Pán Ježiš Kristus vstal z mŕtvych, Raduj sa nebies Kráľovná, St. Joseph Church, Hazleton PA

  • Опубліковано 4 січ 2025
  • -Easter Resurrection Procession with Benediction. Sts. Cyril and Methodius Parish at the Church of St. Joseph, Hazleton, PA. Easter, 2016. Note: Traditionally, this procession is held outdoors however, as a practical matter, here, it circles the interior of the church.
    St. Joseph Church is the oldest Slovak Roman Catholic Church in the Western Hemisphere having been founded in 1882.
    -Pán Ježiš Kristus vstal z mŕtvych - JKS 192
    -Raduj sa, nebies Kráľovná (Regina coeli laetare) - JKS 312a
    Note: The Church, which is quite large (seating 1,000+), was relatively full despite the emptiness seen on the Gospel side. Formerly, this section was reserved for the Easter Vigil and most people, out of habit, would not sit there.
    Pán Ježiš Kristus Vstal Z Mŕtvych
    1. Pán Ježiš Kristus vstal z mŕtvych
    Sbor: Aleluja, chváľme Boha, Boha svojho.
    2. Na potechu všetkých hriešnych
    3. Ktorý ťažkú smrť podstúpil.
    4. Aby hriešnych nás vykúpil.
    5. Ku hrobu tri Márie šli.
    6. Drahé masati ony niesli.
    7. Anjela tam uvideli.
    8. Od neho sa dozvedeli.
    9. Že Kristus Pán dnes z mŕtvych vstal.
    10. Jak pred smrťou to zvestoval.
    11. Preto plesaj vo deň, v noci.
    12. Že Kristus vstal v svojej moci.
    13. Všetci teda prespevujme.
    14. Česť a chválu Mu vzdávajme.
    Jesus Lord, Savior, Is Risen
    1. Jesus Lord, Savior, is risen
    Refrain: Alleluia!
    God, we praise you! God, our Savior.
    2. That we sinners are forgiven,
    3. He, a painful death enduring,
    4. Rescues us, our souls redeeming.
    5. To the gravesite three Marys hasten,
    6. Bearing costly spices and ointments
    7. There they saw an angel most glor’ous,
    8. Who revealed this message so wondrous:
    9. Christ Our Lord this day is risen,
    10. As before his death, he told us.
    11. Let’s rejoice both day and night,
    12. Christ has risen by His own might.
    13. Celebrate with song and rejoicing;
    14. Laud our God with joy and thanksgiving
    Sister Maria Theresa Hronec, March 2012