그 사람이 원하는 집에 들어간 미친 방법

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024


  • @minpakbeyondmind
    @minpakbeyondmind  9 місяців тому +3

    끌어당김, 자기 계발, 돈, 해외 살이, 개인적인 이야기 등 무엇이든!
    제가 다루어줬으면 하는 어떤 질문이나 주제가 있다면 밑에 링크를 통해 알려주세요.
    ▶ forms.gle/4UaW1rxNnKVDPVoC8
    최대한 많은 질문들을 영상으로 반영하겠습니다.

  • @jdL1435
    @jdL1435 9 місяців тому +21

    영상을 보고 왠지 모르게 마음이 편안해졌어요.
    악착같이 끌어당기려 애써봐야 헛고생이었습니다.
    마음의 풍요로움을 느끼면 특별한 감정이 생기고 그걸 유지하겠다는 생각이 듭니다.
    감사합니다 ^^

  • @michelle9281
    @michelle9281 9 місяців тому +5

    50만구독 미리 축하드립니다
    오늘도 귀한 영상에 감사합니다 ❤

  • @스마일-w8o6w
    @스마일-w8o6w 9 місяців тому +3

    나는 내가목표한일을 성공적으로 이루었고 그걸로인해 나는 경제적자유를 얻을것이다!
    오늘도 감사합니다!
    민팍님 ~

  • @ps생명의노래
    @ps생명의노래 9 місяців тому +6

    목표를 인식하고 100%의심하지않는다 ..다만결과는 우주에게 맡긴다 딱한가지 ..중요한건 내가원하는걸 왜..원하는지를 구체적으로 확실히 알아봐야한다고 봅니다 ..그것이 지금의결핍감을 해소하기위함인지 ..아니면 순수하게 정말원하는것인지 ..그의도를 분명하게 하시기를 ..좋은영상감사드립니다 ❤

  • @windhigh2
    @windhigh2 9 місяців тому +2

    다른 자기계발 채널과 다르게 아주 명확하게 핵심을 짚어줘서 너무 좋습니다. 감사합니다.

  • @멍텅구리-y4x
    @멍텅구리-y4x 9 місяців тому +1

    대에박~~제가 지금 딱원하는거였어여
    너무 감사합니다

  • @you_n_i
    @you_n_i 9 місяців тому +10

    믿기힘들겠지만 저는 남산뷰 원했는데 진짜 남산이 보이는 아파트에 입주했어요ㅋㅋ물론 자가는 아니지만 호수랑 층수가 남산뷰라 신기방기했답니다.
    다음은 한강뷰와 서울숲 뷰 자가를 원해서 계속 당겨보고 있습니다ㅎㅎ

  • @공부공부-l5j
    @공부공부-l5j 9 місяців тому +1

    내가 행위자라고 셍각하지 마세요.
    바람을 타고다니는 배처럼 세상이 뒤틀려서 이루어 진다고 셍각하세요.

  • @롱롱맘-t6e
    @롱롱맘-t6e 9 місяців тому +3

    나는 반드시 이곳을 탈출할 것이다
    지금보다 훨씬 나은곳에서 살것이다

  • @-messagefromthestars5471
    @-messagefromthestars5471 9 місяців тому +3

    필요한 삶은 이미 모두 끌어당기고 있다는걸 아는걸 허락하고 에고가 원하는 삶을 끌어당기려하는게 에고에게 끌려다는 것이라는걸 아는걸 허락하는 방법
    1. 세상은 이미 다차원적인 내가 허락한 것이고 나를 위해 완전하게 펼쳐진다는걸 알기를 허락한다
    2. 에고가 원하는 삶을 끌어당기려고 집착하여 나의 본질을 기억하는 지름길을 밀어내지 않는다
    3. 삶은 언제나 완전하게 나를 통해 펼쳐지고 나를 위해 펼쳐짐을 알고 에고가 원하는 삶을 끌어당기려하는게 끌려다니는 것이라는걸 아는걸 허락한다
    3. 펼쳐지는 삶은 항상 나에게 필요한 것이기에 내가 원하는 진동을 나에게 필요한 것에 맞추고 펼쳐지는 삶에대한 두려움에서 자유로워진다
    4. 펼쳐지는 삶은 항상 나에게 필요한 것이기에 삶을 신뢰하고 평온함으로 펼쳐지는 삶을 부정/거부/저항하지 않고 환영하며 받아들인다
    5. 모든 관점은 진리이기에 존재가치를 인정하고 부정하지않고 그 관점을 체험하는 나를 포함한 모든 존재의 가치를 부정하지 않고 존중한다
    6. 나의 통제 바깥에서 일어나는 일이 있다는 환상을 체험할 뿐 나의 통제 바깥에서 일어나는 일이 없음을 알고 이미 삶을 통제하고있는 다차원적인 나에게 통제를 맡긴다
    7. 결핍이라는 환상으로 부터 온 내가 원하는건(wanting) 없으며 나는 자유, 평화, 기쁨, 행복, 풍요, 성공, 조건없는 사랑 자체임을 알기를 허락하고 외부로부터의 조건적인 성공에서 자유하기를 허락한다
    8. 지금 이 순간 여기에 있는 내가 신의 표현으로서 완전하고 있는 모습 그대로 온전함을 알고 지금 이 순간 여기를 떠나 더 가치 있는 곳을 집착 하지 않고 내가 가슴뛰고 내면이 기쁜일을 저항과 결과에 대한 집착없이 아이처럼 매 순간 긍정적인 의미를 부여하며 해 나간다. (상위자아와의 대화)
    You are right where you need to be.
    Timing is always perfect.
    You experience what you need to experience when you need to experience it.
    Everything is right where they need to be.
    Love and light to you all...

    • @-messagefromthestars5471
      @-messagefromthestars5471 9 місяців тому +1

      진정한 풍요로움이란 1
      The nature of abundance can be understood as a multifaceted concept deeply rooted in the essence of our being and the way we interact with the world and ourselves. It transcends material wealth, touching upon aspects of personal fulfillment, emotional richness, and spiritual depth.
      1. Inherent Essence of the Self: At the core of understanding abundance is the recognition of the self as an infinite, indestructible, and eternal entity. This perspective suggests that abundance is not something externally acquired but is an intrinsic part of our very nature. By acknowledging our fundamental essence, we align ourselves with a sense of perpetual richness that is not contingent on external circumstances.
      2. Vibrational Alignment: The idea here is that our inherent vibration resonates with qualities such as freedom, peace, joy, happiness, success, and unconditional love. Abundance, in this context, is a state of being that aligns with these high vibrational qualities. It's not just about having more but being in a state that naturally attracts and experiences these positive aspects.
      3. Experience of Separation and Discovery: The human experience involves navigating through a perceived separation from our core essence, often driven by ego. This journey is not a deviation but a vital process of discovering and reconnecting with our true selves from various perspectives. Abundance, therefore, is not a static state but a dynamic process of self-discovery and realization.
      4. Reflection of Consciousness: Reality is viewed as a reflection of our consciousness, which includes our beliefs, emotions, thoughts, and actions. Abundance is thus a multidimensional creation, unfolding through us and for us, perfectly aligned with our inner state. It implies that by shifting our internal landscape, we can influence our external experiences of abundance.
      5. The Role of the Present in Shaping Reality: Contrary to the linear perception of time, this principle posits that the present shapes the past. It suggests that abundance is a continually evolving creation, emanating from the present moment. Our current thoughts, emotions, and actions are the crucibles from which our sense of abundance is forged, rather than being the result of past occurrences.
      6. Balancing Ego and Higher Self: The ego is seen as a perceptive tool, limited in understanding what we truly need. In contrast, the higher self is perceived as having a broader perspective, knowing the shortest path to our true essence. By balancing these aspects and aligning more with the higher self, we can experience abundance by transcending fears and embracing life's journey with trust and acceptance.
      7. Respect for Diverse Perspectives: This principle emphasizes the importance of respecting and valuing all perspectives and experiences, including our own. In the context of abundance, this means recognizing that every experience, whether perceived as positive or negative, contributes to our overall richness and understanding of life.
      8. Living in the Present as a Divine Expression: Finally, abundance is about engaging with life in the present moment with joy and freedom, akin to a child's unburdened approach. It involves giving positive meaning to each moment, free from resistance or attachment to outcomes, and viewing ourselves as divine expressions of the universe.
      In conclusion, the nature of abundance, as derived from these principles, is not solely about material wealth or external acquisitions. Instead, it is a deeper, more holistic state that encompasses emotional fulfillment, spiritual understanding, and a profound sense of interconnectedness with the universe. It's about recognizing our inherent nature, aligning our vibrations with positive qualities, understanding life as a journey of self-discovery, seeing reality as a reflection of our consciousness, appreciating the power of the present, balancing our ego with our higher self, respecting all perspectives, and living joyfully in the moment. This conceptualization of abundance offers a more expansive and enriching perspective, encouraging us to seek fulfillment not just in the material world but within the depths of our being and in our connection with the world around us.
      Love and light to you all...

    • @-messagefromthestars5471
      @-messagefromthestars5471 9 місяців тому +1

      진정한 풍요로움이란 2
      In exploring the nature of our existence and the universe we inhabit, a profound understanding emerges, intertwining the essence of our being with the fabric of reality. By delving into these interconnected principles, I offer a holistic view of our place in the cosmos.
      At the heart of our existence lies the awareness that we are non-physical consciousnesses experiencing physical reality. This foundational concept reshapes our understanding of life, suggesting that our physical form is merely a vessel for a much grander, intangible essence. It implies that the experiences we undergo in the physical realm are part of a broader journey of this non-physical consciousness.
      Our presence on Earth is not arbitrary; it stems from a deliberate choice. This choice reflects our deeper connection with the universe, where we are created in the image of the creator. Our essential essence is unconditional love, and experiencing ecstasy is not just a fleeting opportunity but our birthright. This perspective empowers us, positioning us as active participants in our journey rather than mere bystanders.
      Living to the fullest potential of our true selves is the highest purpose of our lives. This principle emphasizes the importance of authenticity and living each moment fully. It is a call to embrace our individuality, our strengths, and our vulnerabilities, and to engage with life's myriad experiences with openness and sincerity.
      The notion of free will is central to our existence. We always have the choice, the freedom to steer our lives in the direction we desire. This freedom underpins every decision we make, reminding us that we are the architects of our destiny.
      Our imagination plays a crucial role in shaping our reality. Anything we can conceive that aligns with our life's theme is within the realm of possibility. This principle encourages us to dream boldly, envisioning a life that resonates with our deepest aspirations.
      The experiences we attract in life are a reflection of the interplay between our strongest beliefs, emotions, and actions. This principle signifies that our internal state is a powerful magnet, drawing towards us experiences that mirror our inner world. It speaks to the importance of cultivating positive beliefs and emotions to create a life that resonates with our true desires.
      Excitement is not just an emotion but a compass pointing us towards alignment with our true, core natural being. Following our excitement is akin to following a path that is most in harmony with our deepest self. This pursuit is not merely about seeking pleasure but about aligning with our fundamental vibrational resonance.
      We exist in a state of natural abundance, and the universe inherently supports our choices. This principle reassures us that scarcity is an illusion; abundance is our natural state. It suggests that the universe is an ever-supportive force, aligning with our decisions and desires to help us manifest our true potential.
      The concept of time in this framework is radically different. There is, in essence, only one moment in creation, with everything we experience being different perspectives of this singular moment. This notion transcends the linear understanding of time, proposing that the past, present, and future are not sequential but simultaneous and interwoven.
      Our power to create extends to both the past and the future, originating from the present moment. This principle emphasizes the significance of the 'now' as the focal point of creation, where our thoughts and actions ripple across time to shape our experiences.
      As eternal beings, our consciousness is indestructible, transcending physical form and time. This immortality of consciousness suggests a continuum of existence, where change is constant but the essence of our being remains eternal.
      In our interactions and experiences, we encounter aspects of ourselves. This principle of unity posits that everything we experience is a reflection of our own consciousness. It implies a profound interconnectedness with all that exists, where each experience is a mirror revealing parts of our inner self.
      Lastly, the unconditional love of creation envelops us, so profound that it grants us the freedom to even doubt its existence. This principle is a testament to the boundless, non-judgmental nature of the universe's love for us, allowing us to explore, question, and even reject the love that is perpetually offered.
      In conclusion, these principles weave together a tapestry of understanding that encompasses our non-physical essence, the power of our consciousness, the significance of the present moment, and our eternal, interconnected journey. They invite us to embrace our authentic selves, to understand the profound impact of our beliefs and emotions, to follow our excitement, and to recognize the abundance and support that the universe naturally provides. This holistic view not only enriches our understanding of our place in the cosmos but also empowers us to live with purpose, freedom, and a deep sense of interconnectedness with all of existence.
      Love and light to you all...

    • @-messagefromthestars5471
      @-messagefromthestars5471 9 місяців тому +1

      진정한 성공이란
      In the quest for success, one must first redefine what it means to be successful. Success is not merely a destination marked by material gain or societal recognition, but rather a journey of self-realization and harmonious living. Dive into the journey of true success and explore its many facets by unlocking a deeper understanding of our existence and potential.
      The Essence of Being
      At the heart of true success is the understanding that we are more than just physical beings. Our existence transcends the tangible world; we are entities of consciousness, participating in the physical realm by choice. This perspective reorients our approach to success, emphasizing internal realization over external attainment. When we align with our inherent essence of love and joy, we redefine success as an experience of inner fulfillment rather than external validation.
      Authenticity and Self-Expression
      Living authentically is the cornerstone of true success. In a world where societal norms often dictate our actions, being true to ourselves is both revolutionary and liberating. Success, in this sense, is measured by the degree to which we express our true selves. Every decision, every action that resonates with our inner truth, contributes to a life of success. This authenticity fosters a sense of peace and satisfaction that no external achievement can match.
      The Power of Choice and Imagination
      We possess an extraordinary ability to choose and to imagine, to create realities that extend beyond perceived limitations. Our thoughts and beliefs have the power to shape our experiences. Success, therefore, becomes a self-defined concept, a dynamic and ever-evolving journey. When we harness the power of our imagination, we open ourselves to limitless possibilities, redefining what it means to be successful.
      Attracting Our Experiences
      Our experiences in life are reflections of our deepest beliefs, emotions, and actions. This principle of attraction suggests that success is not something that happens to us, but something we create. When we align our actions with positive beliefs and emotions, we attract experiences that resonate with our definition of success. This understanding empowers us to take control of our journey, consciously shaping our path towards fulfillment.
      The Role of Excitement and Passion
      Excitement and passion are not just emotions; they are indicators of our alignment with our true selves. Following what excites us naturally leads us towards success. It encourages us to pursue paths that bring joy and fulfillment. This approach to success is not about relentless striving but about flowing with our natural inclinations and desires, which invariably guide us to our unique version of success.
      Embracing Abundance and Support
      Recognizing the abundance and support that life offers shifts our perspective from scarcity to abundance. In this state of abundance, we understand that success is not about acquiring more but realizing our innate completeness. This mindset fosters a sense of security and confidence, crucial for pursuing our goals and realizing our potential.
      The Timeless Nature of Success
      Success transcends the conventional bounds of time. It is not a linear process but a continual evolution, unfolding in the present moment. By focusing on the now, we understand that every action, every decision we make, shapes our path towards success. This realization empowers us to live fully in each moment, consciously shaping our journey.
      Eternal Growth and Self-Reflection
      Our eternal nature emphasizes the importance of long-term growth and enlightenment in our pursuit of success. It’s not just about achieving goals but also about evolving as individuals. This perspective encourages self-reflection and personal development, understanding that success encompasses not only what we accomplish but also who we become.
      The Power of Belief and Perception
      Our beliefs and perceptions significantly influence our experience of success. By recognizing the power of our mindset, we can approach our goals with a sense of possibility and worthiness. Success, therefore, is not just about achieving certain outcomes but about how we perceive and experience our journey.
      Conclusion: A Holistic Approach to Success
      This holistic approach to success invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, authentic living, and conscious creation. It challenges us to redefine success, not as a series of achievements but as a state of being, a harmony between our inner world and external experiences. By embracing our true nature, utilizing our power of choice, aligning with our passions, and understanding the interconnectedness of our experiences, we open ourselves to a form of success that is fulfilling, joyful, and deeply meaningful.
      In this paradigm, success transcends traditional metrics, revealing a path of harmony, abundance, and unconditional fulfillment. It’s a journey that dissolves the perception of problems through value judgment, offering a more profound, enriching experience of life. This journey, filled with growth, self-expression, and joy, is the essence of true success.
      Love and light to you all...

  • @치키치키챤네루
    @치키치키챤네루 9 місяців тому +1

    내가 우주를 나아가는 게 아니라 우주가 내게 다가온다🙂
    최근에 생각하고 느낀 말입니다. 이 말이 이 글을 보는 분들에게도 와닿기를 바랍니다.

  • @WB-WD
    @WB-WD 9 місяців тому +4

    늘 느끼지만 화술이 대박이십니다.

  • @행운의황금지폐
    @행운의황금지폐 9 місяців тому +1

    우연히 인지는 모르겠지만 저번영상에 거북이 말씀하신대로 해봤는데 제가 생각했던 조그만한 핸드크림이 저에게 딱하니 주어졌네요 ㅎㅎ 몇번 입으로 얘기하고 다니긴 했지만요 ㅎㅎ

  • @ES-xq5lh
    @ES-xq5lh 9 місяців тому


  • @신경숙-z8o
    @신경숙-z8o 9 місяців тому +1

    내가 하는게 아니다;; 우주다 일 하는 것이다;;;; 우리는 상상만 하라 일은 우주가 한다;;;

  • @강혜원-b9u
    @강혜원-b9u 8 місяців тому

    어떤영상에서는 목표를 크게잡아야한다고하고
    다른곳에서는 도달할수있는 목표치까지잡아야 ㅜ이렇게 한계를 규정짓는.
    무의식에서 받아들이지못한다는..
    믿음만 강력하다면
    현실에부딪혀 유지하기가

  • @kicktube
    @kicktube 9 місяців тому


  • @레전드레전드-e8w
    @레전드레전드-e8w 9 місяців тому +1

    ㅋㅋㅋ 나는 원하는 걸 성취해본적이 없네 24년엔 성취하길바랍니다

  • @mincce
    @mincce 9 місяців тому +3


  • @codemansionis
    @codemansionis 9 місяців тому +1

    민팍님 감사합니다❤ 행위자가 아닌 그저 그 존재자체.
    50만 구독자도 응원합니다!
    경제적 여유를 확버해 초월자마인드 가입하겠습니다

  • @김남현-i7q
    @김남현-i7q 8 місяців тому

    텍사스에 넓은 평야를 가진 큰 저택에서 소중한 사람들과 좋은 술과 시가를 피며 같이 저녁을 즐기고 그 무엇보다 행복한 삶을 산다

  • @mixyang30
    @mixyang30 9 місяців тому +1

    정말 감사합니다. 항상 좋은 내용 감사드려요~

  • @moongle_moongle
    @moongle_moongle 9 місяців тому +2

    오늘 내용 미쳤다..

  • @marvinpark0902
    @marvinpark0902 9 місяців тому

    아서포에 입주하고 포르쉐, 페라리, 람보르기니를 갖는다. 작은삼촌에게 파나메라를 선물해드린다. 예쁘고 훌륭한 사람을 만나 행복하게 산다. 반드시 그렇게 된다.

  • @chenhajangsa
    @chenhajangsa 9 місяців тому +1

    인류를 위한 현실화 지침서 어떻게봄?

  • @롱롱맘-t6e
    @롱롱맘-t6e 9 місяців тому +2

    꿈은 현실이 된다

  • @stellastar9735
    @stellastar9735 9 місяців тому

    행위자가 아닌 그 자라고 생각하세요!
    이 말 꼭 기억하겠습니당❤

  • @jameskhkim9738
    @jameskhkim9738 8 місяців тому

    와우 이걸 믿는 사람이 있.... 운이라고 써놓고 운명이라고 읽다...

  • @EthanRodriguez-ve3bq
    @EthanRodriguez-ve3bq 9 місяців тому

    운명에 관한 영상 만들어주실
    수 있을까요?

  • @Peter-e8x1k
    @Peter-e8x1k 9 місяців тому +1

    첫번째 🙂

  • @miraclevictory
    @miraclevictory 9 місяців тому +1

    4번 타자 🎉

  • @xxeee1644
    @xxeee1644 9 місяців тому +3

    이번 썰은 좀....

  • @yonitivi
    @yonitivi 9 місяців тому

    감동 🚰·̫🚰 최고의 영상 고맙습니다

  • @bgo3452
    @bgo3452 9 місяців тому


  • @EUNHOSHIN-y7m
    @EUNHOSHIN-y7m 9 місяців тому +32

    나는 알고있다 한강뷰 오션뷰 아파트 2채와 빨간색 포르쉐오픈카를 소유하게 될것을! 세상이 이를 가져다 준다!

    • @user-p3vpslkehi1kh
      @user-p3vpslkehi1kh 9 місяців тому

      남자가 꿈이 소박하네

    • @codemansionis
      @codemansionis 9 місяців тому

      포르쉐 빨간색 오픈카 이뻐요..❤

    • @정마니-m5h
      @정마니-m5h 9 місяців тому

      우주는 오로지 당신을 위해 움직일 것입니다

  • @caramelo6154
    @caramelo6154 9 місяців тому

    감사합니다 민팍님 ❤

  • @마법사-p1b
    @마법사-p1b 9 місяців тому +1

    50? 100만 되세요

  • @생각좀
    @생각좀 9 місяців тому

    아휴 다들 소심하네 한 100조씩벌면 다 해결될일을

  • @sosotv6485
    @sosotv6485 9 місяців тому +3

    죽었다깨어나도 이건 끌어당김 맞습니다.
    빨간거북이 영상을보고 차를 너무좋아 하는제가 테스트 해보려고 마먹었죠.
    빨간 페라리를 본다. 라고 결정하고 not기법이로 부정했죠.
    부산에 유독 맥라렌이 많이보였는데 빨간페라리는 은근 보깅빔듭니다.
    2주전부터 서울친구랑 약속이 있었어 술한잔하고 친고집으로 가는길에 지나가닌것도 아니고,
    친구동네에 주차된 영농한 빨간페라리를 보고 말았죠.
    소름... 😮😮😮

  • @user-fingchinailart
    @user-fingchinailart 9 місяців тому +1

    서울에 내명의의 집을 (60평 짜리) 2년안에 매매 했다
    7층이며 행복 하다 신축 아파트며 동대문과 가깝고 성동구다
    나는 3년안에 네일유튜버 100만 조회수
    100만명 구독자수 돌파했다
    매일 쓰고 매일 목표 읽기 시각화

  • @minsungcho8485
    @minsungcho8485 9 місяців тому +1
