♫ 1917 - The Tsarist Army Marches (white army) ♪
- Опубліковано 6 лют 2025
- Orchestra By: A. Skriabine, in 19??.
"To the glory of the Fatherland".
***This is a video response to Les Partisans Blancs_v1
(white version) in french
if you want an english translation, send a message (private)***
My ancestors were in the Russian Imperial Navy, they were admirals (great great grandfather and his father , and his brothers were also officers ) and imperial navy officers (great grandfather) , they were the White Army, and after the revolution they ended in Serbia. Regards from Serbia!
Hhow were they doing during German and then Tito's occupations?
Mine as well, in Belgrade. They probably knew one another in that case. What is your family name, if u don't mind me asking. I can gladly provide my email address if you're interested. My parents are thankfully still alive and I could ask them...
A good numbers of White Army veterans scaped in Serbia, even they where organising to take back Russia, according to Wikipedia
Отчизна не меняется, не изменяется. Измена запрещена!
Most of white army escaped to Serbia,my great grandfather was officer in Kingdom of Serbia army during the first world war,commies and shqips killed him in 1940's.
Марш называется «Марш Сибирских стерелков» (позже были созданы варианты текстов на эту музыку).
Слова: Владимира Гиляровского. Текст опубликован в «Новейшем военном песеннике „Прапорщик“», составленном В. И. Симаковым и выпущенном в Ярославле:
Из тайги, тайги дремучей,
От Амура, от реки,
Молчаливо, грозной тучей
Шли на бой сибиряки.
Их сурово воспитала
Молчаливая тайга,
Бури грозные Байкала
И сибирские снега.
Ни усталости, ни страха;
Бьются ночь и бьются день,
Только серая папаха
Лихо сбита набекрень.
Эх, Сибирь, страна родная,
За тебя ль мы постоим,
Волнам Рейна и Дуная
Твой привет передадим!
Знай, Сибирь, в лихие годы
В память славной старины
Честь великого народа
Отстоят твои сыны.
Русь свободная воскреснет,
Нашей верою горя,
И услышат эту песню
Стены древнего Кремля.
Есть тоже второй марш, "Марш Дроздовского полка", музыка вот самая
Respect to the white army from England
Хвала Руској браћи на свему, поздрав из Србије !
Здравия, брат славянин
Здраво брате Славе! Поздрав из Приморског краја
The true tragedy of history is that Reds could be defeated. Denikin and the Entente wanted armies of the newly independent Poland to attack them from the west. Over million experienced and pretty well equipped (from German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian armies they served during the Great War) soldiers under good command would be more than enough to turn the uncertain war into the victory. Sadly, when negotiating with Poles Denikin commited grave mistake and proposed unacceptable conditions: he wanted to 'mercifully allow' Poland to have authonomy within Russia, in the same internal borders as before the war. After that Poles rejected every single one of his propositions. Also, Piłsudski was not a fool and knew that "White Russia" would be much better ally to the Uk and France than Poland and thus Poland would be allowed by them to be enslaved once again while Red Russians seemingly would be solitary, received as hostile by the Entente and Poles could have counted on their help against them. Also, at this time for propaganda reasons they claimed that they consider "Treaties of Poland's Partition" abolished.
While Reds were slaughtering last White Guards, Poles were fighting only to liberate former lands of Commonwealth from all forms of Russian rule...
Twenty years later Red Scourge murdered or sent to lagers most of Poles living in Belarus, Lithuania, Baltic States and Ukraine for over half of millenium- something even oppresive and polish-hating tsarist gouvernment wasn't able (and didn't wanted) to do...
That is exactly correct. The Whites had the opportunity to have Polish and Ukrainian support, but they refused to take this support in exchange for independence.
@Clownzar They lost in 1920
Clownzar the Second World War is a different bag.
I am Polish, Piłsudzki did the right thing, the White Armies would have went for Poland after the Reds fell, we just wanted independence after 123 years
@@noeltlalka6476Gdyby rządził Dmowski, były by lepsze relacje z Białą Rosją może by lepiej wyszło na tym.
I love the use of the low bass instruments... it really portrays well the size of the Russian Empire. Also, it's hard to decide which chorus I prefer... the traditional chorus emphasizes more so the wealth and grandeur of the Empire, whereas the Red Army version is very spirited and powerful. Okay... maybe the Red Army version is a bit better, but this is an all around amazing musical composition :]
Buy some apples
May he rest in heaven
@@originalcomment4818He is! ☦️
Saint Tsar Nicholas II pray for us!
A man who abandoned his people after his coronation disaster and partied with the french.
Another aristocrat who had a great life in expense of the people and the empire
>white army
>red flag with hammer and a sickle
Choose fucking one of the above mate
RIP Russia, it's been 107 years since you died and we miss you every day.
Russia comeback in 2030-s
St. Petersburg and Moscow is in the controll of russia which means russia is existing. 🎉🎉
What wonderful, soul-stirring music! Thank you for posting it. My grandfather was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir during W.W. I, and hearing this march, made me think of all the courageous men who fought the Bolshevik tyranny!
why aren't you in space?????
stefan Bogdanovic Do I question your life style?
Hidler :DDD nope, you just used gas instead of questions
Hidler :DDD make vids you blease :DDD
Protestant Sweden shall Rise with our king as Well as Orthodox russia with it's tsar! Uraa from sweden
With a french origin royal family?
Великая Царская Империя, руководиашаяся родом династии Романовых, слава вам!
Слава династие Романовых, слава!
Чтим, Скорбим!
то чувство когда предки воевали за белых
Имперская Россия, нежное воспоминание, Россия ты прекрасна 🇮🇹❤️🇷🇺
I've got only one thing to say:
Long live all emperors of Europe !
Forget the democracy which she's falling down
Come back to the monarchy or empires !
+Lord Guillaume Of Blackwood Do you support our former and last emperor and monarch, "my Lord" ?
+Lord Guillaume Of Blackwood I'm with you, my friend!
+Julian Farrington Louis XX !
McBidouille Monarchy !
I am with you, my friend! Europe without monarchy is like a car without fuel!
It breaks my heart to see Communists and Nazis on a video reserved for Tsarists.
My great-great-grandfather fought in the Tsar's Army and the White Army. He left the White Army in 1918, due to the fact that he was Jewish and the commanders discriminated him for his religion. Despite the fact that the Soviet Union stigmatized Jews as much as the Russian Empire, he still put on a kippah every day and said: "Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad." (Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one.) He passed away in 1974, without ever knowing a country where he would not be persecuted for his religion. His son, my great-grandfather, lived long enough to see not only the fall of the Soviet Union, but also to emigrate to the United States in 2002. He spent the last ten years of his life in America, a country where the freedom of religion was guaranteed.
Bog na nebu!
Car na zemlji!
Restore tsarist Serbia and tsarist Russia!
So members of the Russian Tsar line still exist? I thought they were all massacred by the maniacs.
Spartiatai300 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Romanov,_Prince_of_Russia
Spartiatai300 They aint. I am very far relative of Imperator Nikoai Romanov, my family ran away in Kingdom of Yugoslavia in february 1818.
Српски Војник Can you trace your line to a Russian Emperor?
well it's up to you, it's your country. It's just so strange that you don't want a democratic government. I would never want to live in a Monarchy. The king's children become the next kings? What if they're idiots? Sure, my president can be an idiot, but at least I can vote against him in 4 years.
Thanks for that. It's just that I was reading about an Irish regiment (methinks Royal Irish Rangers) which was supposed to have the old pre-Revolution Russian national anthem as one of its marches (no one was really sure why). I guess I thought that THIS march was the anthem.
Long live White Russia!
You mean 'Long Live Russian Colony'
I am pretty sure he didn't meant Belarus but the Tsarist Russia
I think you meant to say "LONG LIVE WHITE AMERICA!"
Long live USSR.
Vive le Tsar, vive la Sainte Russie.
Sébastien Morisset
Last one was sung by the Red Army choir.
Wait what
Its sung by the red army choir but is still a White Army march, Its called "March Of The Siberian Riflemen".
Words of appreciation from Poland, it's bad that our politicians are destroying relations between our countries...
Slava Rossiyskaya Imperyskaya S'nami Bog
Life used to be good before the Bolshevik Revolution. Me & Fyodor used to play in the fields over yonder before those men stormed the Winter Palace and took our good Tsar out of power! We will never forget that day when he was taken away and was usurped by the jealous Reds! Now that is how I'm here living in wonderful New York where we work 9 - 5 PM.
We fought side by side in the First World War. In the second we fought together with Russians. Not communist, but Russians. In the next war we shall fight together again. God bless American land of the free and home of the brave. God bless Russia and her people.
Long live the tsar!
Too bad all Romanovs are dead, eh?
RandomSovjetPartizan To bad communism lives on in the most abysmal way imaginable. Karl and Lenin would be so proud, eh?
Le Lavo
Let me not remind you of Cuba. Let me not remind you of Sankara and how he turned Burkina Faso into a better place for everyone until his old buddy Blaise Compaoré had him killed and BF turned back into a capitalist shithole.Let me not remind you of the commune parisienne, which, in the 60 days of its existance, was more advanced in its rights than all of France at that time.
Just remember, whereever communism has risen up, reactionary, fascist, capitalist and monarchist forces alike stood up to stop it, just because they feared it, just because ONLY communism lets the workers rule, not the rich and noble.
yeah, that place is brilliant. Its like taking a time machine....
Long live White Army! Death to Tsar!
The Czar is dead: long live his memory. He wasn't perfect, but he was a very talented individual.
For sure. He was a better leader than say Lenin or Stalin, though he still made many unfortunate blunders leading to the undoing of Russia.
Perfect music to take over whole of Europe with Imperial Russia in Napoleon Total War
interesting you say "Tsarist army (white army)" the Tsarist army and the white armies were completely different entities all together!
Tsarist army = the Imperial Russian army of the Russian empire, the army that fought for the Tsar of the Russian Empire. In February 1917 the Imperial Russian army ceased to exist, they became the revolutionary army of the provisional government, they removed most of their Tsarist insignia and replaced their regimental banners with revolutionary banners.
October 1917, Bolshevik revolution happens and communist government takes over.
many regiments of the Russian revolutionary army are disbanded.
late 1917, early 1918, anti bolshevik elements begin to emerge - they consist of only a few monarchists, most are socialist, centre right, anarchist and others just fighting for independance (cossacks, ukrainians, Finns, Baltic states etc etc), when the Tsar was killed - there was no real outcry, no-one really gave a shit at the time.
Eventually these anti Bolshevik forces (fighting the bolsheviks and each other) gain a name "the white armies" though this only really applies to the former Tsarist generals and their armies who are cooperating with each other and the Western powers against the Bolsheviks. To say these generals such as Denikin, Kornilov, Markov, Yudenich and Kolchak (to name but a few) were tsarist is ridiculous.
-Tsarist army and white armies are not the same!
also the glory to the fatherland song was not a popular white army march. Also most imperial Russian marches stole their tunes from other songs, it was the done thing at the time - did you know the British national anthem tune has at some point been used by most European countries. Back then they did not have copyright so these tunes were not stolen or pirated - don't get so upset about it!
The white army was mostly conservatives and tsarists. One of their biggest mistake is not working with SRs.
Imperial Russian marches may have copied or influenced by other Europeans marches. But the Bolsheviks defines stole it. It’s funny because they wanted to get rid of everything Tsarist yet kept some elements..
Europe might need this song as battle hymne within 20 years. Guess against what...
Against terrorists, unwanted visitors.
Against the EUSSR
Against your mom.
Don't worry COMRADES
We will be back
+Cooper martin Indeed we will.
Does anyone know the name of the tune at the beginning? It's the same tune as The Partisan's Song/Along the Valleys, Along the Hills.
+LSD The song was originally a march song. It was used by Imperialist Russian divisions such as the Siberian divisions. Type in "March of the Siberian Riflemen" . Or the Russian "Марш сибирских полков."
Long live the Russian Czar , true ruler of all Slavs across the world!
Greetings and love from Serbia. Long live Tzarist Russia!
God bless the Tsar and the Russian Empire! One day it shall return!
We will conquer the Ukraine 🇷🇺🇷🇺
The tsar was an incompetent selfish monarch and the empire was basically stuck in the middle ages when it fell
Поздрав православна браћо Руси из братске вам Србије....Greetings from Serbia our orthodox brothers...
Heh, pretty much the ultimate insult to sing your enemies defeat to the notes of their own song.
"We now have full documentation that the Stalin leadership knew exactly what was happening and used famine as a means of terror, and of revenge, against the peasantry ... The population deficit, including a decline in births, was thus some 15 million, of which premature deaths due to deportation and famine are believed to amount to at least 10 million."
-Robert Conquest, Reflections on a Ravaged Century (p. 96)
Alex, and democracy is always a rule for the fools and by the fools, the greedy ones.
Dee Kay nope...
Capitalism + Monarchy = The best system ever
Comments: Better Dead than Red!
Video: *Soviet Song plays near the end*
Me: and so we've found the ones with a obsession problem. I hate a fictional character, but you don't see me do ridiculous crap like this.
If I had to rate marches, I would rate them like this:
1. Imperial Russian and Prussian
3. German, WW1
4. Late USSR
5. American
Italian marches?
Japanise marches?
Each version is stirring in its way. Though I may prefer the old, orchestral version (I certainly don't like the words of the Soviet adaptation), I'm uncertain how much my slight preference is due to anti-Communist sentiment or, as a not-too-distant cousin of the last czars, to familial loyalty.
So, "zeki", I thank you for posting both renditions.
Hail to the brave men of the White Army who fought valiantly against the aggressive Judeo-Marxist Red's!
tchaikovsky wit his 21 cannoons be like :
Very few can sing as the Russian Choir. Magnificent.
"The Voivod was kicked out" is a week translation.
The voyevods are like the atamans are commanders of bitty forces in the war of all against all where was only the Reds relatively unified force.
"We crushed the atamans, we kicked out the voyevods."
160 communists disliked
Russians watching this,please remember all soldiers from Slovakia under genera M.R.Štefanik who were fighting against red guards.For Car.Unfortunately reds won.
in light of recent larping marxists in portland and seattle been defiantly blasting this all day.
Eternal glory to the white army.
Vladimir Putin I new Russian Tzar!!! :)
Товарищ Кузнецов Pусский император!
+Scary_Smurf A KGB man as Tsar? No thanks!
Царь чеченцев, таджиков, узбеков и прочих россиян. А цари Русских давно покинули этот свет.
Wait so Russian Empire use Fatherland not Motherland ?
0:27 No One:
United Federation: It’s Free Real Estate
long live the memory of GENERAL KOLCHAK!
Kolchak he was admiral
Glory to the White Army! Glory to the Real Russia!
My Great Great Grandfather served in the Russian Imperial Army during ww1 and in the White Army in the Winter War.... He died in a Battle against the Reds Bolsheviks. God bless him! 🙏☦️⬛🟨⬜
Русские вперед, красные назад.
Glory and eternal peace for Imperator, tsar, Nicholas II (Mikuláš II)
The White Army was not Tsarist, that's an old Communist myth, and now you right-wingers are parroting your enemies. Sure, some of the Whites might have been Tsarist, but they were not a majority by far.
Supreme Leader Kolchak celebrated the February Revolution, and governments in White-controlled areas often had Mensheviks and other leftists in them. Not to mention the Ukrainian People's Republic and the Georgian Democratic Republic, who were explicitly socialist.
Why tell them?
Let them be stupid :)
Hate to tell you this, but you included "Partisan's Song" which was a Red Army Revolutionary song...
Отличная музыка! Спасибо за сборку. Казак Державы Российской подъесаул.
The Tune was "Gory to the Motherland." Never in history has Russia used that title "Fatherland."
SHReaper отечество, родина - синонимы. Если переводить с английского на русский, разницы нет между fatherland и motherland.
God Salve The tsar!
Great video!
Боже, Царя храни!
PRavdu zboriš brate :) Amin. Slava Bogu našemu! :)
For the Tsar!!!!
If I had to choose, I'd ALWAYS stand with the Tsar, but the copied version's lyrics have some serious power, I must admit.
Mere...gamaxsnda...klasshi rogor vijeqi Serovis naxatis"gogona atmebit ",romeliz chems merxtan ekida...chemi maswavlebeli Aleko,Aleqsandre da titi,akankalebuli,romeliz chemsken gamoishvira:"Mohkles Ilia,Wiwamurshi mohkles Ilia"...me ki gaozebulma vupasuxe,rodesaz mteli klasi chemsken shemobrunda:me ar momiklavs,batono Aleqsandre!!!".Mere saxe sheezvala,gimili moefina saxez...vizi,vizi shen rom ar mogiklavs chemo shvlis nukro.
Slava bijela armija!
It's 20 +/- millions and pretty much every historian agrees with it.
A number that still can't be excused
Better both Red and White than obsessed with the Red rabidly.
Thank you for explaining that some things were done to start the economy and not just for malevolent reason.
The Russian Empire should be restore today, with Maria Vladimirovna Romanov, Grand Duchess of Russia in the head of State and the actual president like president of government... it would be better....!!
Or Rostislav Rostislavovic' Romanov
(The best part was, that instead of starving or shooting all the kulaks, some were settled in Siberia. Because they were such good farmers, these kulaks survived - and managed to make more food on their frozen independent farms than other peasants did on the collective farms.
At first the Bolsheviks tried to suppress these high producers as "wreckers". Eventually they turned to allowing all peasants to grow crops on independent plots, after which hunger in Russia became almost manageable.)
Only white army greatings from CROATIA
***** And?
Serbs =Turks
Tarkvinije Superbus Serbs are Slavs, last time I checked.
***** No check again my brother
Tarkvinije Superbus Now, what would you call them?
***** Serbo-turks
Thank you for posting! Well, I am a Slav, so i understood quite something...But translation would be nice anyway. :) It's a song of hope and this regiments sence of duty. The serbians have something simmilar called "Nizamski razstanak". Tipe that + "narakord" into youtube and you can find lyrics I posted between the coments. Send me a note if you wish a translation. Regards!
Спасибо автору!!! Русские идут!!!
The Whites and the Reds had both this anthem, with just different words. Not that suprising, as the same case happened in different countries. Like in America for instance, during the Civil War, when both Northern and Southern armies had "battle cry of freedom" in common, with different words.
Поздрав!Страхотен марш!
There are two words in Russian - "otechestvo", which roughly means "fatherland", and "rodina", which is in feminine gender and can be translated as "motherland', although, it's even more approximate. It's more like "land of our kin". During the WWII, there was a famous propaganda poster "Rodina-mat' zovet!", and "rodina-mat'" was translated as "the motherland", as
mat'" means "mother". Maybe, it became a common thing to translate "rodina" as "motherland" since then, I'm not sure.
Russia was always the best....
The Patriot ne biçem kazaksen sen
I dont speak turkish
The Patriot Are y arent kazakh?
@LexPhilogus Yes sir,The Stuarts are still around,represented by 'King' Francis Wittelsbach who is the senior representative of the Royal house of Stuart,he is indirectly descende from the Stuarts of the 16th to 18th century.You can find all about them on the Jacobite heritage website.
God bless Imperial Russia
no, both terms are context dependent, but to get the desired effect in English you might as well say "homeland" in place of either of those words. they're pretty much interchangeable.
The new Tsar Putin
Thor Jørgensen your name sounds danish or swedish, is that correct?
Kopar'RUS Jørgensen is a Danish/Norwegian name as the letter Ø is not part of the Swedish alphabet.
Battletoad El Revived your profile picture sas it all provocator.
No that's terrible. Monarchies and dictatorships suck.
Hereditary succession is terrible for a government.
Putin may be a great leader, but once he's dead, then what? Don't let Russia become North Korea 2.0 please.
Hey, does anyone know the title of the song that plays during the first 25 seconds of the video???
The last Tsar was a good man. The Bolsheviks did a filthy unjust act of killing Nikolai and his own family. But I also support Communism. For me, I will remain neutral in the matter of the Russian Civil War. Russians killing Russians in the name of Russians is not good, especially not to be discussed.
Tsar was definetly not evil, but those around him were...
Death to Imperialism, freedom to the people Yes, Rasputin especially.
***** Царъ был, как ты говорил, один хороший человѣк, но нет в государтсвенних делы.
szolnok95 You are seriously dumb. I myself dislike their economic domination of the world , as I will be of the one exerced by another group if it was the case, but that does not stop me of supporting the state of Israel or liking the jewish people, language, and culture.
szolnok95 Not all of the Bolsheviks. Look at the Mensheviks, they were mostly Jews, under Trotsky, who later defected. Mensheviks lied about working for the people, their aim was to depose and get rid of the Tsar and his closest guards on the Eastern Front, and bring a foreign government into power while supporting the White Movement. This makes a lot more sense than what you described.
From Greece my Brothers!
I still think that Russia at this point would be better off with a tsar than a president like Vladimir Putin
I like tsar, but really Nikolai the second was very ignorant about problems that Russia had then and incompetent to rule such a huge empire
+Flying Pig (Hero) To be honest I think it would be unbelievably hard to rule an empire of that size for anyone especially back then
Nikolai even said himself he didn't know how to rule, he relied on others too much thus his downfall.
I am White Russian and love Tsar but Vladimir is good, he is the closest thing we have to Tsar since the Red Pigs
Republican is no where near a Tsar
No, Tsar Peter learned many things about ships, navies, and formations from the Dutch. They even named a merchant ship after the Tsar and his brother, and he named one of the first Russian ships in Dutch style.
down with tsarists and imperialists
Down with the bolsheviks!
down with bolsheviks and tsars!
Fatalism Hail All Emperors of Russia.
Down with commies.
Only Russia - and only the Victory!
down with ANY form of dictatorship, monarch, communist, whatever. I'm for democracy and freedom.
During th World War II, Yugoslav comunists was sung this song too. They sung "Po sumama i gorama" (Through the woods and mountains).
And after the war, we, the "Tito's Pioneers" must sung that song in every occasion.
thanks a lot for the answers!
"Over hills and valleys" red march IS a pirated version of Drozdovsky March :)
Which actually is a tune of Siberian March (Russian WW I song).
I'm fairly neutral when it comes to the Russian Civil War myself, but you have to admit that this is a very rousing tune!
You must also be neutral to the US Civil War. The Russian Civil war was Russian feudal landlords and their Western Imperialist master versus the workers and peasants with their communist vanguard. Read history.
Tahuan Tinsuyo You know, that sort of attitude is why I'm fairly neutral.
Alistair Thompson Do you mean that the truth is numbing.
Tahuan Tinsuyo No, I mean that your dogmatic view of events makes me no less uncomfortable than I am about the views of elements of the other side of the Russian Civil War.
Alistair Thompson I am not stating views or opinions but stating historical and undisputed facts.
juzgando por la música , los rusos tenían un gran amor por su tierra en el tiempo de los zares .
Well thankyou for not leaving any negative reactions to my reply :)
What is the Song in the begginning
Its alright, I apologize for anything I said that may have been mean. Also, its a sir...if you were wondering...and I assume your a sir by your name :3 So let me get this right, correct me if I make a mistake, but isn't conscription or required military service a form of policy used mainly by dictatorships who use it to keep their populace prepared for war or keep their country defense up. And isn't it also considered an evil thing to do during a time of no threat of war?
@Trillios tsarist russia had pretty good relationship with european countries, it already was "big". lenin, stalin and communism only destroyed them and the tension is still on. russia wouldn't be an aggressive, oppressing country like it is today if it had not been communist.
Dont forget even though the woman and the children of the fammily did'nt do anything to cause trouble, Lenin thought that eventualy when the Soviet Union will collapse the former Tsar fammily will regain the throne because Lenin did'nt execute the rest of the fammily members of the Tsar. All of this history about the Russian Revolution is really interesting.