I swear i love you so much ibrahim I just borrow my brother phone to watch your movie tonight Am your baby girl yusuf barakat opeyemi I pray Almight Allah give you long life in good health and wealth my love
Your bless brother... Kudos to you The very first time I met you was in Osogbo..... I could feel how intelligent you are cuz we talked at length....More wisdom brother👦
I love Yoruba muslims but, islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Walai , this is noting but above my imagination. Ibrahim, you are well knowledgeable on your religion. Even we Christian can’t say much about the religious like this - Chattanooga , Mo gba fun eeeeee
islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. JazaakAllahu khaeran katheeran my brother. I have always known you to be a reasonable, realistic and intelligent individual. May Allah SWT continue to be with you, guide you, protect you, and bless you abundantly. BarakAllahu feeh.
@@remilekunadekoya8254 islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly." And He completed them as seven heavens within two days and inspired [i.e., made known] in each heaven its command. And We adorned the nearest heaven with lamps [i.e., stars, for beauty] and as protection. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing. ●Mountain first ended with heavens and lamps qur'an 79,27-32 Are you a more difficult creation or is the heaven? He [i.e., Allah] constructed it. raising it high and forming it flawlessly. And He darkened its night and extracted its brightness. And after that He spread the earth He extracted from it its water and its pasture And the mountains He set firmly ●allah created heaven first then finished with the mountain.
Ori yin pe sir omo ogbon omo oye wa pe laye ni ti dada, more wisdom bros that is why i love you 😍😘💪✌pls go and eat good food jor leyin ounje ounje tun ni sir, oseh baba mi😘😘😘
al-lah is no God islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Masha Allah.Am pleased with such a display of knowledge of Islam,may Allah increase you in faith and may Allah grant all the Departed soul in right path jannatul Firdausi.
@@mypersonalruqyahjourney1226 islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly." And He completed them as seven heavens within two days and inspired [i.e., made known] in each heaven its command. And We adorned the nearest heaven with lamps [i.e., stars, for beauty] and as protection. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing. ●Mountain first ended with heavens and lamps qur'an 79,27-32 Are you a more difficult creation or is the heaven? He [i.e., Allah] constructed it. raising it high and forming it flawlessly. And He darkened its night and extracted its brightness. And after that He spread the earth He extracted from it its water and its pasture And the mountains He set firmly ●allah created heaven first then finished with the mountain.
My brother Ibrahim Shatta don't bother ur self with what ever they say Saidi Shittu said about you, all though am not a Muslim, am a Christian, yet I love anyone that is reseaosnable, you and him are not on the same level. You Ibrahim Shatta is an honourable person. GBU my brother.
Try to correct your errors islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
I always tell people about how intelligent you are, watching the way you act and the way you talked in films I knew how high your intelligences are and you just proved it again, God will continue to bless you abundantly with wisdom and knowledge sir Chata , Christians and Muslims we are one before God but people that lack the wisdom of God misinterpreted things .
Good but not intelligent enough, islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Smash al-lah islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Smash al-lah islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Mashala! May Almighty Allah continue to bless you and your family! May he continue to increase your knowledge! If not I have basic background know about Islam ☪️ like all those our big brother mentioned here person like us will not like Islam the way most Alfa this generation continue to interpret message from the Qur’an just to suit themself ! God has already perfected his Religion why do will like to Jude
God bless you sir, well said, even God warn us not disrespect the king because he Allah is the one that make them king, and who are you to Judge the dead
islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Maashaa_Allah tabaaroq This is nothing but Islam. May almighty Allah keep guiding you through. It's not easy in film production neither in other jobs too. May almighty Allah ease our affairs, accept our i'baadah and make us among the dweller of Aljannah
islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
The Jews say, “Ezra is the son of Allah,” while the Christians say, “The Messiah is the son of Allah.” Such are their baseless assertions, only parroting the words of earlier disbelievers. May Allah destroy them! How can they be deluded ˹from the truth˺? qur'an 9,30 "May allah destroy them" is a curse Secondly, how can allah say 'May allah curse them?' Means, allah is the one talking in the qur'an. allah curse on the Jews and Christians never worked, allah is a useless lifeless idol.
Omo this social Media of a thing na disappointment Ibrahim chatta of all people giving fatwah or what i dy always like his movie but just go down on this jhoor
With all these comments,it shows the parallel situation of Islam and Yorubas. If someone like Ibrahim chata,with his outlook has become your preacher and people are appreciating him with all his hypocritic information he is passing across just to gain public sympathy,it means many do not know what Islam mean in Yoruba land. Is Islam a movie? It means anyone can just come out to pass out information on Islam even he doesn't possess any attribute of a Muslim
Can you explain more about islam than these? islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
My problem is that, this so called Kaaba is not even only land they claimed but idols shrine of prophet Ibrahim and even not Mohammed changed it or demonized it but make it look so real,
This is what happen to Africa when we lost our dignity, everything both Christians and Muslim believed in are what we have in our tradition, I wonder why you tag your own tradition evil and wanted to be accepted in other part of the world, you are a racist within yourself, don't u think only a foolish individuals will hate him or herself and wanted to be accepted elsewhere? Think Africa.
Let us be plain okay our God is a jealous God he didn't want us to serve small gods why would they go there and pray on him why can't they go there when he is alive and lecture him and show him the way of life which is the holy way may the Lord be with us thou shall not judge all on God
@@adebayoabiodun1078 bro dnt say dat Dey May av advised him Nd he neva accept Alafin is jst like an idol himself cox I dnt tink he worship anytin apart from idol thou he do go to Muslim lecture Nd all dat but I dnt tink he practiced d religion nd for dem goin dat is d last respect Dey can give him .is only God dat knws who truly is serving him
My brother, God bless 🙌 you and to your knowledge. Imo loladini ogbon ogbe, I am always shame that he bear this same name with. Saheed oruko nla. I beg he should change his name
Shut up joor. So your religion is filled with saints. Better not start religion trouble. May Allah forgive you for this one you said. Go and receive sense
You are not lying I was born and brought in Oyo he use to go to mosque and if there is program in church he use to attend and traditionally he as to do that cuz he is the king
islam is actually a pagans practices. Bismilah = Bismi-lah Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah Allah = al-lah Lah is the pagans moon god mohamed's father worshipped Lah His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah allah = al-lah rasullilah = rasulli-lah Astaghfiru-lah Nauzubil-lah Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol. It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat. Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣 qur'an 41,9-12 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds." And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
But why would the lie against him. I watched his video now n explaining he didn't enter d inner room with those that entered. We all should learn to be factual in our deeds.
I’m not a Muslim but you bost my brain with the high level knowledge and wisdom. God continue to bless your wisdom.
I love you brother ❤️❤️
My love for this guy has no boundaries.
Thanks brother for saying the truth. I am a Christian and Thanks for sharing the truth.
My brother, good man, am happy to see u
Highly intelligent I respect you bro
I swear i love you so much ibrahim
I just borrow my brother phone to watch your movie tonight
Am your baby girl yusuf barakat opeyemi
I pray Almight Allah give you long life in good health and wealth my love
I miss you here Ayomi
God will continue to bless you more my love
More knowledge and understanding masha Allah
Ibraheem chatta..... my secret admire💕💕💕💕 lots of love for you from cotonou
More respect for you you are blessed 💞💞💞💞💞
Your bless brother... Kudos to you
The very first time I met you was in Osogbo.....
I could feel how intelligent you are cuz we talked at length....More wisdom brother👦
I love you ❤️
See wisdom ... God bless boss 💯
I love you so much God bless you 🙏
Well said
You're blessed brother❤💯
This is the highest level of maturity... I so much love this talented guy ehn ❤️❤️❤️ see how he replied in a peaceful way
I love Yoruba muslims but,
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
ManshaAllah ❤❤❤❤❤
I think this is the best answer to any Jaili
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Walai , this is noting but above my imagination.
Ibrahim, you are well knowledgeable on your religion.
Even we Christian can’t say much about the religious like this - Chattanooga , Mo gba fun eeeeee
More more more wisdom bless to you bro ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
God will bless you more blessings
Jazakumlahu khaira
Walahi Walahi I love you more my brother in Islam may almighty continue to be pleased with you and your family .omo oko yato si omo ale
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. JazaakAllahu khaeran katheeran my brother. I have always known you to be a reasonable, realistic and intelligent individual. May Allah SWT continue to be with you, guide you, protect you, and bless you abundantly. BarakAllahu feeh.
God bless you my brother, what a wisdom, congratulations
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
And He completed them as seven heavens within two days and inspired [i.e., made known] in each heaven its command. And We adorned the nearest heaven with lamps [i.e., stars, for beauty] and as protection. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.
●Mountain first ended with heavens and lamps
qur'an 79,27-32
Are you a more difficult creation or is the heaven? He [i.e., Allah] constructed it.
raising it high and forming it flawlessly.
And He darkened its night and extracted its brightness.
And after that He spread the earth
He extracted from it its water and its pasture
And the mountains He set firmly
●allah created heaven first then finished with the mountain.
@@energy3198 nobody will answer you with this nonsense you are posting because you have no knowledge of Islam
@@folarinidrisoladipupo1040 I have more islamic than even your ignorant al-lah.
Much respect bro
Love u
Bro Ibrahim
Omo to na omo pa
Eewa re po
Ori yin pe sir omo ogbon omo oye wa pe laye ni ti dada, more wisdom bros that is why i love you 😍😘💪✌pls go and eat good food jor leyin ounje ounje tun ni sir, oseh baba mi😘😘😘
monsha allah sheik ibrahim muh chatta
See how human being explain words of God with knowledge, jasakunmula airan
al-lah is no God
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Alhamdulihi for the wizdom bro. Jashakulih khiran
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Short and simple more wisdom 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Masha Allah.Am pleased with such a display of knowledge of Islam,may Allah increase you in faith and may Allah grant all the Departed soul in right path jannatul Firdausi.
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
And He completed them as seven heavens within two days and inspired [i.e., made known] in each heaven its command. And We adorned the nearest heaven with lamps [i.e., stars, for beauty] and as protection. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.
●Mountain first ended with heavens and lamps
qur'an 79,27-32
Are you a more difficult creation or is the heaven? He [i.e., Allah] constructed it.
raising it high and forming it flawlessly.
And He darkened its night and extracted its brightness.
And after that He spread the earth
He extracted from it its water and its pasture
And the mountains He set firmly
●allah created heaven first then finished with the mountain.
You are talking with ignorance you don't have any knowledge about what you are saying may Allah forgive you
God bless u sir
God bless you!!!
My brother Ibrahim Shatta don't bother ur self with what ever they say Saidi Shittu said about you, all though am not a Muslim, am a Christian, yet I love anyone that is reseaosnable, you and him are not on the same level. You Ibrahim Shatta is an honourable person. GBU my brother.
Well Said
You’re blessed sir🙏💯
Allah SWT will continue to bless you my big brother
I will also love you bro
I love this man
Allahu Akbar me too my blessed brother
Try to correct your errors
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Fantastic reply you couldn't have said it better
Jazakumu llahu kairan
SalamU Alaeikun Waharamotullahi Wabarakhatuhu
You’ve said it all
IMO loni Adinni ogbon koo.
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Allah bless chatta, love u bro
Nice one bro
Thanks for the words
Hmm Allahu Akbar... See response with educative
Tnks more for ur knowledge 👍
I always tell people about how intelligent you are, watching the way you act and the way you talked in films I knew how high your intelligences are and you just proved it again, God will continue to bless you abundantly with wisdom and knowledge sir Chata , Christians and Muslims we are one before God but people that lack the wisdom of God misinterpreted things .
Good but not intelligent enough,
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Tuale sir more wisdom sir ❤️❤️❤️❤️
This is so true. Much love I got for you. May Almighty Allah increase your knowledge.
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Jarzakum lahu hairah
MASHA ALLHA 🤲🤲🤲 my hero😘😘
Smash al-lah
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Alhamdulillah shukran
Thanks sir
Long life for you insha’allah
Smash al-lah
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
You spoke very maturedly
Nice one....but he should have just ignore the Alfa n move on...
Maa Sha Allah
Mashala! May Almighty Allah continue to bless you and your family! May he continue to increase your knowledge! If not I have basic background know about Islam ☪️ like all those our big brother mentioned here person like us will not like Islam the way most Alfa this generation continue to interpret message from the Qur’an just to suit themself ! God has already perfected his Religion why do will like to Jude
God will continue to be with you sir
God bless you sir, well said, even God warn us not disrespect the king because he Allah is the one that make them king, and who are you to Judge the dead
More knowledge from Almighty Allah.
See how Ibrahim is educating the foolish Shekiyu Shittu. Weldone chatta, sound and knowledgeable unlike Agbero Ahlu fitina
Who sheik shittu... Abi shittu
@@badmusabdulquadri4736 I called him Shekiyu "Oloriburuku" that is the meaning NOT Sheik. check it very well
Allahumah aaameen. Ati emi naa o. Aaameen
Wow, this is an amazing explanation and clarification.Don't mind Said shittu or whatever his name 📛
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Waleekumsalam waramotuliilah wabarakatuh
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
More wisdom sir
More blessings my brother 🙏
Maashaa_Allah tabaaroq
This is nothing but Islam.
May almighty Allah keep guiding you through. It's not easy in film production neither in other jobs too.
May almighty Allah ease our affairs, accept our i'baadah and make us among the dweller of Aljannah
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Orun re o, Baba wa Alaafin
You’ve spoken very well, sir. He’s not a real Muslim he’s just messing about. Imagine him causing people in Mecca, it’s totally wrong…
Na lizzy Anjorin husband
@@anjolaoluwaewatomi1009 who’s Lizzy Anjorin’s husband? Cus I don’t get your point, sir/ma
The Jews say, “Ezra is the son of Allah,” while the Christians say, “The Messiah is the son of Allah.” Such are their baseless assertions, only parroting the words of earlier disbelievers. May Allah destroy them! How can they be deluded ˹from the truth˺? qur'an 9,30
"May allah destroy them" is a curse
Secondly, how can allah say 'May allah curse them?' Means, allah is the one talking in the qur'an.
allah curse on the Jews and Christians never worked, allah is a useless lifeless idol.
Saidi shittu has forgotten that one day he will speak no more but till dat one happen you will have no rest
Subhanallah!!! He has cursed himself already, please don't let us add to it.
So intelligent 🥰🫠
Short and simple more wisdom
I can testify to the eid program cus have meet him one or two times
Controversial words.
Omo this social Media of a thing na disappointment Ibrahim chatta of all people giving fatwah or what i dy always like his movie but just go down on this jhoor
How is this a fatwa ? Make una rest Abeg
You lack understanding to decode sentence bruh make you na go sleep
Ramadan Mubarak
With all these comments,it shows the parallel situation of Islam and Yorubas.
If someone like Ibrahim chata,with his outlook has become your preacher and people are appreciating him with all his hypocritic information he is passing across just to gain public sympathy,it means many do not know what Islam mean in Yoruba land.
Is Islam a movie? It means anyone can just come out to pass out information on Islam even he doesn't possess any attribute of a Muslim
Can you explain more about islam than these?
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
My problem is that, this so called Kaaba is not even only land they claimed but idols shrine of prophet Ibrahim and even not Mohammed changed it or demonized it but make it look so real,
S a w
Thank you Ibrahim chatta for the words of wisdom for that lunatic called saheed shittu he is a nuisance that is why he can not come down to Nigeria.
This is what happen to Africa when we lost our dignity, everything both Christians and Muslim believed in are what we have in our tradition, I wonder why you tag your own tradition evil and wanted to be accepted in other part of the world, you are a racist within yourself, don't u think only a foolish individuals will hate him or herself and wanted to be accepted elsewhere? Think Africa.
Thank you my brother
So true
Hmmmm Dad aye lohun se jaree 🤷
Let us be plain okay our God is a jealous God he didn't want us to serve small gods why would they go there and pray on him why can't they go there when he is alive and lecture him and show him the way of life which is the holy way may the Lord be with us thou shall not judge all on God
@@adebayoabiodun1078 bro dnt say dat Dey May av advised him Nd he neva accept Alafin is jst like an idol himself cox I dnt tink he worship anytin apart from idol thou he do go to Muslim lecture Nd all dat but I dnt tink he practiced d religion nd for dem goin dat is d last respect Dey can give him .is only God dat knws who truly is serving him
Ibukun ni fun e Ibrahim o seoju o tu se eyin baba
My brother, God bless 🙌 you and to your knowledge. Imo loladini ogbon ogbe, I am always shame that he bear this same name with. Saheed oruko nla. I beg he should change his name
Olori buruku ni saheed...... E fi sole o ma se radarada keyin Ile aiye ni
Oti pari oro
You just finished him
Ki olorun se aforiji fun gbogbo wa,nitoriwiipe ko to si enikan lati so wipe enikeni yo wonnaa
See wisdom. Wow
Saheed Shitu lacks this
Am Sure he doesn't even know all this he mentioned here..... that's how they cause confusion everywhere.
You need to make a lot of questions about this religion.... problem all the time all over the world
Shut up joor. So your religion is filled with saints. Better not start religion trouble. May Allah forgive you for this one you said. Go and receive sense
Not all over is some part of the world like Iraq
Continue dlseving yourself...
All religious are one and we just have to love our neighbours as ourselves, you denied traditional religion abi.
It hard for African to hit the nail on the head
You are not lying I was born and brought in Oyo he use to go to mosque and if there is program in church he use to attend and traditionally he as to do that cuz he is the king
islam is actually a pagans practices.
Bismilah = Bismi-lah
Alhamdulilah= Alhamduli-lah
Allah = al-lah
Lah is the pagans moon god
mohamed's father worshipped Lah
His name is Abdullah = abdul-lah
allah = al-lah
rasullilah = rasulli-lah
Your stone god is lah the lifeless useless moon idol.
It has three daughters: alat, uzzat and menat.
Forgetful allah cannot remember what it first created. 🤣
qur'an 41,9-12
Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."
And He placed on it [i.e., the earth] firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction- for [the information of] those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
God bless you Ibrahim but some of your fellow Muslims brothers are ignorant very ignorant .
Who is Saidi Shittu to judge anyone that is a Muslim? Is Saidi Shittu a good Muslim with his behaviours?
But why would the lie against him. I watched his video now n explaining he didn't enter d inner room with those that entered. We all should learn to be factual in our deeds.