I will never forget my feverish desire to learn all I could when I was first introduced to the Dharma. I studied many different religions and none matched up to my own experience, scientific truth is respected and after looking past lots of cultural influence the truth espoused by the Buddha is truth on the deepest level. With practice deep knowing brings so much easing of suffering and compassion for everyone you see.
"Feverish desire to learn all" resonated with my feeling as I am 75 with multiple bypass and knowledge that time in this body-mind is running out. There is always the next life of course! 😂
@@niteengupte I am 69 and have searched all of my adult life for spiritual truth. I recently found out that I have lung cancer. This caused me to hasten my preparation for death. I am not afraid, I know enough to trust that I am being watched over and guided. It is a great comfort. I feel that you and I are at a similar place in our journey. It is comforting to find a fellow traveler facing a similar situation.
This video does a fantastic job of clarifying the key differences between rebirth and reincarnation in Buddhism. The explanation of Anatta and the flow of consciousness as a process rather than a fixed self is truly thought-provoking. I really appreciate how the video emphasizes mindfulness and ethical living as practical steps for transforming our present and future experiences. Thank you for presenting such profound teachings in a clear and relatable way-it’s both enlightening and inspiring!
I started an entire philosophical & metaphysical school, and Buddhism of course (and I knew this) has much right about it. Thank you for your excellent scholarship.
I am a Buddhist with a monkey mind, unable to enter deep meditation, but I believe Buddha saw everything beyond its physical form. Occasionally my mind is calm and relaxed, which allows me to see the world differently. Once I saw a shining silver image of my uncle (died over 2 decades in China) emerging from the back of a young white man in his early 20s, looking at me for a few seconds and then disappeared. I am not sure if my uncle's soul was reincarnated, or if his soul was attached to this boy. The teaching of Buddha is ancient, and his words have been passing over in different languages by many people. We need personal evidence to test what he taught. Reincarnation is real, but this profound spiritual truth was removed from Christian doctrine 1500 years ago by the emperor of Roman for social and political reasons. Prior to that time, reincarnation was taught in Christianity. It is a shame because religion is about spiritual truth, not serving the ruler or the ruling class. I believe Buddhist and Taoist teachings are true and peaceful. Other religions have caused many wars because they believe God is on their side. I don't object to the concept of God, but I believe God is non-judgmental. Karma is God's law or natural law, which will judge everybody.
**"This video is deeply insightful! The explanation of rebirth versus reincarnation in Buddhism offers such a profound perspective. What part of this teaching do you find most intriguing or challenging to understand? I’d love to hear how others interpret it!"**
Thank you for this explanation of the fine distinction between rebirth and reincarnation. I'm not quite sure how the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of reincarnated lamas fits into this, though. The closing segment about the Buddha's instruction on the practicality of his teachings for daily life was on the mark...while it's interesting and important to know the teachings on death and rebirth, it's more important how we put his teachings into practice in the present. Also, one suggestion: please lower the level of the music, it's a bit loud in this video, thank you.
The Universe is Not a Hierarchical Pyramid of Mathematic Quantities !!! The Universe is a Wholarchical Sphere of Multiples Spheres of Consciousness Qualities !!! The Beauty of Timeless and Formless Consciousness Shines in the Form in Time ❤️ 💚 💜
THE PARTS OF MAN The individual person is divisible (separable) into three parts (divisions). The first of these is the spirit - the soul - the Thetan. The second of these parts is the Mind - the analytical mind, the reactive mind & the somatic mind. The third of these parts is the Brain & body. Probably the greatest discovery of mankind has been the isolation, description and handling of the human spirit. The thing which is the person, the personality, is separable from the body, the brain and the minds at will and without causing bodily death or mental derangement. In ages past there has been considerable controversy concerning the human spirit or soul and various attempts to control people have been effective in view of our almost complete ignorance of our own identity. The spirit itself was separated from what the spiritualists called the astral body and there should be no confusion between these two things. As you know that you are where you are at this moment, so you would know if you, a spirit, were detached from your mind and body. Mankind has not discovered this before because people had very little reality upon their detachment from their mind and body, therefore they conceived themselves to be at least in part a mind and a body.
I have been looking for "annata" simple explanation and easy to understand. This video provides a framework to change "my self" to fit the "annata". The problem resides on "my self" who conditioned by knowledge. You won't capture the message except you abandon your conditions.
Thank you for pointing to a difference between rebirth and reincarnation, there is a difference in action of karma involved also the experience and skill of the person to choose one or the other. Normally to cover these technically problems I say there is an unknown process of changes in thoughts and experiences between death and next birth. Buddhism misses the phenomenon of hypnosis. Thoughts originating through hypnosis can be transferred from past lives into the next life. Great lamas can be led astray by hypnosis.
I've been saying this for years but I keep having to hear people talk about their afterlives and how they've been reincarnated over and over again until it just makes me feel sad for them cuz they don't realize that's not the reality of rebirth buy clinging to their attachment to past lives they're inhibiting their ability to move forward and to grow and to rebirth themselves into who they shall become
author of this video has not done enough research into this. i hope people don’t get misled by this video. atma is not the same as an eternal soul. For those who are truly interested in this topic, please do your own study instead of relying on short videos like this one.
The way Buddhism distinguishes rebirth from reincarnation clears up so much confusion! Do you think this understanding changes how we approach life and death? Let’s discuss!
In the Pure Land Buddhism method of chanting Amitabha Buddha, "faith " is particularly important. Faith in the Buddha is the golden key to becoming a Buddha. Only with true faith can you get the key. With false faith, you will not have the key. If you don't have the key, you can't open the door and have access to the true meaning of chanting the Buddha-name Amitabha Buddha.. It is such a simple truth. What is a false Buddhist? The people who talk about Pure Land, but still clinging tightly to worldly affairs and chants Amituofo with no Buddha in the mind. These are fake Buddhist practitioners. The mind of false practictioner is chaotic and impure. The mind of a true Buddhist practitioner is serene. When the mind is serene, true reality of all dharmas will appear, and Samadhi will appear. A true Buddhist, the mind is pure, and predicting the time of death is a natural thing, nothing mysterious or unusual. 🙏🙏🙏 Amituofo
Everyone on the planet has his/her belief, then one day aliens came down and said, "You beings on this planet were created and have been controlled by us."
First birth born to Buddhist Then, rebirth to Jews family Rebirth again to Christians' family Rebirth again to Hindu family Rebirth again to Muslim.....
From many of the comments,understanding is lacking.Buddhism can be deep n this rebirth( preferred to reincarnation)n non-self needs deep study .That's why Buddha varied his teachings accordingly to his audience.His main deeper ones r mainly meant for the Sangha.
If rebirth and reincarnation is not the same thing, why when come to remembering past life, it was simply explained as "the stories can be intriguing"? In fact Buddha often use his past life as example in his teaching. Actually I don't see rebirth and reincarnation as different thing, both are the same, except reincarnation comes with one extra element, which is the "photo memory", where else rebirth is more similar to DNA passing from one generation to another, but without the "photo memory" of past life. "Photo memory' is the tool the mind use to create an identity as "self", in fact there is no "self", it is just the mind playing its own game. The end story is, whether Rebirth or Reincarnation, both are just perceptions/stories/games created by mind, there is only consciousness in the universe, consciousness is like the sky, mind is like the cloud, clouds come and go, sky remain eternally.
Sorry Buddhism Podcast: A simple subject was explained to become a very complicated one without added value. Still see no anomaly between Hindu and Buddhist reincarnation concepts. The difference you described is when you view it from two different perspectives. There is only one law devised by God, the Creator.
What is reincarnation and what is rebirth? After one's death, the soul leaves the body. This is reincarnation. Before one's death, the soul leaves the body, one attains rebirth. Rebirth means one exit the realms of reincarnation , means one attains rebirth into Buddha's land. Eg. Western Pure Land Reincarnation means you have no choice of your reborn, all depend on where your karma takes you. Good karma one may be reborn as human or heavenly beings. Bad karma, leads you to hell, or become ghost, or become animal. 🙏🙏🙏 Amituofo
Nice try scholarly explained but ends up guessing from lack of personal experience, fear of "soul" and lost translation. Better not try when you don't carry the seed -you do well telling what Dharma Gurus presents but reality is way closer to soul than this ...Real Masters would feel sorry that you wish well but gets it very wrong, modern or not you are more than 10% correct
Use science to see truth. When you have children your genes and of your ancestors are passed on. That is rebirth. Not in the way Buddhism and Hinduism have said.
Vedhatha believes that you and Consciousness are not different; they only appear different as long as you are unaware of your true self. Buddhism believes in rebirth and karma, with the next life determined by karmic theory. Vedanta states that you and Consciousness are not different, and that the soul or Atman is in a stage of ignorance. Quantum physics aligns with this theory as well. Aham Brahmasmi. Tat Tvam Asi. Maha Vakyas. ---
@@addalavenkataratnam5449 Well, according to Buddhism, a being is considered the aggregate of five ‘things’. ( actually there are no solid entities in Buddhism: the word Buddha used was ‘skandhas’ which can be roughly translated to ‘weights’- in modern terminology, probably ‘energies’. A being therefore is an aggregate of ‘panchaskandha’: Roopa (material, made of the four elements and means ‘that which changes or disintegrates), the other four constituting the consciousness: Vedana, (experiences associated with the senses); Sannga (stimulants); Sankhaara (accumulations) and Vignnana (knowing or intellect- ability to recognize). This is what makes a ‘being’. There’s no such entity as a soul that transmigrates from birth to birth. Buddha has said ‘Chethana hun bhikkawe kammang vadaami’ Intention is karma, so what is done with volition will bear the vipaakas - repercussions. The scope of karma that Buddha has taught is immense. You can find this in Abidhamma, how the mind processes thoughts into streams that will pay off. Buddhism does not believe in a creator god, but teaches that attachment is the cause of creation and cessation of being happens when all thoughts of Attachment (lobha), Conflict (dwesha) and Moha (ignorance- belief in a self called me, mine, and my aathma). When you do insight meditation (Vipassana) at the very advanced stages of jhanas it is said that the individual is able to see the subject / object split in creation. This is corroborated in quantum physics, actually. In Buddhism, Nirvana is sunngatha, i.e nothingness - when you discard ego, and no more accumulations take place, then you have transcended universe and would not reincarnate. I think the concepts of karma, rebirth etc. are taught in both philosophies because it is the reality of existence but otherwise there are huge differences in perspective.
And God InCarnated as a False god to Teach a Wrong Doctrine of Non Injury as a Trap to Imprison the Little Demons And the Harvest was Good !!! I Am the Whole I Am the Whole I Am the Whole and I Am Not the Nothing I Am Peace I Am Love I Am the Fury and I Am the Rage I Am the Lover CareGiver ❤️ 💚 💜 I Am the Fury that Veils the Sacred
Disagree with the suggestion in the video that the soul does not exist. I do QBLH, and raised my Shekinah (a title of the soul) 8 years ago. The Shekinah is the bride of the Spark of God within each of us. The Shekinah is a real, living being that initially encapsulates ChVH or Eve. We are united with ChVH or Eve when we are crucified and ascend into Atziluth.. My Shekinah ie Mary Magdalene is an intelligent and loving being. She has the same astral + other powers that I have. I know this because I helped raise her. She now sits above my head as the Christ and I feel her every movement and hear her breathe. She also maintains my spiritual ark (energy bodies) and shares information with me.
Nice, but Hinduism, is as Budhism paradixal, so what it says is basicly the same. If one understands it the same with the Dao, Christianity. Mind these there are lay monk's as they are on the tree, and those worthy, noble who practice is silence. So sad Agata tathagata, The perfect teacher Milarepa, so sad Tathagata. These are critical times, be grounded the Eerth, use Fire creativity and transient like Water. Breathe more. Plant a tree or the seed. Thank you
I will never forget my feverish desire to learn all I could when I was first introduced to the Dharma. I studied many different religions and none matched up to my own experience, scientific truth is respected and after looking past lots of cultural influence the truth espoused by the Buddha is truth on the deepest level. With practice deep knowing brings so much easing of suffering and compassion for everyone you see.
"Feverish desire to learn all" resonated with my feeling as I am 75 with multiple bypass and knowledge that time in this body-mind is running out. There is always the next life of course! 😂
@@niteengupte I am 69 and have searched all of my adult life for spiritual truth.
I recently found out that I have lung cancer. This caused me to hasten my preparation for death. I am not afraid, I know enough to trust that I am being watched over and guided. It is a great comfort.
I feel that you and I are at a similar place in our journey. It is comforting to find a fellow traveler facing a similar situation.
This video does a fantastic job of clarifying the key differences between rebirth and reincarnation in Buddhism. The explanation of Anatta and the flow of consciousness as a process rather than a fixed self is truly thought-provoking. I really appreciate how the video emphasizes mindfulness and ethical living as practical steps for transforming our present and future experiences. Thank you for presenting such profound teachings in a clear and relatable way-it’s both enlightening and inspiring!
Thanks for the profound Dharma teachings.
இவ்வளவு தெளிவாக புத்த போதனை களை இதுவரை நான் கேட்டதில்லை நன்றி❤
We should not get lost in semantic arguments but strive to discover ourselves what it is by following any one path sincerely.
I started an entire philosophical & metaphysical school, and Buddhism of course (and I knew this) has much right about it.
Thank you for your excellent scholarship.
I am a Buddhist with a monkey mind, unable to enter deep meditation, but I believe Buddha saw everything beyond its physical form. Occasionally my mind is calm and relaxed, which allows me to see the world differently. Once I saw a shining silver image of my uncle (died over 2 decades in China) emerging from the back of a young white man in his early 20s, looking at me for a few seconds and then disappeared. I am not sure if my uncle's soul was reincarnated, or if his soul was attached to this boy. The teaching of Buddha is ancient, and his words have been passing over in different languages by many people. We need personal evidence to test what he taught. Reincarnation is real, but this profound spiritual truth was removed from Christian doctrine 1500 years ago by the emperor of Roman for social and political reasons. Prior to that time, reincarnation was taught in Christianity. It is a shame because religion is about spiritual truth, not serving the ruler or the ruling class. I believe Buddhist and Taoist teachings are true and peaceful. Other religions have caused many wars because they believe God is on their side. I don't object to the concept of God, but I believe God is non-judgmental. Karma is God's law or natural law, which will judge everybody.
**"This video is deeply insightful! The explanation of rebirth versus reincarnation in Buddhism offers such a profound perspective. What part of this teaching do you find most intriguing or challenging to understand? I’d love to hear how others interpret it!"**
Thank you for this explanation of the fine distinction between rebirth and reincarnation. I'm not quite sure how the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of reincarnated lamas fits into this, though. The closing segment about the Buddha's instruction on the practicality of his teachings for daily life was on the mark...while it's interesting and important to know the teachings on death and rebirth, it's more important how we put his teachings into practice in the present.
Also, one suggestion: please lower the level of the music, it's a bit loud in this video, thank you.
Excellent Explanation Thank You 🙏
Very knowledgeable, simple explanation of Apbhidamma Pitaka. Your pronunciation on pali and Sanskrit is so cute🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
The Universe is Not a Hierarchical Pyramid of Mathematic Quantities !!!
The Universe is a Wholarchical Sphere of Multiples Spheres of Consciousness Qualities !!!
The Beauty of Timeless and Formless Consciousness Shines in the Form in Time ❤️ 💚 💜
The individual person is divisible (separable) into three parts (divisions).
The first of these is the spirit - the soul - the Thetan.
The second of these parts is the Mind - the analytical mind, the reactive mind & the somatic mind.
The third of these parts is the Brain & body.
Probably the greatest discovery of mankind has been the isolation, description and handling of the human spirit.
The thing which is the person, the personality, is separable from the body, the brain and the minds at will and without causing bodily death or mental derangement.
In ages past there has been considerable controversy concerning
the human spirit or soul and various attempts to control people have been effective in view of our almost complete ignorance of our own identity.
The spirit itself was separated from what the spiritualists called the astral body and there should be no confusion between these two things. As you know that you are where you are at this moment, so you would know if you, a spirit, were detached from your mind and body.
Mankind has not discovered this before because people had very little reality upon their detachment from their mind and body, therefore they conceived themselves to be at least in part a mind and a body.
Very insightful video thank you Sir 🙏
I have been looking for "annata" simple explanation and easy to understand. This video provides a framework to change "my self" to fit the "annata". The problem resides on "my self" who conditioned by knowledge. You won't capture the message except you abandon your conditions.
Same soul trying to escape and failing vs. Hitting the God level and choosing to come back.
Thank you for pointing to a difference between rebirth and reincarnation, there is a difference in action of karma involved also the experience and skill of the person to choose one or the other. Normally to cover these technically problems I say there is an unknown process of changes in thoughts and experiences between death and next birth. Buddhism misses the phenomenon of hypnosis. Thoughts originating through hypnosis can be transferred from past lives into the next life. Great lamas can be led astray by hypnosis.
Can i use of background picture?
I've been saying this for years but I keep having to hear people talk about their afterlives and how they've been reincarnated over and over again until it just makes me feel sad for them cuz they don't realize that's not the reality of rebirth buy clinging to their attachment to past lives they're inhibiting their ability to move forward and to grow and to rebirth themselves into who they shall become
author of this video has not done enough research into this.
i hope people don’t get misled by this video. atma is not the same as an eternal soul. For those who are truly interested in this topic, please do your own study instead of relying on short videos like this one.
9:28 If there is no sense of you and it's all just a stream then what is the point of achieving enlightenment? Why free a trickle of water?
Listen again & think more. Still don't get a point , read more buddhist text on rebirth or mind
The way Buddhism distinguishes rebirth from reincarnation clears up so much confusion! Do you think this understanding changes how we approach life and death? Let’s discuss!
In the Pure Land Buddhism method of chanting Amitabha Buddha, "faith " is particularly important.
Faith in the Buddha is the golden key to becoming a Buddha.
Only with true faith can you get the key.
With false faith, you will not have the key. If you don't have the key, you can't open the door and have access to the true meaning of chanting the Buddha-name Amitabha Buddha..
It is such a simple truth.
What is a false Buddhist?
The people who talk about Pure Land, but still clinging tightly to worldly affairs and chants Amituofo with no Buddha in the mind. These are fake Buddhist practitioners.
The mind of false practictioner is chaotic and impure.
The mind of a true Buddhist practitioner is serene. When the mind is serene, true reality of all dharmas will appear, and Samadhi will appear.
A true Buddhist, the mind is pure, and predicting the time of death is a natural thing, nothing mysterious or unusual.
🙏🙏🙏 Amituofo
Everyone on the planet has his/her belief, then one day aliens came down and said, "You beings on this planet were created and have been controlled by us."
Well explained.
Thank you so much 🙏
Well explIned!
I understand as Buddha did.
First birth born to Buddhist
Then, rebirth to Jews family
Rebirth again to Christians' family
Rebirth again to Hindu family
Rebirth again to Muslim.....
Can become a multi-religion sage or fool in the next life.
This explanation of rebirth versus reincarnation truly deepens my understanding of Buddhism. Thank you for sharing this wisdom❣
And yet again, i ask: Is Reincarnation a blessing or a curse? Just give me and honest and straight answer.
From many of the comments,understanding is lacking.Buddhism can be deep n this rebirth( preferred to reincarnation)n non-self needs deep study .That's why Buddha varied his teachings accordingly to his audience.His main deeper ones r mainly meant for the Sangha.
Rebirth and reincarnation are two sides of the same coin, while past and future are other terms for them. Resurrection is moksha.
What been reborn, what never been reborn
If rebirth and reincarnation is not the same thing, why when come to remembering past life, it was simply explained as "the stories can be intriguing"? In fact Buddha often use his past life as example in his teaching. Actually I don't see rebirth and reincarnation as different thing, both are the same, except reincarnation comes with one extra element, which is the "photo memory", where else rebirth is more similar to DNA passing from one generation to another, but without the "photo memory" of past life. "Photo memory' is the tool the mind use to create an identity as "self", in fact there is no "self", it is just the mind playing its own game. The end story is, whether Rebirth or Reincarnation, both are just perceptions/stories/games created by mind, there is only consciousness in the universe, consciousness is like the sky, mind is like the cloud, clouds come and go, sky remain eternally.
Sorry Buddhism Podcast: A simple subject was explained to become a very complicated one without added value. Still see no anomaly between Hindu and Buddhist reincarnation concepts. The difference you described is when you view it from two different perspectives. There is only one law devised by God, the Creator.
Don't understand.
What is reincarnation and what is rebirth?
After one's death, the soul leaves the body. This is reincarnation.
Before one's death, the soul leaves the body, one attains rebirth.
Rebirth means one exit the realms of reincarnation , means one attains rebirth into Buddha's land.
Eg. Western Pure Land
Reincarnation means you have no choice of your reborn, all depend on where your karma takes you.
Good karma one may be reborn as human or heavenly beings.
Bad karma, leads you to hell, or become ghost, or become animal.
🙏🙏🙏 Amituofo
Buddhism should invent their narrative not borrow and try to change Hindu concepts from our many shastras and scriptures.The soul is consciousness
Could you tell me which parts buddha burrowed from hindu?
Nice try scholarly explained but ends up guessing from lack of personal experience, fear of "soul" and lost translation. Better not try when you don't carry the seed -you do well telling what Dharma Gurus presents but reality is way closer to soul than this ...Real Masters would feel sorry that you wish well but gets it very wrong, modern or not you are more than 10% correct
Use science to see truth. When you have children your genes and of your ancestors are passed on. That is rebirth. Not in the way Buddhism and Hinduism have said.
Please pronounce the Sanskrit words properly. It isn’t pronounced Atman. It’s pronounced Aathmah.
Modified Hinduism with new terminology
Interesting. Which parts are modified, please? If you can briefly explain the basic philosophies of Hinduism, I’d appreciate it very much. Thank you.
Karmic theory, rebirth, and moksha or Nirvana or moksha or meditation .
Chaitanya or consciousness
@ How are they different? What consists consciousness? In Hinduism, do you believe in a soul?
Vedhatha believes that you and Consciousness are not different; they only appear different as long as you are unaware of your true self. Buddhism believes in rebirth and karma, with the next life determined by karmic theory.
Vedanta states that you and Consciousness are not different, and that the soul or Atman is in a stage of ignorance. Quantum physics aligns with this theory as well.
Aham Brahmasmi.
Tat Tvam Asi.
Maha Vakyas.
@@addalavenkataratnam5449 Well, according to Buddhism, a being is considered the aggregate of five ‘things’. ( actually there are no solid entities in Buddhism: the word Buddha used was ‘skandhas’ which can be roughly translated to ‘weights’- in modern terminology, probably ‘energies’. A being therefore is an aggregate of ‘panchaskandha’: Roopa (material, made of the four elements and means ‘that which changes or disintegrates), the other four constituting the consciousness: Vedana, (experiences associated with the senses); Sannga (stimulants); Sankhaara (accumulations) and Vignnana (knowing or intellect- ability to recognize). This is what makes a ‘being’. There’s no such entity as a soul that transmigrates from birth to birth. Buddha has said ‘Chethana hun bhikkawe kammang vadaami’ Intention is karma, so what is done with volition will bear the vipaakas - repercussions. The scope of karma that Buddha has taught is immense. You can find this in Abidhamma, how the mind processes thoughts into streams that will pay off. Buddhism does not believe in a creator god, but teaches that attachment is the cause of creation and cessation of being happens when all thoughts of Attachment (lobha), Conflict (dwesha) and Moha (ignorance- belief in a self called me, mine, and my aathma). When you do insight meditation (Vipassana) at the very advanced stages of jhanas it is said that the individual is able to see the subject / object split in creation. This is corroborated in quantum physics, actually. In Buddhism, Nirvana is sunngatha, i.e nothingness - when you discard ego, and no more accumulations take place, then you have transcended universe and would not reincarnate. I think the concepts of karma, rebirth etc. are taught in both philosophies because it is the reality of existence but otherwise there are huge differences in perspective.
And God InCarnated as a False god to Teach a Wrong Doctrine of Non Injury as a Trap to Imprison the Little Demons
And the Harvest was Good !!!
I Am the Whole
I Am the Whole
I Am the Whole and
I Am Not the Nothing
I Am Peace I Am Love
I Am the Fury and I Am the Rage
I Am the Lover CareGiver ❤️ 💚 💜
I Am the Fury that Veils the Sacred
Disagree with the suggestion in the video that the soul does not exist. I do QBLH, and raised my Shekinah (a title of the soul) 8 years ago. The Shekinah is the bride of the Spark of God within each of us. The Shekinah is a real, living being that initially encapsulates ChVH or Eve. We are united with ChVH or Eve when we are crucified and ascend into Atziluth.. My Shekinah ie Mary Magdalene is an intelligent and loving being. She has the same astral + other powers that I have. I know this because I helped raise her. She now sits above my head as the Christ and I feel her every movement and hear her breathe. She also maintains my spiritual ark (energy bodies) and shares information with me.
No sory your rong
Nice, but Hinduism, is as Budhism paradixal, so what it says is basicly the same. If one understands it the same with the Dao, Christianity. Mind these there are lay monk's as they are on the tree, and those worthy, noble who practice is silence. So sad Agata tathagata, The perfect teacher Milarepa, so sad Tathagata.
These are critical times, be grounded the Eerth, use Fire creativity and transient like Water. Breathe more. Plant a tree or the seed. Thank you
Budha is wrong but only partially right about the reality with his convoluted confusing logics.