Weird Spins : Another FREE Vinyl Records Haul

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @Davidicus-m8c
    @Davidicus-m8c Рік тому +1

    Peggy Connoly and Ethel Ennis are jazz vocalists, good finds, man!

    • @weirdspins6315
      @weirdspins6315  Рік тому

      Already spun these. Keepers for sure. Good stuff. Thanks!

    @ROCKNROLLFAN Рік тому +1

    I'm looking for Prince - Paisley Park picture disc 7" with the little boy hanging onto the balloon. Hopefully, ill find one at the next record show.

  • @hmdo1982
    @hmdo1982 Рік тому +1

    Well done my friend. I have a box full of cassettes if you want I'll be happy to 🎁 to you.

    • @weirdspins6315
      @weirdspins6315  Рік тому +1

      I do not have means to run them format wise... my request, same as happened with much of this haul... support local charity. I know you roll like that anyway my friend. You will always have my great admiration and appreciation.