I noticed when you added a new container it didn't pick up the kg style until you added kg_block - but when I add mine I'm getting the padding on all of the containers - what am I doing wrong?
Hmmm, be sure your CSS is nested inside of the .kg_block { } brackets. Did you grab the snippet from the link in the description? We promise not to spam you, just send the occasional email roundup of Elementor news. The CSS rely can't apply if the container doesn't have the class, unless you change it to a class all Elementor containers have. Let me know what you discover.
@@KingGrizzly thanks for getting back to me - all sorted. The issue was that I had the CSS in Custom and Code - I thought I'd removed the Custom to try code, but must have got side tracked lol. Love these tutorials so keep them coming - great job!
@@spires-o7g Thank you for watching! We've got a really good one coming up about how to use the Elementor Grid widget like a 12 column Bootstrap system. Will be curious to see what people think!
I noticed when you added a new container it didn't pick up the kg style until you added kg_block - but when I add mine I'm getting the padding on all of the containers - what am I doing wrong?
Hmmm, be sure your CSS is nested inside of the .kg_block { } brackets. Did you grab the snippet from the link in the description? We promise not to spam you, just send the occasional email roundup of Elementor news.
The CSS rely can't apply if the container doesn't have the class, unless you change it to a class all Elementor containers have.
Let me know what you discover.
@@KingGrizzly thanks for getting back to me - all sorted. The issue was that I had the CSS in Custom and Code - I thought I'd removed the Custom to try code, but must have got side tracked lol. Love these tutorials so keep them coming - great job!
@@spires-o7g Thank you for watching! We've got a really good one coming up about how to use the Elementor Grid widget like a 12 column Bootstrap system. Will be curious to see what people think!