Truly enjoy watching these videos. So much so in fact that I've informed my husband that one day we'll be leaving Texas, buying a boat, and spending a few years on the canals ourselves. Thanks for being my anxiety and depression meds over the left few months!
Once again, loved it! Thank you for taking me along. Tut-tut, woe-is-me. Texas can seem like such a dreary place on a Monday night. Thank you for sharing this window into the UK.
Third time through these videos. They are heaven to these times of isolation. And it brings back fond memories of England. If more of us "yanks" would get out and experience the world as visitors it would help change some attitudes. Great narration. At times I forget they are voice overs. Good job.
Another great video, this is our regular stamping ground when we are fortunate enough to get a few weeks on the cut so it's good to see it again even when we have the misfortune to have to fulfill life's other obligations!
What a lovely surprise at the end of the video seeing all those tiny ducklings how cute!! Looks like you have been a boat for years you are doing so well. Look forward to seeing the next video.
When overwhelmed by (anti) social media, I go back and watch your old vlogs. Thank you again. Before posting on Twitter, one should be required to watch one of your videos.
I envy you. I, like you, would rather not have an RV, but here in the US, sadly, canals such as yours were never developed. I suppose house boats on a river might do in a pinch, but that's a different beast entirely. Cheers!
Hi, yet another brilliant episode of your exploits along the cut which I find so colourful and amusing including many of the things most boaters think about but do nothing by way of complaining about, you seem to manage it in a way that is quite acceptable whilst cutting to the chase. Well done! Keep it up.
Ahoy there, I have enjoyed your vlogs since you started boating life. I watch them during my frequent coffee breaks as I'm currenltly preparing to move house (I think I've sold it, fingers crossed). i watch them at random knowing that I'll undoubtedly learn something new and/or find another of your comments giving me something new to chuckle about. Anyway, I'm approaching my 70th birthday and I've decided, like you, to try boat life. I've organised a two day training course for early next month and have put down a deposit on a 40 foot cruiser stern. so I will soon join the frey! In for a penny eh? Thanks for keeping me entertained, motivated and helping me with my boating education. Maybe we;ll meet on the water one day. Cheerio.
Great vlog! Lovely ducks! And you've become very proficient at doing those locks single handedly! Plenty of material for action figures - you treading in dog poo, you emptying the elsan, and best of all, you and the boat turning in a "no turning spot".
Very enjoyable interlude, as always, thanks. As for the boom-blocking of private docks, perhaps the owners are scared of people hitting their boats when turning in a confined space, especially inexperienced hire-boaters? I'm guilty of playing boat-skittles myself...As for the dog-iron, the owners should be made to pick it up with their bare hands and carry it home ;-)
Maybe but there generally aren't boats moored immediately beside the turning point because anyone legitimately coming in needs that space to manoeuvre themselves.
Very relaxing to watch. I started at Vol. 1 and I'm working my way through them. I usually watch in the evening with a pint and maybe a shot of good scotch or irish whiskey. I'm going through your videos at the same pace you go through the canals: very slowly. But what's the hurry?
Great video by the way. I love it when you leave the boat (for awhile) and document small townships and their surroundings, kind of like what I would do if I travel on a boat, or train or such. I didn't even know Asian food is even more popular in smaller towns compared to big townships!
Loving the vlogs as it remind me what I'm missing whilst stuck bk here in the rat race. There are some recycle points in some canal areas so they might get the idea in others as time goes by. Only problem we found was that some boaters were not set on the idea of sorting their waste into the correct bins n just decided to dump their bags of mixed stuff in any bin, oh well.Keep the vids coming.
I'm not sure I've got enough space for too many different types of rubbish bin on the boat either so in some ways it's a relief. Not good, I grant you.
Thank you for a very informative and enjoyable series. You have no idea how lucky you are to have canals to sail on. Where I am we have drainage ditches about that big . They fill once a year sometimes. We have two seasons, Wet and Dry. The latter is getting more and the former less. We have interesting little wind storms called cyclones. The Dry is also known as the Brown out, it's the colour of everything till the wet comes. It's North Queensland.. Thats in Australia. Thanks again.
Once again, another fantastic video, I do enjoy them so much. Is this your first year on the canals....if so you are doing very well, & as I always say, you present them so well, we have to empty our toilet in the motorhome, no big problem, I empty it, ok, but some people make an awful fuss about it, good idea not to leave it too long!!!
Another great video, always enjoy the views of the countryside and the different places you visit, keep up the good work....and watch out for the dog poop :0)
Watching your videos makes me even more sad haha.. I really really wish I had a Narrowboat. But sadly I don't think I would ever be able to afford one.. And also I am from Denmark :P Still the English Canal system have fascinated me since my childhood (And I am 38) And Narrowboats are just sooo dang charming : )
Basset Hound @ 5:39!! Apologies...when you own three you become a bit Basset mad! Loving the videos thus far. Found your channel via The Flying Reporter's channel and seriously wondering if boating would make for a nice holiday at some point :)
I just found your VLOG and started learning about the British Canal system. Being an American, the peace and simple pleasures are a panacea for the soul adrift in a world seemingly gone out of control. Did you ever get an answer to your question about 4 min in? It looks to me like ruins of an ancient arena called, in my country, “Drive In Theater”. It seems to be missing the screen, but, even in their prime, the screens were rarely observed and could have been easily disposed of. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for another great video. I really liked the look-around in Fazeley. Seeing what the towns along the way have to offer is very interesting. You seemed like an old pro piloting your narrow boat through the locks, junctions, and towns. Happy Cruising!
I'm not in to canals boating I found your blog through your other channel, but I'm really enjoying watching your videos, and looking forward to the next one. Great camera work wish I was that good
....don't think we needed to know about your "over flowing" toilet problem but other that that keep up the good work as I'm loving your trip so thing for us lot, that are not in the UK, a map of where you have come from and where you are going to would help if that's not pushing our friendship to far, I know I can Google it and I do but a nice little drawing based on where you are heading day to day would help and before you say "I did one" yes and I remember that but it was some time ago and if I'm not mistaken you did own up to the fact that it was, how do we say, rubbish, so please help us out just with a small "mud" map so I can really see where it is a happening...thank you Sir....
Found you via the Exploring Alternatives youtube channel. Your content has been refreshing for my background noise while working from home and reminds me that nature still exists. I hope you're doing well during these times (well obviously from the updated videos I know, but the thought is there lol).
this bleeding vlog is intoxicating. i am a grown man. dreaming of plying the water ways in another country. i believe you should post a disclaimer on your videos: WARNING WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK THE SURGEON GENERAL HAS DETERMINED THESE VIDEOS ARE ADDICTIVE.
I have had a very stressful week and I couldn't decide what to do to wind down. I went through my youtube subscriptions plugged in my blood pressure monitor and watched 43. A doctor was called over and pronounced me clinically dead. After I relaxed a bit he prescribed me 44.
Looking forward to the next video. Which way will you go I wonder? Up the Aston flight & Farmers Bridge flight, 30 locks in 3 miles I think. Or skirt around it through Warwick Junction. I know how you love locks so.....
Another excellent vlog, thank you. Do agree muchly about irresponsible dog owners and the crap they leave behind, most annoying. Remember Gnosall, on the Shropshire Union on one of our trips and the mess was terrible, local people responsible, not narrowboaters.
I agree dog owners should clean up after their pets and have said so emphatically on a prior video. It's impossible to say some narrowboaters aren't guilty as well as non-boaters, there are good and bad people on and off boats.
Just over half way through your vlogs and I'm enjoying every bit. Thank you! As others have posted already, your videos are entertaining as well as informative. Your filming, editing and narration are spot on. May i ask what type of video camera and editing software are you using? Cheers!
the canal is 42 miles long gets you up to Kendal in the Lake District and there's about 5 miles over the length of the canal where you will hear trains
You should get a drone. Not that CTC isn't brilliant anyway. Plus, any chance we can ever peek inside these canalside stores places? Would be cool to see what they stock. Excellent stuff.
I've spent some time on offshore boats, including a North sea trawler. and have been an auxiliary coastguard, but am now seriously considering narrowboat life. On many of the canal boat forums, towpath vandalism seems to be a major problem. What's your experience ?
When you say your heading up north do you mean along the Leeds - Liverpool canal, if so I recommend stopping at saltair. Near salts mill, there's the village close buy with loads of shops and restaurants, parks and a old tramway. Don't stop at bingley lock to Sleep overnight though nothing will happen but it's a dogging area.....and I'm not talking about the barking type.
+CruisingTheCut I was fitting a glass in a car when I was on call and somebody flashed a torch at me. I was puzzled so asked the owner of the car who lived over the swing bridge and he told me what it's about. I was freaked out a bit lol
I am catching up. Tesco's - did you but any crisps (we call them chippies in NZ) and dip. Oh did the "facial recognition system work"?? I look forward to the video on the extendable back scrubber.!
It's the M42 not the M40... fascinating as I loved living in this area. Lived about 400 yards from Tamworth Crusing club, and regularly walked the canals in this area...
Didn't realise you could drag race narrow boats. Glad you averted a collision. Some lovely scenery and yes, pretty miserable to answer your question, assuming it wasn't rhetorical.
Nice video. If I were cruising the cut, I would have a huge bale of white bread on the roof at all times for feeding those ducks, especially the ones with babies. Two questions: 1. Watching you climb down the lock ladder and walk along the narrow strip of roof between your solar panels and the side of the lock looks inherently dangerous. I'm sure people have slipped between a boat and the side of a lock. What is the outcome when that happens? 2. How long does it take to work the typical lock by yourself & how much of that time is spent raising or lowering the boat?
Bread is generally bad for ducks (in quantity) and especially ducklings... 1. If you slip, you likely break a leg or suchlike. There's not enough space to slip between the boat and lockside though, just a few inches. 2. Typically 15 mins for a narrow lock and 20 for a wide one. Time to raise etc depends on how deep the lock is.
At 9:54 next to the Indian restaurant is actually ANOTHER Cantonese take-away called Wong's. THREE Cantonese take-away in one area?? Fazeley folks absolute love their Cantonese food! Probably due to their less spicy nature compared to Chinese Szechuan cooking. I don't think you can ever find 3 Cantonese in one area, even in Asian countries, a mix of Cantonese, Szechuan and Teochew yes.
another wonderful video, an thank u here in OHIO we are seeing warm wx now like 84-F/28.9-c.but it late on coming in here.have fun an later mate.Ron, WB8NMK in N W OHIO U S A MAY 27-2016
I know that this is one of your earlier videos, but I was thinking about your observations regarding the increase in domestic solar panels. So here in Australia the government started a “Solar Rebate Scheme” in order to encourage people to switch to a solar system. There were major issues when it first started. A lot of cowboy “Solar Installation” companies sprung up overnight to take advantage of the guaranteed government paycheque etcetera etcetera. Young tradesmen died 😳But that’s a whole other story. Anyway, perhaps the same thing happened in the UK?
I was referring to the signs along the canal that were "unfriendly" and saying No turning! Then I watched the next episode, and you found some more....and then I figured out that they probably didn't want the long boats backing in there (or going forward) and bashing their little boats.....just a theory.
Since I'm sure the original narrow boats were of wooden construction, which then transitioned to steel as a faster to assemble and sturdier material, I'm curious to know if anyone has begun to make narrow boats from (GASP!) fiberglass. As it's a much lighter and cheaper product it would seem to be a natural point of progression in the annals of the 'Narrow Minded'...
In defense of the CRT it’s possible they already have sorting facilities accessible to most locations therefore it’s simpler to collected combined waste and sort it themselves and it’s only in places that either require point of deposit sorting, or don’t have a sorting facility that you will see general waste and various recycling containers
Thank you for the duckling footage! Nice kitty too. The dog owners in my neighborhood drive me CRAZY! I've always been a cat person. Regarding the "canal art" you had towards the end of the video, does someone or some entity sponsor that artwork? Just curious. :)
+CruisingTheCut It's the hidden "Landmines" that are the biggest problem when one is planting one's borders! If a person chooses to own either a cat or a dog they must take responsibility for it's "actions". Cats should be taught to use a litter tray and dog owners should pick up/bag the "poop" and dispose of it properly - hanging the bag of "poop" on a nearby twig is unacceptable! Apologies for the rant David - I really enjoy your Vlogs - please keep 'em coming.
Truly enjoy watching these videos. So much so in fact that I've informed my husband that one day we'll be leaving Texas, buying a boat, and spending a few years on the canals ourselves. Thanks for being my anxiety and depression meds over the left few months!
I'm starting to tap the "like" button at the beginning of the videos now, knowing in advance that the video can only be great ... lol
Excellent, cheers!!
Once again, loved it! Thank you for taking me along.
Tut-tut, woe-is-me. Texas can seem like such a dreary place on a Monday night. Thank you for sharing this window into the UK.
As a desert dweller seeing that much greenery and standing water never ceases to amaze me.
Charlie in America
And over here we marvel at a desert :-) And dessert too, come to that. ;-)
Aye love me some dessert too, some wags would say I love it to much, but I don't listen to small minded people
Charlie in America
Came for the boating videos, stayed for the ducklings!
Loving the binge watching of these videos. Therapeutically serene...
I didn’t know my day needed ducklings in it until now, thank you 🐥
Third time through these videos. They are heaven to these times of isolation. And it brings back fond memories of England. If more of us "yanks" would get out and experience the world as visitors it would help change some attitudes. Great narration. At times I forget they are voice overs. Good job.
Another great video, this is our regular stamping ground when we are fortunate enough to get a few weeks on the cut so it's good to see it again even when we have the misfortune to have to fulfill life's other obligations!
Enjoyed today's trip & narrative
What a lovely surprise at the end of the video seeing all those tiny ducklings how cute!! Looks like you have been a boat for years you are doing so well. Look forward to seeing the next video.
This is some of the most pleasant content on UA-cam. So joyful and relaxing. Thanks for taking the time to create these videos.
Thank you for the calm offered by the vlog. I also appreciate the professional camera work and voice editing.
Thank you
I really like your videos. It always gives me that mini fist pump feeling when I am Alerted of your uploads. Keep it up. Great work young man.
Alas, I'm not that young but thank you!
The editing and scripting and storytelling in these videos are brilliant. Thanks. Looks effortless, which actually means lots of effort and skill.
A lovely video David - thank you.
When people ask how I'm getting along, I think I will borrow your phrase. "Water topped off, loo emptied."
That last shot of cheeping little ducklings is so cute. Be still my heart.
Here I am watching u in 2019 - enjoying all there is to see. Happy boating and I hope all is well now. Keep posting please, reliving past adventures.
love the ducklings!
Ducklings are infinitely cute
When overwhelmed by (anti) social media, I go back and watch your old vlogs. Thank you again. Before posting on Twitter, one should be required to watch one of your videos.
I envy you. I, like you, would rather not have an RV, but here in the US, sadly, canals such as yours were never developed. I suppose house boats on a river might do in a pinch, but that's a different beast entirely. Cheers!
So much harmony and beauty between nature and man-made.
Another excellent video, thank you for sharing.
Love your scenery montages!!!
Thanks so much!
I once had a montage but some penicillin soon cleared it up.
Hi, yet another brilliant episode of your exploits along the cut which I find so colourful and amusing including many of the things most boaters think about but do nothing by way of complaining about, you seem to manage it in a way that is quite acceptable whilst cutting to the chase.
Well done! Keep it up.
Thank you!
Your very welcome David.
Watching this whilst crammed on a delayed train into London 🤨
Thank you for providing an escape 👌
Ahoy there,
I have enjoyed your vlogs since you started boating life. I watch them during my frequent coffee breaks as I'm currenltly preparing to move house (I think I've sold it, fingers crossed). i watch them at random knowing that I'll undoubtedly learn something new and/or find another of your comments giving me something new to chuckle about. Anyway, I'm approaching my 70th birthday and I've decided, like you, to try boat life. I've organised a two day training course for early next month and have put down a deposit on a 40 foot cruiser stern. so I will soon join the frey! In for a penny eh? Thanks for keeping me entertained, motivated and helping me with my boating education. Maybe we;ll meet on the water one day. Cheerio.
Congratulations! I think the course is a great idea. Hope the boat is terrific for you, have fun!
Poleswoth MX track, great place to ride, been there since to 70's.
Great vlog! Lovely ducks! And you've become very proficient at doing those locks single handedly! Plenty of material for action figures - you treading in dog poo, you emptying the elsan, and best of all, you and the boat turning in a "no turning spot".
I can't imagine why Mattell haven't snapped up the rights to me already!
Very enjoyable interlude, as always, thanks. As for the boom-blocking of private docks, perhaps the owners are scared of people hitting their boats when turning in a confined space, especially inexperienced hire-boaters? I'm guilty of playing boat-skittles myself...As for the dog-iron, the owners should be made to pick it up with their bare hands and carry it home ;-)
Maybe but there generally aren't boats moored immediately beside the turning point because anyone legitimately coming in needs that space to manoeuvre themselves.
+CruisingTheCut Fair point -- they're probably just miserable as pointed out ;-)
I love the wildlife shots
Another great Vlog
Very relaxing to watch. I started at Vol. 1 and I'm working my way through them. I usually watch in the evening with a pint and maybe a shot of good scotch or irish whiskey. I'm going through your videos at the same pace you go through the canals: very slowly. But what's the hurry?
what a delightful series. If ever stressed, just consume a couple of these Vlogs and you are relaxed..
I'm very pleased to hear that!
Great video by the way. I love it when you leave the boat (for awhile) and document small townships and their surroundings, kind of like what I would do if I travel on a boat, or train or such. I didn't even know Asian food is even more popular in smaller towns compared to big townships!
really like your channel keep them coming might see you when you come up north next year on the Lancaster Canal no locks no tunnels
That sounds like my kind of canal! Any loud railway lines to spoil things?
Loving the vlogs as it remind me what I'm missing whilst stuck bk here in the rat race. There are some recycle points in some canal areas so they might get the idea in others as time goes by. Only problem we found was that some boaters were not set on the idea of sorting their waste into the correct bins n just decided to dump their bags of mixed stuff in any bin, oh well.Keep the vids coming.
I'm not sure I've got enough space for too many different types of rubbish bin on the boat either so in some ways it's a relief. Not good, I grant you.
love the scenery! tks for sharing.
Thank you for a very informative and enjoyable series. You have no idea how lucky you are to have canals to sail on. Where I am we have drainage ditches about that big . They fill once a year sometimes. We have two seasons, Wet and Dry. The latter is getting more and the former less. We have interesting little wind storms called cyclones. The Dry is also known as the Brown out, it's the colour of everything till the wet comes. It's North Queensland.. Thats in Australia. Thanks again.
Once again, another fantastic video, I do enjoy them so much. Is this your first year on the canals....if so you are doing very well, & as I always say, you present them so well, we have to empty our toilet in the motorhome, no big problem, I empty it, ok, but some people make an awful fuss about it, good idea not to leave it too long!!!
Yes, my first one. Boat bought last summer but not aboard til October so in a marina until out on April 1 this year.
Another great video, always enjoy the views of the countryside and the different places you visit, keep up the good work....and watch out for the dog poop :0)
You'd think I'd have learned my lesson after the last lot I trod in!
I love it here :D
fazeley my home town !!
Every time you say "empty the toilet cassette" a little piece of me dies inside. Still I carry on. :)
Watching your videos makes me even more sad haha.. I really really wish I had a Narrowboat. But sadly I don't think I would ever be able to afford one.. And also I am from Denmark :P Still the English Canal system have fascinated me since my childhood (And I am 38) And Narrowboats are just sooo dang charming : )
As someone who lives in Fazely, i feel pretty roasted living basically in an area described as "a roundabout and takeaways" hahaha
To be fair, I showed the roundabout and all the takeaways around it so it’s not like I was making it up!
Basset Hound @ 5:39!!
Apologies...when you own three you become a bit Basset mad!
Loving the videos thus far. Found your channel via The Flying Reporter's channel and seriously wondering if boating would make for a nice holiday at some point :)
A lot of people enjoy a nice canal holiday; it depends to some extent on the weather, the location, the other boaters and your temperament :-)
I just found your VLOG and started learning about the British Canal system. Being an American, the peace and simple pleasures are a panacea for the soul adrift in a world seemingly gone out of control.
Did you ever get an answer to your question about 4 min in? It looks to me like ruins of an ancient arena called, in my country, “Drive In Theater”. It seems to be missing the screen, but, even in their prime, the screens were rarely observed and could have been easily disposed of.
Keep up the good work!
Glad you enjoy the canals. I can't remember what was in this video but we don't have many (any?!) drive in theaters that I'm aware of here.
Awesome narrowboat trip down the cut
Thanks for another great video.
I really liked the look-around in Fazeley. Seeing what the towns along the way have to offer is very interesting.
You seemed like an old pro piloting your narrow boat through the locks, junctions, and towns.
Happy Cruising!
Haha, I only show the good bits of my piloting!
I'm not in to canals boating I found your blog through your other channel, but I'm really enjoying watching your videos, and looking forward to the next one. Great camera work wish I was that good
Thank you! Given that I'm filming with one hand while steering with the other, that's very pleasing to hear!
....don't think we needed to know about your "over flowing" toilet problem but other that that keep up the good work as I'm loving your trip so thing for us lot, that are not in the UK, a map of where you have come from and where you are going to would help if that's not pushing our friendship to far, I know I can Google it and I do but a nice little drawing based on where you are heading day to day would help and before you say "I did one" yes and I remember that but it was some time ago and if I'm not mistaken you did own up to the fact that it was, how do we say, rubbish, so please help us out just with a small "mud" map so I can really see where it is a happening...thank you Sir....
You're not the first to request a map but I've got enough on my hands just filming and editing the videos. I can't be doing maps as well. Sorry.
Found you via the Exploring Alternatives youtube channel. Your content has been refreshing for my background noise while working from home and reminds me that nature still exists.
I hope you're doing well during these times (well obviously from the updated videos I know, but the thought is there lol).
this bleeding vlog is intoxicating. i am a grown man. dreaming of plying the water ways in another country. i believe you should post a disclaimer on your videos: WARNING WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK THE SURGEON GENERAL HAS DETERMINED THESE VIDEOS ARE ADDICTIVE.
I'm enjoying this "thanks"
I have had a very stressful week and I couldn't decide what to do to wind down. I went through my youtube subscriptions plugged in my blood pressure monitor and watched 43. A doctor was called over and pronounced me clinically dead. After I relaxed a bit he prescribed me 44.
were they peking ducks.
6:43 I thought that was a very small lion. Good to see the rise of solar power even if its only augmenting the traditional fuel
Looking forward to the next video. Which way will you go I wonder? Up the Aston flight & Farmers Bridge flight, 30 locks in 3 miles I think.
Or skirt around it through Warwick Junction. I know how you love locks so.....
+Miner Willy You'll just have to wait and see!
Good word, "Splot"!
Another excellent vlog, thank you. Do agree muchly about irresponsible dog owners and the crap they leave behind, most annoying. Remember Gnosall, on the Shropshire Union on one of our trips and the mess was terrible, local people responsible, not narrowboaters.
I agree dog owners should clean up after their pets and have said so emphatically on a prior video. It's impossible to say some narrowboaters aren't guilty as well as non-boaters, there are good and bad people on and off boats.
Just over half way through your vlogs and I'm enjoying every bit. Thank you! As others have posted already, your videos are entertaining as well as informative. Your filming, editing and narration are spot on. May i ask what type of video camera and editing software are you using? Cheers!
the canal is 42 miles long gets you up to Kendal in the Lake District and there's about 5 miles over the length of the canal where you will hear trains
I shall speed through that five miles then!
You should get a drone. Not that CTC isn't brilliant anyway. Plus, any chance we can ever peek inside these canalside stores places? Would be cool to see what they stock. Excellent stuff.
I've been considering a drone but they're not cheap. You want a chandlery tour? I'll see what I can arrange...
+CruisingTheCut you can get a drone for around £330- £370 Phantom 3 standard
Oddly, I don't have £400 sitting around spare since I chucked the job and went to live on a boat.
I've spent some time on offshore boats, including a North sea trawler. and have been an auxiliary coastguard, but am now seriously considering narrowboat life. On many of the canal boat forums, towpath vandalism seems to be a major problem. What's your experience ?
I have not (yet) experienced it. I suspect that like many things, only the bad things get talked about. Be sensible & you should be OK, touch wood.
Did anyone else notice the cow silhouette with fender used as a nose on the canal boat to the left at 4:23 ? Found it quite amusing 🙂
Another great vid !
Great video looking forward too the next one
Hi, loving the vids, but have you covered clearing the weed hatch yet? Also your rope work is very neat, which knots do you prefer?
I have no knot skills at all (seriously). Can't even name one. I do mention the weed hatch when I go through Birmingham.
When you say your heading up north do you mean along the Leeds - Liverpool canal, if so I recommend stopping at saltair. Near salts mill, there's the village close buy with loads of shops and restaurants, parks and a old tramway. Don't stop at bingley lock to Sleep overnight though nothing will happen but it's a dogging area.....and I'm not talking about the barking type.
I won't ask how you know that .... I don't have a specific "north" plan yet.
+CruisingTheCut I was fitting a glass in a car when I was on call and somebody flashed a torch at me. I was puzzled so asked the owner of the car who lived over the swing bridge and he told me what it's about. I was freaked out a bit lol
If kids do BMX these days it is probably on a Playstation :-)
I had a BMX, 25 years ago. Very good and robust thing.
I am catching up. Tesco's - did you but any crisps (we call them chippies in NZ) and dip. Oh did the "facial recognition system work"?? I look forward to the video on the extendable back scrubber.!
The sarcasm is strong with this one... Hahaha
'Time for a seaman montage I think'
It's the M42 not the M40... fascinating as I loved living in this area.
Lived about 400 yards from Tamworth Crusing club, and regularly walked the canals in this area...
BMX is now an Olympic sport.
I was jus thinking that while watching the vlog
Didn't realise you could drag race narrow boats. Glad you averted a collision. Some lovely scenery and yes, pretty miserable to answer your question, assuming it wasn't rhetorical.
You a writer, u sound like it.
very interesting living on narrow boat.
greetings from Florida
Former broadcast journalist :-)
How did I miss this. Darn.
Nice video. If I were cruising the cut, I would have a huge bale of white bread on the roof at all times for feeding those ducks, especially the ones with babies.
Two questions:
1. Watching you climb down the lock ladder and walk along the narrow strip of roof between your solar panels and the side of the lock looks inherently dangerous. I'm sure people have slipped between a boat and the side of a lock. What is the outcome when that happens?
2. How long does it take to work the typical lock by yourself & how much of that time is spent raising or lowering the boat?
Bread is generally bad for ducks (in quantity) and especially ducklings...
1. If you slip, you likely break a leg or suchlike. There's not enough space to slip between the boat and lockside though, just a few inches.
2. Typically 15 mins for a narrow lock and 20 for a wide one. Time to raise etc depends on how deep the lock is.
Great videos,be good to know the costs involved.
Trouble with that is that it's very variable, depends on individual circumstances.
Starting Location:,-1.5668517,521m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
Bradley Green Bridge:,-1.5817145,312m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
Polesworth Pub:,-1.6197561,172m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
Alvecote Marina:,-1.634135,439m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
Coventry Canal Tame Aqueduct:,-1.6914701,315m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
Fazeley Junction:,-1.7015271,375m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
At 9:54 next to the Indian restaurant is actually ANOTHER Cantonese take-away called Wong's. THREE Cantonese take-away in one area?? Fazeley folks absolute love their Cantonese food! Probably due to their less spicy nature compared to Chinese Szechuan cooking. I don't think you can ever find 3 Cantonese in one area, even in Asian countries, a mix of Cantonese, Szechuan and Teochew yes.
You don't want to get those two tasks mixed up at 1:25 or else it will hit the stove fan.
another wonderful video, an thank u here in OHIO we are seeing warm wx now like 84-F/28.9-c.but it late on coming in here.have fun an later mate.Ron, WB8NMK in N W OHIO U S A MAY 27-2016
I know that this is one of your earlier videos, but I was thinking about your observations regarding the increase in domestic solar panels.
So here in Australia the government started a “Solar Rebate Scheme” in order to encourage people to switch to a solar system.
There were major issues when it first started. A lot of cowboy “Solar Installation” companies sprung up overnight to take advantage of the guaranteed government paycheque etcetera etcetera.
Young tradesmen died 😳But that’s a whole other story.
Anyway, perhaps the same thing happened in the UK?
Love the ducklings! Did you ever figure out why the people on the canal were so opposed to turning?
I was referring to the signs along the canal that were "unfriendly" and saying No turning! Then I watched the next episode, and you found some more....and then I figured out that they probably didn't want the long boats backing in there (or going forward) and bashing their little boats.....just a theory.
Oh yes, it's because they don't want their entrances being bashed into.
You should really try to get this on National Geographic ...History...or some channels like that. Great vlogs.
Thank you
Since I'm sure the original narrow boats were of wooden construction, which then transitioned to steel as a faster to assemble and sturdier material, I'm curious to know if anyone has begun to make narrow boats from (GASP!) fiberglass. As it's a much lighter and cheaper product it would seem to be a natural point of progression in the annals of the 'Narrow Minded'...
Not really, you can get fibreglass cruiser-style boats but it's not ideal for narrowboats.
@@CruisingTheCut Why Not Narrow Minds
Hi from Australia....just a question can you travel on the canals after dark or are there restrictions..... thx ed
Please see my website FAQ page, cheers
At last, someone else who finds the 'No turning' obsession ridiculous. It just makes you want to turn 360 degrees just for the hell of it.
It's like "no turning" signs on people's home driveways. What crisis do they think will ensue? Are they expecting a deluge of turners?
You are in my neck of the woods. if you get time have a walk round Kingsbury waterparkalso the Dog & Doublet do good food all the best Garry
Cheers Garry; I actually left there ages ago, I'm rather behind with my editing!
+CruisingTheCut Where are you now
Heading back towards Crick for the show at the end of the month.
+CruisingTheCut Are you going back down the grand union canal
Haven't made up my mind yet!
In defense of the CRT it’s possible they already have sorting facilities accessible to most locations therefore it’s simpler to collected combined waste and sort it themselves and it’s only in places that either require point of deposit sorting, or don’t have a sorting facility that you will see general waste and various recycling containers
Thank you for the duckling footage! Nice kitty too. The dog owners in my neighborhood drive me CRAZY! I've always been a cat person. Regarding the "canal art" you had towards the end of the video, does someone or some entity sponsor that artwork? Just curious. :)
Don't know about the art, it was just there!
+bookish So cats don't leave calling cards then? My garden's full of them! And I don't have either a cat or a dog!!
+David Fisher Generally cats dig a hole and clean up after themselves though I grant you some don't. Much less than dogs though.
+CruisingTheCut It's the hidden "Landmines" that are the biggest problem when one is planting one's borders! If a person chooses to own either a cat or a dog they must take responsibility for it's "actions". Cats should be taught to use a litter tray and dog owners should pick up/bag the "poop" and dispose of it properly - hanging the bag of "poop" on a nearby twig is unacceptable! Apologies for the rant David - I really enjoy your Vlogs - please keep 'em coming.
I agree about the dogs but you've maybe not owned a cat. You can teach them the tray all you like, it doesn't mean they'll use it!
OH... The duckling shot..
No, no. Don't shoot the ducklings ;-)
Absolutely beautiful. Do you still burn coal in the 21st century? How about propane?
Not a complaint, just a question. ☮
Yes, both are used but propane is very expensive to use for heating.
New Word Too Look Up Plonka Bet Its Not Nice
What is a narrowboat like to handle when going astern? I presume that you must have to to make some of the turns
Its all good you have answered thsi in the next video
They are generally terrible going backwards!