Tom Fettke - HE LOVED ME - Vox Caeli
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
Pre Departure Concert to Alta International Choir Festival 2023
Minggu, 28 May 2023
Aula Keluarga Kudus Nazareth, Gereja Regina Caeli, Pantai Indah Kapuk
Ignatius Yuli Hendarto, Dirigen
Januar Wismoyo, Pianis
Sopran :
Aimee Davina
Alivia Haryanto
Cindy Kumala
Faustina Letitia Fay
Felicia Djuhari
Gabriela Nikita
Joshlyn Eldora
Madeline Alexander
Mischa Alessandra Tan
Olivia Adeline
Stephanie Gracia Larisa
Alto :
Anabelle Rose Kendro
Cessillia Gunawan
Felicia Angela
Joceline Wiliputri
Tenor :
Calvin Songko
Dominic Chandra
Jonathan Kenneth Cahyadi
Kevin Edgar Adiputra
Bass :
Alexander Santo
Cristian Matthew
Ignasius Irwandi Gunawan
Kristoforus Hanggara
Nicholas Gouw
Paris Chrisen Liu
Verrel Keung
Vincensius Synclair Harto
Noce Song n good choir❤❤❤
Tuhan Yesus memberkati❤❤
terimakasih gbu too
tks pak
Great job! So good to hear you sing this. 🤍
He chose me --- be-fore the world was known.
He chose me --- to be His very own.
He made me, then let me choose my way.
I chose to move a-way.
He loved me --- when hope had tak-en wing.
He loved me --- when I lost ev-'ry-thing.
He bought me, redemp-tion's work was done
though Jesus Christ, His Son.
Who-- shall sep-a-rate me from the love of God?
Shall dreams of to-mor-row,
pain, or sor-row,
Can the need of food or earth-ly pos-sess-ions,
the threat of war or man's op-pres-sion?
In all these things
vic-t'ry is our reward.
Vic-t'ry is our reward though Jesus Christ, our Lord.
#Of this I am sure,
that neither death, nor life,
nor angels, nor prin-ci-pal-i-ties,
nor pow-ers, nor things pres-ent,
nor things to come---
Not height, nor depth,
nor any crea-ture
Shall sep-a-rate me from the love of God.#
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord