Byk perkara that i let go because i know. It happens only for my good though sometimes garai emosi. One thing i know for sure. Maybe not now and not today. I learn that chracters built under circumstances and acceptance. Allah mengerti Allah peduli this and that. These and those. He is never sleeping. Were not forsaken not single second together things work my good because He cares for me
Nunggu midi nya kak..
Byk perkara that i let go because i know. It happens only for my good though sometimes garai emosi. One thing i know for sure. Maybe not now and not today. I learn that chracters built under circumstances and acceptance. Allah mengerti Allah peduli this and that. These and those. He is never sleeping. Were not forsaken not single second together things work my good because He cares for me
Nice piano play ! Boleh minta izin untuk dipakai sebagai accompaniment untuk cover flute saya? Terima kasih