This coach is great! Learn something extremely important today: forehand and backhand Transition is weight transition. It is not about hand moving to forehand or backhand. The hand is always at the front. When you decide to go forehand or backhand, just need to slightly adjust the hand grip, and use the weight transition to complete the forehand and backhand transition.
Folks, this might be the best and most important learning lesson on forehand and backhand transition, which is one of the most difficult skill in table tennis. Save it and watch it again and again and again. 😀
This coach is great! Learn something extremely important today: forehand and backhand Transition is weight transition. It is not about hand moving to forehand or backhand. The hand is always at the front. When you decide to go forehand or backhand, just need to slightly adjust the hand grip, and use the weight transition to complete the forehand and backhand transition.
3:02 Unfortunately, she could never hear again after this drill
This channe is a gift for every table tennis enthusiastic .) Thanks for this high level content
Folks, this might be the best and most important learning lesson on forehand and backhand transition, which is one of the most difficult skill in table tennis. Save it and watch it again and again and again. 😀
Best video, just found out about this video, thankyou so much
All the way from Africa, I'm learning a lot. Thank you Sir
You are a blessing to me dear coach❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏
Good teknik thank you coach
你的问题太笼统了。1 你是什么打法? 2 你的技术能力?这是最基本的,你没有讲。3 你应该把“反手可以用这个动作吗?“ 做修改。 实话说,我是使用长胶的坚决反对者。话可能伤众,但是绝大多数使用长胶,或者应该说换用长胶的,都有取巧之嫌。而真正想去研究的太少了。削球手是走投无路了,常规胶皮基本是死路一条,可以谅解。邓亚萍之后,没有能用长胶打到顶尖水平的了。邓确实是有真本事,硬功夫,那是扎扎实实练出来的,再加上本人的超级天分。我实在不明白为什么那么多人非要用长胶,而技术的掌握上绝大多数的人都是一头雾水。当然,这纯属个人观点,一般人怎么高兴怎么玩儿,我无权干涉。但是就技术层面,实在是乏善可陈。近年来,真正能代表长胶进攻型打法的就我看只有一个人,就是退役的周欣彤。她的技术是真好,本人天分也够,但是不给机会,连参加世界大赛的机会都不给。遗憾。
另外,薄海绵厚度绝对是因人而异的,而薄海绵本身还有很多讲究呢。这话要讲起来可就长了。就此打住吧。 感谢你的信任,向我提问题。
@@coachmecoachma 谢谢马教练的耐心回复,我个子矮,力量也不大,顶多福原爱的力量,所以我选择了模仿福原爱的打法,您说的对,长胶的容错率确实太低了,现在反手是攻不上去也守不住,我也在纠结是不是反手改成生胶,也想听一下您的建议,我协调性和手感还可以,就是个子矮力量差。
我现在问你几个问题: 1 你是 M OR W? 2 身高多少? 3 打球多少年了? 4 谁给你出的主意模仿福原爱?