

  • @stanwaters8679
    @stanwaters8679 Місяць тому +23

    I was the victim of an attempted carjacking where a man shot point blank at my temple. The driver door window didn’t break! Clearly and undeniably a miracle🙏🏼 My Guardian Angel stopped that bullet that day! Amen! Changed my life forever.

    • @yukkimooky3941
      @yukkimooky3941 Місяць тому +2

      I bet you are grateful for every minute of life you have and every opportunity to serve God!
      I have had two major brushes with death myself - and coming away unscathed made me realise that my Creator still has work for me to do.
      And because of this I intend to serve Him gratefully with all my strength till my time on earth is done.

    • @stanwaters8679
      @stanwaters8679 Місяць тому

      @@yukkimooky3941 May God lead us both to the tasks he has for us and give us the faith and strength to accomplish it🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

    • @techlife4667
      @techlife4667 Місяць тому


  • @denahoward10
    @denahoward10 Місяць тому +13

    I know he has angels that take care of all. Thank you Jesus. ❤❤❤

  • @diesel9650
    @diesel9650 Місяць тому +6

    Such a good pastor,you stay so close to the word of God when you teach... thank you

  • @diesel9650
    @diesel9650 Місяць тому +6

    This is so good thank you I had to repent for some things just listening to this video

  • @bonniekesic8040
    @bonniekesic8040 Місяць тому +17

    Angels can pick you up out of a raging river, they can wake you up before a pack of wolves get you, and they can redirect your driving so you don't get hit by a military tank that was stolen from an army base ( and headed straight fir you). Just ask me. I am living proof of all the above.

  • @user-vn9wd9sq7f
    @user-vn9wd9sq7f Місяць тому +6

    Thank you for sharing biblical TRUTH brother Barnett❤❤❤

  • @ceraroberts2691
    @ceraroberts2691 Місяць тому +1

    I love the references to the Mormons 😊
    Im here in small town, mormon ruled Utah and it is crazy!!! I told a family member I wasn't going to church with them because they don't have the samr Jesus as I do. That was a minor explosion 💥💥💥..... Now said family member loves me from across the county!
    Thank you for the information to add to my own research on this matter. The more I know the better I am! Pray for these Mormons.....they are so stubborn and blind. They need lots of help getting out of the cult.
    Thank you.

  • @theneontiger5280
    @theneontiger5280 Місяць тому

    I love how you share the history and culture of the time. It helps connect so many things for me. Thank you for sharing with us.

  • @Surdashery954
    @Surdashery954 Місяць тому +1


  • @cassandrar5089
    @cassandrar5089 Місяць тому +5

    Hey Mr. Barnett 👋QUESTION...If the angels were created on the first day, then how do you explain to the Jewish people that Jesus and God are the "us" in Gen. 1: 26? My husband is Jewish and he says the "us" in Gen. 1:26 is the ANGELS and GOD. He believes in the Sprit and the one and only God but not the Son. He says God can never be seen, and Jesus was a man, therefore He can not be God.
    It is so hard to explain and get him to understand. He says he has a "free ticket" to heaven . I am at a loss. I fear for his soul when the Lord takes us 🙏 💔 Perhaps you could do a lesson on that? 🙏 thank you so much. ❤

    • @michelleduncan9965
      @michelleduncan9965 Місяць тому

      "Let us maks man in our image" (in Genesis) is conversation between God the Father & Jesus as creation is about to occur. Jesus is actually credited with creation.

    • @michelleduncan9965
      @michelleduncan9965 Місяць тому

      "Let us maks man in our image" (in Genesis) is conversation between God the Father & Jesus as creation is about to occur. Jesus is actually credited with creation.

    • @cassandrar5089
      @cassandrar5089 Місяць тому

      @@michelleduncan9965 can you elaborate? He doesn't understand.

  • @linklesstennessee2078
    @linklesstennessee2078 Місяць тому +4

    Thanks John I needed this message today I learned a lot

  • @jetblak1111
    @jetblak1111 Місяць тому +3


  • @theashman1967
    @theashman1967 Місяць тому


  • @maryjane37197
    @maryjane37197 Місяць тому +1

    😮 It is easy for people who probably have never been in a physically abusive marriage, and people who have an income, to say just flee to somewhere safe.
    Speaking as a survivor, not everyone is physically and financially able to flee. The agencies that are created to help people escape cannot help everyone. Those who are disabled often fall through the cracks as the agencies tell us they cannot accomodate or disabilities.
    And, then there are those who have pets, who have become our surrogate children, but the agencies won't accomodate pets, and we know if we leave them behind our abusers will torture our beloved children to punish us for leaving.
    No money - is it safer to be homeless and starving when you are sick or disabled, than to be beat occasionally? Not in the mind of the victim, especially if they have children.
    So, to say to us just flee when you know nothing about the whole situation is arrogance. Instead of telling us to flee saying God wants us to be safe ... maybe offer us the help and resources to be able to flee to somewhere safe and help us land on our feet?

    • @puglover8171
      @puglover8171 Місяць тому +1

      He was addressing the issue of does being faithful to the LORD, or to our spouse mean we need to stay and suffer abuse . It is not a sin to leave. Yes , there may be difficult circumstances. He wasn't doing a full treatise 18:27 18:28

    • @puglover8171
      @puglover8171 Місяць тому

      He was addressing the issue of does being faithful to the LORD, or to our spouse mean we need to stay and suffer abuse . It is not a sin to leave. Yes , there may be difficult circumstances. He wasn't doing a full treatise on what to do, or judgiing those in those circumstances. Sorry about the difficulty you went through.

    • @richardbrill2807
      @richardbrill2807 Місяць тому

      We must have faith that when God tells us to flee that He has prepared us somewhere to go.

    • @randomCHELdad
      @randomCHELdad Місяць тому

      Yeah... rely on God, not telling the world that everyone needs to help you...

    • @lisa4357
      @lisa4357 Місяць тому

      Years ago, I participated in a training about DV. At the beginning, each of us were given a certain amount of social "credits" and a certain amount of financial "credits." Then we were guided through a series of decisions, and every time we made a choice OTHER THAN staying with the abuser, we had to spend a credit. Going to a hotel? Financial credit. Staying on a friend's couch? Social credit. Etc.
      Towards the end of the session, my decisions led me to a shelter, but the shelter didn't accept pets. The result was that my "abuser" killed my pet.
      It probably seems very silly to most people, but in general, but as an animal lover especially, the training had a profound effect on me.
      After that, I never again thought, "She should just leave." It's so much more complicated than that.
      I pray that God guides your choices and protects you

  • @ryanmilner5888
    @ryanmilner5888 Місяць тому

    Why do angels not appear before man anymore?

  • @BooRadley-uv5so
    @BooRadley-uv5so Місяць тому

    hmmm..... on the outer body experience part at around 32 minutes... do you think most if not all NDE's are a facade? like for instance Bryan Melvin or Randy Kay or Mary Katherine Baxter and of course Colton Burpo

    • @YESYES-qz2ex
      @YESYES-qz2ex Місяць тому

      @BooRadley-uv5so. Mary Baxter either never read the entire Bible, or she misunderstood the little she did read. Either way, she taught her followers a load of trash. The other names you mention all speak the truth.

    • @YESYES-qz2ex
      @YESYES-qz2ex Місяць тому

      My brother used to stay by my husband and myself. One day he arrived home much earlier than expected. I wondered why and how come he was wearing jeans instead of the suit he had worn when he left home in the morning. As he came walking up to me, I started to talk to him, he stopped walking up to me and stood about 3 feet away, when suddenly he disappeared right before my eyes. Thats when I realised it was a demon.

  • @hampham2000
    @hampham2000 Місяць тому

    Spread the gospel to everyone especially your family and friends

  • @lisamarie6611
    @lisamarie6611 Місяць тому

    X kicked me out for the truth.......🔼🔼 I am not like how they made my son. He/ both spoke even though one was taken. Look, the SOP is here.

  • @Constitutionkiller-ye1xw
    @Constitutionkiller-ye1xw Місяць тому +1

    So you say demons are fallen angels, then why don't they take human form? Angels can take human form, according to the bible. Why do demons inhabit a body, search for a dwelling place? Demons being fallen angels doesn't make sense biblically or worldly. How about demons are the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim, who are neither human nor angels. A Nephilim spirit would not 'return to God' because it was not part of His creation, so they have no home.

  • @rheabarbeau457
    @rheabarbeau457 Місяць тому +3

    If Lucifer was the strongest angel being a seraphim if I'm not mistaken and was thrown out of Heaven by Michael a Archangel how is it Lucifer was so called the strongest angel yes at one time he was God's favorite but I don't see him as the strongest if he was thrown out of heaven by Michael

    • @Stygian360
      @Stygian360 Місяць тому +6

      This is a great question. This is not the answer but this is my thought. Very likely when the situation calls for it the Lord strengthens whichever Angel he chooses. If he is strengthening Michael to overcome Satan or it's possible that Michael really is the stronger angel, this might help explain it

    • @steffanhelle8332
      @steffanhelle8332 Місяць тому +5

      Revelation 12:7-12
      New King James Version
      Satan Thrown Out of Heaven
      7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels (plural!) fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they [a]did not prevail, nor was a place found for [b]them in heaven any longer. 9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

    • @steffanhelle8332
      @steffanhelle8332 Місяць тому +5

      Dont you think God can grant any amount of power, to whoever He want empowered !?

    • @maryjane37197
      @maryjane37197 Місяць тому +4

      😮 I don't think it means power as in physical strength. I think it means power as in stature and authority. Like a president is supposedly the most powerful office in government, but the military can over throw a president and kick them out of office.

    • @user-jm8dm7lc8q
      @user-jm8dm7lc8q Місяць тому +1

      Hel’el “Lucifer” is not a seraphim but a cherubim quite a difference my friend. And YAHUAH has and will always have authority over all living things in creation and that includes Hel’el as well. He gives and takes power away from whomever He chooses. Therefore Hel’el has no power over anyone but those that YAHUAH Himself aloud him to have power over them. Also Hel’el has not been cast down to earth for this event occurs in Revelation my friend. For one cannot lose a place or a house that one does not have.

  • @VikkiMcCombie
    @VikkiMcCombie Місяць тому

    If there were 12 apostles that walked with Jesus, the would that not make Paul the 13th?

  • @maryjane37197
    @maryjane37197 Місяць тому

    😮 Why do you think that Jacob first had to wrestle the angel, who came to rename him Israel?

    • @etta694
      @etta694 Місяць тому

      It says in genesis 32: 28 and he said, your name shall be called no more Jacob but Israel for you have contended with God and have prevailed.
      So he was not wrestling an Angel, he was wrestling the Angel of God which is Christ before he was incarnate . Until we are broken of our own strength, we are not useable by God.

  • @johnfleet1854
    @johnfleet1854 Місяць тому


  • @Fanusvdm
    @Fanusvdm Місяць тому

    It only affects gullible and superstitious people.

  • @victoriam.b.4786
    @victoriam.b.4786 Місяць тому

    moroni- mormon angel.

    • @jeffc5474
      @jeffc5474 Місяць тому

      Moroni, a demon pretending to be an angel.

  • @user-jt3ex9pl8s
    @user-jt3ex9pl8s Місяць тому +2

    🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊Please 🙏🏻pray for salvation for Chris, Pete and Nick.

  • @davidway4259
    @davidway4259 Місяць тому


  • @user-vn9wd9sq7f
    @user-vn9wd9sq7f Місяць тому +1


  • @davidway4259
    @davidway4259 Місяць тому

    What if they are not?? The space between man and the other Realms. Dummy story book readers can sell anything written in Pope God Incs Party day Book.

  • @theneontiger5280
    @theneontiger5280 Місяць тому

    I love how you share the history and culture of the time. It helps connect so many things for me. Thank you for sharing with us.

  • @SuperWhatapain
    @SuperWhatapain Місяць тому
