@@PhoenixGamerxx9613 Shantae Has the potential of being a tv show, it is full of funny dialogue mix of technology and rpg fantasy world, bunch of random stuff happening, funny characters to laugh at like Bolo and Rotty. The ONLY little tinyyy issue.. is that uuuh.. it has a Lot of fanservice SO... the show gotta give new outfits that cover the boobas to be E rated
Well, if there is an anime, then either it's the events of game one to the current game. If for whatever reason it comes on any DVD store, buy it to see such a work of art
No, only the cinematic cutsences or sometimes when you talk to the npc's but I want a full voiced shantae. It was supposed to happen for half genie hero on kickstarter but it never happened which sucks.
Let's be honest, the moment the Zombie Half-Genie winked at Shantae, we all knew it was Rottytops in disguise. (Heck, probably knew when we were first introduced to her in the game...)
I really wanted her Not to be because I mean come on a zombie half genie? that was such a cool idea, but yeah.. it was more than obvious that it was her and it would be very funnyif Rottytops do a ''pauper and the princess'' game >XD but guess it would had been too much, oh well
@@johntheechidna1050 You can get something close to that smash bros ultimate. Play as Wario with Shantae spirit equipped. Then pull Bomberman as an assistant trophy.
Mean like how sephiroth drops down with no gloves then it shows aerith then he has gloves on and lands and stabs her? When the fuck did he put gloves on lmao
@@k1productions87 Isn't Sky shipped with Bolo, while Rotty's shipped with Shantae? Atleast that's my general impression of the fandom preferences, based on my current skin deep perspective on things.
I know right shantae really needs to teach sky and rottytops to get along because she’s friends with them and they are on her side so they should stop fighting each other because that’s not what friendship is and besides friends are better than rivals
I think this would actually be a decent anime, I mean the animation is stunning and if they can get decent writers I think this would actually be really good, they already got a theme song.
I do like the Seven Sirens and the inclusion of the cutscenes were a nice touch. However, I think they should've a few more to add a bit more to the overall story. Mainly for the Sirens themselves. Literally the only cutscenes each of the Sirens have is Shantae entering their chambers, the Sirens show up, and a fight between Shantae and one of the Sirens commence. And the Empress Siren doesn't have anything.
Fans voted for Shovel Knight to win that match. It was far from a realistic depiction of how the match would have gone down, but DBX is decided through voting. In fact, you can find the version where Shantae wins on yt. It exists and they made it.
1:43 We were SO CLOSE to getting to hear "Burning Town" again. Curse you, Risky Boots! 3:10 That's one of her "fell on spikes" screams. I thought Plink was the most adorable but then Lobster Girl shows up and steals the show 😁
5:22 I'm sorry but the comedic timing is perfect, god why cant we get an animated series of this. Doesnt even have to be a linear story, I'd watch it like I did spongebob as a kid
Cuz as a game developer often hired by a publisher, they wouldn't be able to both self-fund such a project, and put aside enough external funding during its development.
I mean, Miyamoto said that Smash Ultimate wasn't going to have cutscenes because they were meant to be a "reward" for the player, but like with what happened with Brawl, all the cutscenes were leaked/posted on the internet, defeating the whole purpose of them being a reward.
I mean, I understand Sakurai feeling that way, having all that effort be mistreated by the players. That doesn’t mean I agree with it. He treats it like it was something that happened only to him, or started with him or some shit. No matter how I think about it, I feel like he’s just butthurt.
I swear, if in the next Smash Bros she becomes a fighter, I want her trailer to be exactly like this, where she receives a letter to join Smash after getting the book
Weird to see Cristina voice a bubbly genki girl for once. I usually see her voice very dark/edgy characters, like Homura and Killua, and with a deep voice too. This is a good change of pace.
@@GoldLight73 Oh, thank gyu. I almost thought her actress was Cris because some people were mentioning Edelgard in the comment sections of one of her videos, I could be wrong though.
@@KazuhaEien So I just looked it up, and it turns out we're actually both kind of correct. Cristina Vee did Edelgard's voice for the Three Houses reveal trailer back in 2018, but in the final game, the role was handed over to Tara Platt. Not entirely sure why.
At first Cristina Vee was type casted as genki girls at the beginning of her career as a voice actress. Look at Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha she voiced her and she kinda uses Nanoha's voice for Shantae. Sure there's some difference between the voices but it's close.
Well, how the hell else am I supposed to react to a game where 90% of all female characters wear bikinis instead of full clothes? I mean, I heard people complaining about Mortal Kombat giving Kitana, Jade and Mileena designs in which they wear too much revealing clothing
Hopefully the next Shantae half-genie hero game will actually give the lobster girl a actual voice and hopefully and make the next Shantae half-genie Hero game where you can play as not just shaunte but all the other genies as well that would be fun
O.M.G. This was so great. 😁😁😁 WayForward and Trigger Studios should seriously make an anime show out of this franchise. All of these characters are both humorous and fun to watch especially Rottytops!
i live Shantae face at 5:33, idk it just looks so cute that smile while holding the book, i hope that book will play, maybe, a role in the next game and man more cutscenes because they make the characters feel so much more alive
@@leighasbell3624 yea now that i read it again, it does have lots of grammatical problems, I think what happen was that i had an idea on how to write the comment and in the middle of writing, it came another idea on how to write that part and it ended up a mish-mash of ideas, also i didn't read back then from the beginning to end to see how it sounds, also English is not my main language
Wow that opening animation is just amazing and cool! Hope to see more of it in the in the cutscenes! 4:20 ... anyone seeing the furthest right girl lookin like she missing some parts? Bruh how did no one noticed that before releasing this
@@TwilightLink77 Dang it, you made me want that game xD Just imagine the possibilities, I haven't played Wario Land (3 and Shake it!) and Shantae (1 and The Seven Sirens) too much but when I played them I had a lot of fun. It could be a way to revive the Wario Land series (: Come on Nintendo don't be INDIEferent (haha, get it?)
Shantae should be among the legends like Link, Mario, and Kirby. Sadly, I think her game wasn't in the same league as them. I mean cmon she's the only character that dances while moving and fighting. It's something you don't see in a game.
This may be the closest we ever get to a Shantae animated movie.
Or TV show
Shantae Has the potential of being a tv show, it is full of funny dialogue mix of technology and rpg fantasy world, bunch of random stuff happening, funny characters to laugh at like Bolo and Rotty.
The ONLY little tinyyy issue.. is that uuuh.. it has a Lot of fanservice SO... the show gotta give new outfits that cover the boobas to be E rated
@@CrystalVaporeon44 Yeah. The show will make Shantae more rated G than PG.
Well, if there is an anime, then either it's the events of game one to the current game. If for whatever reason it comes on any DVD store, buy it to see such a work of art
@@CrystalVaporeon44 Well luckily we have R34 artists to take care of that matter. One way or another
I wish the whole game was voiced. They are so good.
Maybe next game or two games from now.
No, only the cinematic cutsences or sometimes when you talk to the npc's but I want a full voiced shantae. It was supposed to happen for half genie hero on kickstarter but it never happened which sucks.
Super saying
Given the intro, I wish there was enough funding for a proper animation.
Let's be honest, the moment the Zombie Half-Genie winked at Shantae, we all knew it was Rottytops in disguise.
(Heck, probably knew when we were first introduced to her in the game...)
Wait, were we not supposed to think it was Rottytops?
@@cobaltprime9467 ikr, I thought it was Rottytops but it didn’t make sense, until I saw the game :0
Not me. Then again, I was just getting into the series back then...
I really wanted her Not to be because I mean come on a zombie half genie? that was such a cool idea, but yeah.. it was more than obvious that it was her and it would be very funnyif Rottytops do a ''pauper and the princess'' game >XD but guess it would had been too much, oh well
@@cobaltprime9467 yeah, even the twitter running the account was making jokes about if it was her or a sibling
Shantea sounds so adorable
Seattle be having that Shancoffee
Yes indeed!
Summer Night That's Cristina Vee for you!
What if I told you that she's the same voice actor as Marinette/Ladybug from the Miraculous series.
Cakinator 112 I thought she sounded familiar
Man you can tell wayforward REALLY wanna make a Shantae anime, lol. And I’m all for it
Unfortunately, they wouldn't be able to fund it themselves, I don't think. Which means, someone needs to bankroll the project for them :P
They could collaborate with another company/production team, not that difficult.
@@justinbarton8808 Maybe Nexon or Yostar can do it if Shantae can Collab with Blue Archive
this should be an anime
As long as it's animated by Trigger.
I know right?
Yes! Yes it should!
Both Shantae and Wario have been drawn in anime style cutscenes, so a crossover wouldn’t look all bad.
@Brodie Ainsworth I'm not physically nor mentally prepared to the sheer hotness of Wario with shantae clothes
That would be awesome
The holy trinity of game crossovers.
@@johntheechidna1050 You can get something close to that smash bros ultimate.
Play as Wario with Shantae spirit equipped. Then pull Bomberman as an assistant trophy.
@@Josuh 😳 not even r34 artists could handle the sheer perfection of that form
Three words that describe Shantae
1. Cute
2. Wholesome
3. Powerful.
go outside
@@Thoth0333 what got u in a bad mood lol
@@magmamaze69 his pfp
This has so much character to be a great anime.
2:58 Choker is golden.
3:02 No longer golden.
3:08 Choker is golden again.
@@NadiyaLovely19 INDEED
thanks cinemasins👍
Mean like how sephiroth drops down with no gloves then it shows aerith then he has gloves on and lands and stabs her? When the fuck did he put gloves on lmao
@@NadiyaLovely19 F*cking Raw!
All those who Vote for a Shantae Anime raise your Hand. ✋
Why isn’t there more?! 🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️
5:26 The dialogue between Rottytops and Sky in the background brings more questions than answers
Yeah it does
Sure. I'll ship it.
@@NyJoanzy Wasn't Rotty already shipped with Bolo though?
@@k1productions87 Isn't Sky shipped with Bolo, while Rotty's shipped with Shantae?
Atleast that's my general impression of the fandom preferences, based on my current skin deep perspective on things.
@@jondoe7036 nah I've never seen a serious Sky Bolo ship
5:12 Guess Shantae’s friends didn’t learn shit after Friends to the End, huh?
I know right shantae really needs to teach sky and rottytops to get along because she’s friends with them and they are on her side so they should stop fighting each other because that’s not what friendship is and besides friends are better than rivals
I saw an Among Us meme and I thought to myself “WAIT, SHANTAE HAS AN ANIME?!”
So I searched up Shantae anime and got this masterpiece,
What among us meme? I’m a sucker for Among us memes
5:23, it gets me every time
He just wants to help, but instead he gets decked.
It’s A Girl ?
Bolo got Yamcha'd hard.🤣
I think this would actually be a decent anime, I mean the animation is stunning and if they can get decent writers I think this would actually be really good, they already got a theme song.
Sonic X Eggman in a shellnut
@@cloepicklesauce1280 r/woooosh
3:07 when you want shadow from sonic x so you look up sonic x shadow
0:47 this is when we’re at Disney world
@@supermariomaster3380 oh no he found the donald plushie stash
They really need to make an animated series, or a movie series for all the games. It'd be a money maker.
This should be the newest Anime because a lot of fans definitely wanted to see the Anime about this
That eek...lul
Everyone's voice is amazing
I do like the Seven Sirens and the inclusion of the cutscenes were a nice touch. However, I think they should've a few more to add a bit more to the overall story. Mainly for the Sirens themselves. Literally the only cutscenes each of the Sirens have is Shantae entering their chambers, the Sirens show up, and a fight between Shantae and one of the Sirens commence. And the Empress Siren doesn't have anything.
Now that you've mentioned it the Empress Siren did not have an animated cutscene! :O That would've been nice to set the stage to the final boss. xD
I don’t know when this was added because it was an update a while back, but they added dialogue of the Sirens before battling them
@@alionlover40 I wrote that comment before the update was added to Shantae and the Seven Sirens.
This artstyle is so damn good
Shantae for Smash DLC.
I wanna see her "kill" Shovel Knight in her trailer.
I really hope Shantae gets in smash.
Why? Why do want her to k__l shovel knight?
Fans voted for Shovel Knight to win that match. It was far from a realistic depiction of how the match would have gone down, but DBX is decided through voting. In fact, you can find the version where Shantae wins on yt. It exists and they made it.
Uhhhh... thanks?
4:11 Risky's laugh always makes me laugh idk why xd
I think it’s what’s known as the Ojou-Sama laugh
Great fairy fountain
Sounds like Tom and Jerry scream
Bro girl’s Frieza in disguise
I can only hear Naga the Serpent (from The Slayers) in my mind LOL
The animation is pure gold
1:43 We were SO CLOSE to getting to hear "Burning Town" again. Curse you, Risky Boots!
3:10 That's one of her "fell on spikes" screams.
I thought Plink was the most adorable but then Lobster Girl shows up and steals the show 😁
Shantea and the seven sirens
Sirenhead: am I in this
Oh hello random talking Expo marker
They try to make it seem like Anglerfish Siren is scary. And it kinda works...
Until you hear what her voice actually sounds like.
Why does bolo look high af in all the cutscenes
He 100% is on *something*
It's his crippling stupidity.
He’s stressed the poor guy.
Shantae keeps him blue balled
If bolo was the protagonist then the series would be a much type of series
Sky is such a babe, oh my god
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well
Sky never gets enough love, so your comment made me giggle when I saw it lol
I can never forget the voice of Rottytops considering her role as Lucy Heartfilia
Also Shantae's role as Marinette/Ladybug 😂
And Sky’s role as Anna and Aigis
Wait... She's also Makoto and Asuna!
And Minako aka Sailor Venus.
And Bolo is RubberRoss
remember kids, rule 34 makes no exceptions
Never will
no mercy
I miss the part that's my problem
Creeps,creeps everywhere smh
1:06 top quality jiggle animation.
There should have been a funny post-credit scene when Squid Baron announces his own game!
3:07 law and order special victims unit
69 likes, make a wish!
I wish to be able to reach 200 subs by March
Your wish was granted!
Now 73
I'm sorry but the comedic timing is perfect, god why cant we get an animated series of this.
Doesnt even have to be a linear story, I'd watch it like I did spongebob as a kid
Cuz as a game developer often hired by a publisher, they wouldn't be able to both self-fund such a project, and put aside enough external funding during its development.
5:34 pause
(Pulls meat out) "you gotta do wachu gotta do"
Yea she's cute
@@aproppaknoife5078 no no NOOOOOOOO
@@aproppaknoife5078 r/cursedcomments
work of art
Learn from Bolo: Wise men know better than to get involved in a catfight
You know, it’s disappointing how a INDIE GAME with I smaller budget has more cutscenes then Smash Ultimate.
Have you even seen the trailers?
I mean, Miyamoto said that Smash Ultimate wasn't going to have cutscenes because they were meant to be a "reward" for the player, but like with what happened with Brawl, all the cutscenes were leaked/posted on the internet, defeating the whole purpose of them being a reward.
I mean, I understand Sakurai feeling that way, having all that effort be mistreated by the players.
That doesn’t mean I agree with it. He treats it like it was something that happened only to him, or started with him or some shit.
No matter how I think about it, I feel like he’s just butthurt.
Yeah, except these cutscenes are super low quality. If the whole game looked like the intro that would be different.
Balancing 70+ characters takes precedent before launch
I got to hear Shantae’s Uncle Mimic’s voice.
Mimic sound like an overgrown frog
Need a full shantae series please
WayForward is considering that
Pikatwig16 Really? If so, I would totally watch that!
TF2Fan101 same here
@@Pikatwig16 Don't tease me!!
This needs to happen
Shantae's Voice xD This Game Now Has Cutscenes Now It's In Another Lvl Haha
A package letter to the super smash bro’s 5:06
Lmao, everybody want her in smash
@@andouillesupreme the ones that dont shower
I swear, if in the next Smash Bros she becomes a fighter, I want her trailer to be exactly like this, where she receives a letter to join Smash after getting the book
I love this animation! Thank you WayForward and Studio TRIGGER!
Kristian Polanco Same here!
Weird to see Cristina voice a bubbly genki girl for once. I usually see her voice very dark/edgy characters, like Homura and Killua, and with a deep voice too. This is a good change of pace.
Edelgard was voiced by Tara Platt though
@@GoldLight73 Oh, thank gyu. I almost thought her actress was Cris because some people were mentioning Edelgard in the comment sections of one of her videos, I could be wrong though.
@@KazuhaEien So I just looked it up, and it turns out we're actually both kind of correct. Cristina Vee did Edelgard's voice for the Three Houses reveal trailer back in 2018, but in the final game, the role was handed over to Tara Platt. Not entirely sure why.
At first Cristina Vee was type casted as genki girls at the beginning of her career as a voice actress. Look at Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha she voiced her and she kinda uses Nanoha's voice for Shantae. Sure there's some difference between the voices but it's close.
Shantae was my first experience with Miss Vee's voice. So you can imagine my surprise when I heard her as Verosika in Helluva Boss LOL
You missed one cutscene where Shantae falls through the brick ground.
Studio Trigger is infamous for never making more than one season of an anime. I'm sure this is all of Shantae they're willing to give us.
0:58 goddammit Ross! this is really good VA work xD
Young gamers: this is awesome
Old gamers: animated boobs
Probably the other way around
Well, how the hell else am I supposed to react to a game where 90% of all female characters wear bikinis instead of full clothes? I mean, I heard people complaining about Mortal Kombat giving Kitana, Jade and Mileena designs in which they wear too much revealing clothing
Y'know, Risky Boots can be a great miniboss in the Pizza Tower level, Crust Cove
Now if this was a anime I would watch it all day
Lip sync is ON POINT
IDK why but this gets me every time XD
Hopefully the next Shantae half-genie hero game will actually give the lobster girl a actual voice and hopefully and make the next Shantae half-genie Hero game where you can play as not just shaunte but all the other genies as well that would be fun
Shantae is best waifu hands down
I think we are all forgeting the real best waifu, rottytops
Shantae *tentacle* boss fight: exists
The r34 artists: is for me?
You should put shantae anime episodes and she so cute when she exited.
O.M.G. This was so great. 😁😁😁 WayForward and Trigger Studios should seriously make an anime show out of this franchise. All of these characters are both humorous and fun to watch especially Rottytops!
Rottytops is the best
Yo, nice floaties 😌
Man, The theme song is soo good!
Trigger made it even more good
this video put me in a thurst coma for 3 days
Can we just talk about how cute Shantae's scream is at 0:49?
I know it’s so kawaii
i live Shantae face at 5:33, idk it just looks so cute that smile while holding the book, i hope that book will play, maybe, a role in the next game and man more cutscenes because they make the characters feel so much more alive
@@ionutnertanThere are so many grammar issues in your comment that I'm not even gonna correct the comment.
@@leighasbell3624 yea now that i read it again, it does have lots of grammatical problems, I think what happen was that i had an idea on how to write the comment and in the middle of writing, it came another idea on how to write that part and it ended up a mish-mash of ideas, also i didn't read back then from the beginning to end to see how it sounds, also English is not my main language
That would definitely be me if I saw Southern Pacific 4449 in person for the first time in my life.
And this is how I die when this isn't an anime
That is not what I expected Bolo would sound like
They should make a Shantae show, but fix the frame rate. It's low.
Uhh, welcome to anime? Lol
Or at least a webcomic.
@@archerhoffman6262 That would be kewl.
You have never seen a studio trigger anime have you
@@izanagi3badcontentorgood867 Don't know or interested to know. Sorry, dude.
new to learning what this game is but the animation is AMAZINGLY AWESOME!
I love Shantae’s voice 😍
Bolo is voiced by Cody lol
3:07 I like yu cut g
Shantae needs to be an anime
I swear the opening looks like it was animated by Studio Trigger
Because it is! ;)
Yeah, it WAS done by Studio Trigger
First time I saw it, it instantly reminded me of Kill la Kill
1:46 the dancing tho
Good movie shaetae its amours good video ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Wow that opening animation is just amazing and cool! Hope to see more of it in the in the cutscenes!
... anyone seeing the furthest right girl lookin like she missing some parts? Bruh how did no one noticed that before releasing this
Not gonna lie, the opening to this game would make for a REALLY good then song if Shantae ever had her own TV series.
Oh hey I'm playing Wario Land: Shake It!! agai- oh oops sorry wrong anime styled game... :P
Lopez Animation Inc Would be funny seeing a crossover video game with Shantae as the hero, and Wario as the villain.
TwilightLink77 Shantae teams up with Wario after Captain Syrup disguises herself as the former to pin crimes on her
@@TwilightLink77 Wario isnt a villain at the word implies, he just wants some cash
@@TwilightLink77 Dang it, you made me want that game xD
Just imagine the possibilities, I haven't played Wario Land (3 and Shake it!) and Shantae (1 and The Seven Sirens) too much but when I played them I had a lot of fun. It could be a way to revive the Wario Land series (:
Come on Nintendo don't be INDIEferent (haha, get it?)
Wario steals some random genie’s lamp and shenanigans occur
RIP Bolos face
3:10 hmm that reminds me a bit of quelag half beauty and the other half is ugh
@5:00 whats this? An invitation ☆For Smash☆
@@tarek.t9141 The dream is dead
Shantae should be among the legends like Link, Mario, and Kirby. Sadly, I think her game wasn't in the same league as them. I mean cmon she's the only character that dances while moving and fighting. It's something you don't see in a game.
2:20 we all know where this is going on someone’s internet browser
hehehe nah, who would like to look Water Lily on r34, right? Haha, totally not me! Hahaha! 😅
Nice house plant
@@AceInDaHole0_0 nonono... of course, we are all cultured people here
I mean, I feel like the cutscene itself already gives out enough ammo to warrant at least probably 25 pages on that site ._."
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Shantae is so adorable
Harmony is a half genie mommy.
I've never seen a game that runs into r34 so much and doesn't have an 18+ rating
and on 02:18 the developers were tired of pretending to be innocent 😏
Who wants Shantae as a show on Netflix????
4:50 I'm getting some Sonic Forces ending Flashbacks from that scene.
0:49 This so very cute squeak XD ♥
I love this way to much 😩
I want a shantae anime so bad! 😫
I do not care if they did it with a better animation or the same but it needs an anime urgently
Her face in the thumbnail is adorable
Reminds me of Mega Man X1 ending.
Reminds me of Sonic Mania
3:14 Oh hi Octavio.
I love Shantae!
This looks like it should be rated T for teens
100% educativo todo es family friend para niños nice xD
Así es, licenciado.
This is what the cutscenes should look like in Mega Man 12 or the next Sonic game.
Alot of culture we're watching here😏
My favorite thing about this is that the animated cutsenes are made by Trigger the same people how brought us Kill La Kill
The opening is but not the cutscenes