2025 Ford Mustang GTD Sets the Ring on Fire

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @gurneyforpresident2836
    @gurneyforpresident2836 8 днів тому +5

    Awesome. The haters will cry and complain. This is a Ford product so get over it whiners.
    The collaboration with Multimatic is like a modern day version of Fords KarKraft of the 1960s and early 70s.
    Ford engineers moonlight there.
    I am a multiple Ford GT owner among others.
    Congrats to Ford and the USA.

    • @rdeh1678
      @rdeh1678 5 днів тому

      @gurneyforpresident2836 Multimatic is a Canadian company , in Ontario I know ford does go there with its technical support team and work with the team members there,my brother works there as a programmer , but he never worked on the GTD his team worked on the AMG One .But yes ford has major role in what they want , but many companies source third parties to make special cars like Multimatic as they already have the skilled employees and the equipment needed to make them , Ford is smart doing this as it would take years to assemble a team and train them plus make the facilities for these cars to be made by hand , keep in mind most of cars built are done on a assembly line where a person only does one part on each car , and lack the skills to build a car from the ground up .

    • @rdeh1678
      @rdeh1678 5 днів тому +1

      @gurneyforpresident2836 That's awesome you have a ford Gt but keep in mind the Ford GT produced in the early 2000's where 100% ford built and designed at MVS in Ohio then the final steps at SSV in Michigan but Ford realized that in order for use to build a race car they needed the Multimatic facility and design team to build the ford gt mk lv ,which is a great race car. Most people also forget that ford has used Multimatic since 1984 , any time they want to build a low number very limited sports car ford has used Multimatic . It still has a Ford name and the money came from ford , built in canada , designed in canada Larry has designed a awesome car .

    • @jkl6868
      @jkl6868 5 днів тому

      @@rdeh1678ford will never get the gt or the gtd right wo multimatic and their suspension/ shocks technology.

    • @gurneyforpresident2836
      @gurneyforpresident2836 5 днів тому

      @rdeh1678 You're preaching to the choir. I have been there and personally know Engineers from both Ford and Multimatic.
      I saw my 2019 Ford GT being assembled.
      Anything you want to know about the history of Ford Racing, Performance or in general let me know.

    • @gurneyforpresident2836
      @gurneyforpresident2836 5 днів тому

      @@rdeh1678 Wrong. The 05/06 2nd generation Ford GTs were designed in Ford Dearborn Design by Camilo Pardo the chief of that design team. I was at that facility.

  • @rdeh1678
    @rdeh1678 8 днів тому +4

    Considering porche will not sell you a gt3 unless you have bought a min of 6 other porches just to be considered this car is actually cheaper in the long run

    • @cylentone
      @cylentone 4 дні тому

      You are probably referring to the GT3 RS and you can easily get a new one with markup at around 320k EURO, so the base price of a GTD.

  • @MrSamPhoenix
    @MrSamPhoenix 6 днів тому

    I remember an episode of the comedy show “Martin” GTD stood for “Got The Drawers.”

  • @mattyp3119
    @mattyp3119 7 днів тому +1

    Not too bad... 15th overall and virtually tied the Porsche gt4rs with over 300hp less.. I guess it's a win it's under 7min

  • @stevenhanna242
    @stevenhanna242 8 днів тому +6

    They did it on a wet track

    • @cylentone
      @cylentone 8 днів тому +2

      No, they didn't

    • @lovelehstuff
      @lovelehstuff 8 днів тому +1

      Even if it was, so was the gt black series

    • @jamiemccaffree2806
      @jamiemccaffree2806 8 днів тому +1

      ​@cylentone sure,it rained earlier that day,watch the video ford put out

    • @cylentone
      @cylentone 7 днів тому

      @@jamiemccaffree2806 Yeah, as they were filming. They did not mention wet track and likely would not have posted this time if it were. If you look at the weather history, there was a brief light drizzle that day, but not all day. Ford was at the Ring with the GTD since May 2024. This lap was done August 7th.

    • @sebfettel
      @sebfettel 7 днів тому

      I believe they had to wait for it to dry out.

  • @BobbyDazzler888
    @BobbyDazzler888 8 днів тому

    800hp, carbon fiber body, drs wing, high down force, huge ceramics and 2024 rubber chemistry.
    Sounds about right

  • @jf6853
    @jf6853 8 днів тому +2

    I like it that they have done a sub 7 mins! BUT, it only just beat a $125K Porsche Cayman GT4RS. But, hopefully that will push FORD more!

    • @Redpepper7376
      @Redpepper7376 8 днів тому

      They’re going back in the spring.

    • @Qute227
      @Qute227 8 днів тому

      But it is the first car from the Western Hemisphere. So it becomes an icon

    • @jamiemccaffree2806
      @jamiemccaffree2806 8 днів тому

      Wet track earlier that day

    • @cylentone
      @cylentone 4 дні тому

      @@jamiemccaffree2806 Maybe earlier that day but not during the run. They were there for 3 months with the GTD so this was their fastest lap.

    • @marksutherlandjr.2121
      @marksutherlandjr.2121 4 дні тому

      Sub 7s in a Mustang-any kind of Mustang is a W. There is no other way to perceive the time.

  • @alphonsothomas3651
    @alphonsothomas3651 12 годин тому

    I'm willing to bet that Ford will do it again but with a more powerful and lighter Mustang Gtd

  • @jkl6868
    @jkl6868 5 днів тому

    Pretty sure if you take any manufacturer’s GT3 race cars and give them a few hundred more hp, they be this fast or faster too!

  • @ShadowBanned-h7k
    @ShadowBanned-h7k 8 днів тому +15

    So, with a ZR1 you could get better performance for 1/3 of the price. Seems like an easy choice, unless you are a Ford fanatic.

    • @Liberty-Works1111
      @Liberty-Works1111 8 днів тому


    • @Qute227
      @Qute227 8 днів тому +3

      The zR1 would have to break 7 minutes at the 'Ring as well

    • @tddynomite
      @tddynomite 8 днів тому +3

      "Seems like an easy choice, unless you are a Ford fanatic." or you care about resale value.

    • @teamcaveman
      @teamcaveman 8 днів тому +2

      @@tddynomite many of us actually think the vette isn’t all that pretty. Looks like a GTA Ferrari, which is ok I guess but not for me. The Lexus LFA wasn’t the best at or the fastest at anything. I’m sure the ZR1 is faster or the C7 ZR1 was faster, but something special about the overpriced LFA, just like the GTD. You vette guys can deny it but the vette will always be a good car but they always come and go

    • @ShadowBanned-h7k
      @ShadowBanned-h7k 8 днів тому

      @@tddynomite *""Seems like an easy choice, unless you are a Ford fanatic." or you care about resale value."*
      Well, I certainly hope that a car that costs 3X has a higher resale value than a car that costs X.

  • @bosspanda6195
    @bosspanda6195 7 днів тому +1

    What a disappointment for $300k this was a major failure from Ford I would buy GT3 RS for way less

    • @tylerking27
      @tylerking27 5 днів тому

      No you won’t. Used 2023’s are going for $450,000. Do your research before making unfounded comments.

    • @tylerking27
      @tylerking27 5 днів тому

      You probably can’t even buy a Hyundai, so….

    • @bosspanda6195
      @bosspanda6195 5 днів тому

      @@tylerking27 dummy activities first off I wouldn't buy a used car, 2nd I did a quick search and found a used GT3 RS for $160k 15min away this car sucks its got more power and shitty handling for a track

  • @fastlanerc8
    @fastlanerc8 8 днів тому +1

    Your description says 7 seconds not 7 minutes btw

    • @AutoGuide
      @AutoGuide  8 днів тому +1

      Whoops. Thanks for the catch. All fixed.

  • @rbendj22
    @rbendj22 8 днів тому +15

    If the car was between 150k-180k it would make sense. For over 300k ill take a Gt3rs and go faster than the mustang

    • @GranDaddo
      @GranDaddo 8 днів тому +8

      Not sure you can buy GT3 RS for under 300k. There is quite few videos saying even 400k is not enough for allocation.

    • @Liberty-Works1111
      @Liberty-Works1111 8 днів тому +3

      At the end of the day, its still a mustang & 300k opens the door to many options... I'd rather have a ZR1 Vette...

    • @raulmandujano152
      @raulmandujano152 8 днів тому +5

      But the zr1 is only a chevy corvette

    • @mogulme6190
      @mogulme6190 8 днів тому

      @@raulmandujano152which is still a better vehicle than a mustang. You’re probably not American so you may not know

    • @poppajretired410
      @poppajretired410 8 днів тому +2

      They didn’t build it with you in mind

  • @skylerhickman3646
    @skylerhickman3646 8 днів тому +2

    You said the best unofficial chevrolet time is the C8 Z06 which is pretty far off. The 2019 C7 Zr1 has unofficial times of 6:58 while it has an official time of 7:04

    • @jkl6868
      @jkl6868 8 днів тому

      With the newer tires, it will shave a few seconds off!

    • @skylerhickman3646
      @skylerhickman3646 8 днів тому

      @jkl6868 Exactly

    • @sebfettel
      @sebfettel 7 днів тому

      Nice both are fast cars. I think the lap times are achieved differently than the European models. Slower cornering speeds faster down the straits.

    • @tylerking27
      @tylerking27 5 днів тому

      7:04 actually…. 7 seconds is A LOT!!

    • @skylerhickman3646
      @skylerhickman3646 5 днів тому

      @@tylerking27 7 seconds is a lot yes but that was also only 1 run, theyve run it more after that and reached as low as 6:57

  • @marcoscamacho8913
    @marcoscamacho8913 8 днів тому +1


  • @JamaicanMeCrazy
    @JamaicanMeCrazy 8 днів тому +1

    That's ridiculous

  • @mrb6144
    @mrb6144 8 днів тому +1

    Way better value with a gt500 cftp

    • @sebfettel
      @sebfettel 7 днів тому

      You're right, if you want a plus 7 minute lap

  • @lovelehstuff
    @lovelehstuff 8 днів тому

    Is the fire in the room with us

  • @user-Dr.
    @user-Dr. 8 днів тому

    I've been looking, but I can't find any real footage of this lap, you look up the Camaro lap some 7 years ago, it is all on film, it is real, it is official, on street tires, I don't believe yet that this car can turn a better lap than that old Camaro on a level playing field, I road race all the time, bring it on.

    • @ryanmalone7185
      @ryanmalone7185 8 днів тому +1

      It's literally up on the Nurburgring youtube channel

    • @ryanmalone7185
      @ryanmalone7185 8 днів тому


    • @user-Dr.
      @user-Dr. 8 днів тому

      @@ryanmalone7185 yup, found it.

    • @sebfettel
      @sebfettel 7 днів тому

      Yeah it's posted now check it out

  • @sebfettel
    @sebfettel 7 днів тому

    And the track was damp

  • @mrb6144
    @mrb6144 8 днів тому

    Imagine taking a 325k car to a ford dealership, yikes

  • @cj41079
    @cj41079 8 днів тому +3

    Viper ACR could have if they had more money and time….

    • @skylerhickman3646
      @skylerhickman3646 8 днів тому +1

      Or if it was 8 years newer on newer tires lol. The mustang didnt beat America today

    • @sebfettel
      @sebfettel 7 днів тому

      That applies to every model

    • @cj41079
      @cj41079 7 днів тому

      @@sebfettel not every is car is capable of breaking 7min no matter how much time they have had at the ring

  • @frederickcook87
    @frederickcook87 7 днів тому +2

    Ruler of the ring?? How so when you’re 15th fastest???
    Make it make sense 😂
    A 300k car that after ridiculous markups might cost you 600k (and be limited run).
    I guess if you’re a Ford guy you grew up getting participation trophies 😉

  • @gaddyify
    @gaddyify 7 днів тому +1

    The ZR1 will beat this time, stand by.

    • @btzemat210
      @btzemat210 День тому

      Sorry the ZR1 did not beat the GTD time. Look it up.

  • @pppcorn
    @pppcorn 8 днів тому +1

    looks like it took front end influence from the recent civic and accord

  • @bosse641
    @bosse641 8 днів тому

    It doesn't look like a Mustang.

    • @Silverfox1982
      @Silverfox1982 8 днів тому

      Of course not. If it looked like a regular Mustang it would be 45 sec. slower. Porsche doesn’t attempt lap records in the standard 911 either. It would be a waste of time🤷🏼‍♂️

    • @jamiemccaffree2806
      @jamiemccaffree2806 8 днів тому

      Looks like a mustang to me

    • @sebfettel
      @sebfettel 7 днів тому

      Yes, it does.It looks exactly like a mustang

    • @diegohorton869
      @diegohorton869 5 днів тому

      Yes you’re wrong

  • @jay.-7093
    @jay.-7093 8 днів тому +3

    for that price i’d rather have a zl1 or c6/c7 zr1

    • @sebfettel
      @sebfettel 7 днів тому

      For that price, I would rather have a house but to each their own lol

  • @royrauch9775
    @royrauch9775 8 днів тому +1

    Still waiting on the ZR1 to roast the ring.With basically the same weight plus 200++ more HP. THAT CAR should be the one to watch. The Z06 with 150 less HP was only 13 seconds slower! Bedside the GTD PRICE IS INSANE!

    • @sebfettel
      @sebfettel 7 днів тому

      Yeah, it's not cheap, but I'm proud of Ford. It's a fast car

  • @haromaster6086
    @haromaster6086 7 днів тому

    😂😂😂 $300,000. HARD PASS, so many cars better for far less.

    • @Luis_slides
      @Luis_slides 7 днів тому

      You wouldn’t even be able to get one

    • @sebfettel
      @sebfettel 7 днів тому

      Can you not appreciate good engineering? Do you whine about everything you can't afford?

  • @bosspanda6195
    @bosspanda6195 7 днів тому

    A modified WRX was faster and no it didn't beat 918 Spyder, that car ran a 6:57 flat

  • @ManTa-o5y
    @ManTa-o5y 8 днів тому +1

    That beast has completely obliterated the record of the Nissan GTR Nismo or ANY Japanese production car model for thst matter!😮😮😮
    Albeit costing over $100k more than the Nismo, but just as "exclusive" due to their similar limited production of around 1000 units. 😊

  • @Thatsilvere46
    @Thatsilvere46 8 днів тому

    They beat bmw bmw a few seconds not really impressed for the price, and almost double the hp 😂

  • @JamesSpencer-f7u
    @JamesSpencer-f7u 8 днів тому +2

    Shameful. a 300K so-called pure race car can't beat old-tech GT3s or GT2s with twice the bhp. American can do better, just not with a mustang

    • @justincharles6585
      @justincharles6585 8 днів тому

      I wonder why they didn't take the Ford GT to make the run. After all it's cutting edge technology according to Ford and they have so much faith in the V6 ecoboost the put in it. That should have been the first American car to do a sub 7, especially at its price range

    • @jamiemccaffree2806
      @jamiemccaffree2806 8 днів тому +1

      Not the best track conditions,wet