EastEnders - Kathy Beale Gives Rainie Branning Crack (10th October 2019)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @sunnylal888
    @sunnylal888 5 років тому +21

    If someone put a bottle of vodka in front of Phil now he would smash it over there head that's how you know someone is over there addiction

    • @joeboyce4950
      @joeboyce4950 5 років тому +1

      sun ny believe me alchohol and crack cocaine are too very different things

  • @HaTer-xs8sh
    @HaTer-xs8sh 5 років тому +14

    Why does Kathy Beale look like a tired Phoebe from friends lolol

  • @foxcrane9486
    @foxcrane9486 5 років тому +3

    That wallpaper is enough to drive anyone to drugs.

  • @MegaSoapsFan-fe1ul
    @MegaSoapsFan-fe1ul 5 років тому +9

    TheEastEndBoy Can you added "Jean learns that Daniel has died" and "Ben vs. Martin"???

  • @kerryannbradley6292
    @kerryannbradley6292 5 років тому +3

    It's amazing how some of the old characters are still going! But then eastenders wouldn't be the same without Phil, Cathy, Lisa & Dot of course Ian oh & Martin, Sonia and even Bianca not sure if she's still in it now.

    • @declanmcgonigle2233
      @declanmcgonigle2233 5 років тому +1

      Was pointless her even returning she was only back for a few weeks

  • @WhitneyHouston4eva1
    @WhitneyHouston4eva1 5 років тому +7

    Kathy is testing her too see if she takes the drugs so she can help Max keep Abi

  • @Meltdown555
    @Meltdown555 5 років тому +1

    Naughty Kathy !

  • @dionneheslewood5500
    @dionneheslewood5500 5 років тому

    Get it down yer!!!!!!!!

  • @NadeemAhmed-de3py
    @NadeemAhmed-de3py 5 років тому +1

    Kathy is just trying to test if Rainie will do anything for abi. If Rainie can resist the crack

  • @tsg50647
    @tsg50647 5 років тому

    .. i want Candy! lol 😂 poor Rainie

  • @keiron.4612
    @keiron.4612 5 років тому +1

    It's world mental health day I'm even more depressed now come on EastEnders please do some storylines to make me smile not everything has to be sad

    • @jaredporikos2197
      @jaredporikos2197 5 років тому

      @Ari Onassis-Sugen NOOOOOOOOOOOO I want him to stay !

  • @jaredporikos2197
    @jaredporikos2197 5 років тому +1

    I love Kathy

  • @JanninesPhotos
    @JanninesPhotos 5 років тому +7

    This scene reminds me of when Donna gave Rainie a bit of heroin. It is like history is repeating itself

  • @umpteenthnervousbreakdown
    @umpteenthnervousbreakdown 5 років тому +1

    could you please upload the scenes of daniel and jean from monday? thanks 😄

  • @danielstump3204
    @danielstump3204 5 років тому +5

    It's like Max said.
    "She's an addict
    One day she'll need drugs, and no one can do anything to stop her."

  • @lukej896
    @lukej896 5 років тому +1

    I wonder if Rainie reminds kathy of her daughter Donna

  • @paulyb7267
    @paulyb7267 5 років тому +8

    It really annoys me when Kathy gives parenting advice. Pauline already knew what a bad mother Kathy was.

    • @paulyb7267
      @paulyb7267 5 років тому

      @Dominic Wileman I certainly don't wanna miss that!

    • @paulyb7267
      @paulyb7267 5 років тому +2

      @Dominic Wileman And yet she had the nerves to slap Sharon for her affair with Phil.

    • @paulyb7267
      @paulyb7267 5 років тому

      @Dominic Wileman Peggy already confronted Kathy about her affair with Grant, but I don't think she slapped her.

    • @paulyb7267
      @paulyb7267 5 років тому

      @Dominic Wileman Agreed. She slapped Sharon!

    • @paulyb7267
      @paulyb7267 5 років тому

      @Dominic Wileman Kathy has only slapped Sharon (1994) and Phil (1993 and 1997).

  • @rarityvalley2271
    @rarityvalley2271 5 років тому

    Rainie needs to stop taking drugs because they are bad for herself. And kathy trys to help rainie to get back on track but rainie did not listen

    • @rarityvalley2271
      @rarityvalley2271 5 років тому

      Well rainie needs to go to the hospital and get professional help or being sectioned in the room for proper help

  • @declanmcgonigle2233
    @declanmcgonigle2233 5 років тому

    It’s a test

  • @safiabdulhamid4499
    @safiabdulhamid4499 5 років тому +3

    Rainy is trying to change and Kathy is not helping her😡

  • @supaplayer123
    @supaplayer123 5 років тому

    Did she smoke it ?