Europe is not a place for promenade for Russian murderers. Address by the President, 6.09.2022

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2022
  • I am grateful to Mrs. President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and to all European leaders who support visa restrictions for Russian citizens.
    It is absolutely unacceptable that European territory can be used for tourism or shopping by those who at home, in Russia, not only support the split and mockery of Europe, but also work for it.
    And we must remember: in addition to the moral side of the issue, it is also a matter of elementary security. Russia has repeatedly sent killers to Europe under the guise of ordinary tourists.
    They have already admired enough the spire in Salisbury, German streets and warehouses with weapons in the Czech Republic. Enough. Europe is not a place for promenade for murderers and those who support them.
    It is necessary to demonstrate to the citizens of the terrorist state that they are morally responsible for their state's aggression against Ukraine and the whole of Europe.