i wanna keep this game as my own little secret, but i know that’s not fair, others deserve to get the same feelings i did from the milk games, i guess i’m just scared they’ll treat her wrong :( i know she isn’t real, but there’s something about the endings that just make me miserable in all the right (or maybe wrong??) ways. these games mean a lot to me. all of your games do, but these ones were something special. it feels like you really put yourself into each bit of it. and i’m not sure how to feel about it. come to think of it, i don’t remember the last time i got this close to crying. i tried so hard to force my tears back, but it seems like each word on the screen was another slap to the face. to make a very long comment shorter, milk outside a bag of milk is a stunning game. highly recommend to anybody considering purchase. and to people who may not be considering purchase. and to my family. and to all of my friends. i could sing praises of this game all year. and i will haha
I know it's so nice to be someone's positive inner voice and to also reaffirming what's happening to her is indeed happening. Wish I had someone like that in my life.
"I'll be here for a while" is such an amazing track. It's somber, minor, but it's not sad. It plays when you're in a room with the girl, talking to her, spending time with her, sharing your thoughts with one another, listening to the stories about her life, all while surrounded by the impenetrable red-black of the night. It is as if the whole world, except you two, is asleep, and you're having a sleepover together, even despite the fact you do not exist in the game world per ce. Every time I listen to it, I'm taken back to the time I've spent in her room, even if it was an hour or so, I got to spend them comfortably, sharing the time with the person I like and trust, listening to these melancholic, and yet not at all depressing motives.
totally agree with that. it doesn't sounds sad, but rather tired, or drowsy. daydreaming in your room, talking with yourself, in the middle of the night. what a scenario.
The "concrete circle" and "death music?" are really good. they makes me feel a little melancholic 'cause reminds me of the girl telling traumatic events.
Death music? at 1:10:45 is hands down one of the best pieces of music I have heard in a video game. The only word that can properly describe it is pure, unadulterated "catharsis". It's the feeling of realizing things all at once, like a huge boulder of built-up emotions and feelings you've tried to keep hidden for so long, or that you never noticed were there, crashing down on your consciousness, all at once. It's overwhelming, it clouds and covers your mind in an inescapable, choking haze, like a sudden rain of despair qnd anguish. Your only physical reaction is to collapse on your knees and cry. Not agressively or suddenly, mind you, but gently. All your mind sees is guilt and shame, and pity of your own state of being on what seems to be a radiant flash of clarity and understanding of the self. It's the purest form of thought one will ever experience in their lives, only short of the moments prior to their deaths. Like a bird's eye view, you see all the countless streams of events and thoughts throughout your life that led you to this moment. That blinding light soon dissipates as the clouds of smoke and haze covering your mind begin to disperse and disappear back to the emptiness they came from, those explosive new thoughts that collapsed on you settling themselves on the deepest roots of your mind, never to be forgotten or ignored again. I know that feeling well enough to recognize how close that song gets to replicating how it feels like. Indeed, the emotion of the part where this song plays is so palpable thanks to this track, and also because it is very fitting to the scene's premise. I find it criminal that this isn't talked about that often, because hearing this track ingame is easily one of the most memorable experiences I've had the pleasure of having in a video game.
If you like that song, I think you’d really like music from Sewerslvt, similar vibes from their music but maybe not as soft. Death music? is easily one of the best tracks on this list by far.
I have never seen a description of a song so accurate, I agree that it feels totally like that, it is a song that gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it, as if it were the first time I had heard it, it is unique and one of the best songs of the game, I say, the best of all, definitely.
really reminds me of yume nikki music in the eerie, simplistic, looping manner of some songs. super impressive, and really closely fits how oppressive and disturbing the game's tone is. outstanding work nikita, thank you so much.
@@zzaiu4436 well, most yume nikki fangames i'd imagine have similar music styles. i know for sure yume 2kki is pretty similar. outside of that, from what i've seen omori has a similar music style in its overworld, though i've never played and only seen limited amounts.
Я тут подумал вот о чем. Конечно, это лишь маловероятное предположение, но всё же. Задумайтесь над названием игры. Что такое пакет молока? Очевидно, это упаковка, внутри которой налито молоко. По идее. Однако, если в пакете молока находится другой пакет молока, то в первом (внешнем) пакете молока нет, а есть только второй пакет, в котором как раз и находится молоко. Но если в каждом следующем пакете молока находится не молоко, а пакет, в котором находится пакет, в котором находится пакет, в котором находится пакет... то молока нет ни в одном из них. Потому что в каждом пакете есть лишь пакет. И, может быть, это такая аллюзия на главную героиню игры? Что, если она беспробудно ищет внутри себя самой это "молоко", но, закапываясь в себя всё глубже, находит лишь очередной "пакет". А вскрывая его (как слои своего разума), она лишь разрушает концепцию самой себя, доводит себя до сумасшествия, но "молока" она так и не находит. Что, если "молоко" - это смысл, а "пакет" - её действия или травмы, опоясывающие её ум? Что, если она пытается придать своим страданиям смысл, но не может его найти? Мне нравится думать, что, возможно, главный твист игры именно в этом.
maybe he wanted us to feel that? like with the idea of death for a moment, peace and freedom came to the girl? like just the dream of being free at last of all that burden? even if is just a fantansy on her head
@@vanjek9148 Да. На таких, как автор, всё и держится. Мы никогда не увидим годного AAA проекта в России. Все игры что выходят после 2018 года полное УГ за исключением инди игр. Это база и знать надо.
@@Gentoo701 какая то уберсубъективщина с твоей стороны. Даже с некой нотой идеализма, где всё есть калл. Атомик харт нельзя назвать калом, но и прекрасной игрой тоже. Крепкий средняк - да. В России не так много ААА игр, но чтоб все они ужасны? Или что же произошло в 2018 такого? Не могу припомнить российскую ААА игру после 2018, кроме как атомик харт. А так, я могу согласиться, что российский рынок игр держится на инди разрабов. Но не стоит столь сильно недооценивать ААА и АА игры)
The radio tracks are severely underrated. So unnerving yet ambient and oddly relaxing, especially unnerving when you find out there are so many, and not just individual tracks assigned to the three radios. Genius sound design.
I don't normally get emotional with music, only ever shed tears to one song from from Hotline Miami 2 (Modulegeek - Around the World, I believe?) but I'm currently shedding tears at 17:05. I relate to the girl in a way, not mentally ill but I've had some serious bouts of depression that come and go every so often and having this girl talk to the player as a sort of comforting voice when she feels that she has no one else to talk to hit hard. I do the same when I fall into those bouts, having my own little "caretaker" in my head and someone I can talk to when I feel alone in the world. 17:05 perfectly represents that state of mind along with the song's title "I'll be here for a while". It's not the most fun thing to experience, but it makes me... me :)
I can't really describe a game such as this one It's bizarre It's unsettling It's utterly terrifying and uncomfortable The way this girl is portrayed, this person who's clearly traumatized, clearly mentally unstable, she can only find escape in her own imagination and even then she struggles to maintain it When she says "no don't leave me" I genuinely felt incredibly sad I know how it feels, how it feels to be alone, like nothing is even there, even when there are people around it feels hopeless, meaningless Its scary, it terrifies you This girl hasn't experienced normality in years probably The medium of game, of an interactive visual novel truly makes this special and I just cannot see something like this done in a movie or even a book There's a weird sense of comfort I feel talking to her, even if I'm talking through predetermined options given to me, it feels good to help someone, especially when you know how they must feel, and them amplified by 10 At the same time I feel incredibly uncomfortable selecting options that may cause negative effects because I genuinely do not want her to go through even worse stuff, we, the Player, the escape she crafted for herself is what's between her and absolute loneliness, at least that she should have I've been infatuated with games and media covering mental health and I've never seen anything like this before It may be short but I don't regret having spent 8€ on this You've created something very special, I don't know how
Dude, your games are fucking amazing, the story is so much fun to theorize about. Thank you for making them. Also you better make vinyls of all the most prominent songs Also also make merch please
Жду не дождусь как можно будет купить ост второй части в стиме... я очень люблю твою музыку, потому что она идеально совмещается с нотами моей души, и очень люблю твои игры... серьёзно, нет ничего лучше этого чуда, боже
Man, you created a fantastic game. The soundtrack, the artstyle, the ambiance and the cinematics, everything is perfectly balanced and mastered imo. Can't wait to see you more content from you, whether it is a game or not, I'll be sure to check out whatever awesome content you want to share with us, stay safe.
Hey Nikita Kryukov, i just wanted to say that i really loved your game, really, i could feel like someone else was feeling things in the same way i feel, even what i'm feeling being just a void, i liked it very much.
Никита, чудесная работа, я не знаю как тебе это удалось и весь спектр эмоций, которая эта история дала описать сложно. Я восхищаюсь тобой и командой, которая помогла этому проекту появиться. Пожалуйста, не прекращай творить
untitled5 at 1:41:00 is gorgeous. Seems like other folks think so too, judging by the spike in how often it was replayed. I'd love to know how you came up with the progressions throughout the piece. Like... literally, how did you come up with the notes? Does music theory provide meaningful guidance for something like this?
man, thank you for your ability to transfer your feelings into sound and write music with them on a way that it creates so much more meaning for this work of art, for the experience of playing it.
The visuals of the game are really complemented nicely by the audio. Thank you for creating a masterpiece. I had a great experience trying to interpret the messages, themes, and story.
когда мне особо тяжело и я не могу ничего делать я слушаю твои осты или играю в молоко. это все дает мне ощущение какого то ??невидимого понимания?? и приятия которого мне так не хватает. спасибо!
this game and the ost is amazing man it remembers me so much of serial experiments lain and the uncanniness and absurdity of whatever was going on. it kinda puts you in a uncomfortable state but you also appreciate it it's such a weird feeling and I love it
I bought this game cause I was looking for cheap indie games on switch and now it’s my favorite thing ever milk-chan reminds me of me and I love that I love the story and music it’s a beautiful game thank you making this game
Here's what I was thinking about. Of course, this is only an unlikely assumption, but still. Think about the name of the game. What is a milk pack? Obviously, this is a package with milk poured inside. In theory. However, if there is another milk carton in the milk carton, then there is no milk in the first (outer) carton, but only the second carton, which contains the milk. But if each next package of milk contains not milk, but the package containing the package, which contains the package, which contains the package ... then there is no milk in any of them. Because in each package there is only a package. And maybe this is such an allusion to the main character of the game? What if she is deeply looking for this “milk” inside herself, but, digging deeper and deeper into herself, she finds only another “package”. And opening it (like the layers of her mind), she only destroys the concept of herself, drives herself to madness, but she never finds "milk". What if "milk" is the meaning and "package" is her actions or the traumas surrounding her mind? What if she's trying to make sense of her suffering but can't find it? I like to think that perhaps the main twist of the game is in this.
I get huge Yume Nikki vibes both from the game and from the music, really like the atmosphere and the color preferences in the art style. I wonder where will the story go next since there are still some unanswered questions and ugly truth to uncover, I presume. We can already make some theories regarding Milk-chan's past (school days, her relationship with parents, her experience with the Internet and how it all turned out for her) but after playing the second game I started to believe that we, as players, won't be able to influence the outcome. I doubt that we'll be able to fix her at some future point in the story (if there'll be one, of course) and at maximum we'll get all the puzzle pieces to make sense out of what happened, what is currently going on and how it will turn out to be in the end.
This has taken the crown for the best videogame soundtrack I have ever heard. Every track is unique and feels almost transcendent to your ears. It makes me feels things that I don't think anything has ever made me feel before. Some songs are melancholic and make you sit there and wonder whether you even exist and others are slightly upbeat and give you a little bit of hope throughout an otherwise truly depressing experience. What a great art piece. What an interesting topic. What a phenomenal game.
This game was probably the most memorable games and favorites I will ever play. The music can either be horrifying or strangely calm and peaceful. I always think about this game, whether it be when im sad or when it randomly pops up in my head. This game deserves way more attention, but I also wanna gatekeep this music. I wont though
Thinking... has me thinking... that Nikita Kryukov might be capable of making out of this world lofi/jazz music. Idk, but I can't over this one, I'll happily keep an eye on what you create next.
01:10:45 It's curious how this type of music makes me disconnect from all reality, just to enter a new one, a new one where nothing is everything, so everything just falls appart, so nothing makes sense, so nothing matters anymore... Love your work, hope you are proud of it, cause I am
So basically, I really liked this game that it inspired me to keep writing my own stuff and also started learning Russian, even tho it would be fantastic if it was a little bit longer and we could learn more about milk-chan, I keep coming back very often. Greetings from Mexico.
This game is amazing, the music is always nice to listen to in any situation, I have replayed the game hundreds of times, I can't get enough of it, it's really hard to have a favorite one of these songs since I like them all so much. I have so many more good things to say, but every time I think about it, I keep forgetting, very hard to remember. Experiencing this game over and over again, every time I come back to it, the game just gets better and better with every return, I played it so many times that I know the whole story, like I wrote it down on the back of my hand or it's somewhere stuck in the back of my brain, forever. Nikita Kryukov makes some amazing music, very enjoyable, I listen to it every chance I get. The gameplay is also amazing, playing several times has been a joy, I love it so much.
Если кратко описать саундтрек, то можно сказать что Никита передал четко переживания девушки, ее эмоциональный упадок и кратковременный рассвет в тумане отчаяния, как в многим известным по мемам (ох уш эти зумеры) caretaker. Хороший саундтрек душевно страдающего человека.
I love that doom/drone metal type of track that plays when the monster in the first few sequences appears. did you play those riffs yourself? it almost sounds like Sunn O))) but way more nightmare fuel
I'm not going to lie, I found this saga by chance on steam and I bought them because the name made me laugh but I played the first one once and I loved it, then the second came and it was wonderful, the art, the story and everything is just cool, glad I found it by chance
Only seeing how the OST is more longer than the game i can see how much love have this game, i really enjoy the 2 games, the form that you represent everything it´s very accurate and i love it.I suffer from many of the symptoms she has (fortunately to a lesser extent because otherwise I would not be able to bear it) I have even said many of his phrases at some point., The message it´s just so deep and longer that i cannot understand it 100%. Is a short but dense journey that can evoke too many emotions with enough empathy. Of course, the artistic side is not left behind some i took it as a reference to draw and i entertain myself for afternoons trying to draw how i think she feels. well i am letting myself out unnecessarily, it only remains for me to say. Good job, i loved it very much!
The first game was more psychedelic in my opinion, but the second game is more self-aware and, of course more complex, which is good. Still trying to reach all endings on my own and i can just say "wow". Even if i don't get the full meaning, it matches with my feelings about the world too. Not that i have the same problems, luckely not, but i feel the same melancholy as the girl. And i like things that are relatable. So thank you. PS. I think her favorite songs would be whole Caretaker's discography
I tried to find video just with 2_13, after listened it in a game, but couldn't find it. This is banger. You have awesome producing skills, your game is very very interesting and helpful. After long time I again have something that I love. That's ≈ a year after last game that I absolutely adore because of aesthetic. And this is right now my favorite!❤️🔥
Ох боже, этот короткий звук..будто кто то воздух в рот набирает(простите, я не могу объяснить) так пугает, но...саундтрек такой крутой..как и вообще все! Большое спасибо за игру и такие хорошие саундтреки! UPD.: я идиотка и забыла указать что именно за саундрек. "side a"
Вот это я понимаю ost)) Под I'll be here or a while хочется прост лежать и смотреть в потолок в тёмной комнате) Надеюсь можно будет приобрести lossless -_-
Milk outside of a bag of milk outside of a bag of milk on the left side of a bag of milk inside of a bag of milk west of a bag of milk towards a bag of milk floating around a bag of milk near a bag of milk to the right side of a bag of milk illuminated by a bag of milk milk milk milk milk milk
I've first heard the songs "are you okay" and "concrete circle" in the movie Les Chambres Rouges. Really fits the movie although I wasn't expecting these songs to come from a visual novel lol I might as well take a look. ^^
Love it when the OST of a game is longer than the game itself ;p
ahaha same
i wanna keep this game as my own little secret, but i know that’s not fair, others deserve to get the same feelings i did from the milk games, i guess i’m just scared they’ll treat her wrong :( i know she isn’t real, but there’s something about the endings that just make me miserable in all the right (or maybe wrong??) ways. these games mean a lot to me. all of your games do, but these ones were something special. it feels like you really put yourself into each bit of it. and i’m not sure how to feel about it. come to think of it, i don’t remember the last time i got this close to crying. i tried so hard to force my tears back, but it seems like each word on the screen was another slap to the face. to make a very long comment shorter, milk outside a bag of milk is a stunning game. highly recommend to anybody considering purchase. and to people who may not be considering purchase. and to my family. and to all of my friends. i could sing praises of this game all year. and i will haha
I feels the same!
I know it's so nice to be someone's positive inner voice and to also reaffirming what's happening to her is indeed happening. Wish I had someone like that in my life.
"I'll be here for a while" is such an amazing track. It's somber, minor, but it's not sad. It plays when you're in a room with the girl, talking to her, spending time with her, sharing your thoughts with one another, listening to the stories about her life, all while surrounded by the impenetrable red-black of the night. It is as if the whole world, except you two, is asleep, and you're having a sleepover together, even despite the fact you do not exist in the game world per ce. Every time I listen to it, I'm taken back to the time I've spent in her room, even if it was an hour or so, I got to spend them comfortably, sharing the time with the person I like and trust, listening to these melancholic, and yet not at all depressing motives.
totally agree with that. it doesn't sounds sad, but rather tired, or drowsy.
daydreaming in your room, talking with yourself, in the middle of the night. what a scenario.
thanks for this description of those feelings, they are perfect! i feel the same with that song.
6- "ill be here for a while" makes me feel so calm, just what i needed, i will be listening to this more later
The "concrete circle" and "death music?" are really good. they makes me feel a little melancholic 'cause reminds me of the girl telling traumatic events.
Wake up babe Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk extended soundtrack just dropped on youtube
Death music? at 1:10:45 is hands down one of the best pieces of music I have heard in a video game.
The only word that can properly describe it is pure, unadulterated "catharsis". It's the feeling of realizing things all at once, like a huge boulder of built-up emotions and feelings you've tried to keep hidden for so long, or that you never noticed were there, crashing down on your consciousness, all at once. It's overwhelming, it clouds and covers your mind in an inescapable, choking haze, like a sudden rain of despair qnd anguish. Your only physical reaction is to collapse on your knees and cry. Not agressively or suddenly, mind you, but gently. All your mind sees is guilt and shame, and pity of your own state of being on what seems to be a radiant flash of clarity and understanding of the self. It's the purest form of thought one will ever experience in their lives, only short of the moments prior to their deaths. Like a bird's eye view, you see all the countless streams of events and thoughts throughout your life that led you to this moment. That blinding light soon dissipates as the clouds of smoke and haze covering your mind begin to disperse and disappear back to the emptiness they came from, those explosive new thoughts that collapsed on you settling themselves on the deepest roots of your mind, never to be forgotten or ignored again.
I know that feeling well enough to recognize how close that song gets to replicating how it feels like. Indeed, the emotion of the part where this song plays is so palpable thanks to this track, and also because it is very fitting to the scene's premise. I find it criminal that this isn't talked about that often, because hearing this track ingame is easily one of the most memorable experiences I've had the pleasure of having in a video game.
If you like that song, I think you’d really like music from Sewerslvt, similar vibes from their music but maybe not as soft. Death music? is easily one of the best tracks on this list by far.
I have never seen a description of a song so accurate, I agree that it feels totally like that, it is a song that gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it, as if it were the first time I had heard it, it is unique and one of the best songs of the game, I say, the best of all, definitely.
really reminds me of yume nikki music in the eerie, simplistic, looping manner of some songs. super impressive, and really closely fits how oppressive and disturbing the game's tone is. outstanding work nikita, thank you so much.
yume nikki was so good. do you know of more music like this besides that?
@@zzaiu4436 well, most yume nikki fangames i'd imagine have similar music styles. i know for sure yume 2kki is pretty similar. outside of that, from what i've seen omori has a similar music style in its overworld, though i've never played and only seen limited amounts.
@@zzaiu4436 certain tracks from omori have the same vibe, one shot as well
Я тут подумал вот о чем. Конечно, это лишь маловероятное предположение, но всё же.
Задумайтесь над названием игры. Что такое пакет молока? Очевидно, это упаковка, внутри которой налито молоко. По идее. Однако, если в пакете молока находится другой пакет молока, то в первом (внешнем) пакете молока нет, а есть только второй пакет, в котором как раз и находится молоко.
Но если в каждом следующем пакете молока находится не молоко, а пакет, в котором находится пакет, в котором находится пакет, в котором находится пакет... то молока нет ни в одном из них. Потому что в каждом пакете есть лишь пакет.
И, может быть, это такая аллюзия на главную героиню игры? Что, если она беспробудно ищет внутри себя самой это "молоко", но, закапываясь в себя всё глубже, находит лишь очередной "пакет". А вскрывая его (как слои своего разума), она лишь разрушает концепцию самой себя, доводит себя до сумасшествия, но "молока" она так и не находит.
Что, если "молоко" - это смысл, а "пакет" - её действия или травмы, опоясывающие её ум? Что, если она пытается придать своим страданиям смысл, но не может его найти?
Мне нравится думать, что, возможно, главный твист игры именно в этом.
Целую диссертацию написал 😮
Да, я об этом же подумала+++
"love music" is fucking cool. Great mix of lofi doom metal and electronic stuff
17:05 hits different after you played the game
i still cant understand how a game can create such deep feelings in us, and is just a short 2D game but this music and the characters, is just amazing
The "death_music?" at 01:10:45 make me so peacefull and calm even if I know the meaning of it
maybe he wanted us to feel that? like with the idea of death for a moment, peace and freedom came to the girl? like just the dream of being free at last of all that burden? even if is just a fantansy on her head
really love it when a soundtrack truly elevates the atmosphere of a game
100% agree
33:54 "Love music" is the most cool shit I've heard, and I didn't expected the song title to be that one because it sounds in a pretty creepy moment.
You might like Sun O)))
Гений, легенда. На тебе держится вся российская игровая индустрия. Осталось только отжать у кого-нибудь 200 рублей и сыграть в твой шедевр.
На нём единственном держится?
@@vanjek9148 Да. На таких, как автор, всё и держится. Мы никогда не увидим годного AAA проекта в России. Все игры что выходят после 2018 года полное УГ за исключением инди игр. Это база и знать надо.
@@Gentoo701 какая то уберсубъективщина с твоей стороны. Даже с некой нотой идеализма, где всё есть калл. Атомик харт нельзя назвать калом, но и прекрасной игрой тоже. Крепкий средняк - да.
В России не так много ААА игр, но чтоб все они ужасны? Или что же произошло в 2018 такого? Не могу припомнить российскую ААА игру после 2018, кроме как атомик харт. А так, я могу согласиться, что российский рынок игр держится на инди разрабов. Но не стоит столь сильно недооценивать ААА и АА игры)
@@flurn3176AA игр по больше бы
I never bought an OST from a game before, now I am certainly going to let this game be the first one.
Silent hill 2 was mine
heads up it just released on steam
@@AJ-pg8je aiye you're a gem
I think this one is free actually, and you dont even need to own the game.
I havent played it yet but I already bought the first game soundtrack.
The radio tracks are severely underrated. So unnerving yet ambient and oddly relaxing, especially unnerving when you find out there are so many, and not just individual tracks assigned to the three radios. Genius sound design.
I don't normally get emotional with music, only ever shed tears to one song from from Hotline Miami 2 (Modulegeek - Around the World, I believe?) but I'm currently shedding tears at 17:05. I relate to the girl in a way, not mentally ill but I've had some serious bouts of depression that come and go every so often and having this girl talk to the player as a sort of comforting voice when she feels that she has no one else to talk to hit hard. I do the same when I fall into those bouts, having my own little "caretaker" in my head and someone I can talk to when I feel alone in the world. 17:05 perfectly represents that state of mind along with the song's title "I'll be here for a while". It's not the most fun thing to experience, but it makes me... me :)
I can't really describe a game such as this one
It's bizarre
It's unsettling
It's utterly terrifying and uncomfortable
The way this girl is portrayed, this person who's clearly traumatized, clearly mentally unstable, she can only find escape in her own imagination and even then she struggles to maintain it
When she says "no don't leave me" I genuinely felt incredibly sad
I know how it feels, how it feels to be alone, like nothing is even there, even when there are people around it feels hopeless, meaningless
Its scary, it terrifies you
This girl hasn't experienced normality in years probably
The medium of game, of an interactive visual novel truly makes this special and I just cannot see something like this done in a movie or even a book
There's a weird sense of comfort I feel talking to her, even if I'm talking through predetermined options given to me, it feels good to help someone, especially when you know how they must feel, and them amplified by 10
At the same time I feel incredibly uncomfortable selecting options that may cause negative effects because I genuinely do not want her to go through even worse stuff, we, the Player, the escape she crafted for herself is what's between her and absolute loneliness, at least that she should have
I've been infatuated with games and media covering mental health and I've never seen anything like this before
It may be short but I don't regret having spent 8€ on this
You've created something very special, I don't know how
Dude, your games are fucking amazing, the story is so much fun to theorize about. Thank you for making them.
Also you better make vinyls of all the most prominent songs
Also also make merch please
The black and red sweater hoodie
Жду не дождусь как можно будет купить ост второй части в стиме... я очень люблю твою музыку, потому что она идеально совмещается с нотами моей души, и очень люблю твои игры... серьёзно, нет ничего лучше этого чуда, боже
"death music?" is so beautiful, it seriously makes me tear up
Man, you created a fantastic game. The soundtrack, the artstyle, the ambiance and the cinematics, everything is perfectly balanced and mastered imo.
Can't wait to see you more content from you, whether it is a game or not, I'll be sure to check out whatever awesome content you want to share with us, stay safe.
this game made me cry more than I thought it would
simply just S tier music
Hey Nikita Kryukov, i just wanted to say that i really loved your game, really, i could feel like someone else was feeling things in the same way i feel, even what i'm feeling being just a void, i liked it very much.
Никита, чудесная работа, я не знаю как тебе это удалось и весь спектр эмоций, которая эта история дала описать сложно. Я восхищаюсь тобой и командой, которая помогла этому проекту появиться. Пожалуйста, не прекращай творить
untitled5 at 1:41:00 is gorgeous. Seems like other folks think so too, judging by the spike in how often it was replayed.
I'd love to know how you came up with the progressions throughout the piece. Like... literally, how did you come up with the notes? Does music theory provide meaningful guidance for something like this?
im glad i found "i'll be here for a while". i feel like i could relate with the track.
when "ill be here for a while" play in the game a she greet me with a soft smile of nostalgia i almost cry of happiness and sadness
man, thank you for your ability to transfer your feelings into sound and write music with them on a way that it creates so much more meaning for this work of art, for the experience of playing it.
This is one of the few albums that has made me feel dread with music alone thanks to some of the radio tracks and ending osts. Great job!
The visuals of the game are really complemented nicely by the audio. Thank you for creating a masterpiece. I had a great experience trying to interpret the messages, themes, and story.
17:05 is my favorite. This entire soundtrack feels like something Akira Yamaoka would make.
Потрясающей игре - потрясающий саундтрек. Под него живу. Спасибо, Никита!
why is your profile dorthy wearing a mazda hat ?
I like it :)
когда мне особо тяжело и я не могу ничего делать я слушаю твои осты или играю в молоко. это все дает мне ощущение какого то ??невидимого понимания?? и приятия которого мне так не хватает. спасибо!
this game and the ost is amazing man it remembers me so much of serial experiments lain and the uncanniness and absurdity of whatever was going on. it kinda puts you in a uncomfortable state but you also appreciate it it's such a weird feeling and I love it
33:54 Love Music - Esto es lo que quiero tocar en mi funeral.
Thank you so much for making that game
would love to know what tracks specifically are extended for this mix! this game was really incredible, thank you
"eye music", "eventually" and all the "untitled" tracks aren't present in the game
One of the few games that has permanently changed my outlook
I bought this game cause I was looking for cheap indie games on switch and now it’s my favorite thing ever milk-chan reminds me of me and I love that I love the story and music it’s a beautiful game thank you making this game
Here's what I was thinking about. Of course, this is only an unlikely assumption, but still.
Think about the name of the game. What is a milk pack? Obviously, this is a package with milk poured inside. In theory. However, if there is another milk carton in the milk carton, then there is no milk in the first (outer) carton, but only the second carton, which contains the milk.
But if each next package of milk contains not milk, but the package containing the package, which contains the package, which contains the package ... then there is no milk in any of them. Because in each package there is only a package.
And maybe this is such an allusion to the main character of the game? What if she is deeply looking for this “milk” inside herself, but, digging deeper and deeper into herself, she finds only another “package”. And opening it (like the layers of her mind), she only destroys the concept of herself, drives herself to madness, but she never finds "milk".
What if "milk" is the meaning and "package" is her actions or the traumas surrounding her mind? What if she's trying to make sense of her suffering but can't find it?
I like to think that perhaps the main twist of the game is in this.
I get huge Yume Nikki vibes both from the game and from the music, really like the atmosphere and the color preferences in the art style. I wonder where will the story go next since there are still some unanswered questions and ugly truth to uncover, I presume.
We can already make some theories regarding Milk-chan's past (school days, her relationship with parents, her experience with the Internet and how it all turned out for her) but after playing the second game I started to believe that we, as players, won't be able to influence the outcome.
I doubt that we'll be able to fix her at some future point in the story (if there'll be one, of course) and at maximum we'll get all the puzzle pieces to make sense out of what happened, what is currently going on and how it will turn out to be in the end.
I think Milk-chan and Madotsuki would be great friends.
This has taken the crown for the best videogame soundtrack I have ever heard. Every track is unique and feels almost transcendent to your ears. It makes me feels things that I don't think anything has ever made me feel before. Some songs are melancholic and make you sit there and wonder whether you even exist and others are slightly upbeat and give you a little bit of hope throughout an otherwise truly depressing experience. What a great art piece. What an interesting topic. What a phenomenal game.
This game was probably the most memorable games and favorites I will ever play. The music can either be horrifying or strangely calm and peaceful. I always think about this game, whether it be when im sad or when it randomly pops up in my head. This game deserves way more attention, but I also wanna gatekeep this music. I wont though
Thinking... has me thinking... that Nikita Kryukov might be capable of making out of this world lofi/jazz music. Idk, but I can't over this one, I'll happily keep an eye on what you create next.
01:10:45 It's curious how this type of music makes me disconnect from all reality, just to enter a new one, a new one where nothing is everything, so everything just falls appart, so nothing makes sense, so nothing matters anymore... Love your work, hope you are proud of it, cause I am
So basically, I really liked this game that it inspired me to keep writing my own stuff and also started learning Russian, even tho it would be fantastic if it was a little bit longer and we could learn more about milk-chan, I keep coming back very often. Greetings from Mexico.
Don’t think I could say how much I appreciate you making these games, they mean a lot to me
This game is amazing, the music is always nice to listen to in any situation, I have replayed the game hundreds of times, I can't get enough of it, it's really hard to have a favorite one of these songs since I like them all so much.
I have so many more good things to say, but every time I think about it, I keep forgetting, very hard to remember.
Experiencing this game over and over again, every time I come back to it, the game just gets better and better with every return, I played it so many times that I know the whole story, like I wrote it down on the back of my hand or it's somewhere stuck in the back of my brain, forever.
Nikita Kryukov makes some amazing music, very enjoyable, I listen to it every chance I get.
The gameplay is also amazing, playing several times has been a joy, I love it so much.
33:54 love music 😍😍😍😍
Если кратко описать саундтрек, то можно сказать что Никита передал четко переживания девушки, ее эмоциональный упадок и кратковременный рассвет в тумане отчаяния, как в многим известным по мемам (ох уш эти зумеры) caretaker. Хороший саундтрек душевно страдающего человека.
I love that doom/drone metal type of track that plays when the monster in the first few sequences appears. did you play those riffs yourself? it almost sounds like Sunn O))) but way more nightmare fuel
yeah, sunn were a big inspiration
Thank you so much for creating thing wonderful ost and game, my favorites ones are 17:05 and 01:12:56, they sound sO relaxing.
this is my comfort game now
Very curious to see how this writer would go about creating a longer story. Amazing potential. Great games.
I'm not going to lie, I found this saga by chance on steam and I bought them because the name made me laugh but I played the first one once and I loved it, then the second came and it was wonderful, the art, the story and everything is just cool, glad I found it by chance
Only seeing how the OST is more longer than the game i can see how much love have this game, i really enjoy the 2 games, the form that you represent everything it´s very accurate and i love it.I suffer from many of the symptoms she has (fortunately to a lesser extent because otherwise I would not be able to bear it) I have even said many of his phrases at some point., The message it´s just so deep and longer that i cannot understand it 100%. Is a short but dense journey that can evoke too many emotions with enough empathy. Of course, the artistic side is not left behind some i took it as a reference to draw and i entertain myself for afternoons trying to draw how i think she feels. well i am letting myself out unnecessarily, it only remains for me to say. Good job, i loved it very much!
Хоть игра и вышла короткой, как и первая часть, удовольствия было получено не меньше. Считаю работу отличным примером короткого произведения
The first game was more psychedelic in my opinion, but the second game is more self-aware and, of course more complex, which is good. Still trying to reach all endings on my own and i can just say "wow". Even if i don't get the full meaning, it matches with my feelings about the world too. Not that i have the same problems, luckely not, but i feel the same melancholy as the girl. And i like things that are relatable. So thank you. PS. I think her favorite songs would be whole Caretaker's discography
Funnily enough I think it would breakcore or hardcore jungle
man, i'm so glad i could purchase the vinyl in time!
Love everything about both games. Thank you so much for creating, keep going!!
Masterpiece, that's all
I tried to find video just with 2_13, after listened it in a game, but couldn't find it. This is banger. You have awesome producing skills, your game is very very interesting and helpful. After long time I again have something that I love. That's ≈ a year after last game that I absolutely adore because of aesthetic. And this is right now my favorite!❤️🔥
best soundtrack to listen to while staring at the wall ✨
I'm waiting for it to be on the spotify
Man listening to all of the Good morning songs in a row like this is a ride.
I've already bought the game on Steam and downloaded the OST. Love it so much ❤
track 6 is insanely good
all of them are tbh
Ох боже, этот короткий звук..будто кто то воздух в рот набирает(простите, я не могу объяснить) так пугает, но...саундтрек такой крутой..как и вообще все! Большое спасибо за игру и такие хорошие саундтреки!
UPD.: я идиотка и забыла указать что именно за саундрек. "side a"
Вот это я понимаю ost)) Под I'll be here or a while хочется прост лежать и смотреть в потолок в тёмной комнате)
Надеюсь можно будет приобрести lossless -_-
Milk-chan would approve
Milk outside of a bag of milk outside of a bag of milk on the left side of a bag of milk inside of a bag of milk west of a bag of milk towards a bag of milk floating around a bag of milk near a bag of milk to the right side of a bag of milk illuminated by a bag of milk milk milk milk milk milk
Кодить под ост молока невероятно увлекательно.
Astonishing soundscape. Love the game alot
Очень жду третью часть, лучшая игра что я играл за последнее время.
After the year i still play this game thank you for making this game
thank you for making milk 2!
radio2_13 звучит как амен поверх звука анти-масс спектрометра из халф лайф
radio2_13 my beloved (and also milk)
Just saw this in my subs and lo and behold checking steam, the game is finally out!
"eventually" is so hopeless, like she knows that maybe eventually things will be better but is just a faint guess
Спасибо за это творение!
choose? sounds like "Snow World" from Yume Nikki OST
radio3_5 sounds like "Scare Shadow" from Saya no Uta OST
"I'll be here for a while" yeah I think I'll be here for a while
I fell asleep while listening to the first tracks, then "love music" started playing and I woke up horrified, ngl.
I've first heard the songs "are you okay" and "concrete circle" in the movie Les Chambres Rouges. Really fits the movie although I wasn't expecting these songs to come from a visual novel lol I might as well take a look. ^^
This soundtrack is so awesome, amazing job 👍
This game, this game is DIAMOND. I love this game, i love it so much i cant tell how much i love it
2:03:37 don't mind me, just leaving this for myself.
02:50:59 Yume Nikki's Snow World theme if it was epic:
🎵 🎧🎶 Thank you for sharing, these tracks are amazing!
Just got my third ending and wow.
Truly a lovely experience.
Short game But Incredible game...
Thank you.
I see this as beautiful art, and i hope you feel okay
damn... that was a whole different experiment. Thanks for making this brilliant game with ure crew. Love from Turkey
Ухх Никиточка а ты потрудился над саундтреком спасибо тебе