  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
    with Phillip Pastoral
    These are a few clips from our Freedom Mission in Baguio (Philippines) last June 2022 where we witnessed people get healed, set free and hear the gospel. When we go into an area (city or town) we often meet people at a designated public place where we can heal the sick, set people free, teach and preach the Gospel.
    Often we will work through the men of peace (those who invite us) and follow their lead to reach even more people. Our purpose is to see people come to faith in Christ, get baptized and connected to house churches where they can grow with others.
    The weather forecast for that week was heavy rains and it rainy everyday many days before we arrived. As soon as we got there we commanded the skies to hold its rain and it did during the rest of our trip. The day after we left Baguio, it started raining again heavily everyday. God is good!
    If you believe God is calling you to be a part of this Kingdom work, we are looking for men of peace (Luke 10:5-9) willing to invite and host us in your city. If you are interested pls. send us a message. You can also email us at emailtbp @
    “Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house.’ If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you. Stay in that house, eating and drinking what they give you; for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not keep moving from house to house. Whatever city you enter and they receive you, eat what is set before you; and heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’”
    ‭‭Luke‬ ‭10‬:‭5‬-‭9‬