As someone who suffers from Panic Syndrome, one of the biggest fears is exactly having a crisis alone on the street without a known person to help me, this has happened a few times, many times I suffered alone, others some complete strangers came to help me and it made a huge difference
@@lulualzghoul377 the important thing is to always ask beforehand, because it is something that depends on each person, there are those who can feel comfortable, there are those who do not prefer to be touched. The most important thing at this point is to help the person with breathing, talk calmly and patiently in an attempt to distract the person, see if the person would like to move from where they are at the moment to a calmer and safer place, if possible offer some water
You're hundred percent correct, it's one of the hardest things in life of a person, specially when that person is alone and needs help. One act might make a huge difference. Thank you
Many people are just reserved or introverts but tbh they do wanna help they just have social anxiety its not like they wanna ignore him although its sad but most people likes to keep things to themselves we've almost developed a self-centred attitude rather than being people-centred.In conclusion some of us have become selfish but it takes courage to step out and help.
yeah I can kinda imagine myself like those who walked by... because I am not used to seeing something like that and it makes me unsure if I should do something or what to say... I think I would be more inclined to do something if I was with someone or if it's in a spot with not that many people
@@walwal6449 u r exactly right, these social experiments are good eye openers for many but at the same time every person acts differently in specific types of situations that they may feel comfortable or uncomfortable with it. That's why I try to be open minded, not judge people too easily because everyone is just different and unique, thats what makes life more interesting☺
@@walwal6449 Yeah I could see myself walking away concerned. I'm also not a medical professional so I would definitely be more careful with approaching someone who's having a panic attack. I wouldn't know if approaching might worsen their anxiety or not 😥
@@seurn7801 thing is I wouldnt even have known that it's a panic attack lol I would be walking and seeing this guy and be like "he's acting a bit funny... should I be concerned?"
That first man who gently told him to hold him tightly so that it will help him feel comfortable and better and who kept reassuring him that they are almost at the clinic is the real MVP 😭😭😭😭💜💜💜💜💜💜
This made me tear up as I watched. It’s absolutely horrible to have a panic attack or any type of attack in public so it’s really touching to see these people go out of there way and help him. I was sobbing when the group of girls were trying to comfort him and telling him to breath. As someone who has panic attacks it can feel really reassuring to have someone there with you trying to help.
얼마나 힘든지 너무 잘알아서 마음 아파.. 과호흡와서 숨도 제대로 못쉬는 고통.. 손발이 마비온듯 굳기 시작하고 심장이 조여온다.. 식은땀나고 걷지 못하며 주저앉게됨.. 호흡 곤란이 심해지며 손가락이 말리기 시작 호흡이 진정이 되질 않고 발작을 하게 된다 과호흡이 올때 봉지를 쓰고 천천히 계속 호흡하다 보면 호흡이 조금씩 진정 되는데 나같은 경우 심했을때 호흡이 돌아 왔지만 말을 못했었다 분명 이렇게 말하려고 했는데 말을 할수가 없었다.. 어..어..마..마..이.. 이런식으로 내뱉게됨 이게 40분안에 다 일어난일.. 과호흡 오면 진정 시켜주시고 옆에서 호흡하는거 잘 도와주시면 괜찮아 집니다 ㅠㅠ 정말 힘들어요......
이 영상은 정말 감동이네요... 저분들도 너무 고맙고요... 저도 공황황장애 8년차인데....제가 길거리에서 쓰러졌을땐, 기절하는 그 순간까지 아무도 도와주지 않았어요.. 한참 후에 일어났을때도 물론 혼자였고요. 시장 한복판이였는데 말이죠... 어쩌면, 요즘엔 나이드신분들보다 젊은사람들이 더 잘 도와주는것 같아요. 의외로 나이있는 분들이 무관심해요.. 그때 너무 상처받았어요.. 그때도 정신차려서 병원까지 걸어서 갔어요..(차 잡을수 있는 거리가 아니였어요...)
I understand the people who didn't noticed him or didn't wanted to bother him. Some of us are quite introverts and it's hard to approach to people and some are so busy with their lives they rarely notice other things. So it's understandable. But for the people who helped him, I respect you. People don't give much attention to mental health, but it plays a huge part in our lives. Please take care of yourself everyone.
There is a difference between being shy, an introvert and having social anxiety. If you are shy or have social anxiety it may be difficult for you to approach the situation even if you wanted to. But if your an introvert it’s more of a personal decision.
As somebody who suffers from panic disorder/panic attacks as well this brought tears to my eyes. It's so sad that not many people helped but those who did did a fantastic job. To anybody who doesn't look away - thank you so much. You make this world a better place ❤️
저도 30대 중반에 공황장애가 왔는데 처음에는 아무것도 모르고 대학병원가서 신경과검사랑 심장검사 등 여러가지 검사를 받고 오히려 정신과 검사를 받지 않았는데 신경과 의사 한마디가 지금도 도움이 되었던거 같습니다 이런거로 죽진 않아요 어지러우면 앉아서 쉬세요 죽지 않는다는 말로 지금까지 버티는거 같아요 공황장애 오면 죽는거 아닌가 하는 두려움에 증상이 더 심해집니다 젊은 나이에 미래에 불안감 때문에 증상이 더 나타나는거 같아요 30대분들 불안해하지말고 흘려 보내세요 아직 젊어요
As a person who suffers from panic attacks, the sensation of them is horrible and this disorder immobilizes my body and I cannot move at all, it is gratifying to see people who are willing to help
감동... 나한테도 손 내밀어 주는 사람이 있었으면 좋았을 텐데 ㅠ 우울증 걸리고 나서 몇 달 동안 방에만 있다가 뭐라도 해 보자 싶어서 산책 나갔다가 사람들이 너무 많아서 공황장애로 주저앉음 근데 다들 쳐다만 보고 도와주진 않았는데 ㅋㅋㅋ 내 주변에도 손 내밀어 주는 사람이 있었으면
저정도로 주저앉을 정도면 그다음은 아마 그 주변 공기들이 당사자를 압박하는 느낌이 들고 머릿속이 핑돌면서 과호흡까지 온다고 하고 더 나아가서는 기절한다고 들었어요 그래서 저럴땐 얼른 소음이 없는 구석진곳이나 조용하고 조금이라도 안정감 들만한곳으로 옮겨주는게 좋아요 공황장애가 마음의 병이라고 해서 에이 뭐 그정도까지겠나 했는데 주변분이 그래서 곁에서 경험해보니 아니더라구요 증상도 사람마다 다 다르고 ... 참 슬픈병인거 같아요 영상 잘봤습니다
@정은우 죄송한데 의사이신가요 ? 저도 기절한거 본적은 없어요 근데 공황장에중에 심장이 쪼이거나 과호흡와서 극한까지 가면 단순히 정신적인 문제인 공황 장애 일지라도 기절 하기도 한다고 의사피셜로도 들었는데 공황장애에 대해서 잘 아시는것처럼 말하시네요 극히 드물지만 그런 경우도 있다는 말을 들었는데요? 공황장애 케이스가 얼마나 많은데 많은 논문과 임상자료를 보고 공부한 의사보다 잘 아시나봐요??? 님이 아는 공황장애가 기절까진 안간다는 확신은 어디서 나온건지 ? 기절했다면 공황 장애 영향이 아니라고 다른분 대댓 다셨는데 할말이 없네요 심장문제로 검사받고 정신과로 넘어간 경우는 뭘까요 ???? 저또한 제가 쓴글처럼 정신적인 문제에서 비롯되는 병이라는 말을 듯고 님같이 쉽게? 생각했는데 정신적인 병은 님이 말하는것처럼 쉽지 않아요 그리고 제가 아는 공황장애 있으신분은 제 가족이에요 한국에서 유명하다는 정신과 의사선생님들 중에 몇몇분은 다 진료 받았었구요 기절한다는게 오바스럽다고 느끼신거 같아서 댓다신거같은데 무지하면 그냥 넘어가면 그만인것을 아는척 오지랖이시네요 걍 무시하려다가 님같은 사람 또있을까 대댓 남기는데 긴글 읽을 정도의 사람같아 보이진 않아서 뭐 더 자세하겐 말안할게요 궁금하시면 서울대 가셔서 물어보세요 대답들으시면 대댓 닫셔도 되구요 ㅉ
@정은우 미주신경성실신 공황장애 라는 키워드로 검색해도 둘이 연관이 있는 질환이라는 메디컬 레포트들이 즐비해있는데 핑프라서 못보는거임? 심장신경성 실신 (미주신경성 실신) 원인중에 공황 장애가 있다고 삼성서울병원 센터 자료에 떡하니 나오네 ㅋ 지인중에 지하철서 기절한애 근처 대형병원 데려가서 전문의가 평소 공황장애 병력있고 생리까지 겹쳐서 미주신경성 실신 터진거라고 해줘서 기억하고 있는데 그 의사가 돌팔인거냐? 사이버 돌팔아 ㅋㅋㅋ
One of the best things we can do is hold that person's hand and telling him/her everything will be ok, it will pass, it will not kill you even if it feels horrible and telling him/her something good or a nice story. Distracting them from the panic attack
공황장애 판정 받은지 2년 다 되어가는데 도와드릴까요?하셨는데 아무 말 없으시거나 괜찮습니다 그대로 두시는게 좋습니다. 주저앉아있다고 억지로 일으키려고 하지마세요. 사람들이 너무 모여든다 싶으시면 사람없는 곳으로 데려가주시는 것도 하나의 방법입니다. 물을 사다주시는 것도 좋습니다. 겉으로는 티가 나지 않기 때문에 별 거 아닌 것처럼 보일 수 있으나 때와 장소를 가리지 않고 갑작스럽게 죽을 것 같은 공포를 느낍니다. 그에 동반되는 발작증상은 상상을 초월하죠. 주변 지인이나 가족이 공황장애를 앓고 있으면 옆에만 있어주세요. 그걸로도 큰 힘이 됩니다. 공황환우분들께 하고 싶은 말이 있습니다. 제가 공황을 앓으며 깨달은 것이 있는데 남에게 이해를 바라지 마세요. 가족이더라도 그들은 우리와 다르게 공황장애를 직접 겪어보지 않았습니다. 그렇기에 이해해줬으면 하는 마음이 크면 클수록 상대에 대한 실망감도 큽니다. 제 경험이기에 확실하게 말 할 수 있습니다. 공황장애 이겨낼 그 날 까지 화이팅이요❤
글만 봐도 마음이 따뜻한 분이라는게 느껴지네요~ 무슨 일이 있으셨는지는 모르지만 자신이 받았던 상처로 다른 사람의 상처를 보듬어 주실 수 있는 따뜻한 분인것 같아요~👍 잘 이겨내신 것 같아서 다행입니다!! 덕분에 공황장애로 힘들어 하시는분 만나면 조금이나마 더 잘 대처할 수 있을것 같네요! 감사합니다~ 행복하세요~~😊
I used to have a friend with panic disorders, I met him during counselling and therapy for my depression, he has severe social anxiety and would fall into a panic synd4ome when he is overwhelmed by almostanything. We were in a "buddy program" and whenever he has panuc attacks I coverhim with a blanket or coat, anything to keep his attention isolated to himself to lessen his trigger, then I ask him to hug himself and breathe along with me with slow and long inhales and exhales until he calms down, pitching un some encouragements and praises here and there. nd when he is calmed down, I lift the coat/blanket or the cover to peek at him saying he did a great job and slowly coax him out of the cover. It always work 95% of the time...
Omg I have experienced this. I went to the mall and suddenly had a panic attack. It felt beyond uncomfortable. I went out and sat at the sidewalk like a helpless person.
I have meds now and I seldom go out. It has become an agoraphobia now. Its hard but Im trying to learn coping skills to manage it. Thanks for your concern.
I had a panic attack at multiple places one time in the park one time at the cricket store one time in a restaurant I would not try to confine yourself cuz they'll make it worse I try to get out there more even though I hate being in crowded places but I really try to challenge myself because if I don't then I'll get worse. I've had extreme anxiety since I was a kid and then elementary my mom would get calls all the time because I would hide in the bathroom and I would refused to come out or Id be under my desk but the bathroom was a safe place for me.
I also have panic attacks - although thankfully I haven't had one in a few months. Having them in public is awful, especially with COVID where you have to keep up your mask despite being unable to catch your breath. I actually just helped a girl who lives in my apartment building who I heard having a panic attack in the hallway. She had already called 911 herself since she didn't know what was happening to her, but I stayed with her until it passed and talked with her to help her focus on something else. Sending a lot of love to all of my fellow people who suffer from anxiety and panic disorders.
I have anxiety disorder and panic disorder + society Phobie. I feel it ,I was so close to cry. It's really beautiful to see know you're not alone some people will help u
I know how hard this is. I was suffering from deep depression before, and i did get panic attacks quite often, where i started to have a hard time to breathe. Thank to God the depression and the anxiety attacks are almost 100% gone now!🙏
Makes me so happy to know that ur depression and anxiety are gone. I also have depression and anxiety but not major but it still effects my daily life. My main goal now is to get completely rid of depression and anxiety:)
@@tootoo4005... I'm really happy to hear that you going to take the step to get rid of it!... it was hard for me, but after i started to care less about what people was thinking about me, and more of what made me happy, that was the time i became happy. But my christian faith is the biggest reason why my depression and anxiety is gone. After i started to pray, get to know God's word and practice my faith, that's the time where all the depression, anxiety, anger and the will to revenge people was gone. I'm so thankful God!🙏. And I will pray for you, and hope that you will fight that awful side of a person. FIGHTING!😍🙆♀️🙏
@@lulualzghoul377 .. It's hard to give a straight answer. Because some people would act with panic and fear because of a trauma that was the cause of their depression in the first place. But from experience and other stories i have heard of, majority of the time, a person with a panic attack would appreciate it, because they may go through a though life where they don't have anyone that have been giving them a close relationship or attention. But it's important not to throw yourself over the person, show by body language and your words that you understand the person and that you care enough to listen and give that person your attention and comfort by listening and by giving them a hug!
It's pretty sad because the ones that helped him were all youngsters. Young people can easily see the struggles and understand it almost right away. But it's kinda sad because older people just pretty much ignored the man. It's nice that our peers can help each other but I hope people regardless their ages are willing to reach out too ❤️
A big thank you to the kind souls who are willing to help. Even though it’s an experiment, panic disorders are very real and scary for the one that is plagued with it. Help those in need please. 🙏💕
This made me teary, I was have panic attack earlier in the morning. It's not easy to deal with. That's why I don't go out nowadays. Because this panic attack. I hope everyone who's dealing with this, just keep fighting.
I felt this…. I’ve been under psychotropics for years…. It completely destroys u…. Mental illness is no joke….I had no idea what it was nor did anyone around me… honestly internet saved me in diagnosing the illness…. I always pray this topic is known by everyone….thanks to this channel for the awareness❤️
I had panic attack a few times before. One time I was able to call my friend before I collapse and was sent to the hospital then. The other one was when I was at work. Trigged by a traumatic event and my colleagues helped me a lot. While the rest, I experienced panic attack, were at home, in my room. Glad to see there are people willing to help. I hope more know that panic attack is not about being dramatic because of something they are triggered.
Its still a big taboo in society to speak about your mental well being, everyone will abandon you and thats when you realise how we leave in a society where there so many fake relationships and real one who can understand us are extremely rare !!! Good video..
I have a severe panic disorder, when I have a panic attack I instantly fall to the ground and can’t move, I can’t breathe and it leads me to pass out. I once passed out 7 times in one day because I was so overwhelmed, I started hallucinating and couldn’t stop crying. In the end the ambulance had to be called, when I got to the hospital they didn’t help me and told me to leave, and even accused me of faking it. I wish I could meet kind people like these people.
Keeping a paper bag helps-- Cant tell you how many times one helped me! I don't have these anymore thank goodness. My heart goes out to those who still suffer.
... 공황장애로 수년간 고생한 사람으로서... 공황장애가 시작되면...외부환경하고 격리된 환경에서 안정을 취해야되요..;; 저는 가게에서 사람들 많을때 웅성거리는 소리가 벽에 반사되면..... 수십명이서.. 제귀에 대고 얘기하듯.. 엄청 크게 들리면서.. 심장이 빨리뛰고.. 호흡이 안고.. 손이 사시나무 떨듯이 떨리면서,, 심장마비,,,, 호흡곤란으로 죽을것 같은 공포를 느끼게 됩니다...ㄷㄷ 퇴사하고 치료 열심히 받아서 지금은 완치 되었는데.. 직장인분들.. 꼭 스트레스가 너무 심하다.. 싶으시면.. 꼭 정신과에서 상담 받으세요.. 상담만 받으면서 속에 있는 고민들 얘기들 풀어놓다 보면 많이 편해집니다... 정신과는 꼭~~ 대학병원 가지마시고.. .상담을 20분이상 해주는 개인병원으로 가세요.. 대학병원은 기계적이라... 아무것도 해결안됨.. 그냥 약처방 받고... 살만 30kg찌는 경험을 하게됨 ㅋㅋ
This hit's home... I am a student and after the first long lockdown (6 months here) our school had to develop a system for student's because so many where having random panick attacks and breaking down in class. Take care of yourselves guys 💖
This made me cry, because I also experience the difficulty of panic attack. The difficulty in breathing like you don't know what you're going to do then your feet and hands are numb plus trembling, you will be really weak. I am grateful to those who helped.
Anxiety and panic disorders is no joke especially having panic attack, feel like I'm gonna die. I'm dealing with anxiety disorders and panic attack for 2 years. Glad that there are still people's that care and land a hand to help.
This video made me realize that ive had panic attacks before but i never realized what it was and i never asked for help because i always thought it was in my head. Thankyou so much for helping me realize what im going through ❤️
This made me cry so much. I also had panic do and anxiety back then. I can really relate to this. And it's hard to go out alone. I remember when I was in Singapore and had a panic att. Sadly no one helped me. They prolly thought I was cray or just acting. That's why when I watched this I was so happy seeing kind people helping out. Because having PDO and anxiety is really hard. It's a no joke. Thanks for sharing this type video to give/share awareness. 🙏🏻😊💜
공황발작할 때 말도 잘 안나오더라고요 그래도 악착같이 걷기운동했습니다..내가 걷다 쓰러지면 지나가는 누군가가 119불러주겠지 이런 마음으로ㅋ영상을 보니 역시나 감사하게도 도움을 주시는 분들이 계시네요^^제 믿음이 맞았어요ㅋ 큰 발작 안한지는 벌써 몇 년 지났는데 예전이 떠올라 댓글 남겨봅니다
I had a panic attack in public yesterday. This got me tearing up. The amount of embarrassment was un real. 2 people stopped to help me. One was a coworker. It happened as I was going into work. I have decided to go back to therapy. Pray for me 😔
I’m suffering from severe anxiety/panic attacks and it’s part of your life the only difference is the longer have it the more you find ways how to deal with it
Hope all the people suffer like this gets support amd if u dont then know that u r strong if u have made it till here then there is no looking back dont let people think u r some weak person show them how strong u r by not hiding ur feeling
My nephew leaves in Korea his suffers from PTSD. His friends helps him. Whenever he feels distressed. I know how difficult is to have these types of disorder and stress . 1:41 that guy is really sweet.
As someone who suffers from Panic Syndrome, one of the biggest fears is exactly having a crisis alone on the street without a known person to help me, this has happened a few times, many times I suffered alone, others some complete strangers came to help me and it made a huge difference
I would like to ask if it is okay to give a hug to someone who is having a panic attack on the street or in general?
@@lulualzghoul377 the important thing is to always ask beforehand, because it is something that depends on each person, there are those who can feel comfortable, there are those who do not prefer to be touched. The most important thing at this point is to help the person with breathing, talk calmly and patiently in an attempt to distract the person, see if the person would like to move from where they are at the moment to a calmer and safer place, if possible offer some water
@@nanirine l'm so grateful to you for your answer, thank you!
@@lulualzghoul377 You're welcome! It's good to know that there are people like you curious about how to act, so I appreciate it too!
You're hundred percent correct, it's one of the hardest things in life of a person, specially when that person is alone and needs help.
One act might make a huge difference.
Thank you
mental health is seriously no joke. hope this video spreads awareness
Thank you for watching our video.😍 🥰
Many people are just reserved or introverts but tbh they do wanna help they just have social anxiety its not like they wanna ignore him although its sad but most people likes to keep things to themselves we've almost developed a self-centred attitude rather than being people-centred.In conclusion some of us have become selfish but it takes courage to step out and help.
Thank you for watching our video.😍 🥰
yeah I can kinda imagine myself like those who walked by... because I am not used to seeing something like that and it makes me unsure if I should do something or what to say... I think I would be more inclined to do something if I was with someone or if it's in a spot with not that many people
@@walwal6449 u r exactly right, these social experiments are good eye openers for many but at the same time every person acts differently in specific types of situations that they may feel comfortable or uncomfortable with it. That's why I try to be open minded, not judge people too easily because everyone is just different and unique, thats what makes life more interesting☺
@@walwal6449 Yeah I could see myself walking away concerned. I'm also not a medical professional so I would definitely be more careful with approaching someone who's having a panic attack. I wouldn't know if approaching might worsen their anxiety or not 😥
@@seurn7801 thing is I wouldnt even have known that it's a panic attack lol
I would be walking and seeing this guy and be like "he's acting a bit funny... should I be concerned?"
That first man who gently told him to hold him tightly so that it will help him feel comfortable and better and who kept reassuring him that they are almost at the clinic is the real MVP 😭😭😭😭💜💜💜💜💜💜
I swear, he won life for sure
this made me cry. i also have panic disorder and its the worst thing. im glad some people did help him❤️
Thank you for watching our video.😍 🥰
Awww feel hugged you aren’t alone I’m having severe anxiety/panic disorder and depression so I know how you feel
@@Lost.prod21 ur so strong 🌸💕💖
@@jenniescookie1339 I’m not strong I’m just tired physically and mentally but I’m good at hiding it 😅
선뜻 다가가지는 못해도 차마 발걸음이 안 떨어지는지 걱정스레 바라보고 있는 시민들도 많네요
뭔가 뭉클하고..
예고 없이 오는 공황 때문에 밖에 나가면 저렇게 주저앉을 때가 많은데 저렇게 도와주시는 분들이 있으면 너무 감사할 거 같네요..ㅜ
어떻게 도와드리는게 가장 도움이 될까요?
@@BB-hn9zv 침착하게 진정할 수 있도록 달래주는 게 가장 좋았던 것 같아요
@@foureightsix 알겠습니다
잘 기억하고 있다가 그런 상황을 만나면 도움이 될 수 있도록 행동할께요
서이님도 행복하시고 건강하세요
저도 그렇게 도와드리도록 할께요
삭막한 세상속에서 인류애를 느끼게 해주는 채널.....
gwir iawn
저희 일미터 영상을 봐주셔서 정말 감사합니다!!😆 더 좋은 영상 만들겠습니다!
진짜 실제로 이런 분들 도와주고 싶네요
그리고 그냥 지나가는 사람들 보다
신경을 써주는 사람들이야 귀인이죠!!
정말로 맘이 따뜻해지는 영상이예요!!😊
오히려 가까운 사람보다 아예 모르는 사람이기에 인류애를 느낄 수 있는거 아닐까?
항상 인간관계에서 오는 스트레스는 내 주변 가까운 사람에게서 오니까..
This made me tear up as I watched. It’s absolutely horrible to have a panic attack or any type of attack in public so it’s really touching to see these people go out of there way and help him. I was sobbing when the group of girls were trying to comfort him and telling him to breath. As someone who has panic attacks it can feel really reassuring to have someone there with you trying to help.
Once I had panic attack on the street, I was trying to ignore that but it's hard....😑
The girls little pats on the back was so adorable 😭
저도 공황장애와 틱을 지닌채 살아온 학생입니다. 6년의 노력끝에 틱은 2주에에 3번 할정도로 줄여졌고, 공황장애도 점차 나아지고 있어서 저 자신이 점점 뿌듯해집니다 이 영상을 보니 사람들의 마음씨를 본받아 좀 살맛이 나는 거 같네요! 좋은영상입니다^^
젊은 분들이 힘든 사람을 외면하지않고 저렇게 따뜻한 심성을 보여주시다니 너무 보기좋고 감사하네요. 행운만 가득하길~~
나도 공황장애때문에 많이 저래봐서 ... 도와주시려는 분들은 항상 계셔서 감사했어요 ㅎ 저런상황이 너무 두렵다보니 집순이가 되어버렸다는거.. ㅜ
일하다가 인간같지 않은 것들로 인해 인류애 파탄나서 충전하러 왔습니다
공황장애 심하게 겪었던 사람으로서 너무 공감되네요
세상엔 따뜻한 사람들이 더 많다는걸 또 되뇌입니다
얼마나 힘든지 너무 잘알아서 마음 아파..
과호흡와서 숨도 제대로 못쉬는 고통.. 손발이 마비온듯 굳기 시작하고 심장이 조여온다.. 식은땀나고 걷지 못하며 주저앉게됨..
호흡 곤란이 심해지며 손가락이 말리기 시작
호흡이 진정이 되질 않고 발작을 하게 된다
과호흡이 올때 봉지를 쓰고 천천히 계속 호흡하다 보면 호흡이 조금씩 진정 되는데
나같은 경우 심했을때 호흡이 돌아 왔지만 말을 못했었다
분명 이렇게 말하려고 했는데
말을 할수가 없었다..
이런식으로 내뱉게됨
이게 40분안에 다 일어난일..
과호흡 오면 진정 시켜주시고 옆에서 호흡하는거 잘 도와주시면 괜찮아 집니다 ㅠㅠ
정말 힘들어요......
이 영상은 정말 감동이네요... 저분들도 너무 고맙고요... 저도 공황황장애 8년차인데....제가 길거리에서 쓰러졌을땐, 기절하는 그 순간까지 아무도 도와주지 않았어요.. 한참 후에 일어났을때도 물론 혼자였고요. 시장 한복판이였는데 말이죠... 어쩌면, 요즘엔 나이드신분들보다 젊은사람들이 더 잘 도와주는것 같아요. 의외로 나이있는 분들이 무관심해요.. 그때 너무 상처받았어요.. 그때도 정신차려서 병원까지 걸어서 갔어요..(차 잡을수 있는 거리가 아니였어요...)
너무 상처가 크셨겠어요. 많은 사람들 속에서 얼마나 힘들고 외로우셨을지..ㅠ 혹시 공황장애로 어려움을 겪고 계신 분을 보게 되면 어떻게 도움을 드리면 될까요? 119에 바로 전화를 하는 게 맞는지 어떻게 대처하면 좋을지 궁금하네요.
저도 비슷한 증상으로 과호흡이 와서 주저앉아있던적이 있어서 뭔가 뭉클하고 눈물샘자극되면서 봤어요. 세상은 아직 따뜻하단걸 느끼게해주셔서 감사합니다.
I understand the people who didn't noticed him or didn't wanted to bother him. Some of us are quite introverts and it's hard to approach to people and some are so busy with their lives they rarely notice other things. So it's understandable.
But for the people who helped him, I respect you. People don't give much attention to mental health, but it plays a huge part in our lives. Please take care of yourself everyone.
Being an introverted // not being social. So please don’t use it as a excuse
We shouldn't be using introverted as an excuse. Being introverted doesn't mean you can't help the people around you.
There is a difference between being shy, an introvert and having social anxiety. If you are shy or have social anxiety it may be difficult for you to approach the situation even if you wanted to. But if your an introvert it’s more of a personal decision.
당사자 분들은 얼마나 힘드실까요.. 도와주시는 분들이 있어 다행입니다
저희 일미터 영상을 봐주셔서 정말 감사합니다!!😆 도와주시는 분들 계셔서 저희도 다행이라고 생각했습니다!
It’s so nice to see people put there fears aside to help ones in need 🥰
진짜 도와달라고 말하는사람보다 못말하는분이 많습니다 바쁘지만 조금만 신경써주세요 ~감사합니다 유투브 방송하시는분들 나쁘게 봤는데 선입견을 바꿔주는 훈훈한 방송 정말감사합니다
도와주시는 모습들이 너무 다정합니다.ㅠㅠ
저희 일미터 영상을 봐주셔서 정말 감사합니다!!😆 맞아요 정말 다정하세요 !
As somebody who suffers from panic disorder/panic attacks as well this brought tears to my eyes. It's so sad that not many people helped but those who did did a fantastic job. To anybody who doesn't look away - thank you so much. You make this world a better place ❤️
저도 30대 중반에 공황장애가 왔는데 처음에는 아무것도 모르고 대학병원가서 신경과검사랑 심장검사 등 여러가지 검사를 받고 오히려 정신과 검사를 받지 않았는데 신경과 의사 한마디가 지금도 도움이 되었던거 같습니다
이런거로 죽진 않아요 어지러우면 앉아서 쉬세요
죽지 않는다는 말로 지금까지 버티는거 같아요
공황장애 오면 죽는거 아닌가 하는 두려움에 증상이 더 심해집니다
젊은 나이에 미래에 불안감 때문에 증상이 더 나타나는거 같아요
30대분들 불안해하지말고 흘려 보내세요 아직 젊어요
화이팅 입니다 !
저희 일미터 영상을 봐주셔서 정말 감사합니다!!😆 좋은 말씀해주셔서 감사합니다! 🥰
공황장애 증상은 호흡곤란인가요~저는 잘때 숨이 잘 안쉬어져요~~
어떻게 하면 호흡곤란이 없어질까요?
As a person who suffers from panic attacks, the sensation of them is horrible and this disorder immobilizes my body and I cannot move at all, it is gratifying to see people who are willing to help
감동... 나한테도 손 내밀어 주는 사람이 있었으면 좋았을 텐데 ㅠ 우울증 걸리고 나서 몇 달 동안 방에만 있다가 뭐라도 해 보자 싶어서 산책 나갔다가 사람들이 너무 많아서 공황장애로 주저앉음 근데 다들 쳐다만 보고 도와주진 않았는데 ㅋㅋㅋ 내 주변에도 손 내밀어 주는 사람이 있었으면
저희 일미터 영상을 봐주셔서 정말 감사합니다!!😆 더욱 더 좋은 영상 만들겠습니다!!😆
저도 잡아드릴게요!!
저정도로 주저앉을 정도면
그다음은 아마 그 주변 공기들이
당사자를 압박하는 느낌이 들고
머릿속이 핑돌면서 과호흡까지 온다고 하고
더 나아가서는 기절한다고 들었어요
그래서 저럴땐 얼른 소음이 없는 구석진곳이나
조용하고 조금이라도 안정감 들만한곳으로
옮겨주는게 좋아요
공황장애가 마음의 병이라고 해서
에이 뭐 그정도까지겠나 했는데
주변분이 그래서 곁에서 경험해보니 아니더라구요
증상도 사람마다 다 다르고 ...
참 슬픈병인거 같아요
영상 잘봤습니다
@정은우 기절까지 가는 경우들 있어요... 제 지인도 공황 장애 때문에 호흡 곤란 와서 학교에서 기절해서 구급차에 실려갔습니다
@정은우 죄송한데 의사이신가요 ?
저도 기절한거 본적은 없어요
근데 공황장에중에 심장이 쪼이거나 과호흡와서 극한까지 가면 단순히 정신적인 문제인 공황 장애 일지라도 기절 하기도 한다고 의사피셜로도 들었는데 공황장애에 대해서 잘 아시는것처럼 말하시네요 극히 드물지만 그런 경우도 있다는 말을 들었는데요? 공황장애 케이스가 얼마나 많은데 많은 논문과 임상자료를 보고 공부한 의사보다 잘 아시나봐요??? 님이 아는 공황장애가 기절까진 안간다는 확신은 어디서 나온건지 ?
기절했다면 공황 장애 영향이 아니라고 다른분 대댓 다셨는데
할말이 없네요
심장문제로 검사받고 정신과로 넘어간 경우는 뭘까요 ????
저또한 제가 쓴글처럼
정신적인 문제에서 비롯되는 병이라는 말을 듯고 님같이 쉽게? 생각했는데 정신적인 병은 님이 말하는것처럼 쉽지 않아요 그리고 제가 아는 공황장애 있으신분은 제 가족이에요
한국에서 유명하다는 정신과 의사선생님들 중에 몇몇분은 다 진료 받았었구요 기절한다는게 오바스럽다고 느끼신거 같아서 댓다신거같은데 무지하면 그냥 넘어가면 그만인것을 아는척 오지랖이시네요 걍 무시하려다가 님같은 사람 또있을까 대댓 남기는데
긴글 읽을 정도의 사람같아 보이진 않아서
뭐 더 자세하겐 말안할게요 궁금하시면 서울대 가셔서 물어보세요 대답들으시면 대댓 닫셔도 되구요 ㅉ
@정은우 공황장애를 앓으면 미주신경성 실신까지도 발전해서
뇌에 혈액이 안가 기절하는 사람도 많습니다.
@정은우 그러니까 미주신경성 실신이 공황장애에서 합병증처럼 생기는 거라는 맥락은 안보임?
@정은우 미주신경성실신 공황장애 라는 키워드로 검색해도 둘이 연관이 있는 질환이라는 메디컬 레포트들이 즐비해있는데 핑프라서 못보는거임?
심장신경성 실신 (미주신경성 실신) 원인중에 공황 장애가 있다고 삼성서울병원 센터 자료에 떡하니 나오네 ㅋ
지인중에 지하철서 기절한애 근처 대형병원 데려가서
전문의가 평소 공황장애 병력있고 생리까지 겹쳐서 미주신경성 실신 터진거라고 해줘서 기억하고 있는데 그 의사가 돌팔인거냐? 사이버 돌팔아 ㅋㅋㅋ
One of the best things we can do is hold that person's hand and telling him/her everything will be ok, it will pass, it will not kill you even if it feels horrible and telling him/her something good or a nice story. Distracting them from the panic attack
한 손 내밀어주는 것만으로도 저 분에게 얼마나 큰 힘이 되는지 얼마나 감사한 일인지 알았으면 좋겠네요.
공황장애 판정 받은지 2년 다 되어가는데 도와드릴까요?하셨는데 아무 말 없으시거나 괜찮습니다 그대로 두시는게 좋습니다. 주저앉아있다고 억지로 일으키려고 하지마세요. 사람들이 너무 모여든다 싶으시면 사람없는 곳으로 데려가주시는 것도 하나의 방법입니다. 물을 사다주시는 것도 좋습니다. 겉으로는 티가 나지 않기 때문에 별 거 아닌 것처럼 보일 수 있으나 때와 장소를 가리지 않고 갑작스럽게 죽을 것 같은 공포를 느낍니다. 그에 동반되는 발작증상은 상상을 초월하죠. 주변 지인이나 가족이 공황장애를 앓고 있으면 옆에만 있어주세요. 그걸로도 큰 힘이 됩니다. 공황환우분들께 하고 싶은 말이 있습니다. 제가 공황을 앓으며 깨달은 것이 있는데 남에게 이해를 바라지 마세요. 가족이더라도 그들은 우리와 다르게 공황장애를 직접 겪어보지 않았습니다. 그렇기에 이해해줬으면 하는 마음이 크면 클수록 상대에 대한 실망감도 큽니다. 제 경험이기에 확실하게 말 할 수 있습니다. 공황장애 이겨낼 그 날 까지 화이팅이요❤
글만 봐도 마음이 따뜻한 분이라는게 느껴지네요~ 무슨 일이 있으셨는지는 모르지만 자신이 받았던 상처로 다른 사람의 상처를 보듬어 주실 수 있는 따뜻한 분인것 같아요~👍 잘 이겨내신 것 같아서 다행입니다!! 덕분에 공황장애로 힘들어 하시는분 만나면 조금이나마 더 잘 대처할 수 있을것 같네요! 감사합니다~ 행복하세요~~😊
I used to have a friend with panic disorders, I met him during counselling and therapy for my depression, he has severe social anxiety and would fall into a panic synd4ome when he is overwhelmed by almostanything.
We were in a "buddy program" and whenever he has panuc attacks I coverhim with a blanket or coat, anything to keep his attention isolated to himself to lessen his trigger, then I ask him to hug himself and breathe along with me with slow and long inhales and exhales until he calms down, pitching un some encouragements and praises here and there. nd when he is calmed down, I lift the coat/blanket or the cover to peek at him saying he did a great job and slowly coax him out of the cover. It always work 95% of the time...
thank you so much for informing everyone about this! I'll keep this in mind in case I ever need to help someone
Omg I have experienced this. I went to the mall and suddenly had a panic attack. It felt beyond uncomfortable. I went out and sat at the sidewalk like a helpless person.
im so sorry you had to experience that. hope you're feeling better now
I have meds now and I seldom go out. It has become an agoraphobia now. Its hard but Im trying to learn coping skills to manage it. Thanks for your concern.
Thank you for watching our video.😍 🥰We support people suffering from panic disorder. There will be better days.
I had a panic attack at multiple places one time in the park one time at the cricket store one time in a restaurant I would not try to confine yourself cuz they'll make it worse I try to get out there more even though I hate being in crowded places but I really try to challenge myself because if I don't then I'll get worse. I've had extreme anxiety since I was a kid and then elementary my mom would get calls all the time because I would hide in the bathroom and I would refused to come out or Id be under my desk but the bathroom was a safe place for me.
Felt that I hate crowds and malls they freak me out
Gray shirt boy, the one who came back to help even after passing by the man, he proved me that it needs some thinking to take good decisions ~♡
Thanks to every good person in this world
I also have panic attacks - although thankfully I haven't had one in a few months. Having them in public is awful, especially with COVID where you have to keep up your mask despite being unable to catch your breath. I actually just helped a girl who lives in my apartment building who I heard having a panic attack in the hallway. She had already called 911 herself since she didn't know what was happening to her, but I stayed with her until it passed and talked with her to help her focus on something else. Sending a lot of love to all of my fellow people who suffer from anxiety and panic disorders.
I have anxiety disorder and panic disorder + society Phobie.
I feel it ,I was so close to cry.
It's really beautiful to see know you're not alone some people will help u
실제로 저런 상황이오면 너무 힘들거 같아요,, 그래도 다들 도와주셔서 다행이네요😭
저희 일미터 영상을 봐주셔서 정말 감사합니다!!😆 맞아요 다들 도와주셔서 정말 감사했습니다. 😭
공황장애를 격고 있는 1인 으로서 호흡연기 때문에 끝까진 못봤지만 이 영상 을 보고 두려움을 조금 극복 했습니다 ㅎ 도와주신분들 멋져요 !
저희 일미터 영상을 봐주셔서 정말 감사합니다!!😆 앞으로 더 극복하셔서 좋은 날이 올때까지 응원할게요!
I know how hard this is. I was suffering from deep depression before, and i did get panic attacks quite often, where i started to have a hard time to breathe. Thank to God the depression and the anxiety attacks are almost 100% gone now!🙏
Makes me so happy to know that ur depression and anxiety are gone. I also have depression and anxiety but not major but it still effects my daily life. My main goal now is to get completely rid of depression and anxiety:)
@@tootoo4005... I'm really happy to hear that you going to take the step to get rid of it!... it was hard for me, but after i started to care less about what people was thinking about me, and more of what made me happy, that was the time i became happy. But my christian faith is the biggest reason why my depression and anxiety is gone. After i started to pray, get to know God's word and practice my faith, that's the time where all the depression, anxiety, anger and the will to revenge people was gone. I'm so thankful God!🙏. And I will pray for you, and hope that you will fight that awful side of a person. FIGHTING!😍🙆♀️🙏
I would like to ask if it is okay to give a hug to someone who is having a panic attack on the street or in general?
@@lulualzghoul377 .. It's hard to give a straight answer. Because some people would act with panic and fear because of a trauma that was the cause of their depression in the first place. But from experience and other stories i have heard of, majority of the time, a person with a panic attack would appreciate it, because they may go through a though life where they don't have anyone that have been giving them a close relationship or attention. But it's important not to throw yourself over the person, show by body language and your words that you understand the person and that you care enough to listen and give that person your attention and comfort by listening and by giving them a hug!
💙thanking God with you!
I suffer from panic disorder for 11 years now. We must try to get over it little by little, it's hard but we should keep fighting.♡
Ecactly and we are amazing ans little by little we are getting better
It's pretty sad because the ones that helped him were all youngsters. Young people can easily see the struggles and understand it almost right away. But it's kinda sad because older people just pretty much ignored the man. It's nice that our peers can help each other but I hope people regardless their ages are willing to reach out too ❤️
저는 공황장애로 약을 일년째 복용하고있는사람입니다..공황발짝 4번만에 확진을받았어요. .마지막 공황발작은 운전중에 숨을못쉬어 비상깜빡이 키고 병원으로 가는데 도저히 숨이 안쉬어지고 손에 마비가오고 (숨을 편안히 못쉬면 뇌로 산소가 공급되지 않아 몸에 마비가오거든요ㅜ)도로 한복판에 차를세워 내리면서 살려주세요~~했더니 지나가던 차주분들이 한분도 빵빵 안거리고 서서 도와주셨어요 그래서 이렇게 약을 1년째 먹으면서 잘재내고있답니다 공황장애는 정말 격어보지 않은사람은 몰라요 혹 길에 공황발작을 하는분을 보신다면 비밀봉투나 과자봉지도 괜찮아요 그걸 입에다 대주시면 5분정도면 괜찮아진답니다 꼭 도와주세요~~🙏🙏
괞챦으니 다행이네요~아직까지는 세상이 행복한 세상 같아요
야속한 거 같다 내가 공황장애로 힘들어 했을 때 그 누구도 나한테 도움의 손길을 주지 않았는데 도와주시는 분들이 저렇게 많았다니 그때의 내가 조금만 더 용기가 있었다면 괜찮았겠지
I am a mum of four an this hurt to watch. Thank you to those that helped this young man, just one helping hand can save those in true need ❤️.
I too have a serious panic disorder, to know that people are willing to help, means so much T-T
A big thank you to the kind souls who are willing to help. Even though it’s an experiment, panic disorders are very real and scary for the one that is plagued with it. Help those in need please. 🙏💕
This made me teary, I was have panic attack earlier in the morning. It's not easy to deal with. That's why I don't go out nowadays. Because this panic attack. I hope everyone who's dealing with this, just keep fighting.
진짜 좋은 사람이 이 세상에서 있어서 다행이다 ~~
제가 가장 좋아하는 채널 ^^
Bless all good souls out there.
지켜주셔서 감사합니다
제가 공황장애 16년차인데..정말 감사하신분들이네요..
I felt this…. I’ve been under psychotropics for years…. It completely destroys u…. Mental illness is no joke….I had no idea what it was nor did anyone around me… honestly internet saved me in diagnosing the illness…. I always pray this topic is known by everyone….thanks to this channel for the awareness❤️
너무 세상 아름답네요 이런사람들 많아야해요
나도 공황장애 몇년찬데
사실 저런사람 거의 없다..
저런행동이 필수는 아니지만.
I had panic attack a few times before. One time I was able to call my friend before I collapse and was sent to the hospital then. The other one was when I was at work. Trigged by a traumatic event and my colleagues helped me a lot. While the rest, I experienced panic attack, were at home, in my room. Glad to see there are people willing to help. I hope more know that panic attack is not about being dramatic because of something they are triggered.
공황장애는 TV에서 연예인 들이 말하는것만 들었지 이영상을보고 공황장애도한번 찾아보고 남의일이 아니구나 나한테도 일어날수있는 일이구나 저렇게 힘든사람이있으면 도와줘야겠다는 깨달음을 얻고 갑니다
진짜 다들 너무 감동이다ㅠㅠ
저희 일미터 영상을 봐주셔서 정말 감사합니다!!😆 더욱 더 좋은 영상 만들겠습니다!!😆
One act of kindness will change the world.
Thank you for helping anyone who needs help.
이 채널은 내 삶의 느낌과 그를 도운 사람들이 정말 훌륭하다는 것을 보여줍니다.....
People like them make me believe in humanity again. Thank you so much for the video ❤
Its still a big taboo in society to speak about your mental well being, everyone will abandon you and thats when you realise how we leave in a society where there so many fake relationships and real one who can understand us are extremely rare !!! Good video..
독특한 컨셉이다.
나는 이 영상을 좋아한다, 계속해서 더 많이 만들어라!!
As myself suffer from depression and panic attack i appreciate all the people that helped him . Where i am from people don’t care. 😳
Damn it’s nice to see humanity is still alive ❤️
모르는 사람한테 다가가기가 참 힘든데~그래도 갠적으로 모른척하지는 못할것 같음...
I have a severe panic disorder, when I have a panic attack I instantly fall to the ground and can’t move, I can’t breathe and it leads me to pass out. I once passed out 7 times in one day because I was so overwhelmed, I started hallucinating and couldn’t stop crying. In the end the ambulance had to be called, when I got to the hospital they didn’t help me and told me to leave, and even accused me of faking it. I wish I could meet kind people like these people.
저도 공황 겪었던 사람으로써
영상보다가 눈물 나왔네요
와 이렇게 사람이 많은데 그래도 신경써주는 사람들이 대단하다 정말 존경스럽습니다
하지만 지나치는 사람들도 아마 잘모르니 그러겠지라는 범죄도 있으니 그럴거라 생각합니다
Keeping a paper bag helps-- Cant tell you how many times one helped me! I don't have these anymore thank goodness. My heart goes out to those who still suffer.
... 공황장애로 수년간 고생한 사람으로서...
공황장애가 시작되면...외부환경하고 격리된 환경에서 안정을 취해야되요..;;
저는 가게에서 사람들 많을때 웅성거리는 소리가 벽에 반사되면..... 수십명이서.. 제귀에 대고 얘기하듯.. 엄청 크게 들리면서.. 심장이 빨리뛰고.. 호흡이 안고.. 손이 사시나무 떨듯이 떨리면서,, 심장마비,,,, 호흡곤란으로 죽을것 같은 공포를 느끼게 됩니다...ㄷㄷ
퇴사하고 치료 열심히 받아서 지금은 완치 되었는데..
직장인분들.. 꼭 스트레스가 너무 심하다.. 싶으시면.. 꼭 정신과에서 상담 받으세요.. 상담만 받으면서 속에 있는 고민들 얘기들 풀어놓다 보면 많이 편해집니다...
정신과는 꼭~~ 대학병원 가지마시고.. .상담을 20분이상 해주는 개인병원으로 가세요.. 대학병원은 기계적이라... 아무것도 해결안됨.. 그냥 약처방 받고... 살만 30kg찌는 경험을 하게됨 ㅋㅋ
This hit's home...
I am a student and after the first long lockdown (6 months here) our school had to develop a system for student's because so many where having random panick attacks and breaking down in class. Take care of yourselves guys 💖
저는 공황장애가 있어서 혼자서 공황발작에 대처하는 것이 무섭고 어렵습니다. 사람들이 그를 도와주는 모습을 보면 미소가 지어집니다. 배우임에도 불구하고 시민들의 반응은 진심이다. 이런 분들이 있어서 다행이에요.❤
This made me cry, because I also experience the difficulty of panic attack. The difficulty in breathing like you don't know what you're going to do then your feet and hands are numb plus trembling, you will be really weak. I am grateful to those who helped.
근데 아파보이시는것보다 좀 울고 계시는 느낌이 드실 수도 있어서 선뜻 못나서신분들도 계셨을 것 같아요 눈을 가리고 계시다보니ㅜ
저희 일미터 영상을 봐주셔서 정말 감사합니다!!😆
Anxiety and panic disorders is no joke especially having panic attack, feel like I'm gonna die. I'm dealing with anxiety disorders and panic attack for 2 years. Glad that there are still people's that care and land a hand to help.
저도 길에서 공황 와서 쓰러져 본 적이 많아요 모르는 척 지나가는 분들도 계시지만 가끔 저한테 괜찮아요? 라고 하면서 도와주시는 분들 보면 아 아직 이 세상 살만하구나 싶더라구요 아직도 기억에 남네요 도와주셔서 정말로 감사합니다
This video made me realize that ive had panic attacks before but i never realized what it was and i never asked for help because i always thought it was in my head. Thankyou so much for helping me realize what im going through ❤️
Never be afraid to ask for help.. those who might give rudw comments dont have Empathy
If you have questions ask
This made me cry so much. I also had panic do and anxiety back then. I can really relate to this. And it's hard to go out alone. I remember when I was in Singapore and had a panic att. Sadly no one helped me. They prolly thought I was cray or just acting. That's why when I watched this I was so happy seeing kind people helping out. Because having PDO and anxiety is really hard. It's a no joke. Thanks for sharing this type video to give/share awareness. 🙏🏻😊💜
Thanks. Spread this awareness. Please keep them feel comfortable and save.
A great great channel...panic disorder is on the raise here in the USA..folks are really hurting. Thank you for doing this social experiment..👍👍🙏👏
I also get panic attack time to time, it became worse after my dad passed away. The helplessness and anxiety that time is no joke at all.
No words for need,,,,,,, so kind people ❤❤❤❤☺☺
공황발작할 때 말도 잘 안나오더라고요 그래도 악착같이 걷기운동했습니다..내가 걷다 쓰러지면 지나가는 누군가가 119불러주겠지 이런 마음으로ㅋ영상을 보니 역시나 감사하게도 도움을 주시는 분들이 계시네요^^제 믿음이 맞았어요ㅋ 큰 발작 안한지는 벌써 몇 년 지났는데 예전이 떠올라 댓글 남겨봅니다
I had a panic attack in public yesterday. This got me tearing up. The amount of embarrassment was un real. 2 people stopped to help me. One was a coworker. It happened as I was going into work. I have decided to go back to therapy. Pray for me 😔
They are so kind🖤🖤🖤
Thank you for watching our video.😍 🥰
I’m suffering from severe anxiety/panic attacks and it’s part of your life the only difference is the longer have it the more you find ways how to deal with it
Hope all the people suffer like this gets support amd if u dont then know that u r strong if u have made it till here then there is no looking back dont let people think u r some weak person show them how strong u r by not hiding ur feeling
주위를 둘러보는 분들이 있어 다행이예요
공황장애는 요즘 젊은층이 많이 생기는것 같아요 ㅠㅠ
저희 일미터 영상을 봐주셔서 정말 감사합니다!!😆 맞아요 요즘 젊은층에 공황장애가 많이 생긴다고 하네요 모든분들 화이팅!!!🔥 🔥
This made me cry, I'm glad some people helped him
팍팍한 세상에 착하신 분들이 많아서 아직은 살만합니다
My nephew leaves in Korea his suffers from PTSD. His friends helps him. Whenever he feels distressed. I know how difficult is to have these types of disorder and stress .
1:41 that guy is really sweet.
정신적으로 힘든 사람한테는 어떻게 해야될지 몰라서 바라보는사람도 많더라고요..
15년 겪다가 호전 되었죠...머리에 엄청난충격와서 죽음을경험해보지못하면.., 고칠수없어요 .
무의식님 많이 힘드셨네요~저도 공황장애로 넘 힘들어요
thank God it is proven that there are still good people in the world. 😊 There is still hope in this decadent humanity!
I will surely give them a hug
the first guy warmed my heart, he already passed by but he returned to help :((
Omg I found myself crying watching this I wonder what some people thought when they choose to ignore him