@gregwittstock the pond guy i have to ask a couple of must needed question (s): for all intended purposes, what happens to the old filter systems(do you redesign them to make improvements?) And the organisms living in the filters: do you just toss those out or send them off to be researched on so that way you can reintroduce "healthier" bacteria back into the, natural environment? Basically helping mother nature in some many words..
27, which is your favorite?
That's a set up...great way to show what you have to offer customers. God bless
Garden state great place must see. Employees are great and very knowledgeable. I am hooked.
Love the waterfall with the faces, I’ve never seen that before!
Nice ponds BIG DOGGIE 💯👣
@gregwittstock the pond guy i have to ask a couple of must needed question (s): for all intended purposes, what happens to the old filter systems(do you redesign them to make improvements?) And the organisms living in the filters: do you just toss those out or send them off to be researched on so that way you can reintroduce "healthier" bacteria back into the, natural environment? Basically helping mother nature in some many words..
Always innovating with our designs. Always a good idea to seed the new filter media with some of the old
27?! Oh no. I'll have to take my shoes and socks off, and invite the neighbour over to count that far...
That was not stress free. Way too fast! Too much espresso or ?