NEW INFINITE Stun Lock Leona Top Is 100% TOO STUPID...

  • Опубліковано 7 січ 2025


  • @dougeyfresh
    @dougeyfresh 2 роки тому +1

    Love the videos and all the experimentation! My favorite thing to do in League is find weird picks.
    There's something unique about Leona's Q that I didn't notice you taking advantage of in this video. I didn't watch specifically for it for too long, so I apologize if you already know about this, but I figured it was worth mentioning just in case. If you aren't aware, this will take her to another level.
    Like a lot of auto-attack enhancing abilities, she gets the standard auto-attack reset as soon as she hits the Q button. But, here's the cool part, she also gets another auto-attack timer reset after the Q-empowered auto lands. So, if you auto-Q-auto (make sure you click on them again for that last auto to actually go faster), you can get 3 autos off insanely fast. For those early trades, that's a pretty huge difference. To be clear, this is not the same as a Nasus Q where you can auto-Q and get TWO autos off really fast. In that case, the 3rd auto would still have to wait a bit while on CD. In Leona's case, if you make sure you actually issue another attack command by right clicking after the 2nd (Q-empowered) auto, you can get a 3rd auto off just as fast as the 2nd auto. Again, you do have to right-click on them after the Q-empowered auto lands in order to quickly chain that 3rd auto in there. It won't happen automatically.

  • @ranzera
    @ranzera 2 роки тому +33

    SRO: "You can't even think of a time.."
    Literally Everyone: "I remember a time when you were using Cho'Gath R..."

    • @triple151621
      @triple151621 2 роки тому +1

      "i'll just stack up my R real quick on this cann-"

  • @davidpalmer1213
    @davidpalmer1213 2 роки тому +30

    Only reason you didn’t miss the cannon was because I remembered to like the video.

  • @alexechsner2666
    @alexechsner2666 2 роки тому +6

    Love the videos!! Watch them every day! Could you make a countering video where you walk through what your thought process is for picking champions based on the enemy team? Like a coaching session on lane/team comps?

    • @Bakuham
      @Bakuham 2 роки тому +1

      Theres basically a triangle, engage beats sustain, sustain beats poke, and poke beats engage. Assuming you're lower elo like most of us with questions like that it really just boils down to that. How do you counter a yuumi? You go in and burst. How do you counter tanky engage champs? Either get a pick or sit far back and chip their health. Stuff like that. Works in lane too

    • @dimo6994
      @dimo6994 2 роки тому

      @@Bakuham ehh what youre saying i cant really agree with, you could argue yuumi is anti burst and fucks over anyone who has a one shot combo and then becomes useless

  • @kemaree364
    @kemaree364 2 роки тому +1

    1:35.. Two words Mike : Cho'Gath Ultimate. xD

  • @leos9455
    @leos9455 2 роки тому +10

    I would add Anathaenas Chain as the next full item to further increase the cc-duration for chosen champion + good stats HP/AH :)

  • @lordrelmar7304
    @lordrelmar7304 2 роки тому +8

    If we are going to bring supports to the top lane I want to see Braum top

  • @alishehab190
    @alishehab190 2 роки тому +3

    I can't remember a single instance of Mike missing a cannon minion and especially no with chogath ult

  • @thissideup521
    @thissideup521 2 роки тому

    Bald AP Sion:
    (Tear) Liandrys, Cosmic Drive, Demonic Embrace, ShadowFlame, Seraphs with sorc shoes.
    Runes are either;
    Sanic build:
    Phase Rush, Nimbus, Celerity, Waterwalking
    Presence of Mind, Legend Tenacity
    Lane Hell
    Comet, Manaflow, Transcendance, Scorch
    Cheap Shot and Eyeball Collection
    You still split, but you max E, W, Q. Phase Rush can proc for free when you W pop into a Q and E. It is a free disengage. Sion gains HP for minion kills which means his AP increases with Demonic. W max second spikes the shield power much faster and is increased by AP. Near instant wave clear and tiny W and E Cooldown. Can bully very, very hard if ahead.

  • @tommihalonen6471
    @tommihalonen6471 2 роки тому

    1:35 I remember this one time you missed a cannon minion playing Cho'Gath

  • @Awood2207
    @Awood2207 2 роки тому +2

    Just curious, would this build work for Support Leona as well? I feel like the support items are too gimmicky and are just all wards basically

    • @MultiWindBlows
      @MultiWindBlows 2 роки тому +2

      Unfortunately, supports don't make enough gold. The most savage thing a Leona support could do is rush Anathema's Chains and attach it to whomever is easier to hit with E, and if they hug tower put it on their jungler. P.S. Evenshroud is a good follow up item if your jungler is actually giving you ganks.

  • @joshlitzenberg2165
    @joshlitzenberg2165 2 роки тому

    I’ve experimented in the past with PTA bruiser Leona with sunderer/triforce to mixed success, might be worth checking out for another video!

  • @nicholikaminky1517
    @nicholikaminky1517 2 роки тому +2

    SRO - Tries recording a video
    SRO's Neighbor - "I feel a disturbance in the force."

  • @jayreysentinellar3707
    @jayreysentinellar3707 2 роки тому

    Lawnmower diff HAHAHAHAHAH Love your vids man!

  • @joha4805
    @joha4805 2 роки тому

    I recently came back to the game after quitting in 2015 . Leona was my old main . She is the most underrated champion ever . I never got to masters or any outrageous rank but god I use to carry games as the support back in the days . She is a absolute CC machine an a powerhouse early. I'm glad she hasn't been crazily reworked. Although I could imagine she's probably been nerfed over an over through out the years. She deserves so much more love

  • @spartanboy1990
    @spartanboy1990 2 роки тому

    when i play leona, i do a brusier build
    runes: PTA ~ Presents of mind ~ tenacity ~ last stand ~ demolish ~ unflinshed, attackspeed double armor or both mr and armor
    items: dorans shield, tear (first back isa must) Tri force or bork as first or second, third titanic, and then finish fimble, if you got max stack finish it instead of titanic, rest i take dead mans or force of nature, but i choose frozen heart (if there are alot of auto attackers)
    i would like to see a video about that, how good you find that idea ^^

    • @areess6209
      @areess6209 2 роки тому +1

      I do the same build. Pta is so good on leo

  • @SuperZero1215
    @SuperZero1215 2 роки тому

    15:40 wow that Cait juked tf our of you guys 😂😂

  • @dzejkob8
    @dzejkob8 2 роки тому

    What about frozen gauntlet and this rune thats freezing ground for ultimate slow on leona and cc? Could be funny to make enemy angry

    • @SlarkeSSC
      @SlarkeSSC 2 роки тому

      you'd be going overkill on CC. With all this CDR Leona already pretty much completely locks down another champion, so a slow isn't really useful, and while Glacial could have some value, you need grasp to be able to trade in lane, and the traits in that tree are generally really good for Leona.

  • @knutter
    @knutter 2 роки тому

    The year is 2072 as SRO is being visited by his grandchildren "boom what up little Billy, did I ever tell you about the time I never missed a cannon minion?"

  • @mrjo1045
    @mrjo1045 2 роки тому

    Boom whaddup try the forbidden darius build where you do stride into rageblade and get passive up in 4 hits and get fill conq stack with stride active

  • @morghul2043
    @morghul2043 2 роки тому +1

    love less conventional picks like this, great video

  • @mufasa5851
    @mufasa5851 2 роки тому

    why max q over e second?

  • @Takapon218
    @Takapon218 2 роки тому

    Solo lane Leona is so fucking funny. You can really go full tank, AD bruiser, AP bruiser, or full AP and still do really well because she just doesn't let her opponents move for like 7 seconds.
    Everfrost and Divine Sunderer or Triforce work great on her for the bruiser builds. Basically go HP hybrid items afterward or tank. Everfrost especially because it's just an extra CC in her kit for no reason (and her damage is really decent with it LOL)

  • @morty4193
    @morty4193 2 роки тому

    I waited all day for this. It was totally worth it

  • @ΔημήτρηςΒασιλάκης-ε8η

    Since you do troll/new builds you might as well try the sunderer garen maxing q first

    • @MultiWindBlows
      @MultiWindBlows 2 роки тому

      In ARAM Duskblade + Essence Reaver on Garen is hilarious. Q -> R -> walk away

  • @Nathan-cx2wg
    @Nathan-cx2wg 2 роки тому

    Hahaha Pitbull skull shaver ad. hilarious.

  • @reallyhotsalsa
    @reallyhotsalsa 2 роки тому

    I don't recall you ever missing a cannon minion.

  • @sh4d0w1ink920
    @sh4d0w1ink920 2 роки тому

    SRO ending a video: GG well played, uhh, GG well played? Oh yeah, GG well played and of course, GG well played. GG well played btw.
    GG, well played.

  • @Bedardo12
    @Bedardo12 2 роки тому

    If you didn't say anything , I would've just thought the lawnmower was a Nasus soundbug

  • @claytorizzle
    @claytorizzle 2 роки тому +1

    SRO: "when's the last time you saw me miss a cannon?"
    Me: "probably yesterday"

  • @tommyhamilton907
    @tommyhamilton907 2 роки тому

    Why is this Nasus so afraid to attack back... did he not run conq or grasp? Like I have never seen such a passive nasus before. I would have fought a Leo in a20 attack minion wave like that... lol

  • @zackman1156
    @zackman1156 2 роки тому

    I've seen Leona win the nasus matchup with divine sunderer into full tank. Eventually nasus always the 1v1 though. Just takes a lot longer with sunderer.

  • @SuperZero1215
    @SuperZero1215 2 роки тому

    Surprised you got no skin for her as much as you play the game Croc man

  • @joerogers1417
    @joerogers1417 2 роки тому

    Not seen Mike miss a cannon since 1998

  • @DonRavioli92
    @DonRavioli92 2 роки тому

    i like buying a sheen early for early dueling damage

  • @Majora1988
    @Majora1988 2 роки тому

    The circle of Mike. Last vid? Shit on everyone as Nasus. This vid? Shit on Nasus...:)

  • @tomislavandric6476
    @tomislavandric6476 2 роки тому

    What i didnt knew Leona can do that much dmg, second damage in team? Never seen that before and i play league for long time lol

    • @timofaust1315
      @timofaust1315 2 роки тому

      Says more about the team than about Leona top ;)

  • @therucha
    @therucha 2 роки тому

    Se you get your first canon mininon for the game and i hurry up to like the video so you don't miss an other one

  • @MikeClarks
    @MikeClarks 2 роки тому

    This man out here literally stealing my build

  • @shempainYT
    @shempainYT 2 роки тому

    "Did Mike get the first cannon?"
    Ofcourse he gets it, the mad man is on a rampage!
    win streak: 4

  • @pacoloco4life
    @pacoloco4life 2 роки тому

    Leona in the hands of the croc. Me likey.

  • @R3EASON
    @R3EASON 2 роки тому

    Boom what up! Just leaving a comment only here ✌🏽

  • @stormsum
    @stormsum 2 роки тому

    The auto captions crack me up every time

  • @swifterthekid4727
    @swifterthekid4727 2 роки тому

    this that good good

  • @bretts3046
    @bretts3046 2 роки тому

    BOOM! What up? Comment for the algorithm here. Back with some more comment section act-chi-on.

  • @0Vegeta0
    @0Vegeta0 2 роки тому

    nice game

  • @Grazin1337
    @Grazin1337 2 роки тому

    You should make a video based on everything I want and ignore your 500k subs as well as the youtube stats please

  • @TomBombsAway
    @TomBombsAway 2 роки тому

    Commenting so Mike can get more cannon minions

  • @BakuCarl
    @BakuCarl 2 роки тому

    Solo lawnmower only is back!

  • @LK.Cynric
    @LK.Cynric 2 роки тому

    Leona ♥

  • @Zachariahtd
    @Zachariahtd 2 роки тому

    "I don't win in lane but I'm good in team fights"
    Soooooo you're a support 😂

  • @dmob420
    @dmob420 2 роки тому

    Leona is fun if you want to deal ZERO damage.

    • @anamimi18
      @anamimi18 2 роки тому

      personally, for me it's fun to stick on enemy carry and not let him go

  • @Foatizenknechtl
    @Foatizenknechtl 2 роки тому

    NEW!!!! XD LMAO

  • @louisjones6514
    @louisjones6514 2 роки тому +1

    Boom what up solo whole lot of fucking cc only here to stun some kids for nine days

  • @inhtuanphong8439
    @inhtuanphong8439 2 роки тому


  • @fluffybunny572
    @fluffybunny572 2 роки тому

    god damn, close to first comment

  • @heathalexander507
    @heathalexander507 2 роки тому

    Al pika

  • @go5408
    @go5408 2 роки тому

    Honestly you say perma stun Leona and you dint even use the best boots on her that also gets you a insta EQRQ combo with only one sec until EQ woupd be back up after the first rotation.
    Serieus man do this again and get the Ionis boots of Lucidity.
    You wont need mercs with it.
    If they got giga AP and/5CC hard champs you still dont need Mercs you just get a QSS into Silvermere Dawn.
    Nothing can basicly stop you from that point exsept long range true damage.

  • @alimiryousef651
    @alimiryousef651 2 роки тому

    Booooom what up it doesn’t matter that u r late ill still be 1st

  • @mr.scientific7385
    @mr.scientific7385 2 роки тому

    9thhh :ccc

  • @alexechsner2666
    @alexechsner2666 2 роки тому

    Boom first to the comment section waddup!

  • @agedobodega
    @agedobodega 2 роки тому


  • @drspiritja
    @drspiritja 2 роки тому

    First!! Aww snap

  • @JMArrrgh
    @JMArrrgh 2 роки тому

    Boom first

  • @kardrasa
    @kardrasa 2 роки тому

    Boom! What up? SoloMyRectum only here!