Yes. YES!! Around four minutes in: they start the second part to the verses, the slow part-- the prechorus? -- Yes! I love that they have subtly inserted the part of the song they didn't use underneath all the madness above. Yes! In Electro World, I was doing the same thing at the end, but i realize now that it might be worth considering to remove a part of the song... To remove that part of the song, so I can unveilingly layer it later! Yes! YES!! Nothing is finer. I love the this specific mix
One of the most unique Stands in Steel Ball Run.
Found this song due to it being referenced in Steel Ball Run and now I can't stop listening. :S
This is great dude!!💖
omg this is so great... thanks so much!
Yes. YES!!
Around four minutes in: they start the second part to the verses, the slow part-- the prechorus? -- Yes!
I love that they have subtly inserted the part of the song they didn't use underneath all the madness above. Yes!
In Electro World, I was doing the same thing at the end, but i realize now that it might be worth considering to remove a part of the song... To remove that part of the song, so I can unveilingly layer it later!
Yes! YES!! Nothing is finer. I love the this specific mix
I love this song!!!!
awsome song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3
Linda canção!!! obrigado por postar :)
yeah, yeah Great remix. :)
the opening was a lil wierd with the repeated whispered sounds, but I love the rest of it.
Want a game of battleship?
@AnimeSweetAngels Don't know dear, but your grammar is actually perfect in this sentence! ^^
True! I am searching for a good remix for "Fake it", but I can't find anything...
2021 ))
col I like, super chido jeje n_n
You should join the Perfume City forums!
Piuk feley!!
Is this the one made by Nakata or by nnnne? I couldn't find it on nnnne's SoundCloud profile and this remix kicks ass. I would love to have it!!!! =/
Does anyone know how to get a hold of this?
anyone know whats the news or update about them? since japan hit by a earthquake. are they still alive? lol. i miss hard gay tho. XD
I agree. This song proves jesus exists.
shit happens...