I love your videos. I learn the way you teach. 20 years ago I did lots of access databases but forgot it. Now I'm relearning because of your videos. THANKS
I sent one of my classmates who were struggling a link to ur video. I really hope this helps them bc I know how annoying IT can be when you don’t know what to do
Thanks for this, our IT PAT is largely focused on databases but my teacher just kind of skimmed over it and barely explained anything so this is a big help.
Now I understand Databases. My teacher didn't teach us the basics, he just took us straight to manipulating them in Delphi. Thank you
I love the mix of humor, information and helpful tips. This surely is a great video. I'm going to write a mister long test tomorrow💯👌
Your videos are the reason I'm passing CAT, thank you!
I love your videos. I learn the way you teach. 20 years ago I did lots of access databases but forgot it. Now I'm relearning because of your videos. THANKS
I'm glad the videos can be helpful
Your going to be the reason i'm going to pass my NSC
Glad the videos are helping!
I sent one of my classmates who were struggling a link to ur video. I really hope this helps them bc I know how annoying IT can be when you don’t know what to do
Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for this, our IT PAT is largely focused on databases but my teacher just kind of skimmed over it and barely explained anything so this is a big help.
Glad the video can help. Have you got my IT PAT Guide. You can download it at tinyurl.com/MrLongPATGuideIT
@@MrLongITandCAT thanks 🙏
Dear mister Long, you saved us all
My pleasure! Hope the exams go well!
Very underrated thank you kanye VERY COOOL
Thank you so much for these videos sir. you are much appreciated.
Thanks for the tutorial ,
I'm now officially your follower❤
Thanks for your videos it really helped alot
so touching for an excellent video
Wow. We are thankful for your tutor demonstration videos . WOW keep on teaching us
Thank you for the kind words!
Helped me a lot thank you
Thank you so much
Here I gotta a question
If I am to creat more than one table, will I do the same thing?
Yes. A database can have multiple tables.
This is powerful 🙏🏼🇿🇲
Thank you very much dear
Thanks so much ❤❤ it.
best video & very helpful
What is this program used for.
Data storage, data analysis, recording lots of information for quick access, etc.
Wow it's so wonderful❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Wow we were surching for it
In order to create a data base table could we also use miscrosoft office word
For what?
Wow it's so wonderful
Excellent thanks
The extra table bennett what is it representing??
Your a genius Thank you alot
I was failing CAT but since they have introduced you to me , my marks are flying High , I dont do them Long way but I use MrLong way🤣🤣
That's awesome. Well done to you for putting in the hard work!
Good one... thank you :)
I have assignment base on this, I must design database for my own company and i'm struggling
Thanks dear
WOW. Teaching !
Can you perform a mathematical equation
Hi. Are you referring to in a table or in a query?
@MrLongITandCAT yes
@@CaciliaGitonga Here is the video on calcualted fields -> ua-cam.com/video/lGnLVfwVARI/v-deo.html
I created the table but no data will import. No text or xls.
Where did you create the table?
Matrics 2021?
Merci 🎉
thx bro
thank you
Thank you very much Holly might God Jesus Christ bless you.
mmmm yeah access oh yeah i love access