Angola: birthplace of Capoeira
- Опубліковано 9 лис 2024
- For most people, capoeira -- an art which mixes combat, dance and music -- is associated with Brazilian culture. But the origins of the discipline can actually be traced back to the west coast of Africa -- in particular, Angola.
Love my African ancestry. Sending love from jamaica
To bad the real Indians from Jamaica are all gone. The real Jamaicans will be forever remembered
Black Brazilian are come from Angola as portuguese colony when blacks Jamaican are come from Nigeria as British colony in Africa. That's the difference.
@@djackzdjackz7004 dear brother, I dont wanna be rude but black brazilians originated from africans of Congo, Nigeria (youruba land or Nago, Gege, Dahomey, Fon), Cameroon, Benin, Togo, Guinea, Gana, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Angola and Mozambique.. many of them from Angola but not only from there.. we use a lot of african words in our brazilian portuguese from all of these places.. peace.
@@djackzdjackz7004 that a lie there Yoruba in Brazil many Afro Brazilian live in Nigeria
@@carlossalinasdegortari15 the indigenous people of Jamaica were mostly wiped out by white colonizers. The few that remained went to the hills where they'll be assimilated into the maroon population.
hahahaha everytime we try to claim our heritage there is a big argument
@Ali Dangou .
After capoeira became popular in the hands of brazilians, who never denied the african roots not only of capoeira but of many cultural habits including culinary, creators of polemics appear to take advantage of nationalism. The bases may be angolan but the development, improvement and popularization is due to brazilian afro-descendants.
Brazilian never denied the African roots?😂😂 seaxrh it by yourself, capoeira and samba was banned in Brazil for years, because they considered it a black thing. They literally made a law to forbid people to practice it
Brazilians did the same thing, they never liked capoeira or samba, because it came from black people, but when it started to be famous and appreciated world wide, they started liking it and tried to white wash it, they try it until nowadays
Lmao. Cut it out. They did what they learned from their Angolan ancestors. You can't remix a song and act like you wrote it...
Capoeira is not Angolan and has nothing to do with that country. It is 100% Brazilian, developed and created in Brazil. Capoeira emerged in Brazil with African, indigenous and mixed-race slaves who used it to defend themselves. What is Angolan is n'golo and that has nothing to do with it. If the Angolans had created capoeira, they would have developed it throughout their territory and there would be traces of its creation everywhere in past centuries, but there has never been a single find of this art there, not even something that could be classified as similar. Mestre Pastinha, in search of evidence in the last century, visited Africa and did not find capoeira, so he created capoeira Angola in honor of the people who were brought here from this region, that is, not even capoeira Angola was created there, yes, It's from another Brazilian. Another important detail is that if the Angolans had created capoeira, they would have used it to defend themselves in the USA, Colombia, Argentina and other places where these people were taken, which did not happen because it is not an Angolan creation.
@@RHSilvaXDwhere did the slaves learn it from?
@LaMariposaSedosa very true. Parkour/ free running also was inspired by the Congolese. The founder of the art was a French man who went to Congo during colonization. He would watch the tribal warriors move swiftly through the forests with great strength, acrobatics, and flexibility. He soon went back to his home country and broke down his own system of the art which he called parkour.
Why do the people of Brazil love African culture (Capoeira etc) yet hate African/black people? I truly would like to know. Even my black brothers and sisters have internalized this hatred to "better the race" by breeding out all vestiges of their blackness. My soul breaks for my people. We truly need a great awakening.
This is happening nearly everywhere in the world brother
Asia Europe America Australia
Many many people hide the fact or do not want to know the fact that Africans travelled all over this planet before any other race existed
Looool ur deluded.brainwashed victim card playing bums
@Sound Logic them white former need to leave Africa then if they don't wanna be killed.
The sad thing about it is Brazil has the biggest African population outside of Africa.
Akwa Abasi what are you saying ?
You do not have sense isn’t?
Horrible comment !!!
Technically it's an African form. Brought from slavesl
Brought by POW's not slave. The martial art form should tell you they were of warrior class.
@@nkosistrainbullies5806 slaves
Yes but is was created by the Mbundu people from Angola and they would teach other Africans how to defend themselves.
We make everything so I kinda figured it was from the motherland
There is always something to learn. No wonder, I'm so proud of how some of my ancestors from the Caribbean, particular Jamaica and Haiti to North and South America fought using different fighting methods inherited from the homeland - Africa of course.
if a group of chinese ppl moved to america, took traditional dances and kung fu techniques, and developed a fighting system with them, NOONE would call it AMERICAN ... They would call it CHINESE or put emphasis on its origins coming directly from china ... i mean we call kung fu chinese, it used to be called chinese boxing, but we know the foundation of its origins wasnt from a chinese person but an INDIAN monk.... who by the way was .... ahrrr forget it .... but when it comes to black and african stuff people want to forget that history and claim its something newALL THE TIME
It's always that way, when something involves black people, unfortunately. The bias that black people can create anything productive is a hindrance to people.
+ATTRAYU TV I can see that you've seen me make that very same argument many times for years in many comment sections...including this one. Thank you for being observant, brother.
Jeet Kune Do?
ATTRAYU because people don't wanna hear or accept the fact Afrika is number one of everything Afrika is the lifeforce of nature and birth of man
So beautifu ;' ( even tough that I believe Adam and Eve aswell were from africa
What I meant was that capoeira was created in Brazil, but it has most of its roots in Africa for sure. The Africans, not only the ones that are from Angola, that came to Brazil brought with them their traditions and customs.
Just to point out, not all the slaves brought to Brazil at the slavery period were from Angola, but from other parts of Africa as well.
Yeah, but it roots is mostly from Angola, i don’t know why y’all try to deny it. In Angola there is ngolo and cabangula, that is very similar to capoeira. And the capoeira instrument, berimbau was invented in Angola.
According to Ibge +50% of the enslaved in Brazil were from Angola
@@futr9321capoeira na África era uma dança ,os africanos aqui no Brasil que tiveram que desenvolver um método de luta para escapar da fúria dos senhores de escravos , baseado nessa dança africana. E até uns 50 anos atrás era proibido a capoeira no Brasil ,mas hoje se tornou uma luta típica brasileira
@@Anubisedits391yes it was a dance because there was no need of use in a fight. you can't take something and modify it, and claim it is yours.
Lets not forget documents in the late 1600's of missionaries documenting africans performing these arts in the Kuene such as the sanguar or nsanga:
"They did not have defensive arms, all their defense rests in sanguar, which is to jump from one place to another with a thousand twist and agility that they can dodge arrows and arms aimed at them"
Pero Rodrigues
it's called engolo
From an Angolan...yeah, Brazilians get mad at it. Capoeira is the child of a martial art called Engolo or N'golo. If there was no slaves from here they wouldn't have capoeira in the first place but they still deny it. The ones who deny it must be the white ones. Even in Brazil there are two styles of Capoeira and one them it's called Capoeira de Angola (the one closest to Engolo). If people didn't know about Jiu Jitsu, they would say that Ju Jitsu is also theirs. There is already a Brazilian Ju Jitsu. So if a Kung Fu master goes to your country to teach Kung Fu and he dies and passes his teachings to others, it's not kung fu anymore, is "Whatever you Country Is Kung Fu style"
Thing is while Capoeira is the child of N'golo, it's still its own thing, as it formed the way it is because of the where the Slaves found themselves.
Much like Karate and Tae Kwon Do is the child of Kung Fu and other native Martial Arts and Kung Fu is the child or Kallarripayattu.
It's all their own thing, but linked.
Just like Bruce Lee brought Wing Chun to the states. Then created a hybrid MMA style of it called Jeet Kun Do.
I have researched about the Ngolo, the parent of Capoeira, and it is way too different. So yeah, it is fair enough to say Capoeira is a legit Brazilian thing.
Walcir Santos No one get mad!!
Capoeira é brasileira ! A dança é africana improvisada. Nós brasileiros sabemos e somos culto que vem de uma dança angolana . Seja orgulhoso e não arrogante !
Yes, N'golo really existed, but know that capoeira has its own style, by the way despite being called capoeira Angola, it differs from N'golo in several aspects. And to say that she is Brazilian is not a disrespect to blacks, much less Africans, but to say that she is African is a disrespect to the masters who fought to legalize her in Brazil.
Eddy Gordo from Tekken 😎
@nickfl1980 actually you misinterpreted with what i was saying, Brasil always is ashamed with its African past and the contribution of African people, capoeira is African you just do not want to acknowledge that a form of fighting originated from the continent of Africa. As someone who is Brasilian i am expressing what is true, your just misinterpreting what i said because my knowledge of english is not that great ha ha!!
Even before the Muslim revolt there were already fighting arts in secret societies refined to each tribe in Brazil. One of Angola jeje(guinea) ijexa(yoruba) .
The Angolen people speak better Portuguese than the Brazilians because they don't carry an accent This dance was a gifted talent that was created for a use of purpose for there masters. And know it's to their advantage that it's so popular well know all over the world. God is good. 🇧🇷🇵🇹🇦🇴 ❤️
Each region of Brazil speaks a different accent of portuguese, the one I heard in the video sounds very similar to some of the brazilian accents to me.
there's no such a thing as "no accent" in a language.
They do have an acent what are you talking about???? Im from Portugal and they acent is VERY obvious to anyone who speaks Portuguese😂😂😂😂
Is that supposed to be a compliment?? Thats like saying.. "Native Amerians speak better English than Nigerians" smh
"Capoeira is the Engolo of Angola in Brazil. It's African.
It is important to highlight that n'golo was discovered by a Portuguese man in 1950, years after capoeira was used for the first time in Brazil in 1600 and years after it was created at the beginning of the last century as a martial art. In short, there is no concrete evidence that capoeira came from n'golo, nor was it even created in Angola, just as there is no evidence of the practice used in colonial times by Africans. just loose reports of similar things but that don't even come close to being capoeira
Capoeira tem a origem na África, mas se materializou no Brasil. Espalhada pelo mundo afora, todas as rodas de capoeira que existem são cantadas em dialetos brasileiros. É o maior difusor da língua tupiniquim no mundo, sem dúvida!
Ginga e uma palavra angolana (kinbundu)
Capoeira não tem origem na africa, apenas origem afrobrasileira. Não há vestigio historico de utilização de algo parecido utilizada por africanos antes do Brasil. A capoeira(nome de origem tupi guarani) é uma arte 100% genuinamente brasileira, desenvolvida e criada no Brasil. O que tem origem africana é o n'golo e isso é outra coisa, além de alguns instrumentos. Se africanos, tivessem criado a capoeira teriam desenvolvido ela por alguns de seus territorios e haveria vestigios de sua criação por lá em todos os lados nos seculos passado, mas nunca houve um unico achado desta arte por lá. O mestre pastinha, em busca de evidencias no seculo passado visitou a africa e não encontrou a capoeira, e por isso criou a caporeira angola como homenagem aos povos que foram trazidos desta região para cá, ou seja nem mesmo a capoiera angola foi criado lá, é sim por outro brasileiro. Outro detalhe importante é que se fosse algo de lá, eles teriam usado para se defender nos eua, colombia, argentina e nos outros lugares que esses povos foram levados, o que não ocorreu, porque não tem sua criação de origem na africa mas unicamente de origem dos povos do Brasil.
There is already well written documentations of Queen Nzinga performing the martial art infront of Portuguese missionaries in the Early 1600. Also research Dennis Newsome and the Art called Testa. On top of that there are already cave paintings of Khoisan Africans performing this art Southern Africa.
Can u tell me where I can find these documents?
Capoeira is my history my self defence my culture my arts of freedom.
Great spirit and the spirit of the great Mestre bimba be with me to pass this knowledge to my offspring capoeira I feel strong and happy with myself
The origin of all martial arts is from Africa...I have research it
The word capoeira comes from Tupi (spoken by the native Tupi people of Brazil), referring to the areas of low vegetation in the Brazilian interior. Just to call it capoeira already considers it Brazilian.
It was CREATED in Brazil as a mean for the slaves (from Africa) to still practice a kind of martial art, even though that was prohibited by their masters, by claiming it was a dance.
Not true , way ?Angola style capoeira , way ? birinbau ( hungu)africa instrumentos, way ? ginga palavra angola😅
"The Old die and the young forget." Oh yeah, and racist lies.
" Não brigue com esse negro,esse negro foi quem me ensinou,esse Negro da calça rasgada,camisa furada foi meu professor""
Ohhhhhhh África,meu berço,minha cultura,te amo
Abraços do Brasil
En Inglesse por favor Obrigado
@@WuChuan036 It means : Fuck you and your english . You're welcome :)
Entao volta para lá, simples. já q é tua cultura, pq q eu sei a cultura brasileira e o povo Br são majoritarios portugueses
@@camilatsunemori1188 Está a te doer muito né?😂😂😂 aceita que dói menos.
The dance of zebra, ngolo dance, Hungu( Berimbau) Angolans were a power house working on fields because of their robust and strong power, stono revolt, palmeira nganga zumbi- Kilombo, angolan origin, that's how capoeira got famous in brasil...
Na verdade há capoeira tinha outro nome era uma dança que foi trazido pelos angolano mas nessa dança foi colocado artes Márcia e vários golpes o baiano Manuel dos reis machado e junto com bimba, a capoeira e uma dança com gingado angolano mas as acrobacias e artes Márcia foram colocado por Brasileiro descendentes de africano.
Mas Manuel dos Reis Machado e Bimba eh a mesma pessoa
You can't take the African(Black) out of Afrobrazilian and you can't take African/Black out of Capoeira. Capoeira's origin is Africa. The ROOTS and the SOURCE is Africa.
My Afro/Brazilian brothers and sisters. would it be fair to say that capoeira has been conceived in Africa and born in Brazil? Without either, Capoeira would not exist!!!
You made the best comment on here. People refuse to think for themselves. So called Africans Americans and Afro Brazilians were ALREADY HERE, and notice no one in the comments or in the media are talking about the similarities between the Mongoloid tribes in South America and the African tribes. They want people to ignore that and act blind like it doesn't exist. This is our planet!
You know that most of the slaves in Brazil came from The Congo. In the Congo their is a martial art called Kipura which is a Rooster fighting style. All the slaves gave input in Brazil because Kipura was wide spread in west Africa by the Congo warriors thus it was mostly called Kipura and Brazillians mis pronounced it as Capoeira. Different names and variations as all martial arts do. Everywhere the slaves went so did Kipura by different names but all obviously the same root form. Jamaica = Machete, St Martin = Danmye, North Carolina USA = Kickin & Knockin and of course Brazilian Kipura. Below is My Research:
1) full Documentary: French and Brazialian capoerstists go to African to find the Roots. This proves everything. Notice at 11:20 how the African bro says and shows it is an African Martial art named Morengue which was the fighting style of the rooster. . Many versions for it (as all martial arts) but kipura was the root in Central west Africa. 33:50 Ogun is the god of Kipura
2) This Congo Government website states what Kipura is
3)This book (p18) Shows the Arrest record and origin of the early Capoeristas
4) This DocuDrama is a accurate depiction:
No sir that’s incorrect most of Brazilian slaves came from Angola please research it
@@mgossett34 Angola and Congo where the same at the time this coming from a Congolese Angolan esikongo and Mbundu
What are you arguing
No, they came from Angola. They literally had a place called small Angola during slavery
@@imanigray just the north part. The south of Angola have nothing to do with Congo. It is like saying that people from north Congo were the same as the people from Angola, when they are actually closer to Cameroon. Only the south Congo and North Angola have things in common. The south Angola have nothing to do with Congolese people, and berimbau (the instrument utilized in Capoeira) was invented in south Angola, it was called Hungu
Funny thing is, if a Chinese-American mixed Wing Tsun and Hung Gar in America, no one would be calling it an "American" artform.
Capoeira´s seed is in Angola, it was planted in Brazil's soil, under the hostil influence of Portugal dominators . The result was Capoeira.
This is the coolest thing I have ever seen!
Yes, it is called Engolo/Nzanga.
The Birthplace of capoeira is Angola... A capoeira teve origem em Angola....
''ORIGEM'' Mas foi inventada no Brasil
voctor silva that makes no sense
Capoeira was born in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Not in Angola. The slaves of angola who were enslaved in Brazil were the ones who created capoeira. Capoeira was born in Brazil. The name capoeira is in Brazilian Portuguese. Angola did not even know capoeira.
Grande mentira. Capoeira foi criada no Brasil por escravos de Angola. Capoeira foi baseada em uma dança africana de Angola. Mas capoeira é brasileira de nascimento. Angola nem existia capoeira. O próprio nome capoeira é brasileiro.
Na verdade a capoeira é formada de vários traços culturais distintos, fruto da diversidade geográfica da proviniencia dos Africanos que foram trazidos para o Brazil. Não foi só de Angola que vieram, foi de toda a África. Imagino que a capoeira nasce no encontro desta diversidade, no Brasil. De facto não existem registos de capoeira em Africa, como uma arte ancestral.
Yo tengo una pregunta, ¿por qué la capoeira no surgió en Estados Unidos si era incluso más esclavista que Brasil y con más negros?
@@luisleonardojuarez7389 A população de negros escravizados era maior no Brasil do que nos Estados Unidos, não existe isso de mais escravista ou menos escravista.
Respondendo a sua pergunta com outra pergunta. Por que a capoeira surgiria no Estados Unidos ao invés do Brasil?
@@juanpereira2099 mi pregunta es porque no pudo surgir en Estados Unidos, es decir que faltó o que lo impidió.
@@luisleonardojuarez7389 porque os escravizados do Estados Unidos tinham origem diferente dos escravizados no Brasil. No Brasil a maioria era Angolano, já nos Estados Unidos era nigeriano
@@luisleonardojuarez7389 porque a origem dos escravizados nos dois países eram diferente. A África toda não praticava capoeira não, somente Angola que tinha algo parecido com a capoeira, e a maioria dos escravizados no Brasil eram Angolanos, nos Estados Unidos eram nigerianos
I do agree that capoeira is a mix of martial arts and dances. Historians saying capoeira started off as a dance is a bunch of balony. If you seen the performance of engolo it looks nothing more than like punga or ladja. It wouldn't be hard to see why they disguised it as a dance. You also forget Angolans were not the only ones who came to brazil. One of the other biggest influences on capoeira can be from the (Male) Hausa who have their own style that heavily resembles capoeira.
Brazilian influence and importance on the development of capoeira is something that can't be ignored. Africans are not trying to steal anything, we are only trying to claim something that has its roots in Africa. For many years african history was told and elaborated by non-africans, now we finaly want to say things as we see them. As an angolan capoeirista in not afraid to say that capoeira was developed in brasil, but from african roots.
Thank you
Lol don’t worry most of the Black people in Brazil that practice Capoeira descendants of Angola anyways and of the Congo and surrounding areas so it all ties in so don’t worry yourself
yes, African roots within Brazil, as there is no historical record of anything similar in Africa or Angola in the colonial era. It was only in 1950, after capoeira was already being exported to the world, that a Portuguese person saw something similar called n'golo, even so, that is not capoeira.
@LaMariposaSedosa Zouk is from Haiti. Samba is traditional music beats taken to the new land by West African people. Why do people find it strange. It is not native american, spanish or portuguese. The Samba dance moves are build on African moves. The back break in samba (have differents names) is a signature west african move. Most of the info on Samba mention Brazil, only few will let you know it was brought by the people of Africa.
@jo1ao2zinho i agree with you 100 % the Portuguese and even the French and Spanish were not as cruel as the English that is why people of African descent in Brazil other parts of South America and even the Carribean still hold on to African rituals and some even speak dialect traced back to Africa where as African Americans lost much of their African rituals
as long as people know that capoeira was in africa before it came to brazil, plus i found out it was first created by queen anzinga in africa
Latter statement a good point. So is the "Brazilian" DIALECT of Portuguese NOT Portuguese because it want through some changes in Brazil?
Didn't start as a dance it was martial arts, the Angolians weren't allowed to fight as it was a threat to the slave owners, and then they turned it into a dance.
"Semba is a traditional type of music from the Southern-African country of Angola...Semba is the predecessor to a variety of music styles originated from Africa, of which three of the most famous are Samba (from Brazil), Kizomba (Angolan style of music derived directly from Zouk music from the French Caribbean islands) and Kuduro (or Kuduru, energetic, fast-paced Angolan Techno/House music, so to speak)."
Do you know about the Engolo, its techniques (name a few), what were the percussion techniques of the original "beggars'vagrants artform" in Brazil? What artform did the Portuguese have there at the time (I know these things)? What were the original percussion instruments used;?What is the ORIGINAL name of the "Berimbau?"
@MsBaruboa Sim a "capoeira" tem origen ongolana, porem os estilos movimentos e tudo + foi criado aqui no brasil, mas isso não é inporta tanto, o mais importante é que a capoeira esteja em todos os lugares.
Mas você já viu as danças e lutas angolanas que inspirou a capoeira, pra tirar essas conclusões?
nao tem origem angolana amigo, é uma arte desenvolvida e criada no Brasil. Capoeira é 100% brasileira. Apenas o instrumento tem origem de africana
A capoeira, tudo indica, desenvolve-se no Brazil.
A sua essência, a sua beleza e criação, foi dos negros vindos de vários pontos distintos de África.
Foi um grito de libertação, era uma forma de desafio, uma forma de defesa com o seu toque de beleza dos camará.
Capoeira é tradição antiga, vem da reunião de um povo em ansia de liberdade, é uma dança que se transforma em luta da força que vence a ira!
Vários pontos não. Especificamente de Angola, por isso existe um estilo que se chama capoeira Angola e não capoeira África ou capoeira Nigéria
@@futr9321 meu querido, vai ler, quem criou "capoeira angola" foi um brasileiro chamado mestre pastinha em homenagem ao lugar que vieram muitos escravos do Brasil, mas não o único. O proprio mestre pastinha não encontrou vestigio historico desta arte em nenhum lugar da angola.
the old african form is n'golo then in brazil it became capoeira they are similar but capoeira evolved in brazil and i love them both =)
Africans are beautiful people.
I remember when I practiced Capoeira, there was saying: "Capoeira became pregnant in Angola and was born in Brazil". I find it a nice way to put it. The roots are undeniably from N'Golo, but the particular context of the slaves in Brasil and the parallel development created a thing on it's own.
As an analogy, you can think of Spaghetti and meatballs. Is an Italo-American dish, the roots are from southern Italy, but that particular dish in the style we know it today is American. Italian American branched in their own way, and so did the Angolans that were brought to Brazil.
It is African. Period.
yes, I was mistaken.
I did some reasearch the week after seing this, a tradition of 'warrior dance' existed in south america before colonial times but from what I could find the evidence that the dance was derived from africa was overwelming.
I still consider copiera Brazillian, but there is no doubt in my mind now that its heritage lies in angola.
Wat about the instrument?
Even there alot of song called Angola and instrument play technic aswell, this art is with no doubt brought from Angola wit the slaves but the Brazilian racist tray to change the history.
You are the one that is dreaming my friend. stating that capoeira has no african roots and is a Euro Native art? Please. Missionaries were already documenting africans in the Kuene Region performing dance fights. There were also already arts in Africa that resembled capoeira before the muslim revolt. Look at Moringue of madagascar and the reunion.
Agence France-Presse (AFP) is an international news agency [1] headquartered in Paris. It is the oldest [2][3] news agency in the world and one of the largest. Currently, its CEO is Emmanuel Hoog and its news director Philippe Massonnet. AFP headquarters is in Paris, with regional offices in Nicosia, Montevideo, Hong Kong, and Washington, D.C., and bureaux in 150 countries. It transmits news in French, English, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish and German.
@PastyPickle when was the last time you visit africa?? Seems like you are talking from experience. which country did you visit i africa ? how long did you visited?
Equal the samba dance is also its original in Angola, properly in the province of Cuanza Norte. The Capital City is N'dalatando. But in the world people knows samba is original in Brazil, because this culture or dance becomes more popular in Brazil.
Where is the first samba album in Angola? Neither samba nor capoeira were created in Angola. Samba, precisely the word that has Angolan origins, because those who created it were Afro-Brazilians in Brazil. All were created by Afro-Brazilians within Brazil. Samba was created in Rio de Janeiro and was also influenced by European culture, some Portuguese instruments like the cavaquinho don't exist in Africa so how could Angolans create something without having instruments and influence from other places in the world? As for capoeira (a word of indigenous Tupi Guarani origin), there are no traces of its use before its creation in Brazil, only in 1950, after "capoeira angola" was created by the Brazilian master Pastinha and taken to Africa, which a Historian discovered n'golo, a similar ritual, but not even close to capoeira.
I suggest you to study about the history of capoeira before comenting. I mentioned Hip Hop because it is comparable to a small amount.
@@BlackMartialArtsSociety I wouldn't add "to a small amount" again. it's the same. Hip Hop was not born in Africa, though it has african soul
@@BlackMartialArtsSociety Even the young man in the beginning of this video states that Capoeira has its origins with the African slaves in Brazil as "a scream for freedom". It is a Brazilian martial art created by African Brazilian' slaves influenced by African fighting traditions. There were no slaves in Angola. If someone says that Capoeira is not Brazilian, the same can be said of the Blues, which was also created by African slaves in the United States, having its origins in spiritual African singing. These two cultural expressions have their inspirations and influences in Africa culture, of course, but they were created and developed in Brazil and US respectively.
Now, listen from 3:00 to 3:30 in this video: African American Music: From Spirituals to Jazz and the Blues
And now compare to 0:20 until 0:50 in this video:
So, now anyone can say that Blues was created in Africa, not in America. :/
This article is very misleading, Capoeira does have its roots from Angola and evolved into new styles in Brazil. The ones that evolved the Style in Brazil were also of African Origin. There are mainly two styles known in Capoeira, Angola Style and Regional Style (which was the one developed in Brazil). In the video they are practicing Regional Style, the particular style evolved in Brazil hence the Brazilian flag in their shirts.
The only thing misleading is this comment, without the Angolans there would be no capoeira, show me any traditional Portuguese practice of capoeira
Capoeira was born in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Not in Angola. The slaves of angola who were enslaved in Brazil were the ones who created capoeira. Capoeira was born in Brazil. The name capoeira is in Brazilian Portuguese. Angola did not even know capoeira.
Aleks Afonso if you take a Lion out of the Savannah’s of Africa, is it still not a Lion? Capoeira today was born in Bahia do Brasil to Angolans ( African Slaves) so it is inherently African, it was a dance in Angola and used as a defense out of necessity in Brasil.
Africa did not know capoeira. Capoeira was taken from Brazil to the world. The creators of capoeira were African slaves. But the place of birth was in Brazil. Capoeira was born in Brazil, not in Africa.
@Mari Jata Capoeira was born in the state of Bahia, in Brazil. And nothing is going to change that. It is a historical fact. The world knows. The rest is envy.
No Brasil também há luta praticadas pelos indígenas e que também houve influência na capoeira .
O campeão Anderson Silva esteve no Xingu para lutar .
Faça busca no youtbe : Anderson silva no Xingu
@quepasa3000 to me, capoeira is the best martial art. Because it doesn't solve the conflict by force but by how you get around it. And you don't try to hurt the opponent but try to make him/her realize that the war is useless. And lot of good dance and music.
It is absolutely better than Judo or Karate, because you don't actually hurt or hit anyone. I think this is a sport played in heaven. So peaceful and fun. I sincerely hope Capoeira will be played and enjoyed by everyone on earth!!!
Brasil has so many things African, culturally and socially, but Brasil has always been historically ashamed of its African heritage, which is why many in Brasil get mad when they find out so much of our culture is African. Samba is Angolan, capoeira is Angolan, acaraje is Nigerian, so much food, religion, dance, even words in Brasilian Portuguese is African. So right on Angola!!!
The ignorance of some is amazing. Africans, like immigrants of other ethnicities brought their culture with them. African culture in Brazil remains very strong to this day. It is not a secret which parts of Brazilian culture are African, Euro, or Native.
I think the easiest way to look at it is to realize that although the roots for capoeira are undeniably African (berimbau, other similar art forms), the practice of the game called `capoeira` was birthed in Brazil.
Bahamas, Nearly 90% of slaves sent to brasil were Angolans... Since the 1400... The rest came much later in the 1800 that's why some still held the culture, but Angolans were the first to arrive in the Americas - Virginia.. We suffered so much and yet not recognition. We Angolans and others built the Americas.
It is Afro Brazilian and has both and it's beautiful
As a Jamaican, and as a capoeirista, we know all about mixed cultures and mixed beginnings. But capoeira was mostly already developed and the evidence thereof exists, or existed, in the caribbean. There was a dance/ fight known as the lodja, or danmye, that has very similar movements to capoeira and is still practiced in many places. Look it up on UA-cam.
@feijao7 Never forgotten and we sing in our songs, We still wear the colors, we use it proudly as a flag by displaying it with all the vigor it's memory deserves! Never forgotten. But the birth place of capoeira is Brazil.
I don't understand why some people are arguing on this video saying that capoeira is not angolan and all...
First of all they said that there are some traditional angolan dance that are similar to the steps perfomed in capoiera and also the instrument used in capoeira is similar to the traditional angolan instrument..
The dance has its roots in angola and was carried through brazil by the african slaves where it evolve to what is known today as capoeira
Yes... it breaks my heart to see the Angolans in this video practicing what looks like Regional or Contemporary Capoeira. That WAS NOT the Capoeira of Angola...
Even more sad was the words the instructor was translated saying "Capoeira started as a traditional dances among the African slaves sent to Brazil...". That is definently a Brazilian teaching. The name Capoeira didn't exist yet, but the customs and origins of Capoeira pre-date slavery.
Indoctrination of actual Angolans... Sad.
Aswell the musical instrument?
Aswell o toque de Angola no birimbau?
Come on.
Way Angola is called in a lot o capoeira songs?
@@juvenaldasilva4688 I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here. But it is true that many Capoeira elements existed in Africa prior to intermingling with the indigenous natives of Brazil. The movements of Capoeira stem from the N'golo dance/ritual and the berimbau already existed, but was called the hungo. All the intermingling made Capoeira what it is today, but that is NOT where it started.
But also, I made that comment TEN YEARS AGO. I've evolved in my views since then. Capoeira is CAPOEIRA. Angola, Regional, Senzala, CDO... It's doesn't matter. It's all Capoeira and I'm glad to see it spreading. But let's appropriately credit it's African roots as it grows.
@vibrantkitty1 I'm not yoruba! I'm Brazilian. And if you read again i'm saying that they are different. And samba is west side of where? Fellow friend i'm sure now that the books you read about Afro brazilian culture from, was a bit wrong or incomplete!
Love this a lot !!
It makes me sad when they try to change history- and what makes it worse that black people follow in this behaviour. capoeira did not only just come from africa, it came from other neighboring African countries- many that were victims of slavery. If you watch certain tribal festivals in Africa you see them perform Capoeira. In fact the way they perform it is much more refined than what you see in Brazil. In fact they use weapons when they practice it in Africa. This is insulting now, what next?
You're right, but without the european and native american mix in the African bloodline this music wouldn't exist. Even a mix of 10% in the blood line makes a big difference. Thats what I'm saying, cumbia and salsa is a tri-racial thing it got influences in the rythm and in the mambo by african blood and melodies and chords by spanish and native american blood. Allmost all of the people considered Afro-Americans are mixed, even if they look very black, so thats why the music is so hot.
Capoeira that is practiced today was brought to Brazil as a complete ritual, fight with music DURING the 20th CENTURY, thereby making it an AFRICAN transplant. Do the research for yourselves, Bentono and Bentinho were both Angolan s who came to Brazil during the 1920's. There existed many African fights in Brazil prior to this, but none have gained to popularity of Capoeira ANGOLA(named after its country of origin)
@Cubanounesp I don't remember hearing them lay claim to studying Regional in this vid, so why claim fallacy? I, personally no the distinct difference between Capoeira Regional and Capoeira Angola, and all the movements found in this vid were distinctly Angola. And how does Angola traditional dancing translate to Capoeira Regional?
Brazil try to claim this 😂
@Cubanounesp because Brazil was a Portuguese colony like Angola. The one and only colony Portugal had in the western hemisphere. Other colonies were under the Spanish and Spain never colonized Angola.
It was originated in Brasil, even though it has roots in Africa
Bullshit. Why are you always so like this? Always trying discredit African contribution to anything.
There are document of missionaries who visited this region before slavery who documented the practice of this martial arts long before slavery.
Essomo Serge you are right, people discredit Africa a lot, but the thing is that the capoiera as it is known originated from the necessity of people to hide the practice of african originated martial arts in the form of a dance because martial arts and fighting was not allowed by the slave owners
@@project-237 is from Brazil. stop steal culture of others country, not our fault that your people don't have culture
@@camilatsunemori1188 your crazy. Brazil would have been nothing and completely boring without the influence of the enslaved Africans. Brazil today has a culture only because of Africa.
A capoira Brasileira tem muitas carateríscas própias e regionais sendo diversa em todo BRASIL, mas também tem aspectos da capoeira de Angola e outros países africanos isso graças AFRICANOS.THE CAPOEIRA FROM BRAZIL was created from many candy of slaves form AFRIACAN CONTINET not only from Angola.WE FROM BRAZIL HAVE the true REGIONALISTY CAPOEIRA AND CAPOEIRA FROM ANGOLA the BOTH and many other´s.CAPOEIRA IS CULTURE IN BRASIL MAM! CAPOEIRA IS FROM MANY CULTURES!!!!
@MfalmeBwana Axe. I agree slavery was not good at all and I wasn't saying the experience was good either. I was pointing out the fact that, Capoeira, as is now(the movement/music combo) is specifically unique to Brazil. There are many similar forms as I have learned, such as Ladja(spelling?) in Martinique, but Capoeira is Capoeira. I am not separating it from African culture at all. The point I was making is that Capoeira is as much Afro-Brazilian as much as Ladja is Afro-Martinique.
The Brazilian born knowing two things, capoeira and play futbol
the truth is that Capoeira was created and developed in Brazil, later spread around the world, we have our heroes of capoeira in Brazil since the time of slavery.
@vibrantkitty1 I also like to add from reading your previous comments that Africa did influence Brazil. Like the Yoruba religion still practiced there is more pure than it is in Africa. If capoeira wasn't influenced by ngolo then capoeira did come from Africa. Without the seed there will be no roots.
I asked you direct questions for which you have no proper response. There defineable peoples who make up Brazilians: Luso-Brazilians, African-Brazilians, "Native" populations indigenous to the region, Japanese-Brazilians, some Spanish speaking Brazilians, some Lebanese-Brazilians and others. Of these, which group brought elements from their culture of origins to fundamentally inform this artform?
wow there is two kinds of capoeiras...angola and regional..angola was made on africa like she said and regional was made from one of the slaves that went to brazil (mestre bimba)...
@Cubanounesp and its for that reason that Angola was only able to get slaves from Angola to Brazil. Spain took slaves from other parts of Africa; mainly the western part (Gambia, Senegal, Guinea and Ivory Coast)
Nothing to do with Portugal or anywhere else BUT AFRICA
No one knows where capoeira actually came from. It could have originated in Angola under the name of ngolo. But then again there are many African arts identical to the ngolo or totally different with the same acrobatic potential that gave birth to it. My point is today we know it as a brazilian art and we should respect that. Capoeira wasn't showed to Angolans to "GIVE IT BACK," but to call on the mother, Ngolo. To reconnect and show Africans that they can do better than this.
The Afro/blacks all over the world have been longing for their recognition and everyone used to say they can't produce anything,they're nothing.Wherever they are they create colourful cultures and sing about the motherland and people keep trying tom cut the Africa out of Afro.It will never happen.They know they're Africans,simple and history books can never be tempered with again.
To me capoeira is both African and Brazilian. And respective terms I call it Afro Brazilian. It was made in Brazil by its parent martial arts that came from Africa made by Africans. Brazilians take pride in it and added their influences and Africans deserve credit for their creations slaves or not.
I'm tryna learn Muay Thai Capoeira Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu all in one already know western boxing still learning 52 blocks I'm very knowledgeable patient and eager to learn as much as possible
Beautiful martial art
@LaMariposaSedosa I would be more the happy to share links so if you dont know you can find out what it is. The Batuque still is used in some tribes in Africa including among the tribe Nuba that also add knifes into it! The batuque then was developed into something different, added more flavor, movements from animals and so on, and so on.... as you can read from the other writes replying angrily to this video!
yea thats interesting..are you from brazil..and do they not teach these things in the brazilian schools there? I guess not cause in america they briefly touch on the the African influence also..
Capoeria is not a Mayan martial art. It's an African based art. Proof here:
Afuraka was first to do this style. Afuraka is the motherland.
Indeed, capoeira is black and has African roots, but as I read the comments section, seemed to me important to point out:
its not like people from Angola reached Brazil in a group and could teach their culture freely,
groups from the same region of Africa got splitted before being enslaved, so they could not comunicate and cooperate with eachother.
Then, the people that could put capoeira together was ,most likely, already born in Brazil, hence, brazilian.
To our family in brazil luv from thy african American
I've seen video footage of the art engolo. It resembles a lot like ladja but no doubt is a root to capoeira. You seem to forget the references by Porrtrugese missionaries Documenting Queen Nzinga performing it as well. I have video proof by Mansa Cobra.