Hair Model Stricken With Alopecia

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • Aspiring actress Georgia Van Cuylenburg chronicles struggle with alopecia.


  • @brendachapmanmusiccovers4087
    @brendachapmanmusiccovers4087 9 років тому +30

    I have been suffering hair loss for almost 10 years now and 3 years ago I was given a permanent diagnoses to androgenic alopecia. I am now 33 and suffered throughout my 20's. It has been a emotional roller coaster and has made me feel like less then a woman. watching this video made me feel OK knowing I'm not alone and there are lots of woman out there who is going through it and understands.

    • @resiliencehairgroupvacuumw3428
      @resiliencehairgroupvacuumw3428 4 роки тому

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  • @gavinowens6908
    @gavinowens6908 9 років тому +9

    she's an inspiration to us alopecia sufferers with her great attitude and amazing personality.

  • @PhillAlexandros
    @PhillAlexandros 10 років тому +9

    This is amazing. As someone losing her hair, I needed to see this today.

  • @thomasmedia560
    @thomasmedia560 6 років тому +32

    I've had alopecia for almost two years. At first I was horrified , because it came on so sudden and without warning. I woke up one day and jumped in the shower like usual and when I started to run my hands through my hair I saw clumps of my hair in my hands. It scared the daylights out of me because I had no idea what was going on. Then I saw a dermatologist and he didn't even look at my scalp but for maybe 5 seconds and said it was alopecia. At first I tried topical steroids and a ketaconazole shampoo combined. I did this for atleast 6 months and didn't see much improvement. so from there I went to getting kenalog injections every month and have been doing it for almost a year and a half. there actually was a point in time where I cried and complained constantly . I asked God why this was happening to me . I felt like i was being punished for something. And if that was true then alopecia would be a terrible punishment. I mean it could be worse for the fact that alopecia isn't a health concern and it doesn't affect your health or make you sick. Yet, it was just so hard to deal with , especially at first because alopecia is one of those mysterious , and not fully understood conditions. No one knows why it happens for sure. like why the immune system attacks hair follicles . All I know is I believe deep down that mine was triggered by trauma and stress. I was going through a very rough time . Having a death in my intermediate family and having an accident with a kitchen knife at home. I accidently sliced my hand open . The blade went all the way to my wrist. It went between my index and middle finger and down inside my hand. I was washing dishes at the time and I'm not sure exactly how it happened. I bled and bled all over my house , I was home alone , I was losing tons of blood , I live in a shitty area for cell phone service and couldn't reach 911 or any hospital. I super glued the wound shut and wrapped it up with a dishcloth and a roll of black tape until my fiance came home and took me to the er. The whole situation put me in shock and what do you know a few days later is when my hair started falling out. I never had alopecia in my entire life , I always had a thick full head of hair .I've had my good days and bad days. I just about gave up hope during all of that time and now I almost have all of my hair back. Still have a couple missing parts but I have came a long way. I had lost around 70 percent of my hair and now have atleast 85 percent of it back according to my derm. I had been shaving my head every other day to try and mask the affects of it . i knew that i was growing it back because each time i went to shave ,it was getting harder and harder to shave. I kept noticing that there was a lot more hair falling onto the floor as i was shaving compared to the very little amounts before. What had helped me the most is to stay stress free and not give a shit about it or what anyone else thinks. Having hair doesn't define a person. I'm a guy and a lot of guys shave their heads even when they have hair because it is a style. No one gives me shit about it because they know that I will tell them to go to hell. And by the way things are looking I'll have a full head of hair again soon. I find it funny/ strange how when it was first going on I wanted my hair back so badly and nothing happened and now that I just said fuck it and let it go it decides to grow almost completely back. And The other thing that helped me was vitamin D. I took a vitamin D supplement along with vitamin c , b 12 , Zinc , brewers yeast, biotin , and a multivitamin. I also cut down on sugar and ate mostly green leafy vegetables, carrots , broccoli , sardines for the omega 3 that are in them , Brussels sprouts, chicken or pork but only once or twice a week . And I drank a bottle of raw Kombucha a day because it has live probiotics that inhabit the intestinal track. They fight off other unhealthy organisms in the body and they boost the micro biome of the immune system. If you listen to certain specialist they will tell you that they believe a lot of auto immune diseases start in the gut lining. ?? don't know for sure but I do know that eating all of those things did help a lot. I know that it may seem hopeless sometimes , but I'm here to tell you that there IS hope. This condition ( I hate calling it a disease because I feel that it gives it too much power ) is known for randomly going into spontaneous remission. out of the blue. even with a lot of those with alopecia Universalis ( the rarest form of alopecia) . Some people only get one episode of alopecia and never have it again. One of my friends had it as well years ago. He went through every treatment there was and nothing helped so he said to hell with it and gave up. then one day out of the blue the alopecia went into remission and within two months he had a full head of hair again , all of his eyebrows, eyelashes , and body hair. He had universalis. And to this day he hasn't lost his hair again. so , knowing that proves that there is hope for this. even if we are stuck with it forever. It is not the end of the world. And no one is better than you. we are all people. we eat, breath, and sleep just like every one else. Hair is the ONLY thing that sets us apart. All hair is, is a camoflauge. underneath the hair every one is bald. Alopecia doesn't mean you are sick. I know for a fact that there is nothing wrong with me. I've had every test known to mankind ran on me. from thyroid to liver disease from lupus to diabetes , from cancer to hasimotos. I am pretty darn healthy. And a lot of famous people have had alopecia or still have alopecia, tyra banks had alopecia , Christopher Reeves who played superman has alopecia , Keanu Reeves has alopecia barbae , NBA star or ex star Charlie Villanueva has alopecia universalis and if you have ever watched him play , you can clearly see that alopecia didn't affect his game at all. He racked up 48 points in one game. And this comment is way too long...

    • @delightful5165
      @delightful5165 5 років тому +2

      Chris Thomas thank you so much for your words of support. I will try to follow your diet and manage my stress. I started losing my hair about 4-5 years ago and luckily for me I had very thick hair to begin with so it was easy to conceal the thinning over the years but I think it will become impossible in the next year or so as the thinning worsens. This has really been a lot to deal with but I am trying to remain strong. I like hearing positive stories from people like you and this lady in the video. Thank you and good luck to you.

    • @pittykitty6503
      @pittykitty6503 5 років тому

      Right a book. No one has time to read all this

    • @pittykitty6503
      @pittykitty6503 5 років тому +1

      @Cyber what he is saying is true, the stress hormones will destroy your hair, cortisol, estrogen and prolactin. Also fix your thyroid, sorry I dont have time to write a book

    • @jorgeeepreciado285
      @jorgeeepreciado285 4 роки тому +1

      Your words are really inspiring still to this day thank you really bc it’s hard to deal with alopecia as a teenager I hate it I’m really hate it and Idk why it chose to come at me I have the worst hormones it of all my siblings, bad acne, alopecia areta brother and sister good skin not bald and I’m the healthiest one I have a good diet exercise 2-3 times a week 4.0 student love life but why me anyways your probably not reading this but your comment really made my night thank you.

    • @saraed3643
      @saraed3643 3 роки тому

      Thank you for your kind words!! I'm truly happy for you!! I, myself, have been struggling with alopecia for most of my life. It hasn't been easy, but I'm starting to love myself more.

  • @arjhonc
    @arjhonc 9 років тому +38

    I know what she feels, i experienced it too. I just can't accept that in the age of 22 i started suffering alopecia. I feel like i'm different to other people and even cried at night. I worried so much about it. One thing that makes me sad is that some of my friends laugh at me everytime they see my bald. I started avoiding going to public places and occasions. Maybe i just don't deserve happiness that other poeple have. I spent most of my time searching on the internet for some natural treatments and asking other poeple for some advice and consulting to experts. But now i'm tired and i think i have to accept it. Just sharing it to you guys.

    • @susanmacaluso5218
      @susanmacaluso5218 8 років тому +2

      +Mr. A (Jun) Find new friends. You DO deserve everything in this world.

    • @noorqeisi5837
      @noorqeisi5837 7 років тому +1

      Mr. A eat 3cloves of garlic and one onion every day for 40 days it worked for someone i know who had alopecia universalis

    • @joellegeiger2873
      @joellegeiger2873 5 років тому

      I use to have a gorgeous head of hair. Certain supplements helped reduce clumps falling out but now I can’t wait to shave my head...doing it to benefit pediatric cancer.
      You deserve new friends. Not poopy people who laugh at you.

  • @rhondaj5573
    @rhondaj5573 10 років тому +24

    Well, she is still beautiful.

  • @samkraker3569
    @samkraker3569 11 років тому +5

    I am a 13 year old boy suffering from alopecia. I have no hair at all on my head and I'm starting to lose my eyebrows. But I learn that the looks of people is not what people look for in somone, it's there personality and there actions. I go to middle school and have tons of friends and I don't care what others think of me because god made me this way.

  • @Wolfboy2012
    @Wolfboy2012 11 років тому +4

    Idk why but this makes me love her and Vanille even more.

  • @tm4914
    @tm4914 9 років тому +10

    She's gorgeous, I wish I were as happy about my alopecia as her

    • @susanmacaluso5218
      @susanmacaluso5218 8 років тому +4

      Yeah, but I think it's BS. She does great on camera, but I'm sure she was "handling it" in those moments for the sake of the segment. I've had AU for 40 years. I'm beautiful, financially well off, happily married and I have great kids who are successful adults now. I "have it all", and I even prefer to walk around bald....but I would never in a million years kid myself like she is. Alopecia effing sucks. And it isn't because it actually sucks--it's because of our culture. It's other people who make it suck.

    • @monicanicoli2189
      @monicanicoli2189 4 роки тому

      @@susanmacaluso5218 7

    • @monicanicoli2189
      @monicanicoli2189 4 роки тому

      @@susanmacaluso5218 u

  • @hospitalcakewalk
    @hospitalcakewalk 10 років тому +21

    I started to go bald, handfuls of hair just falling out when i was just sitting down, when i was 27. It was mostly on my right side. When a guy i knew called me out on it i had enough. I shaved the right side of my head. Very little hair grows there, near the ear and in patches so i shave it often but i don't care if people see it. I've had so many people comment on how i could shave it off and why i would want to do that that i feel like just tattooing over it. People can be jerks. Women are beautiful with or without hair.

    • @charlesharris7697
      @charlesharris7697 10 років тому +5

      I tried all sorts of drug store and herbal approaches - wasted time and money then was recommended Argan Rain website, so got one and no longer wear a hat

  • @plm3d
    @plm3d 10 років тому +37

    Nobody should ever lose their hair including guys. I hope one day when they've perfected genetic engineering that they can finally eliminate all genes that cause alopecia from the human gene pool.

  • @rubyquintero4308
    @rubyquintero4308 10 років тому +8

    This just made me feel so much better..i have stage 4 breast cancer and i finally shaved my head bald an it is a big relief now...i didnt have the courage before to have it off but i finally did cause it hurt so much to see it come out im i have been trying to do wigs but i cant seem to find the right one..and the ladies there at the wig store are always not around so its a little difficult on how to put on my and make it stay on cause it just starts to slide up after awhile...ugh its so annoying trying this by myself....

  • @_getfree
    @_getfree 10 років тому +5

    That was amazingly inspiring! This women is amazing I love her

  • @_cherry_5027
    @_cherry_5027 4 роки тому +1

    she's gorgeous

  • @caligarigamervod
    @caligarigamervod 4 роки тому +2

    Vanille never looks so beautiful! I loved it!!!!

  • @EchelonDnB
    @EchelonDnB 11 років тому +1

    I think shes beautiful. absolutely adore her optimistic nature.

  • @RySenkari
    @RySenkari 10 років тому +5

    Georgia is a sweet and courageous young woman.

  • @rajatukey2992
    @rajatukey2992 10 років тому +2

    even as bald she looks really beautiful....!!! maybe cause shes beautiful from inside ,,,lets hope ppl value that...!

  • @TheLucindaEllery
    @TheLucindaEllery 9 років тому

    She seems so happy. Seeing her looking this happy in her interview is so uplifting, especially those going through the same condition.

  • @ChuCash
    @ChuCash 12 років тому

    I was loved, with or without hair. Alopecia can be hard but with people that supports you and loves you not because of your looks, you feel more confident....I'm pretty sure I am more confident than some of my friends with full hair~!!

  • @jojotherula
    @jojotherula 3 роки тому

    Her pager answers are the best

  • @lukegrey153
    @lukegrey153 8 років тому

    She's so beautiful and a great person! There's not a lot of people who can be that strong. She's one of my greatest role models!😄💖

  • @nstashajones7235
    @nstashajones7235 10 років тому +1

    Thanks so much for that inspiring...And my God continue to bless you!!

  • @candysmith8724
    @candysmith8724 6 років тому +3

    I always had thick hair too but now it's thinning around my face and overall thinner. It's from PCOS and hormone issues. It sucks for woman and there are no solutions besides hair pieces.

  • @antoniowashington6148
    @antoniowashington6148 6 років тому

    Georgia, With or Without hair, You're still beautiful, Don't let anyone tell you that you can't succeed, You're a child of God and with credentials like that, You can do anything.

  • @Aidobobobobob
    @Aidobobobobob 11 років тому +2

    It's Vanille's voice actress! Wow.

  • @jdawg119
    @jdawg119 4 роки тому

    I’m going through an alopecia flare right now, so I’m going through videos like these to relate to somebody. This is honestly so hard, and nobody seems to understand what it’s like.. I’ve lost all of my confidence tbh, I don’t wear makeup anymore, I don’t straighten my (naturally curly) hair.. I’ve started to avoid washing and brushing my hair as much because every time SO much comes out. I feel exposed in any hairstyle other than a bun.. and an ugly low bun because if my bun is above my ears, the lower half of my hair falls out of the bun because of a huge ear-level bald patch at the back of my head. It’s taken me a while to realize that I’ve become an introvert because of this; going out now makes me anxious. I was reading about treatment for Alopecia and they say it’s as much as a mental recovery as much as a physical one. I believe that completely. Stress and my mental state likely triggered this, and it continues because the disease itself is stressful; it’s like a negative feedback loop. I need help.. I really just don’t know where to start. This sucks. But thank you again for sharing this. This vid is 5 years old and still has an impact, and will continue to do so for people like me looking for comfort.

  • @MoisesGonzalez-ee3ur
    @MoisesGonzalez-ee3ur 6 років тому +3

    My hair started to fall out my freshman year.... Now I'm a senior and graduating in 4 months... But this I'm a little bummed because I'm graduating with a wig😔

    • @moutrishapyne5202
      @moutrishapyne5202 5 років тому

      Moises Gonzalez god ur story is similar to mine..i started experiencing it in my first year of college.. and i hope jst hope it come back. I hope it comes back to me and every other person struggling out there... i feel u so much...

  • @erikthompson6556
    @erikthompson6556 9 років тому +1

    I understand what she is going through because I have this condition too.

  • @cristinadriviera8144
    @cristinadriviera8144 9 років тому +1

    Bless u ! You're beautiful and Brilliant!

  • @louiseottley4995
    @louiseottley4995 6 років тому +3

    I Also suffer with it i had long black thick hair now its cut low 😌😌😌

  • @jolieboleyn8519
    @jolieboleyn8519 5 років тому

    I relate to this story so much! 💔💇

  • @sadysat
    @sadysat 12 років тому

    absolutely. the only bald friend I have is of exactly the same opinion as I am. people spreading baldness and saying that it's fine are loons, man. let's finish this in this generation and forget this ridiculous disfiguring disease once and for all. it's not that difficult, just don't make your children sick, period.

  • @diabolicsloth
    @diabolicsloth 10 років тому

    Major kudos lady

  • @povyi9394
    @povyi9394 5 років тому +1

    She reminds me of Diem brown.

  • @shanicesnyder3829
    @shanicesnyder3829 12 років тому

    Amen girl! You say it! I can't believe I read that. I was just like "are you fucking kidding me?!!?!?!" I agree with you 100000000000000%

  • @bananaBoy45177
    @bananaBoy45177 10 років тому

    i also have alopecia and i really like this video.

    • @mindfieldmusic8161
      @mindfieldmusic8161 10 років тому +1

      I too have alopecia areata and have had it for 20+ years now..Only 1.7 percent of the world population have this disease, men women and children. And you know what, we are all beautiful with or without hair, that´s not what matters. To those of you like me with alopecia, you must learn to love yourself a hundred percent for who you are including alopecia. What really matters is who you are, and how you Shine in this world :)

  • @FrauStechpalme
    @FrauStechpalme 11 років тому

    I have alopecia very similar to Georgia's, sure it doesn't look very good, it looks odd, but I will wear a wig when I feel like it and go bald when it suits me to. We shouldn't have to feel obliged to wear anything in particular, we should look the way we want to, but temper that with a little acknowledgement of others' expectations. (I mean, wearing nothing at all would upset people, so I don't do that even when it's really hot, for example.) But baldness is really not that bad. Deal with it.

  • @haileerose123
    @haileerose123 4 роки тому

    Omg she has alopecia too like me and did voice acting for final fantasy 13!!!!!!
    I've been bald for 3 years

  • @hannahprince4858
    @hannahprince4858 10 років тому +1

    I got alopecia when I was 3

  • @pittykitty6503
    @pittykitty6503 5 років тому

    Its so fucked up there is no cure for baldness. I looked so good with my hair, now I have to wear a hat 24/7. Im thinking about glueing the hat to my head

  • @SillyTubereal
    @SillyTubereal 7 років тому

    She looked so cute with those regrown short hair and she was crying that she looked ugly.

  • @adlin0319
    @adlin0319 10 років тому

    I also have alopicia areata and I met Goergia in person she's a buetiful person I met her at a alopicia camp alopiciapalooza and alopicia isn't bed at all

  • @healingchasecounselling
    @healingchasecounselling 5 років тому

    My husband has this. The report is make it it so terrible and so emotional. Maybe that the Jupiter and Uranus in me

  • @JonnyWD
    @JonnyWD 11 років тому


  • @isabelsofiak
    @isabelsofiak 6 років тому

    I am 10 years old and I am going through same thing

  • @KevinCoblerOfficial
    @KevinCoblerOfficial 9 років тому +3

    Hair is the most important beauty factor for girls.

  • @ChuCash
    @ChuCash 12 років тому

    @Sadysat I think it's really sad that you think people who have alopecia to stop having babies. You must have had a hard time being bald and not had anyone that supported you and told you it's ok to not have hair...that it's just hair. I have alopecia and I have a beautiful baby. It would be silly of me to simply not have a baby just because of my hair. I would feel bad if my baby end up having alopecia because of me, but I am pretty confident that she will overcome knowing that she is so loved

  • @isabelsofiak
    @isabelsofiak 6 років тому

    I feel the same thing

  • @shanicesnyder3829
    @shanicesnyder3829 12 років тому

    YOU TELL 'EM! :D

  • @Jc-uh5zj
    @Jc-uh5zj 5 років тому

    You are amazing ok? No matter what those haters say. Fuck haters!

  • @cindyanne3913
    @cindyanne3913 5 років тому

    I begged a doctor years ago to prescribe me a clinical drug that could potentially kill me, because the side effects caused hair growth. Even now, at 48, I'd probably still be the first, and only, in line! I can't deal.

  • @Rosekhanahmed007
    @Rosekhanahmed007 5 років тому

    Does it also results to lose of pubes

  • @sadysat
    @sadysat 12 років тому

    Listen, I'm bald myself, just very young and I know I wish my parents hadn't made me. I admire healthy parents having healthy kids. I consider sick parents having (sick) kids stupid and irresponsible.

  • @SomeOne-dz9hh
    @SomeOne-dz9hh 9 років тому +2

    awwwwwwwwwww but I don't see a report like this about all the millions of guys losing their hair??

    • @Sithlordbob78
      @Sithlordbob78 8 років тому +4

      Probably because baldness is an uncommon look among women. A bald woman is a more jarring image than that of a bald man.

    • @SomeOne-dz9hh
      @SomeOne-dz9hh 8 років тому

      Sithlordbob78 true...lots of guys still look good with shave heads

  • @shanicesnyder3829
    @shanicesnyder3829 12 років тому +1

    And the kids I have in the future are going to be happy and healthy. And they are going to learn to not pay attention to ignorant people like you. Go ahead and call yourself sick. Go ahead and let this ruin your life and stop you from doing thing you want. But for me and everyone else with Alopecia, we know we are healthy, not sick, and we aren't going to let baldness stop us from enjoying life (:

  • @AlpacaFart
    @AlpacaFart 11 років тому

    Crystalize Cx

  • @g92455
    @g92455 11 років тому


  • @clearaswater4424
    @clearaswater4424 7 років тому

    I feel her pain

  • @shithappens420right
    @shithappens420right 11 років тому

    well your awesomest

  • @shanicesnyder3829
    @shanicesnyder3829 12 років тому

    Call it uneducated all you want, it doesnt matter to me. And for your information, I dont wear wigs and make-ups(I wear it when I want to) and I do see what I am. I am a beautiful bald girl who doesnt need hair to be beautiful. I walk around bald as well. And how are you going to tell ME that I dont accept myself when you dont even know me. It seems like your the one that doesnt accept yourself when you say "bald is unacceptable" yet your bald yourself. Its honestly sad.

  • @AndreeaZoia
    @AndreeaZoia 12 років тому

    Hi, do you have a heart ? Yes you do, otherwise you wouldn't be alive. I have a piece of advice for you. Remember that we all are perfect. It's your right to perceive baldness as a dissease. And I do not wish you, your family or anyone from your friends to be stereotyped in any way. If it is not balness, it can be cancer, HIV or diabets. I want to ask you to look inside your heart and realise that you are meant to be a loving and accepting human being. It is a duty we have toward us. Peace out

  • @AndreeaZoia
    @AndreeaZoia 12 років тому

    Do you have scientific proof or you are just blufing away your bitterness? Look you are a young, healthy man.Accept that and become successful through your talent, skills, passions. Don't bother to reply or try to be smart with me, you won't impress me. I say get over your sorrow and live life to the fullest.

  • @danedwards2803
    @danedwards2803 11 років тому

    very nice of you. TBH dont know why you had to be so insensitive regarding people with Alopecia in the first place. There is no need to tell people to wear wigs cos is ruins your shopping etc . Maybe just think about that. anyway said what I got to say.

  • @Dolphinsz
    @Dolphinsz 11 років тому +1

    lol yeah bud! We got 2 options 1 pay 30 grand to get hair plugs.. which looks fucked up
    or! have a dead skunk look alike on our head

  • @jessicaleethomas92
    @jessicaleethomas92 12 років тому

    I'm just living my life the way I want to. Because that's actually allowed these days. Maybe you should learn to stop dictating to people what you think is correct when honestly you have no clue.

  • @danedwards2803
    @danedwards2803 11 років тому +1

    who are you to say that (bald people have to know their place) ha. Sounds like you need to learn your place. With thoughts like that it is my opinion you should not have kids as it would be cruel to subject them to this kind of thinking. Human race can do without that. I am doing it again- no more attention.

  • @boop3830
    @boop3830 5 років тому

    Hey I know her

  • @JamesMakoni
    @JamesMakoni 5 років тому

    Vanille is bald?😳

  • @GetToDaChoppa-k5r
    @GetToDaChoppa-k5r 12 років тому

    Ironic that a hair model would end up losing her hair. Nature can be cruel, but it should give us focus for more meaningful things in life.

  • @RedResponds
    @RedResponds 7 років тому

    GEORGIA.. ;-;

  • @Ashley_Marie23
    @Ashley_Marie23 6 років тому

    Ironically the more treatment and everything she did huttby her because the more stress and anxiety makes it worse

  • @hannahprince4858
    @hannahprince4858 10 років тому

    I have alopecia. It ruined mylife

  • @sadysat
    @sadysat 12 років тому

    I never said a bald person is not supposed to find love. You are just putting some words in my mouth and discussing with that because it is too difficult to deal with the real message I'm trying to put across. You can find somebody who will overlook your obvious physical fails, I really believe that, it's enough to simply look around you. But for the future generations sake you really should go for an adoption. That's all I'm saying.

  • @sadysat
    @sadysat 12 років тому

    It's truly remarkable how you manage to overlook the merit of our little discussion and jump right into personal insults. Sure why should you consider the real issue at hand. It's too taxing for your weak personality. Too painful to acknowledge the truth. Oh dear, I guess I will just look at your kids going bald with a little smirk and inner satisfaction. Hehehe. Go for it : )

  • @MovieTicketRecaps
    @MovieTicketRecaps 5 років тому +1

    The cure for alopecia is this. Eat oatmeal in the morning add fruit and a little sugar if you want. Eat chicken and rice for lunch and salmon and rice for dinner daily. Eat 2 spinach salads with peppers cucumbers and tomatoes.. or anything you want to put in it. The fish gives you fish oil which is amazing for your hair. This is a basic healthy diet. You can bake the fish and chicken but I found it best to fry it in olive oil season how you want. Very healthy way to fry food.. quicker then baking and taste amazing. Your hair will return lush and your health will be amazing. No vits needed in this diet as the salads do everything. Nails will get strong. Eat an apple a day also just for the hell of it

  • @sadysat
    @sadysat 12 років тому

    ewww that would be truly disgusting. anyway, i'm just saying that people with genetic diseases shouldn't have kids. chill out. there's adoption and u can have a full and happy life without sentencing your children to share your fate.

  • @Kyle-ii4fp
    @Kyle-ii4fp 5 років тому

    Seriously I want to die.. I hate this ringwom/alopecia 😥💔

  • @Orlanzepol123
    @Orlanzepol123 5 років тому

    I sympathize with her but I wonder why don’t they use wigs of real human hair that look natural? Their wigs look wiggy.

  • @xHumanFacex
    @xHumanFacex 12 років тому

    are you serious?

  • @sadysat
    @sadysat 12 років тому

    Shit, dude, I'm not saying it's the end of the world. I'm just suggesting adoption for people who have genetic diseases. Why the hell are you all talking about me, I'm good already, I've had my denial, grieving and acceptance phases. And now I wanted to contribute whatever productive thoughts I had. I don't really understand why you think I'm mad or something. Isn't it rational not to have sick children and help orphans instead? WTF is wrong with all of you???

  • @worstalentscout
    @worstalentscout 11 років тому

    losing eyebrows - very likely to be hypothyroidism

    • @AM-mg7gj
      @AM-mg7gj 5 років тому +1

      worstalentscout not necessarily because I have alopecia, and I don’t have hair anymore and anywhere. But I don’t have any thyroid issues.

    • @mbd6054
      @mbd6054 5 років тому

      There are, amongst thousands of other conditions, at least a hundred autoimmune diseases, than can cause the same effect, without any thyroid involvement. I, unfortunately, speak from experience.

  • @haggis655
    @haggis655 10 років тому

    Beauty is more than hair deep.
    Anyway, one of my favorite poems by Emerson is "Give All to Love." The whole poem develops the theme encapsulated in the final verse, teaching how skin-deep loss is compensated by soul-deep gain:
    Though thou loved her as thyself,
    As a self of purer clay,
    Tho' her parting dims the day,
    Stealing grace from all alive,
    Heartily know,
    When half-gods go,
    The gods arrive.
    "Her" in this case can refer to one's hair. "Purer clay" to body image. Loss of it dimming the day or the mirror, and robbing one of beauty ("grace"). Yet, in the end, when the "half God" of one's hair goes, the real gods arrive (name these as you will).

  • @bobschlacter4227
    @bobschlacter4227 11 років тому

    I will never lose my hair, I'm not a LOSER HAHAHAHAH.

  • @AndreeaZoia
    @AndreeaZoia 12 років тому

    How did you reach to the conclusion that I am uneducated? Is it that you perceive others as you are? I have only adviced you to snap out of your biterness, as well I have inquired if you have scientific proof for your statements. One doesn't have to deal with Baldness or Alopecia to understand you. We ALL have dramas, problems, issues, obstacles. If all people would have been as negative as you we wouldn't have been advancing. So where are you going with your beliefs?

  • @sadysat
    @sadysat 12 років тому

    OMG, I would have never guessed that it can affect you in such a way. Go have kids as much as you want, it will be funny for me to watch them go BALD :D

  • @sadysat
    @sadysat 12 років тому

    Do I not have a heart just because I discourage people from spreading serious incurable genetic disease? Don't make me laugh. Go back to school.

  • @sadysat
    @sadysat 12 років тому

    you are in such a denial.... good for you, man, good for you, bad for your kids... unfortunately...

  • @jessicaleethomas92
    @jessicaleethomas92 12 років тому

    Yeah, but at least I won't die alone. And you, sir, will have no wife and no kids and nobody will love you. And honestly that's entirely your fault and has nothing to do with your hair loss.

  • @sadysat
    @sadysat 11 років тому

    I'm perfectly secure with my FULL head of THICK hair, have no clue what you're babbling about.. Anyway - hair is camouflage? What kind of nonsense is that? It's 1) a sign of health 2) great looks 3) protection from heat / cold. Hair is great come on! Not to have hair is to be severely handicapped. Good luck with the WIGS hahahaha!!!

  • @sadysat
    @sadysat 12 років тому

    Logically I am correct. But when you take into account all your animal instincts and clinical denial, maybe there is some room for your delusions. Do whatever you want. It's your family that will suffer consequences. I don't care in the end about your particular case. I just believe, society should be getting familiar with the concept of genetically transmissible diseases and their prevention!

  • @sadysat
    @sadysat 11 років тому

    Listen, I'm not forcing anybody to wear a wig. They should just realize what a disgusting sight and what a disgrace they are. They are ruining my time downtown. It's ok I can suffer their disgusting disease if they absolutely must walk around like that.

  • @thomasmedia560
    @thomasmedia560 6 років тому

    I've had alopecia for almost two years. At first I was horrified , because it came on so sudden and without warning. I woke up one day and jumped in the shower like usual and when I started to run my hands through my hair I saw clumps of my hair in my hands. It scared the daylights out of me because I had no idea what was going on. Then I saw a dermatologist and he didn't even look at my scalp but for maybe 5 seconds and said it was alopecia. At first I tried topical steroids and a ketaconazole shampoo combined. I did this for atleast 6 months and didn't see much improvement. so from there I went to getting kenalog injections every month and have been doing it for almost a year and a half. there actually was a point in time where I cried and complained constantly . I asked God why this was happening to me . I felt like i was being punished for something. And if that was true then alopecia would be a terrible punishment. I mean it could be worse for the fact that alopecia isn't a health concern and it doesn't affect your health or make you sick. Yet, it was just so hard to deal with , especially at first because alopecia is one of those mysterious , and not fully understood conditions. No one knows why it happens for sure. like why the immune system attacks hair follicles . All I know is I believe deep down that mine was triggered by trauma and stress. I was going through a very rough time . Having a death in my intermediate family and having an accident with a kitchen knife at home. I accidently sliced my hand open . The blade went all the way to my wrist. It went between my index and middle finger and down inside my hand. I was washing dishes at the time and I'm not sure exactly how it happened. I bled and bled all over my house , I was home alone , I was losing tons of blood , I live in a shitty area for cell phone service and couldn't reach 911 or any hospital. I super glued the wound shut and wrapped it up with a dishcloth and a roll of black tape until my fiance came home and took me to the er. The whole situation put me in shock and what do you know a few days later is when my hair started falling out. I never had alopecia in my entire life , I always had a thick full head of hair .I've had my good days and bad days. I just about gave up hope during all of that time and now I almost have all of my hair back. Still have a couple missing parts but I have came a long way. I had lost around 70 percent of my hair and now have atleast 85 percent of it back according to my derm. I had been shaving my head every other day to try and mask the affects of it . i knew that i was growing it back because each time i went to shave ,it was getting harder and harder to shave. I kept noticing that there was a lot more hair falling onto the floor as i was shaving compared to the very little amounts before. What had helped me the most is to stay stress free and not give a shit about it or what anyone else thinks. Having hair doesn't define a person. I'm a guy and a lot of guys shave their heads even when they have hair because it is a style. No one gives me shit about it because they know that I will tell them to go to hell. And by the way things are looking I'll have a full head of hair again soon. I find it funny/ strange how when it was first going on I wanted my hair back so badly and nothing happened and now that I just said fuck it and let it go it decides to grow almost completely back. And The other thing that helped me was vitamin D. I took a vitamin D supplement along with vitamin c , b 12 , Zinc , brewers yeast, biotin , and a multivitamin. I also cut down on sugar and ate mostly green leafy vegetables, carrots , broccoli , sardines for the omega 3 that are in them , Brussels sprouts, chicken or pork but only once or twice a week . And I drank a bottle of raw Kombucha a day because it has live probiotics that inhabit the intestinal track. They fight off other unhealthy organisms in the body and they boost the micro biome of the immune system. If you listen to certain specialist they will tell you that they believe a lot of auto immune diseases start in the gut lining. ?? don't know for sure but I do know that eating all of those things did help a lot. I know that it may seem hopeless sometimes , but I'm here to tell you that there IS hope. This condition ( I hate calling it a disease because I feel that it gives it too much power ) is known for randomly going into spontaneous remission. out of the blue. even with a lot of those with alopecia Universalis ( the rarest form of alopecia) . Some people only get one episode of alopecia and never have it again. One of my friends had it as well years ago. He went through every treatment there was and nothing helped so he said to hell with it and gave up. then one day out of the blue the alopecia went into remission and within two months he had a full head of hair again , all of his eyebrows, eyelashes , and body hair. He had universalis. And to this day he hasn't lost his hair again. so , knowing that proves that there is hope for this. even if we are stuck with it forever. It is not the end of the world. And no one is better than you. we are all people. we eat, breath, and sleep just like every one else. Hair is the ONLY thing that sets us apart. All hair is, is a camoflauge. underneath the hair every one is bald. Alopecia doesn't mean you are sick. I know for a fact that there is nothing wrong with me. I've had every test known to mankind ran on me. from thyroid to liver disease from lupus to diabetes , from cancer to hasimotos. I am pretty darn healthy. And a lot of famous people have had alopecia or still have alopecia, tyra banks had alopecia , Christopher Reeves who played superman has alopecia , Keanu Reeves has alopecia barbae , NBA star or ex star Charlie Villanueva has alopecia universalis and if you have ever watched him play , you can clearly see that alopecia didn't affect his game at all. He racked up 48 points in one game. And this comment is way too long...