back yay 🔥🔥
I can’t wait until Leo grows up and reacts to these vids
@@MenosSoto the fact that he is real and your mad that he gets the fame is crazy💀💀
He’s already old
Grow up to how old? 50?
It’s funny Leo said you suck
He’s is grown he’s a grown man with a voice changer he did a face reveal on his channel
Lufu and Leo are a solid duo
Imagine when Leo's voice cracks
It will be a sad day (if he does not have a voice changer)
@@TheOneAndOnlyWatermeloncat in my opinion it probably is a voice changer, but maybe I†s not
@@Not_A_Cat_Loverit is, I’m convinced it’s a grown man with a voice changer 😂
I think it is a voice changer, but he is a kid
He’s not using a voice changer!
7:29 I heard’’diddy up big pot’’💀💀💀💀
Think he meant gimme haha
He said give me the big pot 😂
He said gidy a Diddy bot
7:51 Gotta hand it to leo, that was an excellent win 🎉❤
2:21 I thought it was Henry
Who’s Henry
@@TRICKSHOT-q4u The turtle
I thought it was terry
Leo is so cute
2:05 do u wanna sacrifice it? 😂😂😂😂
3:18 “idiot” got me dying 😂😂😂
Leo Definitely likes Loserfruit😂
Bruh he not dating he only 10
@@JJ_-id7ey dude I meant a crush
0:01 banger
Nah Leo is so funny 😂😂😂😂
12:20 me when someone says massive, like the low taper fade ☠️
12:00 leo - laughs, sighs, "heeeeeeees freaky..."
Love ur vid😊❤
15:14 it sounds like there in a relationship fighting 😂😂😂
Louserfruittttt i’m first i love you’re videos
Leo is back He is the real kiddy
Leo is the best he should be in every single video!!!!!❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
What Bros sees Baymax😂 8:28
Leo: are you excited-?!
L.F: Not really, I don’t wanna visit there…
Leo: 😐
…Well you are.
The opening is so good
The fact it’s Lazarbeam just makes Leo even more wholesome
“Oh fank you. Fank you vewy much” GOT ME ROLLING SO HARD 😂
“Agchuawanha” inspirational as ever
5:00 turned into national geographic for 7 secs
I thought the gun shots were the turtles breath lol 😂
Congrats! 5M!😂❤😱✌️🥳
Aww so cute!❤
4 minutes ago is crazy I didn’t think I could ever do that I’m excited to see this
If Leo deserves the real guff skin Like this comment
Yeah even tho I'm using this skin
I love these videos Leo is so funny
My bro is saying leo has a voice changer but he doesn’t
Leo’s the goat show respect by
Hitting the like
Congrats to Lulu for getting 5 mil subs ❤
One of the few kids on forrnite thats aware hes a kid and can have fun without trying to act tough and adult. No swearing, no trash talking
I’m about the same age as Leo, but instead I’m a girl. Just wondering if we can play.❤love ur vids btw
3:45 there is actually 3 sprites the third one is the earth sprite its just extremely rare
0:03 intro is sick
12:05 knee surgery😂😂😂
🎵C.O.D.E LUFU you can use code lufu🎵
Kudos to Winter for dragging the team
Chapter 6 is fire
to those who still think hes faking it look at his voice from last year and compare it to this year. it is deeper and a bit more croaky and hes waaay louder
It was so cute when Leo reacted
Bro I want to add Leo 😭
The goat Leo is back ❤
Is Leo her brother !?
Is Leo her brother
I love this trio
Can we just play normal then Leo said no that got me laughing 😂
Finally I’ve been waiting since the start of chapter 6
Why does Leo not have a youtube account
I love how Leo makes fun of winter ❤❤❤❤
leo needs a youtube channel
@ yesss
If people think Leo is a 50 year old man with a voice changer then Jake Paul could fight him
no he couldnt because of weight classes and high skill difference
Leo is an amazing and hilarious person 😂😂😂😂
I love your videos
4:17 Twohundwed is so cute bru
I love the Cutest Kid videos
Leo needs a UA-cam channel he would be soooooooo faymus😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤😊😊😊😊Leo is the goat
Leo the man❤
For me, the blue one is gubblely and the white one is smoky😊
Fruuuuuuiiiiiittttty 🍓
GG Leo
W ❄️
Kxs Great Edit
‘’imagine when Leo’s voice cracks’’ says GanerrPsych5518 in a shocking voice
Can we get a face reveal of Leo???
He has one he’s a grown man using a voice changer he did a face reveal a couple years ago he’s a grown man with a voice changer
Hi Lufu I’m a big fan
W music choice 5:00 also Leo should call the air sprite scruffy and the slurp one squishy
Lufu should babysit leo
I love ur videos the are amazing 💕💕💕💕💕💕
I love you Leo❤ and you loserfruit❤and you winter❤
"And you"
The beggining😂😂😂😂😂😂
I love you as a youtuber you inspired me as a girl to play fortnite . I appreciate you you put a smile on my face every time i watch you
Fuity and Leo aare the best duo
Leo is so cute🎉❤😊
The tea emote your missing is in the item shop on god
Omg 60 comments in 1 min 😮😮😮😮
2woo hunwed 2woo hundwed got me dying when loserfruit killed her first kill
I mean tea time is back in the shop in fortnite 😁😁
For the spot Leo showed y'all the underground spot... You don't need the sprite I fell down there right after landing no sprite required and the door opened anyways
Tea party’s in the shop right now buy it
Under 2 mins not to be that person but ive never been early to one of lufus vids
Leo should start his own channel
He all ready has one
It's Crayator on Twitch :-p
Leo’s voice crack
Hi Lufu the tea cup emote is here in 9 dec tommorow and please can we collaborate it would be soo fun😊
The emote your were missing is in the item shop
Who uses code LUFU in the item shop❤❤❤
2:25 is bro old enough to be on Tik tok?!!?
Yes bc he is accually 😢 Lazerbean 😢😢😢
I just bought the black ice legends bundle in fortnite with you're code you were the only person that came in my mind😂
cutest middle aged balding
day 3 of asking lufu to collab with us
Leo is the goat 💪
When are we getting a Leo Locker Bundle or, better yet, a Leo Guff skin.
Loserfruit real fans u here