Join the discord fr: download GearUP booster here: edit: the style animations showcase is scuffed since i messed up the placement for the shotgun icon, and a couple of the footage i had was partially corrupted :(
You guys had to learn how to dodge punches could never be me Im lying my ass off I'm only good bc I play games that need like diabolical reaction time 😭😭😭
@@ItsTrifeIf you go against bad ghost players, it is definitely possible. You do have to dodge before the jab comes out tho, so it becomes more prediction than reaction.
Join the discord fr:
download GearUP booster here:
edit: the style animations showcase is scuffed since i messed up the placement for the shotgun icon, and a couple of the footage i had was partially corrupted :(
Blue lock reference
Were to poor bro we ain't buying premium
why does my m1 startup feel so slow right now i had like 60 ping too
i also see my m1s startup slow
Visual bug
Server problem
it wae a visual bug. its already fixed now but u should probably know that
11:37 hey wait hol’ up-
Thanks! This game is really hard to get into, Im on day 3 and I'm getting just rolled so any help is appreciated
the ghost jab it really not that fast there a brief startup before the jab fires
You guys had to learn how to dodge punches could never be me
Im lying my ass off I'm only good bc I play games that need like diabolical reaction time 😭😭😭
Ghost jab is only unreactable if you don’t see it coming. Ive perfect dodged many ghost jabs when i knew they were coming
It's possible when you're in the "flow"
@@bedwarsbacon8798 ❌
@@ItsTrife he isn't lying
@@ItsTrifeIf you go against bad ghost players, it is definitely possible. You do have to dodge before the jab comes out tho, so it becomes more prediction than reaction.
ngl, im running GearUP booster everytime i play UBG now 😭 (thanks trife)
sigma sigma boy
sigma boy sigma boy
Yo ngl u need a new mic, w vid tho