Dearest Stephanie, my spouse has Alzheimer’s. When you left home you showed countryside scenery. It was very pretty, which always attracts Donnie’s attention. I said, pretty huh? Donnie pointed at the beautiful scenery and smiled and laughed and loved it. He’s gotten out of his chair and CB is now standing in front of the big flat screen TV point at the stained glass windows in your video. Tears are streaming down my face with gladness. So, if you ever, ever, think you don’t make much of a difference, put that right out of your mind right now! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I think there is a scammer on here and on Billy’s vlog. The person is claiming to have cancer, May be real, but the exact same words on both vlogs seem a little strange to me.
Such a sweet vlog. For some reason it made me feel melancholy. Perhaps the lovely music….oh tarragon salt!! Tarragon is my favorite herb as well! Thank you for sharing this quick jaunt to Gèrand. !
Please don't ever stop giving the weather reports. It is so endearing and makes us feel like we are waking up at Lalande with you!! And no matter the weather, you always have a positive spin! I just love it. What a lovey town-hope you can go back soon :)
I do appreciate your weather reports. It’s a subject of daily conversation the world over. Please continue. I’m very excited for the chapel renovation to begin.
You are a superb storyteller, Steph. The weather reports help place us in France with you, so please don't feel you have to stop them. Delighted the work on the Chapel is progressing. Your reminder of how much of France's church paintings have been lost over time added more relevance to the Chapel's restoration. I could suddenly see the Chapel's historic, cultural, and artistic importance more clearly. Hope the auction of that beautiful painting goes well. Now, in a complete change of subject, if I was a pilot or travelled frequently, I would definitely invest in that luggage. The peace of mind its construction offers would be well worth it. Love seeing the Garden Crew. Kirsty, Pavlina, and Ombeline have helped transform the Chateau. The abundance of flowers and vegetables is wonderful! Loved Ombeline's delight in the hay. She is so knowledgeable. Stay safe and go gentle. Best to all.
Stephanie, all the best to you, with your endeavors to restore St. Joseph’s chapel! Thomas! P.S. I think the weather reports are great! Reminds of Mrs. Bale’s shipping weather forecasts for the English Channel, on the BBC comedy series, “As Time Goes By” HaHa!
Fox babies are known as kits. How wonderful a donation given towards the chapel restoration. Thank you too for the church tour and the spectacular stained glass.
Pavlina and Marie look stunning in those dresses. The fox painting is really beautiful and adorable, so very kind of him to gift that. Amazing that their story parallels yours, it is so intriguing. Steph you are an amazing storyteller, and you and Phillip produce some of the best videos on youtube. Thank you.
You've been saving the chapel since you first put the new roof on. What a great legacy. This and the restoration of the chateau the lake the gardens and the community of people involved in all ways, are something of which you should be very proud.
Please do not stop your weather forecasts. It helps to inspire the senses to imagine yourself at the chateau walking around with you smelling the grass that's wet or not or the rain whether it's coming or going. As a person with vision loss your descriptions help me to imagine your beautiful lalonde.
I do so love hearing your weather reports. It's so wonderful the chapel is getting started on restoration. Your so amazing with everything you do. Thank You Miss Stephanie and Lalanders for sharing your lives with us.
i Love Guerande Salt! I never knew it was from a medieval city! I love that you notice the weather Stephanie. It just shows that you are grounded and notice where you are and what is happening around you in nature. Keep doing it! :)
I'm so happy that the chapel restoration can begin. I'm sure it will be a huge relief to know it will be structurally sound and dry. I like the weather reports.
Please don’t stop your weather reports, it’s an integral part of the day. I love how your day starts in your room and looking across the beautiful grounds.
Stephanie, please continue your opening weather observations because it sets the scene for the day ahead. As always a superb video! The Fox’s Den is a beautiful painting! So happy you’re able to begin the very necessary works on the chapel 😃 🌻🥰🙅♀️
I love the weather forecast! ... AND, I'm always so glad that you show us the fountain, because I love following the growth of your garden you've planted around it, started with the garden design your were gifted. I love your openings, as your open your window and reveal the day. This is one of my favorite rhymes you have to you're videos. ❤️
Stephanie, a baby fox is called a kit. The painting is splendid. Maybe the local television or radio station might let you be a guest weather person. lol
@thoml1846- A lot of people have commented on Stephany's reference of the fox 'cub' and corrected her on it, but if you ask "Google" to define what a baby fox is called, it actually says: "A 'Kit' or 'CUB' " (in addition to some other titles.) So she was correct with what she said, although 'kit' is more often used. Remember too, that she is from England where foxes are quite common, so she most likely already knows that they are called kits. 😅 (Not dissing you or anyone else, please don't take offense at my comment 😢)
Stephanie, I am quite literally sitting here with tears of joy I am so happy about the news of the chapel restoration. Thank you so much for being dedicated to that project. God bless you. 🧡
I am so excited for the chapel restoration to begin! Congratulations!! Your ingenuity is really paying off. That beautiful piece of history will live on because of you! with waking up to a weather on the other side of the world and its just lovely to see all that is happening...and for the chapel...i do believe buildings and homes and fields know when they are loved...and they are blooming for their chatelaine...tino pai! all the way from aotearoa(nz)
This is wonderful news about the chapel.....I am so happy that the repairs are getting started and the painting will be saved. Very happy for you Stephanie!!! So nice that you are able to pass your clothes off to the girls....they look beautiful.
Most people look out the window and at the forecast first thing to see how to dress and go about their day. Please continue. Also your courtyard looks more spectacular every new video. What a sight to wake up to.
Hello Stéphanie! I am rejoicing like you to see the important vault from the chapel structural safe and painting. I am so happy that we can have the painting of St. Joseph Father, Jacob, restored !
I’ve always assumed, and I hope correctly, that you are opening the window, shortly after arising and checking the days weather and reviewing the day's tasks. I’ve always loved that “opening” to your vlog-it’s so YOU !!! And, more importantly, I get to join in-no matter the weather, here or there! ❤️☀️💧🌂❄️💨🍃❤️
I don't mind the weather reports at all. Keep it up. I am so happy to hear the good news regarding the chapel. Marie and Pavlina, you both looked beautiful in those dresses. I hope we get to see some of the patreon days celebrations. Those mussels and ice cream looked to die for. It would be lovely to meet Phillip's parents. That suitcase looked like a game changer.
You be you Stephanie. I love how to tell us the weather at the start of your video. Don’t change a thing. You are Perfect. Wonderful news about the chapel. Best wishes from New Zealand. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
I absolutely love your introductory weather forecasts, Stephanie, particularly when they include the words murky and cup of tea. Always a great way to begin….unless the sun is shining, of course🙂💕
Oh! I am SO glad to hear that you are able to save the Chapel, it's such an integral part of the Château and the restoration of it is needed. you're doing incredible work. Keep it up!
Love the weather review and scene from your window at each opening! It’s a signature start! I’ve enjoyed seeing the courtyard center come to bloom! Keep the opening!
I had to chuckle when you said you had missed your calling. You are a modern-day chatelaine and it suits you to a tee. And running a chateau is somewhat dependent on the weather. So, don't quit giving us the weather report, please. I love all aspects of the chateau and it's marvelous inhabitants.
I love your intros, Stephanie, and I love how your videos launch right into the story for the day. It might be just me, but I really don't enjoy long lead in's, with abstract close up's on UA-cam channels, yours is perfectly engineered to grab the viewer ❤👏👏
Loved Marie in that dress, I am so pleased she is back at the Chateau, it really saddened me when she got a bit lost after leaving. I know you will take care of her and I would love to see just you two go off on a girls mini break, remember when you went to the tree house and the trip to Aubusson. Xx
I think talking about the weather is pretty common worldwide. Who doesn't look out a window soon after waking to see what the weather is like? Don't let one comment control what the majority think is normal.
Hey, I love love ❤️ hearing the waether report. My great grandmother always spent the first paragraphs of her letters with not only a weather report, but what plants were doing in her garden. She told us which flowers were in bloom, which fruit were in season and the scents that filled her lungs. It was a sensory delight and a walk with her. When i moved away from home i included this habit in my letters. There is plenty that we cant experience by watchin videos alone and your sensory descriptions are deeply felt experiences of the limbic system, they make me happy, and enhance my 20 minutes with you.
you're so sweet to give those dresses away they look lovely on marie and pavlina. the suitcase is to die for. the courtyard looks just incredible. so happy the restoration on the chapel begins at last! baby foxes are kits i believe. the painting is gorgeous.
another gorgeous french church - i would love to meet philips' parents one day but being camera shy on a video that goes around the world is not a bad thing!
You’re not giving us forecasts, you’re giving us updates. Keep being you, that’s how we all became subscribers. To heck with whoever’s griping at you. I like seeing out that window in any weather
I adore your weather forecasts, and discussions of the overall recent weather and how it has effected the happenings at the Chateau!! It's a wonderful way to begin each show, it allows us to better comprehend the Chateau environment.
I've always enjoyed your weather updates! First thing I do every morning is stand on the terrace and look out over the valley I'm perched above, Great start to every day!
REALLY ENJOYED THE DETAILS OF The CHURCH, thanks for the attention to the beautiful interior. In the U S.A ,we don't have many towns that have kept the copplestone streets, so nice to see those.
Glad for your good news about the chapel. How wonderful. The letter accompanying the fabulous fox painting is poignantly beautiful. Made tears flow. What a lovely person.
A weather forecast first thing in the morning is normal here on our farm. I guess growing up with am forecasts I just assumed everyone talks about the weather before morning tea/coffee
Thanks for showing us all the paperwork, proper reality check. Big responsibility and super stressful on top of everything else I imagine. All the best.
I love seeing the fountain at the beginning of every video. That fountain has come such a long way, thanks to Davey's talent. Love watching it grow & fill out.
There was a series on tiktok a while ago of a woman transcribing (I believe) an early 1900s diary. Everyday the writer would share the weather forecast and it was just so precious. Please never stop the weather forecast.
What a lovely adventure, this chapel restoration. Do keep the weather report as it is lovely! I would think straw would be preferable to hay for compost layering. Less seeds to make weeds but who knows!
I was caught totally off-guard that the statue of Joseph holding baby Jesus brought a tear to my eye. I am a Christian, but not Catholic. I guess I never thought of Joseph as a caring father figure to Jesus before. Most endearing! Very happy for you that restoration of the chapel can begin! ⛪I wondered why you would wait until December-ish to begin fundraising when folks would be spending their extra cash on Christmas shopping. But on the other hand, it is the "season of giving" so a horse a piece.
Well done Stephanie on all counts. You have inspired us to go to Guérande soon. Keep up the weather reports as it changes all the time it's funny be we too always seem to start our Pilates classes on Zoom with the weather news from all parts of the world. The Chapel restorations sound fantastic, you are one lucky lady. Bon w/e, Swan
I'm so happy to be a patron and have a very small part of restoring this amazing chapel, chateau and lake. You must be so proud of the legacy that you will one day leave for future owners.
Dearest Stephanie, my spouse has Alzheimer’s. When you left home you showed countryside scenery. It was very pretty, which always attracts Donnie’s attention. I said, pretty huh? Donnie pointed at the beautiful scenery and smiled and laughed and loved it. He’s gotten out of his chair and CB is now standing in front of the big flat screen TV point at the stained glass windows in your video. Tears are streaming down my face with gladness. So, if you ever, ever, think you don’t make much of a difference, put that right out of your mind right now! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I think there is a scammer on here and on Billy’s vlog. The person is claiming to have cancer, May be real, but the exact same words on both vlogs seem a little strange to me.
My mom has Dementia and your story is so wonderful. My eyes are leaking, but with a warm heart.
Maybe a trip back here with Ollie??
Such a sweet vlog. For some reason it made me feel melancholy. Perhaps the lovely music….oh tarragon salt!! Tarragon is my favorite herb as well! Thank you for sharing this quick jaunt to Gèrand. !
Such a lovely comment, I have always thought that Stephanie brings sunlight into my life. I too enjoy hearing about the weather and all the animals.😎
The piano music played during the car trip was absolutely beautiful....!
Please don't ever stop giving the weather reports. It is so endearing and makes us feel like we are waking up at Lalande with you!! And no matter the weather, you always have a positive spin! I just love it. What a lovey town-hope you can go back soon :)
I do appreciate your weather reports. It’s a subject of daily conversation the world over. Please continue. I’m very excited for the chapel renovation to begin.
I was going to say the same! I don’t understand living inside a 16th century chateau, but I do understand weather! ❤❤
I agree especially with weather being so crazy all over this year
I love being greeted to the courtyard thru the window no matter what the weather!! 😄❤️❤️❤️
Don’t let one person ruin your weather forecast fun for us all, Stephanie, it’s practically tradition now 🌞
Thank you for taking us all to the beautiful medieval French town!
Don't let one viewer stop you from your lovely weather updates!! It's a part of La Lande, and THAT makes them special!! 🌺
Yes! Agreed!!!
You are a superb storyteller, Steph. The weather reports help place us in France with you, so please don't feel you have to stop them. Delighted the work on the Chapel is progressing. Your reminder of how much of France's church paintings have been lost over time added more relevance to the Chapel's restoration. I could suddenly see the Chapel's historic, cultural, and artistic importance more clearly. Hope the auction of that beautiful painting goes well. Now, in a complete change of subject, if I was a pilot or travelled frequently, I would definitely invest in that luggage. The peace of mind its construction offers would be well worth it. Love seeing the Garden Crew. Kirsty, Pavlina, and Ombeline have helped transform the Chateau. The abundance of flowers and vegetables is wonderful! Loved Ombeline's delight in the hay. She is so knowledgeable. Stay safe and go gentle. Best to all.
baby foxes are called Kits. So very very exciting to hear about the work that can be started on the chapel!
yup -- Kits
Stephanie, all the best to you, with your endeavors to restore St. Joseph’s chapel! Thomas! P.S. I think the weather reports are great! Reminds of Mrs. Bale’s shipping weather forecasts for the English Channel, on the BBC comedy series, “As Time Goes By” HaHa!
They can be called Cubs, Kitts or Pup. I’ve always known them as Cubs.
Yes I knew kit as well!
They are called cubs, kits, or pups. I know them as any of the three but I call them pups when I come across them. I have video of a den with 4 pups
Nooo Stephanie! I need the weather forecast every video! It sets the scene for the video perfectly! 😂😂
Yes I agree very strongly with that!
Fox babies are known as kits. How wonderful a donation given towards the chapel restoration. Thank you too for the church tour and the spectacular stained glass.
I call them kits also, but they are also called pups and cubs. Three different names for one baby ❤️🦊
Pavlina and Marie look stunning in those dresses. The fox painting is really beautiful and adorable, so very kind of him to gift that. Amazing that their story parallels yours, it is so intriguing.
Steph you are an amazing storyteller, and you and Phillip produce some of the best videos on youtube. Thank you.
Oh my word, who wouldn't want one of her gorgeous paintings. What a beautiful treasure. What a beautiful life.
When you said you were meeting Phillip's parents at "a church" I thought you meant a chapel. That's not a church, thats a magnificent work of art.
I love the weather updates, please continue with them. Every detail you share with all of us, it connects us more with you all there.
You've been saving the chapel since you first put the new roof on. What a great legacy. This and the restoration of the chateau the lake the gardens and the community of people involved in all ways, are something of which you should be very proud.
this despicable person (@maruiacencerc) is using a video from an actual persons vlog who unfortunately died in Feb 2023
You are creating a legacy!
Please do not stop your weather forecasts. It helps to inspire the senses to imagine yourself at the chateau walking around with you smelling the grass that's wet or not or the rain whether it's coming or going. As a person with vision loss your descriptions help me to imagine your beautiful lalonde.
I do so love hearing your weather reports. It's so wonderful the chapel is getting started on restoration. Your so amazing with everything you do. Thank You Miss Stephanie and Lalanders for sharing your lives with us.
I actually enjoy the weather forecasts for the vlogs haha!
Love all of your videos and sending warm greetings from Texas :)
So glad the Chapel restoration will begin soon.
I’m very happy to hear the good news about the chapel.
i Love Guerande Salt! I never knew it was from a medieval city!
I love that you notice the weather Stephanie. It just shows that you are grounded and notice where you are and what is happening around you in nature. Keep doing it! :)
I'm so happy that the chapel restoration can begin. I'm sure it will be a huge relief to know it will be structurally sound and dry. I like the weather reports.
Please don’t stop your weather reports, it’s an integral part of the day. I love how your day starts in your room and looking across the beautiful grounds.
Fox babies are called kits. That is one beautiful paintings. So glad the work can be started.
Stephanie, please continue your opening weather observations because it sets the scene for the day ahead. As always a superb video! The Fox’s Den is a beautiful painting! So happy you’re able to begin the very necessary works on the chapel 😃 🌻🥰🙅♀️
...I like your weather forecast.....🥺....don't stop...😁👍
I always love the weather report because then we know what the atmosphere is like for each video.
Pavlina in the black dress: wow!! Even more stunning than in her wellies cleaning the fountain!
I love the weather forecast! ... AND, I'm always so glad that you show us the fountain, because I love following the growth of your garden you've planted around it, started with the garden design your were gifted. I love your openings, as your open your window and reveal the day. This is one of my favorite rhymes you have to you're videos. ❤️
Stephanie, a baby fox is called a kit. The painting is splendid. Maybe the local television or radio station might let you be a guest weather person. lol
@thoml1846- A lot of people have commented on Stephany's reference of the fox 'cub' and corrected her on it, but if you ask "Google" to define what a baby fox is called, it actually says: "A 'Kit' or 'CUB' " (in addition to some other titles.)
So she was correct with what she said, although 'kit' is more often used. Remember too, that she is from England where foxes are quite common, so she most likely already knows that they are called kits. 😅 (Not dissing you or anyone else, please don't take offense at my comment 😢)
@@graciemaca6996We refer to them as cubs in the UK
Pavlina is such a bright smiling ray of sunshine
We LOVE the weather updates!!! so excited about the chapel restoration!!! 💕
Stephanie, I am quite literally sitting here with tears of joy I am so happy about the news of the chapel restoration. Thank you so much for being dedicated to that project. God bless you. 🧡
After the year you have had, it must feel wonderful to see life getting back on track again. So pleased for you all.
I am so excited for the chapel restoration to begin! Congratulations!! Your ingenuity is really paying off. That beautiful piece of history will live on because of you!
how nice - finally - I believe they have had 15 yrs to get around to the chapel.
That is a beautiful painting
What a wonderful adventure, church was beautiful. with waking up to a weather on the other side of the world and its just lovely to see all that is happening...and for the chapel...i do believe buildings and homes and fields know when they are loved...and they are blooming for their chatelaine...tino pai! all the way from aotearoa(nz)
This is wonderful news about the chapel.....I am so happy that the repairs are getting started and the painting will be saved. Very happy for you Stephanie!!! So nice that you are able to pass your clothes off to the girls....they look beautiful.
Most people look out the window and at the forecast first thing to see how to dress and go about their day. Please continue. Also your courtyard looks more spectacular every new video. What a sight to wake up to.
Hello Stéphanie! I am rejoicing like you to see the important vault from the chapel structural safe and painting.
I am so happy that we can have the painting of St. Joseph Father, Jacob, restored !
Stephanie the weather girl 😂
I’ve always assumed, and I hope correctly, that you are opening the window, shortly after arising and checking the days weather and reviewing the day's tasks.
I’ve always loved that “opening” to your vlog-it’s so YOU !!! And, more importantly, I get to join in-no matter the weather, here or there!
Please do keep giving us weather updates, it helps put us right there in Lalande, in France.
Stephanie your umbrella was incredibly beautiful.
The church's stain glass windows were stunning.
Our very dearest Stephanie…..please keep up the weather ‘forecast’ at the start of each vlog!
I love thé forecasts.we are in australia with parents in France so it keeps us connected. 😉
I don't mind the weather reports at all. Keep it up.
I am so happy to hear the good news regarding the chapel.
Marie and Pavlina, you both looked beautiful in those dresses.
I hope we get to see some of the patreon days celebrations.
Those mussels and ice cream looked to die for.
It would be lovely to meet Phillip's parents.
That suitcase looked like a game changer.
Giving a weather report is great, I like to know. 💖
Great news about the chapel.
It's so nice to hear the old intro music in the last few videos. Brings back wonderful memories.
You be you Stephanie. I love how to tell us the weather at the start of your video. Don’t change a thing. You are Perfect. Wonderful news about the chapel. Best wishes from New Zealand. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
I absolutely love your introductory weather forecasts, Stephanie, particularly when they include the words murky and cup of tea. Always a great way to begin….unless the sun is shining, of course🙂💕
Yes I do too! And here in California gray murky days demand a cup of hot tea even if those gray murky days are at La Lande.
Oh! I am SO glad to hear that you are able to save the Chapel, it's such an integral part of the Château and the restoration of it is needed. you're doing incredible work. Keep it up!
I’ve always enjoyed to have you mention the weather. So happy that the Chapel can be restored.
Stephanie, I love your dress. It's beautiful blue.
Just be you Stephanie... You are always Best being you 😊🤗
Love the weather review and scene from your window at each opening! It’s a signature start! I’ve enjoyed seeing the courtyard center come to bloom! Keep the opening!
Yes! I totally agree!!!
I had to chuckle when you said you had missed your calling. You are a modern-day chatelaine and it suits you to a tee. And running a chateau is somewhat dependent on the weather. So, don't quit giving us the weather report, please. I love all aspects of the chateau and it's marvelous inhabitants.
What a magnificent church! I’m so happy to hear about your chapel! 🇨🇦👏👏👏🙏💐🇨🇦
What a wonderful town! You should definitely go with Ollie for the travel channel. 🦋
Marie and Pavlina look great in the dresses. 🦋
Enjoyable video! 🦋
Wonderful News!!! ❤❤❤❤
I like the weather forecast from your part of the world.
I love your weather forecasts! Please don't change.
I love your intros, Stephanie, and I love how your videos launch right into the story for the day. It might be just me, but I really don't enjoy long lead in's, with abstract close up's on UA-cam channels, yours is perfectly engineered to grab the viewer ❤👏👏
A baby fox is also known as a Kit! What an amazing gift and wonderful way of honoring her memory!
I love your eloquent weather reports! They are such a nice start to watching your weekly slice of life. If you don’t mind please keep them coming ☺️❤️
Loved Marie in that dress, I am so pleased she is back at the Chateau, it really saddened me when she got a bit lost after leaving. I know you will take care of her and I would love to see just you two go off on a girls mini break, remember when you went to the tree house and the trip to Aubusson. Xx
I think talking about the weather is pretty common worldwide. Who doesn't look out a window soon after waking to see what the weather is like? Don't let one comment control what the majority think is normal.
Brown tomatoes are the sweetest and best tasting.
The weather is always relevant to your Chateau Diaries. So much love to you & all the Lalanders.♥️🇫🇷
Hey, I love love ❤️ hearing the waether report. My great grandmother always spent the first paragraphs of her letters with not only a weather report, but what plants were doing in her garden. She told us which flowers were in bloom, which fruit were in season and the scents that filled her lungs. It was a sensory delight and a walk with her. When i moved away from home i included this habit in my letters. There is plenty that we cant experience by watchin videos alone and your sensory descriptions are deeply felt experiences of the limbic system, they make me happy, and enhance my 20 minutes with you.
you're so sweet to give those dresses away they look lovely on marie and pavlina. the suitcase is to die for. the courtyard looks just incredible. so happy the restoration on the chapel begins at last! baby foxes are kits i believe. the painting is gorgeous.
another gorgeous french church - i would love to meet philips' parents one day but being camera shy on a video that goes around the world is not a bad thing!
The fox painting is so beautiful
I love the beginning of your vlog, when you open your window and naturally say what you are seeing.
You’re not giving us forecasts, you’re giving us updates. Keep being you, that’s how we all became subscribers. To heck with whoever’s griping at you. I like seeing out that window in any weather
I adore your weather forecasts, and discussions of the overall recent weather and how it has effected the happenings at the Chateau!! It's a wonderful way to begin each show, it allows us to better comprehend the Chateau environment.
I absolutely love how you start your beautiful videos with opening your bedroom window first thing in the morning.
What a gorgeous view! 💕
Congratulations ❣️ 🎊 I am so excited that the restoration is going to happen 😄
I've always enjoyed your weather updates! First thing I do every morning is stand on the terrace and look out over the valley I'm perched above, Great start to every day!
Hello Stephanie,
I enjoy your running weather forecast, it’s you ☀️
From Alanna
Brisbane Australia 🇦🇺
REALLY ENJOYED THE DETAILS OF The CHURCH, thanks for the attention to the beautiful interior. In the U S.A ,we don't have many towns that have kept the copplestone streets, so nice to see those.
I love the weather updates ❤
Glad for your good news about the chapel. How wonderful.
The letter accompanying the fabulous fox painting is poignantly beautiful. Made tears flow. What a lovely person.
Enjoyed. great news about the chapel. Love to all.
Stephanie I love the weather reports!!! It makes me feel like I’m there!! So excited to see work begin on the chapel 💒 ❤
A weather forecast first thing in the morning is normal here on our farm. I guess growing up with am forecasts I just assumed everyone talks about the weather before morning tea/coffee
Thanks for showing us all the paperwork, proper reality check. Big responsibility and super stressful on top of everything else I imagine. All the best.
We English do love a weather forecast/ weather commentary/ weather fashion....Please continue.
I love seeing the fountain at the beginning of every video. That fountain has come such a long way, thanks to Davey's talent. Love watching it grow & fill out.
Wonderful news about the Chapel, Steph. Hope never dies.
There was a series on tiktok a while ago of a woman transcribing (I believe) an early 1900s diary. Everyday the writer would share the weather forecast and it was just so precious. Please never stop the weather forecast.
I love your morning weather forecasts!
What a lovely adventure, this chapel restoration. Do keep the weather report as it is lovely! I would think straw would be preferable to hay for compost layering. Less seeds to make weeds but who knows!
This touches my heart, God bless all who have alzhehimers. This vlog is such a blessing and inspiration to me as well.
❤❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤so thrilled that you can get the chapel repaired and save the paintings. God Bless 🙌
I was caught totally off-guard that the statue of Joseph holding baby Jesus brought a tear to my eye. I am a Christian, but not Catholic. I guess I never thought of Joseph as a caring father figure to Jesus before. Most endearing!
Very happy for you that restoration of the chapel can begin! ⛪I wondered why you would wait until December-ish to begin fundraising when folks would be spending their extra cash on Christmas shopping. But on the other hand, it is the "season of giving" so a horse a piece.
Excellent news!
I haven’t visited your blog for a bit! How exquisite your fountain park is. It’s lovely!
Well done Stephanie on all counts. You have inspired us to go to Guérande soon. Keep up the weather reports as it changes all the time it's funny be we too always seem to start our Pilates classes on Zoom with the weather news from all parts of the world.
The Chapel restorations sound fantastic, you are one lucky lady.
Bon w/e,
I'm so happy to be a patron and have a very small part of restoring this amazing chapel, chateau and lake. You must be so proud of the legacy that you will one day leave for future owners.