Surgical Knot Tying: One-handed, Righty

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @SonnySaggar01
    @SonnySaggar01 Рік тому +126

    I just wanted to say thank you for this video. I have been an emergency physician for 27 years and I have had no reason to worry about my knot tying, but I’m always impressed when a vascular surgeon comes down to the ER and ties these one-handed knots, as if They’re No big deal. So I’m just practicing 10 or 20 of these knots every day so that I can look one hundredth as impressive. Thank you for posting the video.

    • @aluminiumknight4038
      @aluminiumknight4038 Рік тому +7

      As a new graduate who plans to become an emergency physician I'm a few decades ahead of you 😜

    • @kailitseng8434
      @kailitseng8434 5 місяців тому +1

      @@aluminiumknight4038 I dont think we ought to be measuring in terms of being ahead or not…its never too late to learn! Im a sophomore in high school learning this stuff, but I dont feel ahead of anyone at all

    • @gamediaries1429
      @gamediaries1429 3 місяці тому +1

      @@kailitseng8434it’s just friendly banter between 2 gens of physicians lol.

  • @dubblebubbletoilandtrouble6646
    @dubblebubbletoilandtrouble6646 Рік тому +12

    Amazing video, thank you!
    To remember which way to pull the string with the right hand after tying the knot:
    Karate chop: drives people away (pull right hand away)
    Claw hand: pulls victims towards you (pull right hand towards you)

  • @DrRussell
    @DrRussell 2 роки тому +9

    The best knot-tying video on UA-cam! Period! Thank you for refreshing this long-forgotten skill in my dumb brain. Chop and claw makes it easier to remember, your students are lucky to have you

  • @diyamanjhu8898
    @diyamanjhu8898 Рік тому +5

    I am not a med student yet. just a year away from entering medical college and i am so proud i learnt the one-handed surgical knot in 15 minutes of practice by this video!! Thank you!

    @CVTCHIRAGVTHAKKAR 3 роки тому +64

    Kudos Doctor. You've won the hearts of many surgeons by specifically demonstrating this knot technique slowly, delicately and perfectly. Greetings! ❤️

    • @tubilatingtubilation
      @tubilatingtubilation Місяць тому

      knot tying for midwives is what led me here ( midwifery student) and I have to say, that one made more sense to me! this is a close second. Thanks for the vid!

  • @daryl_sgn5322
    @daryl_sgn5322 10 місяців тому +1

    out of all surgical knot technique tutorial , this one is the easiest to catch on , thanks Dr.

  • @bradlyc5142
    @bradlyc5142 8 років тому +251

    you are the only one who was able to explain this in terms that i understood after 2 years of failing miserably.

    @CVTCHIRAGVTHAKKAR 3 роки тому +1

    Whenever I fail at this knot in the OR, I come back here and watch this video over and over again with the sutures in my hands, imitating what's shown here.

  • @pricklypear47
    @pricklypear47 8 років тому +180

    Best one hand surgical knot demo I've seen by far. Thanks so much!

  • @ChickentNug
    @ChickentNug Рік тому

    I'm not even kidding ive been trying to get the one-handed technique down for an hour now. First try with this video I could. I think it helps that the wound is placed vertically along the camera instead of sideways. Thank you

  • @walaashaheen64
    @walaashaheen64 7 років тому +11

    the one who finally taught me how to tie a surgical knot 💜

  • @drtenma047
    @drtenma047 11 місяців тому

    Thank you doctor, your tutorial was the easiest to follow and I’m now able to do it somewhat quickly after several tries

  • @stacylynn12
    @stacylynn12 3 роки тому +7

    Your video made learning this so much easier then other videos! Thank you!

  • @ankurdas5757
    @ankurdas5757 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you so much! Best explanation I’ve seen so far.

  • @imlying9654
    @imlying9654 5 років тому +19

    This is the best handmade bracelet i've ever seen

  • @rxmcgree
    @rxmcgree 7 місяців тому

    Thanks for this. Never bothered to learn hand ties at Med school because I knew I wasn’t going to be a surgeon but now I’m putting in a lot of lines and causing the icu nurses to roll their eyes as I very slowly suture 4 anchors in place! This will be a great help.

  • @PeeedaPan
    @PeeedaPan 7 років тому +65

    finally, someone who explained this clearly

  • @emiliakruk1969
    @emiliakruk1969 5 років тому +9

    Thank you soooooo much for this one. I wasn’t able to get this for sooo long. I’m gonna be the coolest kid at the classes next week. Greetings from Poland! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @gildylocks513
    @gildylocks513 8 років тому +17

    Dr. Omedary.... dromedary. Love it. Also, thanks for the refresher. I didn't embarrass myself tying my IJs in front of the surgeons.

  • @desole1763
    @desole1763 3 роки тому +1

    I am only 17 years old but my dream is to become a surgeon, so I started my dream by learning surgical knot, and I nailed it !!! thank you so much

  • @clairechocolate12
    @clairechocolate12 Рік тому

    Doctors telling me in the OR, in courses, other people showing in videos - it worked, but somehow I couldn‘t remember the next time. Watched your video: I can do it in my sleep. Thank you!!!

  • @armandedalati6373
    @armandedalati6373 2 роки тому

    My go-to video series thanks Dr. O!

  • @nabihahzainul
    @nabihahzainul 8 років тому +17

    Thank you Dr Omedary. This really help me alot. May Alll Mightly bless you

  • @NadhiraAninditaRalena
    @NadhiraAninditaRalena 6 років тому

    thank you so much you're the best explanator of all other hundreds of videos on UA-cam

  • @lovapumpkina8961
    @lovapumpkina8961 3 роки тому

    I went through more than one video on one hand tying and finally found one I like!

  • @mllegoug8535
    @mllegoug8535 3 роки тому

    finally i've found a good video about surgical knots, thank you so much 😍

  • @gildenty
    @gildenty 7 років тому +1

    I just understood now, I only took 2 min, you're an excellent teacher.

  • @ktammous
    @ktammous 5 років тому +2

    You explained it and made it looks like nothing, Thanks Man 👍

  • @gitanjalibanik4542
    @gitanjalibanik4542 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you for teaching it in such a simple way and making us work better...thank you.

  • @witchabr3937
    @witchabr3937 4 роки тому +1

    Have a few months till medical school starts, our curriculum starts teaching us to suture the first week so I am getting ahead of the game with your videos!

  • @jm-rs3sz
    @jm-rs3sz 5 років тому

    Finally did it after 6 months of trying without luck! Thanks alot

  • @BFord2323
    @BFord2323 7 років тому +10

    This is a very good video. The fact you focus on square knots is so important. I would suggest tying a slip knot 1st (2 karate chops) followed by 2 squares. Most surgeons I know prefer this way to control tension. Thoughts?

  • @Zee-dr6zy
    @Zee-dr6zy 8 років тому +3

    At long last I finally get it, thank you so much for this epic tutorial!

  • @shivanaramsingh6940
    @shivanaramsingh6940 4 роки тому +2

    Haha, I liked the fun fact part! Thanks for the video!!

  • @caseymaples19xx
    @caseymaples19xx 8 років тому +11

    Great instructions I'm a FA in general surgery and I've always struggled with one hand. The surgeon i work for now likes for me to close fascia interrupted and for good approximation i needed some instruction one single hand this was a great tutorial. I can't say enough about it i will share with the MS 3's that come through as i wind up teaching them.

  • @serellamadole
    @serellamadole Рік тому

    Thank you for this video! It’s so simple to understand!!!

  • @evanlaw3596
    @evanlaw3596 5 років тому +1

    for the single hand knot, using the right thumb to help makes it much easier, especially for thinner lines.

  • @erickportugal7351
    @erickportugal7351 7 років тому

    I hadn't been able to make this knot... Til now, thanks a lot Dr Omedary.

  • @u_goal_3x
    @u_goal_3x 2 роки тому

    Looking forward to doing this on my night shift tonight. Thank you

  • @jubaeradil448
    @jubaeradil448 5 років тому +2

    Great way to teach easy. Thanks doctor.

  • @lolacullen121212
    @lolacullen121212 6 років тому +5

    why did i just come across this video now ! seriously thank you ! well explained

  • @craigdylan3953
    @craigdylan3953 3 роки тому

    Sweet fingering of the material. Makes the fly tiers jealous, though I do use a single hand whip finish, which is easy... Great job really. Love this one handed technique !!

  • @ramonabaker7470
    @ramonabaker7470 3 роки тому

    Wonderful video, taught me how. Thank you Dr. Omedary!

  • @tangofoxtrot40
    @tangofoxtrot40 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks so much for this. Now in my head i go “karate chop goin up, gun (claw) goin down”

  • @gulnazkhan0
    @gulnazkhan0 5 років тому

    Thank you so much. Finally i learned surgical knot because of you. May Almighty bless you.

  • @melvinsacromentoe
    @melvinsacromentoe Рік тому

    This is the best video explaining this

  • @kippnyccpbiology
    @kippnyccpbiology 8 років тому +2

    Incredibly helpful! Thank you for sharing this video!!!

  • @relited
    @relited 9 років тому +4

    thanks! great video, really liked the karate chop and claw explanation lol

  • @sidra2313
    @sidra2313 2 роки тому

    Plz upload videos of all knots.only video from which I learned this knot

  • @عماراحسان-ط2ش
    @عماراحسان-ط2ش 7 років тому

    I have got (full mark)100% on the osce exam of the general surgery subject, thank you so much ❤❤

  • @veror9517
    @veror9517 3 роки тому +1

    Quick Q: With the instrument tie, you usually do a double throw the first time to get a surgeon's knot. With a hand tie, aren't we just doing a single throw? How does that become a surgeon's knot then? TIA!

  • @vasundharan3151
    @vasundharan3151 2 роки тому

    Have lost the count of how many times I watched this....😊

  • @nadiatavakkoli1556
    @nadiatavakkoli1556 3 роки тому +2

    Amazing and easy to learn. Appreciate it.

  • @abdirahmanabdilahi3502
    @abdirahmanabdilahi3502 5 років тому +1

    Thank you Doctor you really explain an understandable way

  • @pradeepaartemis
    @pradeepaartemis Рік тому

    Simple and succinct! Great video, thanks😊

  • @GuitarDoco
    @GuitarDoco 8 років тому +2

    thank you Dr
    do we need to cross hands after tying the karate chop knot? else won't it become a granny knot?

  • @keithclark1427
    @keithclark1427 6 років тому

    Dr O thanks for the lesson! I've looked at a few others but somehow your mad it l lot easier.

  • @karinna3w
    @karinna3w 7 років тому +1

    This is a great demo. Thank you very much!

  • @millieaikman7306
    @millieaikman7306 4 роки тому +1

    Hi thank you so much i found this very helpful, also when would you use this tyoe of knot?

  • @suzanrasha5283
    @suzanrasha5283 8 місяців тому

    Best video I have ever seen 👍🏻

    @AQUILESPEDRO20 3 роки тому

    Excelente, muchas gracias. Lima - Perú 👍

  • @neila2475
    @neila2475 5 років тому

    Who on earth would dislike this video??

  • @markcollins8326
    @markcollins8326 5 років тому +1

    thank goodness these days are long gone and now is sub standard - LigaSure vessel sealing - i have not tied a knot in 12 years

  • @gx3h451
    @gx3h451 11 місяців тому

    Can i use only the right hand for all ties? Or i am obliged to change the hand in some ocasions? Should I learn the left hand or im gonna be good with the right hand

  • @paigefalgout5511
    @paigefalgout5511 2 роки тому

    Thanks so much! Finally clicks!

  • @carloslancheros5102
    @carloslancheros5102 6 років тому

    Can you show the Miller's knot one handed?Thanks for showing your techniques!!!

  • @Charity-j9h
    @Charity-j9h 2 роки тому

    Thank you for this very helpful video!

  • @ambidexmed
    @ambidexmed 5 років тому

    Under what situations would you use this knot technique with one hand? Don't you have a needle driver you can use?

  • @anubrat9150
    @anubrat9150 7 років тому

    You Sir ! Are an exceptional teacher :)

  • @BelyseIninahazwe-eh4lb
    @BelyseIninahazwe-eh4lb Рік тому

    Thank you so much for this video Dr

  • @bhansolo
    @bhansolo 10 років тому +16

    sweet patient drape, bromedary

  • @shahadshosho3695
    @shahadshosho3695 2 роки тому

    That's very helpful 🤍 Thank you

  • @AhmedK891
    @AhmedK891 4 роки тому

    Thank you so much
    Excellent demonstration

  • @katylynndizdarevic-miller539
    @katylynndizdarevic-miller539 4 роки тому

    Wow, thank you so much for these videos!

  • @ashleyyono4498
    @ashleyyono4498 8 років тому +1

    You made this very clear! and fun, thank you

  • @watsonmil
    @watsonmil 5 років тому +5

    I was a professional blaster ( explosives ) for over 40 years, … I've tied thousands of square knots and taught the Government of Manitoba Accredited Blasters Course in Manitoba and Ontario, CANADA and one thing that I demanded students to do while writing their FINAL examination was to put down their pencils, … close their eyes and tie me a square knot. It mattered what they got on their written exam, BUT … if they failed to correctly tie the knot, …. they FAILED the course. Sounds harsh, … but life and/or property damage loss sooner or later will occur without the ability to tie a square knot ! I did not require a one handed tie however … EXCELLENT VIDEO !

  • @Faulerify
    @Faulerify 3 роки тому

    This method (first in video) called "by Dzhanalidze" he was a great surguion. Great technic and the most faster. Hi from russian surgeons 👍

  • @bien-aimemukeya6621
    @bien-aimemukeya6621 6 років тому +2

    I can understand clearly. Thanks a lot

  • @jakobschneider2684
    @jakobschneider2684 8 років тому +2

    greetings from germany and thank you for this great video. In which subject Area do you work?

  • @nursyafiqahazarudin1811
    @nursyafiqahazarudin1811 9 місяців тому

    This video really helps.. Thank you

  • @natalienunez6342
    @natalienunez6342 5 років тому +1

    Thank you for such a great video!

  • @dharshinid391
    @dharshinid391 25 днів тому

    Best video ever❤

  • @JaiParkash-gu4ec
    @JaiParkash-gu4ec Рік тому

    Nicely explained thanks

  • @drfatimashahani7461
    @drfatimashahani7461 3 роки тому

    Easy way of explaining great work 👍👍

  • @vicksingh5161
    @vicksingh5161 6 років тому +8

    when you you pull the strings on a real suture, how do you know which direction to pull in

  • @ΑναστάσηςΡουμελιώτης

    Loved the video

  • @alexlau2879
    @alexlau2879 Рік тому

    thank you so much , you are live-saver

  • @jeevanpandey4057
    @jeevanpandey4057 Рік тому


  • @skunkpireas6364
    @skunkpireas6364 3 роки тому

    How many square knots you need to do when suturing a person?

  • @SomeoneAtRandom
    @SomeoneAtRandom 7 років тому

    Thank you, now it should work tomorrow

  • @aishashaikh6992
    @aishashaikh6992 4 роки тому

    U r using rt hand for both turns. Is it the rt hand whichbis holding short end?

  • @ChloeDunIT
    @ChloeDunIT 5 років тому

    Great video! Thanks for posting!

  • @MozyofArmies
    @MozyofArmies 3 роки тому

    How do you hold the tension when doing the "claw"? Seems to come undone

  • @therealscrubbedout
    @therealscrubbedout 4 роки тому

    Helpful video!

    @SHODUNKEABODUNRIN-li8oh Рік тому

    How about demonstrating this one hand tie (lefty) using the left hand for the karate chop/claw, also with the needle holder in your hand as a right handed surgeon.. The real OR situation.

    • @dr.omedary8170
      @dr.omedary8170  Рік тому

      It should be evident in this video that it not a real OR. Maybe the blue gym shorts simulating a patient drape weren’t enough to demonstrate that. How about you watch my other videos for lefties?

  • @XxKeNoHxX
    @XxKeNoHxX 6 років тому

    Thanks a ton, got the one handed down

  • @iamachrafsbai
    @iamachrafsbai 2 роки тому

    Great explanation ! thank u

  • @shiwangigupta9320
    @shiwangigupta9320 2 роки тому

    This is awesome, thanks☺

  • @sanket_more18
    @sanket_more18 2 роки тому

    Great explaination 🔥🔥🔥

  • @salehgallal1312
    @salehgallal1312 7 років тому

    Thanks doctor this is really helpful