I just wanted to say thank you for this video. I have been an emergency physician for 27 years and I have had no reason to worry about my knot tying, but I’m always impressed when a vascular surgeon comes down to the ER and ties these one-handed knots, as if They’re No big deal. So I’m just practicing 10 or 20 of these knots every day so that I can look one hundredth as impressive. Thank you for posting the video.
@@aluminiumknight4038 I dont think we ought to be measuring in terms of being ahead or not…its never too late to learn! Im a sophomore in high school learning this stuff, but I dont feel ahead of anyone at all
Amazing video, thank you! To remember which way to pull the string with the right hand after tying the knot: Karate chop: drives people away (pull right hand away) Claw hand: pulls victims towards you (pull right hand towards you)
The best knot-tying video on UA-cam! Period! Thank you for refreshing this long-forgotten skill in my dumb brain. Chop and claw makes it easier to remember, your students are lucky to have you
I am not a med student yet. just a year away from entering medical college and i am so proud i learnt the one-handed surgical knot in 15 minutes of practice by this video!! Thank you!
knot tying for midwives is what led me here ( midwifery student) and I have to say, that one made more sense to me! this is a close second. Thanks for the vid!
Whenever I fail at this knot in the OR, I come back here and watch this video over and over again with the sutures in my hands, imitating what's shown here.
I'm not even kidding ive been trying to get the one-handed technique down for an hour now. First try with this video I could. I think it helps that the wound is placed vertically along the camera instead of sideways. Thank you
Thanks for this. Never bothered to learn hand ties at Med school because I knew I wasn’t going to be a surgeon but now I’m putting in a lot of lines and causing the icu nurses to roll their eyes as I very slowly suture 4 anchors in place! This will be a great help.
Thank you soooooo much for this one. I wasn’t able to get this for sooo long. I’m gonna be the coolest kid at the classes next week. Greetings from Poland! ❤️❤️❤️
Doctors telling me in the OR, in courses, other people showing in videos - it worked, but somehow I couldn‘t remember the next time. Watched your video: I can do it in my sleep. Thank you!!!
Have a few months till medical school starts, our curriculum starts teaching us to suture the first week so I am getting ahead of the game with your videos!
This is a very good video. The fact you focus on square knots is so important. I would suggest tying a slip knot 1st (2 karate chops) followed by 2 squares. Most surgeons I know prefer this way to control tension. Thoughts?
Great instructions I'm a FA in general surgery and I've always struggled with one hand. The surgeon i work for now likes for me to close fascia interrupted and for good approximation i needed some instruction one single hand this was a great tutorial. I can't say enough about it i will share with the MS 3's that come through as i wind up teaching them.
Sweet fingering of the material. Makes the fly tiers jealous, though I do use a single hand whip finish, which is easy... Great job really. Love this one handed technique !!
Quick Q: With the instrument tie, you usually do a double throw the first time to get a surgeon's knot. With a hand tie, aren't we just doing a single throw? How does that become a surgeon's knot then? TIA!
Can i use only the right hand for all ties? Or i am obliged to change the hand in some ocasions? Should I learn the left hand or im gonna be good with the right hand
I was a professional blaster ( explosives ) for over 40 years, … I've tied thousands of square knots and taught the Government of Manitoba Accredited Blasters Course in Manitoba and Ontario, CANADA and one thing that I demanded students to do while writing their FINAL examination was to put down their pencils, … close their eyes and tie me a square knot. It mattered what they got on their written exam, BUT … if they failed to correctly tie the knot, …. they FAILED the course. Sounds harsh, … but life and/or property damage loss sooner or later will occur without the ability to tie a square knot ! I did not require a one handed tie however … EXCELLENT VIDEO !
How about demonstrating this one hand tie (lefty) using the left hand for the karate chop/claw, also with the needle holder in your hand as a right handed surgeon.. The real OR situation.
It should be evident in this video that it not a real OR. Maybe the blue gym shorts simulating a patient drape weren’t enough to demonstrate that. How about you watch my other videos for lefties?
I just wanted to say thank you for this video. I have been an emergency physician for 27 years and I have had no reason to worry about my knot tying, but I’m always impressed when a vascular surgeon comes down to the ER and ties these one-handed knots, as if They’re No big deal. So I’m just practicing 10 or 20 of these knots every day so that I can look one hundredth as impressive. Thank you for posting the video.
As a new graduate who plans to become an emergency physician I'm a few decades ahead of you 😜
@@aluminiumknight4038 I dont think we ought to be measuring in terms of being ahead or not…its never too late to learn! Im a sophomore in high school learning this stuff, but I dont feel ahead of anyone at all
@@kailitseng8434it’s just friendly banter between 2 gens of physicians lol.
Amazing video, thank you!
To remember which way to pull the string with the right hand after tying the knot:
Karate chop: drives people away (pull right hand away)
Claw hand: pulls victims towards you (pull right hand towards you)
The best knot-tying video on UA-cam! Period! Thank you for refreshing this long-forgotten skill in my dumb brain. Chop and claw makes it easier to remember, your students are lucky to have you
I am not a med student yet. just a year away from entering medical college and i am so proud i learnt the one-handed surgical knot in 15 minutes of practice by this video!! Thank you!
Kudos Doctor. You've won the hearts of many surgeons by specifically demonstrating this knot technique slowly, delicately and perfectly. Greetings! ❤️
knot tying for midwives is what led me here ( midwifery student) and I have to say, that one made more sense to me! this is a close second. Thanks for the vid!
out of all surgical knot technique tutorial , this one is the easiest to catch on , thanks Dr.
you are the only one who was able to explain this in terms that i understood after 2 years of failing miserably.
Bradly C iplpp
Whenever I fail at this knot in the OR, I come back here and watch this video over and over again with the sutures in my hands, imitating what's shown here.
Best one hand surgical knot demo I've seen by far. Thanks so much!
pricklypear47 i
Absolutely :)
@@batoolalbeaik3287 علا
I'm not even kidding ive been trying to get the one-handed technique down for an hour now. First try with this video I could. I think it helps that the wound is placed vertically along the camera instead of sideways. Thank you
the one who finally taught me how to tie a surgical knot 💜
Thank you doctor, your tutorial was the easiest to follow and I’m now able to do it somewhat quickly after several tries
Your video made learning this so much easier then other videos! Thank you!
Thank you so much! Best explanation I’ve seen so far.
This is the best handmade bracelet i've ever seen
Thanks for this. Never bothered to learn hand ties at Med school because I knew I wasn’t going to be a surgeon but now I’m putting in a lot of lines and causing the icu nurses to roll their eyes as I very slowly suture 4 anchors in place! This will be a great help.
finally, someone who explained this clearly
Derrick Wade I know right Dwayne Rose?!?!
Thank you soooooo much for this one. I wasn’t able to get this for sooo long. I’m gonna be the coolest kid at the classes next week. Greetings from Poland! ❤️❤️❤️
Dr. Omedary.... dromedary. Love it. Also, thanks for the refresher. I didn't embarrass myself tying my IJs in front of the surgeons.
Falta de respeto
I am only 17 years old but my dream is to become a surgeon, so I started my dream by learning surgical knot, and I nailed it !!! thank you so much
Doctors telling me in the OR, in courses, other people showing in videos - it worked, but somehow I couldn‘t remember the next time. Watched your video: I can do it in my sleep. Thank you!!!
My go-to video series thanks Dr. O!
Thank you Dr Omedary. This really help me alot. May Alll Mightly bless you
thank you so much you're the best explanator of all other hundreds of videos on UA-cam
I went through more than one video on one hand tying and finally found one I like!
finally i've found a good video about surgical knots, thank you so much 😍
I just understood now, I only took 2 min, you're an excellent teacher.
You explained it and made it looks like nothing, Thanks Man 👍
Thank you for teaching it in such a simple way and making us work better...thank you.
Have a few months till medical school starts, our curriculum starts teaching us to suture the first week so I am getting ahead of the game with your videos!
Finally did it after 6 months of trying without luck! Thanks alot
This is a very good video. The fact you focus on square knots is so important. I would suggest tying a slip knot 1st (2 karate chops) followed by 2 squares. Most surgeons I know prefer this way to control tension. Thoughts?
At long last I finally get it, thank you so much for this epic tutorial!
Haha, I liked the fun fact part! Thanks for the video!!
Great instructions I'm a FA in general surgery and I've always struggled with one hand. The surgeon i work for now likes for me to close fascia interrupted and for good approximation i needed some instruction one single hand this was a great tutorial. I can't say enough about it i will share with the MS 3's that come through as i wind up teaching them.
Thank you for this video! It’s so simple to understand!!!
for the single hand knot, using the right thumb to help makes it much easier, especially for thinner lines.
I hadn't been able to make this knot... Til now, thanks a lot Dr Omedary.
Looking forward to doing this on my night shift tonight. Thank you
Great way to teach easy. Thanks doctor.
why did i just come across this video now ! seriously thank you ! well explained
Sweet fingering of the material. Makes the fly tiers jealous, though I do use a single hand whip finish, which is easy... Great job really. Love this one handed technique !!
Wonderful video, taught me how. Thank you Dr. Omedary!
Thanks so much for this. Now in my head i go “karate chop goin up, gun (claw) goin down”
Thank you so much. Finally i learned surgical knot because of you. May Almighty bless you.
This is the best video explaining this
Incredibly helpful! Thank you for sharing this video!!!
thanks! great video, really liked the karate chop and claw explanation lol
Plz upload videos of all knots.only video from which I learned this knot
I have got (full mark)100% on the osce exam of the general surgery subject, thank you so much ❤❤
Quick Q: With the instrument tie, you usually do a double throw the first time to get a surgeon's knot. With a hand tie, aren't we just doing a single throw? How does that become a surgeon's knot then? TIA!
Have lost the count of how many times I watched this....😊
Amazing and easy to learn. Appreciate it.
Thank you Doctor you really explain an understandable way
Simple and succinct! Great video, thanks😊
thank you Dr
do we need to cross hands after tying the karate chop knot? else won't it become a granny knot?
Dr O thanks for the lesson! I've looked at a few others but somehow your mad it l lot easier.
This is a great demo. Thank you very much!
Hi thank you so much i found this very helpful, also when would you use this tyoe of knot?
Best video I have ever seen 👍🏻
Excelente, muchas gracias. Lima - Perú 👍
Who on earth would dislike this video??
thank goodness these days are long gone and now is sub standard - LigaSure vessel sealing - i have not tied a knot in 12 years
Can i use only the right hand for all ties? Or i am obliged to change the hand in some ocasions? Should I learn the left hand or im gonna be good with the right hand
Thanks so much! Finally clicks!
Can you show the Miller's knot one handed?Thanks for showing your techniques!!!
Thank you for this very helpful video!
Under what situations would you use this knot technique with one hand? Don't you have a needle driver you can use?
You Sir ! Are an exceptional teacher :)
Anubrat Kumar
Thank you so much for this video Dr
sweet patient drape, bromedary
That's very helpful 🤍 Thank you
Thank you so much
Excellent demonstration
Wow, thank you so much for these videos!
You made this very clear! and fun, thank you
I was a professional blaster ( explosives ) for over 40 years, … I've tied thousands of square knots and taught the Government of Manitoba Accredited Blasters Course in Manitoba and Ontario, CANADA and one thing that I demanded students to do while writing their FINAL examination was to put down their pencils, … close their eyes and tie me a square knot. It mattered what they got on their written exam, BUT … if they failed to correctly tie the knot, …. they FAILED the course. Sounds harsh, … but life and/or property damage loss sooner or later will occur without the ability to tie a square knot ! I did not require a one handed tie however … EXCELLENT VIDEO !
This method (first in video) called "by Dzhanalidze" he was a great surguion. Great technic and the most faster. Hi from russian surgeons 👍
I can understand clearly. Thanks a lot
greetings from germany and thank you for this great video. In which subject Area do you work?
This video really helps.. Thank you
Thank you for such a great video!
Best video ever❤
Nicely explained thanks
Easy way of explaining great work 👍👍
when you you pull the strings on a real suture, how do you know which direction to pull in
Straight side to side
Loved the video
thank you so much , you are live-saver
How many square knots you need to do when suturing a person?
Thank you, now it should work tomorrow
U r using rt hand for both turns. Is it the rt hand whichbis holding short end?
Great video! Thanks for posting!
How do you hold the tension when doing the "claw"? Seems to come undone
Helpful video!
How about demonstrating this one hand tie (lefty) using the left hand for the karate chop/claw, also with the needle holder in your hand as a right handed surgeon.. The real OR situation.
It should be evident in this video that it not a real OR. Maybe the blue gym shorts simulating a patient drape weren’t enough to demonstrate that. How about you watch my other videos for lefties?
Thanks a ton, got the one handed down
Great explanation ! thank u
This is awesome, thanks☺
Great explaination 🔥🔥🔥
Thanks doctor this is really helpful