Benita Robledo Statement Regarding Michael David Lynch & The Filming of Dependent's Day

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024


  • @callenpoulin1087
    @callenpoulin1087 2 роки тому +70

    IHYD Lost another viewer. Thank you for saying your piece, and holding your ground.

    • @moreplease394
      @moreplease394 2 роки тому +10

      Well he gained a viewer from me so I guess you don't matter lmao

    • @towelociraptor
      @towelociraptor 2 роки тому +6

      @@moreplease394 Why would this situation make you sub or start watching lol? Fyi way more people are dropping him, including sponsors

    • @moreplease394
      @moreplease394 2 роки тому +1

      @@towelociraptor Ive already been watching, Im just being a smartass to show people dont care if you "support the new thing" and unsub lmfao

    • @mikephillips1043
      @mikephillips1043 2 роки тому

      @@towelociraptor if I didn't already I would too. The guy's life is destroyed over someone wanting to cancel someone over a.decades old fight that has NOTHING to do with abusing power for sexual nature and the mtg community is a fucking boros deck of.goddamn white.knights for a thicc.chick that lynch gave her only moment of success in.her career. With him getting popular in.the community she decided hell he slightly relevant before lets have him do it again. Now the man has 0 contacts willing to work with him because this heffer.

    • @EpicMTGMusic
      @EpicMTGMusic 2 роки тому +2

      @@moreplease394 but it does. Put in her perspective. Her speech was successful to a point that people openly said: you know what? Not even gonna watch this shit anymore. 1,2,3... 394954595923441, doesn't matter at all.

  • @morgan2513
    @morgan2513 2 роки тому +7

    Peace be with you, Benita. Good job for standing up for yourself

  • @TabletopTeam
    @TabletopTeam 2 роки тому +62

    Honestly, fair play to you for putting yourself out there and calling out this behavior. It may be prevalent in the industry but that does not mean that it should be tolerated when it happens.
    I will warn you, that while some of the nicest people I've ever met are Magic players; there's a (and I hope) minor but very vocal toxic community that is quick to label you as toxic because you're calling out one of the bigger creators and no one likes seeing their heroes getting accused. I say this not to deter you, but to commend you for coming out like this and taking a firm stance despite the feedback you're likely to receive.
    Just know that past all the hate and spite messages, which are inexcusable, that there are folk who can see both sides to this story for what it is - A man who took advantage of your trust, got caught then played on your sympathy to get an apology to appease his audience without telling you about the gaslighting and victim blaming that he did within the first 48 hours which, when he failed to discredit you, he resorted to damage control instead.
    Thank you for taking the time to collect your thoughts, write it all down then articulate it so well despite it bringing up so many insecurities. I don't know what the next few hours or days will bring but know that you speaking out reached some of us.

    • @Dark_Jester89
      @Dark_Jester89 2 роки тому +2

      I'm curious in who actually brought this to light. It's ironic that while no, Benita herself didn't do it, but she seems to be a valid part of wanting it to keep going, so was she involved in having someone else do it? Was it the dude that got fired from IHYD and he reported this out of spite? Was it a twitter lord who lit a trash can on fire and walked away, destroying someones livlihood?

    • @zombiepie7377
      @zombiepie7377 2 роки тому +5

      @@Dark_Jester89 it literally does not matter

    • @mikephillips1043
      @mikephillips1043 2 роки тому

      @@zombiepie7377 it.does because while lynch.gave chubbs here the only highlight of her acting career she destroyed his career and multiple lifelong friendships. Know I know you are probably a boros player because I see you like playing a white knight but this is.fucked up and matters.

  • @LikeMadCops
    @LikeMadCops 2 роки тому +5

    Thank you for your vulnerability and willingness to share the truth.

  • @briancamacho3758
    @briancamacho3758 2 роки тому +23

    He isn’t sorry. He’s sorry he got caught

  • @NordicRest
    @NordicRest 2 роки тому +18

    The whole situation seemed like a confusing mess to me, and I was somewhat conflicted as to what to do regarding my support of his content (given his statements regarding what had gone on).
    This clarifies it completely for me, and makes my decision both easy and obvious.
    Thank you for sharing this. As a fellow victim of abuse, I know how hard it is to talk about it, and I can't imagine how much worse it is when your abuser is someone with as public a persona as Lynch. I hope that this is the last time you have to address it publicly.

  • @ADTRperry
    @ADTRperry 2 роки тому +7

    any of this able to be proven at all or is just your word against his?

  • @seanyboymccabe
    @seanyboymccabe 2 роки тому +16

    Beautifully said. Thank you for being brave and speaking out

  • @nathanwoods3930
    @nathanwoods3930 2 роки тому +18

    Thank you for your honesty and forwardness.

  • @BraveSirNivag
    @BraveSirNivag 2 роки тому +13

    Thank you and well done for calling out this behaviour. As you said, this is not cancel culture, and calling it that belittles all the people who have suffered at the hands of someone whose actions demand consequences. Everybody is behind you on this, I've not seen a single person try to justify or defend him and that's really incredible.

  • @mikephillips1043
    @mikephillips1043 2 роки тому +10

    Weird how there's no comments speaking out against her? I made an insane post disagreeing with the video being way over the top saying stuff I didn't mean just to see how long it would stay up and it lasted maybe 3 minutes. Nice to.see she gets to have a voice but wants silence everyone else.

    • @cbclark2502
      @cbclark2502 2 роки тому +4

      LMAO This is literally the only dissenting opinion in the entire thread.

    • @simonboucher5170
      @simonboucher5170 2 роки тому +1

      I know right, strange isn't it ?
      Always take the woman side, that's the technique.

  • @billymack1778
    @billymack1778 2 роки тому +23

    Thank you so much for this. His statements and reactions left me confused and unsure how to proceed with my support of his show. His public statement seemed promising but your testimony here tells me all I need to know. I'm so sorry that any of this happened to you, I'm so mad that he tried to manipulate you again and attempted to mislead his supporters. Sending you healing energy and hope that you never have to deal with him again.

  • @lindsayh8275
    @lindsayh8275 2 роки тому +5

    Sending you a big hug. Sweet girl you did a big and brave thing posting this video. I’m so proud of you. Thank you for making it a safer world for others.

  • @MrCrazycarlwinter
    @MrCrazycarlwinter 2 роки тому +22

    I'm so sorry to hear how this all happened and affected you. His behavior was despicable and despite that you still forgave him. That's a major statement of your character. I'm so sorry to hear he betrayed that kindness as well. I wish you all the best going forward and be assured the MTG community will provide consequences for this. Thank you for sharing.

  • @victorholguin5768
    @victorholguin5768 2 роки тому +9

    I saw your video of the interview, he asked which scene was most memorable, you picked the sex scene, it’s hard for me to believe you when you sound like you contradict yourself between that one and this one. You didn’t sound the least bit upset or anything. Im not taking sides but so far it just looks like allegations to me.

    • @SwamPassMagic
      @SwamPassMagic 2 роки тому +4

      I think this was aided by an ex co-host of IHYD. As if to further bury the hatchet for him being kicked from the show, like an "I'll show you". I watched the interview and it is very contradicting.

    • @doublestarships646
      @doublestarships646 2 роки тому +3

      @@SwamPassMagic Amber Heard vibes.

  • @jqxok
    @jqxok 2 роки тому +8

    Thank you so much for sharing. It is obvious that this is painful for you and I want to recognize and applaud your courage for speaking out. When I read MDL's "apology", something about it struck me a suspicious, but I could not put my finger on it. Now I understand why I felt the way I did. While MDL continues to have some supporters in the MTG community, I feel confident that those represent a minority. Wishing you the absolutely best and much strength moving forward!

  • @johnbeck4197
    @johnbeck4197 2 роки тому +10

    Thank you for telling your story. I like many wanted to believe him when he said he was sorry and would learn from this. Your statements makes it very clear that he is not sorry and probably wont learn anything from this. It's because you had the strength to complete the record that I can come to this realization. Thank you.

  • @joefjunior
    @joefjunior 2 роки тому +11

    Thank you for having the courage to share your story.

  • @michaelroy1175
    @michaelroy1175 2 роки тому +11

    You gave him so many chances and were way kinder to him than he had any right to expect.
    You were so brave in coming forward, and I support you fully

  • @rhysevans2272
    @rhysevans2272 2 роки тому +2

    Consequences is not cancellation is an amazing rebuttal to the kind of systematic abuse these cases can contain. I believe, as you have said, that when there is humility and contrition, there is the opportunity for change and growth. It does not sound like MDL is at that point. Thank you for speaking out.

  • @getlefty82
    @getlefty82 2 роки тому +8

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I know it can't be easy.

  • @cheachea5634
    @cheachea5634 2 роки тому +9

    Thank you for speaking your truth. As someone in the MTG community, I see you, hear you, and hope you gain reparations, peace, and support.

  • @caspergarner
    @caspergarner 2 роки тому +5

    Your strength and pain have been heard. As a former patron and subscriber of IHYD, know that I have removed all support for MDL and his channel. This is nothing to do with cancel culture or any other bs people might say; I do not support abuse and manipulation. I hope that you can move onto better things and better health in the near future, and leave it to the good ones in our community to do the right thing

  • @simonboucher5170
    @simonboucher5170 2 роки тому +3

    It actually IS cancel culture...

  • @aybeesea
    @aybeesea 2 роки тому +9

    I believe you and we will hold mdl accountable for his actions. Much love to you and sorry that you had to go through all this.

  • @kyleh.7002
    @kyleh.7002 2 роки тому +7

    That was an incredibly strong and courageous thing to do; thank you for sharing your story

  • @bartrabelo
    @bartrabelo 2 роки тому +6

    You are a strong, brave woman and I am truly sorry you have been subjected to such outrageous and abusive behavior. Thank you for your statement and I hope you will feel some comfort in the fact that now you have thousands of allies and friends in the MTG community.

  • @mikailirwan3717
    @mikailirwan3717 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you taking a stand and for your bravery. The MTG community will not allow this kind of behaviour coming from us.

  • @jeremyobriant7266
    @jeremyobriant7266 2 роки тому

    Terrible and sick. I am sorry you have and continue to be forced to go through with this abuse.
    I have unsubscribed/unfollowed him and IHYD on all platforms.

  • @spliffi869
    @spliffi869 Рік тому +1

    What a bunch of subjective, one-sided bs. She talks as if she was forced to do the nude scenes. She should have made a contract in the first place, if she was seriously worried about it being released and has had all these oh-so-bad body issues. Just watch the interview of her, talking about filming the scenes... She was in absolute delight and proud of herself when she talked about shooting it. She talks about how much they giggled and fun they had etc. It was only after seeing the final movie in theatre, that she seemed to get triggered and had regrets for whatever reason, trying everything within her power to drag down the movie's quality for her psychological problems coming up. Trying to erase the past and what she did, because it bothered her. Not because she did not like filming the scene or because she did not agree to let it release, but because of her trigger and regrets when she saw the movie. Also it's completely fair by Lynch to remind(!) her that she will not get any awards for this film, because he will take them himself as the director of the movie, if she boykotts the movie and doesn't show up on the award show. That's not an abuse of power, that's just how it goes and at worst a legitimate use of power - not abuse. She doesn't have to forgive Lynch and should rather consider apologizing to him for retrospectively blaming him for her very own problems. Instead of dealing with her problems and moving on, she decided that the better way is to publicly blame him, canceling him and destroying his career, because there is nothing against the law about what he did. Morally questionable? Yes. Abuse? Certainly not. The term coward doesn't even seem enough to describe this woman's cowardness. There's nothing brave about this denouncement and about her whining about the past & her issues.

  • @ctomsky
    @ctomsky 2 роки тому +8

    Wow, I'm sorry this happened to you. Unsubbed to his Patreon, and I'm sorry I ever supported it.

    • @Licw-Luxus
      @Licw-Luxus 2 роки тому +4

      dont belive her lol

    • @spitfiremase
      @spitfiremase 2 роки тому +1

      @@Licw-Luxus why

    • @famousstranger8468
      @famousstranger8468 2 роки тому +2

      Why? She is reading from a script and this comes out after IHYD call out the other guy for doing bullshit to his patrons

  • @hramen3
    @hramen3 2 роки тому +3

    Really appreciative of your courage here. This is all I was waiting for to make my decision on his character. I was ready to be forgiving if you felt he deserved it. He clearly doesn’t. It is a shame he could not be consistently mature, and had not been fully ready to accept the consequence for his problematic past.

  • @llowery720
    @llowery720 2 роки тому +5

    Just know that mtg fans stand with you, our entire local community will no longer be following or watching content from IHYD. I'm so sorry for what you went through, it takes a huge ammount of bravery to stand up for yourself and the truth.

  • @thefinalsins
    @thefinalsins 2 роки тому +3

    IHYD has lost another viewer.
    Only thing you need to do now is learn how to play MTG and take over all of his subs. Fair play. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @Ervine4
    @Ervine4 2 роки тому +1

    No proof. Why would we believe you?

    • @undergrounddojokeyboardcag701
      @undergrounddojokeyboardcag701 Рік тому

      Probably shouldn't.
      Its been nearly 3/4ths of a year and she has not offered up any degree of evidence. And the evidence that has popped up, demonstrates a nearly opposite reality to what she's suggesting.
      Lets be honest about what could be happening here.
      She might have gotten rejected from a movie, show or advertising campaign and the possible reason for that rejection (or maybe more than one) is the company (Im looking in the direction of Disney), director, producer, whatever, citing that she has done on screen nudity in the past and that does not fit their image. And in return she felt she needed to blame someone else for her decisions and maybe this would open one or two of those potentially closed doors.
      Now, i have no idea if this is the case or not. I was merely throwing out a very real possibility.

  • @VitoScaleda
    @VitoScaleda 2 роки тому +6

    Officially unsubscribed from the IHYD. The scope of his actions here are horrific, thank you Benita for having the courage to step forward and bring this to light.

    • @moreplease394
      @moreplease394 2 роки тому +2

      This made me subscribe to IHYD so I guess you really did nothing lmao

    • @VitoScaleda
      @VitoScaleda 2 роки тому +3

      @@moreplease394 I’m sorry her story wasn’t enough for you. Enjoy your IHYD subscription if you want.

  • @doublestarships646
    @doublestarships646 2 роки тому +2

    Glad you did what you did. It's wild how bad it is to be a woman in Hollywood. You are super beautiful but that is no reason to harass or damage someone's life. Hope your life is at a better place.

  • @kylewilson7777
    @kylewilson7777 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for your courage in sharing this, speaking up is never easy

  • @danielkrantz4214
    @danielkrantz4214 2 роки тому +8

    I am so sorry this happened to you. It's disgusting and I hope he will be held accountable.

  • @EpicMTGMusic
    @EpicMTGMusic 2 роки тому

    You know what? Why not give a shot and play MTG too? The game is flowing in representation, gender equality, manyethnic groups fulfilling important roles in the lore of the game, skin tone? 2 of the best characters in lore and gameplay are Teferi and Kaya, both black enpowered and OVERPOWERED spellcasters.
    The game evolved in such a great way that, the community is like 100000% different from the "weird mysoginist group of men playing objectified women card game" steriotype that still is addressed to the community ( mainly because of Japanese card games, like Yugioh, and the ones made by bushiroad). And you can even say that: Look, the whole community of the game you like is looking down upon your mysoginism.

    • @doublestarships646
      @doublestarships646 2 роки тому +2

      A game aimed for men isn't misogyny. It's simply a game aimed for men. Magic just decided to try to aim for the SJW crowd, a crowd that actually doesn't play or look up nerdy media.

    • @EpicMTGMusic
      @EpicMTGMusic 2 роки тому +3

      @@doublestarships646 is it aimed for men? Or is it aimed for everybody 12-up? Because the game literally says: 12-up. Not : Only Men 12-up. It's like saying Jeans is aimed only for men, but women can use ¬¬_

    • @simonboucher5170
      @simonboucher5170 2 роки тому

      Calm your woke shit dude.
      Teferi and kaya are not that cool at all. You only like them becayse of their sjw value.
      All card games are are the same. There is no misogyny in any of them except if you look for it intentionnaly.

  • @Croltown
    @Croltown Рік тому

    drama or truth we dont know. nonetheless. 98% of all here dont care.

  • @mgarratt101
    @mgarratt101 2 роки тому

    Wow, so brave

  • @fungalcactus8286
    @fungalcactus8286 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for sharing your story. I hope the MTG community stands up for you.

  • @mommeschacht3737
    @mommeschacht3737 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for clarifying!

  • @MeldrickCz
    @MeldrickCz 2 роки тому +5

    trigger warning: oh thanks you for saving my time watching rest of the video.

    • @Cantthinkofname-rp3iw
      @Cantthinkofname-rp3iw 2 роки тому

      Fucking frl I mean it's a shit situation and I sympathize but Jesus

  • @marcusogier2830
    @marcusogier2830 2 роки тому +3

    Thanks for sharing this Benita. It can't have been easy. I'm sorry for what you've been through.

  • @psychodad-gaming
    @psychodad-gaming 2 роки тому +2

    I have loved IHYD but I will no longer be watching. I stand with you. This behavior is disgusting.

  • @Magidex
    @Magidex 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you for coming forward.

  • @ElliotButch23
    @ElliotButch23 2 роки тому +2

    I can only imagine how hard bring that pain up was. Good for you and I hope he is punished

  • @antfayden4559
    @antfayden4559 2 роки тому +5

    Trigger warning? Seriously?

  • @chrisbeard9979
    @chrisbeard9979 2 роки тому +3

    To be as strong as you are in this is a worthy goal for anyone. Thank you for coming forward.

  • @houndoom73
    @houndoom73 2 роки тому +5

    Thank you for your courage to stand up to a bully and abuser

  • @sanguinezompire
    @sanguinezompire 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for taking a stand against his disgusting behavior. Too often we see predators get away with being predators. I hope you heal from this and I hope Michael David Lynch becomes a good person, although I'm doubtful of the latter.

  • @UltimatTacoman
    @UltimatTacoman 2 роки тому

    I do not have much to say on the matter, aside from I hope you are well, and I am sorry this happened. I am a member of the MtG community, and honestly, hearing about the behavior of this man has been an eye opening experience.I am ashamed that we did not see him for what he was, and what he has done, and thank you for being so brave to share your experience with the world this way. Thank you.

  • @RequiemFortheFallen
    @RequiemFortheFallen 2 роки тому +1

    I am so very sorry this happened to you. He has lost another subscriber and will continue to do so

  • @loveeachotherplease
    @loveeachotherplease Рік тому

    Nine times out of ten if a woman accuses a man of abusing her it is true, however there are instances where men are falsely accused. I know we will never know the whole story, however, while researching this horrible event to get all the facts, I discovered another video of Benita on youtube doing a bra fitting and trying on a see-through/semi-transparent bras. I know that is not the same as full nudity but it is very close. It appears she was doing a fitting for a clothing company and it appears that it would have been very easy for her to request a bra that was not see-through/transparent. It contradicts the statements made in this video of not wanting to appear/be seen nude. If MDL is the predator you claim then good riddance to him, but I just hope that he wasn't wrongfully accused or that the story wasn't manipulated to get him cancelled. Unfortunately we will never know the whole story as outside observers. I am not attacking or accusing you or him of anything but justice requires that all facts be represented and considered. Unfortunately all of MDL tweets are no longer available and I was not able to witness them first hand when he first posted them. An abuser attacking someone on twitter for coming out about their abuse is absolutely despicable...unless the accused party is innocent. Then attacking someone on social media would be almost understandable. The whole event is terrible and I have stopped watching MDL's youtube content, but seeing the video I mentioned above put doubts in my mind. IHateYourDeck is tainted now and I am not comfortable watching it. I just really hope that I and others that have decided to stop watching his content have not been deceived. I do commend your courage for speaking out and wish you the best and in regards to whatever happened, and if he is guilty I hope you realize I am not trying to attack you or re-open old wounds. Its also very possible that you have made strides with your dysphoria and are now comfortable with your body, which is what I hope the case is. As I said all sides need to be considered. I hope you are able to heal and recover from this event. You two are the only two people that truly know all the facts and the guilty party will have to live with their choices.

  • @Dalagante
    @Dalagante 2 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing. I am glad you shared your side

  • @robertmendez8383
    @robertmendez8383 2 роки тому

    The man can't say sorry? How are people supposed to grow?

  • @DrHades
    @DrHades 2 роки тому +1

    Stay strong

  • @umu
    @umu 2 роки тому

    This needs to be shared. The guy tried to form a hate mob to get her to recant. Predators don't change. They just change victims.

  • @Zeromus5555
    @Zeromus5555 2 роки тому +4

    His most recent IHYD video he is deleting ANY and ALL comments pertaining to this or the harassment claims. I'm always suspect at stuff like her claims cause it's so frequent these days... but I 110% believe her. She has nothing to gain and he has everything to lose. I also agree with her about his bullshit apology. He is caught, his now successful channel and reputation is on the line and he is desperately scrambling to save it by covering his tracks. It is our job, not only as a community but as human beings, to do everything in our power for him to be punished for this disgusting behavior. It's unacceptable. Even if we only unsubscribe from his channel or, more importantly, his patreon, we can send a message as a community to him and anyone else that behaved like him.

    • @JenymSears
      @JenymSears 2 роки тому +5

      How does she not gain from this I had no idea who she was until this came out

    • @spliffi869
      @spliffi869 Рік тому

      So your logic is that he deleted those comments because he is guilty? It's only logical anyone wouldn't want an unrelated shitstorm under their gaming videos evoked by sjw weirdos, about something you are blamed for, whether guilty or not. It simply ruins your reputation and intoxicates his community & content that is meant to be about gaming. Not about digging up the past of Z-movie actresses, that deal with the bad, foolish decisions in their life and the psychological issues resulting from it.

  • @Justnothankyou132
    @Justnothankyou132 2 роки тому +4

    "Trigger Warning" aka "How to tell if someone is a deranged leftist"

    • @spliffi869
      @spliffi869 Рік тому

      Not really, it could be meant genuinely if it's a truely critical topic / image. In this case you are right, though.

  • @John--3-16
    @John--3-16 2 роки тому

    I'm really sorry that happen to you I definitely won't be watching anything he involve in again 😔

  • @JulieGeorgeComedy
    @JulieGeorgeComedy 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for sharing your story

  • @xEddyTheGr8x
    @xEddyTheGr8x 2 роки тому

    Thank you for speaking up. That's no to a given at any point. You are heard.

  • @ronstoppable8840
    @ronstoppable8840 2 роки тому +1

    I'm sorry you had to go through this :( This is disgusting behavior from MDL.

  • @Cantthinkofname-rp3iw
    @Cantthinkofname-rp3iw 2 роки тому +1

    U really put a fucking trigger warning huh

  • @YamiadraDJ
    @YamiadraDJ 2 роки тому

    Thank you for your courage.

  • @leonardopopst9653
    @leonardopopst9653 2 роки тому

    I am with you, we are with you

  • @benfewkes3590
    @benfewkes3590 2 роки тому

    Damnit. I had hoped he was sincere. I very much doubt it now. I believe you.

  • @balonius
    @balonius 2 роки тому

    Measured and dignified. Well done you.

  • @Dylfunkle
    @Dylfunkle 2 роки тому +3

    What a trash human, this is devastating to to watch, I've been there and handled things with far less composure.
    You have my support.

    • @Licw-Luxus
      @Licw-Luxus 2 роки тому

      you mean the trash woman in the video? yeah, blocked and reported her, no worries.

    • @jhoenich
      @jhoenich 2 роки тому +1

      It’s hard when our heroes are total scumbags

    • @Dylfunkle
      @Dylfunkle 2 роки тому

      @@Licw-Luxus sorry to hear about your weird pickle there, bud.

    • @mikephillips1043
      @mikephillips1043 2 роки тому +1

      @@jhoenich idk anyone who'd claim this cow as a hero but she definitely is a scumbag. Who would destroy a mans life long friendships and career because he refused to release 1 shitty webseries a decade ago? He had right of refusal just like she did. The dude directs the only successful shes ever done in her life except eat an entire large pizza in one setting and she destroyed a life over it. What a great person...

  • @huntressskyfire
    @huntressskyfire 2 роки тому

    We do not forgive for others.. We forgive to heal ourselves

  • @Habeev07
    @Habeev07 2 роки тому

    When Blackneeto left IHYD... something felt off. Now i havent seen Cassius Marsh in a while. What is going on? Are they gone too bc they dont wanna be affiliated with ML for what he did?

    • @towelociraptor
      @towelociraptor 2 роки тому +3

      Joe was severely shitty to the community, both in UA-cam comments and on discord. Turns out toxic ambitious people find each other pretty easily

    • @mikephillips1043
      @mikephillips1043 2 роки тому

      Joe didnt leave he got fired for harrassing fans in the discord and youtube comments. Threatening to fight them in.person. He was banning people for saying how abusive he was after playing with him over spell table. He lied to multiple guests in the rule zero conversation causing people to leave after filming 1 episode when they were.schedualed for more games. He made a deal in a game to.not kill.someone the next.turn then did just.that. so he got let go. Cash was friends with joe more than lynch and they have their own channel now.

    • @JenymSears
      @JenymSears 2 роки тому +5

      Joe was fired for bullying fans and his drinking problem

  • @moretimeproductions
    @moretimeproductions 2 роки тому

    You are absolutely right about standing up against a narcicist.

  • @TheUnorthodoxIam
    @TheUnorthodoxIam 2 роки тому +4

    Kids need to grow up

  • @SwagnerCountsThings
    @SwagnerCountsThings 2 роки тому

    Thanks for standing strong! Sexual abuse comes in many forms, and no one should have to go through it.

  • @Dark_Jester89
    @Dark_Jester89 2 роки тому +2

    If you didn't bring this up, who did? Were you involved with them bringing it up so you wouldn't be the name dropper?

    • @lovereno5958
      @lovereno5958 2 роки тому

      It was literally stated in the video, which I assume you stopped watching before it got to that part

  • @TheRyanUnser
    @TheRyanUnser 2 роки тому

    Thank you

  • @moop6667
    @moop6667 2 роки тому +1

    So you auditon for a role where you know you need to be naked and after its shot you dont want him to show you naked ? Am i missing something ??

    • @jhoenich
      @jhoenich 2 роки тому +4

      Yes, you missed basically the entire story of what happened. It was pre-negotiated that it was her choice. So yes, you are missing something.

    • @moop6667
      @moop6667 2 роки тому

      @@jhoenich you mean her choice to audition for a role you need to be naked on ?

    • @jhoenich
      @jhoenich 2 роки тому +1

      @@moop6667 No actually the choice that was promised by MDL to Benita to have the final decision on whether it would be included.

    • @spliffi869
      @spliffi869 Рік тому

      @@jhoenich The world is not built on promises. If you want something to be sure, make a contract.

  • @lucienthurston366
    @lucienthurston366 2 роки тому +1

    How shocking that these SJWs will engage in sexual harassment but still virtue signal later on, and help destroy the hobby even more than their cringey toxic content does alone.

  • @UkuleleProductions
    @UkuleleProductions 2 роки тому

    I did not even know this background, but I knew, that a show with "Hate" in the titel can't be build on something good.
    This is absolutly terrible and I hope you, and everyone who suffered from his behaviour, will find a good way to recover!
    This is unacceptable, and I am glad to see, that the MtG community asks for accountability!

  • @wnightshade
    @wnightshade 2 роки тому

    It sucks that he did this to you, and you deserve better. You were the better person, and he wasted that chance. Thank you for speaking out.

  • @moreplease394
    @moreplease394 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for sharing your truth queen. You are so brave. Bad man is bad! 🤖🤡

  • @westside2043
    @westside2043 2 роки тому +2

    If its the past its in the past acuna mattata put the past behind you. I'm srry u had to go through it but u know what publicly attacking him is not the way to go ether

    • @lovereno5958
      @lovereno5958 2 роки тому +1

      She wasn't publicly attacking him? You just blow in from stupid town or something?

  • @venenuminauro
    @venenuminauro Рік тому

    LOL, this person.